diff --git a/include/lgi/common/Scripting.h b/include/lgi/common/Scripting.h --- a/include/lgi/common/Scripting.h +++ b/include/lgi/common/Scripting.h @@ -1,488 +1,490 @@ /// \file #ifndef _LGI_SCRIPTING_H_ #define _LGI_SCRIPTING_H_ #include "lgi/common/Variant.h" #include "lgi/common/List.h" class LScriptContext; class LScriptEnginePrivate; class LVmCallback; class LVirtualMachine; class LScriptArguments : public LArray { friend class LScriptEngine; friend class LVirtualMachine; LVirtualMachine *Vm; LStream *Console; LVariant _Return; LVariant *PtrRet; public: static LStream NullConsole; LScriptArguments(LVirtualMachine *vm, LVariant *ret = NULL, LStream *console = NULL) { Vm = vm; if (ret) PtrRet = ret; else PtrRet = &_Return; if (console) Console = console; else Console = &NullConsole; } LVirtualMachine *GetVm() { return Vm; } + void SetVm(LVirtualMachine *vm) { Vm = vm; } LVariant *GetReturn() { return PtrRet; } LStream *GetConsole() { return Console; } bool Throw(const char *File, int Line, const char *Msg, ...); }; typedef bool (LScriptContext::*ScriptCmd)(LScriptArguments &Args); #define SCOPE_REGISTER 0 #define SCOPE_LOCAL 1 #define SCOPE_GLOBAL 2 #define SCOPE_OBJECT 3 #define SCOPE_RETURN 4 #define SCOPE_MAX 5 /// Execution status enum LExecutionStatus { ScriptNotStarted, ScriptError, ScriptWarning, ScriptSuccess, }; /// Various type of methods enum LFuncType { /// No method type. NullFunc, /// This method is provided by the hosting application. HostFunc, /// This method is defined in the script itself. ScriptFunc, /// This method is defined in an external library. ExternFunc }; struct LFunc { LFuncType Type; LString Method; bool InUse; LFunc(const char *m = 0, LFuncType t = NullFunc) { Type = t; Method = m; InUse = false; // LStackTrace("%p alloc\n", this); } virtual ~LFunc() { // LAssert(!InUse); } virtual LExecutionStatus Call(LScriptContext *Ctx, LScriptArguments &Args) = 0; }; struct LHostFunc : public LFunc { LScriptContext *Context; LString Args; ScriptCmd Func; LHostFunc(const LHostFunc &f) { Context = f.Context; Args = f.Args; Method = f.Method; Func = f.Func; } LHostFunc(const char *method, const char *args, ScriptCmd proc) : LFunc(method, HostFunc) { Args = args; Func = proc; } LExecutionStatus Call(LScriptContext *Ctx, LScriptArguments &Args) override; }; struct LExternFunc : public LFunc { struct ExternType { int Ptr; bool Unsigned; bool Out; int ArrayLen; LVariantType Base; }; LAutoString Lib; ExternType ReturnType; LArray ArgType; LExecutionStatus Call(LScriptContext *Ctx, LScriptArguments &Args) override; }; class LFunctionInfo : public LRefCount { static int _Infos; int32 StartAddr = INVALID_ADDR; LString Name; // The reason why this is a pointer is because during the function compilation the frame // size is actually unknown. If the function calls itself then it won't know what // frame size to insert in the assembly (this is NULL). // In which case it has to insert a post compilation fix-up for the frame size. LAutoPtr FrameSize; // The number and names of the parameters to the function. LArray Params; public: static constexpr int32 INVALID_ADDR = -1; LFunctionInfo(const char *name) { if (name) Name = name; } ~LFunctionInfo() { } char *GetName() { return Name; } LArray &GetParams() { return Params; } bool ValidFrameSize() { return FrameSize.Get() != NULL; } uint16 GetFrameSize() { if (!FrameSize) { LAssert(!"Invalid frame size"); return 0; } return *FrameSize; } template bool SetFrameSize(T size) { if (size >= 0xffff) { LAssert(!"Invalid frame size."); return false; } return FrameSize.Reset(new uint16((uint16)size)); } bool ValidStartAddr() { return StartAddr != INVALID_ADDR; } int32 GetStartAddr() { LAssert(ValidStartAddr()); return StartAddr; } bool SetStartAddr(int32_t addr) { if (addr < 0) { LAssert(!"Invalid start address"); return false; } StartAddr = addr; return true; } LFunctionInfo &operator =(LFunctionInfo &f) { StartAddr = f.StartAddr; FrameSize = f.FrameSize; Name = f.Name; for (unsigned i=0; i { friend class LVirtualMachinePriv; LHashTbl,int> Lut; public: int Scope; int NullIndex; LCustomType *Obj; LVariables(int scope) { Scope = scope; NullIndex = -1; Obj = NULL; } LVariables(LCustomType *obj) { Scope = SCOPE_OBJECT; NullIndex = -1; Obj = obj; } int Var(const char *n, bool create = false) { if (Obj) { return Obj->IndexOf(n); } else { int p = Lut.Find(n); if (p) { return p - 1; } if (create) { int Len = (int)Length(); Lut.Add(n, Len + 1); Length(Len + 1); return Len; } } return -1; } }; /// A block of compile byte code class LCompiledCode { friend class LCompilerPriv; + friend class LVirtualMachine; friend class LVirtualMachinePriv; friend class LCompiler; friend class LVmDebuggerWnd; /// The global variables LVariables Globals; /// The byte code of all the instructions LArray ByteCode; /// All the methods defined in the byte code and their arguments. LArray< LAutoRefPtr > Methods; /// All the externs defined in the code. LArray Externs; /// All the user types defined LHashTbl, class LCustomType*> Types; /// The original script details LString FileName; LString Source; /// The system context (all the system functions) LScriptContext *SysContext; /// Any user context (application functions) LScriptContext *UserContext; /// Debug info to map instruction address back to source line numbers LHashTbl, int> Debug; public: LCompiledCode(); LCompiledCode(LCompiledCode ©); ~LCompiledCode(); /// Size of the byte code size_t Length() { return ByteCode.Length(); } /// Assignment operator LCompiledCode &operator =(const LCompiledCode &c); /// Gets a method defined in the code LFunctionInfo *GetMethod(const char *Name, bool Create = false); /// Sets a global variable LVariant *Set(const char *Name, LVariant &v); /// Gets the definition of a struct or custom type LCustomType *GetType(char16 *Name) { return Types.Find(Name); } /// Gets the file name this code was compiled from const char *GetFileName() { return FileName; } /// Gets the source const char *GetSource() { return Source; } /// Gets the source line number associated with an address int ObjectToSourceAddress(size_t ObjAddr); /// Turns an object address into a FileName:LineNumber string. const char *AddrToSourceRef(size_t ObjAddr); /// Sets the file name this code was compiled from void SetSource(const char *file, const char *src) { if (file != FileName.Get()) FileName = file; Source = src; } }; /// New compiler/byte code/VM scripting engine class LScriptEngine { class LScriptEnginePrivate *d; public: LScriptEngine(LViewI *parent, LScriptContext *UserContext, LVmCallback *Callback); ~LScriptEngine(); LStream *GetConsole(); bool SetConsole(LStream *t); LCompiledCode *GetCurrentCode(); bool Compile( LAutoPtr &Obj, LScriptContext *UserContext, const char *Script, const char *FileName = NULL, LDom *Args = NULL); LExecutionStatus Run(LCompiledCode *Obj, LVariant *Ret = NULL, const char *TempPath = NULL); LExecutionStatus RunTemporary(LCompiledCode *Obj, char *Script, LVariant *Ret = NULL); bool EvaluateExpression(LVariant *Result, LDom *VariableSource, const char *Expression); bool CallMethod(LCompiledCode *Obj, const char *Method, LScriptArguments &Args); LScriptContext *GetSystemContext(); }; class LVirtualMachine; class LVmDebugger : public LDom { public: /// Set the VM ownership flag. virtual void OwnVm(bool Own) = 0; /// Makes the debugger the owner of the compiled code virtual void OwnCompiledCode(LAutoPtr Cc) = 0; /// Gets the code owned by the debugger virtual LCompiledCode *GetCode() = 0; /// Set the source and asm virtual void SetSource(const char *Mixed) = 0; /// Show UI and wait for user response virtual void Run() = 0; // Events /// Called to update the debugger UI to the new current execution position virtual void OnAddress(size_t Addr) = 0; /// Called when an error occurs executing the script virtual void OnError(const char *Msg) = 0; /// Called when execution starts or ends virtual void OnRun(bool Running) = 0; }; class LVmCallback : public LDom { public: /// Call a callback by name. - virtual bool CallCallback(LString CallbackName, LScriptArguments &Args) = 0; + virtual bool CallCallback(LVirtualMachine &Vm, LString CallbackName, LScriptArguments &Args) = 0; /// Start a debugger instance to handle the execution in 'Vm' virtual LVmDebugger *AttachVm(LVirtualMachine *Vm, LCompiledCode *Code, const char *Assembly) = 0; /// Compile a new script virtual bool CompileScript(LAutoPtr &Output, const char *FileName, const char *Source) = 0; }; /// Debugger for vm script class LVmDebuggerWnd : public LWindow, public LVmDebugger { struct LScriptVmDebuggerPriv *d; void UpdateVariables(LList *Lst, LVariant *Arr, ssize_t Len, char Prefix); public: LVmDebuggerWnd(LView *Parent, LVmCallback *Callback, LVirtualMachine *Vm, LCompiledCode *Code, const char *Assembly); ~LVmDebuggerWnd(); void OwnVm(bool Own); void OnAddress(size_t Addr); void OnError(const char *Msg); void OnRun(bool Running); void SetSource(const char *Mixed); int OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n); int OnCommand(int Cmd, int Event, OsView Wnd); bool OnRequestClose(bool OsShuttingDown); LMessage::Param OnEvent(LMessage *Msg); void LoadFile(const char *File); LStream *GetLog(); void OwnCompiledCode(LAutoPtr Cc); LCompiledCode *GetCode(); void Run(); }; #endif diff --git a/src/common/Coding/ScriptLibrary.cpp b/src/common/Coding/ScriptLibrary.cpp --- a/src/common/Coding/ScriptLibrary.cpp +++ b/src/common/Coding/ScriptLibrary.cpp @@ -1,1241 +1,1238 @@ #include #include #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/Scripting.h" #include "lgi/common/SubProcess.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "ScriptingPriv.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char16 sChar[] = L"char"; char16 sInt[] = { 'i','n','t', 0 }; char16 sUInt[] = { 'u','i','n','t', 0 }; char16 sInt32[] = { 'i','n','t','3','2', 0 }; char16 sUInt32[] = { 'u','i','n','t','3','2', 0 }; char16 sInt64[] = { 'i','n','t','6','4', 0 }; char16 sHWND[] = { 'H','W','N','D', 0 }; char16 sDWORD[] = { 'D','W','O','R','D', 0 }; char16 sLPTSTR[] = { 's','L','P','T','S','T','R', 0 }; char16 sLPCTSTR[] = { 's','L','P','C','T','S','T','R', 0 }; char16 sElse[] = { 'e','l','s','e', 0 }; char16 sIf[] = { 'i','f',0 }; char16 sFunction[] = { 'f','u','n','c','t','i','o','n',0 }; char16 sExtern[] = { 'e','x','t','e','r','n',0 }; char16 sFor[] = { 'f','o','r',0 }; char16 sWhile[] = { 'w','h','i','l','e',0 }; char16 sReturn[] = { 'r','e','t','u','r','n',0 }; char16 sInclude[] = { 'i','n','c','l','u','d','e',0 }; char16 sDefine[] = { 'd','e','f','i','n','e',0 }; char16 sStruct[] = { 's','t','r','u','c','t',0 }; char16 sTrue[] = { 't','r','u','e',0 }; char16 sFalse[] = { 'f','a','l','s','e',0 }; char16 sNull[] = { 'n','u','l','l',0 }; char16 sOutParam[] = { '_','o','u','t','_',0}; char16 sHash[] = { '#', 0 }; char16 sPeriod[] = { '.', 0 }; char16 sComma[] = { ',', 0 }; char16 sSemiColon[] = { ';', 0 }; char16 sStartRdBracket[] = { '(', 0 }; char16 sEndRdBracket[] = { ')', 0 }; char16 sStartSqBracket[] = { '[', 0 }; char16 sEndSqBracket[] = { ']', 0 }; char16 sStartCurlyBracket[] = { '{', 0 }; char16 sEndCurlyBracket[] = { '}', 0 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LExecutionStatus LHostFunc::Call(LScriptContext *Ctx, LScriptArguments &Args) { return (Ctx->*(Func))(Args) ? ScriptSuccess : ScriptError; } const char *InstToString(GInstruction i) { #undef _i #define _i(name, opcode, desc) \ case name: return desc; switch (i) { AllInstructions } return "#err"; } LStream LScriptArguments::NullConsole; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int LScriptUtils::atoi(char16 *s) { int i = 0; if (s) { char b[64]; ssize_t Len = StrlenW(s) * sizeof(*s); ssize_t Bytes = LBufConvertCp(b, "utf-8", sizeof(b), (const void*&)s, LGI_WideCharset, Len); b[Bytes/sizeof(*b)] = 0; i = ::atoi(b); } return i; } int64 LScriptUtils::atoi64(char16 *s) { int64 i = 0; if (s) { #ifdef _MSC_VER i = _wtoi64(s); #else char b[64]; ssize_t Len = StrlenW(s) * sizeof(*s); ssize_t Bytes = LBufConvertCp(b, "utf-8", sizeof(b), (const void*&)s, LGI_WideCharset, Len); b[Bytes/sizeof(*b)] = 0; i = strtoll(b, 0, 10); #endif } return i; } double LScriptUtils::atof(char16 *s) { double i = 0; if (s) { char b[64]; ssize_t Len = StrlenW(s) * sizeof(*s); ssize_t Bytes = LBufConvertCp(b, "utf-8", sizeof(b), (const void*&)s, LGI_WideCharset, Len); b[Bytes/sizeof(*b)] = 0; i = ::atof(b); } return i; } int LScriptUtils::htoi(char16 *s) { int i = 0; if (s) { char b[64]; ssize_t Len = StrlenW(s) * sizeof(*s); ssize_t Bytes = LBufConvertCp(b, "utf-8", sizeof(b), (const void*&)s, LGI_WideCharset, Len); b[Bytes/sizeof(*b)] = 0; i = ::htoi(b); } return i; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SystemFunctions::SystemFunctions() { Engine = NULL; Log = NULL; #ifdef WINNATIVE Brk = NULL; #endif } SystemFunctions::~SystemFunctions() { } LStream *SystemFunctions::GetLog() { return Log; } bool SystemFunctions::SetLog(LStream *log) { LAssert(Log == NULL); Log = log; return true; } void SystemFunctions::SetEngine(LScriptEngine *Eng) { Engine = Eng; } bool SystemFunctions::Assert(LScriptArguments &Args) { *Args.GetReturn() = true; if (Args.Length() == 0) return true; auto v = Args[0]->CastInt32(); if (!v) { const char *Msg = Args.Length() > 1 ? Args[1]->CastString() : NULL; *Args.GetReturn() = false; Args.Throw(NULL, -1, Msg); } return true; } bool SystemFunctions::DebuggerEnabled(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() == 0) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } Args.GetVm()->SetDebuggerEnabled(Args[0]->CastInt32() != 0); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Throw(LScriptArguments &Args) { const char *Msg = Args.Length() > 0 ? Args[0]->CastString() : NULL; Args.Throw(NULL, -1, Msg); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::LoadString(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() != 1) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } *Args.GetReturn() = LLoadString(Args[0]->CastInt32()); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Sprintf(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() < 1) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } char *Fmt = Args[0]->Str(); if (!Fmt) return false; #if defined(LINUX) || defined(MAC) // No support for sprintf with generated args... hack a string up // Formatting widths etc not supported. LArray s; int i = 1; for (char *f = Fmt; *f; f++) { if (f[0] == '%' && f[1] != '%') { f++; // Skip '%' // char *Fmt = f; while (*f && !IsAlpha(*f)) f++; // Skip formatting.. if (i >= Args.Length()) break; // No more arguments... switch (*f) { case 's': { // String... char *v = Args[i]->CastString(); if (v) s.Add(v, strlen(v)); else s.Add((char*)"(null)", 4); break; } case 'c': { char *Str = Args[i]->Str(); s.Add(Str ? *Str : '?'); break; } case 'f': case 'g': { break; } case 'u': case 'd': case 'i': { // Int... LString v; v.Printf("%i", Args[i]->CastInt32()); s.Add(v.Get(), v.Length()); break; } } i++; } else s.Add(*f); } s.Add(0); // NULL terminate *Args.GetReturn() = s.AddressOf(); #else LArray Params; va_list a; unsigned i = 1; for (char *f = Fmt; *f; f++) { if (f[0] == '%' && f[1] != '%') { char *t = f + 1; while (*t && !IsAlpha(*t)) t++; if (i >= Args.Length()) { LAssert(!"Not enough args."); break; } switch (*t) { case 's': { Params.Add((UNativeInt)Args[i++]->Str()); break; } case 'c': { char *Str = Args[i++]->Str(); Params.Add(Str ? *Str : '?'); break; } case 'f': case 'g': { union tmp { double Dbl; struct { uint32_t High; uint32_t Low; }; } Tmp; Tmp.Dbl = Args[i++]->CastDouble(); Params.Add(Tmp.High); Params.Add(Tmp.Low); break; } default: { Params.Add(Args[i++]->CastInt32()); break; } } f = *t ? t + 1 : t; } } a = (va_list) &Params[0]; #ifndef WIN32 #define _vsnprintf vsnprintf #endif char Buf[1024]; vsprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), Fmt, a); *Args.GetReturn() = Buf; #endif return true; } bool SystemFunctions::ReadTextFile(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() == 1 && LFileExists(Args[0]->CastString())) { if (Args.GetReturn()->OwnStr(::LReadTextFile(Args[0]->CastString()))) return true; } return false; } bool SystemFunctions::WriteTextFile(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() == 2) { LFile f; if (f.Open(Args[0]->CastString(), O_WRITE)) { f.SetSize(0); LVariant *v = Args[1]; if (v) { switch (v->Type) { default: break; case GV_STRING: { size_t Len = strlen(v->Value.String); *Args.GetReturn() = f.Write(v->Value.String, Len) == Len; return true; break; } case GV_BINARY: { *Args.GetReturn() = f.Write(v->Value.Binary.Data, v->Value.Binary.Length) == v->Value.Binary.Length; return true; break; } } } } } return false; } LView *SystemFunctions::CastLView(LVariant &v) { switch (v.Type) { default: break; case GV_DOM: return dynamic_cast(v.Value.Dom); case GV_GVIEW: return v.Value.View; } return 0; } bool SystemFunctions::SelectFiles(LScriptArguments &Args) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); if (Args.Length() < 2) { Args.Throw(_FL, "SelectFiles(Parent, Callback[, FileTypes[, InitialDir[, MultiSelect[, SaveAs]]]]) expects at least 2 arguments."); return false; } - auto Ctx = Args.GetVm()->GetCallback(); + auto Ctx = Args.GetVm()->SaveContext(); if (!Ctx) { Args.Throw(_FL, "SelectFiles(...) requires a valid callback context."); return false; } LFileSelect *s = new LFileSelect; if (!s) return false; s->Parent(CastLView(*Args[0])); auto Callback = Args[1]->Str(); auto Types = LString(Args.IdxCheck(2) ? Args[2]->CastString() : NULL).SplitDelimit(",;:"); for (auto c: Types) { char *sp = strrchr(c, ' '); if (sp) { *sp++ = 0; s->Type(sp, c); } else { char *dot = strrchr(c, '.'); if (dot) { char Type[256]; sprintf_s(Type, sizeof(Type), "%s files", dot + 1); s->Type(Type, c); } } } s->Type("All Files", LGI_ALL_FILES); s->InitialDir (Args.IdxCheck(3) ? Args[3]->CastString() : 0); s->MultiSelect(Args.IdxCheck(4) ? Args[4]->CastInt32() != 0 : true); bool SaveAs = Args.IdxCheck(5) ? Args[5]->CastInt32() != 0 : false; auto Process = [Callback=LString(Callback),Ctx](LFileSelect *s, bool ok) { if (ok) { - LVirtualMachine Vm; - LScriptArguments Args(&Vm); + LScriptArguments Args(NULL); LVariant *v = new LVariant; if (auto Lst = v->SetList()) { for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); i++) { auto path = (*s)[i]; Lst->Insert(new LVariant(path)); } } Args.Add(v); - Ctx->CallCallback(Callback, Args); + Ctx.Call(Callback, Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); } delete s; }; if (SaveAs) s->Save(Process); else s->Open(Process); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::SelectFolder(LScriptArguments &Args) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); if (Args.Length() < 2) { Args.Throw(_FL, "SelectFolder(Parent, Callback[, InitialDir]) expects at least 2 arguments."); return false; } - auto Ctx = Args.GetVm()->GetCallback(); + auto Ctx = Args.GetVm()->SaveContext(); if (!Ctx) { Args.Throw(_FL, "SelectFiles(...) requires a valid callback context."); return false; } LFileSelect *s = new LFileSelect; if (!s) return false; s->Parent(CastLView(*Args[0])); auto Callback = Args[1]->Str(); if (Args.IdxCheck(2)) s->InitialDir(Args[2]->CastString()); - s->OpenFolder([Ctx, Callback=LString(Callback)](auto s, bool ok) + s->OpenFolder([Ctx, Callback = LString(Callback)](auto s, bool ok) { if (ok) { - LVirtualMachine Vm; - LScriptArguments Args(&Vm); + LScriptArguments Args(NULL); Args.Add(new LVariant(s->Name())); - Ctx->CallCallback(Callback, Args); + Ctx.Call(Callback, Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); } delete s; }); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Sleep(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() != 1) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } LSleep(Args[0]->CastInt32()); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::ToString(LScriptArguments &Args) { LStringPipe p; const char *Sep = ", "; for (unsigned i=0; iToString(); p.Print("%s%s", i?Sep:"", s.Get()); } Args.GetReturn()->OwnStr(p.NewStr()); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Print(LScriptArguments &Args) { LStream *Out = Log ? Log : (Engine ? Engine->GetConsole() : NULL); for (unsigned n=0; Out && nWrite("NULL", 4); continue; } #if 1 size_t Len = strlen(f); Out->Write(f, Len); #else char *i = f, *o = f; for (; *i; i++) { if (*i == '\\') { i++; switch (*i) { case 'n': *o++ = '\n'; break; case 'r': *o++ = '\r'; break; case 't': *o++ = '\t'; break; case '\\': *o++ = '\\'; break; case '0': *o++ = 0; break; } } else { *o++ = *i; } } *o = 0; Out->Write(f, o - f); #endif } return true; } bool SystemFunctions::FormatSize(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() != 1) return false; char s[64]; LFormatSize(s, sizeof(s), Args[0]->CastInt64()); *Args.GetReturn() = s; return true; } bool SystemFunctions::ClockTick(LScriptArguments &Args) { *Args.GetReturn() = (int64)LCurrentTime(); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Now(LScriptArguments &Args) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); Args.GetReturn()->Type = GV_DATETIME; Args.GetReturn()->Value.Date = new LDateTime; Args.GetReturn()->Value.Date->SetNow(); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::New(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() < 1 || !Args[0]) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); char *sType = Args[0]->CastString(); if (!sType) return false; if (IsDigit(*sType)) { // Binary block int Bytes = ::atoi(sType); if (!Bytes) return false; return Args.GetReturn()->SetBinary(Bytes, new char[Bytes], true); } LVariant *Ret = Args.GetReturn(); LDomProperty Type = LStringToDomProp(sType); switch (Type) { case TypeList: { Ret->SetList(); break; } case TypeHashTable: { Ret->SetHashTable(); break; } case TypeSurface: { Ret->Empty(); Ret->Type = GV_LSURFACE; if ((Ret->Value.Surface.Ptr = new LMemDC)) { Ret->Value.Surface.Ptr->IncRef(); Ret->Value.Surface.Own = true; } break; } case TypeFile: { Ret->Empty(); #if 1 Ret->Type = GV_STREAM; Ret->Value.Stream.Ptr = new LFile; if (Ret->Value.Stream.Ptr) Ret->Value.Stream.Own = true; #else Ret->Type = GV_GFILE; if ((Ret->Value.File.Ptr = new LFile)) { Ret->Value.File.Ptr->AddRef(); Ret->Value.File.Own = true; } #endif break; } case TypeDateTime: { Ret->Empty(); Ret->Type = GV_DATETIME; Ret->Value.Date = new LDateTime; break; } default: { Ret->Empty(); LCompiledCode *c = Engine ? Engine->GetCurrentCode() : NULL; if (!c) return false; LAutoWString o(Utf8ToWide(sType)); LCustomType *t = c->GetType(o); if (t) { int ArrayLength = Args.Length() > 1 ? Args[1]->CastInt32() : 1; if (ArrayLength > 0) { Ret->Type = GV_CUSTOM; Ret->Value.Custom.Dom = t; Ret->Value.Custom.Data = new uint8_t[t->Sizeof() * ArrayLength]; } } } } return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Len(LScriptArguments &Args) { size_t i = 0; for (LVariant *v: Args) { switch (v->Type) { case GV_LIST: i += v->Value.Lst->Length(); break; case GV_HASHTABLE: i += v->Value.Hash->Length(); break; case GV_BINARY: i += v->Value.Binary.Length; break; case GV_STRING: i += Strlen(v->Value.String); break; case GV_WSTRING: i += Strlen(v->Value.WString); break; default: i += 1; break; } } *Args.GetReturn() = i; return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Delete(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() != 1) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } LVariant *v = Args[0]; if (v->Type == GV_CUSTOM) { DeleteArray(v->Value.Custom.Data); v->Empty(); } else { v->Empty(); } *Args.GetReturn() = true; return true; } class LFileListEntry : public LDom { bool Folder; LVariant Name; int64 Size; LDateTime Modified; public: LFileListEntry(LDirectory *d) { Folder = d->IsDir(); Name = d->GetName(); Size = d->GetSize(); Modified.Set(d->GetLastWriteTime()); } bool GetVariant(const char *Var, LVariant &Value, const char *Arr = NULL) override { LDomProperty p = LStringToDomProp(Var); switch (p) { case ObjName: Value = Name; break; case ObjLength: Value = Size; break; case FileFolder: Value = Folder; break; case FileModified: Value = &Modified; break; default: return false; } return true; } }; bool SystemFunctions::DeleteFile(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() != 1) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } char *f = Args[0]->CastString(); if (f) *Args.GetReturn() = FileDev->Delete(Args[0]->CastString()); else *Args.GetReturn() = false; return true; } bool SystemFunctions::CurrentScript(LScriptArguments &Args) { LCompiledCode *Code; if (Engine && (Code = Engine->GetCurrentCode())) { *Args.GetReturn() = Code->GetFileName(); return true; } return false; } bool SystemFunctions::PathExists(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() == 0) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } LDirectory d; if (d.First(Args[0]->CastString(), NULL)) { if (d.IsDir()) *Args.GetReturn() = 2; else *Args.GetReturn() = 1; } else { *Args.GetReturn() = 0; } return true; } bool SystemFunctions::PathJoin(LScriptArguments &Args) { char p[MAX_PATH_LEN] = ""; for (unsigned i=0; iCastString(); if (i) LMakePath(p, sizeof(p), p, s); else strcpy_s(p, sizeof(p), s); } if (*p) *Args.GetReturn() = p; else Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::PathSep(LScriptArguments &Args) { *Args.GetReturn() = DIR_STR; return true; } bool SystemFunctions::ListFiles(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() < 1) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); Args.Throw(_FL, "ListFiles(FolderPath[, FilterPattern]) expects at least one argument."); return false; } Args.GetReturn()->SetList(); auto Folder = Args[0]->CastString(); auto Pattern = Args.Length() > 1 ? Args[1]->CastString() : NULL; LDirectory d; for (auto b=d.First(Folder); b; b=d.Next()) { if (!Pattern || MatchStr(Pattern, d.GetName())) Args.GetReturn()->Value.Lst->Insert(new LVariant(new LFileListEntry(&d))); } return true; } bool SystemFunctions::CreateSurface(LScriptArguments &Args) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); if (Args.Length() < 2) { Args.Throw(_FL, "CreateSurface(x, y[, Bits|ColourSpace]) expects at least two arguments."); return false; } auto x = Args[0]->CastInt32(); auto y = Args[1]->CastInt32(); LColourSpace Cs = CsNone; if (Args.Length() > 2) { LVariant *Type = Args[2]; const char *c; if (Type->IsInt()) { // Bit depth... convert to default Colour Space. Cs = LBitsToColourSpace(Type->CastInt32()); } else if ((c = Type->Str())) { // Parse string colour space def Cs = LStringToColourSpace(Type->Str()); } } if (!Cs) // Catch all error cases and make it the default screen depth. Cs = GdcD->GetColourSpace(); auto r = Args.GetReturn(); if ((r->Value.Surface.Ptr = new LMemDC(x, y, Cs))) { r->Type = GV_LSURFACE; r->Value.Surface.Own = true; r->Value.Surface.Ptr->IncRef(); } return true; } bool SystemFunctions::ColourSpaceToString(LScriptArguments &Args) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); if (Args.Length() != 1) { Args.Throw(_FL, "ColourSpaceToString(ColourSpaceInt) expects at least one argument."); return false; } *Args.GetReturn() = LColourSpaceToString((LColourSpace)Args[0]->CastInt32()); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::StringToColourSpace(LScriptArguments &Args) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); if (Args.Length() != 1) { Args.Throw(_FL, "StringToColourSpace(ColourSpaceStr) expects at least one argument."); return false; } *Args.GetReturn() = (int)LStringToColourSpace(Args[0]->Str()); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::MessageDlg(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() < 2) { Args.Throw(_FL, "MessageDlg(Parent, Message[, Title[, Buttons]]) expects at least 2 arguments."); return false; } auto Parent = CastLView(*Args[0]); auto Msg = Args[1]->Str(); auto Title = Args.IdxCheck(2) ? Args[2]->Str() : LAppInst->Name(); auto Btns = Args.IdxCheck(3) ? Args[3]->CastInt32() : MB_OK; auto Btn = LgiMsg(Parent, Msg, Title, Btns); *Args.GetReturn() = Btn; return true; } bool SystemFunctions::GetInputDlg(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() < 5) { Args.Throw(_FL, "GetInputDlg(Parent, DefaultInput, Message, Title, IsPassword, Callback) expects 5 arguments."); return false; } - auto Ctx = Args.GetVm()->GetCallback(); + auto Ctx = Args.GetVm()->SaveContext(); if (!Ctx) { Args.Throw(_FL, "GetInputDlg requires a valid VM context."); return false; } auto Parent = CastLView(*Args[0]); auto InitVal = Args[1]->Str(); auto Msg = Args[2]->Str(); auto Title = Args[3]->Str(); auto Pass = Args[4]->CastInt32() != 0; auto Callback = Args[5]->Str(); Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); auto Dlg = new LInput(Parent, InitVal, Msg, Title, Pass); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg, Ctx, Callback=LString(Callback)](auto d, auto ok) { if (ok) { - LVirtualMachine Vm; - LScriptArguments Args(&Vm); + LScriptArguments Args(NULL); Args.Add(new LVariant(Dlg->GetStr())); - Ctx->CallCallback(Callback, Args); + Ctx.Call(Callback, Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); } delete Dlg; }); // Don't wait here... return true; } bool SystemFunctions::GetViewById(LScriptArguments &Args) { Args.GetReturn()->Empty(); if (Args.Length() < 2) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } LViewI *Parent = CastLView(*Args[0]); int Id = Args[1]->CastInt32(); if (!Parent || Id <= 0) return false; if (Parent->GetViewById(Id, Args.GetReturn()->Value.View)) { Args.GetReturn()->Type = GV_GVIEW; } return true; } bool SystemFunctions::Execute(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() < 2) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } LStringPipe p; char *Exe = Args[0]->CastString(); char *Arguments = Args[1]->CastString(); LSubProcess e(Exe, Arguments); bool Status = e.Start(); if (Status) { e.Communicate(&p); LAutoString o(p.NewStr()); *Args.GetReturn() = o; } else if (Log) { uint32_t ErrCode = e.GetErrorCode(); LString ErrMsg = LErrorCodeToString(ErrCode); if (ErrMsg) Log->Print("Error: Execute(\"%s\",\"%s\") failed with '%s'\n", Exe, Arguments, ErrMsg.Get()); else Log->Print("Error: Execute(\"%s\",\"%s\") failed with '0x%x'\n", Exe, Arguments, ErrCode); } return Status; } bool SystemFunctions::System(LScriptArguments &Args) { if (Args.Length() < 2) { LAssert(!"Wrong args."); return false; } char *Exe = Args[0]->Str(); char *Arg = Args[1]->Str(); *Args.GetReturn() = LExecute(Exe, Arg); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::OsName(LScriptArguments &Args) { *Args.GetReturn() = LGetOsName(); return true; } bool SystemFunctions::OsVersion(LScriptArguments &Args) { LArray Ver; LGetOs(&Ver); Args.GetReturn()->SetList(); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) Args.GetReturn()->Value.Lst->Insert(new LVariant(Ver[i])); return true; } #define DefFn(Name) \ LHostFunc(#Name, 0, (ScriptCmd)&SystemFunctions::Name) LHostFunc SystemLibrary[] = { // Debug DefFn(Assert), DefFn(Throw), DefFn(DebuggerEnabled), // String handling DefFn(LoadString), DefFn(FormatSize), DefFn(Sprintf), DefFn(Print), DefFn(ToString), // Containers/objects DefFn(New), DefFn(Delete), DefFn(Len), // Files DefFn(ReadTextFile), DefFn(WriteTextFile), DefFn(SelectFiles), DefFn(SelectFolder), DefFn(ListFiles), DefFn(DeleteFile), DefFn(CurrentScript), DefFn(PathJoin), DefFn(PathExists), DefFn(PathSep), // Time DefFn(ClockTick), DefFn(Sleep), DefFn(Now), // Images DefFn(CreateSurface), DefFn(ColourSpaceToString), DefFn(StringToColourSpace), // UI DefFn(MessageDlg), DefFn(GetInputDlg), DefFn(GetViewById), // System DefFn(Execute), DefFn(System), DefFn(OsName), DefFn(OsVersion), // End of list marker LHostFunc(0, 0, 0), }; LHostFunc *SystemFunctions::GetCommands() { return SystemLibrary; } diff --git a/src/common/Coding/ScriptVM.cpp b/src/common/Coding/ScriptVM.cpp --- a/src/common/Coding/ScriptVM.cpp +++ b/src/common/Coding/ScriptVM.cpp @@ -1,2168 +1,2212 @@ #include #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/Scripting.h" #include "lgi/common/Box.h" #include "lgi/common/TabView.h" #include "lgi/common/TextLog.h" #include "lgi/common/List.h" #include "lgi/common/ToolBar.h" #include "lgi/common/TableLayout.h" #include "lgi/common/TextLabel.h" #include "lgi/common/ScrollBar.h" #include "lgi/common/Matrix.h" #include "lgi/common/Menu.h" #include "ScriptingPriv.h" #define TIME_INSTRUCTIONS 0 #define POST_EXECUTE_STATE 0 // #define BREAK_POINT 0x0000009F #define ExitScriptExecution c.u8 = e #define SetScriptError c.u8 = e; Status = ScriptError #define CurrentScriptAddress (c.u8 - Base) #define CheckParam(ptr) if (!(ptr)) \ { \ OnException(_FL, CurrentScriptAddress-1, #ptr); \ c.u8 = e; \ Status = ScriptError; \ break; \ } #define AddLocalSize(NewSize) \ size_t LocalsBase = Locals.Length(); \ Locals.SetFixedLength(false); \ /* LgiTrace("%s:%i - Locals %i -> %i\n", _FL, LocalsBase, LocalsBase + NewSize); */ \ Locals.Length(LocalsBase + NewSize); \ Scope[SCOPE_LOCAL] = &Locals[LocalsBase]; \ Locals.SetFixedLength(); #ifdef WIN32 extern "C" uint64 __cdecl CallExtern64(void *FuncAddr, NativeInt *Ret, uint32_t Args, void *Arg); #elif defined(LINUX) #include #endif int LVariantCmp(LVariant *a, LVariant *b, NativeInt Data) { LVariant *Param = (LVariant*) Data; if (!a || !b) return 0; if (a->Type == GV_STRING && b->Type == GV_STRING) { const char *Empty = ""; const char *as = a->Str(); const char *bs = b->Str(); return _stricmp(as?as:Empty, bs?bs:Empty); } else if (a->Type == GV_DOM && b->Type == GV_DOM && Param) { const char *Fld = Param->Str(); int Dir = 1; if (Fld && *Fld == '-') { Fld++; Dir = -1; } LVariant av, bv; if (a->Value.Dom->GetValue(Fld, av) && b->Value.Dom->GetValue(Fld, bv)) { return LVariantCmp(&av, &bv, 0) * Dir; } } else if (a->Type == GV_INT32 && b->Type == GV_INT32) { return a->CastInt32() - b->CastInt32(); } else if (a->Type == GV_DATETIME && b->Type == GV_DATETIME) { return a->Value.Date->Compare(b->Value.Date); } else { LAssert(!"Impl a handler for this type."); } return 0; } inline LVariantType DecidePrecision(LVariantType a, LVariantType b) { if (a == GV_DOUBLE || b == GV_DOUBLE) return GV_DOUBLE; if (a == GV_INT64 || b == GV_INT64) return GV_INT64; return GV_INT32; } inline LVariantType ComparePrecision(LVariantType a, LVariantType b) { if (a == GV_NULL || b == GV_NULL) return GV_NULL; if (a == GV_DATETIME && b == GV_DATETIME) return GV_DATETIME; if (a == GV_DOUBLE || b == GV_DOUBLE) return GV_DOUBLE; if (a == GV_STRING || b == GV_STRING) return GV_STRING; if (a == GV_INT64 || b == GV_INT64) return GV_INT64; return GV_INT32; } inline char *CastString(LVariant *v, LVariant &cache) { if (v->Type == GV_STRING) return v->Str(); cache = *v; return cache.CastString(); } inline int CompareVariants(LVariant *a, LVariant *b) { // Calculates "a - b" switch (ComparePrecision(a->Type, b->Type)) { case GV_DATETIME: return a->Value.Date->Compare(b->Value.Date); break; case GV_DOUBLE: { double d = a->CastDouble() - b->CastDouble(); if (d < -MATRIX_DOUBLE_EPSILON) return -1; return d > MATRIX_DOUBLE_EPSILON; } case GV_STRING: { LVariant as, bs; char *A = CastString(a, as); char *B = CastString(b, bs); if (!A || !B) return -1; else return strcmp(A, B); break; } case GV_INT64: { int64 d = a->CastInt64() - b->CastInt64(); if (d < 0) return -1; return d > 0; } case GV_NULL: { // One or more values is NULL if (a->IsNull() && b->IsNull()) return 0; // The same.. LVariant *Val = a->IsNull() ? b : a; if (Val->IsNull()) { LAssert(0); return 0; } switch (Val->Type) { case GV_INT32: case GV_INT64: return Val->CastInt64() != 0; case GV_STRING: return Val->Str() != NULL; default: return Val->CastVoidPtr() != NULL; } break; } default: return a->CastInt32() - b->CastInt32(); break; } } LExecutionStatus LExternFunc::Call(LScriptContext *Ctx, LScriptArguments &Args) { if (!Lib || !Method) return ScriptError; LStream *Log = Ctx ? Ctx->GetLog() : NULL; if (Args.Length() != ArgType.Length()) { if (Log) Log->Print("Error: Extern '%s.%s' expecting %i arguments, not %i given.\n", Lib.Get(), Method.Get(), ArgType.Length(), Args.Length()); return ScriptError; } LArray Val; LArray Mem; bool UnsupportedArg = false; Val.Length(Args.Length() << 1); LPointer Ptr; Ptr.ni = &Val[0]; for (unsigned i=0; !UnsupportedArg && iCastVoidPtr(); *Ptr.vp++ = cp; } else { char *s = NewStr(v->CastString()); if (!s) { UnsupportedArg = true; break; } Mem.Add(s); *Ptr.vp++ = s; } break; } case GV_VOID_PTR: { *Ptr.vp++ = v->CastVoidPtr(); break; } default: { UnsupportedArg = true; break; } } } else { // Plain type switch (t.Base) { case GV_INT32: { #if defined(_WIN64) *Ptr.s64++ = v->CastInt32(); #else *Ptr.s32++ = v->CastInt32(); #endif break; } case GV_INT64: { *Ptr.s64++ = v->CastInt64(); break; } default: { UnsupportedArg = true; break; } } } } LLibrary Library(Lib); if (!Library.IsLoaded()) { if (Log) Log->Print("Error: Extern library '%s' missing.\n", Lib.Get()); return ScriptError; } void *c = Library.GetAddress(Method); if (!c) { if (Log) Log->Print("Error: Extern library '%s' has no method '%s'.\n", Lib.Get(), Method.Get()); return ScriptError; } #if defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(MAC) && defined(LGI_32BIT) && !LGI_COCOA) ssize_t a = Ptr.ni - &Val[0]; #endif NativeInt r = 0; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #if defined(_WIN64) // 64bit... boooo no inline asm! void *b = &Val[0]; r = CallExtern64(c, &r, (uint32_t)a, b); #else // 32bit... yay inline asm! void *b = Ptr.ni - 1; _asm { mov ecx, a mov ebx, b } label1: _asm { push [ebx] sub ebx, 4 loop label1 mov ebx, c call ebx mov r, eax } #endif #elif defined(MAC) #if LGI_COCOA #warning FIXME #elif LGI_32BIT // 32bit only void *b = Ptr.ni - 1; asm ( "movl %2, %%ecx;" "movl %3, %%ebx;" "label1:" "pushl (%%ebx);" "subl %%ebx, 4;" "loop label1;" "call *%1;" :"=a"(r) /* output */ :"r"(c), "r"(a), "r"(b) /* input */ :/*"%eax",*/ "%ecx", "%ebx" /* clobbered register */ ); #endif #else // Not implemented, gcc??? LAssert(0); #endif *Args.GetReturn() = (int) r; for (unsigned i=0; iType == GV_BINARY && v->Value.Binary.Data != NULL && t.Base == GV_STRING) { // Cast the type back to t.Base char *p = (char*)v->Value.Binary.Data; v->Type = t.Base; v->Value.String = p; } } } Mem.DeleteArrays(); return ScriptSuccess; } struct CodeBlock { unsigned SrcLine; LArray AsmAddr; unsigned ViewLine; LAutoString Source; int SrcLines; LAutoString Asm; int AsmLines; }; class LVirtualMachinePriv : public LRefCount { LVariant ArrayTemp; char *CastArrayIndex(LVariant *Idx) { if (Idx == NULL || Idx->Type == GV_NULL) return NULL; if (Idx->Type == GV_STRING) return Idx->Str(); ArrayTemp = *Idx; return ArrayTemp.CastString(); } public: struct StackFrame { uint32_t CurrentFrameSize; ssize_t PrevFrameStart; size_t ReturnIp; LVarRef ReturnValue; }; enum RunType { RunContinue, RunStepInstruction, RunStepLine, RunStepOut }; LVirtualMachine *Vm; LStream *Log = NULL; LCompiledCode *Code = NULL; LExecutionStatus Status = ScriptNotStarted; LScriptPtr c; LVariant Reg[MAX_REGISTER]; LArray Locals; LVariant *Scope[SCOPE_MAX]; LArray Frames; RunType StepType; LVmCallback *Callback = NULL; LVmDebugger *Debugger = NULL; LScriptArguments *ArgsOutput = NULL; LArray BreakPts; LString TempPath; bool DebuggerEnabled = false; bool BreakCpp = false; LVirtualMachinePriv(LVirtualMachine *vm, LVmCallback *callback) { Vm = vm; Callback = callback; ZeroObj(Scope); } ~LVirtualMachinePriv() { } void DumpVariant(LStream *Log, LVariant &v) { if (!Log) return; switch (v.Type) { case GV_INT32: Log->Print("(int) %i", v.Value.Int); break; case GV_INT64: Log->Print("(int64) %I64i", v.Value.Int64); break; case GV_STRING: { char *nl = strchr(v.Value.String, '\n'); if (nl) Log->Print("(string) '%.*s...' (%i bytes)", nl - v.Value.String, v.Value.String, strlen(v.Value.String)); else Log->Print("(string) '%s'", v.Value.String); break; } case GV_DOUBLE: Log->Print("(double) %g", v.Value.Dbl); break; case GV_BOOL: Log->Print("(bool) %s", v.Value.Bool ? "true" : "false"); break; case GV_DOM: Log->Print("(LDom*) %p", v.Value.Dom); break; case GV_HASHTABLE: { Log->Print("(GHashTable*) %p {", v.Value.Hash); int n = 0; // const char *k; // for (LVariant *p = v.Value.Hash->First(&k); p; p = v.Value.Hash->Next(&k), n++) for (auto it : *v.Value.Hash) { Log->Print("%s\"%s\"=", n?",":"", it.key); DumpVariant(Log, *it.value); } Log->Print("}"); break; } case GV_LIST: { Log->Print("(LList*) %p {", v.Value.Lst); int n=0; for (auto i: *v.Value.Lst) { Log->Print("%s%i=", n?",":"", n); DumpVariant(Log, *i); n++; } Log->Print("}"); break; } case GV_NULL: { Log->Print("null"); break; } case GV_BINARY: { Log->Print("(Binary[%i])", v.Value.Binary.Length); if (v.Value.Binary.Data) { int i; for (i=0; i<16 && i < v.Value.Binary.Length; i++) Log->Print(" %.2x", ((uint8_t*)v.Value.Binary.Data)[i]); if (i < v.Value.Binary.Length) Log->Print("..."); } break; } default: Log->Print("(Type-%i) ????", v.Type); break; } } void DumpVariables(LVariant *v, int len) { if (!Log) return; for (int i=0; iPrint("[%i] = ", i); DumpVariant(Log, v[i]); Log->Print("\n"); } } } void OnException(const char *File, int Line, ssize_t Address, const char *Msg) { + if (!Code) + { + LgiTrace("%s:%i - Exception without Code object: %s:%i, %s\n", + _FL, + File, Line, + Msg); + return; + } + if (Address < 0) { uint8_t *Base = &Code->ByteCode[0]; Address = c.u8 - Base; } if (!File || Line < 0) { // Extract the file / line from the current script location File = Code->GetFileName(); Line = Code->ObjectToSourceAddress(Address); } if (Log) { char *Last = strrchr((char*)File, DIR_CHAR); Log->Print("%s Exception: %s (%s:%i)\n", Code->AddrToSourceRef(Address), Msg, Last?Last+1:File, Line); } else { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Exception @ %i: %s\n", File, Line, Address, Msg); } if (Vm && Vm->OpenDebugger(Code)) { if (!Debugger->GetCode()) { LAutoPtr Cp(new LCompiledCode(*Code)); Debugger->OwnCompiledCode(Cp); LStringPipe AsmBuf; Decompile(Code->UserContext, Code, &AsmBuf); LAutoString Asm(AsmBuf.NewStr()); Debugger->SetSource(Asm); } Debugger->OnAddress(Address); LString m; m.Printf("%s (%s:%i)", Msg, LGetLeaf(File), Line); Debugger->OnError(m); Debugger->Run(); } else { // Set the script return value to FALSE if (Frames.Length()) { StackFrame Sf = Frames[0]; LVarRef &Ret = Sf.ReturnValue; LVariant *RetVar = &Scope[Ret.Scope][Ret.Index]; *RetVar = false; } // Exit the script c.u8 = Code->ByteCode.AddressOf() + Code->ByteCode.Length(); // Set the script status... Status = ScriptError; } } LExecutionStatus Decompile(LScriptContext *Context, LCompiledCode *Code, LStream *log) { LExecutionStatus Status = ScriptSuccess; LAssert(sizeof(LVarRef) == 4); LScriptPtr c; uint8_t *Base = &Code->ByteCode[0]; c.u8 = Base; uint8_t *e = c.u8 + Code->ByteCode.Length(); LStream *OldLog = Log; if (log) Log = log; for (unsigned k=0; kGlobals.Length(); k++) { Log->Print("G%i = ", k); DumpVariant(Log, Code->Globals[k]); Log->Print("\n"); } Log->Print("\n"); LHashTbl, char*> Fn; for (unsigned m=0; mMethods.Length(); m++) { LFunctionInfo *Info = Code->Methods[m]; if (Info->ValidStartAddr()) Fn.Add(Info->GetStartAddr(), Info->GetName()); else LAssert(!"Method not defined."); } int OldLineNum = 0; while (c.u8 < e) { char *Meth = Fn.Find(CurrentScriptAddress); if (Meth) { Log->Print("%s:\n", Meth); } int LineNum = Code->ObjectToSourceAddress(CurrentScriptAddress); if (LineNum >= 0 && LineNum != OldLineNum) { Log->Print(" %i:\n", OldLineNum = LineNum); } switch (*c.u8++) { #define VM_DECOMP 1 #include "Instructions.h" #undef VM_DECOMP } } if (log) Log = OldLog; return Status; } LExecutionStatus Setup(LCompiledCode *code, uint32_t StartOffset, LStream *log, LFunctionInfo *Func, LScriptArguments *Args) { Status = ScriptSuccess; Code = code; if (!Code) return ScriptError; if (log) Log = log; else if (Code->SysContext && Code->SysContext->GetLog()) Log = Code->SysContext->GetLog(); else if (Code->UserContext && Code->UserContext->GetLog()) Log = Code->UserContext->GetLog(); // else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Execution without a log?\n", _FL); LAssert(sizeof(LVarRef) == 4); uint8_t *Base = c.u8 = &Code->ByteCode[0]; uint8_t *e = c.u8 + Code->ByteCode.Length(); Scope[SCOPE_REGISTER] = Reg; Scope[SCOPE_LOCAL] = NULL; Scope[SCOPE_GLOBAL] = &Code->Globals[0]; Scope[SCOPE_OBJECT] = NULL; Scope[SCOPE_RETURN] = Args->GetReturn(); #ifdef _DEBUG const char *SourceFileName = Code->GetFileName(); char Obj[MAX_PATH_LEN]; if (SourceFileName) { if (strchr(SourceFileName, DIR_CHAR)) strcpy_s(Obj, sizeof(Obj), SourceFileName); else if (TempPath != NULL) LMakePath(Obj, sizeof(Obj), TempPath, SourceFileName); else { LGetSystemPath(LSP_TEMP, Obj, sizeof(Obj)); LMakePath(Obj, sizeof(Obj), Obj, SourceFileName); } char *Ext = LGetExtension(Obj); if (Ext) strcpy_s(Ext, sizeof(Obj)-(Ext-Obj), "asm"); else strcat_s(Obj, sizeof(Obj), ".asm"); } else { LAutoString DataPath; if (Code->UserContext) DataPath = Code->UserContext->GetDataFolder(); if (!DataPath) { char p[256]; if (LGetSystemPath(LSP_APP_INSTALL, p, sizeof(p))) DataPath.Reset(NewStr(p)); } LMakePath(Obj, sizeof(Obj), DataPath, "Script.asm"); } { LDirectory SrcD, ObjD; bool OutOfDate = true; if (LFileExists(SourceFileName) && SrcD.First(SourceFileName, NULL) != 0 && ObjD.First(Obj, NULL) != 0) { OutOfDate = ObjD.GetLastWriteTime() < SrcD.GetLastWriteTime(); } if (OutOfDate || Debugger) { LFile f; LStringPipe p; LStream *Out = NULL; if (Debugger) { Out = &p; } else if (f.Open(Obj, O_WRITE)) { f.SetSize(0); Out = &f; } if (Out) { LExecutionStatus Decomp = Decompile(Code->UserContext, Code, Out); f.Close(); if (Decomp != ScriptSuccess) { LAssert(!"Decompilation failed."); return ScriptError; } if (Debugger) { LAutoString a(p.NewStr()); Debugger->OnAddress(CurrentScriptAddress); Debugger->SetSource(a); } } } } #endif #if TIME_INSTRUCTIONS LARGE_INTEGER freq = {0}, start, end; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); LHashTbl, int64> Timings; LHashTbl, int> TimingFreq; #endif // Calling a function only, not the whole script StackFrame &Sf = Frames.New(); Sf.ReturnIp = e - c.u8; Sf.PrevFrameStart = 0; Sf.ReturnValue.Scope = SCOPE_RETURN; Sf.ReturnValue.Index = 0; // array is only one item long anyway if (Func) { // Set up stack for function call if (!Func->ValidFrameSize()) { Log->Print("%s:%i - Function '%s' has an invalid frame size. (Script: %s).\n", _FL, Func->GetName(), Code->AddrToSourceRef(Func->GetStartAddr())); return ScriptError; } Sf.CurrentFrameSize = Func->GetFrameSize(); AddLocalSize(Sf.CurrentFrameSize); if (Args) { // Check the local frame size is at least big enough for the args... if (Args->Length() > Sf.CurrentFrameSize) { Log->Print("%s:%i - Arg count mismatch, Supplied: %i, FrameSize: %i (Script: %s).\n", _FL, (int)Args->Length(), (int)Sf.CurrentFrameSize, Code->AddrToSourceRef(Func->GetStartAddr())); return ScriptError; } // Put the arguments of the function call into the local array for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); i++) { Locals[LocalsBase+i] = *(*Args)[i]; } } if (!Func->ValidStartAddr()) { Log->Print("%s:%i - Function '%s' is not defined. (Script: %s).\n", _FL, Func->GetName(), Code->AddrToSourceRef(Func->GetStartAddr())); return ScriptError; } // Set IP to start of function c.u8 = Base + Func->GetStartAddr(); } else { // Executing body of script Sf.CurrentFrameSize = 0; if (StartOffset > 0) c.u8 = Base + StartOffset; } return Status; } int NearestLine(size_t Addr) { int l = Code->Debug.Find(Addr); if (l >= 0) return l; for (int Off = 1; Off < 20; Off++) { int l = Code->Debug.Find(Addr + Off); if (l >= 0) { return l; } l = Code->Debug.Find(Addr - Off); if (l >= 0) { return l; } } return -1; } LExecutionStatus Run(RunType Type) { LAssert(Code != NULL); uint8_t *Base = &Code->ByteCode[0]; uint8_t *e = Base + Code->ByteCode.Length(); if (Type == RunContinue && BreakPts.Length() == 0) { // Unconstrained execution while (c.u8 < e) { #if TIME_INSTRUCTIONS uint8 TimedOpCode = *c.u8; QueryPerformanceCounter(&start); #endif #ifdef BREAK_POINT if (c.u8 - Base == BREAK_POINT) { int asd=0; } #endif switch (*c.u8++) { #define VM_EXECUTE 1 #include "Instructions.h" #undef VM_EXECUTE } #if TIME_INSTRUCTIONS QueryPerformanceCounter(&end); int Ticks = end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart; int64 i = Timings.Find(TimedOpCode); Timings.Add(TimedOpCode, i + Ticks); i = TimingFreq.Find(TimedOpCode); TimingFreq.Add(TimedOpCode, i + 1); #endif } if (Log) { #if TIME_INSTRUCTIONS Log->Print("\nTimings:\n"); Log->Print("%-20s%-10s%-10s%-10s\n", "Instr", "Total", "Freq", "Ave"); int Op; for (int64 t=Timings.First(&Op); t; t=Timings.Next(&Op)) { int Frq = TimingFreq.Find(Op); int MilliSec = t * 1000000 / freq.QuadPart; Log->Print("%-20s%-10i%-10i%-10i\n", InstToString((GInstruction)Op), MilliSec, Frq, MilliSec / Frq); } Log->Print("\n"); #endif #if POST_EXECUTE_STATE Log->Print("Stack:\n"); char *v; for (void *i=Code->Globals.Lut.First(&v); i; i=Code->Globals.Lut.Next(&v)) { int Idx = (int)i - 1; if (Idx >= 0 && Idx < Code->Globals.Length()) { Log->Print("%s = ", v); DumpVariant(Log, Code->Globals[Idx]); Log->Print("\n"); } } Log->Print("\nRegisters:\n"); DumpVariables(Reg, MAX_REGISTER); #endif } } else { // Stepping through code - // LHashTbl, int> &Debug = Code->Debug; int Param = 0; switch (Type) { case RunStepLine: Param = NearestLine(CurrentScriptAddress); break; case RunStepOut: Param = (int)Frames.Length(); break; default: break; } if (BreakCpp) #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64) _asm int 3 #else assert(!"BreakPoint"); #endif while (c.u8 < e) { if (Type == RunContinue && BreakPts.HasItem(c.u8 - Base)) break; switch (*c.u8++) { #define VM_EXECUTE 1 #include "Instructions.h" #undef VM_EXECUTE } + if (Type == RunContinue) + continue; + if (Type == RunStepLine) { int CurLine = NearestLine(CurrentScriptAddress); if (CurLine && CurLine != Param) break; } else if (Type == RunStepOut) { if ((int)Frames.Length() < Param) break; } else if (Type == RunStepInstruction) + { break; + } + else LAssert(!"Invalid Type."); } } if (Debugger && Status != ScriptError) Debugger->OnAddress(CurrentScriptAddress); return Status; } }; bool LVirtualMachine::BreakOnWarning = false; LVirtualMachine::LVirtualMachine(LVmCallback *callback) { d = new LVirtualMachinePriv(this, callback); d->IncRef(); } +LVirtualMachine::LVirtualMachine(Context ctx) +{ + d = new LVirtualMachinePriv(this, ctx.Callback); + d->IncRef(); + + if (d->Code = ctx.Code) + { + if (d->Code->ByteCode.IdxCheck(ctx.Addr)) + d->c.u8 = d->Code->ByteCode.AddressOf() + ctx.Addr; + } + else + d->c.u8 = NULL; +} + LVirtualMachine::LVirtualMachine(LVirtualMachine *vm) { d = vm->d; d->IncRef(); } LVirtualMachine::~LVirtualMachine() { if (d->Vm == this) d->Vm = NULL; d->DecRef(); } LExecutionStatus LVirtualMachine::Execute(LCompiledCode *Code, uint32_t StartOffset, LStream *Log, bool StartImmediately, LVariant *Return) { if (!Code) return ScriptError; LScriptArguments Args(this, Return); LExecutionStatus s = d->Setup(Code, StartOffset, Log, NULL, &Args); if (s != ScriptSuccess || !StartImmediately) return s; return d->Run(LVirtualMachinePriv::RunContinue); } LExecutionStatus LVirtualMachine::ExecuteFunction(LCompiledCode *Code, LFunctionInfo *Func, LScriptArguments &Args, LStream *Log, LScriptArguments *ArgsOut) { LCompiledCode *Cc = dynamic_cast(Code); if (!Cc || !Func) return ScriptError; LExecutionStatus s = d->Setup(Cc, 0, Log, Func, &Args); if (s != ScriptSuccess) return s; d->ArgsOutput = ArgsOut; + auto Prev = Args.Vm; Args.Vm = this; LExecutionStatus r = d->Run(LVirtualMachinePriv::RunContinue); - Args.Vm = NULL; + Args.Vm = Prev; + return r; } void LVirtualMachine::SetDebuggerEnabled(bool b) { d->DebuggerEnabled = b; } LVmDebugger *LVirtualMachine::OpenDebugger(LCompiledCode *Code, const char *Assembly) { if (d->DebuggerEnabled && !d->Debugger) { if (!d->Callback) return NULL; d->Debugger = d->Callback->AttachVm(this, Code, Assembly); } return d->Debugger; } bool LVirtualMachine::StepInstruction() { LExecutionStatus s = d->Run(LVirtualMachinePriv::RunStepInstruction); return s != ScriptError; } bool LVirtualMachine::StepLine() { LExecutionStatus s = d->Run(LVirtualMachinePriv::RunStepLine); return s != ScriptError; } bool LVirtualMachine::StepOut() { LExecutionStatus s = d->Run(LVirtualMachinePriv::RunStepOut); return s != ScriptError; } bool LVirtualMachine::BreakExecution() { return false; } bool LVirtualMachine::Continue() { LExecutionStatus s = d->Run(LVirtualMachinePriv::RunContinue); return s != ScriptError; } bool LVirtualMachine::BreakPoint(const char *File, int Line, bool Add) { return false; } bool LVirtualMachine::BreakPoint(int Addr, bool Add) { if (Add) d->BreakPts.Add(Addr); else d->BreakPts.Delete(Addr); return true; } void LVirtualMachine::SetBreakCpp(bool Brk) { d->BreakCpp = Brk; } +LVirtualMachine::Context LVirtualMachine::SaveContext() +{ + LVirtualMachine::Context ctx; + + ctx.Callback = d->Callback; + if ((ctx.Code = d->Code) && + ctx.Code->ByteCode.PtrCheck(d->c.u8)) + { + ctx.Addr = d->c.u8 - ctx.Code->ByteCode.AddressOf(); + } + + return ctx; +} + LVmCallback *LVirtualMachine::GetCallback() { return d->Callback; } void LVirtualMachine::SetTempPath(const char *Path) { d->TempPath = Path; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* bool GTypeDef::GetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, char *Arr) { GMember *m = Members.Find(Name); if (!m || !Object) { LAssert(!"No member?"); return false; } GPtr p; p.i8 = Object; p.i8 += m->Offset; switch (m->Type) { case GV_INT32: { Value = *p.i32; break; } case GV_DOUBLE: { Value = *p.dbl; break; } case GV_STRING: { Value = p.i8; break; } case GV_CUSTOM: { Value.Empty(); Value.Type = GV_CUSTOM; Value.Value.Custom.Dom = m->Nest; Value.Value.Custom.Data = p.i8; break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } bool GTypeDef::SetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, char *Arr) { GMember *m = Members.Find(Name); if (!m || !Object) { LAssert(!"No member?"); return false; } GPtr p; p.i8 = Object; p.i8 += m->Offset; switch (m->Type) { case GV_INT32: { *p.i32 = Value.CastInt32(); break; } case GV_DOUBLE: { *p.dbl = Value.CastDouble(); break; } case GV_STRING: { char *s = Value.CastString(); if (!s) return false; int i; for (i = 0; *s && i < m->Size - 1; i++) { *p.i8++ = *s++; } if (i < m->Size - 1) *p.i8 = 0; break; } case GV_CUSTOM: { GTypeDef *t = dynamic_cast(Value.Value.Custom.Dom); if (m->Nest == t) { memcpy(p.i8, Value.Value.Custom.Data, t->Sizeof()); } break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t IconsData[] = { 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 0xF81FF81F, 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IconsData}; enum DbgCtrls { IDC_STATIC = -1, IDC_TABS = 300, IDC_BOX, IDC_BOX2, IDC_TEXT, IDC_LOCALS, IDC_GLOBALS, IDC_REGISTERS, IDC_STACK, IDC_LOG, IDC_RUN, IDC_PAUSE, IDC_STOP, IDC_RESTART, IDC_GOTO, IDC_STEP_INSTR, IDC_STEP_LINE, IDC_STEP_OUT, IDC_SOURCE_LST, IDC_BREAK_POINT, IDC_BREAK_CPP, IDC_VARS_TBL }; struct LScriptVmDebuggerPriv; class LDebugView : public LTextView3 { LScriptVmDebuggerPriv *d; int CurLine; int ErrorLine; LString Error; LArray BreakPts; public: LDebugView(LScriptVmDebuggerPriv *priv); ~LDebugView(); void SetError(const char *Err); int GetCurLine() { return CurLine; } int GetAddr(); void ScrollToCurLine(); void PourText(size_t Start, ssize_t Length) override; void OnPaintLeftMargin(LSurface *pDC, LRect &r, LColour &colour) override; void OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) override; bool Breakpoint(int Addr); }; struct LScriptVmDebuggerPriv { // Current script bool OwnVm; LAutoPtr Vm; LVmCallback *Callback; LString Script, Assembly; LArray Blocks; size_t CurrentAddr; LArray LineIsAsm; LAutoPtr Obj; LVariant Return; bool AcceptNotify; // Ui bool RunLoop; LView *Parent; LBox *Main; LBox *Sub; LList *SourceLst; LTabView *Tabs; LDebugView *Text; LList *Locals, *Globals, *Registers, *Stack; LTextLog *Log; LToolBar *Tools; LTableLayout *VarsTbl; LScriptVmDebuggerPriv() { RunLoop = false; OwnVm = false; CurrentAddr = -1; Main = NULL; Tabs = NULL; Log = NULL; Text = NULL; Locals = NULL; Globals = NULL; Registers = NULL; Stack = NULL; Tools = NULL; SourceLst = NULL; Callback = NULL; VarsTbl = NULL; } }; LDebugView::LDebugView(LScriptVmDebuggerPriv *priv) : LTextView3(IDC_TEXT, 0, 0, 100, 100) { d = priv; ErrorLine = -1; SetWrapType(TEXTED_WRAP_NONE); GetCss(true)->PaddingLeft(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPx, 18)); } LDebugView::~LDebugView() { } void LDebugView::SetError(const char *Err) { ErrorLine = CurLine; Error = Err; } #define IsHexChar(c) \ ( \ IsDigit(c) \ || \ ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') \ || \ ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F') \ ) int IsAddr(char16 *Ln) { int Addr = 0; for (char16 *s = Ln; *s && *s != '\n' && s < Ln + 8; s++) { Addr += IsHexChar(*s); } if (Addr != 8) return -1; return HtoiW(Ln); } int LDebugView::GetAddr() { ssize_t Index; LTextLine *t = GetTextLine(Cursor, &Index); if (!t) return -1; int Addr = IsAddr(Text + t->Start); return Addr; } void LDebugView::ScrollToCurLine() { SetLine(CurLine); } bool LDebugView::Breakpoint(int Addr) { if (BreakPts.HasItem(Addr)) { BreakPts.Delete(Addr); Invalidate(); return false; } else { BreakPts.Add(Addr); Invalidate(); return true; } } void LDebugView::OnPaintLeftMargin(LSurface *pDC, LRect &r, LColour &colour) { LTextView3::OnPaintLeftMargin(pDC, r, colour); pDC->Colour(LColour(192, 0, 0)); LFont *f = GetFont(); f->Colour(L_LOW, L_WORKSPACE); f->Transparent(true); int Fy = f->GetHeight(); int Start = VScroll ? (int)VScroll->Value() : 0; int Page = (r.Y() + Fy - 1) / Fy; int Ln = Start; int Rad = (Fy >> 1) - 1; int PadY = GetCss(true)->PaddingTop().ToPx(Y(), f) + ((Fy - Rad) >> 1); auto It = Line.begin(Start); for (auto i = *It; i && Ln <= Start + Page; i = *(++It), Ln++) { int OffY = (Ln - Start) * f->GetHeight(); /* LString Num; Num.Printf("%i", Ln); LDisplayString Ds(f, Num); Ds.Draw(pDC, 0, r.y1+OffY); */ char16 *s = Text + i->Start; int Addr = IsAddr(s); if (BreakPts.HasItem(Addr)) { pDC->FilledCircle(r.x1 + Rad + 2, OffY + PadY + Rad, Rad); } } f->Transparent(false); f->Colour(L_TEXT, L_WORKSPACE); } void LDebugView::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LTextView3::OnPaint(pDC); if (Error) { LTextLine *Ln = Line[ErrorLine]; LFont *f = GetFont(); LRect c = GetClient(); int Pad = 3; LDisplayString Ds(f, Error); LRect r(0, 0, Ds.X()-1, Ds.Y()-1); r.Inset(-Pad, -Pad); r.Offset(c.X()-r.X(), Ln ? Ln->r.y1 - ScrollYPixel(): 0); f->Transparent(false); f->Colour(LColour::White, LColour::Red); Ds.Draw(pDC, r.x1 + Pad, r.y1 + Pad, &r); } } void LDebugView::PourText(size_t Start, ssize_t Len) { LTextView3::PourText(Start, Len); CurLine = -1; for (unsigned i=0; iBlocks.Length(); i++) { CodeBlock &b = d->Blocks[i]; for (unsigned n=0; nCurrentAddr >= b.AsmAddr[n]) { CurLine = b.ViewLine + b.SrcLines + n - 1; } } } unsigned Idx = 0; for (auto l: Line) { // char16 *t = Text + l->Start; // char16 *e = t + l->Len; if (CurLine == Idx) { l->c.Rgb(0, 0, 0); l->Back = LColour(L_DEBUG_CURRENT_LINE); } else { bool IsAsm = Idx < d->LineIsAsm.Length() ? d->LineIsAsm[Idx] : false; if (IsAsm) { l->c.Rgb(0, 0, 255); l->Back.Rgb(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0); } } Idx++; } } LVmDebuggerWnd::LVmDebuggerWnd(LView *Parent, LVmCallback *Callback, LVirtualMachine *Vm, LCompiledCode *Code, const char *Assembly) { d = new LScriptVmDebuggerPriv; d->Parent = Parent; d->AcceptNotify = false; if (Vm) d->Vm.Reset(new LVirtualMachine(Vm)); d->Callback = Callback; if (Code) d->Script = Code->GetSource(); d->Assembly = Assembly; LRect r(0, 0, 1000, 900); SetPos(r); if (Parent) MoveSameScreen(Parent); else MoveToCenter(); Name("Script Debugger"); if (Attach(NULL)) { if ((Menu = new LMenu)) { Menu->Attach(this); LSubMenu *s = Menu->AppendSub("Debug"); s->AppendItem("Run", IDC_RUN, true, -1, "F5"); s->AppendItem("Pause", IDC_PAUSE, true, -1, NULL); s->AppendItem("Stop", IDC_STOP, true, -1, "Ctrl+Break"); s->AppendItem("Restart", IDC_RESTART, true, -1, NULL); s->AppendItem("Goto", IDC_GOTO, true, -1, NULL); s->AppendSeparator(); s->AppendItem("Step Instruction", IDC_STEP_INSTR, true, -1, "F11"); s->AppendItem("Step Line", IDC_STEP_LINE, true, -1, "F10"); s->AppendItem("Step Out", IDC_STEP_OUT, true, -1, "Shift+F11"); s->AppendSeparator(); s->AppendItem("Breakpoint", IDC_BREAK_POINT, true, -1, "F9"); s->AppendItem("Break Into C++", IDC_BREAK_CPP, true, -1, "Ctrl+F9"); } AddView(d->Tools = new LToolBar); uint16 *Px = (uint16*) DbgIcons.Data; LImageList *il = new LImageList(16, 16, DbgIcons.Create(*Px)); if (il) d->Tools->SetImageList(il, 16, 16, true); d->Tools->AppendButton("Run", IDC_RUN); d->Tools->AppendButton("Pause", IDC_PAUSE); d->Tools->AppendButton("Stop", IDC_STOP); d->Tools->AppendButton("Restart", IDC_RESTART); d->Tools->AppendButton("Goto", IDC_GOTO); d->Tools->AppendSeparator(); d->Tools->AppendButton("Step Instruction", IDC_STEP_INSTR); d->Tools->AppendButton("Step Line", IDC_STEP_LINE); d->Tools->AppendButton("Step Out", IDC_STEP_OUT); AddView(d->Main = new LBox(IDC_BOX)); d->Main->SetVertical(true); d->Main->AddView(d->Sub = new LBox(IDC_BOX2)); d->Sub->SetVertical(false); d->Sub->AddView(d->SourceLst = new LList(IDC_SOURCE_LST, 0, 0, 100, 100)); d->SourceLst->GetCss(true)->Width(LCss::Len("200px")); d->SourceLst->AddColumn("Source", 200); d->Sub->AddView(d->Text = new LDebugView(d)); d->Main->AddView(d->Tabs = new LTabView(IDC_TABS)); d->Tabs->GetCss(true)->Height(LCss::Len("250px")); LTabPage *p = d->Tabs->Append("Variables"); p->Append(d->VarsTbl = new LTableLayout(IDC_VARS_TBL)); int x = 0, y = 0; auto *c = d->VarsTbl->GetCell(x++, y); c->Add(new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 0, 0, -1, -1, "Globals:")); c = d->VarsTbl->GetCell(x++, y); c->Add(new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 0, 0, -1, -1, "Locals:")); c = d->VarsTbl->GetCell(x++, y); c->Add(new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 0, 0, -1, -1, "Registers:")); x = 0; y++; c = d->VarsTbl->GetCell(x++, y); c->Add(d->Globals = new LList(IDC_GLOBALS, 0, 0, 100, 100)); d->Globals->AddColumn("Name",100); d->Globals->AddColumn("Value",400); c = d->VarsTbl->GetCell(x++, y); c->Add(d->Locals = new LList(IDC_LOCALS, 0, 0, 100, 100)); d->Locals->AddColumn("Name",100); d->Locals->AddColumn("Value",400); c = d->VarsTbl->GetCell(x++, y); c->Add(d->Registers = new LList(IDC_REGISTERS, 0, 0, 100, 100)); d->Registers->AddColumn("Name",100); d->Registers->AddColumn("Value",400); p = d->Tabs->Append("Stack"); p->Append(d->Stack = new LList(IDC_STACK, 0, 0, 100, 100)); d->Stack->SetPourLargest(true); d->Stack->AddColumn("Address", 100); d->Stack->AddColumn("Function", 300); p = d->Tabs->Append("Log"); p->Append(d->Log = new LTextLog(IDC_LOG)); AttachChildren(); Visible(true); { char p[MAX_PATH_LEN]; LMakePath(p, sizeof(p), LGetExePath(), "../Scripts"); LDirectory dir; LListItem *Match = NULL; d->SourceLst->MultiSelect(false); for (int b = dir.First(p); b; b = dir.Next()) { if (!dir.IsDir()) { char *n = dir.GetName(); if (stristr(n, ".script") && dir.Path(p, sizeof(p))) { LListItem *it = new LListItem; it->SetText(dir.GetName(), 0); it->SetText(p, 1); if (Code && Code->GetFileName()) { if (_stricmp(p, Code->GetFileName()) == 0) Match = it; } d->SourceLst->Insert(it); } } } if (!Match && Code) { LListItem *it = new LListItem; if (it) { it->SetText(LGetLeaf(Code->GetFileName()), 0); it->SetText(Code->GetFileName(), 1); d->SourceLst->Insert(it); it->Select(true); } } } } d->AcceptNotify = true; } LVmDebuggerWnd::~LVmDebuggerWnd() { LAssert(d->RunLoop == false); } bool LVmDebuggerWnd::OnRequestClose(bool OsShuttingDown) { if (!d->RunLoop) return LWindow::OnRequestClose(OsShuttingDown); d->RunLoop = false; return false; // Wait for Run() to exit in it's own time. } void LVmDebuggerWnd::Run() { // This is to allow objects on the application's stack to // still be valid while the debugger UI is shown. d->RunLoop = true; while (d->RunLoop && Visible()) { LYield(); LSleep(20); } Quit(); } LStream *LVmDebuggerWnd::GetLog() { return d->Log; } void LVmDebuggerWnd::OwnVm(bool Own) { d->OwnVm = Own; } void LVmDebuggerWnd::OwnCompiledCode(LAutoPtr Cc) { d->Obj = Cc; } LCompiledCode *LVmDebuggerWnd::GetCode() { return d->Obj; } void LVmDebuggerWnd::SetSource(const char *Mixed) { #if 1 LStringPipe Glob(256); LStringPipe Tmp(256); d->Blocks.Length(0); CodeBlock *Cur = &d->Blocks.New(); // Parse the mixed source auto t = LString(Mixed).SplitDelimit("\n", -1, false); bool InGlobals = true; int InAsm = -1; for (unsigned i=0; i Code Cur->Asm.Reset(Tmp.NewStr()); Cur = &d->Blocks.New(); } else { // Code -> Asm Tmp.Empty(); } InAsm = IsAsm; } Tmp.Print("%s\n", l); if (InAsm) { Cur->AsmLines++; Cur->AsmAddr.Add(htoi(l)); } else if (!Cur->SrcLine) { while (*l == ' ') l++; if (IsDigit(*l)) Cur->SrcLine = atoi(l); } } if (InAsm) Cur->Asm.Reset(Tmp.NewStr()); Tmp.Empty(); LStringPipe Txt; auto Src = d->Script.SplitDelimit("\n", -1, false); unsigned SrcLine = 1; unsigned ViewLine = 1; for (unsigned i=0; iBlocks.Length(); i++) { CodeBlock &b = d->Blocks[i]; if (b.SrcLine > 0) { while (SrcLine <= b.SrcLine) { char *s = Src[SrcLine-1]; Tmp.Print("%i: %s\n", SrcLine, s ? s : ""); b.SrcLines++; SrcLine++; } b.Source.Reset(Tmp.NewStr()); } if (b.Source && b.Asm) { b.ViewLine = ViewLine; ViewLine += b.SrcLines + b.AsmLines; Txt.Print("%s%s", b.Source.Get(), b.Asm.Get()); } else if (b.Source) { b.ViewLine = ViewLine; ViewLine += b.SrcLines; Txt.Print("%s", b.Source.Get()); } else if (b.Asm) { b.ViewLine = ViewLine; ViewLine += b.AsmLines; Txt.Print("%s", b.Asm.Get()); } } while (SrcLine <= Src.Length()) { Txt.Print("%i: %s\n", SrcLine, Src[SrcLine-1].Get()); SrcLine++; } for (unsigned i=0; iBlocks.Length(); i++) { CodeBlock &b = d->Blocks[i]; int Base = b.ViewLine + b.SrcLines; for (int n = Base; nLineIsAsm[n-1] = true; } LAutoString a(Txt.NewStr()); d->Text->Name(a); #else d->Text->Name(Mixed); #endif } void LVmDebuggerWnd::UpdateVariables(LList *Lst, LVariant *Arr, ssize_t Len, char Prefix) { if (!d->Vm || !Lst || !Arr) return; List all; Lst->GetAll(all); LListItem *it; for (ssize_t i=0; iVm->d->DumpVariant(&p, *v); LAutoString a(p.NewStr()); char nm[32]; sprintf_s(nm, sizeof(nm), "%c" LPrintfSSizeT, Prefix, i); if (i >= (ssize_t)all.Length()) { it = new LListItem; all.Insert(it); Lst->Insert(it); } it = i < (ssize_t)all.Length() ? all[i] : NULL; if (it) { it->SetText(nm, 0); it->SetText(a, 1); } } Lst->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } void LVmDebuggerWnd::OnAddress(size_t Addr) { d->CurrentAddr = Addr; if (d->Text) { ssize_t Sz = d->Text->Length(); d->Text->PourText(0, Sz); d->Text->ScrollToCurLine(); d->Text->Invalidate(); } OnNotify(d->Tabs, LNotifyValueChanged); } void LVmDebuggerWnd::OnError(const char *Msg) { if (Msg) d->Text->SetError(Msg); } void LVmDebuggerWnd::OnRun(bool Running) { } void LVmDebuggerWnd::LoadFile(const char *File) { if (!d->Vm || !d->Callback) { LAssert(0); return; } LFile f; if (f.Open(File, O_READ)) d->Script = f.Read(); else d->Script.Empty(); d->Obj.Reset(); if (d->Callback->CompileScript(d->Obj, File, d->Script)) { LCompiledCode *Code = dynamic_cast(d->Obj.Get()); if (Code) { d->Return.Empty(); d->Vm->d->Frames.Length(0); LScriptArguments Args(d->Vm, &d->Return); d->Vm->d->Setup(Code, 0, d->Log, NULL, &Args); } } } int LVmDebuggerWnd::OnCommand(int Cmd, int Event, OsView Wnd) { if (d->Vm && d->Vm->d->Vm == NULL) { // This happens when the original VM decides to go away and leave // our copy of the VM as the only one left. This means we have to // update the pointer in the VM's private data to point to us. d->Vm->d->Vm = d->Vm; } switch (Cmd) { case IDC_RUN: { if (d->Vm) d->Vm->Continue(); break; } case IDC_PAUSE: { if (d->Vm) d->Vm->BreakExecution(); break; } case IDC_STOP: { d->Vm.Reset(); if (d->RunLoop) d->RunLoop = false; else Quit(); break; } case IDC_RESTART: { if (d->Vm && d->Obj) { LCompiledCode *Code = dynamic_cast(d->Obj.Get()); if (Code) d->Vm->Execute(Code, 0, d->Log, false); } break; } case IDC_GOTO: { break; } case IDC_STEP_INSTR: { if (d->Vm) d->Vm->StepInstruction(); break; } case IDC_STEP_LINE: { if (d->Vm) d->Vm->StepLine(); break; } case IDC_STEP_OUT: { if (d->Vm) d->Vm->StepOut(); break; } case IDC_BREAK_POINT: { int Addr = d->Text->GetAddr(); if (Addr >= 0) d->Vm->BreakPoint(Addr, d->Text->Breakpoint(Addr)); break; } case IDC_BREAK_CPP: { if (!d->Vm) { LAssert(0); break; } LMenuItem *i = Menu->FindItem(IDC_BREAK_CPP); if (!i) { LAssert(0); break; } bool b = !i->Checked(); i->Checked(b); d->Vm->SetBreakCpp(b); break; } } return LWindow::OnCommand(Cmd, Event, Wnd); } int LVmDebuggerWnd::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (!d->AcceptNotify) return 0; switch (Ctrl->GetId()) { case IDC_TABS: { switch (Ctrl->Value()) { case 0: // Variables { if (d->Obj) { UpdateVariables(d->Globals, d->Vm->d->Scope[SCOPE_GLOBAL], d->Obj->Globals.Length(), 'G'); } if (d->Vm->d->Frames.Length()) { LVirtualMachinePriv::StackFrame &frm = d->Vm->d->Frames.Last(); UpdateVariables(d->Locals, d->Vm->d->Scope[SCOPE_LOCAL], frm.CurrentFrameSize, 'L'); } else d->Locals->Empty(); UpdateVariables(d->Registers, d->Vm->d->Scope[SCOPE_REGISTER], MAX_REGISTER, 'R'); break; } case 1: // Call stack { d->Stack->Empty(); LArray &Frames = d->Vm->d->Frames; for (int i=(int)Frames.Length()-1; i>=0; i--) { LVirtualMachinePriv::StackFrame &Sf = Frames[i]; LListItem *li = new LListItem; LString s; s.Printf("%p/%i", Sf.ReturnIp, Sf.ReturnIp); li->SetText(s, 0); const char *Src = d->Vm->d->Code->AddrToSourceRef(Sf.ReturnIp); li->SetText(Src, 1); d->Stack->Insert(li); } break; } case 2: // Log { break; } } break; } case IDC_SOURCE_LST: { if (n.Type == LNotifyItemSelect) { LListItem *it = d->SourceLst->GetSelected(); if (!it) break; const char *full = it->GetText(1); if (!LFileExists(full)) break; LoadFile(full); } break; } } return LWindow::OnNotify(Ctrl, n); } LMessage::Param LVmDebuggerWnd::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { return LWindow::OnEvent(Msg); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool LScriptArguments::Throw(const char *File, int Line, const char *Msg, ...) { if (!Vm || !Vm->d) return false; va_list Arg; va_start(Arg, Msg); LString s; s.Printf(Arg, Msg); va_end(Arg); Vm->d->OnException(File, Line, -1, s); return true; } diff --git a/src/common/Coding/ScriptingPriv.h b/src/common/Coding/ScriptingPriv.h --- a/src/common/Coding/ScriptingPriv.h +++ b/src/common/Coding/ScriptingPriv.h @@ -1,562 +1,591 @@ #ifndef _GSCRIPTING_PRIV_H_ #define _GSCRIPTING_PRIV_H_ #include #include "lgi/common/Scripting.h" #include "lgi/common/RefCount.h" // Instructions #define _i(name, opcode, desc) \ name = opcode, #define AllInstructions \ _i(INop, 0, "Nop") \ _i(IAssign, OpAssign, "OpAssign") \ _i(IPlus, OpPlus, "OpPlus") \ _i(IUnaryPlus, OpUnaryPlus, "OpUnaryPlus") \ _i(IMinus, OpMinus, "OpMinus") \ _i(IUnaryMinus, OpUnaryMinus, "OpUnaryMinus") \ _i(IMul, OpMul, "OpMul") \ _i(IDiv, OpDiv, "OpDiv") \ _i(IMod, OpMod, "OpMod") \ _i(ILessThan, OpLessThan, "OpLessThan") \ _i(ILessThanEqual, OpLessThanEqual, "OpLessThanEqual") \ _i(IGreaterThan, OpGreaterThan, "OpGreaterThan") \ _i(IGreaterThanEqual, OpGreaterThanEqual, "OpGreaterThanEqual") \ _i(IEquals, OpEquals, "OpEquals") \ _i(INotEquals, OpNotEquals, "OpNotEquals") \ _i(IPlusEquals, OpPlusEquals, "OpPlusEquals") \ _i(IMinusEquals, OpMinusEquals, "OpMinusEquals") \ _i(IMulEquals, OpMulEquals, "OpMulEquals") \ _i(IDivEquals, OpDivEquals, "OpDivEquals") \ _i(IPostInc, OpPostInc, "OpPostInc") \ _i(IPostDec, OpPostDec, "OpPostDec") \ _i(IPreInc, OpPreInc, "OpPreInc") \ _i(IPreDec, OpPreDec, "OpPreDec") \ _i(IAnd, OpAnd, "OpAnd") \ _i(IOr, OpOr, "OpOr") \ _i(INot, OpNot, "OpNot") \ \ /** Calls a another part of the script */ \ _i(ICallScript, 64, "CallScript") \ /** Calls a method defined by the script context */ \ _i(ICallMethod, 65, "CallMethod") \ _i(IDomGet, 67, "DomGet") \ _i(IDomSet, 68, "DomSet") \ _i(IPush, 69, "Push") \ _i(IPop, 70, "Pop") \ _i(IJump, 71, "Jump") \ _i(IJumpZero, 72, "JumpZ") \ _i(IArrayGet, 73, "ArrayGet") \ _i(IArraySet, 74, "ArraySet") \ _i(IRet, 75, "Return") \ _i(IDomCall, 76, "DomCall") \ /* Stop in the VM at instruction */ \ _i(IBreakPoint, 77, "BreakPoint") \ _i(ICast, 78, "Cast") \ /* Open the debugger */ \ _i(IDebug, 79, "Debug") \ enum GInstruction { AllInstructions }; enum OperatorType { OpPrefix, OpInfix, OpPostfix, }; extern char16 sChar[]; extern char16 sInt[]; extern char16 sUInt[]; extern char16 sInt32[]; extern char16 sUInt32[]; extern char16 sInt64[]; extern char16 sHWND[]; extern char16 sDWORD[]; extern char16 sLPTSTR[]; extern char16 sLPCTSTR[]; extern char16 sElse[]; extern char16 sIf[]; extern char16 sFunction[]; extern char16 sExtern[]; extern char16 sFor[]; extern char16 sWhile[]; extern char16 sReturn[]; extern char16 sInclude[]; extern char16 sDefine[]; extern char16 sStruct[]; extern char16 sTrue[]; extern char16 sFalse[]; extern char16 sNull[]; extern char16 sOutParam[]; extern char16 sHash[]; extern char16 sPeriod[]; extern char16 sComma[]; extern char16 sSemiColon[]; extern char16 sStartRdBracket[]; extern char16 sEndRdBracket[]; extern char16 sStartSqBracket[]; extern char16 sEndSqBracket[]; extern char16 sStartCurlyBracket[]; extern char16 sEndCurlyBracket[]; extern const char *InstToString(GInstruction i); /* Variable Reference: Can either be a: - stack variable - global variable - register (0 .. MAX_REGISTER - 1) Thus a variable reference encodes 2 pieces of information, first the scope of the reference (as above) and secondly the index into that scope. Scopes are stored as arrays of variables. The scope is one byte, the index is 3 bytes following, totally 4 bytes per ref. */ #define MAX_REGISTER 16 /// 32bit variable reference, used to track where a variable is during compilation. struct LVarRef { /// \sa #SCOPE_REGISTER, #SCOPE_LOCAL or #SCOPE_GLOBAL unsigned Scope : 8; /// Index into scope int Index : 24; bool Valid() { return Index >= 0; } void Empty() { Scope = 0; Index = -1; } bool IsReg() { return Scope == SCOPE_REGISTER && Index >= 0 && Index < MAX_REGISTER; } void SetReg(int i) { Scope = SCOPE_REGISTER; Index = i; } bool operator ==(LVarRef &r) { return r.Scope == Scope && r.Index == Index; } bool operator !=(LVarRef &r) { return r.Scope != Scope || r.Index != Index; } const char *GetStr() { if (Index < 0) { LAssert(!"Invalid reference"); return "NoRef"; } #define GETSTR_BUF_SIZE 16 static char Buf[8][GETSTR_BUF_SIZE]; static int Cur = 0; static char Names[] = {'R', 'L', 'G'}; char *b = Buf[Cur++]; if (Cur >= 8) Cur = 0; LAssert(Scope <= SCOPE_GLOBAL); sprintf_s(b, GETSTR_BUF_SIZE, "%c%i", Names[Scope], Index); return b; } }; union LScriptPtr { uint8_t *u8; uint16 *u16; uint32_t *u32; int8 *i8; int16 *i16; int32 *i32; double *dbl; float *flt; LVarRef *r; LFunc **fn; }; class SystemFunctions; class LCompileTools { protected: OperatorType OpType(LOperator o) { switch (o) { case OpUnaryPlus: case OpUnaryMinus: case OpPreInc: case OpPreDec: case OpNot: return OpPrefix; case OpPostInc: case OpPostDec: return OpPostfix; default: return OpInfix; } } int GetPrecedence(LOperator o) { // Taken from: // http://www.cppreference.com/operator_precedence.html switch (o) { case OpAssign: case OpMinusEquals: case OpPlusEquals: case OpMulEquals: case OpDivEquals: return 16; case OpAnd: return 13; case OpOr: return 14; case OpEquals: case OpNotEquals: return 9; case OpLessThan: case OpLessThanEqual: case OpGreaterThan: case OpGreaterThanEqual: return 8; case OpPlus: case OpMinus: return 6; case OpMul: case OpDiv: case OpMod: return 5; case OpUnaryPlus: case OpUnaryMinus: case OpPreInc: case OpPreDec: case OpNot: return 3; case OpPostInc: case OpPostDec: return 2; case OpNull: return 0; default: LAssert(!"Really?"); break; } return -1; } LOperator IsOp(char16 *s, int PrevIsOp) { if (!s) return OpNull; if (s[0] != 0 && !s[1]) { // One character operator switch (*s) { case '=': return OpAssign; case '*': return OpMul; case '/': return OpDiv; case '<': return OpLessThan; case '>': return OpGreaterThan; case '%': return OpMod; case '!': return OpNot; case '+': { if (PrevIsOp == 0) return OpPlus; return OpUnaryPlus; } case '-': { if (PrevIsOp == 0) return OpMinus; return OpUnaryMinus; } } } else if (s[0] != 0 && s[1] == '=' && !s[2]) { // 2 chars, "something" equals operator switch (*s) { case '!': return OpNotEquals; case '=': return OpEquals; case '<': return OpLessThanEqual; case '>': return OpGreaterThanEqual; case '+': return OpPlusEquals; case '-': return OpMinusEquals; case '*': return OpMulEquals; case '/': return OpDivEquals; } } else if (s[0] == '+' && s[1] == '+' && !s[2]) { if (PrevIsOp == 0) return OpPostInc; return OpPreInc; } else if (s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '-' && !s[2]) { if (PrevIsOp == 0) return OpPostDec; return OpPreDec; } else if (s[0] == '&' && s[1] == '&' && !s[2]) { return OpAnd; } else if (s[0] == '|' && s[1] == '|' && !s[2]) { return OpOr; } return OpNull; } }; /// This class compiles the source down to byte code class LCompiler : public LScriptUtils { class LCompilerPriv *d; public: /// Constructor LCompiler(); ~LCompiler(); /// Compile the source into byte code. bool Compile ( LAutoPtr &Code, LScriptContext *SysContext, LScriptContext *UserContext, const char *FileName, const char *Script, LDom *Args ); }; /// This class is the VM for the byte language class LVirtualMachine : public LScriptUtils { friend class LVmDebuggerWnd; friend class LScriptArguments; class LVirtualMachinePriv *d; public: static bool BreakOnWarning; + class Context + { + friend class LVirtualMachine; + LCompiledCode *Code = NULL; + LVmCallback *Callback = NULL; + ssize_t Addr = -1; + + public: + operator bool() + { + return Code != NULL && Callback != NULL; + } + + bool Call(LString CallbackName, LScriptArguments &Args) const + { + if (!Callback) + return false; + + LVirtualMachine Vm(*this); + auto Prev = Args.GetVm(); + Args.SetVm(&Vm); + auto result = Callback->CallCallback(Vm, CallbackName, Args); + Args.SetVm(Prev); + return result; + } + }; + LVirtualMachine(LVmCallback *callback = NULL); + LVirtualMachine(Context ctx); LVirtualMachine(LVirtualMachine *vm); ~LVirtualMachine(); /// Executes the whole script starting at the top LExecutionStatus Execute ( /// [In] The code to execute LCompiledCode *Code, /// [In] The instruction to start at... [defaults to the start of script) uint32_t StartOffset = 0, /// [Optional] Log file for execution LStream *Log = NULL, /// Start the script execution straight away? bool StartImmediately = true, /// Optional return value LVariant *Return = NULL ); /// Execute just one method and return LExecutionStatus ExecuteFunction ( /// [In] The code to execute LCompiledCode *Code, /// [In] The function to execute LFunctionInfo *Func, /// [In/Out] The function's arguments LScriptArguments &Args, /// [Optional] Log file for execution LStream *Log = NULL, /// [Optional] Copy arguments back to this array LScriptArguments *ArgsOut = NULL ); // Debugging commands LVmDebugger *OpenDebugger(LCompiledCode *Code = NULL, const char *Assembly = NULL); bool StepInstruction(); bool StepLine(); bool StepOut(); bool BreakExecution(); bool Continue(); bool BreakPoint(const char *File, int Line, bool Add); bool BreakPoint(int Addr, bool Add); void SetBreakCpp(bool Brk); void SetDebuggerEnabled(bool b); - // Properties + // Other methods void SetTempPath(const char *Path); LVmCallback *GetCallback(); + Context SaveContext(); }; /// Scripting engine system functions class SystemFunctions : public LScriptContext { LScriptEngine *Engine; LStream *Log; #ifdef WINNATIVE HANDLE Brk; #endif LView *CastLView(LVariant &v); public: SystemFunctions(); ~SystemFunctions(); LStream *GetLog(); bool SetLog(LStream *log); void SetEngine(LScriptEngine *Eng); LString GetIncludeFile(const char *FileName) override { return NULL; } LHostFunc *GetCommands(); // Debug bool Assert(LScriptArguments &Args); bool Throw(LScriptArguments &Args); bool DebuggerEnabled(LScriptArguments &Args); // String bool LoadString(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Formats a string bool Sprintf(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Formats a file size bool FormatSize(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Prints items to the console bool Print(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Converts args to string bool ToString(LScriptArguments &Args); // Object creation/deletion bool New(LScriptArguments &Args); bool Delete(LScriptArguments &Args); bool Len(LScriptArguments &Args); // File /// Reads a text file into a variable bool ReadTextFile(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Writes a text file from a variable bool WriteTextFile(LScriptArguments &Args); /// \brief Opens a file open dialog to select files. /// /// Args: LView *Parent, char *Patterns, /// char *InitFolder, bool Multiselect bool SelectFiles(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Open a folder select dialog /// /// Args: LView *Parent, char *InitFolder bool SelectFolder(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Lists file in folder /// /// Args; char *Path, [optional] char *Pattern /// Returns: List of DOM objects with the following fields: /// Name - File/dir name /// Size - Size of entry /// Folder - bool, true if folder /// Modified - LDateTime, modified time bool ListFiles(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Deletes a file bool DeleteFile(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Gets the current script path. bool CurrentScript(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Finds out if a path exists. bool PathExists(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Joins path segments together. bool PathJoin(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Returns the current OS path separator. bool PathSep(LScriptArguments &Args); // Time /// Sleeps a number of milliseconds bool Sleep(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Get the current tick count bool ClockTick(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Get the date time bool Now(LScriptArguments &Args); // Bitmaps /// Creates a memory context bool CreateSurface(LScriptArguments &Args); bool ColourSpaceToString(LScriptArguments &Args); bool StringToColourSpace(LScriptArguments &Args); // User interface /// Standard alert message box bool MessageDlg(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Gets an input string from the user /// String GetInputDlg(Window Parent, String InitialValue, String Question, String Title, bool IsPassword, String Callback. bool GetInputDlg(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Gets a view by id bool GetViewById(LScriptArguments &Args); // System /// Executes a command, waits for it to finish, then returns it's output: /// String Execute(String Application, String CmdLine); bool Execute(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Executes a command and doesn't wait for it to return: /// Bool System(String Application, String CmdLine); bool System(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Gets the operating system name. bool OsName(LScriptArguments &Args); /// Gets the operating system version. bool OsVersion(LScriptArguments &Args); }; #endif