diff --git a/src/common/Text/TextView3.cpp b/src/common/Text/TextView3.cpp --- a/src/common/Text/TextView3.cpp +++ b/src/common/Text/TextView3.cpp @@ -1,5443 +1,5442 @@ #include #include #include #include #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/TextView3.h" #include "lgi/common/Input.h" #include "lgi/common/ScrollBar.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include "lgi/common/ClipBoard.h" #include "lgi/common/DisplayString.h" #include "lgi/common/CssTools.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/Mail.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "lgi/common/Menu.h" #include "lgi/common/DropFiles.h" #include "ViewPriv.h" #undef max #ifdef _DEBUG #define FEATURE_HILIGHT_ALL_MATCHES 1 #else #define FEATURE_HILIGHT_ALL_MATCHES 0 #endif #define DefaultCharset "utf-8" #define SubtractPtr(a, b) ((a) - (b)) #define GDCF_UTF8 -1 #define POUR_DEBUG 0 #define PROFILE_POUR 0 #define PROFILE_PAINT 0 #define DRAW_LINE_BOXES 0 #define WRAP_POUR_TIMEOUT 90 // ms #define PULSE_TIMEOUT 500 // ms #define CURSOR_BLINK 1000 // ms #define ALLOC_BLOCK 64 #define IDC_VS 1000 #ifdef WINDOWS #define DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT 1 #endif enum Cmds { IDM_COPY_URL = 100, IDM_AUTO_INDENT, IDM_UTF8, IDM_PASTE_NO_CONVERT, IDM_FIXED, IDM_SHOW_WHITE, IDM_HARD_TABS, IDM_INDENT_SIZE, IDM_TAB_SIZE, IDM_DUMP, IDM_RTL, IDM_COPY_ALL, IDM_SELECT_ALL, #ifndef IDM_OPEN IDM_OPEN, #endif #ifndef IDM_NEW IDM_NEW, #endif #ifndef IDM_COPY IDM_COPY, #endif #ifndef IDM_CUT IDM_CUT, #endif #ifndef IDM_PASTE IDM_PASTE, #endif #ifndef IDM_UNDO IDM_UNDO, #endif #ifndef IDM_REDO IDM_REDO, #endif }; #define PAINT_BORDER Back #if DRAW_LINE_BOXES #define PAINT_AFTER_LINE LColour(240, 240, 240) #else #define PAINT_AFTER_LINE Back #endif #define CODEPAGE_BASE 100 #define CONVERT_CODEPAGE_BASE 200 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(toupper) #define toupper(c) (((c)>='a'&&(c)<='z') ? (c)-'a'+'A' : (c)) #endif #define THREAD_CHECK() \ if (!InThread()) \ { \ LgiTrace("%s:%i - %s called out of thread.\n", _FL, __FUNCTION__); \ return false; \ } static char SelectWordDelim[] = " \t\n.,()[]<>=?/\\{}\"\';:+=-|!@#$%^&*"; #ifndef WINDOWS static LArray Ctrls; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LDocFindReplaceParams3 : public LDocFindReplaceParams, public LMutex { public: // Find/Replace History LAutoWString LastFind; LAutoWString LastReplace; bool MatchCase; bool MatchWord; bool SelectionOnly; bool SearchUpwards; LDocFindReplaceParams3() : LMutex("LDocFindReplaceParams3") { MatchCase = false; MatchWord = false; SelectionOnly = false; SearchUpwards = false; } }; class LTextView3Private : public LCss, public LMutex { public: LTextView3 *View; LRect rPadding; int PourX; bool LayoutDirty; ssize_t DirtyStart, DirtyLen; LColour UrlColour; bool CenterCursor; ssize_t WordSelectMode; LString Eol; LString LastError; // If the scroll position is set before we get a scroll bar, store the index // here and set it when the LNotifyScrollBarCreate arrives. ssize_t VScrollCache; // Find/Replace Params bool OwnFindReplaceParams; LDocFindReplaceParams3 *FindReplaceParams; // Map buffer ssize_t MapLen; char16 *MapBuf; // // Thread safe Name(char*) impl LString SetName; // #ifdef _DEBUG LString PourLog; #endif LTextView3Private(LTextView3 *view) : LMutex("LTextView3Private") { View = view; WordSelectMode = -1; PourX = -1; VScrollCache = -1; DirtyStart = DirtyLen = 0; UrlColour.Rgb(0, 0, 255); LColour::GetConfigColour("colour.L_URL", UrlColour); CenterCursor = false; LayoutDirty = true; rPadding.ZOff(0, 0); MapBuf = 0; MapLen = 0; OwnFindReplaceParams = true; FindReplaceParams = new LDocFindReplaceParams3; } ~LTextView3Private() { if (OwnFindReplaceParams) { DeleteObj(FindReplaceParams); } DeleteArray(MapBuf); } void SetDirty(ssize_t Start, ssize_t Len = 0) { LayoutDirty = true; DirtyStart = Start; DirtyLen = Len; } void OnChange(PropType Prop) { if (Prop == LCss::PropPadding || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingLeft || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingRight || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingTop || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingBottom) { LCssTools t(this, View->GetFont()); rPadding.ZOff(0, 0); rPadding = t.ApplyPadding(rPadding); } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum UndoType { UndoDelete, UndoInsert, UndoChange }; struct Change : public LRange { UndoType Type; LArray Txt; }; struct LTextView3Undo : public LUndoEvent { LTextView3 *View; LArray Changes; LTextView3Undo(LTextView3 *view) { View = view; } void AddChange(ssize_t At, ssize_t Len, UndoType Type) { Change &c = Changes.New(); c.Start = At; c.Len = Len; c.Txt.Add(View->Text + At, Len); c.Type = Type; } void OnChange() { for (auto &c : Changes) { size_t Len = c.Len; if (View->Text) { char16 *t = View->Text + c.Start; for (size_t i=0; id->SetDirty(c.Start, c.Len); } } // LUndoEvent void ApplyChange() { View->UndoOn = false; for (auto &c : Changes) { switch (c.Type) { case UndoInsert: { View->Insert(c.Start, c.Txt.AddressOf(), c.Len); View->Cursor = c.Start + c.Len; break; } case UndoDelete: { View->Delete(c.Start, c.Len); View->Cursor = c.Start; break; } case UndoChange: { OnChange(); break; } } } View->UndoOn = true; View->Invalidate(); } void RemoveChange() { View->UndoOn = false; for (auto &c : Changes) { switch (c.Type) { case UndoInsert: { View->Delete(c.Start, c.Len); break; } case UndoDelete: { View->Insert(c.Start, c.Txt.AddressOf(), c.Len); break; } case UndoChange: { OnChange(); break; } } View->Cursor = c.Start; } View->UndoOn = true; View->Invalidate(); } }; void LTextView3::LStyle::RefreshLayout(size_t Start, ssize_t Len) { View->PourText(Start, Len); View->PourStyle(Start, Len); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LTextView3::LTextView3( int Id, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, LFontType *FontType) : ResObject(Res_Custom) { // init vars LView::d->Css.Reset(d = new LTextView3Private(this)); TabSize = TAB_SIZE; IndentSize = TAB_SIZE; // setup window SetId(Id); // default options #if WINNATIVE CrLf = true; SetDlgCode(DLGC_WANTALLKEYS); #else #endif d->Padding(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPx, 2)); #ifdef _DEBUG // debug times _PourTime = 0; _StyleTime = 0; _PaintTime = 0; #endif // Data Alloc = ALLOC_BLOCK; Text = new char16[Alloc]; if (Text) *Text = 0; Cursor = 0; Size = 0; // Display if (FontType) Font = FontType->Create(); else { LFontType Type; if (Type.GetSystemFont("Fixed")) Font = Type.Create(); else printf("%s:%i - failed to create font.\n", _FL); } if (Font) { SetTabStop(true); Underline = new LFont; if (Underline) { *Underline = *Font; Underline->Underline(true); if (d->UrlColour.IsValid()) Underline->Fore(d->UrlColour); Underline->Create(); } Bold = new LFont; if (Bold) { *Bold = *Font; Bold->Bold(true); Bold->Create(); } OnFontChange(); } else { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Failed to create font, FontType=%p\n", _FL, FontType); Font = LSysFont; } CursorPos.ZOff(1, LineY-1); CursorPos.Offset(d->rPadding.x1, d->rPadding.y1); LRect r; r.ZOff(cx-1, cy-1); r.Offset(x, y); SetPos(r); LResources::StyleElement(this); } LTextView3::~LTextView3() { #ifndef WINDOWS Ctrls.Delete(this); #endif Line.DeleteObjects(); Style.Empty(); DeleteArray(TextCache); DeleteArray(Text); if (Font != LSysFont) DeleteObj(Font); DeleteObj(FixedFont); DeleteObj(Underline); DeleteObj(Bold); // 'd' is owned by the LView::Css auto ptr } char16 *LTextView3::MapText(char16 *Str, ssize_t Len, bool RtlTrailingSpace) { if (ObscurePassword /*|| ShowWhiteSpace*/ || RtlTrailingSpace) { if (Len > d->MapLen) { DeleteArray(d->MapBuf); d->MapBuf = new char16[Len + RtlTrailingSpace]; d->MapLen = Len; } if (d->MapBuf) { int n = 0; if (RtlTrailingSpace) { d->MapBuf[n++] = ' '; for (int i=0; iMapBuf[n++] = Str[i]; } } else if (ObscurePassword) { for (int i=0; iMapBuf[n++] = '*'; } } /* else if (ShowWhiteSpace) { for (int i=0; iMapBuf[n++] = 0xb7; } else if (Str[i] == '\t') { d->MapBuf[n++] = 0x2192; } else { d->MapBuf[n++] = Str[i]; } } } */ return d->MapBuf; } } return Str; } void LTextView3::SetFixedWidthFont(bool i) { if (FixedWidthFont ^ i) { if (i) { LFontType Type; if (Type.GetSystemFont("Fixed")) { LFont *f = FixedFont; FixedFont = Font; Font = f; if (!Font) { Font = Type.Create(); if (Font) { Font->PointSize(FixedFont->PointSize()); } } LDocView::SetFixedWidthFont(i); } } else if (FixedFont) { LFont *f = FixedFont; FixedFont = Font; Font = f; LDocView::SetFixedWidthFont(i); } OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } } void LTextView3::SetReadOnly(bool i) { LDocView::SetReadOnly(i); #if WINNATIVE SetDlgCode(i ? DLGC_WANTARROWS : DLGC_WANTALLKEYS); #endif } void LTextView3::SetCrLf(bool crlf) { CrLf = crlf; } void LTextView3::SetTabSize(uint8_t i) { TabSize = limit(i, 2, 32); OnFontChange(); OnPosChange(); Invalidate(); } void LTextView3::SetWrapType(LDocWrapType i) { LDocView::SetWrapType(i); CanScrollX = i != TEXTED_WRAP_REFLOW; OnPosChange(); Invalidate(); } LFont *LTextView3::GetFont() { return Font; } LFont *LTextView3::GetBold() { return Bold; } void LTextView3::SetFont(LFont *f, bool OwnIt) { if (!f) return; if (OwnIt) { if (Font != LSysFont) DeleteObj(Font); Font = f; } else if (!Font || Font == LSysFont) { Font = new LFont(*f); } else { *Font = *f; } if (Font) { if (!Underline) Underline = new LFont; if (Underline) { *Underline = *Font; Underline->Underline(true); Underline->Create(); if (d->UrlColour.IsValid()) Underline->Fore(d->UrlColour); } if (!Bold) Bold = new LFont; if (Bold) { *Bold = *Font; Bold->Bold(true); Bold->Create(); } } OnFontChange(); } void LTextView3::OnFontChange() { if (Font) { // get line height // int OldLineY = LineY; if (!Font->Handle()) Font->Create(); LineY = Font->GetHeight(); if (LineY < 1) LineY = 1; // get tab size char Spaces[32]; memset(Spaces, 'A', TabSize); Spaces[TabSize] = 0; LDisplayString ds(Font, Spaces); Font->TabSize(ds.X()); // repour doc d->SetDirty(0, Size); // validate blue underline font if (Underline) { *Underline = *Font; Underline->Underline(true); Underline->Create(); } #if WINNATIVE // Set the IME font. HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(Handle()); if (hIMC) { COMPOSITIONFORM Cf; Cf.dwStyle = CFS_POINT; Cf.ptCurrentPos.x = CursorPos.x1; Cf.ptCurrentPos.y = CursorPos.y1; LOGFONT FontInfo; GetObject(Font->Handle(), sizeof(FontInfo), &FontInfo); ImmSetCompositionFont(hIMC, &FontInfo); ImmReleaseContext(Handle(), hIMC); } #endif } } void LTextView3::LogLines() { int Idx = 0; LgiTrace("DocSize: %i\n", (int)Size); for (auto i : Line) { LgiTrace(" [%i]=%p, %i+%i, %s\n", Idx, i, (int)i->Start, (int)i->Len, i->r.GetStr()); Idx++; } #ifdef _DEBUG if (d->PourLog) LgiTrace("%s", d->PourLog.Get()); #endif } bool LTextView3::ValidateLines(bool CheckBox) { size_t Pos = 0; char16 *c = Text; size_t Idx = 0; LTextLine *Prev = NULL; for (auto i : Line) { LTextLine *l = i; if (l->Start != Pos) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Incorrect start."); return false; } char16 *e = c; if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { while (*e && *e != '\n') e++; } else { char16 *end = Text + l->Start + l->Len; while (*e && *e != '\n' && e < end) e++; } ssize_t Len = e - c; if (l->Len != Len) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Incorrect length."); return false; } if (CheckBox && Prev && Prev->r.y2 != l->r.y1 - 1) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Lines not joined vertically"); } if (*e) { if (*e == '\n') e++; else if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_REFLOW) e++; } Pos = e - Text; c = e; Idx++; Prev = l; } if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE && Pos != Size) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Last line != end of doc"); return false; } return true; } int LTextView3::AdjustStyles(ssize_t Start, ssize_t Diff, bool ExtendStyle) { int Changes = 0; for (auto &s : Style) { if (s.Start == Start) { if (Diff < 0 || ExtendStyle) s.Len += Diff; else s.Start += Diff; Changes++; } else if (s.Start > Start) { s.Start += Diff; Changes++; } } return Changes; } // break array, break out of loop when we hit these chars #define ExitLoop(c) ( (c) == 0 || \ (c) == '\n' || \ (c) == ' ' || \ (c) == '\t' \ ) // extra breaking opportunities #define ExtraBreak(c) ( ( (c) >= 0x3040 && (c) <= 0x30FF ) || \ ( (c) >= 0x3300 && (c) <= 0x9FAF ) \ ) /* Prerequisite: The Line list must have either the objects with the correct Start/Len or be missing the lines altogether... */ void LTextView3::PourText(size_t Start, ssize_t Length /* == 0 means it's a delete */) { #if PROFILE_POUR char _txt[256]; sprintf_s(_txt, sizeof(_txt), "%p::PourText Lines=%i Sz=%i", this, (int)Line.Length(), (int)Size); LProfile Prof(_txt); #endif #if !defined(HAIKU) LAssert(InThread()); #endif LRect Client = GetClient(); int Mx = Client.X() - d->rPadding.x1 - d->rPadding.x2; int Cy = 0; MaxX = 0; ssize_t Idx = -1; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(Start, &Idx); // LgiTrace("Pour %i:%i Cur=%p Idx=%i\n", (int)Start, (int)Length, (int)Cur, (int)Idx); if (!Cur || !Cur->r.Valid()) { // Find the last line that has a valid position... for (auto i = Idx >= 0 ? Line.begin(Idx) : Line.rbegin(); *i; i--, Idx--) { Cur = *i; if (Cur->r.Valid()) { Cy = Cur->r.y1; if (Idx < 0) Idx = Line.IndexOf(Cur); break; } } } if (Cur && !Cur->r.Valid()) Cur = NULL; if (Cur) { Cy = Cur->r.y1; Start = Cur->Start; Length = Size - Start; // LgiTrace("Reset start to %i:%i because Cur!=NULL\n", (int)Start, (int)Length); } else { Idx = 0; Start = 0; Length = Size; } if (!Text || !Font || Mx <= 0) return; // Tracking vars ssize_t e; //int LastX = 0; int WrapCol = GetWrapAtCol(); LDisplayString Sp(Font, " ", 1); int WidthOfSpace = Sp.X(); if (WidthOfSpace < 1) { printf("%s:%i - WidthOfSpace test failed.\n", _FL); return; } // Alright... lets pour! uint64 StartTs = LCurrentTime(); if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { // Find the dimensions of each line that is missing a rect #if PROFILE_POUR Prof.Add("NoWrap: ExistingLines"); #endif #ifdef _DEGBUG LStringPipe Log(1024); Log.Printf("Pour: " LPrintfSizeT ", " LPrintfSSizeT ", partial=%i\n", Start, Length, PartialPour); #endif ssize_t Pos = 0; for (auto i = Line.begin(Idx); *i; i++, Idx++) { LTextLine *l = *i; #ifdef _DEGBUG Log.Printf(" [%i] exist: r.val=%i\n", Idx, l->r.Valid()); #endif if (!l->r.Valid()) // If the layout is not valid... { LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + l->Start, l->Len); l->r.x1 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.x2 = l->r.x1 + ds.X(); MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); } // Adjust the y position anyway... it's free. l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; Cy = l->r.y2 + 1; Pos = l->Start + l->Len; if (Text[Pos] == '\n') Pos++; } // Now if we are missing lines as well, create them and lay them out #if PROFILE_POUR Prof.Add("NoWrap: NewLines"); #endif while (Pos < Size) { LTextLine *l = new LTextLine; l->Start = Pos; char16 *c = Text + Pos; char16 *e = c; while (*e && *e != '\n') e++; l->Len = e - c; #ifdef _DEGBUG Log.Printf(" [%i] new: start=" LPrintfSSizeT ", len=" LPrintfSSizeT "\n", Idx, l->Start, l->Len); #endif l->r.x1 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; if (l->Len) { LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + l->Start, l->Len); l->r.x2 = l->r.x1 + ds.X(); } else { l->r.x2 = l->r.x1; } Line.Insert(l); if (*e == '\n') e++; MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); Cy = l->r.y2 + 1; Pos = e - Text; Idx++; } #ifdef _DEGBUG d->PourLog = Log.NewLStr(); #endif PartialPour = false; PartialPourLines = 0; } else // Wrap text { int DisplayStart = ScrollYLine(); int DisplayLines = (Client.Y() + LineY - 1) / LineY; int DisplayEnd = DisplayStart + DisplayLines; // Pouring is split into 2 parts... // 1) pouring to the end of the displayed text. // 2) pouring from there to the end of the document. // potentially taking several goes to complete the full pour // This allows the document to display and edit faster.. bool PourToDisplayEnd = Line.Length() < DisplayEnd; #if 0 LgiTrace("Idx=%i, DisplayStart=%i, DisplayLines=%i, DisplayEnd=%i, PourToDisplayEnd=%i\n", Idx, DisplayStart, DisplayLines, DisplayEnd, PourToDisplayEnd); #endif if ((ssize_t)Line.Length() > Idx) { for (auto i = Line.begin(Idx); *i; i++) delete *i; Line.Length(Idx); Cur = NULL; } int Cx = 0; ssize_t i; for (i=Start; i= Size || Text[e] == '\n' || (e-i) >= WrapCol) { break; } e++; } // Seek back some characters if we are mid word size_t OldE = e; if (e < Size && Text[e] != '\n') { while (e > i) { if (ExitLoop(Text[e]) || ExtraBreak(Text[e])) { break; } e--; } } if (e == i) { // No line break at all, so seek forward instead for (e=OldE; e < Size && Text[e] != '\n'; e++) { if (ExitLoop(Text[e]) || ExtraBreak(Text[e])) break; } } // Calc the width LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + i, e - i); Width = ds.X(); } else { // Wrap to edge of screen ssize_t PrevExitChar = -1; int PrevX = -1; while (true) { if (e >= Size || ExitLoop(Text[e]) || ExtraBreak(Text[e])) { LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + i, e - i); if (ds.X() + Cx > Mx) { if (PrevExitChar > 0) { e = PrevExitChar; Width = PrevX; } else { Width = ds.X(); } break; } else if (e >= Size || Text[e] == '\n') { Width = ds.X(); break; } PrevExitChar = e; PrevX = ds.X(); } e++; } } // Create layout line LTextLine *l = new LTextLine; if (l) { l->Start = i; l->Len = e - i; l->r.x1 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.x2 = l->r.x1 + Width - 1; l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; Line.Insert(l); if (PourToDisplayEnd) { if (Line.Length() > DisplayEnd) { // We have reached the end of the displayed area... so // exit out temporarily to display the layout to the user PartialPour = true; PartialPourLines = std::max(PartialPourLines, Line.Length()); break; } } else { // Otherwise check if we are taking too long... if (Line.Length() % 20 == 0) { uint64 Now = LCurrentTime(); if (Now - StartTs > WRAP_POUR_TIMEOUT) { PartialPour = true; PartialPourLines = std::max(PartialPourLines, Line.Length()); break; } } } MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); Cy += LineY; if (e < Size) e++; } } if (i >= Size) { PartialPour = false; PartialPourLines = 0; } SendNotify(LNotifyCursorChanged); } #ifdef _DEBUG // ValidateLines(true); #endif #if PROFILE_POUR Prof.Add("LastLine"); #endif if (!PartialPour) { auto It = Line.rbegin(); LTextLine *Last = It != Line.end() ? *It : NULL; if (!Last || Last->Start + Last->Len < Size) { LTextLine *l = new LTextLine; if (l) { l->Start = Size; l->Len = 0; l->r.x1 = l->r.x2 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; Line.Insert(l); MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); Cy += LineY; } } } bool ScrollYNeeded = Client.Y() < (std::max(PartialPourLines, Line.Length()) * LineY); bool ScrollChange = ScrollYNeeded ^ (VScroll != NULL); d->LayoutDirty = WrapType != TEXTED_WRAP_NONE && ScrollChange; #if PROFILE_POUR static LString _s; _s.Printf("ScrollBars dirty=%i", d->LayoutDirty); Prof.Add(_s); #endif if (ScrollChange) { #if 0 LgiTrace("%s:%i - %p::SetScrollBars(%i) cliy=%i content=%i partial=%i\n", _FL, this, ScrollYNeeded, Client.Y(), (Line.Length() * LineY), PartialPour); #endif SetScrollBars(false, ScrollYNeeded); } UpdateScrollBars(); #if 0 // def _DEBUG if (GetWindow()) { static char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "Pour: %.2f sec", (double)_PourTime / 1000); GetWindow()->PostEvent(M_TEXTVIEW_DEBUG_TEXT, (LMessage::Param)s); } #endif #if POUR_DEBUG printf("Lines=%i\n", Line.Length()); int Index = 0; for (LTextLine *l=Line.First(); l; l=Line.Next(), Index++) { printf("\t[%i] %i,%i (%s)\n", Index, l->Start, l->Len, l->r.Describe()); } #endif } bool LTextView3::InsertStyle(LAutoPtr s) { if (!s) return false; LAssert(s->Start >= 0); LAssert(s->Len > 0); ssize_t Last = 0; // int n = 0; // LgiTrace("StartStyle=%i,%i(%i) %s\n", (int)s->Start, (int)s->Len, (int)(s->Start+s->Len), s->Fore.GetStr()); if (Style.Length() > 0) { // Optimize for last in the list auto Last = Style.rbegin(); if (s->Start >= (ssize_t)Last->End()) { Style.Insert(*s); return true; } } for (auto i = Style.begin(); i != Style.end(); i++) { if (s->Overlap(*i)) { if (s->Owner > i->Owner) { // Fail the insert return false; } else { // Replace mode... *i = *s; return true; } } if (s->Start >= Last && s->Start < i->Start) { Style.Insert(*s, i); return true; } } Style.Insert(*s); return true; } LTextView3::LStyle *LTextView3::GetNextStyle(StyleIter &s, ssize_t Where) { if (Where >= 0) s = Style.begin(); else s++; while (s != Style.end()) { // determine whether style is relevant.. // styles in the selected region are ignored ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); if (SelStart >= 0 && s->Start >= Min && s->Start+s->Len < Max) { // style is completely inside selection: ignore s++; } else if (Where >= 0 && s->Start+s->Len < Where) { s++; } else { return &(*s); } } return NULL; } #if 0 CURSOR_CHAR GetCursor() { #ifdef WIN32 LArray Ver; int Os = LGetOs(&Ver); if ((Os == LGI_OS_WIN32 || Os == LGI_OS_WIN64) && Ver[0] >= 5) { return MAKEINTRESOURCE(32649); // hand } else { return IDC_ARROW; } #endif return 0; } #endif LTextView3::LStyle *LTextView3::HitStyle(ssize_t i) { for (auto &s : Style) { if (i >= s.Start && i < (ssize_t)s.End()) { return &s; } } return NULL; } void LTextView3::PourStyle(size_t Start, ssize_t EditSize) { #ifdef _DEBUG int64 StartTime = LCurrentTime(); #endif LAssert(InThread()); if (!Text || Size < 1) return; ssize_t Length = MAX(EditSize, 0); if ((ssize_t)Start + Length >= Size) Length = Size - Start; // For deletes, this sizes the edit length within bounds. // Expand re-style are to word boundaries before and after the area of change while (Start > 0 && UrlChar(Text[Start-1])) { // Move the start back Start--; Length++; } while ((ssize_t)Start + Length < Size && UrlChar(Text[Start+Length])) { // Move the end back Length++; } // Delete all the styles that we own inside the changed area for (StyleIter s = Style.begin(); s != Style.end();) { if (s->Owner == STYLE_NONE) { if (EditSize > 0) { if (s->Overlap(Start, EditSize < 0 ? -EditSize : EditSize)) { Style.Delete(s); continue; } } else { if (s->Overlap(Start, -EditSize)) { Style.Delete(s); continue; } } } s++; } if (UrlDetect) { LArray Links; LAssert((ssize_t)Start + Length <= Size); if (LDetectLinks(Links, Text + Start, Length)) { for (uint32_t i=0; i Url(new LStyle(STYLE_URL)); if (Url) { Url->View = this; Url->Start = Inf.Start + Start; Url->Len = Inf.Len; // Url->Email = Inf.Email; Url->Font = Underline; Url->Fore = d->UrlColour; InsertStyle(Url); } } } } #ifdef _DEBUG _StyleTime = LCurrentTime() - StartTime; #endif } bool LTextView3::Insert(size_t At, const char16 *Data, ssize_t Len) { LProfile Prof("LTextView3::Insert"); Prof.HideResultsIfBelow(1000); LAssert(InThread()); if (!ReadOnly && Len > 0) { if (!Data) return false; // limit input to valid data At = MIN(Size, (ssize_t)At); // make sure we have enough memory size_t NewAlloc = Size + Len + 1; NewAlloc += ALLOC_BLOCK - (NewAlloc % ALLOC_BLOCK); if (NewAlloc != Alloc) { char16 *NewText = new char16[NewAlloc]; if (NewText) { if (Text) { // copy any existing data across memcpy(NewText, Text, (Size + 1) * sizeof(char16)); } DeleteArray(Text); Text = NewText; Alloc = NewAlloc; } else { // memory allocation error return false; } } Prof.Add("MemChk"); if (Text) { // Insert the data // Move the section after the insert to make space... memmove(Text+(At+Len), Text+At, (Size-At) * sizeof(char16)); Prof.Add("Cpy"); // Copy new data in... memcpy(Text+At, Data, Len * sizeof(char16)); Size += Len; Text[Size] = 0; // NULL terminate Prof.Add("Undo"); // Add the undo object... if (UndoOn) { LAutoPtr Obj(new LTextView3Undo(this)); LTextView3Undo *u = UndoCur ? UndoCur : Obj; if (u) u->AddChange(At, Len, UndoInsert); if (Obj) UndoQue += Obj.Release(); } // Clear layout info for the new text ssize_t Idx = -1; LTextLine *Cur = NULL; if (Line.Length() == 0) { // Empty doc... set up the first line Line.Insert(Cur = new LTextLine); Idx = 0; Cur->Start = 0; } else { Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Idx); } if (Cur) { if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { // Clear layout for current line... Cur->r.ZOff(-1, -1); Prof.Add("NoWrap add lines"); // Add any new lines that we need... char16 *e = Text + At + Len; char16 *c; for (c = Text + At; c < e; c++) { if (*c == '\n') { // Set the size of the current line... size_t Pos = c - Text; Cur->Len = Pos - Cur->Start; // Create a new line... Cur = new LTextLine(); if (!Cur) return false; Cur->Start = Pos + 1; Line.Insert(Cur, ++Idx); } } Prof.Add("CalcLen"); // Make sure the last Line's length is set.. Cur->CalcLen(Text); Prof.Add("UpdatePos"); // Now update all the positions of the following lines... for (auto i = Line.begin(++Idx); *i; i++) (*i)->Start += Len; } else { // Clear all lines to the end of the doc... for (auto i = Line.begin(Idx); *i; i++) delete *i; Line.Length(Idx); } } else { // If wrap is on then this can happen when an Insert happens before the // OnPulse event has laid out the new text. Probably not a good thing in // non-wrap mode if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { LTextLine *l = *Line.rbegin(); printf("%s:%i - Insert error: no cur, At=%i, Size=%i, Lines=%i, WrapType=%i\n", _FL, (int)At, (int)Size, (int)Line.Length(), (int)WrapType); if (l) printf("Last=%i, %i\n", (int)l->Start, (int)l->Len); } } #ifdef _DEBUG // Prof.Add("Validate"); // ValidateLines(); #endif if (AdjustStylePos) AdjustStyles(At, Len); Dirty = true; if (PourEnabled) { Prof.Add("PourText"); PourText(At, Len); Prof.Add("PourStyle"); auto Start = LCurrentTime(); PourStyle(At, Len); auto End = LCurrentTime(); if (End - Start > 1000) { PourStyle(At, Len); } } SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); return true; } } return false; } bool LTextView3::Delete(size_t At, ssize_t Len) { bool Status = false; LAssert(InThread()); if (!ReadOnly) { // limit input At = MAX(At, 0); At = MIN((ssize_t)At, Size); Len = MIN(Size-(ssize_t)At, Len); if (Len > 0) { int HasNewLine = 0; for (int i=0; i Obj(new LTextView3Undo(this)); LTextView3Undo *u = UndoCur ? UndoCur : Obj; if (u) u->AddChange(At, Len, UndoDelete); if (Obj) UndoQue += Obj.Release(); } memmove(Text+At, Text+(At+Len), (Size-At-Len) * sizeof(char16)); Size -= Len; Text[Size] = 0; if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { ssize_t Idx = -1; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Idx); if (Cur) { Cur->r.ZOff(-1, -1); // Delete some lines... for (int i=0; iCalcLen(Text); // Shift all further lines down... for (auto i = Line.begin(Idx + 1); *i; i++) (*i)->Start -= Len; } } else { ssize_t Index; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Index); if (Cur) { for (auto i = Line.begin(Index); *i; i++) delete *i; Line.Length(Index); } } Dirty = true; Status = true; #ifdef _DEBUG // ValidateLines(); #endif if (AdjustStylePos) AdjustStyles(At, -Len); if (PourEnabled) { PourText(At, -Len); PourStyle(At, -Len); } if (Cursor >= (ssize_t)At && Cursor <= (ssize_t)At + Len) { SetCaret(At, false, HasNewLine != 0); } // Handle repainting in flowed mode, when the line starts change if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_REFLOW) { ssize_t Index; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Index); if (Cur) { LRect r = Cur->r; r.x2 = GetClient().x2; r.y2 = GetClient().y2; Invalidate(&r); } } SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); Status = true; } } return Status; } void LTextView3::DeleteSelection(char16 **Cut) { if (SelStart >= 0) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); if (Cut) { *Cut = NewStrW(Text + Min, Max - Min); } Delete(Min, Max - Min); SetCaret(Min, false, true); } } List::I LTextView3::GetTextLineIt(ssize_t Offset, ssize_t *Index) { int i = 0; for (auto It = Line.begin(); It != Line.end(); It++) { auto l = *It; if (Offset >= l->Start && Offset <= l->Start+l->Len) { if (Index) *Index = i; return It; } i++; } return Line.end(); } int64 LTextView3::Value() { auto n = Name(); #ifdef _MSC_VER return (n) ? _atoi64(n) : 0; #else return (n) ? atoll(n) : 0; #endif } void LTextView3::Value(int64 i) { char Str[32]; sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), LPrintfInt64, i); Name(Str); } LString LTextView3::operator[](ssize_t LineIdx) { if (LineIdx <= 0 || LineIdx > (ssize_t)GetLines()) return LString(); LTextLine *Ln = Line[LineIdx-1]; if (!Ln) return LString(); LString s(Text + Ln->Start, Ln->Len); return s; } const char *LTextView3::Name() { UndoQue.Empty(); DeleteArray(TextCache); TextCache = WideToUtf8(Text); return TextCache; } bool LTextView3::Name(const char *s) { if (InThread()) { UndoQue.Empty(); DeleteArray(TextCache); DeleteArray(Text); Line.DeleteObjects(); Style.Empty(); LAssert(LIsUtf8(s)); Text = Utf8ToWide(s); if (!Text) { Text = new char16[1]; if (Text) *Text = 0; } Size = Text ? StrlenW(Text) : 0; Alloc = Size + 1; Cursor = MIN(Cursor, Size); if (Text) { // Remove '\r's char16 *o = Text; for (char16 *i=Text; *i; i++) { if (*i != '\r') { *o++ = *i; } else Size--; } *o++ = 0; } // update everything else d->SetDirty(0, Size); PourText(0, Size); PourStyle(0, Size); UpdateScrollBars(); Invalidate(); } else if (d->Lock(_FL)) { if (IsAttached()) { d->SetName = s; PostEvent(M_TEXT_UPDATE_NAME); } else LAssert(!"Can't post event to detached/virtual window."); d->Unlock(); } return true; } const char16 *LTextView3::NameW() { return Text; } const char16 *LTextView3::TextAtLine(size_t Index) { if (Index >= Line.Length()) return NULL; auto ln = Line[Index]; return Text + ln->Start; } bool LTextView3::NameW(const char16 *s) { DeleteArray(Text); Size = s ? StrlenW(s) : 0; Alloc = Size + 1; Text = new char16[Alloc]; Cursor = MIN(Cursor, Size); if (Text) { memcpy(Text, s, Size * sizeof(char16)); // remove LF's int In = 0, Out = 0; CrLf = false; for (; InSetDirty(0, Size); PourText(0, Size); PourStyle(0, Size); UpdateScrollBars(); Invalidate(); return true; } LRange LTextView3::GetSelectionRange() { LRange r; if (HasSelection()) { r.Start = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t End = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); r.Len = End - r.Start; } return r; } char *LTextView3::GetSelection() { LRange s = GetSelectionRange(); if (s.Len > 0) { return (char*)LNewConvertCp("utf-8", Text + s.Start, LGI_WideCharset, s.Len*sizeof(Text[0]) ); } return 0; } bool LTextView3::HasSelection() { return (SelStart >= 0) && (SelStart != SelEnd); } void LTextView3::SelectAll() { SelStart = 0; SelEnd = Size; Invalidate(); } void LTextView3::UnSelectAll() { bool Update = HasSelection(); SelStart = -1; SelEnd = -1; if (Update) { Invalidate(); } } size_t LTextView3::GetLines() { return Line.Length(); } void LTextView3::GetTextExtent(int &x, int &y) { PourText(0, Size); x = MaxX + d->rPadding.x1; y = (int)(Line.Length() * LineY); } bool LTextView3::GetLineColumnAtIndex(LPoint &Pt, ssize_t Index) { ssize_t FromIndex = 0; LTextLine *From = GetTextLine(Index < 0 ? Cursor : Index, &FromIndex); if (!From) return false; Pt.x = (int) (Cursor - From->Start); Pt.y = (int) FromIndex; return true; } ssize_t LTextView3::GetCaret(bool Cur) { if (Cur) { return Cursor; } return 0; } ssize_t LTextView3::IndexAt(int x, int y) { LTextLine *l = Line.ItemAt(y); if (l) { return l->Start + MIN(x, l->Len); } return 0; } bool LTextView3::ScrollToOffset(size_t Off) { bool ForceFullUpdate = false; ssize_t ToIndex = 0; LTextLine *To = GetTextLine(Off, &ToIndex); if (To) { LRect Client = GetClient(); int DisplayLines = Client.Y() / LineY; if (VScroll) { if (ToIndex < VScroll->Value()) { // Above the visible region... if (d->CenterCursor) { ssize_t i = ToIndex - (DisplayLines >> 1); VScroll->Value(MAX(0, i)); } else { VScroll->Value(ToIndex); } ForceFullUpdate = true; } if (ToIndex >= VScroll->Value() + DisplayLines) { int YOff = d->CenterCursor ? DisplayLines >> 1 : DisplayLines; ssize_t v = MIN(ToIndex - YOff + 1, (ssize_t)Line.Length() - DisplayLines); if (v != VScroll->Value()) { // Below the visible region VScroll->Value(v); ForceFullUpdate = true; } } } else { d->VScrollCache = ToIndex; } } return ForceFullUpdate; } void LTextView3::SetCaret(size_t i, bool Select, bool ForceFullUpdate) { // int _Start = LCurrentTime(); Blink = true; // Bound the new cursor position to the document if ((ssize_t)i > Size) i = Size; // Store the old selection and cursor ssize_t s = SelStart, e = SelEnd, c = Cursor; // If there is going to be a selected area if (Select && i != SelStart) { // Then set the start if (SelStart < 0) { // We are starting a new selection SelStart = Cursor; } // And end SelEnd = i; } else { // Clear the selection SelStart = SelEnd = -1; } ssize_t FromIndex = 0; LTextLine *From = GetTextLine(Cursor, &FromIndex); Cursor = i; // check the cursor is on the screen ForceFullUpdate |= ScrollToOffset(Cursor); // check whether we need to update the screen ssize_t ToIndex = 0; LTextLine *To = GetTextLine(Cursor, &ToIndex); if (ForceFullUpdate || !To || !From) { // need full update Invalidate(); } else if ( ( SelStart != s || SelEnd != e ) ) { // Update just the selection bounds LRect Client = GetClient(); size_t Start, End; if (SelStart >= 0 && s >= 0) { // Selection has changed, union the before and after regions Start = MIN(Cursor, c); End = MAX(Cursor, c); } else if (SelStart >= 0) { // Selection created... Start = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); End = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); } else if (s >= 0) { // Selection removed... Start = MIN(s, e); End = MAX(s, e); } else return; auto SLine = GetTextLine(Start); auto ELine = GetTextLine(End); LRect u; if (SLine && ELine) { if (SLine->r.Valid()) { u = DocToScreen(SLine->r); } else u.Set(0, 0, Client.X()-1, 1); // Start of visible page LRect b(0, Client.Y()-1, Client.X()-1, Client.Y()-1); if (ELine->r.Valid()) { b = DocToScreen(ELine->r); } else { b.Set(0, Client.Y()-1, Client.X()-1, Client.Y()-1); } u.Union(&b); u.x1 = 0; u.x2 = X(); } else { /* printf("%s,%i - Couldn't get SLine and ELine: %i->%p, %i->%p\n", _FL, (int)Start, SLine, (int)End, ELine); */ u = Client; } Invalidate(&u); } else if (Cursor != c) { // just the cursor has moved // update the line the cursor moved to LRect r = To->r; r.Offset(-ScrollX, d->rPadding.y1-DocOffset); r.x2 = X(); Invalidate(&r); if (To != From) { // update the line the cursor came from, // if it's a different line from the "to" r = From->r; r.Offset(-ScrollX, d->rPadding.y1-DocOffset); r.x2 = X(); Invalidate(&r); } } if (c != Cursor) { // Send off notify SendNotify(LNotifyCursorChanged); } //int _Time = LCurrentTime() - _Start; //printf("Setcursor=%ims\n", _Time); } void LTextView3::SetBorder(int b) { } bool LTextView3::Cut() { bool Status = false; char16 *Txt16 = 0; DeleteSelection(&Txt16); if (Txt16) { #ifdef WIN32 Txt16 = ConvertToCrLf(Txt16); #endif char *Txt8 = (char*)LNewConvertCp(LAnsiToLgiCp(), Txt16, LGI_WideCharset); LClipBoard Clip(this); Clip.Text(Txt8); Status = Clip.TextW(Txt16, false); DeleteArray(Txt8); DeleteArray(Txt16); } return Status; } bool LTextView3::Copy() { bool Status = true; printf("txt copy\n"); if (SelStart >= 0) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); #ifdef WIN32 char16 *Txt16 = NewStrW(Text+Min, Max-Min); Txt16 = ConvertToCrLf(Txt16); char *Txt8 = (char*)LNewConvertCp(LAnsiToLgiCp(), Txt16, LGI_WideCharset); #else char *Txt8 = (char*)LNewConvertCp("utf-8", Text+Min, LGI_WideCharset, (Max-Min)*sizeof(*Text)); #endif LClipBoard Clip(this); Clip.Text(Txt8); #ifdef WIN32 Clip.TextW(Txt16, false); DeleteArray(Txt16); #endif DeleteArray(Txt8); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - No selection.\n", _FL); return Status; } bool LTextView3::Paste() { LClipBoard Clip(this); LAutoWString Mem; char16 *t = Clip.TextW(); if (!t) // ala Win9x { char *s = Clip.Text(); if (s) { Mem.Reset(Utf8ToWide(s)); t = Mem; } } if (!t) return false; if (SelStart >= 0) { DeleteSelection(); } // remove '\r's char16 *s = t, *d = t; for (; *s; s++) { if (*s != '\r') { *d++ = *s; } } *d++ = 0; // insert text ssize_t Len = StrlenW(t); Insert(Cursor, t, Len); SetCaret(Cursor+Len, false, true); // Multiline return true; } void LTextView3::ClearDirty(std::function OnStatus, bool Ask, const char *FileName) { if (Dirty) { int Answer = (Ask) ? LgiMsg(this, LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_ASK_SAVE, "Do you want to save your changes to this document?"), LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_SAVE, "Save"), MB_YESNOCANCEL) : IDYES; if (Answer == IDYES) { auto DoSave = [this, OnStatus](bool ok, const char *FileName) { Save(FileName); if (OnStatus) OnStatus(ok); }; if (!FileName) { LFileSelect *Select = new LFileSelect; Select->Parent(this); Select->Save([FileName=LString(FileName), DoSave](auto s, auto ok) { if (ok) DoSave(ok, s->Name()); else DoSave(ok, FileName); delete s; }); } else DoSave(true, FileName); } else if (Answer == IDCANCEL) { if (OnStatus) OnStatus(false); return; } } if (OnStatus) OnStatus(true); } bool LTextView3::Open(const char *Name, const char *CharSet) { bool Status = false; LFile f; if (f.Open(Name, O_READ|O_SHARE)) { DeleteArray(Text); int64 Bytes = f.GetSize(); if (Bytes < 0 || Bytes & 0xffff000000000000LL) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Invalid file size: " LPrintfInt64 "\n", _FL, Bytes); return false; } SetCaret(0, false); Line.DeleteObjects(); char *c8 = new char[Bytes + 4]; if (c8) { if (f.Read(c8, (int)Bytes) == Bytes) { char *DataStart = c8; c8[Bytes] = 0; c8[Bytes+1] = 0; c8[Bytes+2] = 0; c8[Bytes+3] = 0; if ((uchar)c8[0] == 0xff && (uchar)c8[1] == 0xfe) { // utf-16 if (!CharSet) { CharSet = "utf-16"; DataStart += 2; } } // Convert to unicode first.... if (Bytes == 0) { Text = new char16[1]; if (Text) Text[0] = 0; } else { Text = (char16*)LNewConvertCp(LGI_WideCharset, DataStart, CharSet ? CharSet : DefaultCharset); } if (Text) { // Remove LF's char16 *In = Text, *Out = Text; CrLf = false; Size = 0; while (*In) { if (*In >= ' ' || *In == '\t' || *In == '\n') { *Out++ = *In; Size++; } else if (*In == '\r') { CrLf = true; } In++; } Size = (int) (Out - Text); *Out = 0; Alloc = Size + 1; Dirty = false; if (Text && Text[0] == 0xfeff) // unicode byte order mark { memmove(Text, Text+1, Size * sizeof(*Text)); Size--; } PourText(0, Size); PourStyle(0, Size); UpdateScrollBars(true); Status = true; } } DeleteArray(c8); } else { Alloc = Size = 0; } Invalidate(); } return Status; } template bool WriteToStream(LFile &out, T *in, size_t len, bool CrLf) { if (!in) return false; if (CrLf) { int BufLen = 1 << 20; LAutoPtr Buf(new T[BufLen]); T *b = Buf; T *e = Buf + BufLen; T *c = in; T *end = c + len; while (c < end) { if (b > e - 16) { auto Bytes = (b - Buf) * sizeof(T); if (out.Write(Buf, Bytes) != Bytes) return false; b = Buf; } if (*c == '\n') { *b++ = '\r'; *b++ = '\n'; } else { *b++ = *c; } c++; } auto Bytes = (b - Buf) * sizeof(T); if (out.Write(Buf, Bytes) != Bytes) return false; } else { auto Bytes = len * sizeof(T); if (out.Write(in, Bytes) != Bytes) return false; } return true; } bool LTextView3::Save(const char *Name, const char *CharSet) { LFile f; LString TmpName; bool Status = false; d->LastError.Empty(); if (f.Open(Name, O_WRITE)) { if (f.SetSize(0) != 0) { // Can't resize file, fall back to renaming it and // writing a new file... f.Close(); TmpName = Name; TmpName += ".tmp"; if (!FileDev->Move(Name, TmpName)) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Failed to move '%s'.\n", _FL, Name); return false; } if (!f.Open(Name, O_WRITE)) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Failed to open '%s' for writing.\n", _FL, Name); return false; } } if (Text) { auto InSize = Size * sizeof(char16); if (CharSet && !Stricmp(CharSet, "utf-16")) { if (sizeof(*Text) == 2) { // No conversion needed... Status = WriteToStream(f, Text, Size, CrLf); } else { // 32->16 convert LAutoPtr c16((uint16_t*)LNewConvertCp(CharSet, Text, LGI_WideCharset, InSize)); if (c16) Status = WriteToStream(f, c16.Get(), Strlen(c16.Get()), CrLf); } } else if (CharSet && !Stricmp(CharSet, "utf-32")) { if (sizeof(*Text) == 4) { // No conversion needed... Status = WriteToStream(f, Text, Size, CrLf); } else { // 16->32 convert LAutoPtr c32((uint32_t*)LNewConvertCp(CharSet, Text, LGI_WideCharset, InSize)); if (c32) Status = WriteToStream(f, c32.Get(), Strlen(c32.Get()), CrLf); } } else { LAutoString c8((char*)LNewConvertCp(CharSet ? CharSet : DefaultCharset, Text, LGI_WideCharset, InSize)); if (c8) Status = WriteToStream(f, c8.Get(), strlen(c8), CrLf); } if (Status) Dirty = false; } } else { int Err = f.GetError(); LString sErr = LErrorCodeToString(Err); d->LastError.Printf("Failed to open '%s' for writing: %i - %s\n", Name, Err, sErr.Get()); } if (TmpName) FileDev->Delete(TmpName); return Status; } const char *LTextView3::GetLastError() { return d->LastError; } void LTextView3::UpdateScrollBars(bool Reset) { if (!VScroll) return; LRect Before = GetClient(); int DisplayLines = Y() / LineY; ssize_t Lines = std::max(PartialPourLines, Line.Length()); VScroll->SetRange(Lines); if (VScroll) { VScroll->SetPage(DisplayLines); ssize_t Max = Lines - DisplayLines + 1; bool Inval = false; if (VScroll->Value() > Max) { VScroll->Value(Max); Inval = true; } if (Reset) { VScroll->Value(0); SelStart = SelEnd = -1; } else if (d->VScrollCache >= 0) { VScroll->Value(d->VScrollCache); d->VScrollCache = -1; SelStart = SelEnd = -1; } LRect After = GetClient(); if (Before != After && GetWrapType()) { d->SetDirty(0, Size); Inval = true; } if (Inval) { Invalidate(); } } } void LTextView3::DoCase(std::function Callback, bool Upper) { if (Text) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); if (Min < Max) { if (UndoOn) { LAutoPtr Obj(new LTextView3Undo(this)); LTextView3Undo *u = UndoCur ? UndoCur : Obj; if (u) u->AddChange(Min, Max - Min, UndoChange); if (Obj) UndoQue += Obj.Release(); } for (ssize_t i=Min; i= 'a' && Text[i] <= 'z') Text[i] = Text[i] - 'a' + 'A'; } else { if (Text[i] >= 'A' && Text[i] <= 'Z') Text[i] = Text[i] - 'A' + 'a'; } } Dirty = true; d->SetDirty(Min, 0); Invalidate(); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } } if (Callback) Callback(Text != NULL); } ssize_t LTextView3::GetLine() { ssize_t Idx = 0; GetTextLine(Cursor, &Idx); return Idx + 1; } void LTextView3::SetLine(int64_t i, bool select) { LTextLine *l = Line.ItemAt(i - 1); if (l) { d->CenterCursor = true; SetCaret(l->Start, select); d->CenterCursor = false; } } void LTextView3::DoGoto(std::function Callback) { LInput *Dlg = new LInput(this, "", LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_GOTO_LINE, "Goto line:"), "Text"); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg, Callback](auto d, auto code) { auto ok = code == IDOK && Dlg->GetStr(); if (ok) SetLine(Dlg->GetStr().Int()); if (Callback) Callback(ok); delete Dlg; }); } LDocFindReplaceParams *LTextView3::CreateFindReplaceParams() { return new LDocFindReplaceParams3; } void LTextView3::SetFindReplaceParams(LDocFindReplaceParams *Params) { if (Params) { if (d->OwnFindReplaceParams) { DeleteObj(d->FindReplaceParams); } d->OwnFindReplaceParams = false; d->FindReplaceParams = (LDocFindReplaceParams3*) Params; } } void LTextView3::DoFindNext(std::function OnStatus) { bool Status = false; if (InThread()) { if (d->FindReplaceParams->Lock(_FL)) { if (d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind) Status = OnFind(d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase, d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly, d->FindReplaceParams->SearchUpwards); d->FindReplaceParams->Unlock(); } } else if (IsAttached()) { Status = PostEvent(M_TEXTVIEW_FIND); } if (OnStatus) OnStatus(Status); } void LTextView3::DoFind(std::function Callback) { LString u; if (HasSelection()) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); u = LString(Text + Min, Max - Min); } else { u = d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind.Get(); } auto Dlg = new LFindDlg(this, [this, Params=d->FindReplaceParams, Callback](auto Dlg, auto Action) { if (Params && Params->Lock(_FL)) { Params->MatchWord = Dlg->MatchWord; Params->MatchCase = Dlg->MatchCase; Params->SelectionOnly = Dlg->SelectionOnly; Params->SearchUpwards = Dlg->SearchUpwards; Params->LastFind.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Dlg->Find)); Params->Unlock(); } DoFindNext([this, Callback](bool ok) { Focus(true); if (Callback) Callback(ok); }); }, u); Dlg->DoModal(NULL); } void LTextView3::DoReplace(std::function Callback) { bool SingleLineSelection = false; SingleLineSelection = HasSelection(); if (SingleLineSelection) { LRange Sel = GetSelectionRange(); for (ssize_t i = Sel.Start; i < Sel.End(); i++) { if (Text[i] == '\n') { SingleLineSelection = false; break; } } } auto LastFind8 = SingleLineSelection ? GetSelection() : WideToUtf8(d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind); auto LastReplace8 = WideToUtf8(d->FindReplaceParams->LastReplace); auto Dlg = new LReplaceDlg(this, [this, LastFind8, LastReplace8](auto Dlg, auto Action) { LReplaceDlg *Replace = dynamic_cast(Dlg); LAssert(Replace != NULL); LAutoString FindMem(LastFind8); LAutoString ReplaceMem(LastReplace8); if (Action == IDCANCEL) return; if (d->FindReplaceParams->Lock(_FL)) { d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Replace->Find)); d->FindReplaceParams->LastReplace.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Replace->Replace)); d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord = Replace->MatchWord; d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase = Replace->MatchCase; d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly = Replace->SelectionOnly; switch (Action) { case IDC_FR_FIND: { OnFind( d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase, d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly, d->FindReplaceParams->SearchUpwards); break; } case IDOK: case IDC_FR_REPLACE: { OnReplace( d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind, d->FindReplaceParams->LastReplace, Action == IDOK, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase, d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly, d->FindReplaceParams->SearchUpwards); break; } } d->FindReplaceParams->Unlock(); } }, LastFind8, LastReplace8); Dlg->MatchWord = d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord; Dlg->MatchCase = d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase; Dlg->SelectionOnly = HasSelection(); Dlg->DoModal(NULL); } void LTextView3::SelectWord(size_t From) { for (SelStart = From; SelStart > 0; SelStart--) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelStart])) { SelStart++; break; } } for (SelEnd = From; SelEnd < Size; SelEnd++) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelEnd])) { break; } } Invalidate(); } typedef int (*StringCompareFn)(const char16 *a, const char16 *b, ssize_t n); ptrdiff_t LTextView3::MatchText(const char16 *Find, bool MatchWord, bool MatchCase, bool SelectionOnly, bool SearchUpwards) { if (!ValidStrW(Find)) return -1; ssize_t FindLen = StrlenW(Find); // Setup range to search ssize_t Begin, End; if (SelectionOnly && HasSelection()) { Begin = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); End = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); } else { Begin = 0; End = Size; } // Look through text... ssize_t i; bool Wrap = false; if (Cursor > End - FindLen) { Wrap = true; if (SearchUpwards) i = End - FindLen; else i = Begin; } else { i = Cursor; } if (i < Begin) i = Begin; if (i > End) i = End; StringCompareFn CmpFn = MatchCase ? StrncmpW : StrnicmpW; char16 FindCh = MatchCase ? Find[0] : toupper(Find[0]); for (; SearchUpwards ? i >= Begin : i <= End; i += SearchUpwards ? -1 : 1) { if ( (MatchCase ? Text[i] : toupper(Text[i])) == FindCh ) { char16 *Possible = Text + i; if (CmpFn(Possible, Find, FindLen) == 0) { if (MatchWord) { // Check boundaries if (Possible > Text) // Check off the start { if (!IsWordBoundry(Possible[-1])) continue; } if (i + FindLen < Size) // Check off the end { if (!IsWordBoundry(Possible[FindLen])) continue; } } /* What was this even supposed to do? LRange r(Possible - Text, FindLen); if (!r.Overlap(Cursor)) */ return i; } } if (!Wrap && (i + 1 > End - FindLen)) { Wrap = true; i = Begin; End = Cursor; } } return -1; } bool LTextView3::OnFind(const char16 *Find, bool MatchWord, bool MatchCase, bool SelectionOnly, bool SearchUpwards) { THREAD_CHECK(); // Not sure what this is doing??? if (HasSelection() && SelEnd < SelStart) { Cursor = SelStart; } #if FEATURE_HILIGHT_ALL_MATCHES // Clear existing styles for matches for (StyleIter s = Style.begin(); s != Style.end(); ) { if (s->Owner == STYLE_FIND_MATCHES) Style.Delete(s); else s++; } ssize_t FindLen = StrlenW(Find); ssize_t FirstLoc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, false, SearchUpwards), Loc; if (FirstLoc >= 0) { SetCaret(FirstLoc, false); SetCaret(FirstLoc + FindLen, true); } ssize_t Old = Cursor; if (!SearchUpwards) Cursor += FindLen; while ((Loc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, false, false)) != FirstLoc) { LAutoPtr s(new LStyle(STYLE_FIND_MATCHES)); s->Start = Loc; s->Len = FindLen; s->Fore = LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_FORE); s->Back = LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_BACK).Mix(LColour(L_WORKSPACE)); InsertStyle(s); Cursor = Loc + FindLen; } Cursor = Old; ScrollToOffset(Cursor); Invalidate(); #else ssize_t Loc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, SelectionOnly, SearchUpwards); if (Loc >= 0) { SetCaret(Loc, false); SetCaret(Loc + StrlenW(Find), true); return true; } #endif return false; } bool LTextView3::OnReplace(const char16 *Find, const char16 *Replace, bool All, bool MatchWord, bool MatchCase, bool SelectionOnly, bool SearchUpwards) { THREAD_CHECK(); if (ValidStrW(Find)) { // int Max = -1; ssize_t FindLen = StrlenW(Find); ssize_t ReplaceLen = StrlenW(Replace); // size_t OldCursor = Cursor; ptrdiff_t First = -1; while (true) { ptrdiff_t Loc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, SelectionOnly, SearchUpwards); if (First < 0) { First = Loc; } else if (Loc == First) { break; } if (Loc >= 0) { ssize_t OldSelStart = SelStart; ssize_t OldSelEnd = SelEnd; Delete(Loc, FindLen); Insert(Loc, Replace, ReplaceLen); SelStart = OldSelStart; SelEnd = OldSelEnd - FindLen + ReplaceLen; Cursor = Loc + ReplaceLen; } if (!All) { return Loc >= 0; } if (Loc < 0) break; } } return false; } ssize_t LTextView3::SeekLine(ssize_t Offset, GTextViewSeek Where) { THREAD_CHECK(); switch (Where) { case PrevLine: { for (; Offset > 0 && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset--) ; if (Offset > 0) Offset--; for (; Offset > 0 && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset--) ; if (Offset > 0) Offset++; break; } case NextLine: { for (; Offset < Size && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset++) ; Offset++; break; } case StartLine: { for (; Offset > 0 && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset--) ; if (Offset > 0) Offset++; break; } case EndLine: { for (; Offset < Size && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset++) ; break; } default: { LAssert(false); break; } } return Offset; } bool LTextView3::OnMultiLineTab(bool In) { bool Status = false; ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd), i; Min = SeekLine(Min, StartLine); int Ls = 0; LArray p; for (i=Min; i=0; i--) { if (In) { // <- ssize_t n = Indexes[i], Space = 0; for (; Space ssize_t Len = Indexes[i]; for (; Text[Len] != '\n' && Len Indexes[i]) { if (HardTabs) { char16 Tab[] = {'\t', 0}; Insert(Indexes[i], Tab, 1); Max++; } else { char16 *Sp = new char16[IndentSize]; if (Sp) { for (int n=0; nChanges.Length()) { UndoQue += UndoCur; UndoCur = NULL; } else { DeleteObj(UndoCur); } SelStart = Min; SelEnd = Cursor = Max; PourEnabled = true; PourText(Min, Max - Min); PourStyle(Min, Max - Min); d->SetDirty(Min, Max-Min); Invalidate(); Status = true; return Status; } void LTextView3::OnSetHidden(int Hidden) { } void LTextView3::OnPosChange() { static bool Processing = false; if (!Processing) { Processing = true; LLayout::OnPosChange(); LRect c = GetClient(); bool ScrollYNeeded = c.Y() < (std::max(PartialPourLines, Line.Length()) * LineY); bool ScrollChange = ScrollYNeeded ^ (VScroll != NULL); if (ScrollChange) { #if 0 auto Client = GetClient(); LgiTrace("%s:%i - %p::SetScrollBars(%i) cliy=%i content=%i partial=%i\n", _FL, this, ScrollYNeeded, Client.Y(), (Line.Length() * LineY), PartialPour); #endif SetScrollBars(false, ScrollYNeeded); } UpdateScrollBars(); if (GetWrapType() && d->PourX != X()) { d->PourX = X(); d->SetDirty(0, Size); } Processing = false; } } int LTextView3::WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { Formats.Supports("text/uri-list"); Formats.Supports("text/html"); Formats.Supports("UniformResourceLocatorW"); return Formats.Length() ? DROPEFFECT_COPY : DROPEFFECT_NONE; } int LTextView3::OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { int Status = DROPEFFECT_NONE; for (unsigned i=0; iIsBinary()) { OsChar *e = (OsChar*) ((char*)Data->Value.Binary.Data + Data->Value.Binary.Length); OsChar *s = (OsChar*) Data->Value.Binary.Data; int len = 0; while (s < e && s[len]) { len++; } LAutoWString w ( (char16*)LNewConvertCp ( LGI_WideCharset, s, ( sizeof(OsChar) == 1 ? "utf-8" : LGI_WideCharset ), len * sizeof(*s) ) ); Insert(Cursor, w, len); Invalidate(); return DROPEFFECT_COPY; } } else if (dd.IsFileDrop()) { // We don't directly handle file drops... pass up to the parent bool FoundTarget = false; for (LViewI *p = GetParent(); p; p = p->GetParent()) { LDragDropTarget *t = p->DropTarget(); if (t) { Status = t->OnDrop(Data, Pt, KeyState); if (Status != DROPEFFECT_NONE) { FoundTarget = true; break; } } } if (!FoundTarget) { auto Wnd = GetWindow(); if (Wnd) { LDropFiles files(dd); Wnd->OnReceiveFiles(files); } } } } return Status; } void LTextView3::OnCreate() { SetWindow(this); DropTarget(true); #ifndef WINDOWS if (Ctrls.Length() == 0) SetPulse(PULSE_TIMEOUT); Ctrls.Add(this); #else SetPulse(PULSE_TIMEOUT); #endif } void LTextView3::OnEscape(LKey &K) { } bool LTextView3::OnMouseWheel(double l) { if (VScroll) { int64 NewPos = VScroll->Value() + (int)l; NewPos = limit(NewPos, 0, (ssize_t)GetLines()); VScroll->Value(NewPos); Invalidate(); } return true; } void LTextView3::OnFocus(bool f) { Invalidate(); } ssize_t LTextView3::HitText(int x, int y, bool Nearest) { if (!Text) return 0; bool Down = y >= 0; int Y = (VScroll) ? (int)VScroll->Value() : 0; auto It = Line.begin(Y); if (It != Line.end()) y += (*It)->r.y1; while (It != Line.end()) { auto l = *It; if (l->r.Overlap(x, y)) { // Over a line int At = x - l->r.x1; ssize_t Char = 0; LDisplayString Ds(Font, MapText(Text + l->Start, l->Len), l->Len, 0); Char = Ds.CharAt(At, Nearest ? LgiNearest : LgiTruncate); return l->Start + Char; } else if (y >= l->r.y1 && y <= l->r.y2) { // Click horizontally before of after line if (x < l->r.x1) { return l->Start; } else if (x > l->r.x2) { return l->Start + l->Len; } } if (Down) It++; else It--; Y++; } // outside text area if (Down) { It = Line.rbegin(); if (It != Line.end()) { if (y > (*It)->r.y2) { // end of document return Size; } } } return 0; } void LTextView3::Undo() { int Old = UndoQue.GetPos(); UndoQue.Undo(); if (Old && !UndoQue.GetPos()) { Dirty = false; SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } } void LTextView3::Redo() { UndoQue.Redo(); } void LTextView3::DoContextMenu(LMouse &m) { LSubMenu RClick; LAutoString ClipText; { LClipBoard Clip(this); ClipText.Reset(NewStr(Clip.Text())); } LStyle *s = HitStyle(HitText(m.x, m.y, true)); if (s) { if (OnStyleMenu(s, &RClick)) { RClick.AppendSeparator(); } } RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_CUT, "Cut"), IDM_CUT, HasSelection()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_COPY, "Copy"), IDM_COPY, HasSelection()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_PASTE, "Paste"), IDM_PASTE, ClipText != 0); RClick.AppendSeparator(); RClick.AppendItem("Copy All", IDM_COPY_ALL, true); RClick.AppendItem("Select All", IDM_SELECT_ALL, true); RClick.AppendSeparator(); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_UNDO, "Undo"), IDM_UNDO, UndoQue.CanUndo()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_REDO, "Redo"), IDM_REDO, UndoQue.CanRedo()); RClick.AppendSeparator(); auto i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_FIXED, "Fixed Width Font"), IDM_FIXED, true); if (i) i->Checked(GetFixedWidthFont()); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_AUTO_INDENT, "Auto Indent"), IDM_AUTO_INDENT, true); if (i) i->Checked(AutoIndent); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_SHOW_WHITESPACE, "Show Whitespace"), IDM_SHOW_WHITE, true); if (i) i->Checked(ShowWhiteSpace); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_HARD_TABS, "Hard Tabs"), IDM_HARD_TABS, true); if (i) i->Checked(HardTabs); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_INDENT_SIZE, "Indent Size"), IDM_INDENT_SIZE, true); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_TAB_SIZE, "Tab Size"), IDM_TAB_SIZE, true); if (Environment) Environment->AppendItems(&RClick, NULL); int Id = 0; m.ToScreen(); switch (Id = RClick.Float(this, m)) { case IDM_FIXED: { SetFixedWidthFont(!GetFixedWidthFont()); SendNotify(LNotifyFixedWidthChanged); break; } case IDM_CUT: { Cut(); break; } case IDM_COPY: { Copy(); break; } case IDM_PASTE: { Paste(); break; } case IDM_COPY_ALL: { SelectAll(); Copy(); break; } case IDM_SELECT_ALL: { SelectAll(); break; } case IDM_UNDO: { Undo(); break; } case IDM_REDO: { Redo(); break; } case IDM_AUTO_INDENT: { AutoIndent = !AutoIndent; break; } case IDM_SHOW_WHITE: { ShowWhiteSpace = !ShowWhiteSpace; Invalidate(); break; } case IDM_HARD_TABS: { HardTabs = !HardTabs; break; } case IDM_INDENT_SIZE: { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i", IndentSize); LInput *i = new LInput(this, s, "Indent Size:", "Text"); i->DoModal([this, i](auto dlg, auto code) { if (code) IndentSize = atoi(i->GetStr()); delete i; }); break; } case IDM_TAB_SIZE: { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i", TabSize); LInput *i = new LInput(this, s, "Tab Size:", "Text"); i->DoModal([this, i](auto dlg, auto code) { - SetTabSize(atoi(i->GetStr())); + if (code) + SetTabSize((uint8_t)Atoi(i->GetStr().Get())); delete i; }); break; } default: { if (s) { OnStyleMenuClick(s, Id); } if (Environment) { Environment->OnMenu(this, Id, 0); } break; } } } bool LTextView3::OnStyleClick(LStyle *style, LMouse *m) { switch (style->Owner) { case STYLE_URL: { if ( (!m) || (m->Left() && m->Down() && m->Double()) ) { LString s(Text + style->Start, style->Len); if (s) OnUrl(s); return true; } break; } default: break; } return false; } bool LTextView3::OnStyleMenu(LStyle *style, LSubMenu *m) { switch (style->Owner) { case STYLE_URL: { LString s(Text + style->Start, style->Len); if (LIsValidEmail(s)) m->AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_EMAIL_TO, "New Email to..."), IDM_NEW, true); else m->AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_OPENURL, "Open URL"), IDM_OPEN, true); m->AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_COPYLINK, "Copy link location"), IDM_COPY_URL, true); return true; } default: break; } return false; } void LTextView3::OnStyleMenuClick(LStyle *style, int i) { switch (style->Owner) { case STYLE_URL: { LString s(Text + style->Start, style->Len); switch (i) { case IDM_NEW: case IDM_OPEN: { if (s) OnUrl(s); break; } case IDM_COPY_URL: { if (s) { LClipBoard Clip(this); Clip.Text(s); } break; } } break; } default: break; } } void LTextView3::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { bool Processed = false; m.x += ScrollX; if (m.Down()) { if (m.IsContextMenu()) { DoContextMenu(m); return; } else if (m.Left()) { Focus(true); ssize_t Hit = HitText(m.x, m.y, true); if (Hit >= 0) { SetCaret(Hit, m.Shift()); LStyle *s = HitStyle(Hit); if (s) Processed = OnStyleClick(s, &m); } if (!Processed && m.Double()) { d->WordSelectMode = Cursor; SelectWord(Cursor); } else { d->WordSelectMode = -1; } } } if (!Processed) { Capture(m.Down()); } } int LTextView3::OnHitTest(int x, int y) { #ifdef WIN32 if (GetClient().Overlap(x, y)) { return HTCLIENT; } #endif return LView::OnHitTest(x, y); } void LTextView3::OnMouseMove(LMouse &m) { m.x += ScrollX; ssize_t Hit = HitText(m.x, m.y, true); if (IsCapturing()) { if (d->WordSelectMode < 0) { SetCaret(Hit, m.Left()); } else { ssize_t Min = Hit < d->WordSelectMode ? Hit : d->WordSelectMode; ssize_t Max = Hit > d->WordSelectMode ? Hit : d->WordSelectMode; for (SelStart = Min; SelStart > 0; SelStart--) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelStart])) { SelStart++; break; } } for (SelEnd = Max; SelEnd < Size; SelEnd++) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelEnd])) { break; } } Cursor = SelEnd; Invalidate(); } } } LCursor LTextView3::GetCursor(int x, int y) { LRect c = GetClient(); c.Offset(-c.x1, -c.y1); LStyle *s = NULL; if (c.Overlap(x, y)) { ssize_t Hit = HitText(x, y, true); s = HitStyle(Hit); } return s ? s->Cursor : LCUR_Ibeam; } int LTextView3::GetColumn() { int x = 0; LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { for (ssize_t i=l->Start; i> 1); m.Target = this; DoContextMenu(m); } else if (k.IsChar) { switch (k.vkey) { default: { // process single char input if ( !GetReadOnly() && ( (k.c16 >= ' ' || k.vkey == LK_TAB) && k.c16 != 127 ) ) { if (k.Down()) { // letter/number etc if (SelStart >= 0) { bool MultiLine = false; if (k.vkey == LK_TAB) { size_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd), Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); for (size_t i=Min; iLen : 0; if (l && k.vkey == LK_TAB && (!HardTabs || IndentSize != TabSize)) { int x = GetColumn(); int Add = IndentSize - (x % IndentSize); if (HardTabs && ((x + Add) % TabSize) == 0) { int Rx = x; size_t Remove; for (Remove = Cursor; Text[Remove - 1] == ' ' && Rx % TabSize != 0; Remove--, Rx--); ssize_t Chars = (ssize_t)Cursor - Remove; Delete(Remove, Chars); Insert(Remove, &k.c16, 1); Cursor = Remove + 1; Invalidate(); } else { char16 *Sp = new char16[Add]; if (Sp) { for (int n=0; nLen : 0; SetCaret(Cursor + Add, false, Len != NewLen - 1); } DeleteArray(Sp); } } } else { char16 In = k.GetChar(); if (In == '\t' && k.Shift() && Cursor > 0) { l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (Cursor > l->Start) { if (Text[Cursor-1] == '\t') { Delete(Cursor - 1, 1); SetCaret(Cursor, false, false); } else if (Text[Cursor-1] == ' ') { ssize_t Start = (ssize_t)Cursor - 1; while (Start >= l->Start && strchr(" \t", Text[Start-1])) Start--; int Depth = SpaceDepth(Text + Start, Text + Cursor); int NewDepth = Depth - (Depth % IndentSize); if (NewDepth == Depth && NewDepth > 0) NewDepth -= IndentSize; int Use = 0; while (SpaceDepth(Text + Start, Text + Start + Use + 1) < NewDepth) Use++; Delete(Start + Use, Cursor - Start - Use); SetCaret(Start + Use, false, false); } } } else if (In && Insert(Cursor, &In, 1)) { l = GetTextLine(Cursor); size_t NewLen = (l) ? l->Len : 0; SetCaret(Cursor + 1, false, Len != NewLen - 1); } } } return true; } break; } case LK_RETURN: #if defined MAC case LK_KEYPADENTER: #endif { if (GetReadOnly()) break; if (k.Down() && k.IsChar) { OnEnter(k); } return true; break; } case LK_BACKSPACE: { if (GetReadOnly()) break; if (k.Ctrl()) { // Ctrl+H } else if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0) { // delete selection DeleteSelection(); } else { char Del = Cursor > 0 ? Text[Cursor-1] : 0; if (Del == ' ' && (!HardTabs || IndentSize != TabSize)) { // Delete soft tab int x = GetColumn(); int Max = x % IndentSize; if (Max == 0) Max = IndentSize; ssize_t i; for (i=Cursor-1; i>=0; i--) { if (Max-- <= 0 || Text[i] != ' ') { i++; break; } } if (i < 0) i = 0; if (i < Cursor - 1) { ssize_t Del = (ssize_t)Cursor - i; Delete(i, Del); // SetCursor(i, false, false); // Invalidate(); break; } } else if (Del == '\t' && HardTabs && IndentSize != TabSize) { int x = GetColumn(); Delete(--Cursor, 1); for (int c=GetColumn(); c 0) { Delete(Cursor - 1, 1); } } } return true; break; } } } else // not a char { switch (k.vkey) { case LK_TAB: return true; case LK_RETURN: { return !GetReadOnly(); } case LK_BACKSPACE: { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Alt()) { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { Redo(); } else { Undo(); } } } else if (k.Ctrl()) { if (k.Down()) { ssize_t Start = Cursor; while (IsWhiteSpace(Text[Cursor-1]) && Cursor > 0) Cursor--; while (!IsWhiteSpace(Text[Cursor-1]) && Cursor > 0) Cursor--; Delete(Cursor, Start - Cursor); Invalidate(); } } return true; } break; } case LK_F3: { if (k.Down()) { DoFindNext(NULL); } return true; break; } case LK_LEFT: { if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0 && !k.Shift()) { SetCaret(MIN(SelStart, SelEnd), false); } else if (Cursor > 0) { ssize_t n = Cursor; #ifdef MAC if (k.System()) { goto Jump_StartOfLine; } else if (k.Alt()) #else if (k.Ctrl()) #endif { // word move/select bool StartWhiteSpace = IsWhiteSpace(Text[n]); bool LeftWhiteSpace = n > 0 && IsWhiteSpace(Text[n-1]); if (!StartWhiteSpace || Text[n] == '\n') { n--; } // Skip ws for (; n > 0 && strchr(" \t", Text[n]); n--) ; if (Text[n] == '\n') { n--; } else if (!StartWhiteSpace || !LeftWhiteSpace) { if (IsDelimiter(Text[n])) { for (; n > 0 && IsDelimiter(Text[n]); n--); } else { for (; n > 0; n--) { //IsWordBoundry(Text[n]) if (IsWhiteSpace(Text[n]) || IsDelimiter(Text[n])) { break; } } } } if (n > 0) n++; } else { // single char n--; } SetCaret(n, k.Shift()); } } return true; break; } case LK_RIGHT: { if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0 && !k.Shift()) { SetCaret(MAX(SelStart, SelEnd), false); } else if (Cursor < Size) { ssize_t n = Cursor; #ifdef MAC if (k.System()) { goto Jump_EndOfLine; } else if (k.Alt()) #else if (k.Ctrl()) #endif { // word move/select if (IsWhiteSpace(Text[n])) { for (; nStart, Cursor-l->Start); int ScreenX = CurLine.X(); LDisplayString PrevLine(Font, Text + Prev->Start, Prev->Len); ssize_t CharX = PrevLine.CharAt(ScreenX); SetCaret(Prev->Start + MIN(CharX, Prev->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_DOWN: { if (k.Alt()) return false; if (k.Down()) { #ifdef MAC if (k.Ctrl()) goto LTextView3_PageDown; #endif auto It = GetTextLineIt(Cursor); if (It != Line.end()) { auto l = *It; It++; if (It != Line.end()) { LTextLine *Next = *It; LDisplayString CurLine(Font, Text + l->Start, Cursor-l->Start); int ScreenX = CurLine.X(); LDisplayString NextLine(Font, Text + Next->Start, Next->Len); ssize_t CharX = NextLine.CharAt(ScreenX); SetCaret(Next->Start + MIN(CharX, Next->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_END: { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { SetCaret(Size, k.Shift()); } else { #ifdef MAC Jump_EndOfLine: #endif LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { SetCaret(l->Start + l->Len, k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_HOME: { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { SetCaret(0, k.Shift()); } else { #ifdef MAC Jump_StartOfLine: #endif LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { char16 *Line = Text + l->Start; char16 *s; char16 SpTab[] = {' ', '\t', 0}; for (s = Line; (SubtractPtr(s,Line) < l->Len) && StrchrW(SpTab, *s); s++); ssize_t Whitespace = SubtractPtr(s, Line); if (l->Start + Whitespace == Cursor) { SetCaret(l->Start, k.Shift()); } else { SetCaret(l->Start + Whitespace, k.Shift()); } } } } return true; break; } case LK_PAGEUP: { #ifdef MAC LTextView3_PageUp: #endif if (k.Down()) { LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { int DisplayLines = Y() / LineY; ssize_t CurLine = Line.IndexOf(l); LTextLine *New = Line.ItemAt(MAX(CurLine - DisplayLines, 0)); if (New) { SetCaret(New->Start + MIN(Cursor - l->Start, New->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_PAGEDOWN: { #ifdef MAC LTextView3_PageDown: #endif if (k.Down()) { LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { int DisplayLines = Y() / LineY; ssize_t CurLine = Line.IndexOf(l); LTextLine *New = Line.ItemAt(MIN(CurLine + DisplayLines, (ssize_t)GetLines()-1)); if (New) { SetCaret(New->Start + MIN(Cursor - l->Start, New->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_INSERT: { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { Copy(); } else if (k.Shift()) { if (!GetReadOnly()) { Paste(); } } } return true; break; } case LK_DELETE: { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0) { if (k.Shift()) { Cut(); } else { DeleteSelection(); } } else if (Cursor < Size && Delete(Cursor, 1)) { Invalidate(); } } return true; } break; } default: { if (k.c16 == 17) break; if (k.CtrlCmd() && !k.Alt()) { switch (k.GetChar()) { case 0xbd: // Ctrl+'-' { if (k.Down() && Font->PointSize() > 1) { Font->PointSize(Font->PointSize() - 1); OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } break; } case 0xbb: // Ctrl+'+' { if (k.Down() && Font->PointSize() < 100) { Font->PointSize(Font->PointSize() + 1); OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } break; } case 'a': case 'A': { if (k.Down()) { // select all SelStart = 0; SelEnd = Size; Invalidate(); } return true; break; } case 'y': case 'Y': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Redo(); } return true; } break; } case 'z': case 'Z': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Shift()) { Redo(); } else { Undo(); } } return true; } break; } case 'x': case 'X': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Cut(); } return true; } break; } case 'c': case 'C': { if (k.Shift()) return false; if (k.Down()) Copy(); return true; break; } case 'v': case 'V': { if (!k.Shift() && !GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Paste(); } return true; } break; } case 'f': { if (k.Down()) - { DoFind(NULL); - } return true; break; } case 'g': case 'G': { if (k.Down()) { DoGoto(NULL); } return true; break; } case 'h': case 'H': { if (k.Down()) { DoReplace(NULL); } return true; break; } case 'u': case 'U': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { DoCase(NULL, k.Shift()); } return true; } break; } case LK_RETURN: { if (!GetReadOnly() && !k.Shift()) { if (k.Down()) { OnEnter(k); } return true; } break; } } } break; } } } return false; } void LTextView3::OnEnter(LKey &k) { // enter if (SelStart >= 0) { DeleteSelection(); } char16 InsertStr[256] = {'\n', 0}; LTextLine *CurLine = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (CurLine && AutoIndent) { int WsLen = 0; for (; WsLen < CurLine->Len && WsLen < (Cursor - CurLine->Start) && strchr(" \t", Text[CurLine->Start + WsLen]); WsLen++); if (WsLen > 0) { memcpy(InsertStr+1, Text+CurLine->Start, WsLen * sizeof(char16)); InsertStr[WsLen+1] = 0; } } if (Insert(Cursor, InsertStr, StrlenW(InsertStr))) { SetCaret(Cursor + StrlenW(InsertStr), false, true); } } int LTextView3::TextWidth(LFont *f, char16 *s, int Len, int x, int Origin) { int w = x; int Size = f->TabSize(); for (char16 *c = s; SubtractPtr(c, s) < Len; ) { if (*c == 9) { w = ((((w-Origin) + Size) / Size) * Size) + Origin; c++; } else { char16 *e; for (e = c; SubtractPtr(e, s) < Len && *e != 9; e++); LDisplayString ds(f, c, SubtractPtr(e, c)); w += ds.X(); c = e; } } return w - x; } int LTextView3::ScrollYLine() { return (VScroll) ? (int)VScroll->Value() : 0; } int LTextView3::ScrollYPixel() { return ScrollYLine() * LineY; } LRect LTextView3::DocToScreen(LRect r) { r.Offset(0, d->rPadding.y1 - ScrollYPixel()); return r; } void LTextView3::OnPaintLeftMargin(LSurface *pDC, LRect &r, LColour &colour) { pDC->Colour(colour); pDC->Rectangle(&r); } void LTextView3::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { #if LGI_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif #if DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT LDoubleBuffer MemBuf(pDC); #endif #if PROFILE_PAINT char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%p::OnPaint Lines=%i Sz=%i", this, (int)Line.Length(), (int)Size); LProfile Prof(s); #endif if (d->LayoutDirty) { #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("PourText"); #endif PourText(d->DirtyStart, d->DirtyLen); #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("PourStyle"); #endif PourStyle(d->DirtyStart, d->DirtyLen); d->LayoutDirty = false; } #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("Setup"); #endif LRect r = GetClient(); r.x2 += ScrollX; int Ox, Oy; pDC->GetOrigin(Ox, Oy); pDC->SetOrigin(Ox+ScrollX, Oy); #if 0 // Coverage testing... pDC->Colour(Rgb24(255, 0, 255), 24); pDC->Rectangle(); #endif LSurface *pOut = pDC; bool DrawSel = false; bool HasFocus = Focus(); // printf("%s:%i - HasFocus = %i\n", _FL, HasFocus); LColour SelectedText(HasFocus ? LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_FORE) : LColour(L_NON_FOCUS_SEL_FORE)); LColour SelectedBack(HasFocus ? LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_BACK) : LColour(L_NON_FOCUS_SEL_BACK)); LCss::ColorDef ForeDef, BkDef; if (GetCss()) { ForeDef = GetCss()->Color(); BkDef = GetCss()->BackgroundColor(); } LColour Fore(ForeDef.Type == LCss::ColorRgb ? LColour(ForeDef.Rgb32, 32) : LColour(L_TEXT)); LColour Back ( /*!ReadOnly &&*/ BkDef.Type == LCss::ColorRgb ? LColour(BkDef.Rgb32, 32) : Enabled() ? LColour(L_WORKSPACE) : LColour(L_MED) ); // LColour Whitespace = Fore.Mix(Back, 0.85f); if (!Enabled()) { Fore = LColour(L_LOW); Back = LColour(L_MED); } if (Text && Font) { ssize_t SelMin = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t SelMax = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); // font properties Font->Colour(Fore, Back); // Font->WhitespaceColour(Whitespace); Font->Transparent(false); // draw margins pDC->Colour(PAINT_BORDER); // top margin pDC->Rectangle(0, 0, r.x2, d->rPadding.y1-1); // left margin { LRect LeftMargin(0, d->rPadding.y1, d->rPadding.x1-1, r.y2); OnPaintLeftMargin(pDC, LeftMargin, PAINT_BORDER); } // draw lines of text int k = ScrollYLine(); auto It = Line.begin(k); LTextLine *l = NULL; int Dy = 0; if (It != Line.end()) Dy = -(*It)->r.y1; ssize_t NextSelection = (SelStart != SelEnd) ? SelMin : -1; // offset where selection next changes if (It != Line.end() && (l = *It) && SelStart >= 0 && SelStart < l->Start && SelEnd > l->Start) { // start of visible area is in selection // init to selection colour DrawSel = true; Font->Colour(SelectedText, SelectedBack); NextSelection = SelMax; } StyleIter Si = Style.begin(); LStyle *NextStyle = GetNextStyle(Si, (l) ? l->Start : 0); DocOffset = (l) ? l->r.y1 : 0; #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("foreach Line loop"); #endif // loop through all visible lines int y = d->rPadding.y1; while ((l = *It) && l->r.y1+Dy < r.Y()) { LRect Tr = l->r; Tr.Offset(0, y - Tr.y1); //LRect OldTr = Tr; // deal with selection change on beginning of line if (NextSelection == l->Start) { // selection change DrawSel = !DrawSel; NextSelection = (NextSelection == SelMin) ? SelMax : -1; } if (DrawSel) { Font->Colour(SelectedText, SelectedBack); } else { LColour fore = l->c.IsValid() ? l->c : Fore; LColour back = l->Back.IsValid() ? l->Back : Back; Font->Colour(fore, back); } // How many chars on this line have we // processed so far: ssize_t Done = 0; bool LineHasSelection = NextSelection >= l->Start && NextSelection < l->Start + l->Len; // Fractional pixels we have moved so far: int MarginF = d->rPadding.x1 << LDisplayString::FShift; int FX = MarginF; int FY = Tr.y1 << LDisplayString::FShift; // loop through all sections of similar text on a line while (Done < l->Len) { // decide how big this block is int RtlTrailingSpace = 0; ssize_t Cur = l->Start + Done; ssize_t Block = l->Len - Done; // check for style change if (NextStyle && (ssize_t)NextStyle->End() <= l->Start) NextStyle = GetNextStyle(Si); if (NextStyle) { // start if (l->Overlap(NextStyle->Start) && NextStyle->Start > Cur && NextStyle->Start - Cur < Block) { Block = NextStyle->Start - Cur; } // end ssize_t StyleEnd = NextStyle->Start + NextStyle->Len; if (l->Overlap(StyleEnd) && StyleEnd > Cur && StyleEnd - Cur < Block) { Block = StyleEnd - Cur; } } // check for next selection change // this may truncate the style if (NextSelection > Cur && NextSelection - Cur < Block) { Block = NextSelection - Cur; } LAssert(Block != 0); // sanity check if (NextStyle && // There is a style (Cur < SelMin || Cur >= SelMax) && // && we're not drawing a selection block Cur >= NextStyle->Start && // && we're inside the styled area Cur < NextStyle->Start+NextStyle->Len) { LFont *Sf = NextStyle->Font ? NextStyle->Font : Font; if (Sf) { // draw styled text if (NextStyle->Fore.IsValid()) Sf->Fore(NextStyle->Fore); if (NextStyle->Back.IsValid()) Sf->Back(NextStyle->Back); else if (l->Back.IsValid()) Sf->Back(l->Back); else Sf->Back(Back); Sf->Transparent(false); LAssert(l->Start + Done >= 0); LDisplayString Ds( Sf, MapText(Text + (l->Start + Done), Block, RtlTrailingSpace != 0), Block + RtlTrailingSpace); Ds.SetDrawOffsetF(FX - MarginF); Ds.ShowVisibleTab(ShowWhiteSpace); Ds.FDraw(pOut, FX, FY, 0, LineHasSelection); if (NextStyle->Decor == LCss::TextDecorSquiggle) { pOut->Colour(NextStyle->DecorColour); int x = FX >> LDisplayString::FShift; int End = x + Ds.X(); while (x < End) { pOut->Set(x, Tr.y2-(x%2)); x++; } } FX += Ds.FX(); LColour fore = l->c.IsValid() ? l->c : Fore; LColour back = l->Back.IsValid() ? l->Back : Back; Sf->Colour(fore, back); } else LAssert(0); } else { // draw a block of normal text LAssert(l->Start + Done >= 0); LDisplayString Ds( Font, MapText(Text + (l->Start + Done), Block, RtlTrailingSpace != 0), Block + RtlTrailingSpace); Ds.SetDrawOffsetF(FX - MarginF); Ds.ShowVisibleTab(ShowWhiteSpace); Ds.FDraw(pOut, FX, FY, 0, LineHasSelection); FX += Ds.FX(); } if (NextStyle && Cur+Block >= NextStyle->Start+NextStyle->Len) { // end of this styled block NextStyle = GetNextStyle(Si); } if (NextSelection == Cur+Block) { // selection change DrawSel = !DrawSel; if (DrawSel) { Font->Colour(SelectedText, SelectedBack); } else { LColour fore = l->c.IsValid() ? l->c : Fore; LColour back = l->Back.IsValid() ? l->Back : Back; Font->Colour(fore, back); } NextSelection = (NextSelection == SelMin) ? SelMax : -1; } Done += Block + RtlTrailingSpace; } // end block loop Tr.x1 = FX >> LDisplayString::FShift; // eol processing ssize_t EndOfLine = l->Start+l->Len; if (EndOfLine >= SelMin && EndOfLine < SelMax) { // draw the '\n' at the end of the line as selected // LColour bk = Font->Back(); pOut->Colour(Font->Back()); pOut->Rectangle(Tr.x2, Tr.y1, Tr.x2+7, Tr.y2); Tr.x2 += 7; } else Tr.x2 = Tr.x1; // draw any space after text pOut->Colour(PAINT_AFTER_LINE); pOut->Rectangle(Tr.x2, Tr.y1, r.x2, Tr.y2); // cursor? if (HasFocus) { // draw the cursor if on this line if (Cursor >= l->Start && Cursor <= l->Start+l->Len) { CursorPos.ZOff(1, LineY-1); ssize_t At = Cursor-l->Start; LDisplayString Ds(Font, MapText(Text+l->Start, At), At); Ds.ShowVisibleTab(ShowWhiteSpace); int CursorX = Ds.X(); CursorPos.Offset(d->rPadding.x1 + CursorX, Tr.y1); if (CanScrollX) { // Cursor on screen check LRect Scr = GetClient(); Scr.Offset(ScrollX, 0); LRect Cur = CursorPos; if (Cur.x2 > Scr.x2 - 5) // right edge check { ScrollX = ScrollX + Cur.x2 - Scr.x2 + 40; Invalidate(); } else if (Cur.x1 < Scr.x1 && ScrollX > 0) { ScrollX = MAX(0, Cur.x1 - 40); Invalidate(); } } if (Blink) { LRect c = CursorPos; pOut->Colour(!ReadOnly ? Fore : LColour(192, 192, 192)); pOut->Rectangle(&c); } #if WINNATIVE HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(Handle()); if (hIMC) { COMPOSITIONFORM Cf; Cf.dwStyle = CFS_POINT; Cf.ptCurrentPos.x = CursorPos.x1; Cf.ptCurrentPos.y = CursorPos.y1; ImmSetCompositionWindow(hIMC, &Cf); ImmReleaseContext(Handle(), hIMC); } #endif } } #if DRAW_LINE_BOXES { uint Style = pDC->LineStyle(LSurface::LineAlternate); LColour Old = pDC->Colour(LColour::Red); pDC->Box(&OldTr); pDC->Colour(Old); pDC->LineStyle(Style); LString s; s.Printf("%i, %i", Line.IndexOf(l), l->Start); LDisplayString ds(LSysFont, s); LSysFont->Transparent(true); ds.Draw(pDC, OldTr.x2 + 2, OldTr.y1); } #endif y += LineY; It++; } // end of line loop // draw any space under the lines if (y <= r.y2) { pDC->Colour(Back); // pDC->Colour(LColour(255, 0, 255)); pDC->Rectangle(d->rPadding.x1, y, r.x2, r.y2); } } else { // default drawing: nothing pDC->Colour(Back); pDC->Rectangle(&r); } // _PaintTime = LCurrentTime() - StartTime; #ifdef PAINT_DEBUG if (GetNotify()) { char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "Pour:%i Style:%i Paint:%i ms", _PourTime, _StyleTime, _PaintTime); LMessage m = CreateMsg(DEBUG_TIMES_MSG, 0, (int)s); GetNotify()->OnEvent(&m); } #endif // printf("PaintTime: %ims\n", _PaintTime); #if LGI_EXCEPTIONS } catch (...) { LgiMsg(this, "LTextView3::OnPaint crashed.", "Lgi"); } #endif } LMessage::Result LTextView3::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { case M_TEXT_UPDATE_NAME: { if (d->Lock(_FL)) { Name(d->SetName); d->SetName.Empty(); d->Unlock(); } break; } case M_TEXTVIEW_FIND: { if (InThread()) DoFindNext(NULL); else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Not in thread.\n", _FL); break; } case M_TEXTVIEW_REPLACE: { // DoReplace(); break; } case M_CUT: { Cut(); break; } case M_COPY: { Copy(); break; } case M_PASTE: { Paste(); break; } #if defined WIN32 case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: { return Size; } case WM_GETTEXT: { int Chars = (int)Msg->A(); char *Out = (char*)Msg->B(); if (Out) { char *In = (char*)LNewConvertCp(LAnsiToLgiCp(), NameW(), LGI_WideCharset, Chars); if (In) { int Len = (int)strlen(In); memcpy(Out, In, Len); DeleteArray(In); return Len; } } return 0; } /* This is broken... the IME returns garbage in the buffer. :( case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: { if (Msg->b & GCS_RESULTSTR) { HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(Handle()); if (hIMC) { int Size = ImmGetCompositionString(hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, NULL, 0); char *Buf = new char[Size]; if (Buf) { ImmGetCompositionString(hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, Buf, Size); char16 *Utf = (char16*)LNewConvertCp(LGI_WideCharset, Buf, LAnsiToLgiCp(), Size); if (Utf) { Insert(Cursor, Utf, StrlenW(Utf)); DeleteArray(Utf); } DeleteArray(Buf); } ImmReleaseContext(Handle(), hIMC); } return 0; } break; } */ #endif } return LLayout::OnEvent(Msg); } int LTextView3::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (Ctrl->GetId() == IDC_VSCROLL && VScroll) { if (n.Type == LNotifyScrollBarCreate) { UpdateScrollBars(); } Invalidate(); } return 0; } void LTextView3::InternalPulse() { if (!ReadOnly) { uint64 Now = LCurrentTime(); if (!BlinkTs) BlinkTs = Now; else if (Now - BlinkTs > CURSOR_BLINK) { Blink = !Blink; LRect p = CursorPos; p.Offset(-ScrollX, 0); Invalidate(&p); BlinkTs = Now; } } if (PartialPour) PourText(Size, 0); } void LTextView3::OnPulse() { #ifdef WINDOWS InternalPulse(); #else for (auto c: Ctrls) c->InternalPulse(); #endif } void LTextView3::OnUrl(char *Url) { if (Environment) Environment->OnNavigate(this, Url); else { LUri u(Url); bool Email = LIsValidEmail(Url); const char *Proto = Email ? "mailto" : u.sProtocol; LString App = LGetAppForProtocol(Proto); if (App) LExecute(App, Url); else LgiMsg(this, "Failed to find application for protocol '%s'", "Error", MB_OK, Proto); } } bool LTextView3::OnLayout(LViewLayoutInfo &Inf) { Inf.Width.Min = 32; Inf.Width.Max = -1; Inf.Height.Min = (Font ? Font->GetHeight() : 18) + 4; Inf.Height.Max = -1; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LTextView3_Factory : public LViewFactory { LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (_stricmp(Class, "LTextView3") == 0) { return new LTextView3(-1, 0, 0, 2000, 2000); } return 0; } } TextView3_Factory; diff --git a/src/common/Text/TextView4.cpp b/src/common/Text/TextView4.cpp --- a/src/common/Text/TextView4.cpp +++ b/src/common/Text/TextView4.cpp @@ -1,5511 +1,5512 @@ #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/TextView4.h" #include "lgi/common/Input.h" #include "lgi/common/ScrollBar.h" #include "lgi/common/ClipBoard.h" #include "lgi/common/DisplayString.h" #include "lgi/common/CssTools.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/Mail.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "lgi/common/Menu.h" #include "lgi/common/DropFiles.h" #include "ViewPriv.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define FEATURE_HILIGHT_ALL_MATCHES 1 #else #define FEATURE_HILIGHT_ALL_MATCHES 0 #endif #define DefaultCharset "utf-8" #define SubtractPtr(a, b) ((a) - (b)) #define GDCF_UTF8 -1 #define POUR_DEBUG 0 #define PROFILE_POUR 0 #define PROFILE_PAINT 0 #define DRAW_LINE_BOXES 0 #define WRAP_POUR_TIMEOUT 90 // ms #define PULSE_TIMEOUT 250 // ms #define CURSOR_BLINK 1000 // ms #define ALLOC_BLOCK 64 #define IDC_VS 1000 enum Cmds { IDM_COPY_URL = 100, IDM_AUTO_INDENT, IDM_UTF8, IDM_PASTE_NO_CONVERT, IDM_FIXED, IDM_SHOW_WHITE, IDM_HARD_TABS, IDM_INDENT_SIZE, IDM_TAB_SIZE, IDM_DUMP, IDM_RTL, IDM_COPY_ALL, IDM_SELECT_ALL, #ifndef IDM_OPEN IDM_OPEN, #endif #ifndef IDM_NEW IDM_NEW, #endif #ifndef IDM_COPY IDM_COPY, #endif #ifndef IDM_CUT IDM_CUT, #endif #ifndef IDM_PASTE IDM_PASTE, #endif #ifndef IDM_UNDO IDM_UNDO, #endif #ifndef IDM_REDO IDM_REDO, #endif }; #define PAINT_BORDER Back #if DRAW_LINE_BOXES #define PAINT_AFTER_LINE LColour(240, 240, 240) #else #define PAINT_AFTER_LINE Back #endif #define CODEPAGE_BASE 100 #define CONVERT_CODEPAGE_BASE 200 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(toupper) #define toupper(c) (((c)>='a'&&(c)<='z') ? (c)-'a'+'A' : (c)) #endif #define THREAD_CHECK() \ if (!InThread()) \ { \ LgiTrace("%s:%i - %s called out of thread.\n", _FL, __FUNCTION__); \ return false; \ } static char SelectWordDelim[] = " \t\n.,()[]<>=?/\\{}\"\';:+=-|!@#$%^&*"; #ifndef WINDOWS static LArray Ctrls; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GDocFindReplaceParams4 : public LDocFindReplaceParams, public LMutex { public: // Find/Replace History LAutoWString LastFind; LAutoWString LastReplace; bool MatchCase; bool MatchWord; bool SelectionOnly; bool SearchUpwards; GDocFindReplaceParams4() : LMutex("GDocFindReplaceParams4") { MatchCase = false; MatchWord = false; SelectionOnly = false; SearchUpwards = false; } }; class LTextView4Private : public LCss, public LMutex { public: LTextView4 *View; LRect rPadding; int PourX; bool LayoutDirty; ssize_t DirtyStart, DirtyLen; LColour UrlColour; bool CenterCursor; ssize_t WordSelectMode; LString Eol; LString LastError; // If the scroll position is set before we get a scroll bar, store the index // here and set it when the LNotifyScrollBarCreate arrives. ssize_t VScrollCache; // Find/Replace Params bool OwnFindReplaceParams; GDocFindReplaceParams4 *FindReplaceParams; // Map buffer ssize_t MapLen; char16 *MapBuf; // // Thread safe Name(char*) impl LString SetName; // #ifdef _DEBUG LString PourLog; #endif LTextView4Private(LTextView4 *view) : LMutex("LTextView4Private") { View = view; WordSelectMode = -1; PourX = -1; VScrollCache = -1; DirtyStart = DirtyLen = 0; UrlColour.Rgb(0, 0, 255); LColour::GetConfigColour("colour.L_URL", UrlColour); CenterCursor = false; LayoutDirty = true; rPadding.ZOff(0, 0); MapBuf = 0; MapLen = 0; OwnFindReplaceParams = true; FindReplaceParams = new GDocFindReplaceParams4; } ~LTextView4Private() { if (OwnFindReplaceParams) { DeleteObj(FindReplaceParams); } DeleteArray(MapBuf); } void SetDirty(ssize_t Start, ssize_t Len = 0) { LayoutDirty = true; DirtyStart = Start; DirtyLen = Len; } void OnChange(PropType Prop) { if (Prop == LCss::PropPadding || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingLeft || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingRight || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingTop || Prop == LCss::PropPaddingBottom) { LCssTools t(this, View->GetFont()); rPadding.ZOff(0, 0); rPadding = t.ApplyPadding(rPadding); } } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum UndoType { UndoDelete, UndoInsert, UndoChange }; struct Change : public LRange { UndoType Type; LArray Txt; }; struct LTextView4Undo : public LUndoEvent { LTextView4 *View; LArray Changes; LTextView4Undo(LTextView4 *view) { View = view; } void AddChange(ssize_t At, ssize_t Len, UndoType Type) { Change &c = Changes.New(); c.Start = At; c.Len = Len; c.Txt.Add(View->Text + At, Len); c.Type = Type; } void OnChange() { for (auto &c : Changes) { size_t Len = c.Len; if (View->Text) { char16 *t = View->Text + c.Start; for (size_t i=0; id->SetDirty(c.Start, c.Len); } } // LUndoEvent void ApplyChange() { View->UndoOn = false; for (auto &c : Changes) { switch (c.Type) { case UndoInsert: { View->Insert(c.Start, c.Txt.AddressOf(), c.Len); View->Cursor = c.Start + c.Len; break; } case UndoDelete: { View->Delete(c.Start, c.Len); View->Cursor = c.Start; break; } case UndoChange: { OnChange(); break; } } } View->UndoOn = true; View->Invalidate(); } void RemoveChange() { View->UndoOn = false; for (auto &c : Changes) { switch (c.Type) { case UndoInsert: { View->Delete(c.Start, c.Len); break; } case UndoDelete: { View->Insert(c.Start, c.Txt.AddressOf(), c.Len); break; } case UndoChange: { OnChange(); break; } } View->Cursor = c.Start; } View->UndoOn = true; View->Invalidate(); } }; void LTextView4::LStyle::RefreshLayout(size_t Start, ssize_t Len) { View->PourText(Start, Len); View->PourStyle(Start, Len); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LTextView4::LTextView4( int Id, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, LFontType *FontType) : ResObject(Res_Custom) { // init vars LView::d->Css.Reset(d = new LTextView4Private(this)); PourEnabled = true; PartialPour = false; AdjustStylePos = true; BlinkTs = 0; LineY = 1; MaxX = 0; TextCache = 0; UndoOn = true; UndoCur = NULL; Font = 0; FixedWidthFont = false; FixedFont = 0; ShowWhiteSpace = false; ObscurePassword = false; TabSize = TAB_SIZE; IndentSize = TAB_SIZE; HardTabs = true; CanScrollX = false; Blink = true; // setup window SetId(Id); // default options Dirty = false; #if WINNATIVE CrLf = true; SetDlgCode(DLGC_WANTALLKEYS); #else CrLf = false; #endif Underline = NULL; Bold = NULL; d->Padding(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPx, 2)); #ifdef _DEBUG // debug times _PourTime = 0; _StyleTime = 0; _PaintTime = 0; #endif // Data Alloc = ALLOC_BLOCK; Text = new char16[Alloc]; if (Text) *Text = 0; Cursor = 0; Size = 0; // Display SelStart = SelEnd = -1; DocOffset = 0; ScrollX = 0; if (FontType) { Font = FontType->Create(); } else { LFontType Type; if (Type.GetSystemFont("Fixed")) Font = Type.Create(); else printf("%s:%i - failed to create font.\n", _FL); } if (Font) { SetTabStop(true); Underline = new LFont; if (Underline) { *Underline = *Font; Underline->Underline(true); if (d->UrlColour.IsValid()) Underline->Fore(d->UrlColour); Underline->Create(); } Bold = new LFont; if (Bold) { *Bold = *Font; Bold->Bold(true); Bold->Create(); } OnFontChange(); } else { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Failed to create font, FontType=%p\n", _FL, FontType); Font = LSysFont; } CursorPos.ZOff(1, LineY-1); CursorPos.Offset(d->rPadding.x1, d->rPadding.y1); LRect r; r.ZOff(cx-1, cy-1); r.Offset(x, y); SetPos(r); LResources::StyleElement(this); } LTextView4::~LTextView4() { #ifndef WINDOWS Ctrls.Delete(this); #endif Line.DeleteObjects(); Style.Empty(); DeleteArray(TextCache); DeleteArray(Text); if (Font != LSysFont) DeleteObj(Font); DeleteObj(FixedFont); DeleteObj(Underline); DeleteObj(Bold); // 'd' is owned by the LView::Css auto ptr } char16 *LTextView4::MapText(char16 *Str, ssize_t Len, bool RtlTrailingSpace) { if (ObscurePassword /*|| ShowWhiteSpace*/ || RtlTrailingSpace) { if (Len > d->MapLen) { DeleteArray(d->MapBuf); d->MapBuf = new char16[Len + RtlTrailingSpace]; d->MapLen = Len; } if (d->MapBuf) { int n = 0; if (RtlTrailingSpace) { d->MapBuf[n++] = ' '; for (int i=0; iMapBuf[n++] = Str[i]; } } else if (ObscurePassword) { for (int i=0; iMapBuf[n++] = '*'; } } /* else if (ShowWhiteSpace) { for (int i=0; iMapBuf[n++] = 0xb7; } else if (Str[i] == '\t') { d->MapBuf[n++] = 0x2192; } else { d->MapBuf[n++] = Str[i]; } } } */ return d->MapBuf; } } return Str; } void LTextView4::SetFixedWidthFont(bool i) { if (FixedWidthFont ^ i) { if (i) { LFontType Type; if (Type.GetSystemFont("Fixed")) { LFont *f = FixedFont; FixedFont = Font; Font = f; if (!Font) { Font = Type.Create(); if (Font) { Font->PointSize(FixedFont->PointSize()); } } LDocView::SetFixedWidthFont(i); } } else if (FixedFont) { LFont *f = FixedFont; FixedFont = Font; Font = f; LDocView::SetFixedWidthFont(i); } OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } } void LTextView4::SetReadOnly(bool i) { LDocView::SetReadOnly(i); #if WINNATIVE SetDlgCode(i ? DLGC_WANTARROWS : DLGC_WANTALLKEYS); #endif } void LTextView4::SetCrLf(bool crlf) { CrLf = crlf; } void LTextView4::SetTabSize(uint8_t i) { TabSize = limit(i, 2, 32); OnFontChange(); OnPosChange(); Invalidate(); } void LTextView4::SetWrapType(LDocWrapType i) { LDocView::SetWrapType(i); CanScrollX = i != TEXTED_WRAP_REFLOW; OnPosChange(); Invalidate(); } LFont *LTextView4::GetFont() { return Font; } LFont *LTextView4::GetBold() { return Bold; } void LTextView4::SetFont(LFont *f, bool OwnIt) { if (!f) return; if (OwnIt) { if (Font != LSysFont) DeleteObj(Font); Font = f; } else if (!Font || Font == LSysFont) { Font = new LFont(*f); } else { *Font = *f; } if (Font) { if (!Underline) Underline = new LFont; if (Underline) { *Underline = *Font; Underline->Underline(true); Underline->Create(); if (d->UrlColour.IsValid()) Underline->Fore(d->UrlColour); } if (!Bold) Bold = new LFont; if (Bold) { *Bold = *Font; Bold->Bold(true); Bold->Create(); } } OnFontChange(); } void LTextView4::OnFontChange() { if (Font) { // get line height // int OldLineY = LineY; if (!Font->Handle()) Font->Create(); LineY = Font->GetHeight(); if (LineY < 1) LineY = 1; // get tab size char Spaces[32]; memset(Spaces, 'A', TabSize); Spaces[TabSize] = 0; LDisplayString ds(Font, Spaces); Font->TabSize(ds.X()); // repour doc d->SetDirty(0, Size); // validate blue underline font if (Underline) { *Underline = *Font; Underline->Underline(true); Underline->Create(); } #if WINNATIVE // Set the IME font. HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(Handle()); if (hIMC) { COMPOSITIONFORM Cf; Cf.dwStyle = CFS_POINT; Cf.ptCurrentPos.x = CursorPos.x1; Cf.ptCurrentPos.y = CursorPos.y1; LOGFONT FontInfo; GetObject(Font->Handle(), sizeof(FontInfo), &FontInfo); ImmSetCompositionFont(hIMC, &FontInfo); ImmReleaseContext(Handle(), hIMC); } #endif } } void LTextView4::LogLines() { int Idx = 0; LStringPipe p; p.Print("DocSize: %i\n", (int)Size); for (auto i : Line) { p.Print(" [%i]=%p, %i+%i, %s\n", Idx, i, (int)i->Start, (int)i->Len, i->r.GetStr()); Idx++; } LgiTrace(p.NewLStr()); #ifdef _DEBUG if (d->PourLog) LgiTrace("%s", d->PourLog.Get()); #endif } bool LTextView4::ValidateLines(bool CheckBox) { size_t Pos = 0; char16 *c = Text; size_t Idx = 0; LTextLine *Prev = NULL; for (auto l: Line) { if (l->Start != Pos) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Incorrect start."); return false; } char16 *e = c; if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { while (*e && *e != '\n') e++; } else { char16 *end = Text + l->Start + l->Len; while (*e && *e != '\n' && e < end) e++; } ssize_t Len = e - c; if (l->Len != Len) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Incorrect length."); return false; } if (CheckBox && Prev && Prev->r.y2 != l->r.y1 - 1) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Lines not joined vertically"); } if (*e) { if (*e == '\n') e++; else if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_REFLOW) e++; } Pos = e - Text; c = e; Idx++; Prev = l; } if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE && Pos != Size) { LogLines(); LAssert(!"Last line != end of doc"); return false; } return true; } int LTextView4::AdjustStyles(ssize_t Start, ssize_t Diff, bool ExtendStyle) { int Changes = 0; for (auto &s : Style) { if (s.Start == Start) { if (Diff < 0 || ExtendStyle) s.Len += Diff; else s.Start += Diff; Changes++; } else if (s.Start > Start) { s.Start += Diff; Changes++; } } return Changes; } // break array, break out of loop when we hit these chars #define ExitLoop(c) ( (c) == 0 || \ (c) == '\n' || \ (c) == ' ' || \ (c) == '\t' \ ) // extra breaking opportunities #define ExtraBreak(c) ( ( (c) >= 0x3040 && (c) <= 0x30FF ) || \ ( (c) >= 0x3300 && (c) <= 0x9FAF ) \ ) /* Prerequisite: The Line list must have either the objects with the correct Start/Len or be missing the lines altogether... */ void LTextView4::PourText(size_t Start, ssize_t Length /* == 0 means it's a delete */) { #if PROFILE_POUR char _txt[256]; sprintf_s(_txt, sizeof(_txt), "%p::PourText Lines=%i Sz=%i", this, (int)Line.Length(), (int)Size); LProfile Prof(_txt); #endif LAssert(InThread()); LRect Client = GetClient(); int Mx = Client.X() - d->rPadding.x1 - d->rPadding.x2; int Cy = 0; MaxX = 0; ssize_t Idx = -1; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(Start, &Idx); if (!Cur || !Cur->r.Valid()) { // Find the last line that has a valid position... for (int64_t mid, s = 0, e = Idx >= 0 ? Idx : Line.Length() - 1; s < e; ) { if (e - s <= 1) { if (Line[e]->r.Valid()) mid = e; else mid = s; Cur = Line[mid]; Cy = Cur->r.y1; Idx = mid; break; } else mid = s + ((e - s) >> 1); auto sItem = Line[mid]; if (sItem->r.Valid()) s = mid + 1; // Search Mid->e else e = mid - 1; // Search s->Mid } } if (Cur && !Cur->r.Valid()) Cur = NULL; if (Cur) { Cy = Cur->r.y1; Start = Cur->Start; Length = Size - Start; } else { Idx = 0; Start = 0; Length = Size; } if (!Text || !Font || Mx <= 0) return; // Tracking vars ssize_t e; int WrapCol = GetWrapAtCol(); LDisplayString Sp(Font, " ", 1); int WidthOfSpace = Sp.X(); if (WidthOfSpace < 1) { printf("%s:%i - WidthOfSpace test failed.\n", _FL); return; } // Alright... lets pour! uint64 StartTs = LCurrentTime(); if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { // Find the dimensions of each line that is missing a rect #if PROFILE_POUR Prof.Add("NoWrap: ExistingLines"); #endif #ifdef _DEGBUG LStringPipe Log(1024); Log.Printf("Pour: " LPrintfSizeT ", " LPrintfSSizeT ", partial=%i\n", Start, Length, PartialPour); #endif ssize_t Pos = 0; for (; Idx < (ssize_t)Line.Length(); Idx++) { LTextLine *l = Line[Idx]; #ifdef _DEGBUG Log.Printf(" [%i] exist: r.val=%i\n", Idx, l->r.Valid()); #endif if (!l->r.Valid()) // If the layout is not valid... { LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + l->Start, l->Len); l->r.x1 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.x2 = l->r.x1 + ds.X(); MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); } // Adjust the y position anyway... it's free. l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; Cy = l->r.y2 + 1; Pos = l->Start + l->Len; if (Text[Pos] == '\n') Pos++; } // Now if we are missing lines as well, create them and lay them out #if PROFILE_POUR Prof.Add("NoWrap: NewLines"); #endif while (Pos < Size) { LTextLine *l = new LTextLine; l->Start = Pos; char16 *c = Text + Pos; char16 *e = c; while (*e && *e != '\n') e++; l->Len = e - c; #ifdef _DEGBUG Log.Printf(" [%i] new: start=" LPrintfSSizeT ", len=" LPrintfSSizeT "\n", Idx, l->Start, l->Len); #endif l->r.x1 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; if (l->Len) { LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + l->Start, l->Len); l->r.x2 = l->r.x1 + ds.X(); } else { l->r.x2 = l->r.x1; } LAssert(l->Len > 0); Line.Add(l); if (*e == '\n') e++; MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); Cy = l->r.y2 + 1; Pos = e - Text; Idx++; } #ifdef _DEGBUG d->PourLog = Log.NewLStr(); #endif PartialPour = false; } else // Wrap text { int DisplayStart = ScrollYLine(); int DisplayLines = (Client.Y() + LineY - 1) / LineY; int DisplayEnd = DisplayStart + DisplayLines; // Pouring is split into 2 parts... // 1) pouring to the end of the displayed text. // 2) pouring from there to the end of the document. // potentially taking several goes to complete the full pour // This allows the document to display and edit faster.. bool PourToDisplayEnd = Line.Length() < DisplayEnd; #if 0 LgiTrace("Idx=%i, DisplayStart=%i, DisplayLines=%i, DisplayEnd=%i, PourToDisplayEnd=%i\n", Idx, DisplayStart, DisplayLines, DisplayEnd, PourToDisplayEnd); #endif if ((ssize_t)Line.Length() > Idx) { for (size_t i=Idx; i= Size || Text[e] == '\n' || (e-i) >= WrapCol) { break; } e++; } // Seek back some characters if we are mid word size_t OldE = e; if (e < Size && Text[e] != '\n') { while (e > i) { if (ExitLoop(Text[e]) || ExtraBreak(Text[e])) { break; } e--; } } if (e == i) { // No line break at all, so seek forward instead for (e=OldE; e < Size && Text[e] != '\n'; e++) { if (ExitLoop(Text[e]) || ExtraBreak(Text[e])) break; } } // Calc the width LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + i, e - i); Width = ds.X(); } else { // Wrap to edge of screen ssize_t PrevExitChar = -1; int PrevX = -1; while (true) { if (e >= Size || ExitLoop(Text[e]) || ExtraBreak(Text[e])) { LDisplayString ds(Font, Text + i, e - i); if (ds.X() + Cx > Mx) { if (PrevExitChar > 0) { e = PrevExitChar; Width = PrevX; } else { Width = ds.X(); } break; } else if (e >= Size || Text[e] == '\n') { Width = ds.X(); break; } PrevExitChar = e; PrevX = ds.X(); } e++; } } // Create layout line LTextLine *l = new LTextLine; if (l) { l->Start = i; l->Len = e - i; l->r.x1 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.x2 = l->r.x1 + Width - 1; l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; LAssert(l->Len > 0); Line.Add(l); if (PourToDisplayEnd) { if (Line.Length() > DisplayEnd) { // We have reached the end of the displayed area... so // exit out temporarily to display the layout to the user PartialPour = true; break; } } else { // Otherwise check if we are taking too long... if (Line.Length() % 20 == 0) { uint64 Now = LCurrentTime(); if (Now - StartTs > WRAP_POUR_TIMEOUT) { PartialPour = true; // LgiTrace("Pour timeout...\n"); break; } } } MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); Cy += LineY; if (e < Size) e++; } } if (i >= Size) PartialPour = false; SendNotify(LNotifyCursorChanged); } #ifdef _DEBUG ValidateLines(true); #endif #if PROFILE_POUR Prof.Add("LastLine"); #endif if (!PartialPour) { auto It = Line.rbegin(); LTextLine *Last = It != Line.end() ? *It : NULL; if (!Last || Last->Start + Last->Len < Size) { auto LastEnd = Last ? Last->End() : 0; LTextLine *l = new LTextLine; if (l) { l->Start = LastEnd; l->Len = Size - LastEnd; l->r.x1 = l->r.x2 = d->rPadding.x1; l->r.y1 = Cy; l->r.y2 = l->r.y1 + LineY - 1; Line.Add(l); MaxX = MAX(MaxX, l->r.X()); Cy += LineY; } } } bool ScrollYNeeded = Client.Y() < (Line.Length() * LineY); bool ScrollChange = ScrollYNeeded ^ (VScroll != NULL); d->LayoutDirty = WrapType != TEXTED_WRAP_NONE && ScrollChange; #if PROFILE_POUR static LString _s; _s.Printf("ScrollBars dirty=%i", d->LayoutDirty); Prof.Add(_s); #endif if (ScrollChange) { // LgiTrace("%s:%i - SetScrollBars(%i) %i %i\n", _FL, ScrollYNeeded, Client.Y(), (Line.Length() * LineY)); SetScrollBars(false, ScrollYNeeded); } UpdateScrollBars(); #if 0 // def _DEBUG if (GetWindow()) { static char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "Pour: %.2f sec", (double)_PourTime / 1000); GetWindow()->PostEvent(M_TEXTVIEW_DEBUG_TEXT, (LMessage::Param)s); } #endif #if POUR_DEBUG printf("Lines=%i\n", Line.Length()); int Index = 0; for (LTextLine *l=Line.First(); l; l=Line.Next(), Index++) { printf("\t[%i] %i,%i (%s)\n", Index, l->Start, l->Len, l->r.Describe()); } #endif } bool LTextView4::InsertStyle(LAutoPtr s) { if (!s) return false; LAssert(s->Start >= 0); LAssert(s->Len > 0); ssize_t Last = 0; // int n = 0; // LgiTrace("StartStyle=%i,%i(%i) %s\n", (int)s->Start, (int)s->Len, (int)(s->Start+s->Len), s->Fore.GetStr()); if (Style.Length() > 0) { // Optimize for last in the list auto Last = Style.rbegin(); if (s->Start >= (ssize_t)Last->End()) { Style.Insert(*s); return true; } } for (auto i = Style.begin(); i != Style.end(); i++) { if (s->Overlap(*i)) { if (s->Owner > i->Owner) { // Fail the insert return false; } else { // Replace mode... *i = *s; return true; } } if (s->Start >= Last && s->Start < i->Start) { Style.Insert(*s, i); return true; } } Style.Insert(*s); return true; } LTextView4::LStyle *LTextView4::GetNextStyle(StyleIter &s, ssize_t Where) { if (Where >= 0) s = Style.begin(); else s++; while (s != Style.end()) { // determine whether style is relevant.. // styles in the selected region are ignored ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); if (SelStart >= 0 && s->Start >= Min && s->Start+s->Len < Max) { // style is completely inside selection: ignore s++; } else if (Where >= 0 && s->Start+s->Len < Where) { s++; } else { return &(*s); } } return NULL; } #if 0 CURSOR_CHAR GetCursor() { #ifdef WIN32 LArray Ver; int Os = LGetOs(&Ver); if ((Os == LGI_OS_WIN32 || Os == LGI_OS_WIN64) && Ver[0] >= 5) { return MAKEINTRESOURCE(32649); // hand } else { return IDC_ARROW; } #endif return 0; } #endif LTextView4::LStyle *LTextView4::HitStyle(ssize_t i) { for (auto &s : Style) { if (i >= s.Start && i < (ssize_t)s.End()) { return &s; } } return NULL; } void LTextView4::PourStyle(size_t Start, ssize_t EditSize) { #ifdef _DEBUG int64 StartTime = LCurrentTime(); #endif LAssert(InThread()); if (!Text || Size < 1) return; ssize_t Length = MAX(EditSize, 0); if ((ssize_t)Start + Length >= Size) Length = Size - Start; // For deletes, this sizes the edit length within bounds. // Expand re-style are to word boundaries before and after the area of change while (Start > 0 && UrlChar(Text[Start-1])) { // Move the start back Start--; Length++; } while ((ssize_t)Start + Length < Size && UrlChar(Text[Start+Length])) { // Move the end back Length++; } // Delete all the styles that we own inside the changed area for (StyleIter s = Style.begin(); s != Style.end();) { if (s->Owner == STYLE_NONE) { if (EditSize > 0) { if (s->Overlap(Start, EditSize < 0 ? -EditSize : EditSize)) { Style.Delete(s); continue; } } else { if (s->Overlap(Start, -EditSize)) { Style.Delete(s); continue; } } } s++; } if (UrlDetect) { LArray Links; LAssert((ssize_t)Start + Length <= Size); if (LDetectLinks(Links, Text + Start, Length)) { for (uint32_t i=0; i Url(new LStyle(STYLE_URL)); if (Url) { Url->View = this; Url->Start = Inf.Start + Start; Url->Len = Inf.Len; Url->Font = Underline; Url->Fore = d->UrlColour; InsertStyle(Url); } } } } #ifdef _DEBUG _StyleTime = LCurrentTime() - StartTime; #endif } bool LTextView4::Insert(size_t At, const char16 *Data, ssize_t Len) { static int count = -1; count++; LProfile Prof("LTextView4::Insert"); Prof.HideResultsIfBelow(1000); LAssert(InThread()); if (!ReadOnly && Len > 0) { if (!Data) return false; // limit input to valid data At = MIN(Size, (ssize_t)At); // make sure we have enough memory size_t NewAlloc = Size + Len + 1; NewAlloc += ALLOC_BLOCK - (NewAlloc % ALLOC_BLOCK); if (NewAlloc != Alloc) { char16 *NewText = new char16[NewAlloc]; if (NewText) { if (Text) { // copy any existing data across memcpy(NewText, Text, (Size + 1) * sizeof(char16)); } DeleteArray(Text); Text = NewText; Alloc = NewAlloc; } else { // memory allocation error return false; } } Prof.Add("MemChk"); if (Text) { // Insert the data // Move the section after the insert to make space... memmove(Text+(At+Len), Text+At, (Size-At) * sizeof(char16)); Prof.Add("Cpy"); // Copy new data in... memcpy(Text+At, Data, Len * sizeof(char16)); Size += Len; Text[Size] = 0; // NULL terminate Prof.Add("Undo"); // Add the undo object... if (UndoOn) { LAutoPtr Obj; if (!UndoCur) Obj.Reset(new LTextView4Undo(this)); auto u = UndoCur ? UndoCur : Obj; if (u) u->AddChange(At, Len, UndoInsert); else LAssert(!"No undo obj?"); if (Obj) UndoQue += Obj.Release(); } // Clear layout info for the new text ssize_t Idx = -1; LTextLine *Cur = NULL; if (Line.Length() == 0) { // Empty doc... set up the first line Line.Add(Cur = new LTextLine); Idx = 0; Cur->Start = 0; } else { Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Idx); } if (Cur) { if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { // Clear layout for current line... Cur->r.ZOff(-1, -1); Prof.Add("NoWrap add lines"); // Add any new lines that we need... char16 *e = Text + At + Len; char16 *c; for (c = Text + At; c < e; c++) { if (*c == '\n') { // Set the size of the current line... size_t Pos = c - Text; Cur->Len = Pos - Cur->Start; // Create a new line... Cur = new LTextLine(); if (!Cur) return false; Cur->Start = Pos + 1; Line.AddAt(++Idx, Cur); } } Prof.Add("CalcLen"); // Make sure the last Line's length is set.. Cur->CalcLen(Text); Prof.Add("UpdatePos"); // Now update all the positions of the following lines... for (size_t i = ++Idx; i < Line.Length(); i++) Line[i]->Start += Len; } else { // Clear all lines to the end of the doc... LgiTrace("ClearLines %i\n", (int)Idx+1); for (size_t i = ++Idx; i < Line.Length(); i++) delete Line[i]; Line.Length(Idx); } } else { // If wrap is on then this can happen when an Insert happens before the // OnPulse event has laid out the new text. Probably not a good thing in // non-wrap mode if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { LTextLine *l = *Line.rbegin(); printf("%s:%i - Insert error: no cur, At=%i, Size=%i, Lines=%i, WrapType=%i\n", _FL, (int)At, (int)Size, (int)Line.Length(), (int)WrapType); if (l) printf("Last=%i, %i\n", (int)l->Start, (int)l->Len); } } #ifdef _DEBUG // Prof.Add("Validate"); // ValidateLines(); #endif if (AdjustStylePos) AdjustStyles(At, Len); Dirty = true; if (PourEnabled) { Prof.Add("PourText"); PourText(At, Len); Prof.Add("PourStyle"); auto Start = LCurrentTime(); PourStyle(At, Len); auto End = LCurrentTime(); if (End - Start > 1000) { PourStyle(At, Len); } } SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); return true; } } return false; } bool LTextView4::Delete(size_t At, ssize_t Len) { bool Status = false; LAssert(InThread()); if (!ReadOnly) { // limit input At = MAX(At, 0); At = MIN((ssize_t)At, Size); Len = MIN(Size-(ssize_t)At, Len); if (Len > 0) { int HasNewLine = 0; for (int i=0; i Obj(new LTextView4Undo(this)); LTextView4Undo *u = UndoCur ? UndoCur : Obj; if (u) u->AddChange(At, Len, UndoDelete); if (Obj) UndoQue += Obj.Release(); } memmove(Text+At, Text+(At+Len), (Size-At-Len) * sizeof(char16)); Size -= Len; Text[Size] = 0; if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_NONE) { ssize_t Idx = -1; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Idx); if (Cur) { Cur->r.ZOff(-1, -1); // Delete some lines... for (int i=0; iCalcLen(Text); // Shift all further lines down... for (size_t i = Idx + 1; i < Line.Length(); i++) Line[i]->Start -= Len; } } else { ssize_t Index; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Index); if (Cur) { for (size_t i = Index; i < Line.Length(); i++) delete Line[i]; Line.Length(Index); } } Dirty = true; Status = true; #ifdef _DEBUG ValidateLines(); #endif if (AdjustStylePos) AdjustStyles(At, -Len); if (PourEnabled) { PourText(At, -Len); PourStyle(At, -Len); } if (Cursor >= (ssize_t)At && Cursor <= (ssize_t)At + Len) { SetCaret(At, false, HasNewLine != 0); } // Handle repainting in flowed mode, when the line starts change if (WrapType == TEXTED_WRAP_REFLOW) { ssize_t Index; LTextLine *Cur = GetTextLine(At, &Index); if (Cur) { LRect r = Cur->r; r.x2 = GetClient().x2; r.y2 = GetClient().y2; Invalidate(&r); } } SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); Status = true; } } return Status; } void LTextView4::DeleteSelection(char16 **Cut) { if (SelStart >= 0) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); if (Cut) { *Cut = NewStrW(Text + Min, Max - Min); } Delete(Min, Max - Min); SetCaret(Min, false, true); } } LArray::I LTextView4::GetTextLineIt(ssize_t Offset, ssize_t *Index) { if (Line.Length() == 0) { if (Index) *Index = 0; return Line.end(); } if (Offset <= 0) { if (Index) *Index = 0; return Line.begin(); } else if (Line.Length()) { auto l = Line.Last(); if (Offset > l->End()) { if (Index) *Index = Line.Length() - 1; return Line.begin(Line.Length()-1); } } size_t mid = 0, s = 0, e = Line.Length() - 1; while (s < e) { if (e - s <= 1) { if (Line[s]->Overlap(Offset)) mid = s; else if (Line[e]->Overlap(Offset)) mid = e; else { LAssert(!"Needs to match Line s or e..."); break; } } else mid = s + ((e - s) >> 1); auto l = Line[mid]; auto end = l->End(); if (Offset < l->Start) e = mid - 1; else if (Offset > end) s = mid + 1; else { LAssert(Line[mid]->Overlap(Offset)); if (Index) *Index = mid; return Line.begin(mid); } } LAssert(Line[s]->Overlap(Offset)); if (Index) *Index = s; return Line.begin(s); } int64 LTextView4::Value() { auto n = Name(); #ifdef _MSC_VER return (n) ? _atoi64(n) : 0; #else return (n) ? atoll(n) : 0; #endif } void LTextView4::Value(int64 i) { char Str[32]; sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), LPrintfInt64, i); Name(Str); } LString LTextView4::operator[](ssize_t LineIdx) { if (LineIdx <= 0 || LineIdx > (ssize_t)GetLines()) return LString(); LTextLine *Ln = Line[LineIdx-1]; if (!Ln) return LString(); LString s(Text + Ln->Start, Ln->Len); return s; } const char *LTextView4::Name() { UndoQue.Empty(); DeleteArray(TextCache); TextCache = WideToUtf8(Text); return TextCache; } bool LTextView4::Name(const char *s) { if (InThread()) { UndoQue.Empty(); DeleteArray(TextCache); DeleteArray(Text); Line.DeleteObjects(); Style.Empty(); LAssert(LIsUtf8(s)); Text = Utf8ToWide(s); if (!Text) { Text = new char16[1]; if (Text) *Text = 0; } Size = Text ? StrlenW(Text) : 0; Alloc = Size + 1; Cursor = MIN(Cursor, Size); if (Text) { // Remove '\r's char16 *o = Text; for (char16 *i=Text; *i; i++) { if (*i != '\r') { *o++ = *i; } else Size--; } *o++ = 0; } // update everything else d->SetDirty(0, Size); PourText(0, Size); PourStyle(0, Size); UpdateScrollBars(); Invalidate(); } else if (d->Lock(_FL)) { if (IsAttached()) { d->SetName = s; PostEvent(M_TEXT_UPDATE_NAME); } else LAssert(!"Can't post event to detached/virtual window."); d->Unlock(); } return true; } const char16 *LTextView4::NameW() { return Text; } bool LTextView4::NameW(const char16 *s) { DeleteArray(Text); Size = s ? StrlenW(s) : 0; Alloc = Size + 1; Text = new char16[Alloc]; Cursor = MIN(Cursor, Size); if (Text) { memcpy(Text, s, Size * sizeof(char16)); // remove LF's int In = 0, Out = 0; CrLf = false; for (; InSetDirty(0, Size); PourText(0, Size); PourStyle(0, Size); UpdateScrollBars(); Invalidate(); return true; } LRange LTextView4::GetSelectionRange() { LRange r; if (HasSelection()) { r.Start = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t End = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); r.Len = End - r.Start; } return r; } char *LTextView4::GetSelection() { LRange s = GetSelectionRange(); if (s.Len > 0) { return (char*)LNewConvertCp("utf-8", Text + s.Start, LGI_WideCharset, s.Len*sizeof(Text[0]) ); } return 0; } bool LTextView4::HasSelection() { return (SelStart >= 0) && (SelStart != SelEnd); } void LTextView4::SelectAll() { SelStart = 0; SelEnd = Size; Invalidate(); } void LTextView4::UnSelectAll() { bool Update = HasSelection(); SelStart = -1; SelEnd = -1; if (Update) { Invalidate(); } } size_t LTextView4::GetLines() { return Line.Length(); } void LTextView4::GetTextExtent(int &x, int &y) { PourText(0, Size); x = MaxX + d->rPadding.x1; y = (int)(Line.Length() * LineY); } bool LTextView4::GetLineColumnAtIndex(LPoint &Pt, ssize_t Index) { ssize_t FromIndex = 0; LTextLine *From = GetTextLine(Index < 0 ? Cursor : Index, &FromIndex); if (!From) return false; Pt.x = (int) (Cursor - From->Start); Pt.y = (int) FromIndex; return true; } ssize_t LTextView4::GetCaret(bool Cur) { if (Cur) { return Cursor; } return 0; } ssize_t LTextView4::IndexAt(int x, int y) { LTextLine *l = Line.ItemAt(y); if (l) { return l->Start + MIN(x, l->Len); } return 0; } bool LTextView4::ScrollToOffset(size_t Off) { bool ForceFullUpdate = false; ssize_t ToIndex = 0; LTextLine *To = GetTextLine(Off, &ToIndex); if (To) { LRect Client = GetClient(); int DisplayLines = Client.Y() / LineY; if (VScroll) { if (ToIndex < VScroll->Value()) { // Above the visible region... if (d->CenterCursor) { ssize_t i = ToIndex - (DisplayLines >> 1); VScroll->Value(MAX(0, i)); } else { VScroll->Value(ToIndex); } ForceFullUpdate = true; } if (ToIndex >= VScroll->Value() + DisplayLines) { int YOff = d->CenterCursor ? DisplayLines >> 1 : DisplayLines; ssize_t v = MIN(ToIndex - YOff + 1, (ssize_t)Line.Length() - DisplayLines); if (v != VScroll->Value()) { // Below the visible region VScroll->Value(v); ForceFullUpdate = true; } } } else { d->VScrollCache = ToIndex; } } return ForceFullUpdate; } void LTextView4::SetCaret(size_t i, bool Select, bool ForceFullUpdate) { // int _Start = LCurrentTime(); Blink = true; // Bound the new cursor position to the document if ((ssize_t)i > Size) i = Size; // Store the old selection and cursor ssize_t s = SelStart, e = SelEnd, c = Cursor; // If there is going to be a selected area if (Select && i != SelStart) { // Then set the start if (SelStart < 0) { // We are starting a new selection SelStart = Cursor; } // And end SelEnd = i; } else { // Clear the selection SelStart = SelEnd = -1; } ssize_t FromIndex = 0; LTextLine *From = GetTextLine(Cursor, &FromIndex); Cursor = i; // check the cursor is on the screen ForceFullUpdate |= ScrollToOffset(Cursor); // check whether we need to update the screen ssize_t ToIndex = 0; LTextLine *To = GetTextLine(Cursor, &ToIndex); if (ForceFullUpdate || !To || !From) { // need full update Invalidate(); } else if ( ( SelStart != s || SelEnd != e ) ) { // Update just the selection bounds LRect Client = GetClient(); size_t Start, End; if (SelStart >= 0 && s >= 0) { // Selection has changed, union the before and after regions Start = MIN(Cursor, c); End = MAX(Cursor, c); } else if (SelStart >= 0) { // Selection created... Start = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); End = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); } else if (s >= 0) { // Selection removed... Start = MIN(s, e); End = MAX(s, e); } else return; LTextLine *SLine = GetTextLine(Start); LTextLine *ELine = GetTextLine(End); LRect u; if (SLine && ELine) { if (SLine->r.Valid()) { u = DocToScreen(SLine->r); } else u.Set(0, 0, Client.X()-1, 1); // Start of visible page LRect b(0, Client.Y()-1, Client.X()-1, Client.Y()-1); if (ELine->r.Valid()) { b = DocToScreen(ELine->r); } else { b.Set(0, Client.Y()-1, Client.X()-1, Client.Y()-1); } u.Union(&b); u.x1 = 0; u.x2 = X(); } else { /* printf("%s,%i - Couldn't get SLine and ELine: %i->%p, %i->%p\n", _FL, (int)Start, SLine, (int)End, ELine); */ u = Client; } Invalidate(&u); } else if (Cursor != c) { // just the cursor has moved // update the line the cursor moved to LRect r = To->r; r.Offset(-ScrollX, d->rPadding.y1-DocOffset); r.x2 = X(); Invalidate(&r); if (To != From) { // update the line the cursor came from, // if it's a different line from the "to" r = From->r; r.Offset(-ScrollX, d->rPadding.y1-DocOffset); r.x2 = X(); Invalidate(&r); } } if (c != Cursor) { // Send off notify SendNotify(LNotifyCursorChanged); } //int _Time = LCurrentTime() - _Start; //printf("Setcursor=%ims\n", _Time); } void LTextView4::SetBorder(int b) { } bool LTextView4::Cut() { bool Status = false; char16 *Txt16 = 0; DeleteSelection(&Txt16); if (Txt16) { #ifdef WIN32 Txt16 = ConvertToCrLf(Txt16); #endif char *Txt8 = (char*)LNewConvertCp(LAnsiToLgiCp(), Txt16, LGI_WideCharset); LClipBoard Clip(this); Clip.Text(Txt8); Status = Clip.TextW(Txt16, false); DeleteArray(Txt8); DeleteArray(Txt16); } return Status; } bool LTextView4::Copy() { bool Status = true; if (SelStart >= 0) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); #ifdef WIN32 char16 *Txt16 = NewStrW(Text+Min, Max-Min); Txt16 = ConvertToCrLf(Txt16); char *Txt8 = (char*)LNewConvertCp(LAnsiToLgiCp(), Txt16, LGI_WideCharset); #else char *Txt8 = (char*)LNewConvertCp("utf-8", Text+Min, LGI_WideCharset, (Max-Min)*sizeof(*Text)); #endif LClipBoard Clip(this); Clip.Text(Txt8); #ifdef WIN32 Clip.TextW(Txt16, false); DeleteArray(Txt16); #endif DeleteArray(Txt8); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - No selection.\n", _FL); return Status; } bool LTextView4::Paste() { LClipBoard Clip(this); LAutoWString Mem; char16 *t = Clip.TextW(); if (!t) // ala Win9x { char *s = Clip.Text(); if (s) { Mem.Reset(Utf8ToWide(s)); t = Mem; } } if (!t) return false; if (SelStart >= 0) { DeleteSelection(); } // remove '\r's char16 *s = t, *d = t; for (; *s; s++) { if (*s != '\r') { *d++ = *s; } } *d++ = 0; // insert text ssize_t Len = StrlenW(t); Insert(Cursor, t, Len); SetCaret(Cursor+Len, false, true); // Multiline return true; } void LTextView4::ClearDirty(std::function OnStatus, bool Ask, const char *FileName) { if (Dirty) { int Answer = (Ask) ? LgiMsg(this, LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_ASK_SAVE, "Do you want to save your changes to this document?"), LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_SAVE, "Save"), MB_YESNOCANCEL) : IDYES; if (Answer == IDYES) { auto DoSave = [this, OnStatus](bool ok, const char *FileName) { Save(FileName); if (OnStatus) OnStatus(ok); }; if (!FileName) { LFileSelect *Select = new LFileSelect; Select->Parent(this); Select->Save([FileName=LString(FileName), DoSave](auto Select, auto ok) { if (ok) DoSave(ok, Select->Name()); else DoSave(ok, FileName); delete Select; }); } else DoSave(true, FileName); } else if (Answer == IDCANCEL) { if (OnStatus) OnStatus(false); return; } } if (OnStatus) OnStatus(true); } bool LTextView4::Open(const char *Name, const char *CharSet) { bool Status = false; LFile f; if (f.Open(Name, O_READ|O_SHARE)) { DeleteArray(Text); int64 Bytes = f.GetSize(); if (Bytes < 0 || Bytes & 0xffff000000000000LL) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Invalid file size: " LPrintfInt64 "\n", _FL, Bytes); return false; } SetCaret(0, false); Line.DeleteObjects(); char *c8 = new char[Bytes + 4]; if (c8) { if (f.Read(c8, (int)Bytes) == Bytes) { char *DataStart = c8; c8[Bytes] = 0; c8[Bytes+1] = 0; c8[Bytes+2] = 0; c8[Bytes+3] = 0; if ((uchar)c8[0] == 0xff && (uchar)c8[1] == 0xfe) { // utf-16 if (!CharSet) { CharSet = "utf-16"; DataStart += 2; } } // Convert to unicode first.... if (Bytes == 0) { Text = new char16[1]; if (Text) Text[0] = 0; } else { Text = (char16*)LNewConvertCp(LGI_WideCharset, DataStart, CharSet ? CharSet : DefaultCharset); } if (Text) { // Remove LF's char16 *In = Text, *Out = Text; CrLf = false; Size = 0; while (*In) { if (*In >= ' ' || *In == '\t' || *In == '\n') { *Out++ = *In; Size++; } else if (*In == '\r') { CrLf = true; } In++; } Size = (int) (Out - Text); *Out = 0; Alloc = Size + 1; Dirty = false; if (Text && Text[0] == 0xfeff) // unicode byte order mark { memmove(Text, Text+1, Size * sizeof(*Text)); Size--; } PourText(0, Size); PourStyle(0, Size); UpdateScrollBars(true); Status = true; } } DeleteArray(c8); } else { Alloc = Size = 0; } Invalidate(); } return Status; } template bool WriteToStream(LFile &out, T *in, size_t len, bool CrLf) { if (!in) return false; if (CrLf) { int BufLen = 1 << 20; LAutoPtr Buf(new T[BufLen]); T *b = Buf; T *e = Buf + BufLen; T *c = in; T *end = c + len; while (c < end) { if (b > e - 16) { auto Bytes = (b - Buf) * sizeof(T); if (out.Write(Buf, Bytes) != Bytes) return false; b = Buf; } if (*c == '\n') { *b++ = '\r'; *b++ = '\n'; } else { *b++ = *c; } c++; } auto Bytes = (b - Buf) * sizeof(T); if (out.Write(Buf, Bytes) != Bytes) return false; } else { auto Bytes = len * sizeof(T); if (out.Write(in, Bytes) != Bytes) return false; } return true; } bool LTextView4::Save(const char *Name, const char *CharSet) { LFile f; LString TmpName; bool Status = false; d->LastError.Empty(); if (f.Open(Name, O_WRITE)) { if (f.SetSize(0) != 0) { // Can't resize file, fall back to renaming it and // writing a new file... f.Close(); TmpName = Name; TmpName += ".tmp"; if (!FileDev->Move(Name, TmpName)) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Failed to move '%s'.\n", _FL, Name); return false; } if (!f.Open(Name, O_WRITE)) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Failed to open '%s' for writing.\n", _FL, Name); return false; } } if (Text) { auto InSize = Size * sizeof(char16); if (CharSet && !Stricmp(CharSet, "utf-16")) { if (sizeof(*Text) == 2) { // No conversion needed... Status = WriteToStream(f, Text, Size, CrLf); } else { // 32->16 convert LAutoPtr c16((uint16_t*)LNewConvertCp(CharSet, Text, LGI_WideCharset, InSize)); if (c16) Status = WriteToStream(f, c16.Get(), Strlen(c16.Get()), CrLf); } } else if (CharSet && !Stricmp(CharSet, "utf-32")) { if (sizeof(*Text) == 4) { // No conversion needed... Status = WriteToStream(f, Text, Size, CrLf); } else { // 16->32 convert LAutoPtr c32((uint32_t*)LNewConvertCp(CharSet, Text, LGI_WideCharset, InSize)); if (c32) Status = WriteToStream(f, c32.Get(), Strlen(c32.Get()), CrLf); } } else { LAutoString c8((char*)LNewConvertCp(CharSet ? CharSet : DefaultCharset, Text, LGI_WideCharset, InSize)); if (c8) Status = WriteToStream(f, c8.Get(), strlen(c8), CrLf); } if (Status) Dirty = false; } } else { int Err = f.GetError(); LString sErr = LErrorCodeToString(Err); d->LastError.Printf("Failed to open '%s' for writing: %i - %s\n", Name, Err, sErr.Get()); } if (TmpName) FileDev->Delete(TmpName); return Status; } const char *LTextView4::GetLastError() { return d->LastError; } void LTextView4::UpdateScrollBars(bool Reset) { if (VScroll) { LRect Before = GetClient(); int DisplayLines = Y() / LineY; ssize_t Lines = GetLines(); VScroll->SetRange(Lines); if (VScroll) { VScroll->SetPage(DisplayLines); ssize_t Max = Lines - DisplayLines + 1; bool Inval = false; if (VScroll->Value() > Max) { VScroll->Value(Max); Inval = true; } if (Reset) { VScroll->Value(0); SelStart = SelEnd = -1; } else if (d->VScrollCache >= 0) { VScroll->Value(d->VScrollCache); d->VScrollCache = -1; SelStart = SelEnd = -1; } LRect After = GetClient(); if (Before != After && GetWrapType()) { d->SetDirty(0, Size); Inval = true; } if (Inval) { Invalidate(); } } } } void LTextView4::DoCase(std::function Callback, bool Upper) { if (Text) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); if (Min < Max) { if (UndoOn) { LAutoPtr Obj(new LTextView4Undo(this)); LTextView4Undo *u = UndoCur ? UndoCur : Obj; if (u) u->AddChange(Min, Max - Min, UndoChange); if (Obj) UndoQue += Obj.Release(); } for (ssize_t i=Min; i= 'a' && Text[i] <= 'z') Text[i] = Text[i] - 'a' + 'A'; } else { if (Text[i] >= 'A' && Text[i] <= 'Z') Text[i] = Text[i] - 'A' + 'a'; } } Dirty = true; d->SetDirty(Min, 0); Invalidate(); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } } if (Callback) Callback(Text != NULL); } ssize_t LTextView4::GetLine() { ssize_t Idx = 0; GetTextLine(Cursor, &Idx); return Idx + 1; } void LTextView4::SetLine(int64_t i) { LTextLine *l = Line.ItemAt(i - 1); if (l) { d->CenterCursor = true; SetCaret(l->Start, false); d->CenterCursor = false; } } void LTextView4::DoGoto(std::function Callback) { LInput *Dlg = new LInput(this, "", LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_GOTO_LINE, "Goto line:"), "Text"); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg, Callback](auto d, auto code) { auto ok = code == IDOK && Dlg->GetStr(); if (ok) SetLine(Dlg->GetStr().Int()); if (Callback) Callback(ok); delete Dlg; }); } LDocFindReplaceParams *LTextView4::CreateFindReplaceParams() { return new GDocFindReplaceParams4; } void LTextView4::SetFindReplaceParams(LDocFindReplaceParams *Params) { if (Params) { if (d->OwnFindReplaceParams) { DeleteObj(d->FindReplaceParams); } d->OwnFindReplaceParams = false; d->FindReplaceParams = (GDocFindReplaceParams4*) Params; } } void LTextView4::DoFindNext(std::function Callback) { bool Status = false; if (InThread()) { if (d->FindReplaceParams->Lock(_FL)) { if (d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind) Status = OnFind(d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase, d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly, d->FindReplaceParams->SearchUpwards); d->FindReplaceParams->Unlock(); } } else if (IsAttached()) { Status = PostEvent(M_TEXTVIEW_FIND); } if (Callback) Callback(Status); } void LTextView4::DoFind(std::function Callback) { LString u; if (HasSelection()) { ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); u = LString(Text + Min, Max - Min); } else { u = d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind.Get(); } auto Dlg = new LFindDlg(this, [this, Params=d->FindReplaceParams, Callback](auto Dlg, auto Action) { if (Params && Params->Lock(_FL)) { Params->MatchWord = Dlg->MatchWord; Params->MatchCase = Dlg->MatchCase; Params->SelectionOnly = Dlg->SelectionOnly; Params->SearchUpwards = Dlg->SearchUpwards; Params->LastFind.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Dlg->Find)); Params->Unlock(); } DoFindNext([this, Callback](bool ok) { Focus(true); if (Callback) Callback(ok); }); }, u); Dlg->DoModal(NULL); } void LTextView4::DoReplace(std::function Callback) { bool SingleLineSelection = false; SingleLineSelection = HasSelection(); if (SingleLineSelection) { LRange Sel = GetSelectionRange(); for (ssize_t i = Sel.Start; i < Sel.End(); i++) { if (Text[i] == '\n') { SingleLineSelection = false; break; } } } LAutoString LastFind8(SingleLineSelection ? GetSelection() : WideToUtf8(d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind)); LAutoString LastReplace8(WideToUtf8(d->FindReplaceParams->LastReplace)); auto Dlg = new LReplaceDlg(this, [this](auto Dlg, auto Action) { LReplaceDlg *Replace = dynamic_cast(Dlg); LAssert(Replace != NULL); if (Action == IDCANCEL) return; if (d->FindReplaceParams->Lock(_FL)) { d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Replace->Find)); d->FindReplaceParams->LastReplace.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Replace->Replace)); d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord = Replace->MatchWord; d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase = Replace->MatchCase; d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly = Replace->SelectionOnly; switch (Action) { case IDC_FR_FIND: { OnFind( d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase, d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly, d->FindReplaceParams->SearchUpwards); break; } case IDOK: case IDC_FR_REPLACE: { OnReplace( d->FindReplaceParams->LastFind, d->FindReplaceParams->LastReplace, Action == IDOK, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord, d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase, d->FindReplaceParams->SelectionOnly, d->FindReplaceParams->SearchUpwards); break; } } d->FindReplaceParams->Unlock(); } }, LastFind8, LastReplace8); Dlg->MatchWord = d->FindReplaceParams->MatchWord; Dlg->MatchCase = d->FindReplaceParams->MatchCase; Dlg->SelectionOnly = HasSelection(); Dlg->DoModal(NULL); } void LTextView4::SelectWord(size_t From) { for (SelStart = From; SelStart > 0; SelStart--) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelStart])) { SelStart++; break; } } for (SelEnd = From; SelEnd < Size; SelEnd++) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelEnd])) { break; } } Invalidate(); } typedef int (*StringCompareFn)(const char16 *a, const char16 *b, ssize_t n); ptrdiff_t LTextView4::MatchText(const char16 *Find, bool MatchWord, bool MatchCase, bool SelectionOnly, bool SearchUpwards) { if (!ValidStrW(Find)) return -1; ssize_t FindLen = StrlenW(Find); // Setup range to search ssize_t Begin, End; if (SelectionOnly && HasSelection()) { Begin = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); End = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); } else { Begin = 0; End = Size; } // Look through text... ssize_t i; bool Wrap = false; if (Cursor > End - FindLen) { Wrap = true; if (SearchUpwards) i = End - FindLen; else i = Begin; } else { i = Cursor; } if (i < Begin) i = Begin; if (i > End) i = End; StringCompareFn CmpFn = MatchCase ? StrncmpW : StrnicmpW; char16 FindCh = MatchCase ? Find[0] : toupper(Find[0]); for (; SearchUpwards ? i >= Begin : i <= End - FindLen; i += SearchUpwards ? -1 : 1) { if ( (MatchCase ? Text[i] : toupper(Text[i])) == FindCh ) { char16 *Possible = Text + i; if (CmpFn(Possible, Find, FindLen) == 0) { if (MatchWord) { // Check boundaries if (Possible > Text) // Check off the start { if (!IsWordBoundry(Possible[-1])) continue; } if (i + FindLen < Size) // Check off the end { if (!IsWordBoundry(Possible[FindLen])) continue; } } LRange r(Possible - Text, FindLen); if (!r.Overlap(Cursor)) return r.Start; } } if (!Wrap && (i + 1 > End - FindLen)) { Wrap = true; i = Begin; End = Cursor; } } return -1; } bool LTextView4::OnFind(const char16 *Find, bool MatchWord, bool MatchCase, bool SelectionOnly, bool SearchUpwards) { THREAD_CHECK(); // Not sure what this is doing??? if (HasSelection() && SelEnd < SelStart) { Cursor = SelStart; } #if FEATURE_HILIGHT_ALL_MATCHES // Clear existing styles for matches for (StyleIter s = Style.begin(); s != Style.end(); ) { if (s->Owner == STYLE_FIND_MATCHES) Style.Delete(s); else s++; } ssize_t FindLen = StrlenW(Find); ssize_t FirstLoc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, false, SearchUpwards), Loc; if (FirstLoc >= 0) { SetCaret(FirstLoc, false); SetCaret(FirstLoc + FindLen, true); } ssize_t Old = Cursor; if (!SearchUpwards) Cursor += FindLen; while ((Loc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, false, false)) != FirstLoc) { LAutoPtr s(new LStyle(STYLE_FIND_MATCHES)); s->Start = Loc; s->Len = FindLen; s->Fore = LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_FORE); s->Back = LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_BACK).Mix(LColour(L_WORKSPACE)); InsertStyle(s); Cursor = Loc + FindLen; } Cursor = Old; ScrollToOffset(Cursor); Invalidate(); #else ssize_t Loc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, SelectionOnly, SearchUpwards); if (Loc >= 0) { SetCaret(Loc, false); SetCaret(Loc + StrlenW(Find), true); return true; } #endif return false; } bool LTextView4::OnReplace(const char16 *Find, const char16 *Replace, bool All, bool MatchWord, bool MatchCase, bool SelectionOnly, bool SearchUpwards) { THREAD_CHECK(); if (ValidStrW(Find)) { // int Max = -1; ssize_t FindLen = StrlenW(Find); ssize_t ReplaceLen = StrlenW(Replace); // size_t OldCursor = Cursor; ptrdiff_t First = -1; while (true) { ptrdiff_t Loc = MatchText(Find, MatchWord, MatchCase, SelectionOnly, SearchUpwards); if (First < 0) { First = Loc; } else if (Loc == First) { break; } if (Loc >= 0) { ssize_t OldSelStart = SelStart; ssize_t OldSelEnd = SelEnd; Delete(Loc, FindLen); Insert(Loc, Replace, ReplaceLen); SelStart = OldSelStart; SelEnd = OldSelEnd - FindLen + ReplaceLen; Cursor = Loc + ReplaceLen; } if (!All) { return Loc >= 0; } if (Loc < 0) break; } } return false; } ssize_t LTextView4::SeekLine(ssize_t Offset, GTextViewSeek Where) { THREAD_CHECK(); switch (Where) { case PrevLine: { for (; Offset > 0 && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset--) ; if (Offset > 0) Offset--; for (; Offset > 0 && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset--) ; if (Offset > 0) Offset++; break; } case NextLine: { for (; Offset < Size && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset++) ; Offset++; break; } case StartLine: { for (; Offset > 0 && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset--) ; if (Offset > 0) Offset++; break; } case EndLine: { for (; Offset < Size && Text[Offset] != '\n'; Offset++) ; break; } default: { LAssert(false); break; } } return Offset; } bool LTextView4::OnMultiLineTab(bool In) { bool Status = false; ssize_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd), i; Min = SeekLine(Min, StartLine); int Ls = 0; LArray p; for (i=Min; i=0; i--) { if (In) { // <- ssize_t n = Indexes[i], Space = 0; for (; Space ssize_t Len = Indexes[i]; for (; Text[Len] != '\n' && Len Indexes[i]) { if (HardTabs) { char16 Tab[] = {'\t', 0}; Insert(Indexes[i], Tab, 1); Max++; } else { char16 *Sp = new char16[IndentSize]; if (Sp) { for (int n=0; nChanges.Length()) { UndoQue += UndoCur; UndoCur = NULL; } else { DeleteObj(UndoCur); } SelStart = Min; SelEnd = Cursor = Max; PourEnabled = true; PourText(Min, Max - Min); PourStyle(Min, Max - Min); d->SetDirty(Min, Max-Min); Invalidate(); Status = true; return Status; } void LTextView4::OnSetHidden(int Hidden) { } void LTextView4::OnPosChange() { static bool Processing = false; if (!Processing) { Processing = true; LLayout::OnPosChange(); LRect c = GetClient(); bool ScrollYNeeded = c.Y() < (Line.Length() * LineY); bool ScrollChange = ScrollYNeeded ^ (VScroll != NULL); if (ScrollChange) { // printf("%s:%i - SetScrollBars(%i)\n", _FL, ScrollYNeeded); SetScrollBars(false, ScrollYNeeded); } UpdateScrollBars(); if (GetWrapType() && d->PourX != X()) { d->PourX = X(); d->SetDirty(0, Size); } Processing = false; } } int LTextView4::WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { Formats.Supports("text/uri-list"); Formats.Supports("text/html"); Formats.Supports("UniformResourceLocatorW"); return Formats.Length() ? DROPEFFECT_COPY : DROPEFFECT_NONE; } int LTextView4::OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { int Status = DROPEFFECT_NONE; for (unsigned i=0; iIsBinary()) { OsChar *e = (OsChar*) ((char*)Data->Value.Binary.Data + Data->Value.Binary.Length); OsChar *s = (OsChar*) Data->Value.Binary.Data; int len = 0; while (s < e && s[len]) { len++; } LAutoWString w ( (char16*)LNewConvertCp ( LGI_WideCharset, s, ( sizeof(OsChar) == 1 ? "utf-8" : LGI_WideCharset ), len * sizeof(*s) ) ); Insert(Cursor, w, len); Invalidate(); return DROPEFFECT_COPY; } } else if (dd.IsFileDrop()) { // We don't directly handle file drops... pass up to the parent bool FoundTarget = false; for (LViewI *p = GetParent(); p; p = p->GetParent()) { LDragDropTarget *t = p->DropTarget(); if (t) { Status = t->OnDrop(Data, Pt, KeyState); if (Status != DROPEFFECT_NONE) { FoundTarget = true; break; } } } if (!FoundTarget) { auto Wnd = GetWindow(); if (Wnd) { LDropFiles files(dd); Wnd->OnReceiveFiles(files); } } } } return Status; } void LTextView4::OnCreate() { SetWindow(this); DropTarget(true); #ifndef WINDOWS if (Ctrls.Length() == 0) #endif SetPulse(PULSE_TIMEOUT); #ifndef WINDOWS Ctrls.Add(this); #endif } void LTextView4::OnEscape(LKey &K) { } bool LTextView4::OnMouseWheel(double l) { if (VScroll) { int64 NewPos = VScroll->Value() + (int)l; NewPos = limit(NewPos, 0, (ssize_t)GetLines()); VScroll->Value(NewPos); Invalidate(); } return true; } void LTextView4::OnFocus(bool f) { Invalidate(); } ssize_t LTextView4::HitText(int x, int y, bool Nearest) { if (!Text) return 0; bool Down = y >= 0; auto Y = VScroll ? VScroll->Value() : 0; if (Y < (ssize_t)Line.Length()) y += Line[Y]->r.y1; while (Y>=0 && Y<(ssize_t)Line.Length()) { auto l = Line[Y]; if (l->r.Overlap(x, y)) { // Over a line int At = x - l->r.x1; ssize_t Char = 0; LDisplayString Ds(Font, MapText(Text + l->Start, l->Len), l->Len, 0); Char = Ds.CharAt(At, Nearest ? LgiNearest : LgiTruncate); return l->Start + Char; } else if (y >= l->r.y1 && y <= l->r.y2) { // Click horizontally before of after line if (x < l->r.x1) return l->Start; else if (x > l->r.x2) return l->Start + l->Len; } if (Down) Y++; else Y--; } // outside text area if (Down) { if (Line.Length()) { if (y > Line.Last()->r.y2) { // end of document return Size; } } } return 0; } void LTextView4::Undo() { int Old = UndoQue.GetPos(); UndoQue.Undo(); if (Old && !UndoQue.GetPos()) { Dirty = false; SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } } void LTextView4::Redo() { UndoQue.Redo(); } void LTextView4::DoContextMenu(LMouse &m) { LSubMenu RClick; LAutoString ClipText; { LClipBoard Clip(this); ClipText.Reset(NewStr(Clip.Text())); } LStyle *s = HitStyle(HitText(m.x, m.y, true)); if (s) { if (OnStyleMenu(s, &RClick)) { RClick.AppendSeparator(); } } RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_CUT, "Cut"), IDM_CUT, HasSelection()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_COPY, "Copy"), IDM_COPY, HasSelection()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_PASTE, "Paste"), IDM_PASTE, ClipText != 0); RClick.AppendSeparator(); RClick.AppendItem("Copy All", IDM_COPY_ALL, true); RClick.AppendItem("Select All", IDM_SELECT_ALL, true); RClick.AppendSeparator(); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_UNDO, "Undo"), IDM_UNDO, UndoQue.CanUndo()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_REDO, "Redo"), IDM_REDO, UndoQue.CanRedo()); RClick.AppendSeparator(); auto i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_FIXED, "Fixed Width Font"), IDM_FIXED, true); if (i) i->Checked(GetFixedWidthFont()); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_AUTO_INDENT, "Auto Indent"), IDM_AUTO_INDENT, true); if (i) i->Checked(AutoIndent); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_SHOW_WHITESPACE, "Show Whitespace"), IDM_SHOW_WHITE, true); if (i) i->Checked(ShowWhiteSpace); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_HARD_TABS, "Hard Tabs"), IDM_HARD_TABS, true); if (i) i->Checked(HardTabs); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_INDENT_SIZE, "Indent Size"), IDM_INDENT_SIZE, true); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_TAB_SIZE, "Tab Size"), IDM_TAB_SIZE, true); if (Environment) Environment->AppendItems(&RClick, NULL); int Id = 0; m.ToScreen(); switch (Id = RClick.Float(this, m)) { case IDM_FIXED: { SetFixedWidthFont(!GetFixedWidthFont()); SendNotify(LNotifyFixedWidthChanged); break; } case IDM_CUT: { Cut(); break; } case IDM_COPY: { Copy(); break; } case IDM_PASTE: { Paste(); break; } case IDM_COPY_ALL: { SelectAll(); Copy(); break; } case IDM_SELECT_ALL: { SelectAll(); break; } case IDM_UNDO: { Undo(); break; } case IDM_REDO: { Redo(); break; } case IDM_AUTO_INDENT: { AutoIndent = !AutoIndent; break; } case IDM_SHOW_WHITE: { ShowWhiteSpace = !ShowWhiteSpace; Invalidate(); break; } case IDM_HARD_TABS: { HardTabs = !HardTabs; break; } case IDM_INDENT_SIZE: { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i", IndentSize); LInput *i = new LInput(this, s, "Indent Size:", "Text"); i->DoModal([this, i](auto dlg, auto code) { if (code) IndentSize = atoi(i->GetStr()); delete i; }); break; } case IDM_TAB_SIZE: { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i", TabSize); LInput *i = new LInput(this, s, "Tab Size:", "Text"); i->DoModal([this, i](auto dlg, auto code) { - SetTabSize(atoi(i->GetStr())); + if (code) + SetTabSize((uint8_t)Atoi(i->GetStr().Get())); delete i; }); break; } default: { if (s) { OnStyleMenuClick(s, Id); } if (Environment) { Environment->OnMenu(this, Id, 0); } break; } } } bool LTextView4::OnStyleClick(LStyle *style, LMouse *m) { switch (style->Owner) { case STYLE_URL: { if ( (!m) || (m->Left() && m->Down() && m->Double()) ) { LString s(Text + style->Start, style->Len); if (s) OnUrl(s); return true; } break; } default: break; } return false; } bool LTextView4::OnStyleMenu(LStyle *style, LSubMenu *m) { switch (style->Owner) { case STYLE_URL: { LString s(Text + style->Start, style->Len); if (LIsValidEmail(s)) m->AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_EMAIL_TO, "New Email to..."), IDM_NEW, true); else m->AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_OPENURL, "Open URL"), IDM_OPEN, true); m->AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_COPYLINK, "Copy link location"), IDM_COPY_URL, true); return true; } default: break; } return false; } void LTextView4::OnStyleMenuClick(LStyle *style, int i) { switch (style->Owner) { case STYLE_URL: { LString s(Text + style->Start, style->Len); switch (i) { case IDM_NEW: case IDM_OPEN: { if (s) OnUrl(s); break; } case IDM_COPY_URL: { if (s) { LClipBoard Clip(this); Clip.Text(s); } break; } } break; } default: break; } } void LTextView4::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { bool Processed = false; m.x += ScrollX; if (m.Down()) { if (!m.IsContextMenu()) { Focus(true); ssize_t Hit = HitText(m.x, m.y, true); if (Hit >= 0) { SetCaret(Hit, m.Shift()); LStyle *s = HitStyle(Hit); if (s) Processed = OnStyleClick(s, &m); } if (!Processed && m.Double()) { d->WordSelectMode = Cursor; SelectWord(Cursor); } else { d->WordSelectMode = -1; } } else { DoContextMenu(m); return; } } if (!Processed) { Capture(m.Down()); } } int LTextView4::OnHitTest(int x, int y) { #ifdef WIN32 if (GetClient().Overlap(x, y)) { return HTCLIENT; } #endif return LView::OnHitTest(x, y); } void LTextView4::OnMouseMove(LMouse &m) { m.x += ScrollX; ssize_t Hit = HitText(m.x, m.y, true); if (IsCapturing()) { if (d->WordSelectMode < 0) { SetCaret(Hit, m.Left()); } else { ssize_t Min = Hit < d->WordSelectMode ? Hit : d->WordSelectMode; ssize_t Max = Hit > d->WordSelectMode ? Hit : d->WordSelectMode; for (SelStart = Min; SelStart > 0; SelStart--) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelStart])) { SelStart++; break; } } for (SelEnd = Max; SelEnd < Size; SelEnd++) { if (strchr(SelectWordDelim, Text[SelEnd])) { break; } } Cursor = SelEnd; Invalidate(); } } } LCursor LTextView4::GetCursor(int x, int y) { LRect c = GetClient(); c.Offset(-c.x1, -c.y1); LStyle *s = NULL; if (c.Overlap(x, y)) { ssize_t Hit = HitText(x, y, true); s = HitStyle(Hit); } return s ? s->Cursor : LCUR_Ibeam; } int LTextView4::GetColumn() { int x = 0; LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { for (ssize_t i=l->Start; i> 1); m.Target = this; DoContextMenu(m); } else if (k.IsChar) { switch (k.vkey) { default: { // process single char input if ( !GetReadOnly() && ( (k.c16 >= ' ' || k.vkey == LK_TAB) && k.c16 != 127 ) ) { if (k.Down()) { // letter/number etc if (SelStart >= 0) { bool MultiLine = false; if (k.vkey == LK_TAB) { size_t Min = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd), Max = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); for (size_t i=Min; iLen : 0; if (l && k.vkey == LK_TAB && (!HardTabs || IndentSize != TabSize)) { int x = GetColumn(); int Add = IndentSize - (x % IndentSize); if (HardTabs && ((x + Add) % TabSize) == 0) { int Rx = x; size_t Remove; for (Remove = Cursor; Text[Remove - 1] == ' ' && Rx % TabSize != 0; Remove--, Rx--); ssize_t Chars = (ssize_t)Cursor - Remove; Delete(Remove, Chars); Insert(Remove, &k.c16, 1); Cursor = Remove + 1; Invalidate(); } else { char16 *Sp = new char16[Add]; if (Sp) { for (int n=0; nLen : 0; SetCaret(Cursor + Add, false, Len != NewLen - 1); } DeleteArray(Sp); } } } else { char16 In = k.GetChar(); if (In == '\t' && k.Shift() && Cursor > 0) { l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (Cursor > l->Start) { if (Text[Cursor-1] == '\t') { Delete(Cursor - 1, 1); SetCaret(Cursor, false, false); } else if (Text[Cursor-1] == ' ') { ssize_t Start = (ssize_t)Cursor - 1; while (Start >= l->Start && strchr(" \t", Text[Start-1])) Start--; int Depth = SpaceDepth(Text + Start, Text + Cursor); int NewDepth = Depth - (Depth % IndentSize); if (NewDepth == Depth && NewDepth > 0) NewDepth -= IndentSize; int Use = 0; while (SpaceDepth(Text + Start, Text + Start + Use + 1) < NewDepth) Use++; Delete(Start + Use, Cursor - Start - Use); SetCaret(Start + Use, false, false); } } } else if (In && Insert(Cursor, &In, 1)) { l = GetTextLine(Cursor); size_t NewLen = (l) ? l->Len : 0; SetCaret(Cursor + 1, false, Len != NewLen - 1); } } } return true; } break; } case LK_RETURN: #if defined MAC case LK_KEYPADENTER: #endif { if (GetReadOnly()) break; if (k.Down() && k.IsChar) { OnEnter(k); } return true; break; } case LK_BACKSPACE: { if (GetReadOnly()) break; if (k.Ctrl()) { // Ctrl+H } else if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0) { // delete selection DeleteSelection(); } else { char Del = Cursor > 0 ? Text[Cursor-1] : 0; if (Del == ' ' && (!HardTabs || IndentSize != TabSize)) { // Delete soft tab int x = GetColumn(); int Max = x % IndentSize; if (Max == 0) Max = IndentSize; ssize_t i; for (i=Cursor-1; i>=0; i--) { if (Max-- <= 0 || Text[i] != ' ') { i++; break; } } if (i < 0) i = 0; if (i < Cursor - 1) { ssize_t Del = (ssize_t)Cursor - i; Delete(i, Del); // SetCursor(i, false, false); // Invalidate(); break; } } else if (Del == '\t' && HardTabs && IndentSize != TabSize) { int x = GetColumn(); Delete(--Cursor, 1); for (int c=GetColumn(); c 0) { Delete(Cursor - 1, 1); } } } return true; break; } } } else // not a char { switch (k.vkey) { case LK_TAB: return true; case LK_RETURN: { return !GetReadOnly(); } case LK_BACKSPACE: { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Alt()) { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { Redo(); } else { Undo(); } } } else if (k.Ctrl()) { if (k.Down()) { ssize_t Start = Cursor; while (IsWhiteSpace(Text[Cursor-1]) && Cursor > 0) Cursor--; while (!IsWhiteSpace(Text[Cursor-1]) && Cursor > 0) Cursor--; Delete(Cursor, Start - Cursor); Invalidate(); } } return true; } break; } case LK_F3: { if (k.Down()) { DoFindNext(NULL); } return true; break; } case LK_LEFT: { if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0 && !k.Shift()) { SetCaret(MIN(SelStart, SelEnd), false); } else if (Cursor > 0) { ssize_t n = Cursor; #ifdef MAC if (k.System()) { goto Jump_StartOfLine; } else if (k.Alt()) #else if (k.Ctrl()) #endif { // word move/select bool StartWhiteSpace = IsWhiteSpace(Text[n]); bool LeftWhiteSpace = n > 0 && IsWhiteSpace(Text[n-1]); if (!StartWhiteSpace || Text[n] == '\n') { n--; } // Skip ws for (; n > 0 && strchr(" \t", Text[n]); n--) ; if (Text[n] == '\n') { n--; } else if (!StartWhiteSpace || !LeftWhiteSpace) { if (IsDelimiter(Text[n])) { for (; n > 0 && IsDelimiter(Text[n]); n--); } else { for (; n > 0; n--) { //IsWordBoundry(Text[n]) if (IsWhiteSpace(Text[n]) || IsDelimiter(Text[n])) { break; } } } } if (n > 0) n++; } else { // single char n--; } SetCaret(n, k.Shift()); } } return true; break; } case LK_RIGHT: { if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0 && !k.Shift()) { SetCaret(MAX(SelStart, SelEnd), false); } else if (Cursor < Size) { ssize_t n = Cursor; #ifdef MAC if (k.System()) { goto Jump_EndOfLine; } else if (k.Alt()) #else if (k.Ctrl()) #endif { // word move/select if (IsWhiteSpace(Text[n])) { for (; nStart, Cursor-l->Start); int ScreenX = CurLine.X(); LDisplayString PrevLine(Font, Text + Prev->Start, Prev->Len); ssize_t CharX = PrevLine.CharAt(ScreenX); SetCaret(Prev->Start + MIN(CharX, Prev->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_DOWN: { if (k.Alt()) return false; if (k.Down()) { #ifdef MAC if (k.Ctrl()) goto LTextView4_PageDown; #endif auto It = GetTextLineIt(Cursor); if (It != Line.end()) { auto l = *It; It++; if (It != Line.end()) { LTextLine *Next = *It; LDisplayString CurLine(Font, Text + l->Start, Cursor-l->Start); int ScreenX = CurLine.X(); LDisplayString NextLine(Font, Text + Next->Start, Next->Len); ssize_t CharX = NextLine.CharAt(ScreenX); SetCaret(Next->Start + MIN(CharX, Next->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_END: { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { SetCaret(Size, k.Shift()); } else { #ifdef MAC Jump_EndOfLine: #endif LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { SetCaret(l->Start + l->Len, k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_HOME: { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { SetCaret(0, k.Shift()); } else { #ifdef MAC Jump_StartOfLine: #endif LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { char16 *Line = Text + l->Start; char16 *s; char16 SpTab[] = {' ', '\t', 0}; for (s = Line; (SubtractPtr(s,Line) < l->Len) && StrchrW(SpTab, *s); s++); ssize_t Whitespace = SubtractPtr(s, Line); if (l->Start + Whitespace == Cursor) { SetCaret(l->Start, k.Shift()); } else { SetCaret(l->Start + Whitespace, k.Shift()); } } } } return true; break; } case LK_PAGEUP: { #ifdef MAC LTextView4_PageUp: #endif if (k.Down()) { LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { int DisplayLines = Y() / LineY; ssize_t CurLine = Line.IndexOf(l); LTextLine *New = Line.ItemAt(MAX(CurLine - DisplayLines, 0)); if (New) { SetCaret(New->Start + MIN(Cursor - l->Start, New->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_PAGEDOWN: { #ifdef MAC LTextView4_PageDown: #endif if (k.Down()) { LTextLine *l = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (l) { int DisplayLines = Y() / LineY; ssize_t CurLine = Line.IndexOf(l); LTextLine *New = Line.ItemAt(MIN(CurLine + DisplayLines, (ssize_t)GetLines()-1)); if (New) { SetCaret(New->Start + MIN(Cursor - l->Start, New->Len), k.Shift()); } } } return true; break; } case LK_INSERT: { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { Copy(); } else if (k.Shift()) { if (!GetReadOnly()) { Paste(); } } } return true; break; } case LK_DELETE: { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { if (SelStart >= 0) { if (k.Shift()) { Cut(); } else { DeleteSelection(); } } else if (Cursor < Size && Delete(Cursor, 1)) { Invalidate(); } } return true; } break; } default: { if (k.c16 == 17) break; if (k.CtrlCmd() && !k.Alt()) { switch (k.GetChar()) { case 0xbd: // Ctrl+'-' { if (k.Down() && Font->PointSize() > 1) { Font->PointSize(Font->PointSize() - 1); OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } break; } case 0xbb: // Ctrl+'+' { if (k.Down() && Font->PointSize() < 100) { Font->PointSize(Font->PointSize() + 1); OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } break; } case 'a': case 'A': { if (k.Down()) { // select all SelStart = 0; SelEnd = Size; Invalidate(); } return true; break; } case 'y': case 'Y': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Redo(); } return true; } break; } case 'z': case 'Z': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Shift()) { Redo(); } else { Undo(); } } return true; } break; } case 'x': case 'X': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Cut(); } return true; } break; } case 'c': case 'C': { if (k.Shift()) return false; if (k.Down()) Copy(); return true; break; } case 'v': case 'V': { if (!k.Shift() && !GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Paste(); } return true; } break; } case 'f': { if (k.Down()) { DoFind(NULL); } return true; break; } case 'g': case 'G': { if (k.Down()) { DoGoto(NULL); } return true; break; } case 'h': case 'H': { if (k.Down()) { DoReplace(NULL); } return true; break; } case 'u': case 'U': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { DoCase(NULL, k.Shift()); } return true; } break; } case LK_RETURN: { if (!GetReadOnly() && !k.Shift()) { if (k.Down()) { OnEnter(k); } return true; } break; } } } break; } } } return false; } void LTextView4::OnEnter(LKey &k) { // enter if (SelStart >= 0) { DeleteSelection(); } char16 InsertStr[256] = {'\n', 0}; LTextLine *CurLine = GetTextLine(Cursor); if (CurLine && AutoIndent) { int WsLen = 0; for (; WsLen < CurLine->Len && WsLen < (Cursor - CurLine->Start) && strchr(" \t", Text[CurLine->Start + WsLen]); WsLen++); if (WsLen > 0) { memcpy(InsertStr+1, Text+CurLine->Start, WsLen * sizeof(char16)); InsertStr[WsLen+1] = 0; } } if (Insert(Cursor, InsertStr, StrlenW(InsertStr))) { SetCaret(Cursor + StrlenW(InsertStr), false, true); } } int LTextView4::TextWidth(LFont *f, char16 *s, int Len, int x, int Origin) { int w = x; int Size = f->TabSize(); for (char16 *c = s; SubtractPtr(c, s) < Len; ) { if (*c == 9) { w = ((((w-Origin) + Size) / Size) * Size) + Origin; c++; } else { char16 *e; for (e = c; SubtractPtr(e, s) < Len && *e != 9; e++); LDisplayString ds(f, c, SubtractPtr(e, c)); w += ds.X(); c = e; } } return w - x; } int LTextView4::ScrollYLine() { return (VScroll) ? (int)VScroll->Value() : 0; } int LTextView4::ScrollYPixel() { return ScrollYLine() * LineY; } LRect LTextView4::DocToScreen(LRect r) { r.Offset(0, d->rPadding.y1 - ScrollYPixel()); return r; } void LTextView4::OnPaintLeftMargin(LSurface *pDC, LRect &r, LColour &colour) { pDC->Colour(colour); pDC->Rectangle(&r); } void LTextView4::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { #if LGI_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif #if PROFILE_PAINT char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%p::OnPaint Lines=%i Sz=%i", this, (int)Line.Length(), (int)Size); LProfile Prof(s); #endif if (d->LayoutDirty) { #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("PourText"); #endif PourText(d->DirtyStart, d->DirtyLen); #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("PourStyle"); #endif PourStyle(d->DirtyStart, d->DirtyLen); d->LayoutDirty = false; } #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("Setup"); #endif LRect r = GetClient(); r.x2 += ScrollX; int Ox, Oy; pDC->GetOrigin(Ox, Oy); pDC->SetOrigin(Ox+ScrollX, Oy); #if 0 // Coverage testing... pDC->Colour(Rgb24(255, 0, 255), 24); pDC->Rectangle(); #endif LSurface *pOut = pDC; bool DrawSel = false; bool HasFocus = Focus(); // printf("%s:%i - HasFocus = %i\n", _FL, HasFocus); LColour SelectedText(HasFocus ? LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_FORE) : LColour(L_NON_FOCUS_SEL_FORE)); LColour SelectedBack(HasFocus ? LColour(L_FOCUS_SEL_BACK) : LColour(L_NON_FOCUS_SEL_BACK)); LCss::ColorDef ForeDef, BkDef; if (GetCss()) { ForeDef = GetCss()->Color(); BkDef = GetCss()->BackgroundColor(); } LColour Fore(ForeDef.Type == LCss::ColorRgb ? LColour(ForeDef.Rgb32, 32) : LColour(L_TEXT)); LColour Back ( /*!ReadOnly &&*/ BkDef.Type == LCss::ColorRgb ? LColour(BkDef.Rgb32, 32) : Enabled() ? LColour(L_WORKSPACE) : LColour(L_MED) ); // LColour Whitespace = Fore.Mix(Back, 0.85f); if (!Enabled()) { Fore = LColour(L_LOW); Back = LColour(L_MED); } #ifdef DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT LMemDC *pMem = new LMemDC; pOut = pMem; #endif if (Text && Font #ifdef DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT && pMem && pMem->Create(r.X()-d->rPadding.x1, LineY, GdcD->GetBits()) #endif ) { ssize_t SelMin = MIN(SelStart, SelEnd); ssize_t SelMax = MAX(SelStart, SelEnd); // font properties Font->Colour(Fore, Back); // Font->WhitespaceColour(Whitespace); Font->Transparent(false); // draw margins pDC->Colour(PAINT_BORDER); // top margin pDC->Rectangle(0, 0, r.x2, d->rPadding.y1-1); // left margin { LRect LeftMargin(0, d->rPadding.y1, d->rPadding.x1-1, r.y2); OnPaintLeftMargin(pDC, LeftMargin, PAINT_BORDER); } // draw lines of text int k = ScrollYLine(); LTextLine *l = NULL; int Dy = 0; if (k < Line.Length()) Dy = -Line[k]->r.y1; ssize_t NextSelection = (SelStart != SelEnd) ? SelMin : -1; // offset where selection next changes if (k < Line.Length() && (l = Line[k]) && SelStart >= 0 && SelStart < l->Start && SelEnd > l->Start) { // start of visible area is in selection // init to selection colour DrawSel = true; Font->Colour(SelectedText, SelectedBack); NextSelection = SelMax; } StyleIter Si = Style.begin(); LStyle *NextStyle = GetNextStyle(Si, (l) ? l->Start : 0); DocOffset = (l) ? l->r.y1 : 0; #if PROFILE_PAINT Prof.Add("foreach Line loop"); #endif // loop through all visible lines int y = d->rPadding.y1; while ( k < Line.Length() && (l = Line[k]) && l->r.y1+Dy < r.Y()) { LRect Tr = l->r; #ifdef DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT Tr.Offset(-Tr.x1, -Tr.y1); #else Tr.Offset(0, y - Tr.y1); #endif //LRect OldTr = Tr; // deal with selection change on beginning of line if (NextSelection == l->Start) { // selection change DrawSel = !DrawSel; NextSelection = (NextSelection == SelMin) ? SelMax : -1; } if (DrawSel) { Font->Colour(SelectedText, SelectedBack); } else { LColour fore = l->c.IsValid() ? l->c : Fore; LColour back = l->Back.IsValid() ? l->Back : Back; Font->Colour(fore, back); } // How many chars on this line have we // processed so far: ssize_t Done = 0; bool LineHasSelection = NextSelection >= l->Start && NextSelection < l->Start + l->Len; // Fractional pixels we have moved so far: int MarginF = d->rPadding.x1 << LDisplayString::FShift; int FX = MarginF; int FY = Tr.y1 << LDisplayString::FShift; // loop through all sections of similar text on a line while (Done < l->Len) { // decide how big this block is int RtlTrailingSpace = 0; ssize_t Cur = l->Start + Done; ssize_t Block = l->Len - Done; // check for style change if (NextStyle && (ssize_t)NextStyle->End() <= l->Start) NextStyle = GetNextStyle(Si); if (NextStyle) { // start if (l->Overlap(NextStyle->Start) && NextStyle->Start > Cur && NextStyle->Start - Cur < Block) { Block = NextStyle->Start - Cur; } // end ssize_t StyleEnd = NextStyle->Start + NextStyle->Len; if (l->Overlap(StyleEnd) && StyleEnd > Cur && StyleEnd - Cur < Block) { Block = StyleEnd - Cur; } } // check for next selection change // this may truncate the style if (NextSelection > Cur && NextSelection - Cur < Block) { Block = NextSelection - Cur; } LAssert(Block != 0); // sanity check if (NextStyle && // There is a style (Cur < SelMin || Cur >= SelMax) && // && we're not drawing a selection block Cur >= NextStyle->Start && // && we're inside the styled area Cur < NextStyle->Start+NextStyle->Len) { LFont *Sf = NextStyle->Font ? NextStyle->Font : Font; if (Sf) { // draw styled text if (NextStyle->Fore.IsValid()) Sf->Fore(NextStyle->Fore); if (NextStyle->Back.IsValid()) Sf->Back(NextStyle->Back); else if (l->Back.IsValid()) Sf->Back(l->Back); else Sf->Back(Back); Sf->Transparent(false); LAssert(l->Start + Done >= 0); LDisplayString Ds( Sf, MapText(Text + (l->Start + Done), Block, RtlTrailingSpace != 0), Block + RtlTrailingSpace); Ds.SetDrawOffsetF(FX - MarginF); Ds.ShowVisibleTab(ShowWhiteSpace); Ds.FDraw(pOut, FX, FY, 0, LineHasSelection); if (NextStyle->Decor == LCss::TextDecorSquiggle) { pOut->Colour(NextStyle->DecorColour); int x = FX >> LDisplayString::FShift; int End = x + Ds.X(); while (x < End) { pOut->Set(x, Tr.y2-(x%2)); x++; } } FX += Ds.FX(); LColour fore = l->c.IsValid() ? l->c : Fore; LColour back = l->Back.IsValid() ? l->Back : Back; Sf->Colour(fore, back); } else LAssert(0); } else { // draw a block of normal text LAssert(l->Start + Done >= 0); LDisplayString Ds( Font, MapText(Text + (l->Start + Done), Block, RtlTrailingSpace != 0), Block + RtlTrailingSpace); Ds.SetDrawOffsetF(FX - MarginF); Ds.ShowVisibleTab(ShowWhiteSpace); Ds.FDraw(pOut, FX, FY, 0, LineHasSelection); FX += Ds.FX(); } if (NextStyle && Cur+Block >= NextStyle->Start+NextStyle->Len) { // end of this styled block NextStyle = GetNextStyle(Si); } if (NextSelection == Cur+Block) { // selection change DrawSel = !DrawSel; if (DrawSel) { Font->Colour(SelectedText, SelectedBack); } else { LColour fore = l->c.IsValid() ? l->c : Fore; LColour back = l->Back.IsValid() ? l->Back : Back; Font->Colour(fore, back); } NextSelection = (NextSelection == SelMin) ? SelMax : -1; } Done += Block + RtlTrailingSpace; } // end block loop Tr.x1 = FX >> LDisplayString::FShift; // eol processing ssize_t EndOfLine = l->Start+l->Len; if (EndOfLine >= SelMin && EndOfLine < SelMax) { // draw the '\n' at the end of the line as selected // LColour bk = Font->Back(); pOut->Colour(Font->Back()); pOut->Rectangle(Tr.x2, Tr.y1, Tr.x2+7, Tr.y2); Tr.x2 += 7; } else Tr.x2 = Tr.x1; // draw any space after text pOut->Colour(PAINT_AFTER_LINE); pOut->Rectangle(Tr.x2, Tr.y1, r.x2, Tr.y2); // cursor? if (HasFocus) { // draw the cursor if on this line if (Cursor >= l->Start && Cursor <= l->Start+l->Len) { CursorPos.ZOff(1, LineY-1); ssize_t At = Cursor-l->Start; LDisplayString Ds(Font, MapText(Text+l->Start, At), At); Ds.ShowVisibleTab(ShowWhiteSpace); int CursorX = Ds.X(); CursorPos.Offset(d->rPadding.x1 + CursorX, Tr.y1); if (CanScrollX) { // Cursor on screen check LRect Scr = GetClient(); Scr.Offset(ScrollX, 0); LRect Cur = CursorPos; if (Cur.x2 > Scr.x2 - 5) // right edge check { ScrollX = ScrollX + Cur.x2 - Scr.x2 + 40; Invalidate(); } else if (Cur.x1 < Scr.x1 && ScrollX > 0) { ScrollX = MAX(0, Cur.x1 - 40); Invalidate(); } } if (Blink) { LRect c = CursorPos; #ifdef DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT c.Offset(-d->rPadding.x1, -y); #endif pOut->Colour(!ReadOnly ? Fore : LColour(192, 192, 192)); pOut->Rectangle(&c); } #if WINNATIVE HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(Handle()); if (hIMC) { COMPOSITIONFORM Cf; Cf.dwStyle = CFS_POINT; Cf.ptCurrentPos.x = CursorPos.x1; Cf.ptCurrentPos.y = CursorPos.y1; ImmSetCompositionWindow(hIMC, &Cf); ImmReleaseContext(Handle(), hIMC); } #endif } } #if DRAW_LINE_BOXES { uint Style = pDC->LineStyle(LSurface::LineAlternate); LColour Old = pDC->Colour(LColour::Red); pDC->Box(&OldTr); pDC->Colour(Old); pDC->LineStyle(Style); LString s; s.Printf("%i, %i", Line.IndexOf(l), l->Start); LDisplayString ds(LSysFont, s); LSysFont->Transparent(true); ds.Draw(pDC, OldTr.x2 + 2, OldTr.y1); } #endif #ifdef DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT // dump to screen pDC->Blt(d->rPadding.x1, y, pOut); #endif y += LineY; k++; } // end of line loop // draw any space under the lines if (y <= r.y2) { pDC->Colour(Back); // pDC->Colour(LColour(255, 0, 255)); pDC->Rectangle(d->rPadding.x1, y, r.x2, r.y2); } #ifdef DOUBLE_BUFFER_PAINT DeleteObj(pMem); #endif } else { // default drawing: nothing pDC->Colour(Back); pDC->Rectangle(&r); } // _PaintTime = LCurrentTime() - StartTime; #ifdef PAINT_DEBUG if (GetNotify()) { char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "Pour:%i Style:%i Paint:%i ms", _PourTime, _StyleTime, _PaintTime); LMessage m = CreateMsg(DEBUG_TIMES_MSG, 0, (int)s); GetNotify()->OnEvent(&m); } #endif // printf("PaintTime: %ims\n", _PaintTime); #if LGI_EXCEPTIONS } catch (...) { LgiMsg(this, "LTextView4::OnPaint crashed.", "Lgi"); } #endif } LMessage::Result LTextView4::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { case M_TEXT_UPDATE_NAME: { if (d->Lock(_FL)) { Name(d->SetName); d->SetName.Empty(); d->Unlock(); } break; } case M_TEXTVIEW_FIND: { if (InThread()) DoFindNext(NULL); else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Not in thread.\n", _FL); break; } case M_TEXTVIEW_REPLACE: { // DoReplace(); break; } case M_CUT: { Cut(); break; } case M_COPY: { Copy(); break; } case M_PASTE: { Paste(); break; } #if defined WIN32 case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: { return Size; } case WM_GETTEXT: { int Chars = (int)Msg->A(); char *Out = (char*)Msg->B(); if (Out) { char *In = (char*)LNewConvertCp(LAnsiToLgiCp(), NameW(), LGI_WideCharset, Chars); if (In) { int Len = (int)strlen(In); memcpy(Out, In, Len); DeleteArray(In); return Len; } } return 0; } /* This is broken... the IME returns garbage in the buffer. :( case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: { if (Msg->b & GCS_RESULTSTR) { HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(Handle()); if (hIMC) { int Size = ImmGetCompositionString(hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, NULL, 0); char *Buf = new char[Size]; if (Buf) { ImmGetCompositionString(hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, Buf, Size); char16 *Utf = (char16*)LNewConvertCp(LGI_WideCharset, Buf, LAnsiToLgiCp(), Size); if (Utf) { Insert(Cursor, Utf, StrlenW(Utf)); DeleteArray(Utf); } DeleteArray(Buf); } ImmReleaseContext(Handle(), hIMC); } return 0; } break; } */ #endif } return LLayout::OnEvent(Msg); } int LTextView4::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (Ctrl->GetId() == IDC_VSCROLL && VScroll) { if (n.Type == LNotifyScrollBarCreate) { UpdateScrollBars(); } Invalidate(); } return 0; } void LTextView4::InternalPulse() { if (!ReadOnly) { uint64 Now = LCurrentTime(); if (!BlinkTs) BlinkTs = Now; else if (Now - BlinkTs > CURSOR_BLINK) { Blink = !Blink; LRect p = CursorPos; p.Offset(-ScrollX, 0); Invalidate(&p); BlinkTs = Now; } } if (PartialPour) PourText(Size, 0); } void LTextView4::OnPulse() { #ifdef WINDOWS InternalPulse(); #else for (auto c: Ctrls) c->InternalPulse(); #endif } void LTextView4::OnUrl(char *Url) { if (Environment) Environment->OnNavigate(this, Url); else { LUri u(Url); bool Email = LIsValidEmail(Url); const char *Proto = Email ? "mailto" : u.sProtocol; LString App = LGetAppForProtocol(Proto); if (App) LExecute(App, Url); else LgiMsg(this, "Failed to find application for protocol '%s'", "Error", MB_OK, Proto); } } bool LTextView4::OnLayout(LViewLayoutInfo &Inf) { Inf.Width.Min = 32; Inf.Width.Max = -1; Inf.Height.Min = (Font ? Font->GetHeight() : 18) + 4; Inf.Height.Max = -1; return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LTextView4_Factory : public LViewFactory { LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (_stricmp(Class, "LTextView4") == 0) { return new LTextView4(-1, 0, 0, 2000, 2000); } return 0; } } TextView4_Factory; diff --git a/src/common/Widgets/Editor/RichTextEdit.cpp b/src/common/Widgets/Editor/RichTextEdit.cpp --- a/src/common/Widgets/Editor/RichTextEdit.cpp +++ b/src/common/Widgets/Editor/RichTextEdit.cpp @@ -1,3101 +1,3097 @@ #include #include #include #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/RichTextEdit.h" #include "lgi/common/Input.h" #include "lgi/common/ScrollBar.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include "lgi/common/ClipBoard.h" #include "lgi/common/DisplayString.h" #include "lgi/common/CssTools.h" #include "lgi/common/FontCache.h" #include "lgi/common/Unicode.h" #include "lgi/common/DropFiles.h" #include "lgi/common/HtmlCommon.h" #include "lgi/common/HtmlParser.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "lgi/common/Menu.h" #include "lgi/common/Homoglyphs.h" // If this is not found add $lgi/private/common to your include paths #include "ViewPriv.h" #define DefaultCharset "utf-8" #define GDCF_UTF8 -1 #define POUR_DEBUG 0 #define PROFILE_POUR 0 #define ALLOC_BLOCK 64 #define IDC_VS 1000 #define PAINT_BORDER Back #define PAINT_AFTER_LINE Back #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(toupper) #define toupper(c) (((c)>='a'&&(c)<='z') ? (c)-'a'+'A' : (c)) #endif // static char SelectWordDelim[] = " \t\n.,()[]<>=?/\\{}\"\';:+=-|!@#$%^&*"; #include "RichTextEditPriv.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRichTextEdit::LRichTextEdit( int Id, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, LFontType *FontType) : ResObject(Res_Custom) { // init vars LView::d->Css.Reset(new LRichTextPriv(this, &d)); // setup window SetId(Id); SetTabStop(true); // default options #if WINNATIVE CrLf = true; SetDlgCode(DLGC_WANTALLKEYS); #else CrLf = false; #endif d->Padding(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPx, 4)); #if 0 d->BackgroundColor(LCss::ColorDef(LColour::Green)); #else d->BackgroundColor(LColour(L_WORKSPACE)); #endif SetFont(LSysFont); #if 0 // def _DEBUG Name("\n" "\n" " This is some bold text to test with.
\n" " A second line of text for testing.\n" "\n" "\n"); #endif } LRichTextEdit::~LRichTextEdit() { // 'd' is owned by the LView CSS autoptr. } bool LRichTextEdit::SetSpellCheck(LSpellCheck *sp) { if ((d->SpellCheck = sp)) { if (IsAttached()) d->SpellCheck->EnumLanguages(AddDispatch()); // else call that OnCreate } return d->SpellCheck != NULL; } bool LRichTextEdit::IsDirty() { return d->Dirty; } void LRichTextEdit::IsDirty(bool dirty) { if (d->Dirty ^ dirty) { d->Dirty = dirty; } } void LRichTextEdit::SetFixedWidthFont(bool i) { if (FixedWidthFont ^ i) { if (i) { LFontType Type; if (Type.GetSystemFont("Fixed")) { LDocView::SetFixedWidthFont(i); } } OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } } void LRichTextEdit::SetReadOnly(bool i) { LDocView::SetReadOnly(i); #if WINNATIVE SetDlgCode(i ? DLGC_WANTARROWS : DLGC_WANTALLKEYS); #endif } LRect LRichTextEdit::GetArea(RectType Type) { return Type >= ContentArea && Type <= MaxArea ? d->Areas[Type] : LRect(0, 0, -1, -1); } bool LRichTextEdit::ShowStyleTools() { return d->ShowTools; } void LRichTextEdit::ShowStyleTools(bool b) { if (d->ShowTools ^ b) { d->ShowTools = b; Invalidate(); } } void LRichTextEdit::SetTabSize(uint8_t i) { TabSize = limit(i, 2, 32); OnFontChange(); OnPosChange(); Invalidate(); } void LRichTextEdit::SetWrapType(LDocWrapType i) { LDocView::SetWrapType(i); OnPosChange(); Invalidate(); } LFont *LRichTextEdit::GetFont() { return d->Font; } void LRichTextEdit::SetFont(LFont *f, bool OwnIt) { if (!f) return; if (OwnIt) { d->Font.Reset(f); } else if (d->Font.Reset(new LFont)) { *d->Font = *f; d->Font->Create(NULL, 0, 0); } OnFontChange(); } void LRichTextEdit::OnFontChange() { } void LRichTextEdit::PourText(ssize_t Start, ssize_t Length /* == 0 means it's a delete */) { } void LRichTextEdit::PourStyle(ssize_t Start, ssize_t EditSize) { } bool LRichTextEdit::Insert(int At, char16 *Data, int Len) { return false; } bool LRichTextEdit::Delete(int At, int Len) { return false; } bool LRichTextEdit::DeleteSelection(char16 **Cut) { AutoTrans t(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); if (!d->DeleteSelection(t, Cut)) return false; return d->AddTrans(t); } int64 LRichTextEdit::Value() { const char *n = Name(); #ifdef _MSC_VER return (n) ? _atoi64(n) : 0; #else return (n) ? atoll(n) : 0; #endif } void LRichTextEdit::Value(int64 i) { char Str[32]; sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), LPrintfInt64, i); Name(Str); } bool LRichTextEdit::GetFormattedContent(const char *MimeType, LString &Out, LArray *Media) { if (!MimeType || _stricmp(MimeType, "text/html")) return false; if (!d->ToHtml(Media)) return false; Out = d->UtfNameCache; return true; } const char *LRichTextEdit::Name() { d->ToHtml(); return d->UtfNameCache; } const char *LRichTextEdit::GetCharset() { return d->Charset; } void LRichTextEdit::SetCharset(const char *s) { d->Charset = s; } bool LRichTextEdit::GetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { LDomProperty p = LStringToDomProp(Name); switch (p) { case HtmlImagesLinkCid: { Value = d->HtmlLinkAsCid; break; } case SpellCheckLanguage: { Value = d->SpellLang.Get(); break; } case SpellCheckDictionary: { Value = d->SpellDict.Get(); break; } default: return false; } return true; } bool LRichTextEdit::SetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { LDomProperty p = LStringToDomProp(Name); switch (p) { case HtmlImagesLinkCid: { d->HtmlLinkAsCid = Value.CastInt32() != 0; break; } case SpellCheckLanguage: { d->SpellLang = Value.Str(); break; } case SpellCheckDictionary: { d->SpellDict = Value.Str(); break; } default: return false; } return true; } static LHtmlElement *FindElement(LHtmlElement *e, HtmlTag TagId) { if (e->TagId == TagId) return e; for (unsigned i = 0; i < e->Children.Length(); i++) { LHtmlElement *c = FindElement(e->Children[i], TagId); if (c) return c; } return NULL; } void LRichTextEdit::OnAddStyle(const char *MimeType, const char *Styles) { if (d->CreationCtx) { d->CreationCtx->StyleStore.Parse(Styles); } } bool LRichTextEdit::Name(const char *s) { d->Empty(); d->OriginalText = s; LHtmlElement Root(NULL); if (!d->CreationCtx.Reset(new LRichTextPriv::CreateContext(d))) return false; if (!d->LHtmlParser::Parse(&Root, s)) return d->Error(_FL, "Failed to parse HTML."); LHtmlElement *Body = FindElement(&Root, TAG_BODY); if (!Body) Body = &Root; bool Status = d->FromHtml(Body, *d->CreationCtx); // d->DumpBlocks(); if (!d->Blocks.Length()) { d->EmptyDoc(); } else { // Clear out any zero length blocks. for (unsigned i=0; iBlocks.Length(); i++) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Blocks[i]; if (b->Length() == 0) { d->Blocks.DeleteAt(i--, true); DeleteObj(b); } } } if (Status) SetCursor(0, false); Invalidate(); return Status; } const char16 *LRichTextEdit::NameW() { d->WideNameCache.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Name())); return d->WideNameCache; } bool LRichTextEdit::NameW(const char16 *s) { LAutoString a(WideToUtf8(s)); return Name(a); } char *LRichTextEdit::GetSelection() { if (!HasSelection()) return NULL; LArray Text; if (!d->GetSelection(&Text, NULL)) return NULL; return WideToUtf8(&Text[0]); } bool LRichTextEdit::HasSelection() { return d->Selection.Get() != NULL; } void LRichTextEdit::SelectAll() { AutoCursor Start(new BlkCursor(d->Blocks.First(), 0, 0)); d->SetCursor(Start); LRichTextPriv::Block *Last = d->Blocks.Length() ? d->Blocks.Last() : NULL; if (Last) { AutoCursor End(new BlkCursor(Last, Last->Length(), Last->GetLines()-1)); d->SetCursor(End, true); } else d->Selection.Reset(); Invalidate(); } void LRichTextEdit::UnSelectAll() { bool Update = HasSelection(); if (Update) { d->Selection.Reset(); Invalidate(); } } void LRichTextEdit::SetStylePrefix(LString s) { d->SetPrefix(s); } bool LRichTextEdit::IsBusy(bool Stop) { return d->IsBusy(Stop); } size_t LRichTextEdit::GetLines() { uint32_t Count = 0; for (size_t i=0; iBlocks.Length(); i++) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Blocks[i]; Count += b->GetLines(); } return Count; } int LRichTextEdit::GetLine() { if (!d->Cursor) return -1; ssize_t Idx = d->Blocks.IndexOf(d->Cursor->Blk); if (Idx < 0) { LAssert(0); return -1; } int Count = 0; // Count lines in blocks before the cursor... for (int i=0; iBlocks[i]; Count += b->GetLines(); } // Add the lines in the cursor's block... if (d->Cursor->LineHint) { Count += d->Cursor->LineHint; } else { LArray BlockLine; if (d->Cursor->Blk->OffsetToLine(d->Cursor->Offset, NULL, &BlockLine)) Count += BlockLine.First(); else { // Hmmm... LAssert(!"Can't find block line."); return -1; } } return Count; } -void LRichTextEdit::SetLine(int i) +void LRichTextEdit::SetLine(int Line) { int Count = 0; // Count lines in blocks before the cursor... for (int i=0; i<(int)d->Blocks.Length(); i++) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Blocks[i]; int Lines = b->GetLines(); - if (i >= Count && i < Count + Lines) + if (Line >= Count && Line < Count + Lines) { - auto BlockLine = i - Count; + auto BlockLine = Line - Count; auto Offset = b->LineToOffset(BlockLine); if (Offset >= 0) { AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(b, Offset, BlockLine)); d->SetCursor(c); break; } } Count += Lines; } } void LRichTextEdit::GetTextExtent(int &x, int &y) { x = d->DocumentExtent.x; y = d->DocumentExtent.y; } bool LRichTextEdit::GetLineColumnAtIndex(LPoint &Pt, ssize_t Index) { ssize_t Offset = -1; int BlockLines = -1; LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->GetBlockByIndex(Index, &Offset, NULL, &BlockLines); if (!b) return false; int Cols; LArray Lines; if (b->OffsetToLine(Offset, &Cols, &Lines)) return false; Pt.x = Cols; Pt.y = BlockLines + Lines.First(); return true; } ssize_t LRichTextEdit::GetCaret(bool Cur) { if (!d->Cursor) return -1; ssize_t CharPos = 0; for (ssize_t i=0; i<(ssize_t)d->Blocks.Length(); i++) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Blocks[i]; if (d->Cursor->Blk == b) return CharPos + d->Cursor->Offset; CharPos += b->Length(); } LAssert(!"Cursor block not found."); return -1; } bool LRichTextEdit::IndexAt(int x, int y, ssize_t &Off, int &LineHint) { LPoint Doc = d->ScreenToDoc(x, y); Off = d->HitTest(Doc.x, Doc.y, LineHint); return Off >= 0; } ssize_t LRichTextEdit::IndexAt(int x, int y) { ssize_t Idx; int Line; if (!IndexAt(x, y, Idx, Line)) return -1; return Idx; } void LRichTextEdit::SetCursor(int i, bool Select, bool ForceFullUpdate) { ssize_t Offset = -1; LRichTextPriv::Block *Blk = d->GetBlockByIndex(i, &Offset); if (Blk) { AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(Blk, Offset, -1)); if (c) d->SetCursor(c, Select); } } bool LRichTextEdit::Cut() { if (!HasSelection()) return false; char16 *Txt = NULL; if (!DeleteSelection(&Txt)) return false; bool Status = true; if (Txt) { LClipBoard Cb(this); Status = Cb.TextW(Txt); DeleteArray(Txt); } SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); return Status; } bool LRichTextEdit::Copy() { if (!HasSelection()) return false; LArray PlainText; LAutoString Html; if (!d->GetSelection(&PlainText, &Html)) return false; LString PlainUtf8 = PlainText.AddressOf(); if (HasHomoglyphs(PlainUtf8, PlainUtf8.Length())) { if (LgiMsg( this, LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_HOMOGLYPH_WARNING, "Text contains homoglyph characters that maybe a phishing attack.\n" "Do you really want to copy it?"), LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_WARNING, "Warning"), MB_YESNO) == IDNO) return false; } // Put on the clipboard LClipBoard Cb(this); bool Status = Cb.TextW(PlainText.AddressOf()); Cb.Html(Html, false); return Status; } bool LRichTextEdit::Paste() { LClipBoard Cb(this); return Cb.Bitmap([this](auto bmp, auto str) { LString Html; LAutoWString Text; LAutoPtr Img; Img = bmp; if (!Img) { LClipBoard Cb(this); Html = Cb.Html(); if (!Html) Text.Reset(NewStrW(Cb.TextW())); } if (!Html && !Text && !Img) return false; if (!d->Cursor || !d->Cursor->Blk) { LAssert(0); return false; } AutoTrans Trans(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); if (HasSelection()) { if (!d->DeleteSelection(Trans, NULL)) return false; } if (Html) { LHtmlElement Root(NULL); if (!d->CreationCtx.Reset(new LRichTextPriv::CreateContext(d))) return false; if (!d->LHtmlParser::Parse(&Root, Html)) return d->Error(_FL, "Failed to parse HTML."); LHtmlElement *Body = FindElement(&Root, TAG_BODY); if (!Body) Body = &Root; if (d->Cursor) { auto *b = d->Cursor->Blk; ssize_t BlkIdx = d->Blocks.IndexOf(b); LRichTextPriv::Block *After = NULL; ssize_t AddIndex = BlkIdx;; // Split 'b' to make room for pasted objects if (d->Cursor->Offset > 0) { After = b->Split(Trans, d->Cursor->Offset); AddIndex = BlkIdx+1; } // else Insert before cursor block auto *PastePoint = new LRichTextPriv::TextBlock(d); if (PastePoint) { d->Blocks.AddAt(AddIndex++, PastePoint); if (After) d->Blocks.AddAt(AddIndex++, After); d->CreationCtx->Tb = PastePoint; d->FromHtml(Body, *d->CreationCtx); } } } else if (Text) { LAutoPtr Utf32((uint32_t*)LNewConvertCp("utf-32", Text, LGI_WideCharset)); ptrdiff_t Len = Strlen(Utf32.Get()); if (!d->Cursor->Blk->AddText(Trans, d->Cursor->Offset, Utf32.Get(), (int)Len)) { LAssert(0); return false; } d->Cursor->Offset += Len; d->Cursor->LineHint = -1; } else if (Img) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Cursor->Blk; ssize_t BlkIdx = d->Blocks.IndexOf(b); LRichTextPriv::Block *After = NULL; ssize_t AddIndex; LAssert(BlkIdx >= 0); // Split 'b' to make room for the image if (d->Cursor->Offset > 0) { After = b->Split(Trans, d->Cursor->Offset); AddIndex = BlkIdx+1; } else { // Insert before.. AddIndex = BlkIdx; } LRichTextPriv::ImageBlock *ImgBlk = new LRichTextPriv::ImageBlock(d); if (ImgBlk) { d->Blocks.AddAt(AddIndex++, ImgBlk); if (After) d->Blocks.AddAt(AddIndex++, After); Img->MakeOpaque(); ImgBlk->SetImage(Img); AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(ImgBlk, 1, -1)); d->SetCursor(c); } } Invalidate(); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); return d->AddTrans(Trans); }); } bool LRichTextEdit::ClearDirty(bool Ask, const char *FileName) { if (1 /*dirty*/) { int Answer = (Ask) ? LgiMsg(this, LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_ASK_SAVE, "Do you want to save your changes to this document?"), LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_SAVE, "Save"), MB_YESNOCANCEL) : IDYES; if (Answer == IDYES) { if (FileName) Save(FileName); else { LFileSelect *Select = new LFileSelect; Select->Parent(this); Select->Save([this](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status) Save(dlg->Name()); delete dlg; }); } } else if (Answer == IDCANCEL) { return false; } } return true; } bool LRichTextEdit::Open(const char *Name, const char *CharSet) { bool Status = false; LFile f; if (f.Open(Name, O_READ|O_SHARE)) { size_t Bytes = (size_t)f.GetSize(); SetCursor(0, false); char *c8 = new char[Bytes + 4]; if (c8) { if (f.Read(c8, (int)Bytes) == Bytes) { char *DataStart = c8; c8[Bytes] = 0; c8[Bytes+1] = 0; c8[Bytes+2] = 0; c8[Bytes+3] = 0; if ((uchar)c8[0] == 0xff && (uchar)c8[1] == 0xfe) { // utf-16 if (!CharSet) { CharSet = "utf-16"; DataStart += 2; } } } DeleteArray(c8); } else { } Invalidate(); } return Status; } bool LRichTextEdit::Save(const char *FileName, const char *CharSet) { LFile f; if (!FileName || !f.Open(FileName, O_WRITE)) return false; f.SetSize(0); const char *Nm = Name(); if (!Nm) return false; size_t Len = strlen(Nm); return f.Write(Nm, (int)Len) == Len; } void LRichTextEdit::UpdateScrollBars(bool Reset) { if (VScroll) { //LRect Before = GetClient(); } } void LRichTextEdit::DoCase(std::function Callback, bool Upper) { if (!HasSelection()) { if (Callback) Callback(false); return; } bool Cf = d->CursorFirst(); LRichTextPriv::BlockCursor *Start = Cf ? d->Cursor : d->Selection; LRichTextPriv::BlockCursor *End = Cf ? d->Selection : d->Cursor; if (Start->Blk == End->Blk) { // In the same block... ssize_t Len = End->Offset - Start->Offset; Start->Blk->DoCase(NoTransaction, Start->Offset, Len, Upper); } else { // Multi-block delete... // 1) Delete all the content to the end of the first block ssize_t StartLen = Start->Blk->Length(); if (Start->Offset < StartLen) Start->Blk->DoCase(NoTransaction, Start->Offset, StartLen - Start->Offset, Upper); // 2) Delete any blocks between 'Start' and 'End' ssize_t i = d->Blocks.IndexOf(Start->Blk); if (i >= 0) { for (++i; d->Blocks[i] != End->Blk && i < (int)d->Blocks.Length(); ) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Blocks[i]; b->DoCase(NoTransaction, 0, -1, Upper); } } else { LAssert(0); if (Callback) Callback(false); return; } // 3) Delete any text up to the Cursor in the 'End' block End->Blk->DoCase(NoTransaction, 0, End->Offset, Upper); } // Update the screen d->Dirty = true; Invalidate(); if (Callback) Callback(true); } void LRichTextEdit::DoGoto(std::function Callback) { auto input = new LInput(this, "", LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_GOTO_LINE, "Goto line:"), "Text"); - input->DoModal([this, input, Callback](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) + input->DoModal([this, input, Callback](auto dlg, auto ok) { - if (ctrlId == IDOK) + if (ok) { - LString s = input->GetStr(); - int64 i = s.Int(); + auto i = input->GetStr().Int(); if (i >= 0) { SetLine((int)i); if (Callback) Callback(true); return; } } if (Callback) Callback(false); delete dlg; }); } LDocFindReplaceParams *LRichTextEdit::CreateFindReplaceParams() { return new LDocFindReplaceParams3; } void LRichTextEdit::SetFindReplaceParams(LDocFindReplaceParams *Params) { if (Params) { } } void LRichTextEdit::DoFindNext(std::function Callback) { if (Callback) Callback(false); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FIND void LRichTextEdit::DoFind(std::function Callback) { LArray Sel; if (HasSelection()) d->GetSelection(&Sel, NULL); LAutoString u(Sel.Length() ? WideToUtf8(&Sel.First()) : NULL); auto Dlg = new LFindDlg(this, [this](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) { return OnFind(dlg); }, u); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg, Callback](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) { if (Callback) Callback(ctrlId != IDCANCEL); Focus(true); delete dlg; }); } bool LRichTextEdit::OnFind(LFindReplaceCommon *Params) { if (!Params || !d->Cursor) { LAssert(0); return false; } LAutoPtr w((uint32_t*)LNewConvertCp("utf-32", Params->Find, "utf-8", Params->Find.Length())); ssize_t Idx = d->Blocks.IndexOf(d->Cursor->Blk); if (Idx < 0) { LAssert(0); return false; } for (unsigned n = 0; n < d->Blocks.Length(); n++) { ssize_t i = Idx + n; LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Blocks[i % d->Blocks.Length()]; ssize_t At = n ? 0 : d->Cursor->Offset; ssize_t Result = b->FindAt(At, w, Params); if (Result >= At) { ptrdiff_t Len = Strlen(w.Get()); AutoCursor Sel(new BlkCursor(b, Result, -1)); d->SetCursor(Sel, false); AutoCursor Cur(new BlkCursor(b, Result + Len, -1)); return d->SetCursor(Cur, true); } } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// REPLACE void LRichTextEdit::DoReplace(std::function Callback) { if (Callback) Callback(false); } bool LRichTextEdit::OnReplace(LFindReplaceCommon *Params) { return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void LRichTextEdit::SelectWord(size_t From) { int BlockIdx; ssize_t Start, End; LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->GetBlockByIndex(From, &Start, &BlockIdx); if (!b) return; LArray Txt; if (!b->CopyAt(0, b->Length(), &Txt)) return; End = Start; while (Start > 0 && !IsWordBreakChar(Txt[Start-1])) Start--; while ( End < b->Length() && ( End == Txt.Length() || !IsWordBreakChar(Txt[End]) ) ) End++; AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(b, Start, -1)); d->SetCursor(c); c.Reset(new BlkCursor(b, End, -1)); d->SetCursor(c, true); } bool LRichTextEdit::OnMultiLineTab(bool In) { return false; } void LRichTextEdit::OnSetHidden(int Hidden) { } void LRichTextEdit::OnPosChange() { static bool Processing = false; if (!Processing) { Processing = true; LLayout::OnPosChange(); // LRect c = GetClient(); Processing = false; } LLayout::OnPosChange(); } int LRichTextEdit::WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { Formats.SupportsFileDrops(); #ifdef WINDOWS Formats.Supports("UniformResourceLocatorW"); #endif return Formats.Length() ? DROPEFFECT_COPY : DROPEFFECT_NONE; } int LRichTextEdit::OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { int Effect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; for (unsigned i=0; iAreas[ContentArea].Overlap(Pt.x, Pt.y)) { int AddIndex = -1; LPoint TestPt( Pt.x - d->Areas[ContentArea].x1, Pt.y - d->Areas[ContentArea].y1); if (VScroll) TestPt.y += (int)(VScroll->Value() * d->ScrollLinePx); LDropFiles Df(dd); for (unsigned n=0; nHitTest(TestPt.x, TestPt.y, LineHint); if (Idx >= 0) { ssize_t BlkOffset; int BlkIdx; LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->GetBlockByIndex(Idx, &BlkOffset, &BlkIdx); if (b) { LRichTextPriv::Block *After = NULL; // Split 'b' to make room for the image if (BlkOffset > 0) { After = b->Split(NoTransaction, BlkOffset); AddIndex = BlkIdx+1; } else { // Insert before.. AddIndex = BlkIdx; } LRichTextPriv::ImageBlock *ImgBlk = new LRichTextPriv::ImageBlock(d); if (ImgBlk) { d->Blocks.AddAt(AddIndex++, ImgBlk); if (After) d->Blocks.AddAt(AddIndex++, After); ImgBlk->Load(f); Effect = DROPEFFECT_COPY; } } } } } } break; } } if (Effect != DROPEFFECT_NONE) { Invalidate(); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } return Effect; } void LRichTextEdit::OnCreate() { SetWindow(this); DropTarget(true); if (Focus()) SetPulse(RTE_PULSE_RATE); if (d->SpellCheck) d->SpellCheck->EnumLanguages(AddDispatch()); } void LRichTextEdit::OnEscape(LKey &K) { } bool LRichTextEdit::OnMouseWheel(double l) { if (VScroll) { VScroll->Value(VScroll->Value() + (int64)l); Invalidate(); } return true; } void LRichTextEdit::OnFocus(bool f) { Invalidate(); SetPulse(f ? RTE_PULSE_RATE : -1); } ssize_t LRichTextEdit::HitTest(int x, int y) { int Line = -1; return d->HitTest(x, y, Line); } void LRichTextEdit::Undo() { if (d->UndoPos > 0) d->SetUndoPos(d->UndoPos - 1); } void LRichTextEdit::Redo() { if (d->UndoPos < (int)d->UndoQue.Length()) d->SetUndoPos(d->UndoPos + 1); } #ifdef _DEBUG class NodeView : public LWindow { public: LTree *Tree; NodeView(LViewI *w) { LRect r(0, 0, 500, 600); SetPos(r); MoveSameScreen(w); Attach(0); if ((Tree = new LTree(100, 0, 0, 100, 100))) { Tree->SetPourLargest(true); Tree->Attach(this); } } }; #endif void LRichTextEdit::DoContextMenu(LMouse &m) { LMenuItem *i; LSubMenu RClick; LAutoString ClipText; { LClipBoard Clip(this); ClipText.Reset(NewStr(Clip.Text())); } LRichTextPriv::Block *Over = NULL; LRect &Content = d->Areas[ContentArea]; LPoint Doc = d->ScreenToDoc(m.x, m.y); ssize_t Offset = -1, BlkOffset = -1; if (Content.Overlap(m.x, m.y)) { int LineHint; Offset = d->HitTest(Doc.x, Doc.y, LineHint, &Over, &BlkOffset); } if (Over) Over->DoContext(RClick, Doc, BlkOffset, true); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_CUT, "Cut"), IDM_RTE_CUT, HasSelection()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_COPY, "Copy"), IDM_RTE_COPY, HasSelection()); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_PASTE, "Paste"), IDM_RTE_PASTE, ClipText != 0); RClick.AppendSeparator(); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_UNDO, "Undo"), IDM_RTE_UNDO, false /* UndoQue.CanUndo() */); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_REDO, "Redo"), IDM_RTE_REDO, false /* UndoQue.CanRedo() */); RClick.AppendSeparator(); #if 0 i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_FIXED, "Fixed Width Font"), IDM_FIXED, true); if (i) i->Checked(GetFixedWidthFont()); #endif i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_AUTO_INDENT, "Auto Indent"), IDM_AUTO_INDENT, true); if (i) i->Checked(AutoIndent); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_SHOW_WHITESPACE, "Show Whitespace"), IDM_SHOW_WHITE, true); if (i) i->Checked(ShowWhiteSpace); i = RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_HARD_TABS, "Hard Tabs"), IDM_HARD_TABS, true); if (i) i->Checked(HardTabs); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_INDENT_SIZE, "Indent Size"), IDM_INDENT_SIZE, true); RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(L_TEXTCTRL_TAB_SIZE, "Tab Size"), IDM_TAB_SIZE, true); LSubMenu *Src = RClick.AppendSub("Source"); if (Src) { Src->AppendItem("Copy Original", IDM_COPY_ORIGINAL, d->OriginalText.Get() != NULL); Src->AppendItem("Copy Current", IDM_COPY_CURRENT); #ifdef _DEBUG Src->AppendItem("Dump Nodes", IDM_DUMP_NODES); // Edit->DumpNodes(Tree); #endif } if (Over) { #ifdef _DEBUG // RClick.AppendItem(Over->GetClass(), -1, false); #endif Over->DoContext(RClick, Doc, BlkOffset, false); } if (Environment) Environment->AppendItems(&RClick, NULL); int Id = 0; m.ToScreen(); switch (Id = RClick.Float(this, m.x, m.y)) { case IDM_FIXED: { SetFixedWidthFont(!GetFixedWidthFont()); SendNotify(LNotifyFixedWidthChanged); break; } case IDM_RTE_CUT: { Cut(); break; } case IDM_RTE_COPY: { Copy(); break; } case IDM_RTE_PASTE: { Paste(); break; } case IDM_RTE_UNDO: { Undo(); break; } case IDM_RTE_REDO: { Redo(); break; } case IDM_AUTO_INDENT: { AutoIndent = !AutoIndent; break; } case IDM_SHOW_WHITE: { ShowWhiteSpace = !ShowWhiteSpace; Invalidate(); break; } case IDM_HARD_TABS: { HardTabs = !HardTabs; break; } case IDM_INDENT_SIZE: { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i", IndentSize); auto i = new LInput(this, s, "Indent Size:", "Text"); i->DoModal([this, i](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) { if (ctrlId == IDOK) { IndentSize = (uint8_t)i->GetStr().Int(); Invalidate(); } delete dlg; }); break; } case IDM_TAB_SIZE: { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i", TabSize); auto i = new LInput(this, s, "Tab Size:", "Text"); - i->DoModal([this, i](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) + i->DoModal([this, i](auto dlg, auto ok) { - if (ctrlId == IDOK) - { + if (ok) SetTabSize((uint8_t)i->GetStr().Int()); - Invalidate(); - } delete dlg; }); break; } case IDM_COPY_ORIGINAL: { LClipBoard c(this); c.Text(d->OriginalText); break; } case IDM_COPY_CURRENT: { LClipBoard c(this); c.Text(Name()); break; } case IDM_DUMP_NODES: { #ifdef _DEBUG NodeView *nv = new NodeView(GetWindow()); DumpNodes(nv->Tree); nv->Visible(true); #endif break; } default: { if (Over) { LMessage Cmd(M_COMMAND, Id); if (Over->OnEvent(&Cmd)) break; } if (Environment) Environment->OnMenu(this, Id, 0); break; } } } void LRichTextEdit::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { bool Processed = false; RectType Clicked = d->PosToButton(m); if (m.Down()) { Focus(true); if (m.IsContextMenu()) { DoContextMenu(m); return; } else { Focus(true); if (d->Areas[ToolsArea].Overlap(m.x, m.y) // || d->Areas[CapabilityArea].Overlap(m.x, m.y) ) { if (Clicked != MaxArea) { if (d->BtnState[Clicked].IsPress) { d->BtnState[d->ClickedBtn = Clicked].Pressed = true; Invalidate(d->Areas + Clicked); Capture(true); } else { Processed |= d->ClickBtn(m, Clicked); } } } else { d->WordSelectMode = !Processed && m.Double(); AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(NULL, 0, 0)); LPoint Doc = d->ScreenToDoc(m.x, m.y); ssize_t Idx = -1; if (d->CursorFromPos(Doc.x, Doc.y, &c, &Idx)) { d->ClickedBtn = ContentArea; d->SetCursor(c, m.Shift()); if (d->WordSelectMode) SelectWord(Idx); } } } } else if (IsCapturing()) { Capture(false); if (d->ClickedBtn != MaxArea) { d->BtnState[d->ClickedBtn].Pressed = false; Invalidate(d->Areas + d->ClickedBtn); Processed |= d->ClickBtn(m, Clicked); } d->ClickedBtn = MaxArea; } if (!Processed) { Capture(m.Down()); } } int LRichTextEdit::OnHitTest(int x, int y) { #ifdef WIN32 if (GetClient().Overlap(x, y)) { return HTCLIENT; } #endif return LView::OnHitTest(x, y); } void LRichTextEdit::OnMouseMove(LMouse &m) { LRichTextEdit::RectType OverBtn = d->PosToButton(m); if (d->OverBtn != OverBtn) { if (d->OverBtn < MaxArea) { d->BtnState[d->OverBtn].MouseOver = false; Invalidate(&d->Areas[d->OverBtn]); } d->OverBtn = OverBtn; if (d->OverBtn < MaxArea) { d->BtnState[d->OverBtn].MouseOver = true; Invalidate(&d->Areas[d->OverBtn]); } } if (IsCapturing()) { if (d->ClickedBtn == ContentArea) { AutoCursor c; LPoint Doc = d->ScreenToDoc(m.x, m.y); ssize_t Idx = -1; if (d->CursorFromPos(Doc.x, Doc.y, &c, &Idx) && c) { if (d->WordSelectMode && d->Selection) { // Extend the selection to include the whole word if (!d->CursorFirst()) { // Extend towards the end of the doc... LArray Txt; if (c->Blk->CopyAt(0, c->Blk->Length(), &Txt)) { while ( c->Offset < (int)Txt.Length() && !IsWordBreakChar(Txt[c->Offset]) ) c->Offset++; } } else { // Extend towards the start of the doc... LArray Txt; if (c->Blk->CopyAt(0, c->Blk->Length(), &Txt)) { while ( c->Offset > 0 && !IsWordBreakChar(Txt[c->Offset-1]) ) c->Offset--; } } } d->SetCursor(c, m.Left()); } } } #ifdef WIN32 LRect c = GetClient(); c.Offset(-c.x1, -c.y1); if (c.Overlap(m.x, m.y)) { /* LStyle *s = HitStyle(Hit); TCHAR *c = (s) ? s->GetCursor() : 0; if (!c) c = IDC_IBEAM; ::SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(c))); */ } #endif } bool LRichTextEdit::OnKey(LKey &k) { if (k.Down() && d->Cursor) d->Cursor->Blink = true; if (k.c16 == 17) return false; #ifdef WINDOWS // Wtf is this? // Weeeelll, windows likes to send a LK_TAB after a Ctrl+I doesn't it? // And this just takes care of that TAB before it can overwrite your // selection. if (ToLower(k.c16) == 'i' && k.Ctrl()) { d->EatVkeys.Add(LK_TAB); } else if (d->EatVkeys.Length()) { auto Idx = d->EatVkeys.IndexOf(k.vkey); if (Idx >= 0) { // Yum yum d->EatVkeys.DeleteAt(Idx); return true; } } #endif // k.Trace("LRichTextEdit::OnKey"); if (k.IsContextMenu()) { LMouse m; DoContextMenu(m); } else if (k.IsChar) { switch (k.vkey) { default: { // process single char input if ( !GetReadOnly() && ( (k.c16 >= ' ' || k.vkey == LK_TAB) && k.c16 != 127 ) ) { if (k.Down() && d->Cursor && d->Cursor->Blk) { // letter/number etc LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Cursor->Blk; AutoTrans Trans(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); d->DeleteSelection(Trans, NULL); LNamedStyle *AddStyle = NULL; if (d->StyleDirty.Length() > 0) { LAutoPtr Mod(new LCss); if (Mod) { // Get base styles at the cursor.. LNamedStyle *Base = b->GetStyle(d->Cursor->Offset); if (Base) *Mod = *Base; // Apply dirty toolbar styles... if (d->StyleDirty.HasItem(FontFamilyBtn)) Mod->FontFamily(LCss::StringsDef(d->Values[FontFamilyBtn].Str())); if (d->StyleDirty.HasItem(FontSizeBtn)) Mod->FontSize(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPt, (float) d->Values[FontSizeBtn].CastDouble())); if (d->StyleDirty.HasItem(BoldBtn)) Mod->FontWeight(d->Values[BoldBtn].CastInt32() ? LCss::FontWeightBold : LCss::FontWeightNormal); if (d->StyleDirty.HasItem(ItalicBtn)) Mod->FontStyle(d->Values[ItalicBtn].CastInt32() ? LCss::FontStyleItalic : LCss::FontStyleNormal); if (d->StyleDirty.HasItem(UnderlineBtn)) Mod->TextDecoration(d->Values[UnderlineBtn].CastInt32() ? LCss::TextDecorUnderline : LCss::TextDecorNone); if (d->StyleDirty.HasItem(ForegroundColourBtn)) Mod->Color(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorRgb, (uint32_t)d->Values[ForegroundColourBtn].CastInt64())); if (d->StyleDirty.HasItem(BackgroundColourBtn)) Mod->BackgroundColor(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorRgb, (uint32_t)d->Values[BackgroundColourBtn].CastInt64())); AddStyle = d->AddStyleToCache(Mod); } d->StyleDirty.Length(0); } else if (b->Length() == 0) { // We have no existing style to modify, so create one from scratch. LAutoPtr Mod(new LCss); if (Mod) { // Apply dirty toolbar styles... Mod->FontFamily(LCss::StringsDef(d->Values[FontFamilyBtn].Str())); Mod->FontSize(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPt, (float)d->Values[FontSizeBtn].CastDouble())); Mod->FontWeight(d->Values[BoldBtn].CastInt32() ? LCss::FontWeightBold : LCss::FontWeightNormal); Mod->FontStyle(d->Values[ItalicBtn].CastInt32() ? LCss::FontStyleItalic : LCss::FontStyleNormal); Mod->TextDecoration(d->Values[UnderlineBtn].CastInt32() ? LCss::TextDecorUnderline : LCss::TextDecorNone); Mod->Color(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorRgb, (uint32_t)d->Values[ForegroundColourBtn].CastInt64())); auto Bk = d->Values[BackgroundColourBtn].CastInt64(); if (Bk > 0) Mod->BackgroundColor(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorRgb, (uint32_t)Bk)); AddStyle = d->AddStyleToCache(Mod); } } uint32_t Ch = k.c16; if (b->AddText(Trans, d->Cursor->Offset, &Ch, 1, AddStyle)) { d->Cursor->Set(d->Cursor->Offset + 1); Invalidate(); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); d->AddTrans(Trans); } } return true; } break; } case LK_RETURN: { if (GetReadOnly()) break; if (k.Down() && k.IsChar) { OnEnter(k); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } return true; } case LK_BACKSPACE: { if (GetReadOnly()) break; bool Changed = false; AutoTrans Trans(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); if (k.Ctrl()) { // Ctrl+H } else if (k.Down()) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b; if (HasSelection()) { Changed = d->DeleteSelection(Trans, NULL); } else if (d->Cursor && (b = d->Cursor->Blk)) { if (d->Cursor->Offset > 0) { Changed = b->DeleteAt(Trans, d->Cursor->Offset-1, 1) > 0; if (Changed) { // Has block size reached 0? if (b->Length() == 0) { // Then delete it... LRichTextPriv::Block *n = d->Next(b); if (n) { d->Blocks.Delete(b, true); d->Cursor.Reset(new LRichTextPriv::BlockCursor(n, 0, 0)); } else { // No other block to go to, so leave this empty block at the end // of the documnent but set the cursor correctly. d->Cursor->Set(0); } } else { d->Cursor->Set(d->Cursor->Offset - 1); } } } else { // At the start of a block: LRichTextPriv::Block *Prev = d->Prev(d->Cursor->Blk); if (Prev) { // Try and merge the two blocks... ssize_t Len = Prev->Length(); d->Merge(Trans, Prev, d->Cursor->Blk); AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(Prev, Len, -1)); d->SetCursor(c); } else // at the start of the doc... { // Don't send the doc changed... return true; } } } } if (Changed) { Invalidate(); d->AddTrans(Trans); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } return true; } } } else // not a char { switch (k.vkey) { case LK_TAB: return true; case LK_RETURN: return !GetReadOnly(); case LK_BACKSPACE: { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Alt()) { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) Redo(); else Undo(); } } else if (k.Ctrl()) { if (k.Down()) { // Implement delete by word LAssert(!"Impl backspace by word"); } } return true; } break; } case LK_F3: { if (k.Down()) DoFindNext(NULL); return true; } case LK_LEFT: { #ifdef MAC if (k.Ctrl()) #else if (k.Alt()) #endif return false; if (k.Down()) { if (HasSelection() && !k.Shift()) { LRect r = d->SelectionRect(); Invalidate(&r); AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(d->CursorFirst() ? *d->Cursor : *d->Selection)); d->SetCursor(c); } else { #ifdef MAC if (k.System()) goto Jump_StartOfLine; else #endif d->Seek(d->Cursor, #ifdef MAC k.Alt() ? #else k.Ctrl() ? #endif LRichTextPriv::SkLeftWord : LRichTextPriv::SkLeftChar, k.Shift()); } } return true; } case LK_RIGHT: { #ifdef MAC if (k.Ctrl()) #else if (k.Alt()) #endif return false; if (k.Down()) { if (HasSelection() && !k.Shift()) { LRect r = d->SelectionRect(); Invalidate(&r); AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(d->CursorFirst() ? *d->Selection : *d->Cursor)); d->SetCursor(c); } else { #ifdef MAC if (k.System()) goto Jump_EndOfLine; #endif d->Seek(d->Cursor, #ifdef MAC k.Alt() ? #else k.Ctrl() ? #endif LRichTextPriv::SkRightWord : LRichTextPriv::SkRightChar, k.Shift()); } } return true; } case LK_UP: { if (k.Alt()) return false; if (k.Down()) { #ifdef MAC if (k.Ctrl()) goto GTextView4_PageUp; #endif d->Seek(d->Cursor, LRichTextPriv::SkUpLine, k.Shift()); } return true; } case LK_DOWN: { if (k.Alt()) return false; if (k.Down()) { #ifdef MAC if (k.Ctrl()) goto GTextView4_PageDown; #endif d->Seek(d->Cursor, LRichTextPriv::SkDownLine, k.Shift()); } return true; } case LK_END: { if (k.Down()) { #ifdef MAC if (!k.Ctrl()) Jump_EndOfLine: #endif d->Seek(d->Cursor, k.Ctrl() ? LRichTextPriv::SkDocEnd : LRichTextPriv::SkLineEnd, k.Shift()); } return true; } case LK_HOME: { if (k.Down()) { #ifdef MAC if (!k.Ctrl()) Jump_StartOfLine: #endif d->Seek(d->Cursor, k.Ctrl() ? LRichTextPriv::SkDocStart : LRichTextPriv::SkLineStart, k.Shift()); } return true; } case LK_PAGEUP: { #ifdef MAC GTextView4_PageUp: #endif if (k.Down()) { d->Seek(d->Cursor, LRichTextPriv::SkUpPage, k.Shift()); } return true; break; } case LK_PAGEDOWN: { #ifdef MAC GTextView4_PageDown: #endif if (k.Down()) { d->Seek(d->Cursor, LRichTextPriv::SkDownPage, k.Shift()); } return true; break; } case LK_INSERT: { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Ctrl()) { Copy(); } else if (k.Shift()) { if (!GetReadOnly()) { Paste(); } } } return true; break; } case LK_DELETE: { if (GetReadOnly()) break; if (!k.Down()) return true; bool Changed = false; LRichTextPriv::Block *b; AutoTrans Trans(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); if (HasSelection()) { if (k.Shift()) Changed |= Cut(); else Changed |= d->DeleteSelection(Trans, NULL); } else if (d->Cursor && (b = d->Cursor->Blk)) { if (d->Cursor->Offset >= b->Length()) { // Cursor is at the end of this block, pull the styles // from the next block into this one. LRichTextPriv::Block *next = d->Next(b); if (!next) { // No next block, therefor nothing to delete break; } // Try and merge the blocks if (d->Merge(Trans, b, next)) Changed = true; else { // If the cursor is on the last empty line of a text block, // we should delete that '\n' first LRichTextPriv::TextBlock *tb = dynamic_cast(b); if (tb && tb->IsEmptyLine(d->Cursor)) Changed = tb->StripLast(Trans); // move the cursor to the next block d->Cursor.Reset(new LRichTextPriv::BlockCursor(b = next, 0, 0)); } } if (!Changed && b->DeleteAt(Trans, d->Cursor->Offset, 1)) { if (b->Length() == 0) { LRichTextPriv::Block *n = d->Next(b); if (n) { d->Blocks.Delete(b, true); d->Cursor.Reset(new LRichTextPriv::BlockCursor(n, 0, 0)); } } Changed = true; } } if (Changed) { Invalidate(); d->AddTrans(Trans); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } return true; } default: { if (k.c16 == 17) break; if (k.c16 == ' ' && k.Ctrl() && k.Alt() && d->Cursor && d->Cursor->Blk) { if (k.Down()) { // letter/number etc LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Cursor->Blk; uint32_t Nbsp[] = {0xa0}; if (b->AddText(NoTransaction, d->Cursor->Offset, Nbsp, 1)) { d->Cursor->Set(d->Cursor->Offset + 1); Invalidate(); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } } break; } if (k.CtrlCmd() && !k.Alt()) { switch (k.GetChar()) { case 0xbd: // Ctrl+'-' { /* if (k.Down() && Font->PointSize() > 1) { Font->PointSize(Font->PointSize() - 1); OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } */ break; } case 0xbb: // Ctrl+'+' { /* if (k.Down() && Font->PointSize() < 100) { Font->PointSize(Font->PointSize() + 1); OnFontChange(); Invalidate(); } */ break; } case 'a': case 'A': { if (k.Down()) { // select all SelectAll(); } return true; break; } case 'b': case 'B': { if (k.Down()) { // Bold selection LMouse m; GetMouse(m); d->ClickBtn(m, BoldBtn); } return true; break; } case 'l': case 'L': { if (k.Down()) { // Underline selection LMouse m; GetMouse(m); d->ClickBtn(m, UnderlineBtn); } return true; break; } case 'i': case 'I': { if (k.Down()) { // Italic selection LMouse m; GetMouse(m); d->ClickBtn(m, ItalicBtn); } return true; break; } case 'y': case 'Y': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Redo(); } return true; } break; } case 'z': case 'Z': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { if (k.Shift()) { Redo(); } else { Undo(); } } return true; } break; } case 'x': case 'X': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Cut(); } return true; } break; } case 'c': case 'C': { if (k.Shift()) return false; if (k.Down()) Copy(); return true; break; } case 'v': case 'V': { if (!k.Shift() && !GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) { Paste(); } return true; } break; } case 'f': { if (k.Down()) DoFind(NULL); return true; } case 'g': case 'G': { if (k.Down()) DoGoto(NULL); return true; break; } case 'h': case 'H': { if (k.Down()) DoReplace(NULL); return true; break; } case 'u': case 'U': { if (!GetReadOnly()) { if (k.Down()) DoCase(NULL, k.Shift()); return true; } break; } case LK_RETURN: { if (!GetReadOnly() && !k.Shift()) { if (k.Down()) { OnEnter(k); } return true; } break; } } } break; } } } return false; } void LRichTextEdit::OnEnter(LKey &k) { AutoTrans Trans(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); // Enter key handling bool Changed = false; if (HasSelection()) Changed |= d->DeleteSelection(Trans, NULL); if (d->Cursor && d->Cursor->Blk) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = d->Cursor->Blk; const uint32_t Nl[] = {'\n'}; if (b->AddText(Trans, d->Cursor->Offset, Nl, 1)) { d->Cursor->Set(d->Cursor->Offset + 1); Changed = true; } else { // Some blocks don't take text. However a new block can be created or // the text added to the start of the next block if (d->Cursor->Offset == 0) { LRichTextPriv::Block *Prev = d->Prev(b); if (Prev) Changed = Prev->AddText(Trans, Prev->Length(), Nl, 1); else // No previous... must by first block... create new block: { LRichTextPriv::TextBlock *tb = new LRichTextPriv::TextBlock(d); if (tb) { Changed = true; // tb->AddText(Trans, 0, Nl, 1); d->Blocks.AddAt(0, tb); } } } else if (d->Cursor->Offset == b->Length()) { LRichTextPriv::Block *Next = d->Next(b); if (Next) { if ((Changed = Next->AddText(Trans, 0, Nl, 1))) d->Cursor->Set(Next, 0, -1); } else // No next block. Create one: { LRichTextPriv::TextBlock *tb = new LRichTextPriv::TextBlock(d); if (tb) { Changed = true; // tb->AddText(Trans, 0, Nl, 1); d->Blocks.Add(tb); } } } } } if (Changed) { Invalidate(); d->AddTrans(Trans); SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); } } void LRichTextEdit::OnPaintLeftMargin(LSurface *pDC, LRect &r, LColour &colour) { pDC->Colour(colour); pDC->Rectangle(&r); } void LRichTextEdit::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LRect r = GetClient(); if (!r.Valid()) return; #if 0 pDC->Colour(LColour(255, 0, 255)); pDC->Rectangle(); #endif int FontY = GetFont()->GetHeight(); LCssTools ct(d, d->Font); r = ct.PaintBorder(pDC, r); bool HasSpace = r.Y() > (FontY * 3); if (d->ShowTools && HasSpace) { d->Areas[ToolsArea] = r; d->Areas[ToolsArea].y2 = d->Areas[ToolsArea].y1 + (FontY + 8) - 1; r.y1 = d->Areas[ToolsArea].y2 + 1; } else { d->Areas[ToolsArea].ZOff(-1, -1); } d->Areas[ContentArea] = r; if (d->Layout(VScroll)) d->Paint(pDC, VScroll); // else the scroll bars changed, wait for re-paint } LMessage::Result LRichTextEdit::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { case M_CUT: { Cut(); break; } case M_COPY: { Copy(); break; } case M_PASTE: { Paste(); break; } case M_BLOCK_MSG: { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = (LRichTextPriv::Block*)Msg->A(); LAutoPtr msg((LMessage*)Msg->B()); if (d->Blocks.HasItem(b) && msg) { b->OnEvent(msg); } else printf("%s:%i - No block to receive M_BLOCK_MSG.\n", _FL); break; } case M_ENUMERATE_LANGUAGES: { LAutoPtr< LArray > Languages((LArray*)Msg->A()); if (!Languages) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - M_ENUMERATE_LANGUAGES no param\n", _FL); break; } // LgiTrace("%s:%i - Got M_ENUMERATE_LANGUAGES %s\n", _FL, d->SpellLang.Get()); bool Match = false; for (auto &s: *Languages) { if (s.LangCode.Equals(d->SpellLang) || s.EnglishName.Equals(d->SpellLang)) { // LgiTrace("%s:%i - EnumDict called %s\n", _FL, s.LangCode.Get()); d->SpellCheck->EnumDictionaries(AddDispatch(), s.LangCode); Match = true; break; } } if (!Match) LgiTrace("%s:%i - EnumDict not called %s\n", _FL, d->SpellLang.Get()); break; } case M_ENUMERATE_DICTIONARIES: { LAutoPtr< LArray > Dictionaries((LArray*)Msg->A()); if (!Dictionaries) break; bool Match = false; for (auto &s: *Dictionaries) { // LgiTrace("%s:%i - M_ENUMERATE_DICTIONARIES: %s, %s\n", _FL, s.Dict.Get(), d->SpellDict.Get()); if (s.Dict.Equals(d->SpellDict)) { d->SpellCheck->SetDictionary(AddDispatch(), s.Lang, s.Dict); Match = true; break; } } if (!Match) d->SpellCheck->SetDictionary(AddDispatch(), d->SpellLang, NULL); break; } case M_SET_DICTIONARY: { d->SpellDictionaryLoaded = Msg->A() != 0; // LgiTrace("%s:%i - M_SET_DICTIONARY=%i\n", _FL, d->SpellDictionaryLoaded); if (d->SpellDictionaryLoaded) { AutoTrans Trans(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); // Get any loaded text blocks to check their spelling bool Status = false; for (unsigned i=0; iBlocks.Length(); i++) { Status |= d->Blocks[i]->OnDictionary(Trans); } if (Status) d->AddTrans(Trans); } break; } case M_CHECK_TEXT: { LAutoPtr Ct((LSpellCheck::CheckText*)Msg->A()); if (!Ct || Ct->User.Length() > 1) { LAssert(0); break; } LRichTextPriv::Block *b = (LRichTextPriv::Block*)Ct->User[SpellBlockPtr].CastVoidPtr(); if (!d->Blocks.HasItem(b)) break; b->SetSpellingErrors(Ct->Errors, *Ct); Invalidate(); break; } #if defined WIN32 case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: { return 0 /*Size*/; } case WM_GETTEXT: { int Chars = (int)Msg->A(); char *Out = (char*)Msg->B(); if (Out) { char *In = (char*)LNewConvertCp(LAnsiToLgiCp(), NameW(), LGI_WideCharset, Chars); if (In) { int Len = (int)strlen(In); memcpy(Out, In, Len); DeleteArray(In); return Len; } } return 0; } case M_COMPONENT_INSTALLED: { LAutoPtr Comp((LString*)Msg->A()); if (Comp) d->OnComponentInstall(*Comp); break; } /* This is broken... the IME returns garbage in the buffer. :( case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: { if (Msg->b & GCS_RESULTSTR) { HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(Handle()); if (hIMC) { int Size = ImmGetCompositionString(hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, NULL, 0); char *Buf = new char[Size]; if (Buf) { ImmGetCompositionString(hIMC, GCS_RESULTSTR, Buf, Size); char16 *Utf = (char16*)LNewConvertCp(LGI_WideCharset, Buf, LAnsiToLgiCp(), Size); if (Utf) { Insert(Cursor, Utf, StrlenW(Utf)); DeleteArray(Utf); } DeleteArray(Buf); } ImmReleaseContext(Handle(), hIMC); } return 0; } break; } */ #endif } return LLayout::OnEvent(Msg); } int LRichTextEdit::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (Ctrl->GetId() == IDC_VSCROLL && VScroll) { Invalidate(d->Areas + ContentArea); } return 0; } void LRichTextEdit::OnPulse() { if (!ReadOnly && d->Cursor) { uint64 n = LCurrentTime(); if (d->BlinkTs - n >= RTE_CURSOR_BLINK_RATE) { d->BlinkTs = n; d->Cursor->Blink = !d->Cursor->Blink; d->InvalidateDoc(&d->Cursor->Pos); } // Do autoscroll while the user has clicked and dragged off the control: if (VScroll && IsCapturing() && d->ClickedBtn == LRichTextEdit::ContentArea) { LMouse m; GetMouse(m); // Is the mouse outside the content window LRect &r = d->Areas[ContentArea]; if (!r.Overlap(m.x, m.y)) { AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(NULL, 0, 0)); LPoint Doc = d->ScreenToDoc(m.x, m.y); ssize_t Idx = -1; if (d->CursorFromPos(Doc.x, Doc.y, &c, &Idx)) { d->SetCursor(c, true); if (d->WordSelectMode) SelectWord(Idx); } // Update the screen. d->InvalidateDoc(NULL); } } } } void LRichTextEdit::OnUrl(char *Url) { if (Environment) { Environment->OnNavigate(this, Url); } } bool LRichTextEdit::OnLayout(LViewLayoutInfo &Inf) { Inf.Width.Min = 32; Inf.Width.Max = -1; // Inf.Height.Min = (Font ? Font->GetHeight() : 18) + 4; Inf.Height.Max = -1; return true; } #if _DEBUG void LRichTextEdit::SelectNode(LString Param) { LRichTextPriv::Block *b = (LRichTextPriv::Block*) Param.Int(16); bool Valid = false; for (auto i : d->Blocks) { if (i == b) Valid = true; i->DrawDebug = false; } if (Valid) { b->DrawDebug = true; Invalidate(); } } void LRichTextEdit::DumpNodes(LTree *Root) { d->DumpNodes(Root); } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SelectColour::SelectColour(LRichTextPriv *priv, LPoint p, LRichTextEdit::RectType t) : LPopup(priv->View) { d = priv; Type = t; int Px = 16; int PxSp = Px + 2; int x = 6; int y = 6; // Do grey ramp for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { Entry &en = e.New(); int Grey = i * 255 / 7; en.r.ZOff(Px-1, Px-1); en.r.Offset(x + (i * PxSp), y); en.c.Rgb(Grey, Grey, Grey); } // Do colours y += PxSp + 4; int SatRange = 255 - 64; int SatStart = 255 - 32; int HueStep = 360 / 8; for (int sat=0; sat<8; sat++) { for (int hue=0; hue<8; hue++) { LColour c; c.SetHLS(hue * HueStep, SatStart - ((sat * SatRange) / 7), 255); c.ToRGB(); Entry &en = e.New(); en.r.ZOff(Px-1, Px-1); en.r.Offset(x + (hue * PxSp), y); en.c = c; } y += PxSp; } SetParent(d->View); LRect r(0, 0, 12 + (8 * PxSp) - 1, y + 6 - 1); r.Offset(p.x, p.y); SetPos(r); Visible(true); } void SelectColour::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { pDC->Colour(L_MED); pDC->Rectangle(); for (unsigned i=0; iColour(e[i].c); pDC->Rectangle(&e[i].r); } } void SelectColour::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down()) { for (unsigned i=0; iValues[Type] = (int64)e[i].c.c32(); d->View->Invalidate(d->Areas + Type); d->OnStyleChange(Type); Visible(false); break; } } } } void SelectColour::Visible(bool i) { LPopup::Visible(i); if (!i) { d->View->Focus(true); delete this; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define EMOJI_PAD 2 #include "lgi/common/Emoji.h" int EmojiMenu::Cur = 0; EmojiMenu::EmojiMenu(LRichTextPriv *priv, LPoint p) : LPopup(priv->View) { d = priv; d->GetEmojiImage(); int MaxIdx = 0; LHashTbl, int> Map; for (int b=0; b= 0) { Map.Add(Emoji.Index, u); MaxIdx = MAX(MaxIdx, Emoji.Index); } } } int Sz = EMOJI_CELL_SIZE - 1; int PaneCount = 5; int PaneSz = (int)(Map.Length() / PaneCount); int ImgIdx = 0; int PaneSelectSz = LSysFont->GetHeight() * 2; int Rows = (PaneSz + EMOJI_GROUP_X - 1) / EMOJI_GROUP_X; LRect r(0, 0, (EMOJI_CELL_SIZE + EMOJI_PAD) * EMOJI_GROUP_X + EMOJI_PAD, (EMOJI_CELL_SIZE + EMOJI_PAD) * Rows + EMOJI_PAD + PaneSelectSz); r.Offset(p.x, p.y); SetPos(r); for (int pi = 0; pi < PaneCount; pi++) { Pane &p = Panes[pi]; int Wid = X() - (EMOJI_PAD*2); p.Btn.x1 = EMOJI_PAD + (pi * Wid / PaneCount); p.Btn.y1 = EMOJI_PAD; p.Btn.x2 = EMOJI_PAD + ((pi + 1) * Wid / PaneCount) - 1; p.Btn.y2 = EMOJI_PAD + PaneSelectSz; int Dx = EMOJI_PAD; int Dy = p.Btn.y2 + 1; while ((int)p.e.Length() < PaneSz && ImgIdx <= MaxIdx) { uint32_t u = Map.Find(ImgIdx); if (u) { Emoji &Ch = p.e.New(); Ch.u = u; int Sx = ImgIdx % EMOJI_GROUP_X; int Sy = ImgIdx / EMOJI_GROUP_X; Ch.Src.ZOff(Sz, Sz); Ch.Src.Offset(Sx * EMOJI_CELL_SIZE, Sy * EMOJI_CELL_SIZE); Ch.Dst.ZOff(Sz, Sz); Ch.Dst.Offset(Dx, Dy); Dx += EMOJI_PAD + EMOJI_CELL_SIZE; if (Dx + EMOJI_PAD + EMOJI_CELL_SIZE >= r.X()) { Dx = EMOJI_PAD; Dy += EMOJI_PAD + EMOJI_CELL_SIZE; } } ImgIdx++; } } SetParent(d->View); Visible(true); } void EmojiMenu::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LAutoPtr DblBuf; if (!pDC->SupportsAlphaCompositing()) DblBuf.Reset(new LDoubleBuffer(pDC)); pDC->Colour(L_MED); pDC->Rectangle(); LSurface *EmojiImg = d->GetEmojiImage(); if (EmojiImg) { pDC->Op(GDC_ALPHA); for (unsigned i=0; iColour(L_LIGHT); pDC->Rectangle(&p.Btn); } LSysFont->Fore(L_TEXT); LSysFont->Transparent(true); Ds.Draw(pDC, p.Btn.x1 + ((p.Btn.X()-Ds.X())>>1), p.Btn.y1 + ((p.Btn.Y()-Ds.Y())>>1)); } Pane &p = Panes[Cur]; for (unsigned i=0; iBlt(g.Dst.x1, g.Dst.y1, EmojiImg, &g.Src); } } else { LRect c = GetClient(); LDisplayString Ds(LSysFont, "Loading..."); LSysFont->Colour(L_TEXT, L_MED); LSysFont->Transparent(true); Ds.Draw(pDC, (c.X()-Ds.X())>>1, (c.Y()-Ds.Y())>>1); } } bool EmojiMenu::InsertEmoji(uint32_t Ch) { if (!d->Cursor || !d->Cursor->Blk) return false; AutoTrans Trans(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); if (!d->Cursor->Blk->AddText(NoTransaction, d->Cursor->Offset, &Ch, 1, NULL)) return false; AutoCursor c(new BlkCursor(*d->Cursor)); c->Offset++; d->SetCursor(c); d->AddTrans(Trans); d->Dirty = true; d->InvalidateDoc(NULL); d->View->SendNotify(LNotifyDocChanged); return true; } void EmojiMenu::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down()) { for (unsigned i=0; iView->Focus(true); delete this; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LRichTextEdit_Factory : public LViewFactory { LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (_stricmp(Class, "LRichTextEdit") == 0) { return new LRichTextEdit(-1, 0, 0, 2000, 2000); } return 0; } } RichTextEdit_Factory; diff --git a/src/common/Widgets/Editor/TextBlock.cpp b/src/common/Widgets/Editor/TextBlock.cpp --- a/src/common/Widgets/Editor/TextBlock.cpp +++ b/src/common/Widgets/Editor/TextBlock.cpp @@ -1,2616 +1,2627 @@ #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "lgi/common/RichTextEdit.h" #include "RichTextEditPriv.h" #include "lgi/common/Emoji.h" #include "lgi/common/DocView.h" #include "lgi/common/Menu.h" #include "lgi/common/GdcTools.h" #define DEBUG_LAYOUT 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRichTextPriv::StyleText::StyleText(const StyleText *St) { Emoji = St->Emoji; Style = NULL; Element = St->Element; Param = St->Param; if (St->Style) SetStyle(St->Style); Add((uint32_t*)&St->ItemAt(0), St->Length()); } LRichTextPriv::StyleText::StyleText(const uint32_t *t, ssize_t Chars, LNamedStyle *style) { Emoji = false; Style = NULL; Element = CONTENT; if (style) SetStyle(style); if (t) { if (Chars < 0) Chars = Strlen(t); Add((uint32_t*)t, (int)Chars); } } uint32_t *LRichTextPriv::StyleText::At(ssize_t i) { if (i >= 0 && i < (int)Length()) return &(*this)[i]; LAssert(0); return NULL; } LNamedStyle *LRichTextPriv::StyleText::GetStyle() { return Style; } void LRichTextPriv::StyleText::SetStyle(LNamedStyle *s) { if (Style != s) { Style = s; Colours.Empty(); if (Style) { LCss::ColorDef c = Style->Color(); if (c.Type == LCss::ColorRgb) Colours.Fore.Set(c.Rgb32, 32); c = Style->BackgroundColor(); if (c.Type == LCss::ColorRgb) Colours.Back.Set(c.Rgb32, 32); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRichTextPriv::EmojiDisplayStr::EmojiDisplayStr(StyleText *src, LSurface *img, LCss::Len &fntSize, const uint32_t *s, ssize_t l) : DisplayStr(src, NULL, s, l) { Img = img; #if defined(_MSC_VER) Utf32.Add(s, l); uint32_t *u = &Utf32[0]; #else LAssert(sizeof(char16) == 4); uint32_t *u = (uint32_t*)Wide; Chars = Strlen(u); #endif CharPx = EMOJI_CELL_SIZE; Size = fntSize; if (Size.IsValid()) { int Px = Size.ToPx(); if (Px > 0) CharPx = (int)(Px / 0.8); } for (int i=0; i= 0); if (Emoji.Index >= 0) { int x = Emoji.Index % EMOJI_GROUP_X; int y = Emoji.Index / EMOJI_GROUP_X; LRect &rc = SrcRect[i]; rc.ZOff(EMOJI_CELL_SIZE-1, EMOJI_CELL_SIZE-1); rc.Offset(x * EMOJI_CELL_SIZE, y * EMOJI_CELL_SIZE); i += Emoji.Size; } else { LAssert(!"Not an emoji."); break; } } x = (int)SrcRect.Length() * CharPx; y = CharPx; xf = IntToFixed(x); yf = IntToFixed(y); } LAutoPtr LRichTextPriv::EmojiDisplayStr::Clone(ssize_t Start, ssize_t Len) { if (Len < 0) Len = Chars - Start; #if defined(_MSC_VER) LAssert( Start >= 0 && Start < (int)Utf32.Length() && Start + Len <= (int)Utf32.Length()); #endif LAutoPtr s(new EmojiDisplayStr(Src, Img, Size, #if defined(_MSC_VER) &Utf32[Start] #else (uint32_t*)(const char16*)(*this) #endif , Len)); return s; } void LRichTextPriv::EmojiDisplayStr::Paint(LSurface *pDC, int &FixX, int FixY, LColour &Back) { LRect f(0, 0, x-1, y-1); f.Offset(FixedToInt(FixX), FixedToInt(FixY)); pDC->Colour(Back); pDC->Rectangle(&f); int Op = pDC->Op(GDC_ALPHA); for (unsigned i=0; iBlt(f.x1, f.y1, &mem); } else { pDC->Blt(f.x1, f.y1, Img, &SrcRect[i]); } f.x1 += CharPx; FixX += IntToFixed(CharPx); } pDC->Op(Op); } double LRichTextPriv::EmojiDisplayStr::GetAscent() { return CharPx * 0.8; } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::EmojiDisplayStr::PosToIndex(int XPos, bool Nearest) { if (XPos >= (int)x) return Chars; if (XPos <= 0) return 0; return (XPos + (Nearest ? CharPx >> 1 : 0)) / CharPx; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRichTextPriv::TextLine::TextLine(int XOffsetPx, int WidthPx, int YOffsetPx) { NewLine = 0; PosOff.ZOff(0, 0); PosOff.Offset(XOffsetPx, YOffsetPx); } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::TextLine::Length() { ssize_t Len = NewLine; for (unsigned i=0; iChars; return Len; } /// This runs after the layout line has been filled with display strings. /// It measures the line and works out the right offsets for each strings /// so that their baselines all match up correctly. void LRichTextPriv::TextLine::LayoutOffsets(int DefaultFontHt) { double BaseLine = 0.0; int HtPx = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iGetAscent(); BaseLine = MAX(BaseLine, Ascent); HtPx = MAX(HtPx, ds->Y()); } if (Strs.Length() == 0) HtPx = DefaultFontHt; else LAssert(HtPx > 0); for (unsigned i=0; iGetAscent(); if (Ascent > 0.0) ds->OffsetY = (int)(BaseLine - Ascent); LAssert(ds->OffsetY >= 0); HtPx = MAX(HtPx, ds->OffsetY+ds->Y()); } PosOff.y2 = PosOff.y1 + HtPx - 1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::TextBlock(LRichTextPriv *priv) : Block(priv) { LayoutDirty = false; Len = 0; Pos.ZOff(-1, -1); Style = NULL; Fnt = NULL; ClickErrIdx = -1; Margin.ZOff(0, 0); Border.ZOff(0, 0); Padding.ZOff(0, 0); } LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::TextBlock(const TextBlock *Copy) : Block(Copy) { LayoutDirty = true; Len = Copy->Len; Pos = Copy->Pos; Style = Copy->Style; Fnt = Copy->Fnt; Margin = Copy->Margin; Border = Copy->Border; Padding = Copy->Padding; for (unsigned i=0; iTxt.Length(); i++) { Txt.Add(new StyleText(Copy->Txt.ItemAt(i))); } } LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::~TextBlock() { LAssert(Cursors == 0); Txt.DeleteObjects(); } void LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::Dump() { LgiTrace(" Txt.Len=%i, margin=%s, border=%s, padding=%s\n", Txt.Length(), Margin.GetStr(), Border.GetStr(), Padding.GetStr()); for (unsigned i=0; iLength() ? #ifndef WINDOWS (char16*) #endif t->At(0) : NULL, t->Length()); s = s.Strip(); LgiTrace(" %p: style=%p/%s, len=%i\n", t, t->GetStyle(), t->GetStyle() ? t->GetStyle()->Name.Get() : NULL, t->Length()); } } LNamedStyle *LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::GetStyle(ssize_t At) { if (At >= 0) { LArray t; if (GetTextAt(At, t)) return t[0]->GetStyle(); } return Style; } void LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::SetStyle(LNamedStyle *s) { if ((Style = s)) { Fnt = d->GetFont(s); LayoutDirty = true; LAssert(Fnt != NULL); Margin.x1 = Style->MarginLeft().ToPx(Pos.X(), Fnt); Margin.y1 = Style->MarginTop().ToPx(Pos.Y(), Fnt); Margin.x2 = Style->MarginRight().ToPx(Pos.X(), Fnt); Margin.y2 = Style->MarginBottom().ToPx(Pos.Y(), Fnt); Border.x1 = Style->BorderLeft().ToPx(Pos.X(), Fnt); Border.y1 = Style->BorderTop().ToPx(Pos.Y(), Fnt); Border.x2 = Style->BorderRight().ToPx(Pos.X(), Fnt); Border.y2 = Style->BorderBottom().ToPx(Pos.Y(), Fnt); Padding.x1 = Style->PaddingLeft().ToPx(Pos.X(), Fnt); Padding.y1 = Style->PaddingTop().ToPx(Pos.Y(), Fnt); Padding.x2 = Style->PaddingRight().ToPx(Pos.X(), Fnt); Padding.y2 = Style->PaddingBottom().ToPx(Pos.Y(), Fnt); } } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::Length() { return Len; } HtmlTag IsDefaultStyle(HtmlTag Id, LCss *Css) { if (!Css) return CONTENT; if (Css->Length() == 2) { LCss::ColorDef c = Css->Color(); if ((LColour)c != LColour::Blue) return CONTENT; LCss::TextDecorType td = Css->TextDecoration(); if (td != LCss::TextDecorUnderline) return CONTENT; return TAG_A; } else if (Css->Length() == 1) { LCss::FontWeightType fw = Css->FontWeight(); if (fw == LCss::FontWeightBold || fw == LCss::FontWeightBolder || fw >= LCss::FontWeight700) return TAG_B; LCss::TextDecorType td = Css->TextDecoration(); if (td == LCss::TextDecorUnderline) return TAG_U; LCss::FontStyleType fs = Css->FontStyle(); if (fs == LCss::FontStyleItalic) return TAG_I; } return CONTENT; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::ToHtml(LStream &s, LArray *Media, LRange *Rng) { s.Print("

"); LRange All(0, Length()); if (!Rng) Rng = &All; size_t Pos = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iGetStyle(); ssize_t tlen = t->Length(); if (!tlen) continue; LRange TxtRange(Pos, tlen); LRange Common = TxtRange.Overlap(*Rng); if (Common.Valid()) { LString utf( #ifndef WINDOWS (char16*) #endif t->At(Common.Start - Pos), Common.Len); char *str = utf; const char *ElemName = NULL; if (t->Element != CONTENT) { LHtmlElemInfo *e = d->Inst.Static->GetTagInfo(t->Element); if (!e) return false; ElemName = e->Tag; if (style) { HtmlTag tag = IsDefaultStyle(t->Element, style); if (tag == t->Element) style = NULL; } } else { HtmlTag tag = IsDefaultStyle(t->Element, style); if (tag != CONTENT) { LHtmlElemInfo *e = d->Inst.Static->GetTagInfo(tag); if (e) { ElemName = e->Tag; style = NULL; } } } if (style && !ElemName) ElemName = "span"; if (ElemName) s.Print("<%s", ElemName); if (style) s.Print(" class='%s'", style->Name.Get()); if (t->Element == TAG_A && t->Param) s.Print(" href='%s'", t->Param.Get()); if (ElemName) s.Print(">"); // Encode entities... LUtf8Ptr last(str); LUtf8Ptr cur(str); LUtf8Ptr end(str + utf.Length()); while (cur < end) { int32 ch = cur; switch (ch) { case '<': s.Print("%.*s<", cur - last, last.GetPtr()); last = ++cur; break; case '>': s.Print("%.*s>", cur - last, last.GetPtr()); last = ++cur; break; case '\n': s.Print("%.*s
\n", cur - last, last.GetPtr()); last = ++cur; break; case '&': s.Print("%.*s&", cur - last, last.GetPtr()); last = ++cur; break; case 0xa0: s.Print("%.*s ", cur - last, last.GetPtr()); last = ++cur; break; default: cur++; break; } } s.Print("%.*s", cur - last, last.GetPtr()); if (ElemName) s.Print("", ElemName); } Pos += tlen; } s.Print("

\n"); return true; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::GetPosFromIndex(BlockCursor *Cursor) { if (!Cursor) return d->Error(_FL, "No cursor param."); if (LayoutDirty) { Cursor->Pos.ZOff(-1, -1); // This is valid behaviour... need to // wait for layout before getting cursor // position. return false; } ssize_t CharPos = 0; int LastY = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iPosOff; r.Offset(Pos.x1, Pos.y1); int FixX = 0; for (unsigned n=0; nStrs.Length(); n++) { DisplayStr *ds = tl->Strs[n]; ssize_t dsChars = ds->Chars; if ( Cursor->Offset >= CharPos && Cursor->Offset <= CharPos + dsChars && ( Cursor->LineHint < 0 || Cursor->LineHint == i ) ) { ssize_t CharOffset = Cursor->Offset - CharPos; if (CharOffset == 0) { // First char Cursor->Pos.x1 = r.x1 + FixedToInt(FixX); } else if (CharOffset == dsChars) { // Last char Cursor->Pos.x1 = r.x1 + FixedToInt(FixX + ds->FX()); } else { // In the middle somewhere... LAutoPtr Tmp = ds->Clone(0, CharOffset); // LDisplayString Tmp(ds->GetFont(), *ds, CharOffset); if (Tmp) Cursor->Pos.x1 = r.x1 + FixedToInt(FixX + Tmp->FX()); } Cursor->Pos.y1 = r.y1 + ds->OffsetY; Cursor->Pos.y2 = Cursor->Pos.y1 + ds->Y() - 1; Cursor->Pos.x2 = Cursor->Pos.x1 + 1; Cursor->Line.Set(Pos.x1, r.y1, Pos.x2, r.y2); return true; } FixX += ds->FX(); CharPos += ds->Chars; } if ( ( tl->Strs.Length() == 0 || i == Layout.Length() - 1 ) && Cursor->Offset == CharPos ) { // Cursor at the start of empty line. Cursor->Pos.x1 = r.x1; Cursor->Pos.x2 = Cursor->Pos.x1 + 1; Cursor->Pos.y1 = r.y1; Cursor->Pos.y2 = r.y2; Cursor->Line.Set(Pos.x1, r.y1, Pos.x2, r.y2); return true; } CharPos += tl->NewLine; LastY = tl->PosOff.y2; } if (Cursor->Offset == 0 && Len == 0) { Cursor->Pos.x1 = Pos.x1; Cursor->Pos.x2 = Pos.x1 + 1; Cursor->Pos.y1 = Pos.y1; Cursor->Pos.y2 = Pos.y2; Cursor->Line = Pos; return true; } return false; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::HitTest(HitTestResult &htr) { if (htr.In.y < Pos.y1 || htr.In.y > Pos.y2) return false; ssize_t CharPos = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iPosOff; r.Offset(Pos.x1, Pos.y1); bool Over = r.Overlap(htr.In.x, htr.In.y); bool OnThisLine = htr.In.y >= r.y1 && htr.In.y <= r.y2; if (OnThisLine && htr.In.x <= r.x1) { htr.Near = true; htr.Idx = CharPos; htr.LineHint = i; LAssert(htr.Idx <= Length()); return true; } int FixX = 0; int InputX = IntToFixed(htr.In.x - Pos.x1 - tl->PosOff.x1); for (unsigned n=0; nStrs.Length(); n++) { DisplayStr *ds = tl->Strs[n]; int dsFixX = ds->FX(); if (Over && InputX >= FixX && InputX < FixX + dsFixX) { int OffFix = InputX - FixX; int OffPx = FixedToInt(OffFix); ssize_t OffChar = ds->PosToIndex(OffPx, true); // d->DebugRects[0].Set(Pos.x1, r.y1, Pos.x1 + InputX+1, r.y2); htr.Blk = this; htr.Ds = ds; htr.Idx = CharPos + OffChar; htr.LineHint = i; LAssert(htr.Idx <= Length()); return true; } FixX += ds->FX(); CharPos += ds->Chars; } if (OnThisLine) { htr.Near = true; htr.Idx = CharPos; htr.LineHint = i; LAssert(htr.Idx <= Length()); return true; } CharPos += tl->NewLine; } return false; } void DrawDecor(LSurface *pDC, LRichTextPriv::DisplayStr *Ds, int Fx, int Fy, ssize_t Start, ssize_t Len) { // LColour Old = pDC->Colour(LColour::Red); LDisplayString ds1(Ds->GetFont(), (const char16*)(*Ds), Start); LDisplayString ds2(Ds->GetFont(), (const char16*)(*Ds), Start+Len); int x = (Fx >> LDisplayString::FShift); int y = (Fy >> LDisplayString::FShift) + (int)Ds->GetAscent() + 1; int End = x + ds2.X(); x += ds1.X(); pDC->Colour(LColour::Red); while (x < End) { pDC->Set(x, y+(x%2)); x++; } } bool Overlap(LSpellCheck::SpellingError *e, ssize_t start, ssize_t len) { if (!e) return false; if (start+len <= e->Start) return false; if (start >= e->End()) return false; return true; } void LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::DrawDisplayString(LSurface *pDC, DisplayStr *Ds, int &FixX, int FixY, LColour &Bk, ssize_t &Pos) { int OldX = FixX; // Paint the string itself... Ds->Paint(pDC, FixX, FixY, Bk); // Does the a spelling error overlap this string? ssize_t DsEnd = Pos + Ds->Chars; while (Overlap(SpErr, Pos, Ds->Chars)) { // Yes, work out the region of characters and paint the decor ssize_t Start = MAX(SpErr->Start, Pos); ssize_t Len = MIN(SpErr->End(), Pos + Ds->Chars) - Start; // Draw the decor for the error DrawDecor(pDC, Ds, OldX, FixY, Start - Pos, Len); if (SpErr->End() < DsEnd) { // Are there more errors? SpErr = SpellingErrors.AddressOf(++PaintErrIdx); } else break; } while (SpErr && SpErr->End() < DsEnd) { // Are there more errors? SpErr = SpellingErrors.AddressOf(++PaintErrIdx); } Pos += Ds->Chars; } void LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::OnPaint(PaintContext &Ctx) { ssize_t CharPos = 0; ssize_t EndPoints = 0; ssize_t EndPoint[2] = {-1, -1}; ssize_t CurEndPoint = 0; if (Cursors > 0 && Ctx.Select) { // Selection end point checks... if (Ctx.Cursor && Ctx.Cursor->Blk == this) EndPoint[EndPoints++] = Ctx.Cursor->Offset; if (Ctx.Select && Ctx.Select->Blk == this) EndPoint[EndPoints++] = Ctx.Select->Offset; // Sort the end points if (EndPoints > 1 && EndPoint[0] > EndPoint[1]) { ssize_t ep = EndPoint[0]; EndPoint[0] = EndPoint[1]; EndPoint[1] = ep; } } // Paint margins, borders and padding... LRect r = Pos; r.x1 -= Margin.x1; r.y1 -= Margin.y1; r.x2 -= Margin.x2; r.y2 -= Margin.y2; LCss::ColorDef BorderStyle; if (Style) BorderStyle = Style->BorderLeft().Color; LColour BorderCol(222, 222, 222); if (BorderStyle.Type == LCss::ColorRgb) BorderCol.Set(BorderStyle.Rgb32, 32); Ctx.DrawBox(r, Margin, Ctx.Colours[Unselected].Back); Ctx.DrawBox(r, Border, BorderCol); Ctx.DrawBox(r, Padding, Ctx.Colours[Unselected].Back); int CurY = Pos.y1; PaintErrIdx = 0; SpErr = SpellingErrors.AddressOf(PaintErrIdx); for (unsigned i=0; iPosOff; LinePos.Offset(Pos.x1, Pos.y1); if (Line->PosOff.X() < Pos.X()) { Ctx.pDC->Colour(Ctx.Colours[Unselected].Back); Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(LinePos.x2, LinePos.y1, Pos.x2, LinePos.y2); } int FixX = IntToFixed(LinePos.x1); if (CurY < LinePos.y1) { // Fill padded area... Ctx.pDC->Colour(Ctx.Colours[Unselected].Back); Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(Pos.x1, CurY, Pos.x2, LinePos.y1 - 1); } CurY = LinePos.y1; LFont *Fnt = NULL; #if DEBUG_NUMBERED_LAYOUTS LString s; s.Printf("%i", Ctx.Index); Ctx.Index++; #endif for (unsigned n=0; nStrs.Length(); n++) { DisplayStr *Ds = Line->Strs[n]; LFont *DsFnt = Ds->GetFont(); ColourPair &Cols = Ds->Src->Colours; if (DsFnt && DsFnt != Fnt) { Fnt = DsFnt; Fnt->Transparent(false); } // If the current text part doesn't cover the full line height we have to // fill in the rest here... if (Ds->Y() < Line->PosOff.Y()) { Ctx.pDC->Colour(Ctx.Colours[Unselected].Back); int CurX = FixedToInt(FixX); if (Ds->OffsetY > 0) Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(CurX, CurY, CurX+Ds->X(), CurY+Ds->OffsetY-1); int DsY2 = Ds->OffsetY + Ds->Y(); if (DsY2 < Pos.Y()) Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(CurX, CurY+DsY2, CurX+Ds->X(), Pos.y2); } // Check for selection changes... int FixY = IntToFixed(CurY + Ds->OffsetY); #if DEBUG_OUTLINE_CUR_STYLE_TEXT LRect r(0, 0, -1, -1); if (Ctx.Cursor->Blk == (Block*)this) { LArray CurStyle; if (GetTextAt(Ctx.Cursor->Offset, CurStyle) && Ds->Src == CurStyle.First()) { r.ZOff(Ds->X()-1, Ds->Y()-1); r.Offset(FixedToInt(FixX), FixedToInt(FixY)); } } #endif if (CurEndPoint < EndPoints && EndPoint[CurEndPoint] >= CharPos && EndPoint[CurEndPoint] <= CharPos + Ds->Chars) { // Process string into parts based on the selection boundaries ssize_t Ch = EndPoint[CurEndPoint] - CharPos; ssize_t TmpPos = CharPos; LAutoPtr ds1 = Ds->Clone(0, Ch); // First part... LColour Bk = Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Back.IsValid() ? Cols.Back : Ctx.Back(); if (DsFnt) DsFnt->Colour(Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Fore.IsValid() ? Cols.Fore : Ctx.Fore(), Bk); if (ds1) DrawDisplayString(Ctx.pDC, ds1, FixX, FixY, Bk, TmpPos); Ctx.Type = Ctx.Type == Selected ? Unselected : Selected; CurEndPoint++; // Is there 3 parts? // // This happens when the selection starts and end in the one string. // // The alternative is that it starts or ends in the strings but the other // end point is in a different string. In which case there is only 2 strings // to draw. if (CurEndPoint < EndPoints && EndPoint[CurEndPoint] >= CharPos && EndPoint[CurEndPoint] <= CharPos + Ds->Chars) { // Yes.. ssize_t Ch2 = EndPoint[CurEndPoint] - CharPos; // Part 2 LAutoPtr ds2 = Ds->Clone(Ch, Ch2 - Ch); LColour Bk = Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Back.IsValid() ? Cols.Back : Ctx.Back(); if (DsFnt) DsFnt->Colour(Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Fore.IsValid() ? Cols.Fore : Ctx.Fore(), Bk); if (ds2) DrawDisplayString(Ctx.pDC, ds2, FixX, FixY, Bk, TmpPos); Ctx.Type = Ctx.Type == Selected ? Unselected : Selected; CurEndPoint++; // Part 3 if (Ch2 < Ds->Length()) { LAutoPtr ds3 = Ds->Clone(Ch2); Bk = Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Back.IsValid() ? Cols.Back : Ctx.Back(); if (DsFnt) DsFnt->Colour(Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Fore.IsValid() ? Cols.Fore : Ctx.Fore(), Bk); if (ds3) DrawDisplayString(Ctx.pDC, ds3, FixX, FixY, Bk, TmpPos); } } else if (Ch < Ds->Chars) { // No... draw 2nd part LAutoPtr ds2 = Ds->Clone(Ch); LColour Bk = Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Back.IsValid() ? Cols.Back : Ctx.Back(); if (DsFnt) DsFnt->Colour(Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Fore.IsValid() ? Cols.Fore : Ctx.Fore(), Bk); if (ds2) DrawDisplayString(Ctx.pDC, ds2, FixX, FixY, Bk, TmpPos); } } else { // No selection changes... draw the whole string LColour Bk = Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Back.IsValid() ? Cols.Back : Ctx.Back(); if (DsFnt) DsFnt->Colour(Ctx.Type == Unselected && Cols.Fore.IsValid() ? Cols.Fore : Ctx.Fore(), Bk); #if DEBUG_OUTLINE_CUR_DISPLAY_STR int OldFixX = FixX; #endif auto TmpPos = CharPos; DrawDisplayString(Ctx.pDC, Ds, FixX, FixY, Bk, TmpPos); #if DEBUG_OUTLINE_CUR_DISPLAY_STR if (Ctx.Cursor->Blk == (Block*)this && Ctx.Cursor->Offset >= CharPos && Ctx.Cursor->Offset < CharPos + Ds->Chars) { LRect r(0, 0, Ds->X()-1, Ds->Y()-1); r.Offset(FixedToInt(OldFixX), FixedToInt(FixY)); Ctx.pDC->Colour(LColour::Red); Ctx.pDC->Box(&r); } #endif } #if DEBUG_OUTLINE_CUR_STYLE_TEXT if (r.Valid()) { Ctx.pDC->Colour(LColour(192, 192, 192)); Ctx.pDC->LineStyle(LSurface::LineDot); Ctx.pDC->Box(&r); Ctx.pDC->LineStyle(LSurface::LineSolid); } #endif CharPos += Ds->Chars; } if (Line->Strs.Length() == 0) { if (CurEndPoint < EndPoints && EndPoint[CurEndPoint] == CharPos) { Ctx.Type = Ctx.Type == Selected ? Unselected : Selected; CurEndPoint++; } } if (Ctx.Type == Selected) { // Draw new line int x1 = FixedToInt(FixX); FixX += IntToFixed(5); int x2 = FixedToInt(FixX); Ctx.pDC->Colour(Ctx.Colours[Selected].Back); Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(x1, LinePos.y1, x2, LinePos.y2); } Ctx.pDC->Colour(Ctx.Colours[Unselected].Back); Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(FixedToInt(FixX), LinePos.y1, Pos.x2, LinePos.y2); #if DEBUG_NUMBERED_LAYOUTS LDisplayString Ds(LSysFont, s); LSysFont->Colour(LColour::Green, LColour::White); LSysFont->Transparent(false); Ds.Draw(Ctx.pDC, LinePos.x1, LinePos.y1); /* Ctx.pDC->Colour(LColour::Blue); Ctx.pDC->Line(LinePos.x1, LinePos.y1,LinePos.x2,LinePos.y2); */ #endif CurY = LinePos.y2 + 1; CharPos += Line->NewLine; } if (CurY < Pos.y2) { // Fill padded area... Ctx.pDC->Colour(Ctx.Colours[Unselected].Back); Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(Pos.x1, CurY, Pos.x2, Pos.y2); } if (Ctx.Cursor && Ctx.Cursor->Blk == this && Ctx.Cursor->Blink && d->View->Focus()) { Ctx.pDC->Colour(CursorColour); + + if (!Ctx.Cursor->Pos.Valid()) + { + // Try and recover a valid position for the cursor... + if (!GetPosFromIndex(Ctx.Cursor)) + { + Ctx.Cursor->LineHint = -1; + GetPosFromIndex(Ctx.Cursor); + } + } + if (Ctx.Cursor->Pos.Valid()) Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(&Ctx.Cursor->Pos); else Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(Pos.x1, Pos.y1, Pos.x1, Pos.y2); } #if 0 // def _DEBUG if (Ctx.Select && Ctx.Select->Blk == this) { Ctx.pDC->Colour(LColour(255, 0, 0)); Ctx.pDC->Rectangle(&Ctx.Select->Pos); } #endif } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::OnLayout(Flow &flow) { if (Pos.X() == flow.X() && !LayoutDirty) { // Adjust position to match the flow, even if we are not dirty Pos.Offset(0, flow.CurY - Pos.y1); flow.CurY = Pos.y2 + 1; return true; } static int Count = 0; Count++; LayoutDirty = false; Layout.DeleteObjects(); flow.Left += Margin.x1; flow.Right -= Margin.x2; flow.CurY += Margin.y1; Pos.x1 = flow.Left; Pos.y1 = flow.CurY; Pos.x2 = flow.Right; Pos.y2 = flow.CurY-1; // Start with a 0px height. flow.Left += Border.x1 + Padding.x1; flow.Right -= Border.x2 + Padding.x2; flow.CurY += Border.y1 + Padding.y1; int FixX = 0; // Current x offset (fixed point) on the current line LAutoPtr CurLine(new TextLine(flow.Left - Pos.x1, flow.X(), flow.CurY - Pos.y1)); if (!CurLine) return flow.d->Error(_FL, "alloc failed."); ssize_t LayoutSize = 0; ssize_t TextSize = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iGetStyle(); LAssert(t->Length() >= 0); TextSize += t->Length(); if (t->Length() == 0) continue; int AvailableX = Pos.X() - CurLine->PosOff.x1; if (AvailableX < 0) AvailableX = 1; // Get the font for 't' LFont *f = flow.d->GetFont(t->GetStyle()); if (!f) return flow.d->Error(_FL, "font creation failed."); LCss::WordWrapType WrapType = tstyle ? tstyle->WordWrap() : LCss::WrapNormal; uint32_t *sStart = t->At(0); uint32_t *sEnd = sStart + t->Length(); for (ssize_t Off = 0; Off < (ssize_t)t->Length(); ) { // How much of 't' is on the same line? uint32_t *s = sStart + Off; #if DEBUG_LAYOUT LgiTrace("Txt[%i][%i]: FixX=%i, Txt='%.*S'\n", i, Off, FixX, t->Length() - Off, s); #endif if (*s == '\n') { // New line handling... Off++; CurLine->PosOff.x2 = CurLine->PosOff.x1 + FixedToInt(FixX) - 1; FixX = 0; CurLine->LayoutOffsets(f->GetHeight()); Pos.y2 = MAX(Pos.y2, Pos.y1 + CurLine->PosOff.y2); CurLine->NewLine = 1; LayoutSize += CurLine->Length(); #if DEBUG_LAYOUT LgiTrace("\tNewLineChar, LayoutSize=%i, TextSize=%i\n", LayoutSize, TextSize); #endif Layout.Add(CurLine.Release()); CurLine.Reset(new TextLine(flow.Left - Pos.x1, flow.X(), Pos.Y())); if (Off == t->Length()) { // Empty line at the end of the StyleText const uint32_t Empty[] = {0}; CurLine->Strs.Add(new DisplayStr(t, f, Empty, 0, flow.pDC)); } continue; } uint32_t *e = s; /* printf("e=%i sEnd=%i len=%i\n", (int)(e - sStart), (int)(sEnd - sStart), (int)t->Length()); */ while (e < sEnd && *e != '\n') e++; // Add 't' to current line LCss::Len fntSize; if (f) fntSize = f->Size(); ssize_t Chars = MIN(1024, e - s); LAutoPtr Ds ( t->Emoji ? new EmojiDisplayStr(t, d->GetEmojiImage(), fntSize, s, Chars) : new DisplayStr(t, f, s, Chars, flow.pDC) ); if (!Ds) return flow.d->Error(_FL, "display str creation failed."); if (WrapType != LCss::WrapNone && FixX + Ds->FX() > IntToFixed(AvailableX)) { #if DEBUG_LAYOUT LgiTrace("\tNeedToWrap: %i, %i + %i > %i\n", WrapType, FixX, Ds->FX(), IntToFixed(AvailableX)); #endif // Wrap the string onto the line... int AvailablePx = AvailableX - FixedToInt(FixX); ssize_t FitChars = Ds->PosToIndex(AvailablePx, false); if (FitChars < 0) { #if DEBUG_LAYOUT LgiTrace("\tFitChars error: %i\n", FitChars); #endif flow.d->Error(_FL, "PosToIndex(%i) failed.", AvailablePx); LAssert(0); } else { // Wind back to the last break opportunity ssize_t ch = 0; for (ch = FitChars; ch > 0; ch--) { if (IsWordBreakChar(s[ch-1])) break; } #if DEBUG_LAYOUT LgiTrace("\tWindBack: %i\n", (int)ch); #endif if (ch == 0) { // One word minimum per line for (ch = 1; ch < Chars; ch++) { if (IsWordBreakChar(s[ch])) break; } Chars = ch; } else if (ch > (FitChars >> 2)) Chars = ch; else Chars = FitChars; // Create a new display string of the right size... LCss::Len fntSize; if (f) fntSize = f->Size(); if ( ! Ds.Reset ( t->Emoji ? new EmojiDisplayStr(t, d->GetEmojiImage(), fntSize, s, Chars) : new DisplayStr(t, f, s, Chars, flow.pDC) ) ) return flow.d->Error(_FL, "failed to create wrapped display str."); // Finish off line CurLine->PosOff.x2 = CurLine->PosOff.x1 + FixedToInt(FixX + Ds->FX()) - 1; CurLine->Strs.Add(Ds.Release()); CurLine->LayoutOffsets(d->Font->GetHeight()); Pos.y2 = MAX(Pos.y2, Pos.y1 + CurLine->PosOff.y2); LayoutSize += CurLine->Length(); Layout.Add(CurLine.Release()); #if DEBUG_LAYOUT LgiTrace("\tWrap, LayoutSize=%i TextSize=%i\n", LayoutSize, TextSize); #endif // New line... CurLine.Reset(new TextLine(flow.Left - Pos.x1, flow.X(), Pos.Y())); FixX = 0; Off += Chars; continue; } } else { FixX += Ds->FX(); } if (!Ds) break; CurLine->PosOff.x2 = CurLine->PosOff.x1 + FixedToInt(FixX) - 1; CurLine->Strs.Add(Ds.Release()); Off += Chars; } } if (Txt.Length() == 0) { // Empty node case int y = Pos.y1 + flow.d->View->GetFont()->GetHeight() - 1; CurLine->PosOff.y2 = Pos.y2 = MAX(Pos.y2, y); LayoutSize += CurLine->Length(); Layout.Add(CurLine.Release()); } if (CurLine && CurLine->Strs.Length() > 0) { LFont *f = d->View ? d->View->GetFont() : LSysFont; CurLine->LayoutOffsets(f->GetHeight()); Pos.y2 = MAX(Pos.y2, Pos.y1 + CurLine->PosOff.y2); LayoutSize += CurLine->Length(); #if DEBUG_LAYOUT LgiTrace("\tRemaining, LayoutSize=%i, TextSize=%i\n", LayoutSize, TextSize); #endif Layout.Add(CurLine.Release()); } LAssert(LayoutSize == Len); flow.CurY = Pos.y2 + 1 + Margin.y2 + Border.y2 + Padding.y2; flow.Left -= Margin.x1 + Border.x1 + Padding.x1; flow.Right += Margin.x2 + Border.x2 + Padding.x2; return true; } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::GetTextAt(ssize_t Offset, LArray &Out) { if (Txt.Length() == 0) return 0; StyleText **t = &Txt[0]; StyleText **e = t + Txt.Length(); Out.Length(0); ssize_t Pos = 0; while (t < e) { ssize_t Len = (*t)->Length(); if (Offset >= Pos && Offset <= Pos + Len) Out.Add(*t); t++; Pos += Len; } LAssert(Pos == Len); return Out.Length(); } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::IsValid() { ssize_t TxtLen = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < Txt.Length(); i++) { StyleText *t = Txt[i]; TxtLen += t->Length(); for (unsigned n = 0; n < t->Length(); n++) { if ((*t)[n] == 0) { LAssert(0); return false; } } } if (Len != TxtLen) return d->Error(_FL, "Txt.Len vs Len mismatch: %i, %i.", TxtLen, Len); return true; } int LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::GetLines() { return (int)Layout.Length(); } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::OffsetToLine(ssize_t Offset, int *ColX, LArray *LineY) { if (LayoutDirty) return false; if (LineY) LineY->Length(0); if (Offset <= 0) { if (ColX) *ColX = 0; if (LineY) LineY->Add(0); return true; } bool Found = false; ssize_t Pos = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); if (Offset >= Pos && Offset <= Pos + Len - tl->NewLine) { if (ColX) *ColX = (int)(Offset - Pos); if (LineY) LineY->Add(i); Found = true; } Pos += Len; } return Found; } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::LineToOffset(ssize_t Line) { if (LayoutDirty) return -1; if (Line <= 0) return 0; ssize_t Pos = 0; for (size_t i=0; iLength(); if (i == Line) return Pos; - Pos = Len; + Pos += Len; } return (int)Length(); } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::PreEdit(Transaction *Trans) { if (Trans) { bool HasThisBlock = false; for (unsigned i=0; iChanges.Length(); i++) { CompleteTextBlockState *c = dynamic_cast(Trans->Changes[i]); if (c) { if (c->Uid == BlockUid) { HasThisBlock = true; break; } } } if (!HasThisBlock) Trans->Add(new CompleteTextBlockState(d, this)); } return true; } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::DeleteAt(Transaction *Trans, ssize_t BlkOffset, ssize_t Chars, LArray *DeletedText) { ssize_t Pos = 0; ssize_t Deleted = 0; PreEdit(Trans); for (unsigned i=0; i 0; i++) { StyleText *t = Txt[i]; ssize_t TxtOffset = BlkOffset - Pos; if (TxtOffset >= 0 && TxtOffset < (int)t->Length()) { ssize_t MaxChars = t->Length() - TxtOffset; ssize_t Remove = MIN(Chars, MaxChars); if (Remove <= 0) return 0; ssize_t Remaining = MaxChars - Remove; ssize_t NewLen = t->Length() - Remove; if (DeletedText) { DeletedText->Add(t->At(TxtOffset), Remove); } if (Remaining > 0) { // Copy down memmove(&(*t)[TxtOffset], &(*t)[TxtOffset + Remove], Remaining * sizeof(uint32_t)); (*t)[NewLen] = 0; } // Change length if (NewLen == 0) { // Remove run completely // LgiTrace("DelRun %p/%i '%.*S'\n", t, i, t->Length(), &(*t)[0]); Txt.DeleteAt(i--, true); DeleteObj(t); } else { // Shorten run t->Length(NewLen); // LgiTrace("ShortenRun %p/%i '%.*S'\n", t, i, t->Length(), &(*t)[0]); } LayoutDirty = true; Chars -= Remove; Len -= Remove; Deleted += Remove; } if (t) Pos += t->Length(); } if (Deleted > 0) { // Adjust start of existing spelling styles LRange r(BlkOffset, Deleted); for (auto &Err : SpellingErrors) { if (Err.Overlap(r).Valid()) { Err -= r; } else if (Err > r) { Err.Start -= Deleted; } } LayoutDirty = true; UpdateSpellingAndLinks(Trans, LRange(BlkOffset, 0)); } IsValid(); return Deleted; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::AddText(Transaction *Trans, ssize_t AtOffset, const uint32_t *InStr, ssize_t InChars, LNamedStyle *Style) { if (!InStr) return d->Error(_FL, "No input text."); if (InChars < 0) InChars = Strlen(InStr); PreEdit(Trans); LArray EmojiIdx; for (int i=0; i= 0) i += e.Size; else i++; } ssize_t InitialOffset = AtOffset >= 0 ? AtOffset : Len; ssize_t Chars = 0; // Length of run to insert ssize_t Pos = 0; // Current character position in this block uint32_t TxtIdx = 0; // Index into Txt array for (ssize_t i = 0; i < InChars; i += Chars) { // Work out the run of chars that are either // Emoji or not Emoji... bool IsEmoji = EmojiIdx[i].Index >= 0; Chars = 0; for (auto n = i; n < InChars;) { if ( IsEmoji ^ (EmojiIdx[n].Index >= 0) ) break; if (IsEmoji) { auto &e = EmojiIdx[n]; if (e.Index >= 0 && e.Size > 0) { Chars += e.Size; n += e.Size; } else { LAssert(!"Something went wrong."); Chars++; n++; } } else { Chars++; n++; } } // Now process 'Char' chars const uint32_t *Str = InStr + i; if (AtOffset >= 0 && Txt.Length() > 0) { // Seek further into block? while ( Pos < AtOffset && TxtIdx < Txt.Length()) { StyleText *t = Txt[TxtIdx]; ssize_t Len = t->Length(); if (AtOffset <= Pos + Len) break; Pos += Len; TxtIdx++; } StyleText *t = TxtIdx >= Txt.Length() ? Txt.Last() : Txt[TxtIdx]; ssize_t TxtLen = t->Length(); if (AtOffset >= Pos && AtOffset <= Pos + TxtLen) { ssize_t StyleOffset = AtOffset - Pos; // Offset into 't' in which we need to potentially break the style // to insert the new content. bool UrlEdge = t->Element == TAG_A && *Str == '\n'; if (!Style && IsEmoji == t->Emoji && !UrlEdge) { // Insert/append to existing text run ssize_t After = t->Length() - StyleOffset; ssize_t NewSz = t->Length() + Chars; t->Length(NewSz); uint32_t *c = &t->First(); LOG_FN("TextBlock(%i)::Add(%i,%i,%s)::Append StyleOffset=%i, After=%i\n", GetUid(), AtOffset, InChars, Style?Style->Name.Get():NULL, StyleOffset, After); // Do we need to move characters up to make space? if (After > 0) memmove(c + StyleOffset + Chars, c + StyleOffset, After * sizeof(*c)); // Insert the new string... memcpy(c + StyleOffset, Str, Chars * sizeof(*c)); Len += Chars; AtOffset += Chars; } else { // Break into 2 runs, with the new text in the middle... // Insert the new text+style StyleText *Run = new StyleText(Str, Chars, Style); if (!Run) return false; Run->Emoji = IsEmoji; /* This following code could be wrong. In terms of test cases I fixed this: A) Starting with basic empty email + signature. Insert a URL at the very start. Then hit enter. Buf: \n inserted BEFORE the URL. Changed the condition to 'StyleOffset != 0' rather than 'TxtIdx != 0' Potentially other test cases could exhibit bugs that need to be added here. */ if (StyleOffset) Txt.AddAt(++TxtIdx, Run); else Txt.AddAt(TxtIdx++, Run); //////////////////////////////////// Pos += StyleOffset; // We are skipping over the run at 'TxtIdx', update pos LOG_FN("TextBlock(%i)::Add(%i,%i,%s)::Insert StyleOffset=%i\n", GetUid(), AtOffset, InChars, Style?Style->Name.Get():NULL, StyleOffset); if (StyleOffset < TxtLen) { // Insert the 2nd part of the string Run = new StyleText(t->At(StyleOffset), TxtLen - StyleOffset, t->GetStyle()); if (!Run) return false; Pos += Chars; Txt.AddAt(++TxtIdx, Run); // Now truncate the existing text.. t->Length(StyleOffset); } Len += Chars; AtOffset += Chars; } Str = NULL; } } if (Str) { // At the end StyleText *Last = Txt.Length() > 0 ? Txt.Last() : NULL; if (Last && Last->GetStyle() == Style && IsEmoji == Last->Emoji) { if (Last->Add((uint32_t*)Str, Chars)) { Len += Chars; if (AtOffset >= 0) AtOffset += Chars; } } else { StyleText *Run = new StyleText(Str, Chars, Style); if (!Run) return false; Run->Emoji = IsEmoji; Txt.Add(Run); Len += Chars; if (AtOffset >= 0) AtOffset += Chars; } } } // Push existing spelling styles along for (auto &Err : SpellingErrors) { if (Err.Start >= InitialOffset) Err.Start += InChars; } // Update layout and styling LayoutDirty = true; IsValid(); UpdateSpellingAndLinks(Trans, LRange(InitialOffset, InChars)); return true; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::OnDictionary(Transaction *Trans) { UpdateSpellingAndLinks(Trans, LRange(0, Length())); return true; } #define IsUrlWordChar(t) \ (((t) > ' ') && !strchr("./:", (t))) template bool _ScanWord(Char *&t, Char *e) { if (!IsUrlWordChar(*t)) return false; Char *s = t; while (t < e && IsUrlWordChar(*t)) t++; return t > s; } bool IsBracketed(int s, int e) { if (s == '(' && e == ')') return true; if (s == '[' && e == ']') return true; if (s == '{' && e == '}') return true; if (s == '<' && e == '>') return true; return false; } #define ScanWord() \ if (t >= e || !_ScanWord(t, e)) return false #define ScanChar(ch) \ if (t >= e || *t != ch) \ return false; \ t++ template bool DetectUrl(Char *t, ssize_t &len) { #ifdef _DEBUG LString str(t, len); //char *ss = str; #endif Char *s = t; Char *e = t + len; ScanWord(); // Protocol ScanChar(':'); ScanChar('/'); ScanChar('/'); ScanWord(); // Host name or username.. if (t < e && *t == ':') { t++; _ScanWord(t, e); // Don't return if missing... password optional ScanChar('@'); ScanWord(); // First part of host name... } // Rest of host name while (t < e && *t == '.') { t++; if (t < e && IsUrlWordChar(*t)) ScanWord(); // Second part of host name } if (t < e && *t == ':') // Port number { t++; ScanWord(); } while (t < e && strchr("/.:", *t)) // Path { t++; if (t < e && (IsUrlWordChar(*t) || *t == ':')) ScanWord(); } if (strchr("!.", t[-1])) t--; len = t - s; return true; } int ErrSort(LSpellCheck::SpellingError *a, LSpellCheck::SpellingError *b) { return (int) (a->Start - b->Start); } void LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::SetSpellingErrors(LArray &Errors, LRange r) { // LgiTrace("%s:%i - SetSpellingErrors " LPrintfSSizeT ", " LPrintfSSizeT ":" LPrintfSSizeT "\n", _FL, Errors.Length(), r.Start, r.End()); // Delete any errors overlapping 'r' for (unsigned i=0; i Text; if (!CopyAt(0, Length(), &Text)) return; // Spelling... if (d->SpellCheck && d->SpellDictionaryLoaded) { LRange Rgn = r; while (Rgn.Start > 0 && IsWordChar(Text[Rgn.Start-1])) { Rgn.Start--; Rgn.Len++; } while (Rgn.End() < Len && IsWordChar(Text[Rgn.End()])) { Rgn.Len++; } LString s(Text.AddressOf(Rgn.Start), Rgn.Len); LArray Params; Params[SpellBlockPtr] = (Block*)this; // LgiTrace("%s:%i - Check(%s) " LPrintfSSizeT ":" LPrintfSSizeT "\n", _FL, s.Get(), Rgn.Start, Rgn.End()); d->SpellCheck->Check(d->View->AddDispatch(), s, Rgn.Start, Rgn.Len, &Params); } // Link detection... // Extend the range to include whole words while (r.Start > 0 && !IsWhiteSpace(Text[r.Start])) { r.Start--; r.Len++; } while (r.End() < (ssize_t)Text.Length() && !IsWhiteSpace(Text[r.End()])) r.Len++; // Create array of words... LArray Words; bool Ws = true; for (int i = 0; i < r.Len; i++) { bool w = IsWhiteSpace(Text[r.Start + i]); if (w ^ Ws) { Ws = w; if (!w) { LRange &w = Words.New(); w.Start = r.Start + i; // printf("StartWord=%i, %i\n", w.Start, w.Len); } else if (Words.Length() > 0) { LRange &w = Words.Last(); w.Len = r.Start + i - w.Start; // printf("EndWord=%i, %i\n", w.Start, w.Len); } } } if (!Ws && Words.Length() > 0) { LRange &w = Words.Last(); w.Len = r.Start + r.Len - w.Start; // printf("TermWord=%i, %i Words=%i\n", w.Start, w.Len, Words.Length()); } // For each word in the range of text for (unsigned i = 0; iMakeLink(this, w.Start, w.Len, Link); // Also unlink any of the word after the URL if (w.End() < Words[i].End()) { LCss Style; ChangeStyle(Trans, w.End(), Words[i].End() - w.End(), &Style, false); } } } } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::StripLast(Transaction *Trans, const char *Set) { if (Txt.Length() == 0) return false; StyleText *l = Txt.Last(); if (!l || l->Length() <= 0) return false; if (!strchr(Set, l->Last())) return false; PreEdit(Trans); if (!l->PopLast()) return false; LayoutDirty = true; Len--; return true; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::DoContext(LSubMenu &s, LPoint Doc, ssize_t Offset, bool TopOfMenu) { if (!TopOfMenu) return false; // Is there a spelling error at 'Offset'? for (unsigned i=0; i= e.Start && Offset < e.End()) { ClickErrIdx = i; if (e.Suggestions.Length()) { auto Sp = s.AppendSub("Spelling"); if (Sp) { s.AppendSeparator(); for (unsigned n=0; nAppendItem(e.Suggestions[n], SPELLING_BASE+n); } // else printf("%s:%i - No sub menu.\n", _FL); } // else printf("%s:%i - No Suggestion.\n", _FL); break; } // else printf("%s:%i - Outside area, Offset=%i e=%i,%i.\n", _FL, Offset, e.Start, e.End()); } // Check for URLs under the cursor? ssize_t pos = 0; for (auto t: Txt) { // LgiTrace("t: %i %i\n", (int)pos, t->Element); if (t->Element == TAG_A) { // LgiTrace("off: %i %i %i\n", (int)Offset, (int)pos, (int)pos + (int)t->Length()); if (Offset >= pos && Offset < pos + (ssize_t)t->Length()) { // Is over a link... s.AppendItem("Open URL", IDM_OPEN_URL); ClickedUri = t->Param; break; } } pos += t->Length(); } return true; } LMessage::Result LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::OnEvent(LMessage* Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { case M_COMMAND: { if (Msg->A() == IDM_OPEN_URL) { if (ClickedUri) LExecute(ClickedUri); } else if (auto e = SpellingErrors.AddressOf(ClickErrIdx)) { // Replacing text with spell check suggestion: int i = (int)Msg->A() - SPELLING_BASE; if (i >= 0 && i < (int)e->Suggestions.Length()) { auto Start = e->Start; LString s = e->Suggestions[i]; AutoTrans t(new LRichTextPriv::Transaction); // Delete the old text... DeleteAt(t, Start, e->Len); // 'e' might disappear here // Insert the new text.... LAutoPtr u((uint32_t*)LNewConvertCp("utf-32", s, "utf-8")); AddText(t, Start, u.Get(), Strlen(u.Get())); d->AddTrans(t); return true; } } break; } } return false; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::IsEmptyLine(BlockCursor *Cursor) { if (!Cursor) return false; TextLine *Line = Layout.AddressOf(Cursor->LineHint) ? Layout[Cursor->LineHint] : NULL; if (!Line) return false; auto LineLen = Line->Length(); return LineLen == 0; } LRichTextPriv::Block *LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::Clone() { return new TextBlock(this); } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::CopyAt(ssize_t Offset, ssize_t Chars, LArray *Text) { if (!Text) return 0; if (Chars < 0) Chars = Length() - Offset; ssize_t Pos = 0; for (size_t i=0; i= Pos && Offset < Pos + (int)t->Length()) { ssize_t Skip = Offset - Pos; ssize_t Remain = t->Length() - Skip; ssize_t Cp = MIN(Chars, Remain); Text->Add(&(*t)[Skip], Cp); Chars -= Cp; Offset += Cp; } Pos += t->Length(); } return Text->Length(); } ssize_t LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::FindAt(ssize_t StartIdx, const uint32_t *Str, LFindReplaceCommon *Params) { if (!Str || !Params) return -1; size_t InLen = Strlen(Str); bool Match; ssize_t CharPos = 0; for (size_t i=0; iFirst(); uint32_t *e = s + t->Length(); if (Params->MatchCase) { for (uint32_t *c = s; c < e; c++) { if (*c == *Str) { if (c + InLen <= e) Match = !Strncmp(c, Str, InLen); else { LArray tmp; if (CopyAt(CharPos + (c - s), InLen, &tmp) && tmp.Length() == InLen) Match = !Strncmp(&tmp[0], Str, InLen); else Match = false; } if (Match) return CharPos + (c - s); } } } else { uint32_t l = ToLower(*Str); for (uint32_t *c = s; c < e; c++) { if (ToLower(*c) == l) { if (c + InLen <= e) Match = !Strnicmp(c, Str, InLen); else { LArray tmp; if (CopyAt(CharPos + (c - s), InLen, &tmp) && tmp.Length() == InLen) Match = !Strnicmp(&tmp[0], Str, InLen); else Match = false; } if (Match) return CharPos + (c - s); } } } CharPos += t->Length(); } return -1; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::DoCase(Transaction *Trans, ssize_t StartIdx, ssize_t Chars, bool Upper) { LRange Blk(0, Len); LRange Inp(StartIdx, Chars < 0 ? Len - StartIdx : Chars); LRange Change = Blk.Overlap(Inp); PreEdit(Trans); LRange Run(0, 0); bool Changed = false; for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); LRange Edit = Run.Overlap(Change); if (Edit.Len > 0) { uint32_t *s = st->At(Edit.Start - Run.Start); for (int n=0; n= 'a' && s[n] <= 'z') s[n] = s[n] - 'a' + 'A'; } else { if (s[n] >= 'A' && s[n] <= 'Z') s[n] = s[n] - 'A' + 'a'; } } Changed = true; } Run.Start += Run.Len; } LayoutDirty |= Changed; return Changed; } LRichTextPriv::Block *LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::Split(Transaction *Trans, ssize_t AtOffset) { if (AtOffset < 0 || AtOffset >= Len) return NULL; LRichTextPriv::TextBlock *After = new LRichTextPriv::TextBlock(d); if (!After) { d->Error(_FL, "Alloc Err"); return NULL; } After->SetStyle(GetStyle()); ssize_t Pos = 0; unsigned i; for (i=0; iLength(); if (AtOffset >= Pos && AtOffset < Pos + StLen) { ssize_t StOff = AtOffset - Pos; if (StOff > 0) { // Split the text into 2 blocks... uint32_t *t = St->At(StOff); ssize_t remaining = St->Length() - StOff; StyleText *AfterText = new StyleText(t, remaining, St->GetStyle()); if (!AfterText) { d->Error(_FL, "Alloc Err"); return NULL; } St->Length(StOff); i++; Len = Pos + StOff; After->Txt.Add(AfterText); After->Len += AfterText->Length(); } else { Len = Pos; } break; } Pos += StLen; } while (i < Txt.Length()) { StyleText *St = Txt[i]; Txt.DeleteAt(i, true); After->Txt.Add(St); After->Len += St->Length(); } LayoutDirty = true; After->LayoutDirty = true; return After; } void LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::IncAllStyleRefs() { if (Style) Style->RefCount++; for (unsigned i=0; iGetStyle(); if (s) s->RefCount++; } } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::ChangeStyle(Transaction *Trans, ssize_t Offset, ssize_t Chars, LCss *Style, bool Add) { if (!Style) return d->Error(_FL, "No style."); if (Offset < 0 || Offset >= Len) return true; if (Chars < 0) Chars = Len; if (Trans) Trans->Add(new CompleteTextBlockState(d, this)); ssize_t CharPos = 0; ssize_t RestyleEnd = Offset + Chars; for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); ssize_t End = CharPos + Len; if (End <= Offset || CharPos > RestyleEnd) ; else { ssize_t Before = Offset >= CharPos ? Offset - CharPos : 0; LAssert(Before >= 0); ssize_t After = RestyleEnd < End ? End - RestyleEnd : 0; LAssert(After >= 0); ssize_t Inside = Len - Before - After; LAssert(Inside >= 0); LAutoPtr TmpStyle(new LCss); if (Add) { if (t->GetStyle()) *TmpStyle = *t->GetStyle(); *TmpStyle += *Style; } else if (Style->Length() != 0) { if (t->GetStyle()) *TmpStyle = *t->GetStyle(); *TmpStyle -= *Style; } LNamedStyle *CacheStyle = TmpStyle && TmpStyle->Length() ? d->AddStyleToCache(TmpStyle) : NULL; if (Before && After) { // Split into 3 parts: // |---before----|###restyled###|---after---| StyleText *st = new StyleText(t->At(Before), Inside, CacheStyle); if (st) Txt.AddAt(++i, st); st = new StyleText(t->At(Before + Inside), After, t->GetStyle()); if (st) Txt.AddAt(++i, st); t->Length(Before); LayoutDirty = true; return true; } else if (Before) { // Split into 2 parts: // |---before----|###restyled###| StyleText *st = new StyleText(t->At(Before), Inside, CacheStyle); if (st) Txt.AddAt(++i, st); t->Length(Before); LayoutDirty = true; } else if (After) { // Split into 2 parts: // |###restyled###|---after---| StyleText *st = new StyleText(t->At(0), Inside, CacheStyle); if (st) Txt.AddAt(i, st); memmove(t->At(0), t->At(Inside), After*sizeof(uint32_t)); t->Length(After); LayoutDirty = true; } else if (Inside) { // Re-style the whole run t->SetStyle(CacheStyle); LayoutDirty = true; } } CharPos += Len; } // Merge any regions of the same style into contiguous sections for (unsigned i=0; iGetStyle() == b->GetStyle() && a->Emoji == b->Emoji) { // Merge... a->Add(b->AddressOf(0), b->Length()); Txt.DeleteAt(i + 1, true); delete b; i--; } } return true; } bool LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::Seek(SeekType To, BlockCursor &Cur) { int XOffset = Cur.Pos.x1 - Pos.x1; ssize_t CharPos = 0; LArray LineOffset; LArray LineLen; int CurLine = -1; int CurLineScore = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); LineOffset[i] = CharPos; LineLen[i] = Len; if (Cur.Offset >= CharPos && Cur.Offset <= CharPos + Len - Line->NewLine) // Minus 'NewLine' is because the cursor can't be // after the '\n' on a line. It's actually on the // next line. { int Score = 1; if (Cur.LineHint >= 0 && i == Cur.LineHint) Score++; if (Score > CurLineScore) { CurLine = i; CurLineScore = Score; } } CharPos += Len; } if (CurLine < 0) { CharPos = 0; d->Log->Print("TextBlock(%i)::Seek, lines=%i\n", GetUid(), Layout.Length()); for (unsigned i=0; iLog->Print("\tLine[%i] @ %i+%i=%i\n", i, CharPos, Line->Length(), CharPos + Line->Length()); CharPos += Line->Length(); } else { d->Log->Print("\tLine[%i] @ %i, is NULL\n", i, CharPos); break; } } return d->Error(_FL, "Index '%i' not in layout lines.", Cur.Offset); } TextLine *Line = NULL; switch (To) { case SkLineStart: { Cur.Offset = LineOffset[CurLine]; Cur.LineHint = CurLine; return true; } case SkLineEnd: { Cur.Offset = LineOffset[CurLine] + LineLen[CurLine] - Layout[CurLine]->NewLine; Cur.LineHint = CurLine; return true; } case SkUpLine: { // Get previous line... if (CurLine == 0) return false; Line = Layout[--CurLine]; if (!Line) return d->Error(_FL, "No line at %i.", CurLine); break; } case SkDownLine: { // Get next line... if (CurLine >= (int)Layout.Length() - 1) return false; Line = Layout[++CurLine]; if (!Line) return d->Error(_FL, "No line at %i.", CurLine); break; } default: { return false; break; } } if (Line) { // Work out where the cursor should be based on the 'XOffset' if (Line->Strs.Length() > 0) { int FixX = 0; ssize_t CharOffset = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iStrs.Length(); i++) { DisplayStr *Ds = Line->Strs[i]; PtrCheckBreak(Ds); if (XOffset >= FixedToInt(FixX) && XOffset <= FixedToInt(FixX + Ds->FX())) { // This is the matching string... int Px = XOffset - FixedToInt(FixX) - Line->PosOff.x1; ssize_t Char = Ds->PosToIndex(Px, true); if (Char >= 0) { Cur.Offset = LineOffset[CurLine] + // Character offset of line CharOffset + // Character offset of current string Char; // Offset into current string for 'XOffset' Cur.LineHint = CurLine; return true; } } FixX += Ds->FX(); CharOffset += Ds->Length(); } // Cursor is nearest the end of the string...? Cur.Offset = LineOffset[CurLine] + Line->Length() - Line->NewLine; Cur.LineHint = CurLine; return true; } else if (Line->NewLine) { Cur.Offset = LineOffset[CurLine]; Cur.LineHint = CurLine; return true; } } return false; } #ifdef _DEBUG void LRichTextPriv::TextBlock::DumpNodes(LTreeItem *Ti) { LString s; s.Printf("TextBlock, style=%s, pos=%s, ptr=%p", Style?Style->Name.Get():NULL, Pos.GetStr(), this); Ti->SetText(s); LTreeItem *TxtRoot = PrintNode(Ti, "Txt(%i)", Txt.Length()); if (TxtRoot) { ssize_t Pos = 0; for (size_t i=0; iLength(); LString u; if (Len) { LStringPipe p(256); uint32_t *Str = St->At(0); p.Write("\'", 1); for (int k=0; k= 0x10000) p.Print("&#%i;", Str[k]); else { uint8_t utf8[6], *n = utf8; ssize_t utf8len = sizeof(utf8); if (LgiUtf32To8(Str[k], n, utf8len)) p.Write(utf8, sizeof(utf8)-utf8len); } } p.Write("\'", 1); u = p.NewLStr(); } else u = "(Empty)"; PrintNode( TxtRoot, "[%i] range=%i-%i, len=%i, style=%s, %s", i, Pos, Pos + Len - 1, Len, St->GetStyle() ? St->GetStyle()->Name.Get() : NULL, u.Get()); Pos += Len; } } LTreeItem *LayoutRoot = PrintNode(Ti, "Layout(%i)", Layout.Length()); if (LayoutRoot) { ssize_t Pos = 0; for (size_t i=0; iLength() - 1, Tl->Length(), Tl->NewLine, Tl->PosOff.GetStr()); for (unsigned n=0; nStrs.Length(); n++) { DisplayStr *Ds = Tl->Strs[n]; LNamedStyle *Style = Ds->Src ? Ds->Src->GetStyle() : NULL; PrintNode( Elem, "[%i] style=%s len=%i txt='%.20S'", n, Style ? Style->Name.Get() : NULL, Ds->Length(), (const char16*) (*Ds)); } Pos += Tl->Length() + Tl->NewLine; } } } #endif