diff --git a/src/common/Lgi/ViewCommon.cpp b/src/common/Lgi/ViewCommon.cpp --- a/src/common/Lgi/ViewCommon.cpp +++ b/src/common/Lgi/ViewCommon.cpp @@ -1,2735 +1,2737 @@ /// \file /// \author Matthew Allen #ifdef LINUX #include #endif #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/DragAndDrop.h" #include "lgi/common/TableLayout.h" #include "lgi/common/Button.h" #include "lgi/common/Css.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/EventTargetThread.h" #include "lgi/common/Popup.h" #include "lgi/common/CssTools.h" #include "ViewPriv.h" #if 0 #define DEBUG_CAPTURE(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_CAPTURE(...) #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper LPoint lgi_view_offset(LViewI *v, bool Debug = false) { LPoint Offset; for (LViewI *p = v; p; p = p->GetParent()) { if (dynamic_cast(p)) break; LRect pos = p->GetPos(); LRect cli = p->GetClient(false); if (Debug) { const char *cls = p->GetClass(); LgiTrace(" Off[%s] += %i,%i = %i,%i (%s)\n", cls, pos.x1, pos.y1, Offset.x + pos.x1, Offset.y + pos.y1, cli.GetStr()); } Offset.x += pos.x1 + cli.x1; Offset.y += pos.y1 + cli.y1; } return Offset; } LMouse &lgi_adjust_click(LMouse &Info, LViewI *Wnd, bool Capturing, bool Debug) { static LMouse Temp; Temp = Info; if (Wnd) { if (Debug #if 0 || Capturing #endif ) LgiTrace("AdjustClick Target=%s -> Wnd=%s, Info=%i,%i\n", Info.Target?Info.Target->GetClass():"", Wnd?Wnd->GetClass():"", Info.x, Info.y); if (Temp.Target != Wnd) { if (Temp.Target) { auto *TargetWnd = Temp.Target->GetWindow(); auto *WndWnd = Wnd->GetWindow(); if (TargetWnd == WndWnd) { LPoint TargetOff = lgi_view_offset(Temp.Target, Debug); if (Debug) LgiTrace(" WndOffset:\n"); LPoint WndOffset = lgi_view_offset(Wnd, Debug); Temp.x += TargetOff.x - WndOffset.x; Temp.y += TargetOff.y - WndOffset.y; #if 0 LRect c = Wnd->GetClient(false); Temp.x -= c.x1; Temp.y -= c.y1; if (Debug) LgiTrace(" CliOff -= %i,%i\n", c.x1, c.y1); #endif Temp.Target = Wnd; } } else { LPoint Offset; Temp.Target = Wnd; if (Wnd->WindowVirtualOffset(&Offset)) { LRect c = Wnd->GetClient(false); Temp.x -= Offset.x + c.x1; Temp.y -= Offset.y + c.y1; } } } } LAssert(Temp.Target != NULL); return Temp; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LView class methods LViewI *LView::_Capturing = 0; LViewI *LView::_Over = 0; #if LGI_VIEW_HASH struct ViewTbl : public LMutex { typedef LHashTbl, int> T; private: T Map; public: ViewTbl() : Map(2000), LMutex("ViewTbl") { } T *Lock() { if (!LMutex::Lock(_FL)) return NULL; return ⤅ } } ViewTblInst; bool LView::LockHandler(LViewI *v, LView::LockOp Op) { ViewTbl::T *m = ViewTblInst.Lock(); if (!m) return false; int Ref = m->Find(v); bool Status = false; switch (Op) { case OpCreate: { if (Ref == 0) Status = m->Add(v, 1); else LAssert(!"Already exists?"); break; } case OpDelete: { if (Ref == 1) Status = m->Delete(v); else LAssert(!"Either locked or missing."); break; } case OpExists: { Status = Ref > 0; break; } } ViewTblInst.Unlock(); return Status; } #endif LView::LView(OsView view) { #ifdef _DEBUG _Debug = false; #endif d = new LViewPrivate(this); #ifdef LGI_SDL _View = this; #elif LGI_VIEW_HANDLE && !defined(HAIKU) _View = view; #endif Pos.ZOff(-1, -1); WndFlags = GWF_VISIBLE; #ifndef LGI_VIEW_HASH #error "LGI_VIEW_HASH needs to be defined" #elif LGI_VIEW_HASH LockHandler(this, OpCreate); // printf("Adding %p to hash\n", (LViewI*)this); #endif } LView::~LView() { if (d->SinkHnd >= 0) { LEventSinkMap::Dispatch.RemoveSink(this); d->SinkHnd = -1; } #if LGI_VIEW_HASH LockHandler(this, OpDelete); #endif for (unsigned i=0; iOwner == this) pu->Owner = NULL; } _Delete(); // printf("%p::~LView delete %p th=%u\n", this, d, GetCurrentThreadId()); DeleteObj(d); // printf("%p::~LView\n", this); } int LView::AddDispatch() { if (d->SinkHnd < 0) d->SinkHnd = LEventSinkMap::Dispatch.AddSink(this); return d->SinkHnd; } LString LView::CssStyles(const char *Set) { if (Set) { d->Styles = Set; d->CssDirty = true; } return d->Styles; } LString::Array *LView::CssClasses() { return &d->Classes; } LArray LView::IterateViews() { LArray a; for (auto c: Children) a.Add(c); return a; } bool LView::AddView(LViewI *v, int Where) { LAssert(!Children.HasItem(v)); bool Add = Children.Insert(v, Where); if (Add) { LView *gv = v->GetGView(); if (gv && gv->_Window != _Window) { LAssert(!_InLock); gv->_Window = _Window; } v->SetParent(this); v->OnAttach(); OnChildrenChanged(v, true); } return Add; } bool LView::DelView(LViewI *v) { bool Has = Children.HasItem(v); bool b = Children.Delete(v); if (Has) OnChildrenChanged(v, false); Has = Children.HasItem(v); LAssert(!Has); return b; } bool LView::HasView(LViewI *v) { return Children.HasItem(v); } OsWindow LView::WindowHandle() { auto w = GetWindow(); OsWindow h; if (w) h = w->WindowHandle(); return h; } LWindow *LView::GetWindow() { if (!_Window) { // Walk up parent list and find someone who has a window auto *w = d->GetParent(); for (; w; w = w->d ? w->d->GetParent() : NULL) { if (w->_Window) { LAssert(!_InLock); _Window = w->_Window; break; } } } return dynamic_cast(_Window); } bool LView::Lock(const char *file, int line, int TimeOut) { #ifdef HAIKU bool Debug = !Stricmp("LList", GetClass()); if (!d || !d->Hnd) { if (Debug) printf("%s:%i - no handle %p %p\n", _FL, d, d ? d->Hnd : NULL); return false; } if (d->Hnd->Parent() == NULL) { if (Debug) printf("%s:%p - Lock() no parent.\n", GetClass(), this); return true; } if (TimeOut >= 0) { auto r = d->Hnd->LockLooperWithTimeout(TimeOut * 1000); if (r == B_OK) { _InLock++; if (Debug) printf("%s:%p - Lock() cnt=%i par=%p.\n", GetClass(), this, _InLock, d->Hnd->Parent()); return true; } printf("%s:%i - Lock(%i) failed with %x.\n", _FL, TimeOut, r); return false; } auto r = d->Hnd->LockLooper(); if (r) { _InLock++; if (Debug) { auto w = WindowHandle(); printf("%s:%p - Lock() cnt=%i myThread=%i wndThread=%i.\n", GetClass(), this, _InLock, GetCurrentThreadId(), w ? w->Thread() : -1); } return true; } if (Debug) printf("%s:%i - Lock(%s:%i) failed.\n", _FL, file, line); return false; #else if (!_Window) GetWindow(); _InLock++; // LgiTrace("%s::%p Lock._InLock=%i %s:%i\n", GetClass(), this, _InLock, file, line); if (_Window && _Window->_Lock) { if (TimeOut < 0) { return _Window->_Lock->Lock(file, line); } else { return _Window->_Lock->LockWithTimeout(TimeOut, file, line); } } return true; #endif } void LView::Unlock() { #ifdef HAIKU if (!d || !d->Hnd) { printf("%s:%i - Unlock() error, no hnd.\n", _FL); return; } if (!d->Hnd->Parent()) { // printf("%s:%p - Unlock() no parent.\n", GetClass(), this); return; } if (_InLock > 0) { // printf("%s:%p - Calling UnlockLooper: %i.\n", GetClass(), this, _InLock); d->Hnd->UnlockLooper(); _InLock--; // printf("%s:%p - UnlockLooper done: %i.\n", GetClass(), this, _InLock); } else { printf("%s:%i - Unlock() without lock.\n", _FL); } #else if (_Window && _Window->_Lock) { _Window->_Lock->Unlock(); } _InLock--; // LgiTrace("%s::%p Unlock._InLock=%i\n", GetClass(), this, _InLock); #endif } void LView::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { } void LView::OnMouseEnter(LMouse &m) { } void LView::OnMouseExit(LMouse &m) { } void LView::OnMouseMove(LMouse &m) { } bool LView::OnMouseWheel(double Lines) { return false; } bool LView::OnKey(LKey &k) { return false; } void LView::OnAttach() { List::I it = Children.begin(); for (LViewI *v = *it; v; v = *++it) { if (!v->GetParent()) v->SetParent(this); } #if 0 // defined __GTK_H__ if (_View && !DropTarget()) { // If one of our parents is drop capable we need to set a dest here LViewI *p; for (p = GetParent(); p; p = p->GetParent()) { if (p->DropTarget()) { break; } } if (p) { Gtk::gtk_drag_dest_set( _View, (Gtk::GtkDestDefaults)0, NULL, 0, Gtk::GDK_ACTION_DEFAULT); // printf("%s:%i - Drop dest for '%s'\n", _FL, GetClass()); } else { Gtk::gtk_drag_dest_unset(_View); // printf("%s:%i - Not setting drop dest '%s'\n", _FL, GetClass()); } } #endif } void LView::OnCreate() { } void LView::OnDestroy() { } void LView::OnFocus(bool f) { // printf("%s::OnFocus(%i)\n", GetClass(), f); } void LView::OnPulse() { } void LView::OnPosChange() { } bool LView::OnRequestClose(bool OsShuttingDown) { return true; } int LView::OnHitTest(int x, int y) { return -1; } void LView::OnChildrenChanged(LViewI *Wnd, bool Attaching) { } void LView::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { auto c = GetClient(); LCssTools Tools(this); Tools.PaintContent(pDC, c); } int LView::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification Data) { if (!Ctrl) return 0; if (Ctrl == (LViewI*)this && Data.Type == LNotifyActivate) { // Default activation is to focus the current control. Focus(true); } else if (d && d->Parent) { // default behaviour is just to pass the // notification up to the parent // FIXME: eventually we need to call the 'LNotification' parent fn... return d->Parent->OnNotify(Ctrl, Data); } return 0; } int LView::OnCommand(int Cmd, int Event, OsView Wnd) { return 0; } void LView::OnNcPaint(LSurface *pDC, LRect &r) { int Border = Sunken() || Raised() ? _BorderSize : 0; if (Border == 2) { LEdge e; if (Sunken()) e = Focus() ? EdgeWin7FocusSunken : DefaultSunkenEdge; else e = DefaultRaisedEdge; #if WINNATIVE if (d->IsThemed) DrawThemeBorder(pDC, r); else #endif LWideBorder(pDC, r, e); } else if (Border == 1) { LThinBorder(pDC, r, Sunken() ? DefaultSunkenEdge : DefaultRaisedEdge); } } #if LGI_COCOA || defined(__GTK_H__) /* uint64 nPaint = 0; uint64 PaintTime = 0; */ void LView::_Paint(LSurface *pDC, LPoint *Offset, LRect *Update) { /* uint64 StartTs = Update ? LCurrentTime() : 0; d->InPaint = true; */ // Create temp DC if needed... LAutoPtr Local; if (!pDC) { if (!Local.Reset(new LScreenDC(this))) return; pDC = Local; } #if 0 // This is useful for coverage checking pDC->Colour(LColour(255, 0, 255)); pDC->Rectangle(); #endif // Non-Client drawing LRect r; if (Offset) { r = Pos; r.Offset(Offset); } else { r = GetClient().ZeroTranslate(); } pDC->SetClient(&r); LRect zr1 = r.ZeroTranslate(), zr2 = zr1; OnNcPaint(pDC, zr1); pDC->SetClient(NULL); if (zr2 != zr1) { r.x1 -= zr2.x1 - zr1.x1; r.y1 -= zr2.y1 - zr1.y1; r.x2 -= zr2.x2 - zr1.x2; r.y2 -= zr2.y2 - zr1.y2; } LPoint o(r.x1, r.y1); // Origin of client // Paint this view's contents... pDC->SetClient(&r); #if 0 if (_Debug) { #if defined(__GTK_H__) Gtk::cairo_matrix_t matrix; cairo_get_matrix(pDC->Handle(), &matrix); double ex[4]; cairo_clip_extents(pDC->Handle(), ex+0, ex+1, ex+2, ex+3); ex[0] += matrix.x0; ex[1] += matrix.y0; ex[2] += matrix.x0; ex[3] += matrix.y0; LgiTrace("%s::_Paint, r=%s, clip=%g,%g,%g,%g - %g,%g\n", GetClass(), r.GetStr(), ex[0], ex[1], ex[2], ex[3], matrix.x0, matrix.y0); #elif LGI_COCOA auto Ctx = pDC->Handle(); CGAffineTransform t = CGContextGetCTM(Ctx); LRect cr = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(Ctx); printf("%s::_Paint() pos=%s transform=%g,%g,%g,%g-%g,%g clip=%s r=%s\n", GetClass(), GetPos().GetStr(), t.a, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.tx, t.ty, cr.GetStr(), r.GetStr()); #endif } #endif OnPaint(pDC); pDC->SetClient(NULL); // Paint all the children... for (auto i : Children) { LView *w = i->GetGView(); if (w && w->Visible()) { if (!w->Pos.Valid()) continue; #if 0 if (w->_Debug) LgiTrace("%s::_Paint %i,%i\n", w->GetClass(), o.x, o.y); #endif w->_Paint(pDC, &o); } } } #else void LView::_Paint(LSurface *pDC, LPoint *Offset, LRect *Update) { // Create temp DC if needed... LAutoPtr Local; if (!pDC) { Local.Reset(new LScreenDC(this)); pDC = Local; } if (!pDC) { printf("%s:%i - No context to draw in.\n", _FL); return; } #if 0 // This is useful for coverage checking pDC->Colour(LColour(255, 0, 255)); pDC->Rectangle(); #endif bool HasClient = false; LRect r(0, 0, Pos.X()-1, Pos.Y()-1), Client; LPoint o; if (Offset) o = *Offset; #if WINNATIVE if (!_View) #endif { // Non-Client drawing Client = r; OnNcPaint(pDC, Client); HasClient = GetParent() && (Client != r); if (HasClient) { Client.Offset(o.x, o.y); pDC->SetClient(&Client); } } r.Offset(o.x, o.y); // Paint this view's contents if (Update) { LRect OldClip = pDC->ClipRgn(); pDC->ClipRgn(Update); OnPaint(pDC); pDC->ClipRgn(OldClip.Valid() ? &OldClip : NULL); } else { OnPaint(pDC); } #if PAINT_VIRTUAL_CHILDREN // Paint any virtual children for (auto i : Children) { LView *w = i->GetGView(); if (w && w->Visible()) { #if LGI_VIEW_HANDLE if (!w->Handle()) #endif { LRect p = w->GetPos(); p.Offset(o.x, o.y); if (HasClient) p.Offset(Client.x1 - r.x1, Client.y1 - r.y1); LPoint co(p.x1, p.y1); // LgiTrace("%s::_Paint %i,%i\n", w->GetClass(), p.x1, p.y1); pDC->SetClient(&p); w->_Paint(pDC, &co); pDC->SetClient(NULL); } } } #endif if (HasClient) pDC->SetClient(0); } #endif LViewI *LView::GetParent() { ThreadCheck(); return d ? d->Parent : NULL; } void LView::SetParent(LViewI *p) { ThreadCheck(); d->Parent = p ? p->GetGView() : NULL; d->ParentI = p; } void LView::SendNotify(LNotification note) { LViewI *n = d->Notify ? d->Notify : d->Parent; if (n) { if ( #if LGI_VIEW_HANDLE && !defined(HAIKU) !_View || #endif InThread()) { n->OnNotify(this, note); } else { // We are not in the same thread as the target window. So we post a message // across to the view. if (GetId() <= 0) { // We are going to generate a control Id to help the receiver of the // M_CHANGE message find out view later on. The reason for doing this // instead of sending a pointer to the object, is that the object // _could_ be deleted between the message being sent and being received. // Which would result in an invalid memory access on that object. LViewI *p = GetWindow(); if (!p) { // No window? Find the top most parent we can... p = this; while (p->GetParent()) p = p->GetParent(); } if (p) { // Give the control a valid ID int i; for (i=10; i<1000; i++) { if (!p->FindControl(i)) { printf("Giving the ctrl '%s' the id '%i' for SendNotify\n", GetClass(), i); SetId(i); break; } } } else { // Ok this is really bad... go random (better than nothing) SetId(5000 + LRand(2000)); } } LAssert(GetId() > 0); // We must have a valid ctrl ID at this point, otherwise // the receiver will never be able to find our object. // printf("Post M_CHANGE %i %i\n", GetId(), Data); n->PostEvent(M_CHANGE, (LMessage::Param) GetId(), (LMessage::Param) new LNotification(note)); } } } LViewI *LView::GetNotify() { ThreadCheck(); return d->Notify; } void LView::SetNotify(LViewI *p) { ThreadCheck(); d->Notify = p; } #define ADJ_LEFT 1 #define ADJ_RIGHT 2 #define ADJ_UP 3 #define ADJ_DOWN 4 int IsAdjacent(LRect &a, LRect &b) { if ( (a.x1 == b.x2 + 1) && !(a.y1 > b.y2 || a.y2 < b.y1)) { return ADJ_LEFT; } if ( (a.x2 == b.x1 - 1) && !(a.y1 > b.y2 || a.y2 < b.y1)) { return ADJ_RIGHT; } if ( (a.y1 == b.y2 + 1) && !(a.x1 > b.x2 || a.x2 < b.x1)) { return ADJ_UP; } if ( (a.y2 == b.y1 - 1) && !(a.x1 > b.x2 || a.x2 < b.x1)) { return ADJ_DOWN; } return 0; } LRect JoinAdjacent(LRect &a, LRect &b, int Adj) { LRect t; switch (Adj) { case ADJ_LEFT: case ADJ_RIGHT: { t.y1 = MAX(a.y1, b.y1); t.y2 = MIN(a.y2, b.y2); t.x1 = MIN(a.x1, b.x1); t.x2 = MAX(a.x2, b.x2); break; } case ADJ_UP: case ADJ_DOWN: { t.y1 = MIN(a.y1, b.y1); t.y2 = MAX(a.y2, b.y2); t.x1 = MAX(a.x1, b.x1); t.x2 = MIN(a.x2, b.x2); break; } } return t; } LRect *LView::FindLargest(LRegion &r) { ThreadCheck(); int Pixels = 0; LRect *Best = 0; static LRect Final; // do initial run through the list to find largest single region for (LRect *i = r.First(); i; i = r.Next()) { int Pix = i->X() * i->Y(); if (Pix > Pixels) { Pixels = Pix; Best = i; } } if (Best) { Final = *Best; Pixels = Final.X() * Final.Y(); int LastPixels = Pixels; LRect LastRgn = Final; int ThisPixels = Pixels; LRect ThisRgn = Final; LRegion TempList; for (LRect *i = r.First(); i; i = r.Next()) { TempList.Union(i); } TempList.Subtract(Best); do { LastPixels = ThisPixels; LastRgn = ThisRgn; // search for adjoining rectangles that maybe we can add for (LRect *i = TempList.First(); i; i = TempList.Next()) { int Adj = IsAdjacent(ThisRgn, *i); if (Adj) { LRect t = JoinAdjacent(ThisRgn, *i, Adj); int Pix = t.X() * t.Y(); if (Pix > ThisPixels) { ThisPixels = Pix; ThisRgn = t; TempList.Subtract(i); } } } } while (LastPixels < ThisPixels); Final = ThisRgn; } else return 0; return &Final; } LRect *LView::FindSmallestFit(LRegion &r, int Sx, int Sy) { ThreadCheck(); int X = 1000000; int Y = 1000000; LRect *Best = 0; for (LRect *i = r.First(); i; i = r.Next()) { if ((i->X() >= Sx && i->Y() >= Sy) && (i->X() < X || i->Y() < Y)) { X = i->X(); Y = i->Y(); Best = i; } } return Best; } LRect *LView::FindLargestEdge(LRegion &r, int Edge) { LRect *Best = 0; ThreadCheck(); for (LRect *i = r.First(); i; i = r.Next()) { if (!Best) { Best = i; } if ( ((Edge & GV_EDGE_TOP) && (i->y1 < Best->y1)) || ((Edge & GV_EDGE_RIGHT) && (i->x2 > Best->x2)) || ((Edge & GV_EDGE_BOTTOM) && (i->y2 > Best->y2)) || ((Edge & GV_EDGE_LEFT) && (i->x1 < Best->x1)) ) { Best = i; } if ( ( ((Edge & GV_EDGE_TOP) && (i->y1 == Best->y1)) || ((Edge & GV_EDGE_BOTTOM) && (i->y2 == Best->y2)) ) && ( i->X() > Best->X() ) ) { Best = i; } if ( ( ((Edge & GV_EDGE_RIGHT) && (i->x2 == Best->x2)) || ((Edge & GV_EDGE_LEFT) && (i->x1 == Best->x1)) ) && ( i->Y() > Best->Y() ) ) { Best = i; } } return Best; } LViewI *LView::FindReal(LPoint *Offset) { ThreadCheck(); if (Offset) { Offset->x = 0; Offset->y = 0; } #if !LGI_VIEW_HANDLE LViewI *w = GetWindow(); #endif LViewI *p = d->Parent; while (p && #if !LGI_VIEW_HANDLE p != w #else !p->Handle() #endif ) { if (Offset) { Offset->x += Pos.x1; Offset->y += Pos.y1; } p = p->GetParent(); } if (p && #if !LGI_VIEW_HANDLE p == w #else p->Handle() #endif ) { return p; } return NULL; } bool LView::HandleCapture(LView *Wnd, bool c) { ThreadCheck(); DEBUG_CAPTURE("%s::HandleCapture(%i)=%i\n", GetClass(), c, (int)(_Capturing == Wnd)); if (c) { if (_Capturing == Wnd) { DEBUG_CAPTURE(" %s already has capture\n", _Capturing?_Capturing->GetClass():0); } else { DEBUG_CAPTURE(" _Capturing=%s -> %s\n", _Capturing?_Capturing->GetClass():0, Wnd?Wnd->GetClass():0); _Capturing = Wnd; #if defined(__GTK_H__) if (d->CaptureThread) d->CaptureThread->Cancel(); d->CaptureThread = new LCaptureThread(this); #elif WINNATIVE LPoint Offset; LViewI *v = _Capturing->Handle() ? _Capturing : FindReal(&Offset); HWND h = v ? v->Handle() : NULL; if (h) SetCapture(h); else LAssert(0); #elif defined(LGI_SDL) #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 4) SDL_CaptureMouse(SDL_TRUE); #else LAppInst->CaptureMouse(true); #endif #endif } } else if (_Capturing) { DEBUG_CAPTURE(" _Capturing=%s -> NULL\n", _Capturing?_Capturing->GetClass():0); _Capturing = NULL; #if defined(__GTK_H__) if (d->CaptureThread) { d->CaptureThread->Cancel(); d->CaptureThread = NULL; // It'll delete itself... } #elif WINNATIVE ReleaseCapture(); #elif defined(LGI_SDL) #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 4) SDL_CaptureMouse(SDL_FALSE); #else LAppInst->CaptureMouse(false); #endif #endif } return true; } bool LView::IsCapturing() { // DEBUG_CAPTURE("%s::IsCapturing()=%p==%p==%i\n", GetClass(), _Capturing, this, (int)(_Capturing == this)); return _Capturing == this; } bool LView::Capture(bool c) { ThreadCheck(); DEBUG_CAPTURE("%s::Capture(%i)\n", GetClass(), c); return HandleCapture(this, c); } bool LView::Enabled() { ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE if (_View) return IsWindowEnabled(_View) != 0; #endif return !TestFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_DISABLED); } void LView::Enabled(bool i) { ThreadCheck(); if (!i) SetFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_DISABLED); else ClearFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_DISABLED); #if LGI_VIEW_HANDLE && !defined(HAIKU) if (_View) { #if WINNATIVE EnableWindow(_View, i); #elif defined LGI_CARBON if (i) { OSStatus e = EnableControl(_View); if (e) printf("%s:%i - Error enabling control (%i)\n", _FL, (int)e); } else { OSStatus e = DisableControl(_View); if (e) printf("%s:%i - Error disabling control (%i)\n", _FL, (int)e); } #endif } #endif Invalidate(); } bool LView::Visible() { // This is a read only operation... which is kinda thread-safe... // ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE if (_View) /* This takes into account all the parent windows as well... Which is kinda not what I want. I want this to reflect just this window. return IsWindowVisible(_View); */ return (GetWindowLong(_View, GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE) != 0; #endif return TestFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_VISIBLE); } void LView::Visible(bool v) { ThreadCheck(); + bool HasChanged = TestFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_VISIBLE) ^ v; if (v) SetFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_VISIBLE); else ClearFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_VISIBLE); #if defined(HAIKU) - LLocker lck(d->Hnd, _FL); - if (!IsAttached() || lck.Lock()) - { - const int attempts = 3; - // printf("%s/%p:Visible(%i) hidden=%i\n", GetClass(), this, v, d->Hnd->IsHidden()); - if (v) + LLocker lck(d->Hnd, _FL); + if (!IsAttached() || lck.Lock()) { - bool parentHidden = false; - for (auto p = d->Hnd->Parent(); p; p = p->Parent()) + const int attempts = 3; + // printf("%s/%p:Visible(%i) hidden=%i\n", GetClass(), this, v, d->Hnd->IsHidden()); + if (v) { - if (p->IsHidden()) + bool parentHidden = false; + for (auto p = d->Hnd->Parent(); p; p = p->Parent()) + { + if (p->IsHidden()) + { + parentHidden = true; + break; + } + } + if (!parentHidden) // Don't try and show if one of the parent's is hidden. { - parentHidden = true; - break; + for (int i=0; iHnd->IsHidden(); i++) + { + // printf("\t%p Show\n", this); + d->Hnd->Show(); + } + if (d->Hnd->IsHidden()) + { + printf("%s:%i - Failed to show %s.\n", _FL, GetClass()); + for (auto p = d->Hnd->Parent(); p; p = p->Parent()) + printf("\tparent: %s/%p ishidden=%i\n", p->Name(), p, p->IsHidden()); + } } } - if (!parentHidden) // Don't try and show if one of the parent's is hidden. + else { - for (int i=0; iHnd->IsHidden(); i++) + for (int i=0; iHnd->IsHidden(); i++) { - // printf("\t%p Show\n", this); - d->Hnd->Show(); + // printf("\t%p Hide\n", this); + d->Hnd->Hide(); } - if (d->Hnd->IsHidden()) + if (!d->Hnd->IsHidden()) { - printf("%s:%i - Failed to show %s.\n", _FL, GetClass()); + printf("%s:%i - Failed to hide %s.\n", _FL, GetClass()); for (auto p = d->Hnd->Parent(); p; p = p->Parent()) printf("\tparent: %s/%p ishidden=%i\n", p->Name(), p, p->IsHidden()); } } + // printf("\t%s/%p:Visible(%i) hidden=%i\n", GetClass(), this, v, d->Hnd->IsHidden()); + } + else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Can't lock.\n", _FL); + #elif LGI_VIEW_HANDLE + if (_View) + { + #if WINNATIVE + + ShowWindow(_View, (v) ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE); + + #elif LGI_COCOA + + LAutoPool Pool; + [_View.p setHidden:!v]; + + #elif LGI_CARBON + + Boolean is = HIViewIsVisible(_View); + if (v != is) + { + OSErr e = HIViewSetVisible(_View, v); + if (e) printf("%s:%i - HIViewSetVisible(%p,%i) failed with %i (class=%s)\n", + _FL, _View, v, e, GetClass()); + } + + #endif } else - { - for (int i=0; iHnd->IsHidden(); i++) - { - // printf("\t%p Hide\n", this); - d->Hnd->Hide(); - } - if (!d->Hnd->IsHidden()) - { - printf("%s:%i - Failed to hide %s.\n", _FL, GetClass()); - for (auto p = d->Hnd->Parent(); p; p = p->Parent()) - printf("\tparent: %s/%p ishidden=%i\n", p->Name(), p, p->IsHidden()); - } - } - // printf("\t%s/%p:Visible(%i) hidden=%i\n", GetClass(), this, v, d->Hnd->IsHidden()); - } - else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Can't lock.\n", _FL); - #elif LGI_VIEW_HANDLE - if (_View) - { - #if WINNATIVE - - ShowWindow(_View, (v) ? SW_SHOWNORMAL : SW_HIDE); - - #elif LGI_COCOA - - LAutoPool Pool; - [_View.p setHidden:!v]; - - #elif LGI_CARBON - - Boolean is = HIViewIsVisible(_View); - if (v != is) - { - OSErr e = HIViewSetVisible(_View, v); - if (e) printf("%s:%i - HIViewSetVisible(%p,%i) failed with %i (class=%s)\n", - _FL, _View, v, e, GetClass()); - } - - #endif - } - else #endif { - Invalidate(); + if (HasChanged) + Invalidate(); } } bool LView::Focus() { ThreadCheck(); bool Has = false; #if defined(__GTK_H__) LWindow *w = GetWindow(); if (w) { bool Active = w->IsActive(); if (Active) Has = w->GetFocus() == static_cast(this); } #elif defined(HAIKU) LLocker lck(d->Hnd, _FL); if (lck.Lock()) { Has = d->Hnd->IsFocus(); lck.Unlock(); } #elif defined(WINNATIVE) if (_View) { HWND hFocus = GetFocus(); Has = hFocus == _View; } #elif LGI_COCOA Has = TestFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS); #elif LGI_CARBON LWindow *w = GetWindow(); if (w) { ControlRef Cur; OSErr e = GetKeyboardFocus(w->WindowHandle(), &Cur); if (e) LgiTrace("%s:%i - GetKeyboardFocus failed with %i\n", _FL, e); else Has = (Cur == _View); } #endif #if !LGI_CARBON if (Has) SetFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS); else ClearFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS); #endif return Has; } void LView::Focus(bool i) { ThreadCheck(); if (i) SetFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS); else ClearFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS); auto *Wnd = GetWindow(); if (Wnd) { Wnd->SetFocus(this, i ? LWindow::GainFocus : LWindow::LoseFocus); } #if LGI_VIEW_HANDLE && !defined(HAIKU) if (_View) #endif { #if defined(HAIKU) _Focus(i); #elif defined(LGI_SDL) || defined(__GTK_H__) // Nop: Focus is all handled by Lgi's LWindow class. #elif WINNATIVE if (i) { HWND hCur = GetFocus(); if (hCur != _View) { if (In_SetWindowPos) { assert(0); LgiTrace("%s:%i - SetFocus %p (%-30s)\n", _FL, Handle(), Name()); } SetFocus(_View); } } else { if (In_SetWindowPos) { assert(0); LgiTrace("%s:%i - SetFocus(%p)\n", _FL, GetDesktopWindow()); } SetFocus(GetDesktopWindow()); } #elif defined LGI_CARBON LViewI *Wnd = GetWindow(); if (Wnd && i) { OSErr e = SetKeyboardFocus(Wnd->WindowHandle(), _View, 1); if (e) { // e = SetKeyboardFocus(Wnd->WindowHandle(), _View, kControlFocusNextPart); // if (e) { HIViewRef p = HIViewGetSuperview(_View); // errCouldntSetFocus printf("%s:%i - SetKeyboardFocus failed: %i (%s, %p)\n", _FL, e, GetClass(), p); } } // else printf("%s:%i - SetFocus v=%p(%s)\n", _FL, _View, GetClass()); } else printf("%s:%i - no window?\n", _FL); #endif } } LDragDropSource *LView::DropSource(LDragDropSource *Set) { if (Set) d->DropSource = Set; return d->DropSource; } LDragDropTarget *LView::DropTarget(LDragDropTarget *Set) { if (Set) d->DropTarget = Set; return d->DropTarget; } #if defined LGI_CARBON extern pascal OSStatus LgiViewDndHandler(EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void *inUserData); #endif #if defined __GTK_H__ // Recursively add drag dest to all view and all children bool GtkAddDragDest(LViewI *v, bool IsTarget) { if (!v) return false; LWindow *w = v->GetWindow(); if (!w) return false; auto wid = GtkCast(w->WindowHandle(), gtk_widget, GtkWidget); if (IsTarget) { Gtk::gtk_drag_dest_set( wid, (Gtk::GtkDestDefaults)0, NULL, 0, Gtk::GDK_ACTION_DEFAULT); } else { Gtk::gtk_drag_dest_unset(wid); } for (LViewI *c: v->IterateViews()) GtkAddDragDest(c, IsTarget); return true; } #endif bool LView::DropTarget(bool t) { ThreadCheck(); bool Status = false; if (t) SetFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_DROP_TARGET); else ClearFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_DROP_TARGET); #if WINNATIVE if (_View) { if (t) { if (!d->DropTarget) DragAcceptFiles(_View, t); else Status = RegisterDragDrop(_View, (IDropTarget*) d->DropTarget) == S_OK; } else { if (_View && d->DropTarget) Status = RevokeDragDrop(_View) == S_OK; } } #elif defined MAC && !defined(LGI_SDL) LWindow *Wnd = dynamic_cast(GetWindow()); if (Wnd) { Wnd->SetDragHandlers(t); if (!d->DropTarget) d->DropTarget = t ? Wnd : 0; } #if LGI_COCOA LWindow *w = GetWindow(); if (w) { OsWindow h = w->WindowHandle(); if (h) { NSMutableArray *a = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; if (a) { [a addObject:(NSString*)kUTTypeItem]; for (id item in NSFilePromiseReceiver.readableDraggedTypes) [a addObject:item]; [h.p.contentView registerForDraggedTypes:a]; [a release]; } } } #elif LGI_CARBON if (t) { static EventTypeSpec DragEvents[] = { { kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragEnter }, { kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragWithin }, { kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragLeave }, { kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragReceive }, }; if (!d->DndHandler) { OSStatus e = ::InstallControlEventHandler( _View, NewEventHandlerUPP(LgiViewDndHandler), GetEventTypeCount(DragEvents), DragEvents, (void*)this, &d->DndHandler); if (e) LgiTrace("%s:%i - InstallEventHandler failed (%i)\n", _FL, e); } SetControlDragTrackingEnabled(_View, true); } else { SetControlDragTrackingEnabled(_View, false); } #endif #elif defined __GTK_H__ Status = GtkAddDragDest(this, t); if (Status && !d->DropTarget) d->DropTarget = t ? GetWindow() : 0; #endif return Status; } bool LView::Sunken() { // ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE return TestFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); #else return TestFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_SUNKEN); #endif } void LView::Sunken(bool i) { ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE if (i) SetFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); else ClearFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); if (_View) SetWindowLong(_View, GWL_EXSTYLE, d->WndExStyle); #else if (i) SetFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_SUNKEN); else ClearFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_SUNKEN); #endif if (i) { if (!_BorderSize) _BorderSize = 2; } else _BorderSize = 0; } bool LView::Flat() { // ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE return !TestFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) && !TestFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); #else return !TestFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_SUNKEN) && !TestFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_RAISED); #endif } void LView::Flat(bool i) { ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE ClearFlag(d->WndExStyle, (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE|WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE)); #else ClearFlag(GViewFlags, (GWF_RAISED|GWF_SUNKEN)); #endif } bool LView::Raised() { // ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE return TestFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); #else return TestFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_RAISED); #endif } void LView::Raised(bool i) { ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE if (i) SetFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); else ClearFlag(d->WndExStyle, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); #else if (i) SetFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_RAISED); else ClearFlag(GViewFlags, GWF_RAISED); #endif if (i) { if (!!_BorderSize) _BorderSize = 2; } else _BorderSize = 0; } int LView::GetId() { // This is needed by SendNotify function which is thread safe. // So no thread safety check here. return d->CtrlId; } void LView::SetId(int i) { // This is needed by SendNotify function which is thread safe. // So no thread safety check here. d->CtrlId = i; #if WINNATIVE if (_View) SetWindowLong(_View, GWL_ID, d->CtrlId); #elif defined __GTK_H__ #elif defined MAC #endif } bool LView::GetTabStop() { ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE return TestFlag(d->WndStyle, WS_TABSTOP); #else return d->TabStop; #endif } void LView::SetTabStop(bool b) { ThreadCheck(); #if WINNATIVE if (b) SetFlag(d->WndStyle, WS_TABSTOP); else ClearFlag(d->WndStyle, WS_TABSTOP); #else d->TabStop = b; #endif } int64 LView::GetCtrlValue(int Id) { ThreadCheck(); LViewI *w = FindControl(Id); return (w) ? w->Value() : 0; } void LView::SetCtrlValue(int Id, int64 i) { ThreadCheck(); LViewI *w = FindControl(Id); if (w) w->Value(i); } const char *LView::GetCtrlName(int Id) { ThreadCheck(); LViewI *w = FindControl(Id); return (w) ? w->Name() : 0; } void LView::SetCtrlName(int Id, const char *s) { if (!IsAttached() || InThread()) { if (auto w = FindControl(Id)) w->Name(s); } else { PostEvent( M_SET_CTRL_NAME, (LMessage::Param)Id, (LMessage::Param)new LString(s)); } } bool LView::GetCtrlEnabled(int Id) { ThreadCheck(); LViewI *w = FindControl(Id); return (w) ? w->Enabled() : 0; } void LView::SetCtrlEnabled(int Id, bool Enabled) { if (!IsAttached() || InThread()) { if (auto w = FindControl(Id)) w->Enabled(Enabled); } else { PostEvent( M_SET_CTRL_ENABLE, (LMessage::Param)Id, (LMessage::Param)Enabled); } } bool LView::GetCtrlVisible(int Id) { ThreadCheck(); LViewI *w = FindControl(Id); if (!w) LgiTrace("%s:%i - Ctrl %i not found.\n", _FL, Id); return (w) ? w->Visible() : 0; } void LView::SetCtrlVisible(int Id, bool v) { if (!IsAttached() || InThread()) { if (auto w = FindControl(Id)) w->Visible(v); } else { PostEvent( M_SET_CTRL_VISIBLE, (LMessage::Param)Id, (LMessage::Param)v); } } bool LView::AttachChildren() { for (auto c: Children) { bool a = c->IsAttached(); if (!a) { if (!c->Attach(this)) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - failed to attach %s\n", _FL, c->GetClass()); return false; } } } return true; } LFont *LView::GetFont() { if (!d->Font && d->Css && LResources::GetLoadStyles()) { LFontCache *fc = LAppInst->GetFontCache(); if (fc) { LFont *f = fc->GetFont(d->Css); if (f) { if (d->FontOwnType == GV_FontOwned) DeleteObj(d->Font); d->Font = f; d->FontOwnType = GV_FontCached; } } } return d->Font ? d->Font : LSysFont; } void LView::SetFont(LFont *Font, bool OwnIt) { bool Change = d->Font != Font; if (Change) { if (d->FontOwnType == GV_FontOwned) { LAssert(d->Font != LSysFont); DeleteObj(d->Font); } d->FontOwnType = OwnIt ? GV_FontOwned : GV_FontPtr; d->Font = Font; #if WINNATIVE if (_View) SendMessage(_View, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) (Font ? Font->Handle() : 0), 0); #endif for (LViewI *p = GetParent(); p; p = p->GetParent()) { LTableLayout *Tl = dynamic_cast(p); if (Tl) { Tl->InvalidateLayout(); break; } } Invalidate(); } } bool LView::IsOver(LMouse &m) { return (m.x >= 0) && (m.y >= 0) && (m.x < Pos.X()) && (m.y < Pos.Y()); } bool LView::WindowVirtualOffset(LPoint *Offset) { bool Status = false; if (Offset) { Offset->x = 0; Offset->y = 0; for (LViewI *Wnd = this; Wnd; Wnd = Wnd->GetParent()) { #if !LGI_VIEW_HANDLE auto IsWnd = dynamic_cast(Wnd); if (!IsWnd) #else if (!Wnd->Handle()) #endif { LRect r = Wnd->GetPos(); LViewI *Par = Wnd->GetParent(); if (Par) { LRect c = Par->GetClient(false); Offset->x += r.x1 + c.x1; Offset->y += r.y1 + c.y1; } else { Offset->x += r.x1; Offset->y += r.y1; } Status = true; } else break; } } return Status; } LString _ViewDesc(LViewI *v) { LString s; s.Printf("%s/%s/%i", v->GetClass(), v->Name(), v->GetId()); return s; } LViewI *LView::WindowFromPoint(int x, int y, int DebugDepth) { char Tabs[64]; if (DebugDepth) { memset(Tabs, 9, DebugDepth); Tabs[DebugDepth] = 0; LgiTrace("%s%s %i\n", Tabs, _ViewDesc(this).Get(), Children.Length()); } // We iterate over the child in reverse order because if they overlap the // end of the list is on "top". So they should get the click or whatever // before the the lower windows. auto it = Children.rbegin(); int n = (int)Children.Length() - 1; for (LViewI *c = *it; c; c = *--it) { LRect CPos = c->GetPos(); if (CPos.Overlap(x, y) && c->Visible()) { LRect CClient; CClient = c->GetClient(false); int Ox = CPos.x1 + CClient.x1; int Oy = CPos.y1 + CClient.y1; if (DebugDepth) { LgiTrace("%s[%i] %s Pos=%s Client=%s m(%i,%i)->(%i,%i)\n", Tabs, n--, _ViewDesc(c).Get(), CPos.GetStr(), CClient.GetStr(), x, y, x - Ox, y - Oy); } LViewI *Child = c->WindowFromPoint(x - Ox, y - Oy, DebugDepth ? DebugDepth + 1 : 0); if (Child) return Child; } else if (DebugDepth) { LgiTrace("%s[%i] MISSED %s Pos=%s m(%i,%i)\n", Tabs, n--, _ViewDesc(c).Get(), CPos.GetStr(), x, y); } } if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < Pos.X() && y < Pos.Y()) { return this; } return NULL; } LColour LView::StyleColour(int CssPropType, LColour Default, int Depth) { LColour c = Default; if ((CssPropType >> 8) == LCss::TypeColor) { LViewI *v = this; for (int i=0; v && iGetParent()) { auto Style = v->GetCss(); if (Style) { auto Colour = (LCss::ColorDef*) Style->PropAddress((LCss::PropType)CssPropType); if (Colour) { if (Colour->Type == LCss::ColorRgb) { c.Set(Colour->Rgb32, 32); break; } else if (Colour->Type == LCss::ColorTransparent) { c.Empty(); break; } } } if (dynamic_cast(v) || dynamic_cast(v)) break; } } return c; } bool LView::InThread() { #if WINNATIVE HWND Hnd = _View; for (LViewI *p = GetParent(); p && !Hnd; p = p->GetParent()) { Hnd = p->Handle(); } auto CurThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); auto GuiThreadId = LAppInst->GetGuiThreadId(); DWORD ViewThread = Hnd ? GetWindowThreadProcessId(Hnd, NULL) : GuiThreadId; return CurThreadId == ViewThread; #elif defined(HAIKU) return true; #else OsThreadId Me = GetCurrentThreadId(); OsThreadId Gui = LAppInst ? LAppInst->GetGuiThreadId() : 0; #if 0 if (Gui != Me) LgiTrace("%s:%i - Out of thread:" #ifdef LGI_COCOA "%llx, %llx" #else "%x, %x" #endif "\n", _FL, Gui, Me); #endif return Gui == Me; #endif } bool LView::PostEvent(int Cmd, LMessage::Param a, LMessage::Param b, int64_t timeoutMs) { #ifdef LGI_SDL return LPostEvent(this, Cmd, a, b); #elif defined(HAIKU) if (!d || !d->Hnd) { // printf("%s:%i - Bad pointers %p %p\n", _FL, d, d ? d->Hnd : NULL); return false; } BWindow *bWnd = NULL; LWindow *wnd = dynamic_cast(this); if (wnd) { bWnd = wnd->WindowHandle(); } else { // Look for an attached view to lock... for (LViewI *v = this; v; v = v->GetParent()) { auto vhnd = v->Handle(); if (vhnd && ::IsAttached(vhnd)) { bWnd = vhnd->Window(); break; } } } BMessage m(Cmd); auto r = m.AddInt64(LMessage::PropA, a); if (r != B_OK) printf("%s:%i - AddUInt64 failed.\n", _FL); r = m.AddInt64(LMessage::PropB, b); if (r != B_OK) printf("%s:%i - AddUInt64 failed.\n", _FL); r = m.AddPointer(LMessage::PropView, this); if (r != B_OK) printf("%s:%i - AddPointer failed.\n", _FL); if (bWnd) { r = bWnd->PostMessage(&m); if (r != B_OK) printf("%s:%i - PostMessage failed.\n", _FL); return r == B_OK; } // Not attached yet... d->MsgQue.Add(new BMessage(m)); // printf("%s:%i - PostEvent.MsgQue=%i\n", _FL, (int)d->MsgQue.Length()); return true; #elif WINNATIVE if (!_View) return false; BOOL Res = ::PostMessage(_View, Cmd, a, b); if (!Res) { auto Err = GetLastError(); int asd=0; } return Res != 0; #elif !LGI_VIEW_HANDLE return LAppInst->PostEvent(this, Cmd, a, b); #else if (_View) return LPostEvent(_View, Cmd, a, b); LAssert(0); return false; #endif } bool LView::Invalidate(LRegion *r, bool Repaint, bool NonClient) { if (r) { for (int i=0; iLength(); i++) { bool Last = i == r->Length()-1; Invalidate((*r)[i], Last ? Repaint : false, NonClient); } return true; } return false; } LButton *FindDefault(LViewI *w) { LButton *But = 0; for (auto c: w->IterateViews()) { But = dynamic_cast(c); if (But && But->Default()) { break; } But = FindDefault(c); if (But) { break; } } return But; } bool LView::Name(const char *n) { LBase::Name(n); #if LGI_VIEW_HANDLE && !defined(HAIKU) if (_View) { #if WINNATIVE auto Temp = LBase::NameW(); SetWindowTextW(_View, Temp ? Temp : L""); #endif } #endif Invalidate(); return true; } const char *LView::Name() { #if WINNATIVE if (_View) { LView::NameW(); } #endif return LBase::Name(); } bool LView::NameW(const char16 *n) { LBase::NameW(n); #if WINNATIVE if (_View && n) { auto Txt = LBase::NameW(); SetWindowTextW(_View, Txt); } #endif Invalidate(); return true; } const char16 *LView::NameW() { #if WINNATIVE if (_View) { int Length = GetWindowTextLengthW(_View); if (Length > 0) { char16 *Buf = new char16[Length+1]; if (Buf) { Buf[0] = 0; int Chars = GetWindowTextW(_View, Buf, Length+1); Buf[Chars] = 0; LBase::NameW(Buf); } DeleteArray(Buf); } else { LBase::NameW(0); } } #endif return LBase::NameW(); } LViewI *LView::FindControl(int Id) { LAssert(Id != -1); if (GetId() == Id) { return this; } for (auto c : Children) { LViewI *Ctrl = c->FindControl(Id); if (Ctrl) { return Ctrl; } } return 0; } LPoint LView::GetMinimumSize() { return d->MinimumSize; } void LView::SetMinimumSize(LPoint Size) { d->MinimumSize = Size; bool Change = false; LRect p = Pos; if (X() < d->MinimumSize.x) { p.x2 = p.x1 + d->MinimumSize.x - 1; Change = true; } if (Y() < d->MinimumSize.y) { p.y2 = p.y1 + d->MinimumSize.y - 1; Change = true; } if (Change) { SetPos(p); } } bool LView::SetColour(LColour &c, bool Fore) { LCss *css = GetCss(true); if (!css) return false; if (Fore) { if (c.IsValid()) css->Color(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorRgb, c.c32())); else css->DeleteProp(LCss::PropColor); } else { if (c.IsValid()) css->BackgroundColor(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorRgb, c.c32())); else css->DeleteProp(LCss::PropBackgroundColor); } return true; } /* bool LView::SetCssStyle(const char *CssStyle) { if (!d->Css && !d->Css.Reset(new LCss)) return false; const char *Defs = CssStyle; bool b = d->Css->Parse(Defs, LCss::ParseRelaxed); if (b && d->FontOwnType == GV_FontCached) { d->Font = NULL; d->FontOwnType = GV_FontPtr; } return b; } */ void LView::SetCss(LCss *css) { d->Css.Reset(css); } LCss *LView::GetCss(bool Create) { if (Create && !d->Css) d->Css.Reset(new LCss); if (d->CssDirty && d->Css) { const char *Defs = d->Styles; if (d->Css->Parse(Defs, LCss::ParseRelaxed)) d->CssDirty = false; } return d->Css; } LPoint &LView::GetWindowBorderSize() { static LPoint s; ZeroObj(s); #if WINNATIVE if (_View) { RECT Wnd, Client; GetWindowRect(Handle(), &Wnd); GetClientRect(Handle(), &Client); s.x = (Wnd.right-Wnd.left) - (Client.right-Client.left); s.y = (Wnd.bottom-Wnd.top) - (Client.bottom-Client.top); } #elif defined __GTK_H__ #elif defined MAC s.x = 0; s.y = 22; #endif return s; } #ifdef _DEBUG #if defined(LGI_CARBON) void DumpHiview(HIViewRef v, int Depth = 0) { char Sp[256]; memset(Sp, ' ', Depth << 2); Sp[Depth<<2] = 0; printf("%sHIView=%p", Sp, v); if (v) { Boolean vis = HIViewIsVisible(v); Boolean en = HIViewIsEnabled(v, NULL); HIRect pos; HIViewGetFrame(v, &pos); char cls[128]; ZeroObj(cls); GetControlProperty(v, 'meme', 'clas', sizeof(cls), NULL, cls); printf(" vis=%i en=%i pos=%g,%g-%g,%g cls=%s", vis, en, pos.origin.x, pos.origin.y, pos.size.width, pos.size.height, cls); } printf("\n"); for (HIViewRef c = HIViewGetFirstSubview(v); c; c = HIViewGetNextView(c)) { DumpHiview(c, Depth + 1); } } #elif defined(__GTK_H__) void DumpGtk(Gtk::GtkWidget *w, Gtk::gpointer Depth = NULL) { using namespace Gtk; if (!w) return; char Sp[65] = {0}; if (Depth) memset(Sp, ' ', *((int*)Depth)*2); auto *Obj = G_OBJECT(w); LViewI *View = (LViewI*) g_object_get_data(Obj, "LViewI"); GtkAllocation a; gtk_widget_get_allocation(w, &a); LgiTrace("%s%p(%s) = %i,%i-%i,%i\n", Sp, w, View?View->GetClass():G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(Obj), a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height); if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER(w)) { auto *c = GTK_CONTAINER(w); if (c) { int Next = Depth ? *((int*)Depth)+1 : 1; gtk_container_foreach(c, DumpGtk, &Next); } } } #elif defined(HAIKU) || defined(WINDOWS) template void _Dump(int Depth, T v) { LString Sp, Name; Sp.Length(Depth<<1); memset(Sp.Get(), ' ', Depth<<1); Sp.Get()[Depth<<1] = 0; #if defined(HAIKU) LRect Frame = v->Frame(); Name = v->Name(); bool IsHidden = v->IsHidden(); #else RECT rc; GetWindowRect(v, &rc); LRect Frame = rc; wchar_t txt[256]; GetWindowTextW(v, txt, CountOf(txt)); Name = txt; bool IsHidden = !(GetWindowLong(v, GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE); #endif LgiTrace("%s%p::%s frame=%s vis=%i\n", Sp.Get(), v, Name.Get(), Frame.GetStr(), !IsHidden); #if defined(HAIKU) for (int32 i=0; iCountChildren(); i++) _Dump(Depth + 1, v->ChildAt(i)); #else for (auto h = GetWindow(v, GW_CHILD); h; h = GetWindow(h, GW_HWNDNEXT)) _Dump(Depth + 1, h); #endif } #endif void LView::_Dump(int Depth) { char Sp[65] = {0}; memset(Sp, ' ', Depth*2); #if 0 char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s%p::%s %s (_View=%p)\n", Sp, this, GetClass(), GetPos().GetStr(), _View); LgiTrace(s); List::I i = Children.Start(); for (LViewI *c = *i; c; c = *++i) { LView *v = c->GetGView(); if (v) v->_Dump(Depth+1); } #elif defined(LGI_CARBON) DumpHiview(_View); #elif defined(__GTK_H__) // DumpGtk(_View); #elif !defined(MAC) #if defined(HAIKU) LLocker lck(WindowHandle(), _FL); if (lck.Lock()) #endif ::_Dump(0, WindowHandle()); #endif } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static LArray *AllFactories = NULL; #if defined(WIN32) static HANDLE FactoryEvent; #else static pthread_once_t FactoryOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static void GFactoryInitFactories() { AllFactories = new LArray; } #endif LViewFactory::LViewFactory() { #if defined(WIN32) char16 Name[64]; swprintf_s(Name, CountOf(Name), L"LgiFactoryEvent.%i", GetCurrentProcessId()); HANDLE h = CreateEventW(NULL, false, false, Name); DWORD err = GetLastError(); if (err != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { FactoryEvent = h; AllFactories = new LArray; } else { LAssert(AllFactories != NULL); } #else pthread_once(&FactoryOnce, GFactoryInitFactories); #endif if (AllFactories) AllFactories->Add(this); } LViewFactory::~LViewFactory() { if (AllFactories) { AllFactories->Delete(this); if (AllFactories->Length() == 0) { DeleteObj(AllFactories); #if defined(WIN32) CloseHandle(FactoryEvent); #endif } } } LView *LViewFactory::Create(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (ValidStr(Class) && AllFactories) { for (int i=0; iLength(); i++) { LView *v = (*AllFactories)[i]->NewView(Class, Pos, Text); if (v) { return v; } } } return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LView::ViewEventTarget::ViewEventTarget(LView *View, int Msg) { LAssert(View != NULL); view = View; if (Msg) Msgs.Add(Msg, true); if (view) view->d->EventTargets.Add(this); } LView::ViewEventTarget::~ViewEventTarget() { if (view) view->d->EventTargets.Delete(this); } bool LView::ViewEventTarget::PostEvent(int Cmd, LMessage::Param a, LMessage::Param b, int64_t TimeoutMs) { if (view) return view->PostEvent(Cmd, a, b, TimeoutMs); return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _DEBUG #if defined(__GTK_H__) using namespace Gtk; #include "LgiWidget.h" #endif void LView::Debug() { _Debug = true; #if defined LGI_COCOA d->ClassName = GetClass(); #endif } #endif diff --git a/src/linux/Lgi/View.cpp b/src/linux/Lgi/View.cpp --- a/src/linux/Lgi/View.cpp +++ b/src/linux/Lgi/View.cpp @@ -1,1122 +1,1150 @@ /*hdr ** FILE: LView.cpp ** AUTHOR: Matthew Allen ** DATE: 23/4/98 ** DESCRIPTION: Linux LView Implementation ** ** Copyright (C) 1998-2003, Matthew Allen ** fret@memecode.com */ #include #include #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/DragAndDrop.h" #include "lgi/common/Edit.h" #include "lgi/common/Popup.h" #include "lgi/common/Css.h" #include "lgi/common/EventTargetThread.h" #include "ViewPriv.h" using namespace Gtk; #include "LgiWidget.h" #define DEBUG_MOUSE_EVENTS 0 #if 0 #define DEBUG_INVALIDATE(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_INVALIDATE(...) #endif #define ADJ_LEFT 1 #define ADJ_RIGHT 2 #define ADJ_UP 3 #define ADJ_DOWN 4 #if GtkVer(2, 14) #else #define gtk_widget_get_window(widget) ((widget)->window) #endif struct CursorInfo { public: LRect Pos; LPoint HotSpot; } CursorMetrics[] = { // up arrow { LRect(0, 0, 8, 15), LPoint(4, 0) }, // cross hair { LRect(20, 0, 38, 18), LPoint(29, 9) }, // hourglass { LRect(40, 0, 51, 15), LPoint(45, 8) }, // I beam { LRect(60, 0, 66, 17), LPoint(63, 8) }, // N-S arrow { LRect(80, 0, 91, 16), LPoint(85, 8) }, // E-W arrow { LRect(100, 0, 116, 11), LPoint(108, 5) }, // NW-SE arrow { LRect(120, 0, 132, 12), LPoint(126, 6) }, // NE-SW arrow { LRect(140, 0, 152, 12), LPoint(146, 6) }, // 4 way arrow { LRect(160, 0, 178, 18), LPoint(169, 9) }, // Blank { LRect(0, 0, 0, 0), LPoint(0, 0) }, // Vertical split { LRect(180, 0, 197, 16), LPoint(188, 8) }, // Horizontal split { LRect(200, 0, 216, 17), LPoint(208, 8) }, // Hand { LRect(220, 0, 233, 13), LPoint(225, 0) }, // No drop { LRect(240, 0, 258, 18), LPoint(249, 9) }, // Copy drop { LRect(260, 0, 279, 19), LPoint(260, 0) }, // Move drop { LRect(280, 0, 299, 19), LPoint(280, 0) }, }; // CursorData is a bitmap in an array of uint32's. This is generated from a graphics file: // ./Code/cursors.png // // The pixel values are turned into C code by a program called i.Mage: // http://www.memecode.com/image.php // // Load the graphic into i.Mage and then go Edit->CopyAsCode // Then paste the text into the CursorData variable at the bottom of this file. // // This saves a lot of time finding and loading an external resouce, and even having to // bundle extra files with your application. Which have a tendancy to get lost along the // way etc. extern uint32_t CursorData[]; LInlineBmp Cursors = { 300, 20, 8, CursorData }; LCaptureThread *LViewPrivate::CaptureThread = NULL; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void _lgi_yield() { LAppInst->Yield(); } bool LgiIsKeyDown(int Key) { LAssert(0); return false; } LKey::LKey(int vkey, uint32_t flags) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LCaptureThread::LCaptureThread(LView *v) : LThread("CaptureThread") { name = v->GetClass(); view = v->AddDispatch(); DeleteOnExit = true; Run(); } LCaptureThread::~LCaptureThread() { Cancel(); // Don't wait.. the thread will exit and delete itself asnyronously. } int LCaptureThread::Main() { while (!IsCancelled()) { LSleep(EventMs); if (!IsCancelled()) PostThreadEvent(view, M_CAPTURE_PULSE); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LViewPrivate::LViewPrivate(LView *view) : View(view) { PrevMouse.x = PrevMouse.y = -1; } LViewPrivate::~LViewPrivate() { LAssert(PulseThread == 0); if (Font && FontOwnType == GV_FontOwned) DeleteObj(Font); } void LView::OnGtkRealize() { if (!d->GotOnCreate) { d->GotOnCreate = true; if (d->WantsFocus) { d->WantsFocus = false; if (GetWindow()) GetWindow()->SetFocus(this, LWindow::GainFocus); } OnCreate(); } for (auto c : Children) { auto gv = c->GetGView(); if (gv) gv->OnGtkRealize(); } } void LView::_Focus(bool f) { ThreadCheck(); if (f) SetFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS); else ClearFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS); OnFocus(f); Invalidate(); if (f) { auto w = GetWindow(); if (w && w->_Root) gtk_widget_grab_focus(w->_Root); else d->WantsFocus = f; } } void LView::_Delete() { ThreadCheck(); SetPulse(); // Remove static references to myself if (_Over == this) _Over = NULL; if (_Capturing == this) _Capturing = NULL; auto *Wnd = GetWindow(); if (Wnd && Wnd->GetFocus() == static_cast(this)) Wnd->SetFocus(this, LWindow::ViewDelete); if (LAppInst && LAppInst->AppWnd == this) LAppInst->AppWnd = NULL; // Hierarchy LViewI *c; while ((c = Children[0])) { if (c->GetParent() != (LViewI*)this) { printf("%s:%i - ~LView error, %s not attached correctly: %p(%s) Parent: %p(%s)\n", _FL, c->GetClass(), c, c->Name(), c->GetParent(), c->GetParent() ? c->GetParent()->Name() : ""); Children.Delete(c); } DeleteObj(c); } Detach(); // Misc Pos.ZOff(-1, -1); } LView *&LView::PopupChild() { return d->Popup; } void LgiToGtkCursor(LViewI *v, LCursor c) { static LCursor CurrentCursor = LCUR_Normal; if (!v || c == CurrentCursor) return; CurrentCursor = c; GdkCursorType type = GDK_ARROW; switch (c) { // No cursor #ifdef GDK_BLANK_CURSOR case LCUR_Blank: type = GDK_BLANK_CURSOR; break; #endif /// Normal arrow case LCUR_Normal: type = GDK_ARROW; break; /// Upwards arrow case LCUR_UpArrow: type = GDK_SB_UP_ARROW; break; /// Downwards arrow case LCUR_DownArrow: type = GDK_SB_DOWN_ARROW; break; /// Left arrow case LCUR_LeftArrow: type = GDK_SB_LEFT_ARROW; break; /// Right arrow case LCUR_RightArrow: type = GDK_SB_RIGHT_ARROW; break; /// Crosshair case LCUR_Cross: type = GDK_CROSSHAIR; break; /// Hourglass/watch case LCUR_Wait: type = GDK_WATCH; break; /// Ibeam/text entry case LCUR_Ibeam: type = GDK_XTERM; break; /// Vertical resize (|) case LCUR_SizeVer: type = GDK_DOUBLE_ARROW; break; /// Horizontal resize (-) case LCUR_SizeHor: type = GDK_SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW; break; /// Diagonal resize (/) case LCUR_SizeBDiag: type = GDK_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER; break; /// Diagonal resize (\) case LCUR_SizeFDiag: type = GDK_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER; break; /// All directions resize case LCUR_SizeAll: type = GDK_FLEUR; break; /// A pointing hand case LCUR_PointingHand: type = GDK_HAND2; break; /// A slashed circle case LCUR_Forbidden: type = GDK_X_CURSOR; break; default: type = GDK_ARROW; break; /* case LCUR_SplitV: case LCUR_SplitH: case LCUR_DropCopy: case LCUR_DropMove: LAssert(0); break; */ } OsView h = NULL; auto *w = v->GetWindow(); if (w) h = GTK_WIDGET(w->WindowHandle()); LAssert(v->InThread()); auto wnd = gtk_widget_get_window(h); // LAssert(wnd); if (wnd) { if (type == GDK_ARROW) gdk_window_set_cursor(wnd, NULL); else { GdkCursor *cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display(gdk_display_get_default(), type); if (cursor) gdk_window_set_cursor(wnd, cursor); else gdk_window_set_cursor(wnd, NULL); } } } bool LView::_Mouse(LMouse &m, bool Move) { ThreadCheck(); #if 0 if (!Move) { m.Trace("_Mouse"); ::LArray _m; for (LViewI *i=this; i; i=i->GetParent()) { _m.Add(i); } for (int n=0; n<_m.Length(); n++) { LViewI *i=_m[_m.Length()-1-n]; char s[256]; ZeroObj(s); memset(s, ' ', (n+1)*2); LgiTrace("%s%s %s\n", s, i->GetClass(), i->GetPos().GetStr()); } } #endif #if DEBUG_MOUSE_EVENTS if (!Move) LgiTrace("%s:%i - _Mouse([%i,%i], %i) View=%p/%s\n", _FL, m.x, m.y, Move, _Over, _Over ? _Over->GetClass() : NULL); #endif if ( /* !_View || */ ( GetWindow() && !GetWindow()->HandleViewMouse(this, m) ) ) { #if DEBUG_MOUSE_EVENTS LgiTrace("%s:%i - HandleViewMouse consumed event, cls=%s\n", _FL, GetClass()); #endif return false; } #if DEBUG_MOUSE_EVENTS // if (!Move) LgiTrace("%s:%i - _Capturing=%p/%s\n", _FL, _Capturing, _Capturing ? _Capturing->GetClass() : NULL); #endif if (Move) { auto *o = m.Target; if (_Over != o) { #if DEBUG_MOUSE_EVENTS // if (!o) WindowFromPoint(m.x, m.y, true); LgiTrace("%s:%i - _Over changing from %p/%s to %p/%s\n", _FL, _Over, _Over ? _Over->GetClass() : NULL, o, o ? o->GetClass() : NULL); #endif if (_Over) _Over->OnMouseExit(lgi_adjust_click(m, _Over)); _Over = o; if (_Over) _Over->OnMouseEnter(lgi_adjust_click(m, _Over)); } } LView *Target = NULL; if (_Capturing) Target = dynamic_cast(_Capturing); else Target = dynamic_cast(_Over ? _Over : this); if (!Target) return false; LRect Client = Target->LView::GetClient(false); m = lgi_adjust_click(m, Target, !Move); if (!Client.Valid() || Client.Overlap(m.x, m.y) || _Capturing) { LgiToGtkCursor(Target, Target->GetCursor(m.x, m.y)); if (Move) { Target->OnMouseMove(m); } else { #if 0 if (!Move) { char Msg[256]; sprintf(Msg, "_Mouse Target %s", Target->GetClass()); m.Trace(Msg); } #endif Target->OnMouseClick(m); } } else if (!Move) { #if DEBUG_MOUSE_EVENTS LgiTrace("%s:%i - Click outside %s %s %i,%i\n", _FL, Target->GetClass(), Client.GetStr(), m.x, m.y); #endif } return true; } const char *EventTypeToString(int i) { switch (i) { case GDK_DELETE: return "GDK_DELETE"; case GDK_DESTROY: return "GDK_DESTROY"; case GDK_EXPOSE: return "GDK_EXPOSE"; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: return "GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY"; case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: return "GDK_BUTTON_PRESS"; case GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS: return "GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS"; case GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS: return "GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS"; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: return "GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE"; case GDK_KEY_PRESS: return "GDK_KEY_PRESS"; case GDK_KEY_RELEASE: return "GDK_KEY_RELEASE"; case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: return "GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY"; case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: return "GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY"; case GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE: return "GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE"; case GDK_CONFIGURE: return "GDK_CONFIGURE"; case GDK_MAP: return "GDK_MAP"; case GDK_UNMAP: return "GDK_UNMAP"; case GDK_PROPERTY_NOTIFY: return "GDK_PROPERTY_NOTIFY"; case GDK_SELECTION_CLEAR: return "GDK_SELECTION_CLEAR"; case GDK_SELECTION_REQUEST: return "GDK_SELECTION_REQUEST"; case GDK_SELECTION_NOTIFY: return "GDK_SELECTION_NOTIFY"; case GDK_PROXIMITY_IN: return "GDK_PROXIMITY_IN"; case GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT: return "GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT"; case GDK_DRAG_ENTER: return "GDK_DRAG_ENTER"; case GDK_DRAG_LEAVE: return "GDK_DRAG_LEAVE"; case GDK_DRAG_MOTION: return "GDK_DRAG_MOTION"; case GDK_DRAG_STATUS: return "GDK_DRAG_STATUS"; case GDK_DROP_START: return "GDK_DROP_START"; case GDK_DROP_FINISHED: return "GDK_DROP_FINISHED"; case GDK_CLIENT_EVENT: return "GDK_CLIENT_EVENT"; case GDK_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY: return "GDK_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY"; case GDK_SCROLL: return "GDK_SCROLL"; case GDK_WINDOW_STATE: return "GDK_WINDOW_STATE"; case GDK_SETTING: return "GDK_SETTING"; case GDK_OWNER_CHANGE: return "GDK_OWNER_CHANGE"; case GDK_GRAB_BROKEN: return "GDK_GRAB_BROKEN"; case GDK_DAMAGE: return "GDK_DAMAGE"; case GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN: return "GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN"; case GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE: return "GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE"; case GDK_TOUCH_END: return "GDK_TOUCH_END"; case GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL: return "GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL"; case GDK_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE: return "GDK_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE"; case GDK_TOUCHPAD_PINCH: return "GDK_TOUCHPAD_PINCH"; #ifdef GDK_PAD_BUTTON_PRESS case GDK_PAD_BUTTON_PRESS: return "GDK_PAD_BUTTON_PRESS"; #endif #ifdef GDK_PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE case GDK_PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE: return "GDK_PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE"; #endif #ifdef GDK_PAD_RING case GDK_PAD_RING: return "GDK_PAD_RING"; #endif #ifdef GDK_PAD_STRIP case GDK_PAD_STRIP: return "GDK_PAD_STRIP"; #endif #ifdef GDK_PAD_GROUP_MODE case GDK_PAD_GROUP_MODE: return "GDK_PAD_GROUP_MODE"; #endif } return "#error"; } gboolean GtkViewCallback(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, LView *This) { #if 0 LgiTrace("GtkViewCallback, Event=%s, This=%p(%s\"%s\")\n", EventTypeToString(event->type), This, (NativeInt)This > 0x1000 ? This->GetClass() : 0, (NativeInt)This > 0x1000 ? This->Name() : 0); #endif if (event->type < 0 || (int)event->type > 1000) { printf("%s:%i - CORRUPT EVENT %i\n", _FL, event->type); return false; } return This->OnGtkEvent(widget, event); } gboolean LView::OnGtkEvent(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event) { printf("LView::OnGtkEvent ?????\n"); return false; } LRect &LView::GetClient(bool ClientSpace) { int Edge = (Sunken() || Raised()) ? _BorderSize : 0; static LRect c; if (ClientSpace) { c.ZOff(Pos.X() - 1 - (Edge<<1), Pos.Y() - 1 - (Edge<<1)); } else { c.ZOff(Pos.X()-1, Pos.Y()-1); c.Inset(Edge, Edge); } return c; } void LView::Quit(bool DontDelete) { ThreadCheck(); if (DontDelete) { Visible(false); } else { delete this; } } bool LView::SetPos(LRect &p, bool Repaint) { if (Pos != p) { Pos = p; OnPosChange(); } return true; } LRect GtkGetPos(GtkWidget *w) { GtkAllocation a = {0}; gtk_widget_get_allocation(w, &a); return a; } bool LView::Invalidate(LRect *rc, bool Repaint, bool Frame) { + #if 0 // Debug where lots of invalidate calls are from + static uint64_t StartTs = 0; + static int Count = 0; + static LHashTbl,int> Classes; + + Count++; + int count = Classes.Find(GetClass()); + Classes.Add(GetClass(), count + 1); + + auto Now = LCurrentTime(); + if (Now - StartTs >= 1000) + { + printf("Inval=%i:", Count); + for (auto p: Classes) + printf(" %s=%i", p.key, p.value); + printf("\n"); + + StartTs = Now; + Count = 0; + Classes.Empty(); + + if (!Stricmp(GetClass(), "LMdiChild")) + { + int asd=0; + } + } + #endif + auto *ParWnd = GetWindow(); if (!ParWnd) return false; // Nothing we can do till we attach if (!InThread()) { DEBUG_INVALIDATE("%s::Invalidate out of thread\n", GetClass()); return PostEvent(M_INVALIDATE, NULL, (LMessage::Param)this); } LRect r; if (rc) { r = *rc; } else { if (Frame) r = Pos.ZeroTranslate(); else r = GetClient().ZeroTranslate(); } DEBUG_INVALIDATE("%s::Invalidate r=%s frame=%i\n", GetClass(), r.GetStr(), Frame); if (!Frame) r.Offset(_BorderSize, _BorderSize); LPoint Offset; WindowVirtualOffset(&Offset); r.Offset(Offset.x, Offset.y); DEBUG_INVALIDATE(" voffset=%i,%i = %s\n", Offset.x, Offset.y, r.GetStr()); if (!r.Valid()) { DEBUG_INVALIDATE(" error: invalid\n"); return false; } static bool Repainting = false; if (!Repainting) { Repainting = true; GtkWidget *w = GTK_WIDGET(ParWnd->WindowHandle()); if (w) { GdkWindow *h; if (gtk_widget_get_has_window(w) && (h = gtk_widget_get_window(w))) { GdkRectangle grc = r; DEBUG_INVALIDATE(" gdk_window_invalidate_rect %i,%i %i,%i\n", grc.x, grc.y, grc.width, grc.height); gdk_window_invalidate_rect(h, &grc, true); } else { DEBUG_INVALIDATE(" gtk_widget_queue_draw\n"); gtk_widget_queue_draw(w); } } Repainting = false; } else { DEBUG_INVALIDATE(" error: repainting\n"); } return true; } void LView::SetPulse(int Length) { ThreadCheck(); DeleteObj(d->PulseThread); if (Length > 0) d->PulseThread = new LPulseThread(this, Length); } LMessage::Param LView::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { ThreadCheck(); int Id; switch (Id = Msg->Msg()) { case M_SET_CTRL_NAME: { LAutoPtr s((LString*)Msg->B()); SetCtrlName(Msg->A(), s ? *s : NULL); break; } case M_SET_CTRL_ENABLE: { SetCtrlEnabled(Msg->A(), Msg->B()); break; } case M_SET_CTRL_VISIBLE: { SetCtrlVisible(Msg->A(), Msg->B()); break; } case M_INVALIDATE: { if ((LView*)this == (LView*)Msg->B()) { LAutoPtr r((LRect*)Msg->A()); Invalidate(r); } break; } case M_PULSE: { OnPulse(); break; } case M_CAPTURE_PULSE: { auto wnd = GetWindow(); if (!wnd) { printf("%s:%i - No window.\n", _FL); break; } LMouse m; if (!wnd->GetMouse(m, true)) { printf("%s:%i - GetMouse failed.\n", _FL); break; } auto c = wnd->GetPos(); if (c.Overlap(m)) break; // Over the window, so we'll get normal events... if (!_Capturing) break; // Don't care now, there is no window capturing... if (d->PrevMouse.x < 0) { d->PrevMouse = m; // Initialize the previous mouse var. break; } int mask = LGI_EF_LEFT | LGI_EF_MIDDLE | LGI_EF_RIGHT; bool coordsChanged = m.x != d->PrevMouse.x || m.y != d->PrevMouse.y; bool buttonsChanged = (m.Flags & mask) != (d->PrevMouse.Flags & mask); if (!coordsChanged && !buttonsChanged) break; // Nothing changed since last poll.. int prevFlags = d->PrevMouse.Flags; d->PrevMouse = m; // Convert coords to local view... m.Target = _Capturing; #if 0 printf("%s:%i - Mouse(%i,%i) outside window(%s, %s).. %s\n", _FL, m.x, m.y, c.GetStr(), wnd->Name(), m.ToString().Get()); #endif m.ToView(); // Process events... if (coordsChanged) { // printf("Move event: %s\n", m.ToString().Get()); _Capturing->OnMouseMove(m); } /* This seems to happen anyway? Ok then... whatevs if (buttonsChanged) { m.Flags &= ~mask; // clear any existing m.Flags |= prevFlags & mask; m.Down(false); printf("Click event: %s, mask=%x flags=%x\n", m.ToString().Get(), mask, m.Flags); _Capturing->OnMouseClick(m); } */ break; } case M_CHANGE: { LViewI *Ctrl; if (GetViewById(Msg->A(), Ctrl)) return OnNotify(Ctrl, Msg->B()); break; } case M_COMMAND: { return OnCommand(Msg->A(), 0, (OsView) Msg->B()); } case M_THREAD_COMPLETED: { auto Th = (LThread*)Msg->A(); if (!Th) break; Th->OnComplete(); if (Th->GetDeleteOnExit()) delete Th; return true; } } return 0; } LPoint GtkGetOrigin(LWindow *w) { auto Hnd = w->WindowHandle(); if (Hnd) { auto Wnd = gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(Hnd)); if (Wnd) { GdkRectangle rect; gdk_window_get_frame_extents(Wnd, &rect); return LPoint(rect.x, rect.y); /* gint x = 0, y = 0; gdk_window_get_origin(Wnd, &x, &y); gdk_window_get_root_origin(Wnd, &x, &y); return LPoint(x, y); */ } else { LgiTrace("%s:%i - can't get Wnd for %s\n", _FL, G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(Hnd)); } } return LPoint(); } bool LView::PointToScreen(LPoint &p) { ThreadCheck(); LPoint Offset; WindowVirtualOffset(&Offset); p += Offset; auto w = GetWindow(); if (!w) return false; auto wnd = w->WindowHandle(); if (!wnd) return false; auto wid = GTK_WIDGET(wnd); auto hnd = gtk_widget_get_window(wid); gint x = 0, y = 0; gdk_window_get_origin(hnd, &x, &y); p.x += x; p.y += y; return true; } bool LView::PointToView(LPoint &p) { ThreadCheck(); LPoint Offset; WindowVirtualOffset(&Offset); p -= Offset; auto w = GetWindow(); if (!w) return false; auto wnd = w->WindowHandle(); if (!wnd) return false; auto wid = GTK_WIDGET(wnd); auto hnd = gtk_widget_get_window(wid); gint x = 0, y = 0; gdk_window_get_origin(hnd, &x, &y); p.x -= x; p.y -= y; return true; } bool LView::GetMouse(LMouse &m, bool ScreenCoords) { bool Status = true; ThreadCheck(); auto *w = GetWindow(); GdkModifierType mask = (GdkModifierType)0; auto display = gdk_display_get_default(); auto deviceManager = gdk_display_get_device_manager(display); auto device = gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer(deviceManager); gdouble axes[2] = {0}; if (gdk_device_get_axis_use(device, 0) != GDK_AXIS_X) gdk_device_set_axis_use(device, 0, GDK_AXIS_X); if (gdk_device_get_axis_use(device, 1) != GDK_AXIS_Y) gdk_device_set_axis_use(device, 1, GDK_AXIS_Y); if (ScreenCoords || !w) { gdk_device_get_state(device, gdk_get_default_root_window(), axes, &mask); m.x = (int)axes[0]; m.y = (int)axes[1]; } else if (auto widget = GTK_WIDGET(w->WindowHandle())) { auto wnd = gtk_widget_get_window(widget); gdk_device_get_state(device, wnd, axes, &mask); if (axes[0] == 0.0 || axes[0] > 10000) { // LgiTrace("%s:%i - gdk_device_get_state failed.\n", _FL); Status = false; } else { LPoint p; WindowVirtualOffset(&p); m.x = (int)axes[0] - p.x - _BorderSize; m.y = (int)axes[1] - p.y - _BorderSize; // printf("GetMs %g,%g %i,%i %i,%i device=%p wnd=%p\n", axes[0], axes[1], p.x, p.y, m.x, m.y, device, wnd); } } m.SetModifer(mask); m.Left((mask & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) != 0); m.Middle((mask & GDK_BUTTON2_MASK) != 0); m.Right((mask & GDK_BUTTON3_MASK) != 0); m.Down(m.Left() || m.Middle() || m.Right()); m.ViewCoords = !ScreenCoords; return Status; } bool LView::IsAttached() { auto w = GetWindow(); if (!w) return false; w = dynamic_cast(this); if (!w) { auto p = GetParent(); return d->GotOnCreate && p && p->HasView(this); } return w->IsAttached(); } const char *LView::GetClass() { return "LView"; } bool LView::Attach(LViewI *parent) { ThreadCheck(); bool Status = false; LView *Parent = d->GetParent(); LAssert(Parent == NULL || Parent == parent); SetParent(parent); Parent = d->GetParent(); auto WndNull = _Window == NULL; _Window = Parent ? Parent->_Window : this; if (parent) { auto w = GetWindow(); if (w && TestFlag(WndFlags, GWF_FOCUS)) w->SetFocus(this, LWindow::GainFocus); Status = true; if (!Parent->HasView(this)) { OnAttach(); if (!d->Parent->HasView(this)) d->Parent->AddView(this); d->Parent->OnChildrenChanged(this, true); } if (_Window) OnGtkRealize(); } return Status; } bool LView::Detach() { ThreadCheck(); // Detach view if (_Window) { auto *Wnd = dynamic_cast(_Window); if (Wnd) Wnd->SetFocus(this, LWindow::ViewDelete); _Window = NULL; } LViewI *Par = GetParent(); if (Par) { // Events Par->DelView(this); Par->OnChildrenChanged(this, false); Par->Invalidate(&Pos); } d->Parent = 0; d->ParentI = 0; #if 0 // Windows is not doing a deep detach... so we shouldn't either? { int Count = Children.Length(); if (Count) { int Detached = 0; LViewI *c, *prev = NULL; while ((c = Children[0])) { LAssert(!prev || c != prev); if (c->GetParent()) c->Detach(); else Children.Delete(c); Detached++; prev = c; } LAssert(Count == Detached); } } #endif return true; } LCursor LView::GetCursor(int x, int y) { return LCUR_Normal; } void LView::OnGtkDelete() { List::I it = Children.begin(); for (LViewI *c = *it; c; c = *++it) { LView *v = c->GetGView(); if (v) v->OnGtkDelete(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LgiIsMounted(char *Name) { return false; } bool LgiMountVolume(char *Name) { return false; } //////////////////////////////// uint32_t CursorData[] = { 0x02020202, 0x02020201, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020102, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02010101, 0x02010101, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02010102, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020102, 0x01020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x02020201, 0x02020202, 0x01010101, 0x01010101, 0x02020201, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020202, 0x02020102, 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