diff --git a/Code/Calendar.cpp b/Code/Calendar.cpp --- a/Code/Calendar.cpp +++ b/Code/Calendar.cpp @@ -1,3314 +1,3317 @@ /*hdr ** FILE: Calendar.cpp ** AUTHOR: Matthew Allen ** DATE: 23/11/2001 ** DESCRIPTION: Scribe calender support ** ** Copyright (C) 2001 Matthew Allen ** fret@memecode.com */ #include "Scribe.h" #include "lgi/common/vCard-vCal.h" #include "lgi/common/Combo.h" #include "lgi/common/DateTimeCtrls.h" #include "lgi/common/TabView.h" #include "lgi/common/DisplayString.h" #include "lgi/common/Edit.h" #include "lgi/common/ColourSelect.h" #include "lgi/common/Button.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/Json.h" #include "CalendarView.h" #include "PrintContext.h" #include "../Resources/resdefs.h" #include "resource.h" #include "AddressSelect.h" #include "ObjectInspector.h" #define MAX_RECUR 1024 #define DEBUG_REMINDER 0 #define DEBUG_DATES 0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ItemFieldDef CalendarFields[] = { {"Start", SdStart, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, IDC_START_DATE, 0, true}, {"End", SdEnd, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, IDC_END_DATE, 0, true}, {"Subject", SdSubject, GV_STRING, FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, IDC_SUBJECT}, {"Location", SdLocation, GV_STRING, FIELD_CAL_LOCATION, IDC_LOCATION}, {"Show Time As", SdShowTimeAs, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS, IDC_AVAILABLE_TYPE}, {"All Day", SdAllDay, GV_BOOL, FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY, IDC_ALL_DAY}, // TRUE if the calendar event recurs {"Recur", SdRecur, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_RECUR, -1}, // Base time unit of recurring event. See enum CalRecurFreq: days, weeks, months, years. {"Recur Freq", SdRecurFreq, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ, -1}, // Number of FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ units of time between recurring events. (Minimum is '1') {"Recur Interval", SdRecurInterval, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL, -1}, // Bitfield of days, Bit 0 = Sunday, Bit 1 = Monday, Bit 2 = Teusday etc. {"Filter Days", SdFilterDays, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS, -1}, // Bitfield of months, Bit 0 = Janurary, Bit 1 = feburary, Bit 2 = March etc. {"Filter Months", SdFilterMonths, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS, -1}, // String of year numbers separated by commas: "2010,2014,2018" {"Filter Years", SdFilterYears, GV_STRING, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS, -1}, // Position in month, "1" means the first matching day of the month. Multiple indexes can be joined with ',' // like: "1,3" {"Filter Pos", SdFilterPos, GV_STRING, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS, -1}, // See the CalRecurEndType enumeration {"Recur End Type", SdRecurEndType, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE, -1}, // If FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE==CalEndOnDate then this specifies the date to end {"Recur End Date", SdRecurEndDate, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE, -1}, // If FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE==CalEndOnCount then this specifies the count of events {"Recur End Count", SdRecurEndCount, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT, -1}, // The timezone the start and end are referencing {"Timezone", SdTimeZone, GV_STRING, FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE, IDC_TIMEZONE}, // User defined notes for the object {"Notes", SdNotes, GV_STRING, FIELD_CAL_NOTES, IDC_DESCRIPTION}, // See the CalendarType enumeration {"Type", SdType, GV_INT32, FIELD_CAL_TYPE, -1}, {"Reminders", SdReminders, GV_STRING, FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS, -1}, {"LastCheck", SdLastCheck, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK, -1}, {0} }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char *sReminderType[] = { "Email", "Popup", "ScriptCallback" }; const char *sReminderUnits[] = { "Minutes", "Hours", "Days", "Weeks" }; class ReminderItem : public LListItem { CalendarReminderType Type; float Value; CalendarReminderUnits Units; LString Param; public: ReminderItem(CalendarReminderType type, float value, CalendarReminderUnits units, LString param) { Type = type; Value = value; Units = units; Param = param; Update(); SetText("x", 1); } ReminderItem(LString s) { if (!SetString(s)) { // Default Type = CalPopup; Value = 1.0; Units = CalMinutes; Param.Empty(); } Update(); SetText("x", 1); } CalendarReminderType GetType() { return Type; } float GetValue() { return Value; } CalendarReminderUnits GetUnits() { return Units; } LString GetParam() { return Param; } LString GetString() { // See also FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS LString s; s.Printf("%g,%i,%i,%s", Value, Units, Type, Param?LUrlEncode(Param, ",\r\n").Get():""); return s; } bool SetString(LString s) { // See also FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS LString::Array a = s.Split(","); if (a.Length() < 3) return false; Value = (float) a[0].Float(); Units = (CalendarReminderUnits) a[1].Int(); Type = (CalendarReminderType) a[2].Int(); if (a.Length() > 3) Param = LUrlDecode(a[3]); return true; } void Update() { char s[300]; if (Param) sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s '%s' @ %g %s", sReminderType[Type], Param.Get(), Value, sReminderUnits[Units]); else sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s @ %g %s", sReminderType[Type], Value, sReminderUnits[Units]); SetText(s); } void OnPaintColumn(LItem::ItemPaintCtx &Ctx, int i, LItemColumn *c) { LColour old = Ctx.Fore; if (i == 1) Ctx.Fore.Rgb(255, 0, 0); LListItem::OnPaintColumn(Ctx, i, c); Ctx.Fore = old; } void OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down() && m.Left()) { if (GetList()->ColumnAtX(m.x) == 1) { delete this; return; } } LListItem::OnMouseClick(m); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int DefaultCalenderFields[] = { FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, 0, }; #define MINUTE 1 // we're in minutes... #define HOUR (60 * MINUTE) #define DAY (24 * HOUR) int ReminderOffsets[] = { 0, 15 * MINUTE, 30 * MINUTE, 1 * HOUR, 2 * HOUR, 3 * HOUR, 4 * HOUR, 5 * HOUR, 6 * HOUR, 7 * HOUR, 8 * HOUR, 9 * HOUR, 10 * HOUR, 11 * HOUR, 12 * HOUR, 1 * DAY, 2 * DAY }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List Calendar::Reminders; int Calendar::DayStart = -1; int Calendar::DayEnd = -1; int Calendar::WorkDayStart = -1; int Calendar::WorkDayEnd = -1; int Calendar::WorkWeekStart = -1; int Calendar::WorkWeekEnd = -1; void InitCalendarView() { Calendar::DayStart = 6; Calendar::DayEnd = 23; Calendar::WorkDayStart = -1; Calendar::WorkDayEnd = -1; Calendar::WorkWeekStart = -1; Calendar::WorkWeekEnd = -1; auto s = LAppInst->GetConfig("Scribe.Calendar.WorkDayStart"); if (s) Calendar::WorkDayStart = (int)s.Int(); s = LAppInst->GetConfig("Scribe.Calendar.WorkDayEnd"); if (s) Calendar::WorkDayEnd = (int)s.Int(); s = LAppInst->GetConfig("Scribe.Calendar.WorkWeekStart"); if (s) Calendar::WorkWeekStart = (int)s.Int() + 1; s = LAppInst->GetConfig("Scribe.Calendar.WorkWeekEnd"); if (s) Calendar::WorkWeekEnd = (int)s.Int() + 1; if (Calendar::WorkDayStart < 0) Calendar::WorkDayStart = 9; if (Calendar::WorkDayEnd < 0) Calendar::WorkDayEnd = 18; if (Calendar::WorkWeekStart < 0) Calendar::WorkWeekStart = 1; if (Calendar::WorkWeekEnd < 0) Calendar::WorkWeekEnd = 5; } void Calendar::CheckReminders() { LDateTime Now; Now.SetNow(); LDateTime Then; Then = Now; Then.AddDays(1); #if DEBUG_REMINDER LgiTrace("%s:%i - Reminders.Len=%i, Now=%s, Then=%s\n", _FL, Reminders.Length(), Now.Get().Get(), Then.Get().Get()); #endif for (auto c: Reminders) { auto App = c->App; LHashTbl,bool> Added; Thing *ReminderThing = NULL; Mail *ReminderEmail = NULL; // Is a reminder on the entry? if (!c->GetObject()) continue; LString Rem = c->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS); if (!Rem) continue; const char *Subj = NULL, *Notes = NULL; c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, Subj); c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_NOTES, Notes); LArray Times; if (!c->GetTimes(Now, Then, Times)) { #if DEBUG_REMINDER LgiTrace(" No times for '%s'\n", Subj); #endif continue; } LDataI *Obj = c->GetObject(); LDateTime LastCheck = *Obj->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK); if (LastCheck.IsValid()) LastCheck.ToLocal(); LString::Array r = Rem.SplitDelimit("\n"); for (unsigned i=0; i LastCheck; bool b = ts <= Now; LgiTrace(" last check = %s\n", LastCheck.Get().Get()); LgiTrace(" now = %s\n", Now.Get().Get()); LgiTrace(" %i %i\n", a, b); #endif if ( ( !LastCheck.IsValid() || ts > LastCheck ) && ts <= Now ) { // Save the last check field now auto NowUtc = Now.Utc(); Obj->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK, &NowUtc); c->SetDirty(); // Fire the event switch (ri.GetType()) { case CalEmail: { ScribeAccount *Acc = App->GetCurrentAccount(); if (!Acc || !Acc->Identity.IsValid()) { LView *Ui = c->GetUI(); LgiMsg(Ui ? Ui : c->App, "No from account to use for sending event notifications.", AppName, MB_OK); break; } auto Email = Acc->Identity.Email(); auto Name = Acc->Identity.Name(); LgiTrace("%s:%i - Using account ('%s' '%s') for the event reminder 'from' address.\n", _FL, Email.Str(), Name.Str()); if (!ReminderThing) ReminderThing = App->CreateThingOfType(MAGIC_MAIL); if (!ReminderEmail) { ReminderEmail = ReminderThing ? ReminderThing->IsMail() : NULL; if (ReminderEmail) { LString s; s.Printf("Calendar Notification: %s", Subj); ReminderEmail->SetSubject(s); s.Printf("The event '%s' is due at: %s\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "(This email was generated by Scribe)", Subj, t.s.Get().Get(), Notes ? Notes : ""); ReminderEmail->SetBody(s); auto Frm = ReminderEmail->GetFrom(); Frm->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, Email.Str()); Frm->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, Name.Str()); } } if (ReminderEmail) { auto To = ReminderEmail->GetTo(); // Add any custom parameter email address: LString Param = ri.GetParam(); if (LIsValidEmail(Param)) { auto Recip = To->Create(c->GetObject()->GetStore()); if (Recip) { Added.Add(Param, true); Recip->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, Param); To->Insert(Recip); } } // Add all the guests LString sGuests = c->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_TO); LString::Array Guests = sGuests.SplitDelimit(","); for (auto Guest: Guests) { LAutoString e, n; DecodeAddrName(Guest, n, e, NULL); #if DEBUG_REMINDER LgiTrace("Attendee=%s,%s\n", n.Get(), e.Get()); #endif if (LIsValidEmail(e.Get()) && !Added.Find(e)) { auto Recip = To->Create(c->GetObject()->GetStore()); if (Recip) { if (n) Recip->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, n); Recip->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, e); To->Insert(Recip); Added.Add(e, true); } } else { #if DEBUG_REMINDER LgiTrace("Attendee not valid or added already: %s\n", e.Get()); #endif } } } break; } case CalPopup: { if (LgiMsg( 0, // this causes the dialog to be ontop of everything else LLoadString(IDS_EVENT_DUE), AppName, MB_YESNO | MB_SYSTEMMODAL, Subj) == IDYES) { // Open the calendar entry c->DoUI(); } break; } case CalScriptCallback: { break; } default: { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Unknown reminder type.\n", _FL); break; } } } } } } if (ReminderEmail) { ReminderEmail->CreateMailHeaders(); ReminderEmail->Update(); ReminderEmail->Send(true); } } } #define MIN_1 ((int64)LDateTime::Second64Bit * 60) #define HOUR_1 (MIN_1 * 60) #define DAY_1 (HOUR_1 * 24) #define YEAR_1 (DAY_1 * 365) const char *RelativeTime(LDateTime &Then) { static char s[256]; static const int Id[] = { IDS_CAL_LDAY_SUN, IDS_CAL_LDAY_MON, IDS_CAL_LDAY_TUE, IDS_CAL_LDAY_WED, IDS_CAL_LDAY_THU, IDS_CAL_LDAY_FRI, IDS_CAL_LDAY_SAT, }; LDateTime Now; Now.SetNow(); char Val[64]; uint64 n, t; Now.Get(n); Then.Get(t); int64_t Diff = (int64)t - (int64)n; int Yrs = 0; int Months = 0; int Days = 0; int Hrs = 0; int Mins = 0; LDateTime i = Now; int Inc = Then > Now ? 1 : -1; char DirIndcator = Then > Now ? '+' : '-'; while (ABS(Diff) >= YEAR_1) { Yrs++; i.Year(i.Year()+Inc); i.Get(n); Diff = (int64)t - (int64)n; } int TotalDays = 0; if (ABS(Diff) > DAY_1) { TotalDays = Days = (int) (Diff / DAY_1); while (true) { LDateTime first = i; first.AddMonths(Inc); if ( (Inc < 0 && first > Then) // Tracking back in time.. || (Inc > 0 && Then > first) // Forward in time.. ) { Months += Inc; i = first; } else break; } if (Months) { uint64 remaining; i.Get(remaining); Diff = (int64_t)t - (int64_t)remaining; Days = (int) (Diff / DAY_1); } Diff -= (int64) Days * DAY_1; } if (ABS(Diff) > HOUR_1) { Hrs = (int) (Diff / HOUR_1); Diff -= (int64) Hrs * HOUR_1; } if (ABS(Diff) > MIN_1) { Mins = (int) (Diff / MIN_1); Diff -= (int64) Mins * MIN_1; } if (Yrs) { // Years + months sprintf_s(Val, sizeof(Val), "%c%iy %im", DirIndcator, abs(Yrs), abs(Months)); } else if (Months) { // Months + days sprintf_s(Val, sizeof(Val), "%c%im %id", DirIndcator, abs(Months), abs(Days)); } else if (Days) { if (abs(Days) >= 7) { // Weeks + days... sprintf_s(Val, sizeof(Val), "%c%iw %id", DirIndcator, abs(Days)/7, abs(Days)%7); } else { // Days + hours... sprintf_s(Val, sizeof(Val), "%c%id %ih", DirIndcator, abs(Days), abs(Hrs)); } } else if (Hrs) { // Hours + min sprintf_s(Val, sizeof(Val), "%c%ih %im", DirIndcator, abs(Hrs), abs(Mins)); } else { // Mins sprintf_s(Val, sizeof(Val), "%c%im", DirIndcator, abs(Mins)); } if (Yrs != 0 || Months != 0) { sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s", Val); return s; } auto NowDay = n / DAY_1; auto ThenDay = t / DAY_1; auto DaysDiff = (int64_t)ThenDay - (int64_t)NowDay; int Ch = 0; if (NowDay == ThenDay) Ch = sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s", LLoadString(IDS_TODAY)); else if (DaysDiff == -1) Ch = sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s", LLoadString(IDS_YESTERDAY)); else if (DaysDiff == 1) Ch = sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s", LLoadString(IDS_TOMORROW)); else if (DaysDiff > 1 && DaysDiff < 7) Ch = sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), LLoadString(IDS_THIS_WEEK), LLoadString(Id[Then.DayOfWeek()])); else if (DaysDiff >= 7 && DaysDiff < 14) Ch = sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), LLoadString(IDS_NEXT_WEEK), LLoadString(Id[Then.DayOfWeek()])); else { sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s", Val); return s; } sprintf_s(s+Ch, sizeof(s)-Ch, ", %s", Val); return s; } int CalSorter(TimePeriod *a, TimePeriod *b) { return a->s.Compare(&b->s); } bool Calendar::SummaryOfToday(ScribeWnd *App, LVariant &v) { bool Status = false; LArray Sources; if (App && App->GetCalendarSources(Sources)) { LDateTime Now; Now.SetNow(); LDateTime Next = Now; Next.AddMonths(1); LArray e; for (unsigned i=0; iGetEvents(Now, Next, e); } if (e.Length()) { e.Sort(CalSorter); LStringPipe p; p.Print("\n"); for (unsigned n=0; nGetField(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, Subject); LColour Base32 = c->GetColour(); auto Edge = Base32.Mix(LColour(L_WORKSPACE), 0.85f); sprintf_s(Back, sizeof(Back), "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", Edge.r(), Edge.g(), Edge.b()); sprintf_s(Fore, sizeof(Fore), "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", Base32.r(), Base32.g(), Base32.b()); p.Print("\t
\n" "\t\t%s\n", Fore, Back, Fore, Fore, (Thing*)c, Subject); char Str[256]; const char *Rel = RelativeTime(tp.s); if (Rel) { p.Print("\t\t
%s\n", Rel); } tp.s.Get(Str, sizeof(Str)); p.Print("\t\t
%s\n", Str); tp.e.Get(Str, sizeof(Str)); p.Print("\t\t-
%s\n", Str); } p.Print("
\n"); char *Str = p.NewStr(); if (Str) { v = Str; DeleteArray(Str); Status = true; } } else { char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s", LLoadString(IDS_NO_EVENTS)); v = s; Status = true; } } return Status; } void Calendar::OnSerialize(bool Write) { // Update reminder list.. Reminders.Delete(this); const char *Rem = NULL; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS, Rem) && ValidStr(Rem)) { Reminders.Insert(this); } SetImage(GetCalType() == CalTodo ? ICON_TODO : ICON_CALENDAR); if (Write && TodoView) { TodoView->Update(); TodoView->Resort(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Calendar::Calendar(ScribeWnd *app, LDataI *object) : Thing(app, object) { DefaultObject(object); Ui = 0; TodoView = 0; Source = 0; SetImage(ICON_CALENDAR); } Calendar::~Calendar() { DeleteObj(TodoView); Reminders.Delete(this); } bool Calendar::GetTimes(LDateTime StartLocal, LDateTime EndLocal, LArray &Times) { if (Calendar::DayStart < 0) InitCalendarView(); ssize_t StartLen = Times.Length(); LDateTime StartUtc = StartLocal; LDateTime EndUtc = EndLocal; StartUtc.ToUtc(); EndUtc.ToUtc(); // int StartTz = StartLocal.GetTimeZone(); TimePeriod w; w.s = StartUtc; w.e = EndUtc; const char *Subj = NULL; GetField(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, Subj); TimePeriod BaseUtc; LArray Periods; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, BaseUtc.s)) { if (!GetField(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, BaseUtc.e)) { BaseUtc.e = BaseUtc.s; BaseUtc.e.AddHours(1); } LArray Dst; LDateTime::GetDaylightSavingsInfo(Dst, BaseUtc.s, &EndUtc); LAssert(Dst.Length() > 0); Periods.Add(BaseUtc); LDateTime BaseS = BaseUtc.s; LDateTime::DstToLocal(Dst, BaseS); auto BaseTz = BaseS.GetTimeZone(); // Process recur rules int Recur = 0; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR, Recur) && Recur) { LDateTime Diff = BaseUtc.e - BaseUtc.s; int FilterFreq = -1; int FilterInterval = 0; int FilterDay = 0; int FilterMonth = 0; const char *FilterYear = 0; const char *FilterPos = 0; int EndType = 0; LDateTime EndDate; int EndCount = 0; GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ, FilterFreq); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL, FilterInterval); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS, FilterDay); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS, FilterMonth); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS, FilterYear); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS, FilterPos); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE, EndType); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE, EndDate); GetField(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT, EndCount); LDateTime CurUtc = BaseUtc.s; const char *Error = 0; int Count = 0; while (!Error) { // Advance the current date by interval * freq switch (FilterFreq) { case CalFreqDays: CurUtc.AddDays(FilterInterval); break; case CalFreqWeeks: CurUtc.AddDays(FilterInterval * 7); break; case CalFreqMonths: CurUtc.AddMonths(FilterInterval); break; case CalFreqYears: CurUtc.Year(CurUtc.Year() + FilterInterval); break; default: Error = "Invalid freq."; break; } if (Error || CurUtc > EndUtc) break; // Check against end conditions bool IsEnded = CurUtc > EndUtc; switch (EndType) { case CalEndNever: break; case CalEndOnCount: // count IsEnded = Count >= EndCount - 1; break; case CalEndOnDate: // date IsEnded = CurUtc > EndDate; break; default: // error IsEnded = true; break; } if (IsEnded) break; // Check against filters LDateTime CurLocal = CurUtc; LDateTime::DstToLocal(Dst, CurLocal); // This fixes the current time when it's in a different daylight saves zone. // Otherwise you get events one hour or whatever out of position after DST starts // or ends during the recurring set. int DiffMins = BaseTz - CurLocal.GetTimeZone(); CurLocal.AddMinutes(DiffMins); bool Show = true; if (FilterDay) { int Day = CurLocal.DayOfWeek(); for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { int Bit = 1 << i; if (Day == i && (FilterDay & Bit) == 0) { Show = false; break; } } } if (Show && FilterMonth) { for (int i=0; i<12; i++) { int Bit = 1 << i; if ((CurLocal.Month() == i + 1) && (FilterMonth & Bit) == 0) { Show = false; break; } } } if (Show && ValidStr(FilterYear)) { LToken t(FilterYear, " ,;:"); Show = false; for (unsigned i=0; i= MAX_RECUR) break; TimePeriod &p = Periods.New(); p.s = CurLocal; p.e = CurLocal; p.e.AddHours(Diff.Hours()); p.e.AddMinutes(Diff.Minutes()); } Count++; } } // Now process periods into multiday segments if needed for (unsigned k=0; k Calendar::WorkDayEnd) { t.e.Hours(23); t.e.Minutes(59); t.e.Seconds(59); } else { t.e.Hours(Calendar::WorkDayEnd); } if (t.Overlap(w)) { t.c = this; Times.Add(t); } } else if (i.IsSameDay(n.e)) { // End day TimePeriod t; t.s = n.e; t.e = n.e; int h = t.s.Hours(); if (h < Calendar::WorkDayStart) { t.s.Hours(0); t.s.Minutes(0); t.s.Seconds(0); } else { t.s.Hours(Calendar::WorkDayStart); } if (t.Overlap(w)) { t.c = this; Times.Add(t); } break; } else { // Middle day TimePeriod t; t.s = i; t.s.Hours(Calendar::WorkDayStart); t.s.Minutes(0); t.s.Seconds(0); t.e = i; t.e.Hours(Calendar::WorkDayEnd); t.e.Minutes(0); t.e.Seconds(0); if (t.Overlap(w)) { t.c = this; Times.Add(t); } } } } else if (n.Overlap(w)) { n.c = this; Times.Add(n); } } } return (int)Times.Length() > StartLen; } CalendarType Calendar::GetCalType() { CalendarType Type = CalEvent; GetField(FIELD_CAL_TYPE, (int&)Type); return Type; } void Calendar::SetCalType(CalendarType Type) { SetField(FIELD_CAL_TYPE, (int)Type); SetImage(Type == CalTodo ? ICON_TODO : ICON_CALENDAR); } LColour Calendar::GetColour() { if (GetObject()) { int64 c = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_COLOUR); if (c >= 0) { return LColour((uint32_t)c, 32); } } if (Source) return Source->GetColour(); return LColour(L_LOW); } void Calendar::OnPaintView(LSurface *pDC, LFont *Font, LRect *Pos, TimePeriod *Period) { LRect p = *Pos; const char *Title = "..."; LDateTime Now; float Sx = 1.0; float Sy = 1.0; if (pDC->IsPrint()) { auto DcDpi = pDC->GetDpi(); auto SrcDpi = LScreenDpi(); Sx = (float)DcDpi.x / SrcDpi.x; Sy = (float)DcDpi.y / SrcDpi.y; } float Scale = Sx < Sy ? Sx : Sy; Now.SetNow(); GetField(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, Title); bool Delayed = GetObject() ? GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STATUS) == Store3Delayed : false; LColour Grey(192, 192, 192); auto View = GetView(); if (View && View->Selection.HasItem(this)) { // selected LColour f = L_FOCUS_SEL_FORE; LColour b = L_FOCUS_SEL_BACK; if (Delayed) { f = f.Mix(Grey); b = b.Mix(Grey); } pDC->Colour(f); pDC->Box(&p); p.Inset(1, 1); pDC->Colour(b); Font->Colour(f, b); } else { LColour Text(0x80, 0x80, 0x80); LColour Base = GetColour(); LColour Qtr = GdcMixColour(Base, LColour(L_WORKSPACE), 0.1f); LColour Half = GdcMixColour(Base, LColour(L_WORKSPACE), 0.4f); // not selected LColour f, b; if (Period && Now < Period->s) { // future entry (full colour) f = Base; b = Half; } else { // historical entry (half strength colour) f = Half; b = Qtr; } if (Delayed) { f = f.Mix(Grey); b = b.Mix(Grey); } pDC->Colour(f); pDC->Box(&p); p.Inset(1, 1); pDC->Colour(b); Font->Colour(Text, b); } pDC->Rectangle(&p); p.Inset((int)SX(1), (int)SY(1)); Font->Transparent(false); LDisplayString ds(Font, Title); float Ht = p.Y() > 0 ? (float)ds.Y() / p.Y() : 1.0f; if (Ht < 0.75f) p.Inset((int)SX(3), (int)SY(3)); else if (Ht < 0.95f) p.Inset((int)SX(1), (int)SY(1)); ds.Draw(pDC, p.x1, p.y1, &p); ViewPos.Union(Pos); } Thing &Calendar::operator =(Thing &Obj) { if (Obj.GetObject() && GetObject()) { GetObject()->CopyProps(*Obj.GetObject()); } return *this; } bool Calendar::operator ==(Thing &t) { Calendar *c = t.IsCalendar(); if (!c) return false; { LDateTime a, b; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, a) && c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, b) && a != b) return false; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, a) && c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, b) && a != b) return false; } { const char *a, *b; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, a) && c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, b) && Stricmp(a, b)) return false; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION, a) && c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION, b) && Stricmp(a, b)) return false; } return true; } int Calendar::Compare(LListItem *Arg, ssize_t FieldId) { Calendar *c1 = this; Calendar *c2 = dynamic_cast(Arg); if (c1 && c2) { switch (FieldId) { case FIELD_CAL_START_UTC: case FIELD_CAL_END_UTC: { LDateTime d1, d2; if (!c1->GetField((int)FieldId, d1)) d1.SetNow(); if (!c2->GetField((int)FieldId, d2)) d2.SetNow(); return d1.Compare(&d2); break; } case FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT: case FIELD_CAL_LOCATION: { const char *s1 = "", *s2 = ""; if (c1->GetField((int)FieldId, s1) && c2->GetField((int)FieldId, s2)) { return _stricmp(s1, s2); } break; } } } return 0; } uint32_t Calendar::GetFlags() { return 0; } ThingUi *Calendar::DoUI(MailContainer *c) { if (!Ui) { Ui = new CalendarUi(this); } return Ui; } ThingUi *Calendar::GetUI() { return Ui; } bool Calendar::SetUI(ThingUi *ui) { if (Ui) Ui->Item = NULL; Ui = dynamic_cast(ui); if (Ui) Ui->Item = this; return true; } void Calendar::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down()) { if (m.Left()) { if (m.Double()) { DoUI(); } } else if (m.Right()) { auto View = GetView(); DoContextMenu(m, View ? (LView*)View : (LView*)App); } } } void Calendar::OnCreate() { for (auto v: CalendarView::CalendarViews) v->OnContentsChanged(); } bool Calendar::OnDelete() { bool IsTodo = GetCalType() == CalTodo; bool Status = Thing::OnDelete(); if (IsTodo) DeleteObj(TodoView); for (auto v: CalendarView::CalendarViews) v->OnContentsChanged(); return Status; } bool Calendar::GetParentSelection(LList *Lst, List &s) { if (Lst) { return Lst->GetSelection(s); } if (auto View = GetView()) { LArray &a = View->GetSelection(); for (unsigned i=0; i(a[i])); } return true; } return false; } #define IDM_MOVE_TO 4000 void Calendar::DoContextMenu(LMouse &m, LView *Parent) { LSubMenu Sub; LScriptUi s(&Sub); if (s.Sub) { s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_OPEN), IDM_OPEN); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE), IDM_DELETE); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_EXPORT), IDM_EXPORT); s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_INSPECT), IDM_INSPECT); CalendarView *Cv = dynamic_cast(Parent); if (Cv) { s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); for (unsigned n = 0; nGetName()); s.Sub->AppendItem(m, IDM_MOVE_TO + n++, Source != Cs); } } LArray Callbacks; if (App->GetScriptCallbacks(LThingContextMenu, Callbacks)) { LScriptArguments Args(NULL); Args[0] = new LVariant(App); Args[1] = new LVariant(this); Args[2] = new LVariant(&s); for (unsigned i=0; iExecuteScriptCallback(*Callbacks[i], Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); } m.ToScreen(); int Result = s.Sub->Float(App, m.x, m.y); switch (Result) { default: { if (Cv) { int Idx = Result - IDM_MOVE_TO; if (Idx >= 0 && Idx < (int)CalendarSource::GetSources().Length()) { CalendarSource *Dst = CalendarSource::GetSources().ItemAt(Idx); if (Dst) { FolderCalendarSource *Fsrc = dynamic_cast(Dst); if (Fsrc) { const char *Path = Fsrc->GetPath(); ScribeFolder *DstFolder = App->GetFolder(Path); if (DstFolder) { LArray Items; Items.Add(this); DstFolder->MoveTo(Items); if (Items[0] != (Thing*)this) return; Source = Dst; Cv->Invalidate(); } } else LAssert(!"Impl me."); } } } // Handle any installed callbacks for menu items for (unsigned i=0; iExecuteScriptCallback(Cb, Args); } } break; } case IDM_OPEN: { DoUI(); break; } case IDM_DELETE: { LVariant ConfirmDelete; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ConfirmDelete, ConfirmDelete); if (!ConfirmDelete.CastInt32() || LgiMsg(Parent, LLoadString(IDS_DELETE_ASK), AppName, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { List Del; LList *PList = dynamic_cast(Parent); if (GetParentSelection(PList ? PList : GetList(), Del)) { for (auto i: Del) { Thing *t = dynamic_cast(i); if (t) { t->OnDelete(); } else { CalendarTodoItem *Todo = dynamic_cast(i); if (Todo) { Calendar *c = Todo->GetTodo(); c->OnDelete(); } } } } else { Thing *t = this; t->OnDelete(); } } break; } case IDM_EXPORT: { ExportAll(GetList(), sMimeVCalendar, NULL); break; } case IDM_INSPECT: { new ObjectInspector(App, this); break; } } } } const char *Calendar::GetText(int i) { static char s[64]; if (!GetObject()) { LAssert(!"No storage object"); return 0; } int Field = 0; if (FieldArray.Length()) { if (i >= 0 && i < (int) FieldArray.Length()) Field = FieldArray[i]; } else if (i >= 0 && i < CountOf(DefaultCalenderFields)) { Field = DefaultCalenderFields[i]; } if (!Field) return 0; ItemFieldDef *Def = GetFieldDefById(Field); if (!Def) { LAssert(!"Where is the field def?"); return 0; } switch (Def->Type) { case GV_STRING: { return GetObject()->GetStr(Field); break; } case GV_INT32: { sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), LPrintfInt64, GetObject()->GetInt(Field)); return s; break; } case GV_DATETIME: { // Get any effective timezone for this event. LString Tz = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE); auto dt = GetObject()->GetDate(Field); if (dt && dt->IsValid()) { LDateTime tmp = *dt; #if DEBUG_DATES printf("GetText.UTC %i = %s\n", i, tmp.Get().Get()); #endif bool UseLocal = true; tmp.SetTimeZone(0, false); if (Tz.Get()) { bool HasPt = false, HasDigit = false; char *e = Tz.Get(); while (strchr(" \t\r\n-.+", *e) || IsDigit(*e)) { if (*e == '.') HasPt = true; if (IsDigit(*e)) HasDigit = true; e++; } if (HasDigit) { if (HasPt) { double TzHrs = Tz.Float(); double i, f = modf(TzHrs, &i); int Mins = (int) ((i * 60) + (f * 60)); tmp.AddMinutes(Mins); } else { int64 i = Tz.Int(); int a = (int)ABS(i); int Mins = (int) (((a / 100) * 60) + (a % 100)); tmp.AddMinutes(i < 0 ? -Mins : Mins); } UseLocal = false; } } if (UseLocal) tmp.ToLocal(); #if DEBUG_DATES printf("GetText.Local %i = %s\n", i, tmp.Get().Get()); #endif tmp.Get(s, sizeof(s)); return s; } break; } default: { LAssert(0); break; } } return 0; } int *Calendar::GetDefaultFields() { return DefaultCalenderFields; } const char *Calendar::GetFieldText(int Field) { return 0; } bool Calendar::Overlap(Calendar *c) { if (c) { LDateTime Ts, Te, Cs, Ce; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, Ts) && c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, Cs)) { if (!GetField(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, Te)) { Te = Ts; Te.AddHours(1); } if (!c->GetField(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, Ce)) { Ce = Cs; Ce.AddHours(1); } if ((Ce <= Ts) || (Cs >= Te)) { return false; } return true; } } return false; } bool Calendar::Save(ScribeFolder *Folder) { bool Status = false; // Check the dates are the right way around LDateTime Start, End; if (GetField(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, Start) && GetField(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, End)) { if (End < Start) { SetField(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, End); SetField(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, Start); } } auto ChangeEvent = [this](bool Status) { auto View = GetView(); if (View && Status) { View->OnContentsChanged(Source); OnSerialize(true); } }; if (GetObject() && GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STORE_TYPE) == Store3Webdav) { auto ParentObj = Folder ? Folder->GetObject() : NULL; Store3Status s = GetObject()->Save(ParentObj); Status = s > Store3Error; if (Status) SetDirty(false); ChangeEvent(Status); } else { if (!Folder) { Folder = GetFolder(); } if (!Folder && App) { Folder = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_CALENDAR); } // FIXME: This can't wait for WriteThing to finish it's call back... Status = true; if (Folder) { + LDateTime Now; + GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, &Now.SetNow()); + Folder->WriteThing(this, [this, ChangeEvent](auto Status) { if (Status > Store3Error) SetDirty(false); ChangeEvent(Status); }); } else ChangeEvent(Status); } return Status; } // Import/Export bool Calendar::GetFormats(bool Export, LString::Array &MimeTypes) { MimeTypes.Add(sMimeVCalendar); return MimeTypes.Length() > 0; } Thing::IoProgress Calendar::Import(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeVCalendar) && Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeICalendar)) IoProgressNotImpl(); VCal vCal; if (!vCal.Import(GetObject(), stream)) IoProgressError("vCal import failed."); IoProgressSuccess(); } Thing::IoProgress Calendar::Export(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeVCalendar)) IoProgressNotImpl(); VCal vCal; if (!vCal.Export(GetObject(), stream)) IoProgressError("vCal export failed."); IoProgressSuccess(); } char *Calendar::GetDropFileName() { if (!DropFileName) { const char *Name = 0; GetField(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, Name); DropFileName.Reset(MakeFileName(Name ? Name : "Cal", "ics")); } return DropFileName; } bool Calendar::GetDropFiles(LString::Array &Files) { bool Status = false; if (GetDropFileName()) { if (!LFileExists(DropFileName)) { LAutoPtr F(new LFile); if (F->Open(DropFileName, O_WRITE)) { F->SetSize(0); Export(AutoCast(F), sMimeVCalendar); } } if (LFileExists(DropFileName)) { Files.Add(DropFileName.Get()); Status = true; } } return Status; } void Calendar::OnPrintHeaders(ScribePrintContext &Context) { LDisplayString *ds = Context.Text(LLoadString(IDS_CAL_EVENT)); LRect &r = Context.MarginPx; int Line = ds->Y(); LDrawListSurface *Page = Context.Pages.Last(); Page->Rectangle(r.x1, Context.CurrentY + (Line * 5 / 10), r.x2, Context.CurrentY + (Line * 6 / 10)); Context.CurrentY += Line; } void Calendar::OnPrintText(ScribePrintContext &Context, LPrintPageRanges &Pages) { // Print document for (ItemFieldDef *Fld = CalendarFields; Fld->FieldId; Fld++) { LString Value; switch (Fld->Type) { case GV_STRING: { Value = GetObject()->GetStr(Fld->FieldId); break; } case GV_DATETIME: { auto Dt = GetObject()->GetDate(Fld->FieldId); if (Dt) { char s[64] = ""; Dt->Get(s, sizeof(s)); Value = s; } break; } default: break; } if (Value) { LString f; const char *Name = LLoadString(Fld->FieldId); f.Printf("%s: %s", Name ? Name : Fld->DisplayText, Value.Get()); // LDisplayString *ds = Context.Text(f); } } } bool Calendar::GetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(Name); switch (Fld) { // String variables case SdSubject: // Type: String Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT); break; case SdTo: // Type: String Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_TO); break; case SdLocation: // Type: String Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION); break; case SdUid: // Type: String Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_UID); break; case SdReminders: // Type: String Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS); break; case SdNotes: // Type: String Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_NOTES); break; case SdStatus: // Type: String Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_STATUS); break; // Int variables case SdType: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_TYPE); break; case SdCompleted: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED); break; case SdShowTimeAs: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS); break; case SdRecur: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR); break; case SdRecurFreq: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ); break; case SdRecurInterval: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL); break; case SdRecurEndCount: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT); break; case SdRecurEndType: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE); break; case SdRecurFilterDays: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS); break; case SdRecurFilterMonths: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS); break; case SdPrivacy: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY); break; case SdAllDay: // Type: Int32 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY); break; case SdColour: // Type: Int64 Value = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_COLOUR); break; // Date time fields case SdStart: // Type: DateTime Value = GetObject()->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC); break; case SdEnd: // Type: DateTime Value = GetObject()->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC); break; default: return false; } return true; } bool Calendar::SetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(Name); switch (Fld) { // String variables case SdSubject: Value = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, Value.Str()); break; case SdTo: Value = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_TO, Value.Str()); break; case SdLocation: Value = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION, Value.Str()); break; case SdUid: Value = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_UID, Value.Str()); break; case SdReminders: Value = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS, Value.Str()); break; case SdNotes: Value = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_NOTES, Value.Str()); break; case SdStatus: Value = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_STATUS, Value.Str()); break; // Int variables case SdType: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_TYPE, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdCompleted: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdShowTimeAs: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdRecur: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdRecurFreq: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdRecurInterval: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdRecurEndCount: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdRecurEndType: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdRecurFilterDays: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdRecurFilterMonths: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdPrivacy: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdColour: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_COLOUR, Value.CastInt32()); break; case SdAllDay: Value = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY, Value.CastInt32()); break; // Date time fields case SdStart: if (Value.Type == GV_DATETIME) Value = GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, Value.Value.Date); else if (Value.Str()) { LDateTime dt; dt.Set(Value.Str()); GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, &dt); } break; case SdEnd: if (Value.Type == GV_DATETIME) Value = GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, Value.Value.Date); else if (Value.Str()) { LDateTime dt; dt.Set(Value.Str()); GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, &dt); } break; default: return false; } return true; } bool Calendar::CallMethod(const char *MethodName, LVariant *ReturnValue, LArray &Args) { // ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(MethodName); return Thing::CallMethod(MethodName, ReturnValue, Args); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SerializeUi(ItemFieldDef *Defs, LDataI *Object, LViewI *View, bool ToUi) { if (!Object || !Defs || !View) return false; if (ToUi) { for (ItemFieldDef *d = Defs; d->FieldId; d++) { if (d->CtrlId <= 0) continue; switch (d->Type) { case GV_STRING: { auto s = Object->GetStr(d->FieldId); View->SetCtrlName(d->CtrlId, s); break; } case GV_INT32: { int64 i = Object->GetInt(d->FieldId); View->SetCtrlValue(d->CtrlId, i); break; } case GV_DATETIME: { char s[64] = ""; auto dt = Object->GetDate(d->FieldId); if (dt && dt->Year()) dt->Get(s, sizeof(s)); View->SetCtrlName(d->CtrlId, s); break; } default: { LAssert(0); break; } } } } else { for (ItemFieldDef *d = Defs; d->FieldId; d++) { if (d->CtrlId <= 0) continue; switch (d->Type) { case GV_STRING: { const char *s = View->GetCtrlName(d->CtrlId); Object->SetStr(d->FieldId, s); break; } case GV_INT32: { int i = (int)View->GetCtrlValue(d->CtrlId); Object->SetInt(d->FieldId, i); break; } case GV_DATETIME: { const char *s = View->GetCtrlName(d->CtrlId); LDateTime dt; dt.Set(s); Object->SetDate(d->FieldId, &dt); break; } default: { LAssert(0); break; } } } } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LEditDropDown : public LEdit { public: enum DropType { DropNone, DropDate, DropTime, }; protected: DropType Type; LAutoPtr Popup; public: LEditDropDown(int id) : LEdit(id, 0, 0, 60, 20, NULL) { Type = DropNone; SetObjectName(Res_Custom); } void SetType(DropType type) { Type = type; } const char *GetClass() { return "LEditDropDown"; } void OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { LEdit::OnMouseClick(m); if (Focus() && Popup && !Popup->Visible()) { Popup->Visible(true); } } void OnFocus(bool f) { if (f) { if (!Popup) { if (Type == DropDate) Popup.Reset(new LDatePopup(this)); else if (Type == DropTime) Popup.Reset(new LTimePopup(this)); if (Popup) { Popup->TakeFocus(false); LPoint p(0, Y()); PointToScreen(p); LRect r = Popup->GetPos(); r.Offset(p.x - r.x1, p.y - r.y1); Popup->SetPos(r); } } if (Popup) Popup->Visible(true); } } int OnNotify(LViewI *Wnd, LNotification n) { /* LgiTrace("OnNotify %s, %i\n", Wnd->GetClass(), Flags); if (Wnd == (LViewI*)Popup) { GDatePopup *Date; if ((Date = dynamic_cast(Popup.Get()))) { LDateTime Ts = Date->Get(); char s[256]; Ts.GetDate(s, sizeof(s)); Name(s); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Incorrect pop up type.\n", _FL); } */ return 0; } void OnChildrenChanged(LViewI *Wnd, bool Attaching) { if (Wnd == (LViewI*)Popup.Get() && !Attaching) { // This gets called in the destructor of the Popup, so we should // lose the pointer to it. Popup.Release(); } } }; struct LEditDropDownFactory : public LViewFactory { LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (!_stricmp(Class, "LEditDropDown")) { return new LEditDropDown(-1); } return NULL; } } EditDropDownFactory; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LRecurDlg : public LDialog { CalendarUi *Ui; LEditDropDown *EndOnDate; LCombo *Repeats; bool AcceptNotify; public: LRecurDlg(CalendarUi *ui) { EndOnDate = NULL; Repeats = NULL; AcceptNotify = true; Ui = ui; SetParent(ui); if (LoadFromResource(IDD_CAL_RECUR)) { if (GetViewById(IDC_ON_DATE, EndOnDate)) { EndOnDate->SetType(LEditDropDown::DropDate); LDateTime dt; dt.SetNow(); char s[64]; dt.GetDate(s, sizeof(s)); EndOnDate->Name(s); } if (GetViewById(IDC_REPEATS, Repeats)) { Repeats->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_DAY)); Repeats->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_WEEK)); Repeats->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_MONTH)); Repeats->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_YEAR)); Repeats->Value(1); } Radio(IDC_NEVER); SetCtrlValue(IDC_EVERY, 1); Serialize(false); } } ~LRecurDlg() { } void Serialize(bool Write) { int DayCtrls[] = { IDC_SUNDAY, IDC_MONDAY, IDC_TUESDAY, IDC_WEDNESDAY, IDC_THURSDAY, IDC_FRIDAY, IDC_SATURDAY }; Calendar *c = Ui->GetCal(); LDataI *o = c->GetObject(); if (Write) { // Dlg -> Object int64 v = Repeats->Value(); o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ, v); v = GetCtrlValue(IDC_EVERY); o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL, v); int DayFilter = 0; for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { if (GetCtrlValue(DayCtrls[i])) DayFilter |= 1 << i; } o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS, DayFilter); if (GetCtrlValue(IDC_NEVER)) { o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE, CalEndNever); } else if (GetCtrlValue(IDC_AFTER)) { o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE, CalEndOnCount); o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT, GetCtrlValue(IDC_AFTER_COUNT)); } else if (GetCtrlValue(IDC_ON)) { o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE, CalEndOnDate); LDateTime e; e.SetDate(GetCtrlName(IDC_ON_DATE)); e.SetTime("11:59:59"); o->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE, &e); } else LAssert(0); } else { // Object -> Dlg int64 v = o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ); Repeats->Value(v); OnRepeat(v); v = o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL); SetCtrlValue(IDC_EVERY, MAX(v, 1)); int DayFilter = (int)o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS); for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { SetCtrlValue(DayCtrls[i], (DayFilter & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0); } CalRecurEndType EndType = (CalRecurEndType) o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE); if (EndType == CalEndOnCount) { Radio(IDC_AFTER); SetCtrlValue(IDC_AFTER_COUNT, o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT)); } else if (EndType == CalEndOnDate) { Radio(IDC_ON); auto e = o->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE); if (e) SetCtrlName(IDC_ON_DATE, e->GetDate()); } else // Default to never... { Radio(IDC_NEVER); } } } void Radio(int Id) { AcceptNotify = false; SetCtrlValue(IDC_NEVER, Id == IDC_NEVER); SetCtrlValue(IDC_AFTER, Id == IDC_AFTER); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_AFTER_COUNT, Id == IDC_AFTER); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_OCCURRENCES, Id == IDC_AFTER); SetCtrlValue(IDC_ON, Id == IDC_ON); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_ON_DATE, Id == IDC_ON); AcceptNotify = true; } void OnRepeat(int64 Val) { LViewI *v; if (!GetViewById(IDC_TIME_TYPE, v)) return; switch (Val) { case 0: v->Name(LLoadString(IDS_DAYS)); break; case 1: v->Name(LLoadString(IDS_WEEKS)); break; case 2: v->Name(LLoadString(IDS_MONTHS)); break; case 3: v->Name(LLoadString(IDS_YEARS)); break; } v->SendNotify(LNotifyTableLayoutRefresh); } int OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (!AcceptNotify) return 0; switch (Ctrl->GetId()) { case IDC_NEVER: case IDC_AFTER: case IDC_ON: Radio(Ctrl->GetId()); break; case IDC_REPEATS: OnRepeat(Ctrl->Value()); break; case IDOK: Serialize(true); // Fall through case IDCANCEL: EndModal(Ctrl->GetId() == IDOK); break; } return 0; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct CalendarUiPriv { CalendarUi *Ui; LEditDropDown *StartDate, *StartTime; LEditDropDown *EndDate, *EndTime; LEdit *Entry; AddressBrowse *Browse; LList *Guests; LList *Reminders; LCombo *ReminderType; LCombo *ReminderUnit; LCombo *CalSelect; LColourSelect *Colour; CalendarUiPriv(CalendarUi *ui) { Ui = ui; StartDate = StartTime = NULL; EndDate = EndTime = NULL; CalSelect = NULL; Entry = NULL; Browse = NULL; Guests = NULL; Colour = NULL; Reminders = NULL; ReminderType = NULL; ReminderUnit = NULL; } void OnGuest() { const char *g = Ui->GetCtrlName(IDC_GUEST_ENTRY); if (!g) return; Mailto mt(Ui->App, g); for (auto a: mt.To) { ListAddr *la = new ListAddr(Ui->App, a); if (la) { Guests->Insert(la); } } Ui->SetCtrlName(IDC_GUEST_ENTRY, ""); } }; CalendarUi::CalendarUi(Calendar *item) : ThingUi(item, LLoadString(IDS_CAL_EVENT)) { NotifyOn = false; Item = item; d = new CalendarUiPriv(this); #if WINNATIVE CreateClassW32("Event", LoadIcon(LProcessInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_EVENT))); #endif if (!Attach(NULL)) LAssert(0); else { LoadFromResource(IDD_CAL, this); AttachChildren(); if (!SerializeState(Item->App->GetOptions(), OPT_CalendarEventPos, true)) { LRect p(100, 100, 900, 700); SetPos(p); MoveToCenter(); } if (GetViewById(IDC_START_DATE, d->StartDate)) { d->StartDate->SetType(LEditDropDown::DropDate); } if (GetViewById(IDC_START_TIME, d->StartTime)) { d->StartTime->SetType(LEditDropDown::DropTime); } if (GetViewById(IDC_END_DATE, d->EndDate)) { d->EndDate->SetType(LEditDropDown::DropDate); } if (GetViewById(IDC_END_TIME, d->EndTime)) { d->EndTime->SetType(LEditDropDown::DropTime); } GetViewById(IDC_GUEST_ENTRY, d->Entry); if (GetViewById(IDC_GUESTS, d->Guests)) { d->Guests->AddColumn(LLoadString(IDS_ADDRESS), 120); d->Guests->AddColumn(LLoadString(IDS_NAME), 120); d->Guests->ShowColumnHeader(false); } if (GetViewById(IDC_REMINDERS, d->Reminders)) { d->Reminders->AddColumn(LLoadString(FIELD_CAL_REMINDER_TIME), 200); d->Reminders->AddColumn(LLoadString(IDC_DELETE), 20); d->Reminders->ShowColumnHeader(false); } if (GetViewById(IDC_REMINDER_TYPE, d->ReminderType)) { d->ReminderType->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_EMAIL)); d->ReminderType->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_POPUP)); d->ReminderType->Insert("Script"); d->ReminderType->Value(1); } SetCtrlValue(IDC_REMINDER_VALUE, 10); if (GetViewById(IDC_REMINDER_UNIT, d->ReminderUnit)) { d->ReminderUnit->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_MINUTES)); d->ReminderUnit->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_HOURS)); d->ReminderUnit->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_DAYS)); d->ReminderUnit->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_WEEKS)); d->ReminderUnit->Value(0); } SetCtrlValue(IDC_AVAILABLE_TYPE, 1); if (GetViewById(IDC_COLOUR, d->Colour)) { LArray Colours; Colours.Add(LColour(84, 132, 237, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(164, 189, 252, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(70, 214, 219, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(122, 231, 191, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(81, 183, 73, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(251, 215, 91, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(255, 184, 120, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(255, 136, 124, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(220, 33, 39, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(219, 173, 255, 255)); Colours.Add(LColour(225, 225, 225, 255)); d->Colour->SetColourList(&Colours); d->Colour->Value(0); } if (GetViewById(IDC_CALENDAR, d->CalSelect)) { LArray Sources; if (Item->App->GetCalendarSources(Sources)) { for (unsigned i=0; iCalSelect->Insert(cs->GetName()); } } } LView *s; if (GetViewById(IDC_SUBJECT, s)) s->Focus(true); LButton *btn; if (GetViewById(IDC_SAVE, btn)) btn->Default(true); OnLoad(); Visible(true); NotifyOn = true; } LViewI *v; if (GetViewById(IDC_REMINDER_TYPE, v)) { LNotification note; OnNotify(v, note); } RegisterHook(this, LKeyEvents); } CalendarUi::~CalendarUi() { if (Item) { if (Item->App) SerializeState(Item->App->GetOptions(), OPT_CalendarEventPos, false); Item->SetUI(NULL); } } bool CalendarUi::OnViewKey(LView *v, LKey &k) { if (k.CtrlCmd()) { switch (k.c16) { case 's': case 'S': { if (k.Down()) OnSave(); return true; } case 'w': case 'W': { if (k.Down()) { OnSave(); Quit(); } return true; } } if (k.vkey == LK_RETURN) { if (!k.Down()) { OnSave(); Quit(); } return true; } } return false; } int CalendarUi::OnCommand(int Cmd, int Event, OsView Window) { return 0; } void CalendarUi::OnPosChange() { LWindow::OnPosChange(); } void CalendarUi::CheckConsistancy() { auto St = CurrentStart(); auto En = CurrentEnd(); if (En < St) { En = St; En.AddMinutes(30); SetCtrlName(IDC_END_DATE, En.GetDate().Get()); SetCtrlName(IDC_END_TIME, En.GetTime().Get()); } } LDateTime CalendarUi::CurrentStart() { LDateTime dt; dt.SetDate(GetCtrlName(IDC_START_DATE)); dt.SetTime(GetCtrlName(IDC_START_TIME)); return dt; } LDateTime CalendarUi::CurrentEnd() { LDateTime dt; dt.SetDate(GetCtrlName(IDC_END_DATE)); dt.SetTime(GetCtrlName(IDC_END_TIME)); return dt; } void CalendarUi::UpdateStartRelative() { LDateTime dt = CurrentStart(); if (dt.IsValid()) { const char *s = RelativeTime(dt); SetCtrlName(IDC_START_REL, s); } } void CalendarUi::UpdateEndRelative() { LDateTime dt = CurrentEnd(); if (dt.IsValid()) { const char *s = RelativeTime(dt); SetCtrlName(IDC_END_REL, s); } } void CalendarUi::UpdateRelative() { CheckConsistancy(); UpdateStartRelative(); UpdateEndRelative(); } int CalendarUi::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (!NotifyOn) return false; switch (Ctrl->GetId()) { case IDC_START_DATE: case IDC_START_TIME: { CheckConsistancy(); UpdateStartRelative(); break; } case IDC_END_DATE: case IDC_END_TIME: { CheckConsistancy(); UpdateEndRelative(); break; } case IDC_REMINDER_TYPE: { LViewI *Label, *Param; if (GetViewById(IDC_PARAM_LABEL, Label) && GetViewById(IDC_REMINDER_PARAM, Param)) { Param->Name(NULL); switch (Ctrl->Value()) { case CalEmail: Label->Name("optional email:"); Param->Enabled(true); break; default: case CalPopup: Label->Name(NULL); Param->Enabled(false); break; case CalScriptCallback: Label->Name("callback fn:"); Param->Enabled(true); break; } } break; } case IDC_ALL_DAY: { int64 AllDay = Ctrl->Value(); LDataI *o = Item->GetObject(); char s[256] = ""; auto dt = o->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC); if (dt) { LDateTime tmp = *dt; tmp.ToLocal(true); tmp.GetTime(s, sizeof(s)); SetCtrlName(IDC_START_TIME, AllDay ? "" : s); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_START_TIME, !AllDay); } dt = o->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC); if (dt) { LDateTime tmp = *dt; tmp.ToLocal(true); tmp.GetTime(s, sizeof(s)); SetCtrlName(IDC_END_TIME, AllDay ? "" : s); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_END_TIME, !AllDay); } break; } case IDC_SUBJECT: { SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_SAVE, ValidStr(Ctrl->Name())); break; } case IDC_SHOW_LOCATION: { LString Loc = GetCtrlName(IDC_LOCATION); if (ValidStr(Loc)) { for (char *c = Loc; *c; c++) { if (Strchr(WhiteSpace, *c)) *c = '+'; } LString Uri; Uri.Printf("http://maps.google.com/?q=%s", Loc.Get()); LExecute(Uri); } break; } case IDC_GUESTS: { if (n.Type == LNotifyItemInsert) { d->Guests->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } else if (n.Type == LNotifyDeleteKey) { List la; d->Guests->GetSelection(la); la.DeleteObjects(); } break; } case IDC_GUEST_ENTRY: { if (d->Entry) { if (ValidStr(d->Entry->Name())) { if (!d->Browse) { d->Browse = new AddressBrowse(Item->App, d->Entry, d->Guests, NULL); } } if (d->Browse) { d->Browse->OnNotify(d->Entry, n); } if (n.Type == LNotifyReturnKey) { d->OnGuest(); } } break; } case IDC_REPEAT: { if (!Ctrl->Value()) break; auto Dlg = new LRecurDlg(this); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) { if (ctrlId) SetCtrlValue(IDC_REPEAT, 0); delete dlg; }); break; } case IDC_TIMEZONE: { auto Tz = Item->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE); auto Dlg = new LInput(this, Tz, "Time zone:", "Calendar Event Timezone"); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto Result) { if (Result) { Item->GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE, Dlg->GetStr()); Item->SetDirty(); } delete dlg; }); break; } case IDC_REMINDER_ADD: { const char *v = GetCtrlName(IDC_REMINDER_VALUE); const char *param = GetCtrlName(IDC_REMINDER_PARAM); d->Reminders->Insert ( new ReminderItem ( (CalendarReminderType) d->ReminderType->Value(), v ? (float)atof(v) : 1.0f, (CalendarReminderUnits) d->ReminderUnit->Value(), param ) ); d->Reminders->ResizeColumnsToContent(); break; } case IDC_ADD_GUEST: { d->OnGuest(); break; } case IDC_SAVE: { LViewI *v; if (GetViewById(IDC_GUEST_ENTRY, v) && v->Focus()) { d->OnGuest(); break; } else { OnSave(); // Fall through } } case IDCANCEL: { Quit(); break; } } return 0; } void CalendarUi::OnLoad() { // Sanity check if (!Item) { LAssert(!"No item."); return; } LDataI *o = Item->GetObject(); if (!o) { LAssert(!"No object."); return; } // Copy object values into UI int64 AllDay = false; auto CalSubject = o->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT); SetCtrlName(IDC_SUBJECT, CalSubject); SetCtrlName(IDC_LOCATION, o->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION)); SetCtrlName(IDC_DESCRIPTION, o->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_NOTES)); SetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL_DAY, AllDay = o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY)); if (d->Guests) { LJson j(o->GetStr(FIELD_ATTENDEE_JSON)); for (auto g: j.GetArray(NULL)) { LAutoPtr la(new ListAddr(App)); if (la) { la->sAddr = g.Get("email"); la->sName = g.Get("name"); d->Guests->Insert(la.Release()); } } d->Guests->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } if (d->Reminders) { d->Reminders->Empty(); LString Rem = o->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS); LString::Array a = Rem.SplitDelimit("\n"); for (unsigned i=0; iSetString(a[i])) d->Reminders->Insert(ri); else delete ri; } } d->Reminders->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } CalendarShowTimeAs Show = (CalendarShowTimeAs)o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS); switch (Show) { case CalFree: SetCtrlValue(IDC_AVAILABLE_TYPE, 0); break; case CalTentative: SetCtrlValue(IDC_AVAILABLE_TYPE, 1); break; default: case CalBusy: SetCtrlValue(IDC_AVAILABLE_TYPE, 2); break; } CalendarPrivacyType Priv = (CalendarPrivacyType)o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY); switch (Priv) { default: SetCtrlValue(IDC_PRIVACY_TYPE, 0); break; case CalPublic: SetCtrlValue(IDC_PRIVACY_TYPE, 1); break; case CalPrivate: SetCtrlValue(IDC_PRIVACY_TYPE, 2); break; } int64 Col = o->GetInt(FIELD_COLOUR); if (Col >= 0) d->Colour->Value(Col); for (unsigned i=0; iGetName(); LString i_path; if (Item->GetFolder()) i_path = Item->GetFolder()->GetPath(); if (s_path && i_path && _stricmp(s_path, i_path) == 0) { SetCtrlValue(IDC_CALENDAR, i); break; } } char s[256] = ""; auto dt = o->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC); if (dt) { #if DEBUG_DATES printf("Load.Start.UTC=%s\n", dt->Get().Get()); #endif LDateTime tmp = *dt; tmp.SetTimeZone(0, false); tmp.ToLocal(true); #if DEBUG_DATES printf("Load.Start.Local=%s\n", tmp.Get().Get()); #endif tmp.GetDate(s, sizeof(s)); SetCtrlName(IDC_START_DATE, s); tmp.GetTime(s, sizeof(s)); SetCtrlName(IDC_START_TIME, AllDay ? "" : s); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_START_TIME, !AllDay); } dt = o->GetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC); if (dt) { #if DEBUG_DATES printf("Load.End.UTC=%s\n", dt->Get().Get()); #endif LDateTime tmp = *dt; tmp.SetTimeZone(0, false); tmp.ToLocal(true); #if DEBUG_DATES printf("Load.End.Local=%s\n", tmp.Get().Get()); #endif tmp.GetDate(s, sizeof(s)); SetCtrlName(IDC_END_DATE, s); tmp.GetTime(s, sizeof(s)); SetCtrlName(IDC_END_TIME, AllDay ? "" : s); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_END_TIME, !AllDay); } SetCtrlValue(IDC_REPEAT, o->GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR)); LViewI *ctrl; if (GetViewById(IDC_SUBJECT, ctrl)) { LNotification note(LNotifyValueChanged); OnNotify(ctrl, note); } if (ValidStr(CalSubject)) { LString s; s.Printf("%s - %s", LLoadString(IDS_CAL_EVENT), CalSubject); Name(s); } UpdateRelative(); } void CalendarUi::OnSave() { // Sanity check if (!Item) { LAssert(!"No item."); return; } LDataI *o = Item->GetObject(); if (!o) { LAssert(!"No object."); return; } // Save UI values into object bool AllDay = false; o->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, GetCtrlName(IDC_SUBJECT)); o->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION, GetCtrlName(IDC_LOCATION)); o->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_NOTES, GetCtrlName(IDC_DESCRIPTION)); o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY, AllDay = (GetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL_DAY) != 0)); if (d->Guests) { List All; if (d->Guests->GetAll(All)) { LString::Array a; LString Sep(", "); for (auto la: All) { LString e; if (la->Serialize(e, true)) a.Add(e); } LString Guests = Sep.Join(a); o->SetStr(FIELD_TO, Guests); } } if (d->Reminders) { List All; if (d->Reminders->GetAll(All)) { LString::Array a; LString Sep("\n"); for (auto ri: All) { a.Add(ri->GetString()); } LString Reminders = Sep.Join(a); o->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS, Reminders); } else { o->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS, ""); } } int64 Show = GetCtrlValue(IDC_AVAILABLE_TYPE); switch (Show) { case 0: o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS, CalFree); break; case 1: o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS, CalTentative); break; default: case 2: o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS, CalBusy); break; } int64 Priv = GetCtrlValue(IDC_PRIVACY_TYPE); switch (Priv) { default: case 0: o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY, CalDefaultPriv); break; case 1: o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY, CalPublic); break; case 2: o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY, CalPrivate); break; } auto Col = d->Colour->Value(); o->SetInt(FIELD_COLOUR, Col > 0 ? Col : -1); /* FIXME: change calendar item location if the user selects a different cal for (unsigned i=0; iSources.Length(); i++) { CalendarSource *src = d->Sources[i]; LAutoString s_path(src->GetPath()); LAutoString i_path; if (Item->GetFolder()) i_path = Item->GetFolder()->GetPath(); if (s_path && i_path && _stricmp(s_path, i_path) == 0) { SetCtrlValue(IDC_CALENDAR, i); break; } } */ LDateTime dt; dt.SetDate(GetCtrlName(IDC_START_DATE)); dt.SetTime(AllDay ? "0:0:0" : GetCtrlName(IDC_START_TIME)); #if DEBUG_DATES printf("Start.Local=%s\n", dt.Get().Get()); #endif dt.ToUtc(true); #if DEBUG_DATES printf("Start.UTC=%s\n", dt.Get().Get()); #endif o->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, &dt); dt.Empty(); dt.SetDate(GetCtrlName(IDC_END_DATE)); dt.SetTime(AllDay ? "11:59:59" : GetCtrlName(IDC_END_TIME)); #if DEBUG_DATES printf("End.Local=%s\n", dt.Get().Get()); #endif dt.ToUtc(true); #if DEBUG_DATES printf("End.UTC=%s\n", dt.Get().Get()); #endif o->SetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, &dt); o->SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR, GetCtrlValue(IDC_REPEAT)); Item->Update(); Item->Save(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int LDateTimeViewBase = 1000; class LDateTimeView : public LLayout, public ResObject { LEdit *Edit; LDateDropDown *Date; LTimeDropDown *Time; public: LDateTimeView() : ResObject(Res_Custom) { AddView(Edit = new LEdit(10, 0, 0, 60, 20, NULL)); AddView(Date = new LDateDropDown()); AddView(Time = new LTimeDropDown()); Edit->SetId(LDateTimeViewBase++); Date->SetNotify(Edit); Date->SetId(LDateTimeViewBase++); Time->SetNotify(Edit); Time->SetId(LDateTimeViewBase++); } bool OnLayout(LViewLayoutInfo &Inf) { if (!Inf.Width.Max) { Inf.Width.Max = 220; Inf.Width.Min = 150; } else if (!Inf.Height.Max) { Inf.Height.Max = Inf.Height.Min = LSysFont->GetHeight() + 6; } else return false; return true; } void OnCreate() { AttachChildren(); } void OnPosChange() { LRect c = GetClient(); // int cy = c.Y(); // int py = Y(); LRect tc = c; tc.x1 = tc.x2 - 20; LRect dc = c; dc.x2 = tc.x1 - 1; dc.x1 = dc.x2 - 20; Date->SetPos(dc); Time->SetPos(tc); c.x2 = dc.x1 - 1; Edit->SetPos(c); } const char *Name() { return Edit->Name(); } bool Name(const char *s) { return Edit->Name(s); } }; class LDateTimeViewFactory : public LViewFactory { LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (!_stricmp(Class, "LDateTimeView")) return new LDateTimeView; return NULL; } public: } DateTimeViewFactory; diff --git a/Code/Exp_Scribe.cpp b/Code/Exp_Scribe.cpp --- a/Code/Exp_Scribe.cpp +++ b/Code/Exp_Scribe.cpp @@ -1,881 +1,905 @@ #include "Scribe.h" #include "lgi/common/List.h" #include "lgi/common/ProgressDlg.h" #include "lgi/common/Store3.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "ScribeFolderSelect.h" #include "../Resources/resdefs.h" #include "FolderTask.h" #define OnError(...) \ { \ Errors.Add(in->Type(), Errors.Find(in->Type()) + 1); \ LgiTrace(__VA_ARGS__); \ break; \ } #define OnSkip() \ { \ Skipped.Add(in->Type(), Skipped.Find(in->Type()) + 1); \ break; \ } #define OnCreate() \ { \ Created.Add(in->Type(), Created.Find(in->Type()) + 1); \ } struct ExportParams { bool AllFolders = false; bool ExceptTrashSpam = false; LString DestFolders; // Mail3 path for dest folders; LString DestPath; // Sub folder path for export LString::Array SrcPaths; }; struct Mail3Folders { ScribeWnd *App = NULL; LAutoPtr Store; LAutoPtr Root; Mail3Folders(ScribeWnd *app) : App(app) { } Mail3Folders(Mail3Folders &src) { App = src.App; if (src) { Store = src.Store; Root = src.Root; } else LAssert(!"Src not loaded."); } operator bool() { return Store != NULL && Root != NULL; } void LoadFolders(const char *FilePath) { if (!Store) Store.Reset(App->CreateDataStore(FilePath, true)); if (Store && !Root) { if (Root.Reset(new ScribeFolder)) { Root->App = App; Root->SetObject(Store->GetRoot(), false, _FL); } } } void Unload() { Root.Reset(); Store.Reset(); } bool CheckDirty(ScribeFolder *f) { if (f->GetDirty()) return true; for (auto c = f->GetChildFolder(); c; c = c->GetNextFolder()) if (CheckDirty(c)) return true; return false; } bool IsDirty() { if (!Root) return false; return CheckDirty(Root); } }; struct ScribeExportTask : public FolderTask { int FolderLoadErrors = 0; LHashTbl,int> Created, Errors, Skipped; LMailStore *SrcStore = NULL; // Source data store Mail3Folders Dst; ScribeFolder *Spam = NULL; ScribeFolder *Trash = NULL; ExportParams Params; // Working state, used to iterate over the exporting process while // being able to yield to the OS at regular intervals. enum ExportState { ExpNone, ExpGetNext, ExpLoadFolders, ExpItems, ExpFinished, ExpCleanup } State = ExpNone; LString::Array InputPaths; ScribeFolder *SrcFolder = NULL; LArray SrcItems; ScribeFolder *DstFolder = NULL; LDataFolderI *DstObj = NULL; LDataStoreI *DstStore = NULL; LHashTbl,LDataI*> DstObjMap; ScribeExportTask(struct ScribeExportDlg *dlg); LString ContactKey(Contact *c); bool TimeSlice(); bool CopyAttachments(LDataI *outMail, LDataPropI *outSeg, LDataPropI *inSeg, LString &err); LString MakePath(LString path) { LString sep = "/"; auto p = Params.DestPath.SplitDelimit(sep); p += path.Strip(sep).SplitDelimit(sep).Slice(1); return sep + sep.Join(p); } void CollectPaths(ScribeFolder *f, LString::Array &paths) { paths.Add(f->GetPath()); for (auto c = f->GetChildFolder(); c; c = c->GetNextFolder()) CollectPaths(c, paths); } ScribeFolder *GetFolder(LString Path, Store3ItemTypes CreateItemType = MAGIC_NONE) { if (!Dst.Root) { LAssert(!"No root loaded."); return NULL; } Dst.Root->LoadFolders(); bool Create = false; auto parts = Path.SplitDelimit("/"); ScribeFolder *f = Dst.Root; for (auto p: parts) { auto c = f->GetSubFolder(p); if (!c) { if (CreateItemType != MAGIC_NONE) { c = f->CreateSubDirectory(p, CreateItemType); if (!c) { Errors.Add(MAGIC_FOLDER, Errors.Find(MAGIC_FOLDER)+1); return NULL; } Create = true; } else return NULL; } f = c; } if (Create) Created.Add(MAGIC_FOLDER, Created.Find(MAGIC_FOLDER)+1); else Skipped.Add(MAGIC_FOLDER, Skipped.Find(MAGIC_FOLDER)+1); return f; } void OnComplete() { Store3ItemTypes types[] = { MAGIC_FOLDER, MAGIC_MAIL, MAGIC_CONTACT, MAGIC_CALENDAR, MAGIC_GROUP, MAGIC_FILTER }; LStringPipe html; html.Print("\n" "
Mail export complete.
\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n"); for (int i=0; i\n", name.Get(), created, errStyle, errors, skipped); } html.Print("
Type Created Errors Skipped
%s %i %i %i
\n" "
\n" "Created: new item created in destination store.
\n" "Error: there was an error replicating item.
\n" "Skipped: the item already existed in the destination store.
\n" ); LHtmlMsg(NULL, App, html.NewLStr(), "Export", MB_OK); } LString GetOrCreateMessageId(LDataI &obj) { auto msgId = obj.GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); if (msgId) return msgId; // Check the headers: auto hdrs = obj.GetStr(FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER); if (hdrs) { LAutoString Header(InetGetHeaderField(hdrs, "Message-ID")); if (Header) { auto ids = ParseIdList(Header); auto id = ids[0]; obj.SetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID, id); obj.Save(); return id; } } // Msg has no ID and no header... create one. auto from = obj.GetObj(FIELD_FROM); if (!from) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - No from for email: %p\n", _FL, &obj); return LString(); } auto fromEmail = from->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); LVariant Email; const char *At = fromEmail ? strchr(fromEmail, '@') : NULL; if (!At) { if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_Email, Email) && Email.Str()) At = strchr(Email.Str(), '@'); else At = "@domain.com"; } if (!At) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - No at in email: %p\n", _FL, &obj); return LString(); } char m[96], a[32], b[32]; Base36(a, LCurrentTime()); Base36(b, LRand(RAND_MAX)); sprintf_s(m, sizeof(m), "<%s.%i%s%s>", a, LRand(RAND_MAX), b, At); obj.SetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID, m); obj.Save(); return m; } LString ObjToId(LDataI &obj) { switch (obj.Type()) { case MAGIC_MAIL: { return obj.GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); } case MAGIC_CONTACT: { auto fn = obj.GetStr(FIELD_FIRST_NAME); auto ln = obj.GetStr(FIELD_LAST_NAME); auto em = obj.GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); LString s; s.Printf("%s,%s,%s", fn, ln, em); return s; } case MAGIC_CALENDAR: { auto sub = obj.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT); auto start = obj.GetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC); LString s; s.Printf("%s," LPrintfInt64, sub, start?start->Ts():0); return s; break; } case MAGIC_GROUP: { return obj.GetStr(FIELD_GROUP_NAME); } case MAGIC_FILTER: { return obj.GetStr(FIELD_FILTER_NAME); } default: { LAssert(!"Impl me."); break; } } return LString(); } + bool CheckModified(LDataI *in, LDataI *out) + { + if (!out) + // No existing object + return true; + + auto inMod = in->GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED); + auto outMod = in->GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED); + if (!inMod || + !outMod || + !inMod->IsValid() || + !outMod->IsValid()) + return true; // Can't tell... no dates stored. + + bool mod = *inMod > *outMod; + if (mod) + { + int asd=0; + } + + return mod; + } + void MakeDstObjMap() { DstObjMap.Empty(); if (!DstFolder || !DstObj) return; auto &c = DstObj->Children(); for (auto t = c.First(); t; t = c.Next()) { auto Id = ObjToId(*t); if (Id) DstObjMap.Add(Id, t); } } }; struct ScribeExportDlg : public LDialog, public LDataEventsI { ScribeWnd *App = NULL; LMailStore *SrcStore = NULL; LList *Lst = NULL; ExportParams Params; Mail3Folders Dst; ScribeExportDlg(ScribeWnd *app, LMailStore *srcStore) : SrcStore(srcStore), Dst(app) { SetParent(App = app); if (!SrcStore) SrcStore = App->GetDefaultMailStore(); if (LoadFromResource(IDD_SCRIBE_EXPORT)) { MoveToCenter(); // EnableCtrls(false); GetViewById(IDC_SRC_FOLDERS, Lst); LVariant s; if (Lst && App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ScribeExpSrcPaths, s) && s.Str()) { Params.SrcPaths = LString(s.Str()).SplitDelimit(":"); for (auto p: Params.SrcPaths) Lst->Insert(new LListItem(p)); Lst->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ScribeExpDstPath, s) && ValidStr(s.Str())) SetCtrlName(IDC_FOLDER, s.Str()); else SetCtrlName(IDC_FOLDER, "/"); LVariant n; if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ScribeExpAll, n)) SetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL, n.CastInt32()); if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ScribeExpExclude, n)) SetCtrlValue(IDC_NO_SPAM_TRASH, n.CastInt32()); else SetCtrlValue(IDC_NO_SPAM_TRASH, true); if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ScribeExpFolders, s) && s.Str()) SetCtrlName(IDC_DEST, s.Str()); OnAll(); } } void OnNew(LDataFolderI *parent, LArray &new_items, int pos, bool is_new) { } bool OnDelete(LDataFolderI *parent, LArray &items) { return true; } bool OnMove(LDataFolderI *new_parent, LDataFolderI *old_parent, LArray &items) { return true; } bool OnChange(LArray &items, int FieldHint) { return true; } void OnAll() { SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_SRC_FOLDERS, !GetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL)); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_ADD_SRC_FOLDER, !GetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL)); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_DEL_SRC_FOLDER, !GetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL)); } int OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n) { switch (c->GetId()) { case IDC_ALL: { OnAll(); break; } case IDC_SET_DEST: { auto s = new LFileSelect(this); s->Type("Scribe Folders", "*.mail3"); s->Type("All Files", LGI_ALL_FILES); s->Open([this](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status) SetCtrlName(IDC_DEST, dlg->Name()); delete dlg; }); break; } case IDC_ADD_SRC_FOLDER: { if (!Lst) break; auto s = new FolderDlg(this, App); s->DoModal([this, s](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status && ValidStr(s->Get())) { bool Has = false; for (auto n: *Lst) { if (Stricmp(n->GetText(), s->Get()) == 0) { Has = true; break; } } if (!Has) { Lst->Insert(new LListItem(s->Get())); Lst->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } } delete dlg; }); break; } case IDC_DEL_SRC_FOLDER: { if (Lst) { List i; if (Lst->GetSelection(i)) { i.DeleteObjects(); } } break; } case IDC_SET_FOLDER: { if (!Dst) Dst.LoadFolders(GetCtrlName(IDC_DEST)); if (Dst.Root) { auto s = new FolderDlg(this, App, MAGIC_NONE, Dst.Root); s->DoModal([this, s](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) { if (ctrlId) SetCtrlName(IDC_FOLDER, s->Get()); delete dlg; }); } else LgiMsg(this, "Couldn't load mail3 store.", AppName); break; } case IDOK: { Params.AllFolders = GetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL) != 0; Params.ExceptTrashSpam = GetCtrlValue(IDC_NO_SPAM_TRASH) != 0; Params.DestPath = GetCtrlName(IDC_FOLDER); Params.DestFolders = GetCtrlName(IDC_DEST); if (Lst) { Params.SrcPaths.Empty(); Params.SrcPaths.SetFixedLength(false); for (auto i: *Lst) Params.SrcPaths.Add(i->GetText()); } if (!Dst) Dst.LoadFolders(Params.DestFolders); // fall through } case IDCANCEL: { LVariant v; if (Lst) { LStringPipe p; int n=0; for (auto i : *Lst) { p.Print("%s%s", n ? (char*)":" : (char*) "", i->GetText(0)); } char *s = p.NewStr(); if (s) { App->GetOptions()->SetValue(OPT_ScribeExpSrcPaths, v = s); DeleteArray(s); } } App->GetOptions()->SetValue(OPT_ScribeExpDstPath, v = GetCtrlName(IDC_FOLDER)); App->GetOptions()->SetValue(OPT_ScribeExpAll, v = (int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL)); App->GetOptions()->SetValue(OPT_ScribeExpExclude, v = (int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_NO_SPAM_TRASH)); App->GetOptions()->SetValue(OPT_ScribeExpFolders, v = GetCtrlName(IDC_DEST)); EndModal(c->GetId() == IDOK); } } return 0; } }; ScribeExportTask::ScribeExportTask(ScribeExportDlg *dlg) : FolderTask(dlg->Dst.Root, LAutoPtr(NULL), NULL, NULL), Dst(dlg->Dst), SrcStore(dlg->SrcStore) { SetDescription("Initializing..."); SetType("Folders"); LAssert(SrcStore); Params = dlg->Params; if (Params.ExceptTrashSpam) { Spam = App->GetFolder("/Spam"); Trash = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_TRASH); } // Work out the folders we need to operate on: if (Params.AllFolders) CollectPaths(SrcStore->Root, InputPaths); else InputPaths = Params.SrcPaths; SetRange(InputPaths.Length()); // Kick off the processing... State = ExpGetNext; SetPulse(PULSE_MS); SetAlwaysOnTop(true); } LString ScribeExportTask::ContactKey(Contact *c) { LString p; const char *f = 0, *l = 0; auto e = c->GetAddrAt(0); c->Get(OPT_First, f); c->Get(OPT_Last, l); p.Printf("%s,%s,%s", e.Get(), f, l); return p; } #define ExportFolderStatus(b) \ { if (onStatus) onStatus(b); \ return; } bool ScribeExportTask::TimeSlice() { if (IsCancelled()) return false; switch (State) { case ExpGetNext: { if (InputPaths.Length() == 0) { State = ExpFinished; break; } // Load up the next SrcFolder... auto src = InputPaths[0]; InputPaths.DeleteAt(0, true); auto dst = MakePath(src); SrcFolder = App->GetFolder(src, SrcStore); if (!SrcFolder) { FolderLoadErrors++; return true; } DstStore = NULL; DstFolder = GetFolder(dst, SrcFolder->GetItemType()); if (!DstFolder) { return true; } State = ExpLoadFolders; SrcFolder->LoadThings(this, [this](auto status) { if (status == Store3Success) { // Load a list of things to process... SrcItems.Empty(); auto SrcObj = dynamic_cast(SrcFolder->GetObject()); if (SrcObj) { auto &c = SrcObj->Children(); for (auto t = c.First(); t; t = c.Next()) SrcItems.Add(t); } DstFolder->LoadThings(this, [this](auto status) { if (status == Store3Success) { State = ExpItems; SetDescription(SrcFolder->GetPath()); if (DstFolder->GetObject()) DstObj = dynamic_cast(DstFolder->GetObject()); else LAssert(!"No object?"); if (DstObj) DstStore = DstObj->GetStore(); else LAssert(!"No object?"); MakeDstObjMap(); } else State = ExpGetNext; }); } else { State = ExpGetNext; } }); break; } case ExpLoadFolders: { // No-op, but we should probably time out... break; } case ExpItems: { if (!SrcFolder || !DstFolder || !DstStore) { State = ExpGetNext; break; } auto Trans = DstStore->StartTransaction(); auto StartTs = LCurrentTime(); int Processed = 0; while ( SrcItems.Length() > 0 && LCurrentTime() - StartTs < WORK_SLICE_MS) { auto in = SrcItems[0]; SrcItems.DeleteAt(0); switch (in->Type()) { case MAGIC_MAIL: { auto Id = GetOrCreateMessageId(*in); if (!Id) OnError("%s:%i - Email %p has no MsgId\n", _FL, in) if (DstObjMap.Find(Id)) OnSkip() // Create new mail... auto outMail = DstStore->Create(MAGIC_MAIL); outMail->CopyProps(*in); // Now create all the attachments auto inSeg = dynamic_cast(in->GetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG)); LDataI *outSeg = NULL; if (inSeg) { outSeg = DstStore->Create(MAGIC_ATTACHMENT); if (!outSeg) OnError("%s:%i - Failed to create attachment\n", _FL) else { outSeg->CopyProps(*inSeg); auto outMime = outSeg->GetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE); if (!outMime) { auto hdrs = outSeg->GetStr(FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER); if (!hdrs) { // This is going to cause an assert later outSeg->SetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE, sAppOctetStream); // LgiTrace("%s:%i - Setting default mime on %p\n", _FL, outSeg); } } if (outMail->SetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG, outSeg) < Store3Delayed) OnError("%s:%i - Failed to attach seg to mail.\n", _FL) else { LString err; if (!CopyAttachments(outMail, outSeg, inSeg, err)) OnError("%s:%i - CopyAttachments failed\n", _FL) else OnCreate() } } } else OnCreate() outMail->Save(DstFolder->GetObject()); break; } default: { // Is the object already in the dst map? auto Id = ObjToId(*in); - if (DstObjMap.Find(Id)) + auto existing = DstObjMap.Find(Id); + if (!CheckModified(in, existing)) OnSkip(); auto outObj = DstStore->Create(in->Type()); if (!outObj) { OnError("%s:%i - %s failed to create %s\n", _FL, DstStore->GetStr(FIELD_STORE_TYPE), Store3ItemTypeName((Store3ItemTypes)in->Type())) } if (!outObj->CopyProps(*in)) OnError("%s:%i - CopyProps failed.\n", _FL) if (outObj->Save(DstFolder->GetObject()) < Store3Delayed) OnError("%s:%i - Save failed\n", _FL) OnCreate(); break; } } Processed++; } if (SrcItems.Length() == 0) { SrcFolder = NULL; DstFolder = NULL; DstStore = NULL; State = ExpGetNext; (*this)++; // move progress... } // LgiTrace("Processed: %i\n", Processed); break; } case ExpFinished: { OnComplete(); State = ExpCleanup; return true; } case ExpCleanup: { if (Dst.IsDirty()) return true; // We're done... return false; } } return true; } // This should copy all the child objects of 'inSeg' to new child objects of 'outSeg' bool ScribeExportTask::CopyAttachments(LDataI *outMail, LDataPropI *outSeg, LDataPropI *inSeg, LString &err) { #define ERR(str) \ { err = str; return false; } if (!outMail || !outSeg || !inSeg) ERR("param error"); auto children = inSeg->GetList(FIELD_MIME_SEG); if (!children) return true; // Nothing to copy... for (auto i = children->First(); i; i = children->Next()) { auto inMime = i->GetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE); if (!inMime) continue; auto o = outMail->GetStore()->Create(MAGIC_ATTACHMENT); if (!o) ERR("couldn't create attachment"); if (!o->CopyProps(*i)) ERR("copy attachment properties failed"); auto outData = dynamic_cast(outSeg); if (!outData) ERR("outSeg isn't a LDataI object"); if (!o->Save(outData)) ERR("failed to save attachment to output mail"); if (!CopyAttachments(outMail, o, i, err)) return false; // but leave the error message untouched. } return true; } void ExportScribe(ScribeWnd *App, LMailStore *Store) { auto Dlg = new ScribeExportDlg(App, Store); Dlg->DoModal([Dlg, App](auto dlg, auto ctrlId) { if (ctrlId && Dlg->Dst) { new ScribeExportTask(Dlg); } delete dlg; }); } diff --git a/Code/ScribeContact.cpp b/Code/ScribeContact.cpp --- a/Code/ScribeContact.cpp +++ b/Code/ScribeContact.cpp @@ -1,2395 +1,2398 @@ /* ** FILE: ScribeContact.cpp ** AUTHOR: Matthew Allen ** DATE: 11/11/98 ** DESCRIPTION: Scribe contact object and UI ** ** Copyright (C) 1998, Matthew Allen ** fret@memecode.com */ #include #include #include #include #include "Scribe.h" #include "ScribePageSetup.h" #include "lgi/common/Map.h" #include "lgi/common/vCard-vCal.h" #include "lgi/common/Combo.h" #include "lgi/common/Edit.h" #include "lgi/common/TabView.h" #include "lgi/common/TableLayout.h" #include "lgi/common/DisplayString.h" #include "lgi/common/Button.h" #include "lgi/common/GdcTools.h" #include "lgi/common/DropFiles.h" #include "lgi/common/Http.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/ClipBoard.h" #include "lgi/common/List.h" #include "lgi/common/Json.h" #include "lgi/common/CssTools.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "PrintContext.h" #include "resdefs.h" #include "resource.h" bool ConvertImageToContactSize(LAutoPtr &Img, int Px, LSurface *Raw) { if (!Raw) { LAssert(!"No raw image?"); return false; } if (!Img.Reset(new LMemDC(Px, Px, Raw->GetColourSpace()))) { LAssert(!"Failed to create image?"); return false; } LRect Src; if (Raw->X() > Raw->Y()) { // Wider than high Src.ZOff(Raw->Y()-1, Raw->Y()-1); Src.Offset((Raw->X()-Raw->Y())>>1, 0); } else if (Raw->X() < Raw->Y()) { Src.ZOff(Raw->X()-1, Raw->X()-1); Src.Offset(0, (Raw->Y()-Raw->X())>>1); } else { Src = Raw->Bounds(); } ResampleDC(Img, Raw, &Src); return true; } class ContactPriv { public: Contact *Item; char *Scratch; List Plugins; LAutoPtr Image; LString ImagePath; LString DateCache; LAutoPtr CustomCache; ContactPriv(Contact *c) : Item(c) { Scratch = 0; } ~ContactPriv() { DeleteArray(Scratch); Plugins.DeleteArrays(); } LJson *GetJson() { auto Obj = Item->GetObject(); if (!Obj) return NULL; if (!CustomCache) { auto json = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_CONTACT_JSON); CustomCache.Reset(new LJson(json)); } return CustomCache; } }; ItemFieldDef ContactFieldDefs[] = { // Standard fields {"Title", SdTitle, GV_STRING, FIELD_TITLE, IDC_TITLE, OPT_Title}, {"First", SdFirst, GV_STRING, FIELD_FIRST_NAME, IDC_FIRST, OPT_First}, {"Last", SdSurname, GV_STRING, FIELD_LAST_NAME, IDC_LAST, OPT_Last}, {"Email", SdEmail, GV_STRING, FIELD_EMAIL, IDC_EMAIL, OPT_Email}, {"Nickname", SdNickname, GV_STRING, FIELD_NICK, IDC_NICK, OPT_Nick}, {"Spouse", SdSpouse, GV_STRING, FIELD_SPOUSE, IDC_SPOUSE, OPT_Spouse}, {"Notes", SdNotes, GV_STRING, FIELD_NOTE, IDC_NOTE, OPT_Note}, {"Uid", SdUid, GV_INT32, FIELD_UID, -1, OPT_Uid}, {"TimeZone", SdTimeZone, GV_STRING, FIELD_TIMEZONE, IDC_TIMEZONE, OPT_TimeZone}, // Home fields {"Home Street", SdHomeStreet, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_STREET, IDC_HOME_STREET, OPT_HomeStreet}, {"Home Suburb", SdHomeSuburb, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_SUBURB, IDC_HOME_SUBURB, OPT_HomeSuburb}, {"Home Postcode", SdHomePostcode, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_POSTCODE, IDC_HOME_POSTCODE, OPT_HomePostcode}, {"Home State", SdHomeState, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_STATE, IDC_HOME_STATE, OPT_HomeState}, {"Home Country", SdHomeCountry, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_COUNTRY, IDC_HOME_COUNTRY, OPT_HomeCountry}, {"Home Phone", SdHomePhone, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_PHONE, IDC_HOME_PHONE, OPT_HomePhone}, {"Home Mobile", SdHomeMobile, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_MOBILE, IDC_HOME_MOBILE, OPT_HomeMobile}, {"Home IM#", SdHomeIM, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_IM, IDC_HOME_IM, OPT_HomeIM}, {"Home Fax", SdHomeFax, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_FAX, IDC_HOME_FAX, OPT_HomeFax}, {"Home Webpage", SdHomeWebpage, GV_STRING, FIELD_HOME_WEBPAGE, IDC_HOME_WEBPAGE, OPT_HomeWebPage}, // Work fields {"Work Street", SdWorkStreet, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_STREET, IDC_WORK_STREET, OPT_WorkStreet}, {"Work Suburb", SdWorkSuburb, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_SUBURB, IDC_WORK_SUBURB, OPT_WorkSuburb}, {"Work Postcode", SdWorkPostcode, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_POSTCODE, IDC_WORK_POSTCODE, OPT_WorkPostcode}, {"Work State", SdWorkState, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_STATE, IDC_WORK_STATE, OPT_WorkState}, {"Work Country", SdWorkCountry, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_COUNTRY, IDC_WORK_COUNTRY, OPT_WorkCountry}, {"Work Phone", SdWorkPhone, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_PHONE, IDC_WORK_PHONE, OPT_WorkPhone}, {"Work Mobile", SdWorkMobile, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_MOBILE, IDC_WORK_MOBILE, OPT_WorkMobile}, {"Work IM#", SdWorkIM, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_IM, IDC_WORK_IM, OPT_WorkIM}, {"Work Fax", SdWorkFax, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_FAX, IDC_WORK_FAX, OPT_WorkFax}, {"Company", SdCompany, GV_STRING, FIELD_COMPANY, IDC_COMPANY, OPT_Company}, {"Work Webpage", SdWorkWebpage, GV_STRING, FIELD_WORK_WEBPAGE, IDC_WORK_WEBPAGE, OPT_WorkWebPage}, {"CustomFields", SdCustomFields, GV_STRING, FIELD_CONTACT_JSON, IDC_CUSTOM_FIELDS, OPT_CustomFields}, {"DateModified", SdDateModified, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, -1, NULL}, {0} }; #define ForAllContactFields(var) ItemFieldDef *var = 0; for (var = ContactFieldDefs; var->Option && var->FieldId; var++) #define MacroAllFields(Macro) \ Macro(FIELD_TITLE, OPT_Title); \ Macro(FIELD_FIRST_NAME, OPT_First); \ Macro(FIELD_LAST_NAME, OPT_Last); \ Macro(FIELD_EMAIL, OPT_Email); \ Macro(FIELD_NICK, OPT_Nick); \ Macro(FIELD_SPOUSE, OPT_Spouse); \ Macro(FIELD_NOTE, OPT_Note); \ Macro(FIELD_TIMEZONE, OPT_TimeZone); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_STREET, OPT_HomeStreet); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_SUBURB, OPT_HomeSuburb); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_POSTCODE, OPT_HomePostcode); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_STATE, OPT_HomeState); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_COUNTRY, OPT_HomeCountry); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_PHONE, OPT_HomePhone); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_MOBILE, OPT_HomeMobile); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_IM, OPT_HomeIM); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_FAX, OPT_HomeFax); \ Macro(FIELD_HOME_WEBPAGE, OPT_HomeWebPage); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_STREET, OPT_WorkStreet); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_SUBURB, OPT_WorkSuburb); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_POSTCODE, OPT_WorkPostcode); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_STATE, OPT_WorkState); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_COUNTRY, OPT_WorkCountry); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_PHONE, OPT_WorkPhone); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_MOBILE, OPT_WorkMobile); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_IM, OPT_WorkIM); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_FAX, OPT_WorkFax); \ Macro(FIELD_WORK_WEBPAGE, OPT_WorkWebPage); \ Macro(FIELD_COMPANY, OPT_Company); \ Macro(FIELD_CONTACT_JSON, OPT_CustomFields); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char *WinFmtUrl = "UniformResourceLocatorW"; const char *FmtUrlList = "text/uri-list"; #include "lgi/common/SkinEngine.h" class LContactBtn : public LView { bool Down; bool Over; public: LContactBtn(int id) { SetId(id); Over = false; Down = false; LRect r(0, 0, 23, 23); SetPos(r); } ~LContactBtn() { } void OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { Capture(Down = m.Down()); Invalidate(); if (m.Down()) Over = true; else if (Over) SendNotify(); } void OnMouseMove(LMouse &m) { if (IsCapturing()) { bool o = GetClient().Overlap(m.x, m.y); if (o ^ Over) { Down = Over = o; Invalidate(); } } } void OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LRect c = GetClient(); if (LApp::SkinEngine && c.X() && c.Y()) { LCssTools Tools(this); LColour Base = Tools.GetBack(); LMemDC Mem(c.X(), c.Y(), System32BitColourSpace); Mem.Colour(0, 32); Mem.Rectangle(); LRect r(0, 0, X()-1, Y()-1); LApp::SkinEngine->DrawBtn(&Mem, r, Base, Down, true); int Dot = 2; int Gap = 3; int Sz = (Dot * 3) + (Gap * 2); int x = ((X()-Sz) >> 1) + Down; int y = (Y() / 2) + Down; Mem.Colour(L_TEXT); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { Mem.Rectangle(x, y, x + 1, y + 1); x += Dot + Gap; } pDC->Op(GDC_ALPHA); pDC->Blt(0, 0, &Mem); } } }; class LContactImage : public LView, public ResObject, public LDragDropTarget { friend class ContactUi; constexpr static int M_IMAGE_LOADED = M_USER + 100; ScribeWnd *App = NULL; Contact *c = NULL; LContactBtn *Btn = NULL; bool IsNoFace = false; // This is the uncompressed bitmap which is not saved. LAutoPtr Img; // This is a compressed version that is saved. LVariant CompressedImg; class UriLoader : public LThread, public LCancel { LContactImage *Ci; LString Uri; public: bool Status; LMemStream Data; LString Error; UriLoader(LContactImage *ci, LString uri) : LThread("LContactImage"), Data(1024) { Ci = ci; Uri = uri; Status = false; Run(); } ~UriLoader() { while (!IsExited()) LSleep(1); } int Main() { Status = LgiGetUri(this, &Data, &Error, Uri, NULL, NULL); Ci->PostEvent(M_IMAGE_LOADED); return 0; } }; LAutoPtr Worker; public: LContactImage() : ResObject(Res_Custom) { SetTabStop(true); } LVariant &GetImage() { if (!IsNoFace && CompressedImg.Type != GV_BINARY) { LMemStream m(4 << 10); if (GdcD->Save(&m, Img, "icon.jpg")) { CompressedImg.Type = GV_BINARY; auto &Bin = CompressedImg.Value.Binary; Bin.Length = (ssize_t) m.GetSize(); Bin.Data = new char[Bin.Length]; m.SetPos(0); m.Read(Bin.Data, Bin.Length); } } return CompressedImg; } bool OnKey(LKey &k) { switch (k.vkey) { case 'v': case 'V': { if (k.Ctrl()) { if (k.Down()) { CompressedImg.Empty(); LClipBoard c(this); IsNoFace = false; c.Bitmap([this](auto bmp, auto str) { SetImage(bmp); }); } return true; } break; } case LK_DELETE: { // Delete the image... CompressedImg.Empty(); SetDefaultNoFace(); break; } } return false; } void OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down()) Focus(true); } void SetImage(LAutoPtr Raw) { if (Raw && (Raw->X() > 160 || Raw->Y() > 160)) ConvertImageToContactSize(Img, 160, Raw); else Img = Raw; Invalidate(); } void OnCreate() { SetWindow(this); } bool OnLayout(LViewLayoutInfo &Inf) { if (!Inf.Width.Min) Inf.Width.Min = Inf.Width.Max = 160; else Inf.Height.Min = Inf.Height.Max = 160; return true; } void OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LRegion rgn(GetClient()); if (Img) { pDC->Blt(0, 0, Img); LRect Bnds = Img->Bounds(); rgn.Subtract(&Bnds); } for (int i=0; iColour(L_LOW); pDC->Rectangle(rgn[i]); } if (Btn) { LRect c = GetClient(); c.Inset(6, 6); LRect p = Btn->GetPos(); p.Offset(c.x2 - p.X() - p.x1 + 1, c.y1 - p.y1); Btn->SetPos(p); } if (Focus()) { auto c = GetClient(); PatternBox(pDC, LRect(c.x1, c.y1, c.x1+1, c.y2)); PatternBox(pDC, LRect(c.x2-1, c.y1, c.x2, c.y2)); PatternBox(pDC, LRect(c.x1+2, c.y1, c.x2-2, c.y1+1)); PatternBox(pDC, LRect(c.x1+2, c.y2-1, c.x2-2, c.y2)); } } void SetDefaultNoFace() { if (App) { LVariant NoFace; if (App->GetValue("NoContact.Image[160]", NoFace)) { if (NoFace.Str()) { IsNoFace = Img.Reset(GdcD->Load(NoFace.Str())); Invalidate(); } } } } void SetContact(Contact *contact) { c = contact; if (c) { App = c->App; SetDefaultNoFace(); if (!Btn) { Btn = new LContactBtn(100); } if (Btn) { #if 0 Btn->GetCss(true)->NoPaintColor(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorRgb, Rgb32(0xcb,0xcb,0xcb))); #else Btn->GetCss(true)->NoPaintColor(LCss::ColorDef(LCss::ColorTransparent)); #endif AddView(Btn); } } } bool SetImage(const LVariant &v, const char *FileHint = NULL) { if (v.Type != GV_BINARY) return false; CompressedImg = v; LMemStream mem( CompressedImg.Value.Binary.Data, CompressedImg.Value.Binary.Length, false); LAutoPtr i(GdcD->Load(&mem, FileHint)); if (!i) { CompressedImg.Empty(); return false; } SetImage(i); IsNoFace = false; return true; } bool Load(const char *File) { LFile f; if (!f.Open(File, O_READ)) { LgiMsg(this, "Couldn't open image file.", AppName, MB_OK); return false; } int Sz = (int)f.GetSize(); LAutoPtr p(new uint8_t[Sz]); if (!p) { LgiMsg(this, "Couldn't alloc mem for image.", AppName, MB_OK); return false; } ssize_t rd = f.Read(p, Sz); if (rd <= 0) { LgiMsg(this, "Couldn't read from image file.", AppName, MB_OK); return false; } LVariant v; v.SetBinary(rd, p.Release(), true); if (!SetImage(v, File)) { LgiMsg(this, "Couldn't decompress image.", AppName, MB_OK); return false; } IsNoFace = false; return true; } LMessage::Param OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { if (Msg->Msg() == M_IMAGE_LOADED) { if (Worker && Worker->Status) { LAutoPtr pDC(GdcD->Load(&Worker->Data, NULL)); if (pDC) { IsNoFace = false; SetImage(pDC); } } Worker.Reset(); return 0; } return LView::OnEvent(Msg); } int OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (Ctrl->GetId() == 100) { auto s = new LFileSelect(this); s->Open([this](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status) Load(dlg->Name()); delete dlg; }); } return 0; } int WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { if (Formats.HasFormat(LGI_FileDropFormat)) Formats.SupportsFileDrops(); else { #if WINDOWS Formats.Supports(WinFmtUrl); #endif Formats.Supports(FmtUrlList); } return Formats.GetSupported().Length() ? DROPEFFECT_COPY : DROPEFFECT_NONE; } int OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { for (unsigned i=0; i 0) { Load(files[0]); return DROPEFFECT_COPY; } } else if (dd.IsFormat(FmtUrlList) || dd.IsFormat(WinFmtUrl)) { auto &v = dd.Data[0]; if (v.Type == GV_BINARY) { LString uri = (char16*)v.Value.Binary.Data; if (uri) Worker.Reset(new UriLoader(this, uri)); } else if (v.Type == GV_STRING) { Worker.Reset(new UriLoader(this, v.Str())); } else LAssert(!"Unexpected type."); } } return DROPEFFECT_NONE; } }; class LContactImageFactory : public LViewFactory { LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (Class && !_stricmp(Class, "LContactImage")) return new LContactImage; return NULL; } } ContactImageFactory; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LFieldItem : public LListItem { public: LString Field, Value; const char *GetText(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return Field; case 1: return Value; } return NULL; } bool SetText(const char *s, int i=0) { switch (i) { case 0: Field = s; break; case 1: Value = s; break; default: return false; } LListItem::SetText(s, i); auto Lst = GetList(); Lst->ResizeColumnsToContent(); Lst->OnNotify(Lst, LNotifyItemChange); return true; } void OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down() && m.Double()) { int Col = GetList()->ColumnAtX(m.x); if (Col >= 0 && Col <= 1) EditLabel(Col); } } }; class LFieldEditor : public LList { LString u; LAutoWString w; public: LFieldEditor() : LList(IDC_STATIC) { SetObjectName(Res_Custom); DrawGridLines(true); AllowEditLabels(true); SetNotify(this); AddColumn("Field", 110); AddColumn("Value", 110); OnChange(); } void OnChange() { LArray a; GetAll(a); for (auto i: a) if (!i->Field && !i->Value) return; Insert(new LFieldItem); } int OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { if (Ctrl->GetId() == GetId()) { switch (Flags) { case LNotifyItemChange: { OnChange(); break; } case LNotifyDeleteKey: { LArray a; GetSelection(a); a.DeleteObjects(); OnChange(); break; } } } return LList::OnNotify(Ctrl, n); } bool NameW(const char16 *n) { LAutoString a(WideToUtf8(n)); return Name(a); } const char16 *NameW() { w.Reset(Utf8ToWide(Name())); return w; } bool Name(const char *n) { Empty(); LJson j(n); LArray keys = j.GetKeys(); for (auto k: keys) { LFieldItem *i = new LFieldItem; i->Field = k; i->Value = j.Get(k); Insert(i); } OnChange(); // LgiTrace("SetText: %s\n", n); return true; } const char *Name() { LJson j; LArray items; GetAll(items); for (auto i: items) { if (i->Field) j.Set(i->Field, i->Value); } u = j.GetJson(); // LgiTrace("GetText: %s\n", u.Get()); return u; } }; class LFieldEditorFactory : public LViewFactory { LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (Class && !_stricmp(Class, "LFieldEditor")) return new LFieldEditor; return NULL; } } FieldEditorFactory; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List Contact::Everyone; LHashTbl, int> Contact::PropMap; Contact::Contact(ScribeWnd *app, LDataI *object) : Thing(app, object) { if (!PropMap.Length()) { PropMap.Add("Type", FIELD_TYPE); ForAllContactFields(Fld) { LAssert(Fld->FieldId > 0 && Fld->FieldId < FIELD_MAX); // LgiTrace("AddProp %i, %s\n", Fld->FieldId, Fld->Option); PropMap.Add(Fld->Option, Fld->FieldId); } } DefaultObject(object); d = new ContactPriv(this); Everyone.Insert(this); } Contact::~Contact() { Everyone.Delete(this); DeleteObj(Ui); DeleteObj(d); } Contact *Contact::LookupEmail(const char *Email) { if (!Email) return NULL; for (auto c : Everyone) if (c->HasEmail(Email)) return c; return NULL; } bool Contact::Get(const char *Opt, int &Value) { if (GetObject()) { int Id = PropMap.Find(Opt); if (Id) { int i = (int)GetObject()->GetInt(Id); if (i >= 0) { Value = i; return true; } } } return false; } bool Contact::Get(const char *Opt, const char *&Value) { if (GetObject()) { int Id = PropMap.Find(Opt); if (Id) { Value = GetObject()->GetStr(Id); return Value != 0; } } return false; } bool Contact::Set(const char *Opt, int Value) { if (GetObject()) { int Id = PropMap.Find(Opt); if (Id) { return GetObject()->SetInt(Id, Value) > Store3Error; } } return false; } bool Contact::Set(const char *Opt, const char *Value) { auto o = GetObject(); if (!o) return false; auto Id = PropMap.Find(Opt); if (Id <= 0 || Id >= FIELD_MAX) { LAssert(!"Invalid ID."); return false; } return o->SetStr(Id, Value) > Store3Error; } int Contact::GetAddrCount() { if (!GetObject()) return 0; auto DefEmail = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); auto AltEmail = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_ALT_EMAIL); int c = ValidStr(DefEmail) ? 1 : 0; if (AltEmail) { c++; for (auto s = AltEmail; s && *s; s++) { if (*s == ',') c++; } } return c; } LString::Array Contact::GetEmails() { LString::Array e; const char *s; if (Get(OPT_Email, s) && s) e.New() = s; if (GetObject()) { auto alt = LString(GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_ALT_EMAIL)).Split(","); if (alt.Length()) e += alt; } return e; } bool Contact::HasEmail(LString email) { auto Emails = GetEmails(); for (auto e: Emails) if (e.Equals(email)) return true; return false; } LString Contact::GetAddrAt(int i) { if (i == 0) { const char *e; if (Get(OPT_Email, e)) return e; } else if (i > 0) { auto t = LString(GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_ALT_EMAIL)).SplitDelimit(","); if (i <= (int)t.Length()) return t[i-1]; } return NULL; } bool Contact::SetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { auto Obj = GetObject(); if (!Name || !Obj) return false; // Check normal fields.. int Id = PropMap.Find(Name); if (Id) { // Pre-defined field auto r = Obj->SetStr(Id, Value.CastString()); if (r > Store3Error) { SetDirty(); return true; } } else { // Custom field... auto j = d->GetJson(); if (!j) return false; if (!j->Set(Name, Value.CastString())) return false; if (!Obj->SetStr(FIELD_CONTACT_JSON, j->GetJson())) return false; SetDirty(); return true; } return false; } bool Contact::GetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { // Check scribe level fields... ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(Name); switch (Fld) { case SdScribe: // Type: ScribeWnd { Value = (LDom*)App; return true; } case SdFolder: // Type: ScribeFolder { ScribeFolder *f = GetFolder(); if (!f) return false; Value = (LDom*)f; return true; } default: break; } auto Obj = GetObject(); if (!Obj) return false; switch (Fld) { case SdEmail: // Type: String[] { if (!Value.SetList()) return false; int c = GetAddrCount(); for (int i=0; iInsert(new LVariant(e)); } return true; } case SdType: // Type: Int32 { Value = Obj->Type(); return true; } case SdGroups: // Type: String[] { LHashTbl,bool> Emails; for (int i=0; i Grps; auto Srcs = App->GetThingSources(MAGIC_GROUP); for (auto g: Srcs) { for (auto t: g->Items) { ContactGroup *Grp = t->IsGroup(); if (Grp) { List Addr; if (Grp->GetAddresses(Addr)) { for (auto a: Addr) { if (Emails.Find(a)) { auto Name = Grp->GetFieldText(FIELD_GROUP_NAME); if (Name) { Grps.Insert(new LVariant(Name)); } } } Addr.DeleteArrays(); } } } } Value.SetList(&Grps); return true; } case SdImage: // Type: Image { LAssert(!"Impl."); return false; } case SdImageHtml: // Type: String { if (!d->ImagePath) { int Px = 80; if (Array) { int i = atoi(Array); if (i > 0) Px = i; } // Check to see if the contact has an image... const LVariant *Bin = Obj->GetVar(FIELD_CONTACT_IMAGE); if (Bin && Bin->Type != GV_NULL) { if (Bin->Type == GV_BINARY) { auto Png = LFilterFactory::New("name.png", O_WRITE, NULL); if (Png) { if (!d->Image) { LMemStream Mem(Bin->Value.Binary.Data, Bin->Value.Binary.Length, false); LAutoPtr Raw(GdcD->Load(&Mem)); if (Raw) { ConvertImageToContactSize(d->Image, Px, Raw); } } if (d->Image) { LFile::Path p(ScribeTempPath()); const char *First = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_FIRST_NAME); const char *Last = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_LAST_NAME); LString leaf; leaf.Printf("%s%sContact.png", First, Last); p += leaf; LFile f; if (f.Open(p, O_WRITE)) { if (Png->WriteImage(&f, d->Image)) { #if 0 // We could save the resized version here? int64 NewSize = f.GetSize(); if (Bin->Length() > (50 << 10)) { int asd=0; } #endif d->ImagePath = p.GetFull(); } } } } } else LAssert(0); } } if (d->ImagePath) { LString html; html.Printf("\n", d->ImagePath.Get()); Value = html; return true; } return App->GetValue("NoContact.ImageHtml", Value); } case SdTitle: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_TITLE); return true; case SdFirst: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_FIRST_NAME); return true; case SdSurname: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_LAST_NAME); return true; case SdNickname: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_NICK); return true; case SdSpouse: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_SPOUSE); return true; case SdNotes: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_NOTE); return true; case SdUid: // Type: Int64 Value = Obj->GetInt(FIELD_UID); return true; case SdTimeZone: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_TIMEZONE); return true; case SdHomeStreet: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_STREET); return true; case SdHomeSuburb: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_SUBURB); return true; case SdHomePostcode: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_POSTCODE); return true; case SdHomeState: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_STATE); return true; case SdHomeCountry: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_COUNTRY); return true; case SdHomePhone: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_PHONE); return true; case SdHomeMobile: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_MOBILE); return true; case SdHomeIM: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_IM); return true; case SdHomeFax: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_FAX); return true; case SdHomeWebpage: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_HOME_WEBPAGE); return true; case SdWorkStreet: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_STREET); return true; case SdWorkSuburb: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_SUBURB); return true; case SdWorkPostcode: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_POSTCODE); return true; case SdWorkState: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_STATE); return true; case SdWorkCountry: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_COUNTRY); return true; case SdWorkPhone: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_POSTCODE); return true; case SdWorkMobile: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_MOBILE); return true; case SdWorkIM: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_IM); return true; case SdWorkFax: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_FAX); return true; case SdCompany: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_COMPANY); return true; case SdWorkWebpage: // Type: String Value = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_WORK_WEBPAGE); return true; default: { // Check custom fields.. if (!d->CustomCache) { auto json = Obj->GetStr(FIELD_CONTACT_JSON); d->CustomCache.Reset(new LJson(json)); } if (!d->CustomCache) return false; Value = d->CustomCache->Get(Name); return true; } } return false; } bool Contact::CallMethod(const char *MethodName, LVariant *ReturnValue, LArray &Args) { // ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(MethodName); return Thing::CallMethod(MethodName, ReturnValue, Args); } Thing &Contact::operator =(Thing &c) { Contact *Arg = c.IsContact(); if (GetObject() && Arg && Arg->GetObject()) { GetObject()->CopyProps(*Arg->GetObject()); } return *this; } bool Contact::IsAssociatedWith(char *PluginName) { if (PluginName) { for (auto p: d->Plugins) { if (_stricmp(p, PluginName) == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } int Contact::Compare(LListItem *Arg, ssize_t FieldId) { Contact *c1 = this; Contact *c2 = dynamic_cast(Arg); if (c1 && c2) { static int Fields[] = {FIELD_FIRST_NAME, FIELD_LAST_NAME, FIELD_EMAIL}; if (FieldId < 0) { int i = -(int)FieldId - 1; if (i >= 0 && i < CountOf(Fields)) { FieldId = Fields[i]; } } auto s1 = c1->GetObject()->GetStr((int)FieldId); auto s2 = c2->GetObject()->GetStr((int)FieldId); const char *Empty = ""; return _stricmp(s1?s1:Empty, s2?s2:Empty); } return 0; } ThingUi *Contact::DoUI(MailContainer *c) { if (!Ui) { Ui = new ContactUi(this); } return Ui; } size_t Contact::SizeofField(const char *Name) { LAssert(0); return 0; } size_t Contact::Sizeof() { LAssert(0); return 0; } bool Contact::Serialize(LFile &f, bool Write) { LAssert(0); return false; } int Contact::DefaultContactFields[] = { FIELD_FIRST_NAME, FIELD_LAST_NAME, FIELD_EMAIL, 0 }; int *Contact::GetDefaultFields() { return DefaultContactFields; } const char *Contact::GetFieldText(int Field) { const char *Status = NULL; #define GetFldText(Id, Opt) \ case Id: Get(Opt, Status); break; switch (Field) { MacroAllFields(GetFldText); case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: { auto Dt = GetObject()->GetDate(Field); if (Dt) d->DateCache = Dt->Local().Get(); else d->DateCache = LLoadString(IDS_NONE); return d->DateCache; break; } case FIELD_PLUGIN_ASSOC: { static char Str[256]; Str[0] = 0; for (auto p: d->Plugins) { if (Str[0]) strcat(Str, ", "); strcat(Str, p); } return Str; break; } } return Status; } const char *Contact::GetText(int i) { if (FieldArray.Length()) return GetFieldText(FieldArray[i]); return GetFieldText(DefaultContactFields[i]); } void Contact::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.IsContextMenu()) { LScriptUi s(new LSubMenu); if (s.Sub) { bool Sep = false; const char *Email; if (Get(OPT_Email, Email) && ValidStr(Email)) { char Str[256]; const char *First = 0, *Last = 0; Get(OPT_First, First); Get(OPT_Last, Last); char *LiteralEmail = NewStr(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_EMAIL), 'e')); if (First || Last) { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s %s %s", LiteralEmail, (First) ? First : "", (Last) ? Last : ""); } else { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s %s", LiteralEmail, Email); } DeleteArray(LiteralEmail); s.Sub->AppendItem(Str, IDM_NEW_EMAIL, true); Sep = true; } const char *Web = 0; if (Get(OPT_HomeWebPage, Web) && ValidStr(Web)) { s.Sub->AppendItem(Web, IDM_LOAD, true); Sep = true; } if (Sep) { s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); } s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_OPEN), IDM_OPEN); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE), IDM_DELETE); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_EXPORT), IDM_EXPORT); LArray Callbacks; if (App->GetScriptCallbacks(LThingContextMenu, Callbacks)) { LScriptArguments Args(NULL); Args[0] = new LVariant(App); Args[1] = new LVariant(this); Args[2] = new LVariant(&s); for (auto c: Callbacks) { App->ExecuteScriptCallback(*c, Args); } Args.DeleteObjects(); } if (GetList()->GetMouse(m, true)) { int Result; switch (Result = s.Sub->Float(GetList(), m.x, m.y)) { case IDM_NEW_EMAIL: { App->CreateMail(this); break; } case IDM_LOAD: { if (Web) LExecute(Web, 0, 0); break; } case IDM_OPEN: { DoUI(); break; } case IDM_DELETE: { LVariant ConfirmDelete; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ConfirmDelete, ConfirmDelete); if (!ConfirmDelete.CastInt32() || LgiMsg(GetList(), LLoadString(IDS_DELETE_ASK), AppName, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { List Del; LList *ParentList = LListItem::Parent; if (ParentList && ParentList->GetSelection(Del)) { for (auto It = Del.rbegin(); It != Del.end(); It--) { auto c = dynamic_cast(*It); if (c) c->OnDelete(); } ParentList->Invalidate(); } } break; } case IDM_EXPORT: { ExportAll(GetList(), sMimeVCard, NULL); break; } default: { // Handle any installed callbacks for menu items for (unsigned i=0; iExecuteScriptCallback(Cb, Args); } } break; } } } DeleteObj(s.Sub); } } else if (m.Left()) { if (m.Double()) { DoUI(); } } } bool Contact::Save(ScribeFolder *Folder) { bool Status = false; if (!Folder) { Folder = GetFolder(); } if (!Folder && App) { Folder = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_CONTACTS); } if (Folder) { + LDateTime Now; + GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, &Now.SetNow()); + Status = Folder->WriteThing(this) != Store3Error; if (Status) SetDirty(false); } return Status; } bool Contact::GetFormats(bool Export, LString::Array &MimeTypes) { if (!Export) MimeTypes.Add(sMimeVCard); return MimeTypes.Length() > 0; } Thing::IoProgress Contact::Import(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeVCard)) IoProgressNotImpl(); VCard vCard; if (!vCard.Import(GetObject(), stream)) IoProgressError("vCard import failed."); IoProgressSuccess(); } Thing::IoProgress Contact::Export(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeVCard)) IoProgressNotImpl(); VCard vCard; if (!vCard.Export(GetObject(), stream)) IoProgressError("vCard export failed."); IoProgressSuccess(); } char *Contact::GetDropFileName() { if (!DropFileName) { char File[64] = "Contact"; const char *First = 0, *Last = 0; Get(OPT_First, First); Get(OPT_Last, Last); if (First && Last) sprintf_s(File, sizeof(File), "%s-%s", First, Last); else if (First) strcpy_s(File, sizeof(File), First); else if (Last) strcpy_s(File, sizeof(File), Last); DropFileName.Reset(MakeFileName(File, "vcf")); } return DropFileName; } bool Contact::GetDropFiles(LString::Array &Files) { bool Status = false; if (GetDropFileName()) { if (!LFileExists(DropFileName)) { LAutoPtr F(new LFile); if (F->Open(DropFileName, O_WRITE)) { F->SetSize(0); Export(AutoCast(F), sMimeVCard); } } if (LFileExists(DropFileName)) { Files.Add(DropFileName.Get()); Status = true; } } return Status; } void Contact::OnPrintHeaders(struct ScribePrintContext &Context) { LDisplayString *ds = Context.Text(LLoadString(IDS_CONTACT)); LRect &r = Context.MarginPx; int Line = ds->Y(); LDrawListSurface *Page = Context.Pages.Last(); Page->Rectangle(r.x1, Context.CurrentY + (Line * 5 / 10), r.x2, Context.CurrentY + (Line * 6 / 10)); Context.CurrentY += Line; } void Contact::OnPrintText(ScribePrintContext &Context, LPrintPageRanges &Pages) { // Print document ForAllContactFields(Fld) { const char *Value = 0; if (Get(Fld->Option, Value)) { LString v = Value; LString::Array Lines = v.SplitDelimit("\n"); int x = 0; for (unsigned i=0; iFieldId); f.Printf("%s: ", Name ? Name : Fld->DisplayText); LDisplayString *ds = Context.Text(f); if (ds) { x = ds->X(); Context.CurrentY -= ds->Y(); Context.Text(Lines[i], x); } } } } } } const char *ToField(int f) { ForAllContactFields(Fld) { if (Fld->FieldId == f) { return Fld->Option; } } if (f == FIELD_PERMISSIONS) { return "Perms"; } LAssert(0); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define M_REMOVE_EMAIL_ADDR (M_USER+0x400) class EmailAddr : public LListItem { Contact *c; LAutoString Email; bool EditOneShot; bool Default; const char *ClickToAdd; public: EmailAddr(Contact *contact, const char *email = 0, bool def = false) { c = contact; EditOneShot = false; Default = def; Email.Reset(NewStr(email)); ClickToAdd = LLoadString(IDS_CLICK_TO_ADD); } bool GetDefault() { return Default; } char *GetEmail() { return Email; } LFont *GetFont() { return Default ? c->App->GetBoldFont() : 0; } const char *GetText(int Col=0) { if (EditOneShot) { EditOneShot = false; return (char*)""; } return Email ? Email : (char*)ClickToAdd; } void Delete() { if (Parent->Length() > 1) { Parent->GetWindow()->PostEvent(M_REMOVE_EMAIL_ADDR, (LMessage::Param)this); if (Default) { // Set one of the other's to the default List All; Parent->GetAll(All); for (auto a: All) { if (a != this && a->Email) { a->Default = true; a->Update(); break; } } } } else { Email.Reset(); } } bool SetText(const char *s, int Col=0) { if (s && Col == 0) { if (ValidStr(s)) { if (!Email) { Parent->Insert(new EmailAddr(c)); } Email.Reset(NewStr(s)); if (GetCss()) GetCss()->DeleteProp(LCss::PropColor); Update(); } else { Delete(); } } return false; } /* void OnPaint(LItem::ItemPaintCtx &Ctx) { if (!Email) { LColour Back; if (Select()) Back.Set(LC_FOCUS_SEL_BACK, 24); else Back.Set(LC_WORKSPACE, 24); COLOUR Fore24 = LC_LOW; COLOUR BackGrey = GdcGreyScale(Back.c24(), 24); COLOUR ForeGrey = GdcGreyScale(Fore24, 24); int Diff = abs((int)(BackGrey - ForeGrey)); if (Diff < 94) Fore24 = LC_FOCUS_SEL_FORE; // LgiTrace("Fore=%i Back=%i Diff=%i Fore=%x\n", BackGrey, ForeGrey, Diff, Fore24); SetForegroundFill(new GViewFill(Fore24, 24)); } else SetForegroundFill(0); LListItem::OnPaint(Ctx); } */ bool OnKey(LKey &k) { if (k.Down()) { switch (k.c16) { default: { if ( k.Down() && ( IsAlpha(k.c16) || k.c16 == ' ' || k.c16 == LK_F2 ) ) { EditOneShot = !Email; LViewI *v = EditLabel(0); if (v && k.IsChar && IsAlpha(k.c16)) { v->IterateViews().DeleteObjects(); if (v) { LEdit *e = dynamic_cast(v); if (e && !ValidStr(v->Name())) { LAutoString u(WideToUtf8(&k.c16, 1)); if (u) { e->Name(u); e->SetCaret(1); } } v->Focus(true); } else { LgiTrace("%s:%i - no edit.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } return true; } break; } case LK_DELETE: { Parent->Delete(this); return true; break; } } } return false; } void OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down()) { if (m.IsContextMenu()) { auto RClick = new LSubMenu; if (RClick) { #define IDM_SET_DEFAULT 200 RClick->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_SET_DEFAULT), IDM_SET_DEFAULT, !Default); RClick->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE), IDM_DELETE, true); // RClick->AppendSeparator(); if (LListItem::Parent->GetMouse(m, true)) { switch (RClick->Float(LListItem::Parent, m.x, m.y)) { case IDM_SET_DEFAULT: { // Clear the old default List All; Parent->GetAll(All); for (auto a: All) { if (a->Default) { a->Default = false; a->Update(); break; } } // Set the new default Default = true; Update(); break; } case IDM_DELETE: { Delete(); break; } } } DeleteObj(RClick); } } else if (m.Left()) { int c = Parent->ColumnAtX(m.x); if (c >= 0) { EditOneShot = !Email; EditLabel(c); } } } } }; ContactUi::ContactUi(Contact *item) : ThingUi(item, "Contact") { Lst = 0; ImgView = NULL; Item = item; if (!(Item && Item->App)) { return; } #if WINNATIVE SetStyle(GetStyle() & ~WS_VISIBLE); CreateClassW32("Scribe::ContactUi", LoadIcon(LProcessInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_CONTACT))); #endif if (Attach(0)) { LRect p; LAutoString s(NewStr("Contact")); if (LoadFromResource(IDD_CONTACT, this, &p, &s)) { // size/position Name(s); SetPos(p); MoveSameScreen(App); // MoveToCenter(); // list setup if (GetViewById(IDC_EMAIL, Lst)) { Lst->ShowColumnHeader(false); Lst->AddColumn("Email", Lst->X()); Lst->Insert(new EmailAddr(Item)); } // Tz setup LCombo *c; if (GetViewById(IDC_PICK_TZ, c)) { c->Sort(true); c->Sub(GV_DOUBLE); GTimeZone *Tz = GTimeZones; while (Tz->Text) { char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%.1f %s", Tz->Offset, Tz->Text); c->Insert(s); Tz++; } } // Show buttons to toggle mode... LButton *Show; if (GetViewById(IDC_SHOW_ADDR, Show)) { Show->SetIsToggle(true); Show->Value(1); } if (GetViewById(IDC_SHOW_EXTRA, Show)) Show->SetIsToggle(true); // controls AttachChildren(); // Image setup if (GetViewById(IDC_IMAGE, ImgView)) { ImgView->SetContact(Item); } OnLoad(); // show the window Visible(true); // set default button _Default = FindControl(IDOK); LViewI *f = FindControl(IDC_FIRST); if (f) f->Focus(true); } } SetPulse(1000); } ContactUi::~ContactUi() { Item->Ui = 0; } void ContactUi::OnDestroy() { if (Item) { Item->Ui = 0; } } bool ContactUi::InitField(int Id, const char *Name) { if (Item) { const char *s; if (Item->Get(Name, s)) { SetCtrlName(Id, s); return true; } int i; if (Item->Get(Name, i)) { SetCtrlValue(Id, i); return true; } } return false; } bool ContactUi::SaveField(int Id, const char *Name) { if (Item) { if (Id == FIELD_UID) { Item->Set(Name, (int)GetCtrlValue(Id)); return true; } else { Item->Set(Name, GetCtrlName(Id)); return true; } } return false; } void ContactUi::OnLoad() { int Insert = 0; ForAllContactFields(f) { if (f->FieldId == FIELD_EMAIL) { const char *e; if (Item->Get(f->Option, e)) { Lst->Insert(new EmailAddr(Item, e, true), Insert++); } } else if (f->CtrlId > 0) { InitField(f->CtrlId, f->Option); } } auto AltEmail = LString(Item->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_ALT_EMAIL)).SplitDelimit(","); for (auto e: AltEmail) Lst->Insert(new EmailAddr(Item, e), Insert++); if (ImgView) { const LVariant *v = Item->GetObject()->GetVar(FIELD_CONTACT_IMAGE); if (v && v->Type == GV_BINARY) { ImgView->IsNoFace = false; ImgView->SetImage(*v); } } auto FirstName = Item->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_FIRST_NAME); auto LastName = Item->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_LAST_NAME); if (ValidStr(FirstName)||ValidStr(LastName)) { LString s; s.Printf("%s - %s%s%s", LLoadString(IDS_CONTACT), FirstName?FirstName:"", FirstName?" ":"", LastName?LastName:""); Name(s); } LViewI *c; if (GetViewById(IDC_TIMEZONE, c)) { LNotification note(LNotifyValueChanged); OnNotify(c, note); } } void ContactUi::OnSave() { auto Obj = Item->GetObject(); EmailAddr *Def = NULL; List All; Lst->GetAll(All); ForAllContactFields(f) { if (f->FieldId == FIELD_EMAIL) { for (auto a: All) { if (a->GetDefault()) { Def = a; break; } } if (!Def) Def = All[0]; if (Def) Item->Set(f->Option, Def->GetEmail()); } else if (f->CtrlId > 0) { SaveField(f->CtrlId, f->Option); } } LString::Array AltEmails; for (auto a: All) { if (a != Def && a->GetEmail()) AltEmails.New() = a->GetEmail(); } LString AltEmail = LString(",").Join(AltEmails); Obj->SetStr(FIELD_ALT_EMAIL, AltEmail); if (ImgView) { // Reset the cache... Item->d->Image.Reset(); Item->d->ImagePath.Empty(); // Set the image in the back end store... LVariant *Img = &ImgView->GetImage(); Obj->SetVar(FIELD_CONTACT_IMAGE, Img); } if (Item && Item->App) { Item->Save(); LArray c; c.Add(Obj); Item->App->SetContext(_FL); Item->App->OnChange(c, 0); } } void ContactUi::OnPosChange() { } LMessage::Result ContactUi::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { case M_REMOVE_EMAIL_ADDR: { EmailAddr *Addr = (EmailAddr*)Msg->A(); if (Addr) { Lst->Delete(Addr); } break; } } return ThingUi::OnEvent(Msg); } int ContactUi::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { switch (Ctrl->GetId()) { case IDOK: { OnSave(); // fall thru } case IDCANCEL: { PostEvent(M_CLOSE); break; } case IDC_TIMEZONE: { LString v = Ctrl->Name(); if (!v) break; auto dv = v.Float(); LCombo *c; if (GetViewById(IDC_PICK_TZ, c)) { for (size_t i=0; iLength(); i++) { auto s = (*c)[i]; if (s) { auto sval = atof(s); if (ABS(sval-dv) < 0.0001) { c->Value(i); return true; } } } } break; } case IDC_PICK_TZ: { if (Ctrl->Value() >= 0 && Ctrl->Name()) { double Tz = atof(Ctrl->Name()); char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%.1f", Tz); SetCtrlName(IDC_TIMEZONE, s); } break; } case IDC_SHOW_ADDR: { LTableLayout *Tbl; if (GetViewById(IDC_TABLE, Tbl)) { int64 Shown = Ctrl->Value(); Ctrl->Name(Shown ? "-" : "+"); int y = 2; auto *c = Tbl->GetCell(0, y); if (c) c->Display(Shown ? LCss::DispBlock : LCss::DispNone); c = Tbl->GetCell(1, y); if (c) c->Display(Shown ? LCss::DispBlock : LCss::DispNone); Tbl->InvalidateLayout(); } break; } case IDC_SHOW_EXTRA: { LTableLayout *Tbl; if (GetViewById(IDC_TABLE, Tbl)) { int64 Shown = Ctrl->Value(); Ctrl->Name(Shown ? "-" : "+"); int y = 4; auto *c = Tbl->GetCell(0, y); if (c) c->Display(Shown ? LCss::DispBlock : LCss::DispNone); c = Tbl->GetCell(1, y); if (c) c->Display(Shown ? LCss::DispBlock : LCss::DispNone); Tbl->InvalidateLayout(); } break; } } return 0; } char *Contact::GetLocalTime(const char *TimeZone) { char *Status = 0; if (!ValidStr(TimeZone)) { Get(OPT_TimeZone, TimeZone); } if (ValidStr(TimeZone)) { double TheirTz = atof(TimeZone); LDateTime d; d.SetNow(); d.SetTimeZone((int)(TheirTz * 60), true); char s[256]; d.Get(s, sizeof(s)); Status = NewStr(s); } return Status; } void ContactUi::OnPulse() { char *Local = Item->GetLocalTime(GetCtrlName(IDC_TIMEZONE)); if (Local) { SetCtrlName(IDC_LOCALTIME, Local); DeleteArray(Local); } } diff --git a/Code/ScribeFilter.cpp b/Code/ScribeFilter.cpp --- a/Code/ScribeFilter.cpp +++ b/Code/ScribeFilter.cpp @@ -1,4203 +1,4206 @@ /* ** FILE: ScribeFilter.cpp ** AUTHOR: Matthew Allen ** DATE: 29/10/1999 ** DESCRIPTION: Scribe filters ** ** Copyright (C) 1999-2022, Matthew Allen ** fret@memecode.com ** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "Scribe.h" #include "lgi/common/NetTools.h" #include "lgi/common/Combo.h" #include "lgi/common/Edit.h" #include "lgi/common/Button.h" #include "lgi/common/ProgressDlg.h" #include "lgi/common/FilterUi.h" #include "lgi/common/XmlTree.h" #include "lgi/common/ClipBoard.h" #include "lgi/common/TabView.h" #include "lgi/common/Printer.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "lgi/common/Charset.h" #include "resdefs.h" #include "resource.h" #define COMBINE_OP_AND 0 #define COMBINE_OP_OR 1 #define IDM_TRUE 500 #define IDM_FALSE 501 #define IDM_NOTNEW 502 #define IDM_LOCAL 503 #define IDM_SERVER 504 #define IDM_LOCAL_AND_SERVER 505 const char *ATTR_NOT = "Not"; const char *ATTR_FIELD = "Field"; const char *ATTR_OP = "Op"; const char *ATTR_VALUE = "Value"; const char *ELEMENT_AND = "And"; const char *ELEMENT_OR = "Or"; const char *ELEMENT_CONDITION = "Condition"; const char *ELEMENT_CONDITIONS = "Conditions"; const char *ELEMENT_ACTION = "Action"; #define SkipWs(s) while ((*s) && strchr(WhiteSpace, *s)) s++; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class FilterPrivate { public: bool *Stop; LStream *Log; FilterPrivate() { Stop = 0; Log = 0; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filter field definitions ItemFieldDef FilterFieldDefs[] = { {"Name", SdName, GV_STRING, FIELD_FILTER_NAME}, {"Index", SdIndex, GV_INT32, FIELD_FILTER_INDEX}, {"Incoming", SdIncoming, GV_INT32, FIELD_FILTER_INCOMING}, {"Outgoing", SdOutgoing, GV_INT32, FIELD_FILTER_OUTGOING}, {"Internal", SdInternal, GV_INT32, FIELD_FILTER_INTERNAL}, {0} }; int DefaultFilterFields[] = { FIELD_FILTER_NAME, FIELD_FILTER_INDEX, FIELD_FILTER_INCOMING, FIELD_FILTER_OUTGOING, FIELD_FILTER_INTERNAL, 0 }; #define ForCondField(Macro, Value) \ switch (Value) \ { \ case 0: Macro("To"); break; \ case 1: Macro("From"); break; \ case 2: Macro("Subject"); break; \ case 3: Macro("Size"); break; \ case 4: Macro("DateReceived"); break; \ case 5: Macro("DateSent"); break; \ case 6: Macro("Body"); break; \ case 7: Macro("InternetHeaders"); break; \ case 8: Macro("MessageID"); break; \ case 9: Macro("Priority"); break; \ case 10: /* flags */ break; \ case 11: Macro("Html"); break; \ case 12: Macro("Label"); break; \ case 13: Macro("From.Contact"); break; \ case 14: Macro("ImapCacheFile"); break; \ case 15: Macro("ImapFlags"); break; \ case 16: Macro("Attachments"); break; \ case 17: Macro("AttachmentNames"); break; \ case 18: Macro("From.Groups"); break; \ case 19: Macro("*"); break; \ } // Macro("", FIELD_FLAGS) struct ActionName { int Id; const char *Default; }; ActionName ActionNames[] = { {IDS_ACTION_MOVE_FOLDER, "Move to Folder"}, {IDC_DELETE, "Delete"}, {IDS_PRINT, "Print"}, {IDS_ACTION_SOUND, "Play Sound"}, {IDS_ACTION_OPEN, "Open Email"}, {IDS_ACTION_EXECUTE, "Execute Process"}, {IDS_ACTION_SET_COLOUR, "Set Colour"}, {IDS_SET_READ, "Set Read"}, {IDS_ACTION_SET_LABEL, "Set Label"}, {IDS_ACTION_EMPTY_FOLDER, "Empty Folder"}, {IDS_ACTION_MARK_SPAM, "Mark As Spam"}, {IDS_REPLY, "Reply"}, {IDS_FORWARD, "Forward"}, {IDS_BOUNCE, "Bounce"}, {IDS_ACTION_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS, "Save Attachment(s)"}, {IDS_ACTION_DELETE_ATTACHMENTS, "Delete Attachments(s)"}, {L_CHANGE_CHARSET, "Change Charset"}, {IDS_ACTION_COPY, "Copy to Folder"}, {IDS_EXPORT, "Export"}, {0, 0}, {IDS_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER, "Create Folder"}, {0, 0} }; // These are the english names used for storing XML const char *OpNames[] = { "=", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", "Like", // LLoadString(IDS_LIKE), "Contains", // LLoadString(IDS_CONTAINS), "Starts With", // LLoadString(IDS_STARTS_WITH), "Ends With", // LLoadString(IDS_ENDS_WITH), 0 }; const char *TranslatedOpNames[] = { "=", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", 0, // like 0, // contains 0, // starts with 0, // ends with 0 }; const char **GetOpNames(bool Translated) { if (Translated) { if (TranslatedOpNames[6] == NULL) { TranslatedOpNames[6] = LLoadString(IDS_LIKE); TranslatedOpNames[7] = LLoadString(IDS_CONTAINS); TranslatedOpNames[8] = LLoadString(IDS_STARTS_WITH); TranslatedOpNames[9] = LLoadString(IDS_ENDS_WITH); } if (TranslatedOpNames[6]) { return TranslatedOpNames; } } return OpNames; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SkipSep(const char *&s) { while (s && *s && strchr(" \t,", *s)) s++; } LCombo *LoadTemplates(ScribeWnd *App, LView *Wnd, List &MsgIds, int Ctrl, char *Template) { LCombo *Temp; if (Wnd->GetViewById(IDC_TEMPLATE, Temp)) { ScribeFolder *Templates = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_TEMPLATES); if (Templates) { int n=0; for (auto t: Templates->Items) { Mail *m = t->IsMail(); if (m) { auto Id = m->GetMessageId(true); if (Id) { MsgIds.Insert(NewStr(Id)); Temp->Insert(m->GetSubject() ? m->GetSubject() : (char*)"(no subject)"); if (Template && strcmp(Template, Id) == 0) { Temp->Value(n); } } } n++; } } } return Temp; } class BrowseReply : public LDialog { List MsgIds; LCombo *Temp; public: char *Arg; BrowseReply(ScribeWnd *App, LView *Parent, const char *arg) { SetParent(Parent); LoadFromResource(IDD_FILTER_REPLY); MoveToCenter(); char *Template = LTokStr(arg); SkipSep(arg); char *All = LTokStr(arg); SkipSep(arg); char *MarkReplied = LTokStr(arg); if (All) { SetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL, atoi(All)); } if (MarkReplied) { SetCtrlValue(IDC_MARK_REPLIED, atoi(MarkReplied)); } Temp = LoadTemplates(App, this, MsgIds, IDC_TEMPLATE, Template); DeleteArray(Template); DeleteArray(MarkReplied); DeleteArray(All); } ~BrowseReply() { MsgIds.DeleteArrays(); } int OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n) { switch (c->GetId()) { case IDOK: { if (Temp) { char *Template = MsgIds[(int)Temp->Value()]; int All = (int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_ALL); int MarkReplied = (int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_MARK_REPLIED); char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "\"%s\" %i %i", Template?Template:(char*)"", All, MarkReplied); Arg = NewStr(s); } // Fall thru } case IDCANCEL: { EndModal(c->GetId() == IDOK); break; } } return 0; } }; class BrowseForward : public LDialog { List MsgIds; ScribeWnd *App; LCombo *Temp; bool UseTemplate; public: char *Arg; BrowseForward(ScribeWnd *app, LView *parent, const char *arg, bool temp) { UseTemplate = temp; App = app; Arg = 0; Temp = 0; SetParent(parent); LoadFromResource(IDD_FILTER_FORWARD); MoveToCenter(); char *Template = 0; if (UseTemplate) { Template = LTokStr(arg); SkipSep(arg); } char *Email = LTokStr(arg); SkipSep(arg); char *Forward = LTokStr(arg); SkipSep(arg); char *MarkForwarded = LTokStr(arg); if (UseTemplate) { bool HasTemplate = ValidStr(Template) ? strlen(Template) > 1 : 0; SetCtrlValue(IDC_USE_TEMPLATE, HasTemplate); Temp = LoadTemplates(App, this, MsgIds, IDC_TEMPLATE, HasTemplate ? Template : 0); } else { LViewI *v = FindControl(IDC_USE_TEMPLATE); if (v) { int y1 = v->GetPos().y1; Children.Delete(v); DeleteObj(v); v = FindControl(IDC_TEMPLATE); if (v) { int y2 = v->GetPos().y2; Children.Delete(v); DeleteObj(v); int Sub = y1 - y2 - 10; for (auto v: Children) { LRect r = v->GetPos(); r.Offset(0, Sub); v->SetPos(r); } LRect r = GetPos(); r.y2 += Sub; SetPos(r); } } } SetCtrlName(IDC_EMAIL, Email); if (Forward) SetCtrlValue(IDC_ATTACHMENTS, atoi(Forward)); if (MarkForwarded) SetCtrlValue(IDC_MARK_FORWARDED, atoi(MarkForwarded)); DeleteArray(Template); DeleteArray(Email); DeleteArray(Forward); DeleteArray(MarkForwarded); } ~BrowseForward() { DeleteArray(Arg); } int OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n) { switch (c->GetId()) { case IDOK: { char s[256]; bool HasTemplate = GetCtrlValue(IDC_USE_TEMPLATE) != 0; char *MsgId = HasTemplate ? MsgIds[(int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_TEMPLATE)] : 0; const char *Email = GetCtrlName(IDC_EMAIL); int Attachments = (int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_ATTACHMENTS); int MarkForwarded = (int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_MARK_FORWARDED); if (UseTemplate) { sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "\"%s\" \"%s\" %i %i", MsgId, Email?Email:(char*)"", Attachments, MarkForwarded); } else { sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "\"%s\" %i %i", Email?Email:(char*)"", Attachments, MarkForwarded); } Arg = NewStr(s); // Fall thru } case IDCANCEL: { EndModal(c->GetId() == IDOK); } } return 0; } }; class BrowseSaveAttach : public LDialog { ScribeWnd *App; public: char *Arg; BrowseSaveAttach(ScribeWnd *app, LView *parent, const char *arg) { Arg = 0; App = app; SetParent(parent); if (LoadFromResource(IDD_FILTER_SAVE_ATTACH)) { MoveToCenter(); char *Dir = LTokStr(arg); SkipSep(arg); char *Types = LTokStr(arg); SetCtrlName(IDC_DIR, Dir); SetCtrlName(IDC_TYPES, Types); DeleteArray(Dir); DeleteArray(Types); } } ~BrowseSaveAttach() { DeleteArray(Arg); } int OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n) { switch (c->GetId()) { case IDC_BROWSE_DIR: { auto s = new LFileSelect(this); s->Name(GetCtrlName(IDC_DIR)); s->OpenFolder([&](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status) SetCtrlName(IDC_DIR, s->Name()); delete dlg; }); break; } case IDOK: { char s[512]; const char *Dir = GetCtrlName(IDC_DIR); const char *Types = GetCtrlName(IDC_TYPES); sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "\"%s\",\"%s\"", Dir?Dir:(char*)"", Types?Types:(char*)""); Arg = NewStr(s); // Fall thru } case IDCANCEL: { EndModal(c->GetId() == IDOK); } } return 0; } }; bool LgiCreateTempFileName(char *Path, int PathLen) { if (Path) { #if defined WIN32 int Len = GetTempPathA(PathLen, Path); #else strcpy(Path, "/tmp"); int Len = (int)strlen(Path); #endif if (Path[Len-1] != DIR_CHAR) strcat(Path, DIR_STR); int len = (int) strlen(Path); sprintf_s(Path+len, PathLen-len, "~%i.txt", LRand(10000)); return true; } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FilterCondition::FilterCondition() { Op = 0; Not = false; } FilterCondition &FilterCondition::operator=(FilterCondition &c) { Source.Reset(NewStr(c.Source)); Op = c.Op; Not = c.Not; Value.Reset(NewStr(c.Value)); return *this; } bool FilterCondition::Test(Filter *F, Mail *m, LStream *Log) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tCondition.Test Fld='%s'\n", (char*)Source); if (ValidStr(Source)) { int Flds = 0; for (; MailFieldDefs[Flds].FieldId; Flds++) { } LVariant v; // Get data if (_stricmp(Source, "mail.attachments") == 0) { // attachment(s) data List Attachments; if (m->GetAttachments(&Attachments)) { for (auto a: Attachments) { char *Data; ssize_t Length; LDateTime Temp; if (a->Get(&Data, &Length)) { // Zero terminate the string LVariant v; v.SetBinary(Length, Data); // Test the file if (TestData(F, v, Log)) { return true; } } } } return false; } else if (_stricmp(Source, "mail.attachmentnames") == 0) { // attachment(s) name List Attachments; // ItemFieldDef AttachType = {"Attachment(s) Name", SdAttachmentNames, GV_STRING}; LDateTime Temp; if (m->GetAttachments(&Attachments)) { for (auto a: Attachments) { LVariant v = a->GetName(); if (TestData(F, v, Log)) { return true; } } } return false; } else { bool Status = false; ItemFieldDef *f = 0; if (_stricmp(Source, "mail.*") == 0) { ItemFieldDef *Start = MailFieldDefs; ItemFieldDef *End = MailFieldDefs + Flds - 1; for (f = Start; f <= End && !Status; f++) { switch (f->FieldId) { case FIELD_TO: { for (LDataPropI *a = m->GetTo()->First(); a; a = m->GetTo()->Next()) { char Data[256]; sprintf_s(Data, sizeof(Data), "%s <%s>", a->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); LVariant v(Data); if (TestData(F, v, Log)) { Status |= true; } } continue; break; } case FIELD_FROM: { char Data[256]; sprintf_s(Data, sizeof(Data), "%s <%s>", m->GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), m->GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); v = Data; break; } case FIELD_REPLY: { char Data[256]; sprintf_s(Data, sizeof(Data), "%s <%s>", m->GetReply()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), m->GetReply()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); v = Data; break; } case FIELD_SUBJECT: v = m->GetSubject(); break; case FIELD_SIZE: v = m->TotalSizeof(); break; case FIELD_DATE_RECEIVED: v = m->GetDateReceived(); break; case FIELD_DATE_SENT: v = m->GetDateSent(); break; case FIELD_TEXT: v = m->GetBody(); break; case FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER: v = m->GetInternetHeader(); break; case FIELD_MESSAGE_ID: v = m->GetMessageId(); break; case FIELD_PRIORITY: v = m->GetPriority(); break; case FIELD_ALTERNATE_HTML: v = m->GetHtml(); break; case FIELD_LABEL: v = m->GetLabel(); break; } } } else { if (F) { F->GetValue(Source, v); } else if (Log) { Log->Print("%s:%i - Error: No filter to query value.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } } if (v.Type) { // Test data Status |= TestData(F, v, Log); } else if (Log) { Log->Print("%s:%i - Error: Variant doesn't have type!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } return Status; } } return false; } char *LogPreview(char *s) { LStringPipe p(1 << 10); if (s) { char *c; for (c = s; *c && c - s < 200; c++) { switch (*c) { case '\n': p.Push("\\n"); break; case '\r': p.Push("\\r"); break; case '\t': p.Push("\\t"); break; default: { p.Push(c, 1); } } } if (*c) { p.Push("..."); } } return p.NewStr(); } bool FilterCondition::TestData(Filter *F, LVariant &Var, LStream *Log) { // Do DOM lookup on the Value LVariant Val; if (F && F->Evaluate(Value, Val)) { // Compare using type switch (Var.Type) { case GV_LIST: { for (auto v: *Var.Value.Lst) { if (TestData(F, *v, Log)) { return true; } } break; } case GV_DOM: { // Probably an address field LVariant n; if (Var.Value.Dom->GetValue("Name", n)) { if (TestData(F, n, Log)) { return true; } } if (Var.Value.Dom->GetValue("Email", n)) { if (TestData(F, n, Log)) { return true; } } break; } case GV_STRING: { char *sVar = Var.Str(); char *sVal = Val.Str(); bool IsStr = ValidStr(sVar); bool IsVal = ValidStr(sVal); char *VarLog = Log ? LogPreview(sVar) : 0; bool m = false; switch (Op) { case OP_EQUAL: { if (!IsStr && !IsVal) { m = true; } else if (IsStr && IsVal) { m = _stricmp(sVal, sVar) == 0; } if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t'%s' == '%s' = %i\n", VarLog, sVal, m); break; } case OP_LIKE: { m = MatchStr(sVal, sVar); if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t'%s' like '%s' = %i\n", VarLog, sVal, m); break; } case OP_CONTAINS: { if (IsVal && IsStr) { m = stristr(sVar, sVal) != 0; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t'%s' contains '%s' = %i\n", VarLog, sVal, m); } break; } case OP_STARTS_WITH: { if (IsVal && IsStr) { size_t Len = strlen(sVal); m = _strnicmp(sVar, sVal, Len) == 0; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t'%s' starts with '%s' = %i\n", VarLog, sVal, m); } break; } case OP_ENDS_WITH: { if (IsVal && IsStr) { size_t SLen = strlen(sVar); size_t VLen = strlen(sVal); if (SLen >= VLen) { m = _strnicmp(sVar + SLen - VLen, sVal, VLen) == 0; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t'%s' ends with '%s' = %i\n", VarLog, sVal, m); } else { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\tEnds With Error: '%s' is shorter than '%s'\n", sVar, sVal); } } else { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\tEnds With Error: invalid arguments\n"); } break; } } DeleteArray(VarLog); return m; break; } case GV_INT32: { // Convert Val to int int Int = 0; if (Val.Str()) { Int = atoi(Val.Str()); } else if (Val.Type == GV_INT32) { Int = Val.Value.Int; } int IntVal = Var.Value.Int; switch (Op) { case OP_LIKE: // for lack anything better case OP_EQUAL: { bool m = Int == IntVal; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%i == %i = %i\n", Int, IntVal, m); return m; } case OP_NOT_EQUAL: { bool m = Int != IntVal; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%i != %i = %i\n", Int, IntVal, m); return m; } case OP_LESS_THAN: { bool m = Int < IntVal; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%i < %i = %i\n", Int, IntVal, m); return m; } case OP_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: { bool m = Int <= IntVal; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%i <= %i = %i\n", Int, IntVal, m); return m; } case OP_GREATER_THAN: { bool m = Int > IntVal; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%i > %i = %i\n", Int, IntVal, m); return m; } case OP_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: { bool m = Int >= IntVal; if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%i >= %i = %i\n", Int, IntVal, m); return m; } } break; } case GV_DATETIME: { LDateTime Temp; LDateTime *DVal; if (Val.Type == GV_DATETIME) { DVal = Val.Value.Date; } else if (Val.Type == GV_STRING) { Temp.Set(Val.Str()); DVal = &Temp; } else break; LDateTime *DVar = Var.Value.Date; if (DVal && DVar) { bool Less = *DVar < *DVal; bool Greater = *DVar > *DVal; bool Equal = !Less && !Greater; char LogVal[64]; char LogVar[64]; if (Log) { DVal->Get(LogVal, sizeof(LogVal)); DVar->Get(LogVar, sizeof(LogVar)); } switch (Op) { case OP_LIKE: case OP_EQUAL: { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%s = %s == %i\n", LogVar, LogVal, Equal); return Equal; } case OP_NOT_EQUAL: { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%s != %s == %i\n", LogVar, LogVal, !Equal); return !Equal; } case OP_LESS_THAN: { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%s <= %s == %i\n", LogVar, LogVal, Less); return Less; } case OP_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL: { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%s < %s == %i\n", LogVar, LogVal, Less || Equal); return Less || Equal; } case OP_GREATER_THAN: { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%s > %s == %i\n", LogVar, LogVal, Greater); return Greater; } case OP_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL: { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\t%s >= %s == %i\n", LogVar, LogVal, Greater || Equal); return Greater || Equal; } } } break; } default: { if (Log) Log->Print("\t\t\tUnknown data type %i.\n", Var.Type); break; } } } return false; } ThingUi *FilterCondition::DoUI(MailContainer *c) { return NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #define OPT_Action "Action" #define OPT_Type "Type" #define OPT_Arg1 "Arg1" #define IDC_TYPE_CBO 2000 #define IDC_ARG_EDIT 2001 #define IDC_BROWSE_ARG 2002 FilterAction::FilterAction(LDataStoreI *Store) { Type = ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER; TypeCbo = 0; ArgEdit = 0; Btn = 0; } FilterAction::~FilterAction() { DeleteObj(TypeCbo); DeleteObj(ArgEdit); DeleteObj(Btn); } int FilterAction::OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n) { switch (c->GetId()) { case IDC_TYPE_CBO: { Type = (FilterActionTypes) c->Value(); break; } case IDC_ARG_EDIT: { Arg1.Reset(NewStr(c->Name())); break; } case IDC_BROWSE_ARG: { if (ArgEdit) ArgEdit->Name(Arg1); break; } } return 0; } void FilterAction::OnMeasure(LPoint *Info) { LListItem::OnMeasure(Info); if (Select()) Info->y += 2; } bool FilterAction::Select() { return LListItem::Select(); } void FilterAction::OnPaintColumn(LItem::ItemPaintCtx &Ctx, int i, LItemColumn *c) { LListItem::OnPaintColumn(Ctx, i, c); if (LListItem::Select() && !TypeCbo && !ArgEdit) Select(true); else if (i == 0 && TypeCbo) TypeCbo->SetPos(*GetPos(i)); else if (i == 1 && ArgEdit) ArgEdit->SetPos(*GetPos(i)); else if (i == 2 && Btn) Btn->SetPos(*GetPos(i)); } void FilterAction::Select(bool b) { LListItem::Select(b); if (b) { LList *Lst = LListItem::GetList(); if (Lst && Lst->IsAttached()) { LRect *r = GetPos(0); if (!TypeCbo) { TypeCbo = new LCombo(IDC_TYPE_CBO, r->x1, r->y1, r->X(), r->Y(), 0); for (int i=0; ActionNames[i].Id; i++) TypeCbo->Insert(LLoadString(ActionNames[i].Id)); TypeCbo->Attach(Lst); } TypeCbo->Value(Type); TypeCbo->SetPos(*r); r = GetPos(1); if (!ArgEdit) { ArgEdit = new LEdit(IDC_ARG_EDIT, r->x1, r->y1, r->X(), r->Y(), 0); ArgEdit->Attach(Lst); } ArgEdit->Name(Arg1); ArgEdit->SetPos(*r); r = GetPos(2); if (!Btn) { Btn = new LButton(IDC_BROWSE_ARG, r->x1, r->y1, r->X(), r->Y(), "..."); Btn->Attach(Lst); } Btn->SetPos(*r); } } else { DeleteObj(TypeCbo); DeleteObj(ArgEdit); DeleteObj(Btn); } } const char *FilterAction::GetText(int Col) { switch (Col) { case 0: return (char*)LLoadString(ActionNames[Type].Id); break; case 1: return Arg1; break; case 2: break; } return 0; } bool FilterAction::Get(LXmlTag *t) { if (!t) return false; // Obj -> XML t->SetAttr(OPT_Type, Type); t->SetAttr(OPT_Arg1, Arg1); return true; } bool FilterAction::Set(LXmlTag *t) { if (!t) return false; // XML -> Obj Type = (FilterActionTypes) t->GetAsInt(OPT_Type); Arg1.Reset(NewStr(t->GetAttr(OPT_Arg1))); return true; } LDataPropI &FilterAction::operator =(LDataPropI &p) { FilterAction *c = dynamic_cast(&p); if (c) { Type = c->Type; Arg1.Reset(NewStr(c->Arg1)); } return *this; } ThingUi *FilterAction::DoUI(MailContainer *c) { return 0; } const char *GetFileName(const char *Path) { if (Path) { auto d = strrchr(Path, DIR_CHAR); if (d) return d + 1; else return Path; } return 0; } bool CollectAttachmentsByPattern(Mail *m, char *Pattern, List &Files) { Files.Empty(); if (m) { List Attachments; if (m->GetAttachments(&Attachments)) { LToken p(Pattern, " ,;"); for (auto a: Attachments) { bool Match = true; for (unsigned i=0; Match && iGetName()); if (d) Match = MatchStr(p[i], d); } if (Match) Files.Insert(a); } } } return Files[0] != 0; } Mail *GetTemplateMail(ScribeWnd *App, char *TemplateMsgId) { ScribeFolder *Templates = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_TEMPLATES); if (Templates) { // Mail *Template = 0; for (auto t: Templates->Items) { Mail *m = t->IsMail(); if (m) { auto MsgId = m->GetMessageId(); if (MsgId && strcmp(MsgId, TemplateMsgId) == 0) { return m; break; } } } } return 0; } class FilterScribeDom : public ScribeDom { public: FilterScribeDom(ScribeWnd *a) : ScribeDom(a) { } bool GetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array = 0) { if (!Name) return false; if (!_stricmp(Name, "file")) { LVariant v; if (!GetValue(Array, v)) return false; char p[MAX_PATH_LEN], fn[32]; do { sprintf_s(fn, sizeof(fn), "file_%d.tmp", LRand()); LMakePath(p, sizeof(p), ScribeTempPath(), fn); } while (LFileExists(p)); LFile f; if (f.Open(p, O_WRITE)) { switch (v.Type) { case GV_INT32: f.Print("%i", v.Value.Int); break; case GV_INT64: f.Print(LPrintfInt64, v.Value.Int64); break; case GV_BOOL: f.Print("%s", v.Value.Bool ? "true" : "false"); break; case GV_DOUBLE: f.Print("%f", v.Value.Dbl); break; case GV_STRING: case GV_WSTRING: f.Print("%s", v.Str()); break; case GV_BINARY: f.Write(v.Value.Binary.Data, v.Value.Binary.Length); break; case GV_DATETIME: v.Value.Date->Get(fn, sizeof(fn)); f.Write(fn, strlen(fn)); break; default: f.Print("Unsupported type."); break; } f.Close(); Value = p; return true; } } return ScribeDom::GetVariant(Name, Value, Array); } }; bool FilterAction::Do(Filter *F, ScribeWnd *App, Mail *&m, LStream *Log) { bool Status = false; if (!F || !App || !m) { LAssert(!"Param error."); return false; } switch (Type) { case ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER: { ScribeFolder *Folder = App->GetFolder(Arg1); if (Folder) { LArray Items; Items.Add(m); Status = Folder->MoveTo(Items); m = Items[0]->IsMail(); if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER(%s) = %i.\n", Arg1.Get(), Status); } else if (Log) { Log->Print("\tACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER(%s) failed, folder missing.\n", Arg1.Get()); } break; } case ACTION_COPY: { ScribeFolder *Folder = App->GetFolder(Arg1); if (Folder) { LArray Items; Items.Add(m); Status = Folder->MoveTo(Items, true); m = Items[0]->IsMail(); if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_COPY(%s) = %i.\n", Arg1.Get(), Status); } else if (Log) { Log->Print("\tACTION_COPY(%s) failed, folder missing.\n", Arg1.Get()); } break; } case ACTION_EXPORT: { LFile::Path p(Arg1); if (!p.IsFolder()) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_EXPORT(%s) failed, folder missing.\n", Arg1.Get()); break; } auto Fn = m->GetDropFileName(); p += LGetLeaf(Fn); LAutoPtr out(new LFile); if (!out->Open(p, O_WRITE)) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_EXPORT(%s) failed: couldn't open file: %s.\n", Arg1.Get(), p.GetFull().Get()); break; } if (!m->Export(m->AutoCast(out), sMimeMessage)) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_EXPORT(%s) failed: couldn't export file.\n", Arg1.Get()); } break; } case ACTION_DELETE: { bool Local = ValidStr(Arg1) ? stristr(Arg1, "local") != 0 : true; bool Server = stristr(Arg1, "server") != 0; if (Server) { ScribeAccount *a = m->GetAccountSentTo(); if (!a) break; auto Uid = m->GetServerUid(); if (Uid.Str()) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_DELETE - Setting '%s' to be deleted on the server (Uid=%s)\n", m->GetSubject(), Uid.Str()); a->Receive.DeleteAsSpam(Uid.Str()); m->SetServerUid(Uid = NULL); } else { LVariant Uid; if (m->GetValue("InternetHeader[X-UIDL]", Uid)) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_DELETE - Setting '%s' to be deleted on the server (Uid=%s)\n", m->GetSubject(), Uid.Str()); a->Receive.DeleteAsSpam(Uid.Str()); } } } if (Local) { bool DeleteStatus = m->OnDelete(); if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_DELETE(%s) status %i.\n", Arg1.Get(), DeleteStatus); /* ScribeFolder *Folder = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_TRASH); if (Folder) { Thing *t = m; Status = Folder->MoveTo(t); m = t->IsMail(); if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_DELETE(%s) = %i.\n", Arg1.Get(), Status); } else if (Log) { Log->Print("\tACTION_DELETE(%s) failed, trash missing.\n", Arg1.Get()); } */ } break; } case ACTION_SET_READ: { bool Read = true; bool NotNew = false; if (ValidStr(Arg1)) { if (IsDigit(*Arg1)) { // boolean number Read = atoi(Arg1) != 0; } else if (stristr(Arg1, "true")) { Read = true; } else if (stristr(Arg1, "false")) { Read = false; } if (stristr(Arg1, "notnew")) { NotNew = true; } } int f = m->GetFlags(); if (Read) SetFlag(f, MAIL_READ); else ClearFlag(f, MAIL_READ); m->SetFlags(f); if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_SET_READ(%s)\n", Arg1.Get()); if (NotNew) { List Objs; Objs.Insert(m); App->OnNewMail(&Objs, false); } break; } case ACTION_LABEL: { LVariant v; if (!F || !F->GetValue(Arg1, v)) v = Arg1; m->SetVariant("Label", v); break; } case ACTION_EMPTY_FOLDER: { if (F->App && Arg1) { ScribeFolder *Folder = F->App->GetFolder(Arg1); if (Folder) { Folder->LoadThings(); List m; Thing *t; while ((t = Folder->Items[0])) { if (t->IsMail()) { m.Insert(t->IsMail()); } if (Folder->DeleteThing(t)) { DeleteObj(t); } } F->App->OnNewMail(&m, false); Folder->OnUpdateUnRead(0, true); if (Log) Log->Print("\tACTION_EMPTY_FOLDER(%s)\n", Arg1.Get()); } } break; } case ACTION_MARK_AS_SPAM: { m->DeleteAsSpam(App); break; } case ACTION_PRINT: { LPrinter Info; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma message ("Warning: ACTION_PRINT not implemented.") #endif /* FIXME if (Info.Serialize(Arg1, false)) { App->ThingPrint(m, &Info); } */ break; } case ACTION_PLAY_SOUND: { LPlaySound(Arg1, true); break; } case ACTION_EXECUTE: { FilterScribeDom dom(App); dom.Email = m; dom.Fil = F; LAutoString cmd(ScribeInsertFields(Arg1, &dom)); if (cmd) { const char *s = cmd; LAutoString exe(LTokStr(s)); LExecute(exe, s); } break; } case ACTION_OPEN: { m->DoUI(); break; } case ACTION_MARK: { if (_stricmp(Arg1, "false") == 0) { // unmark the item... m->SetMarkColour(0); } else { // parse out RGB LToken T(Arg1, ","); if (T.Length() == 3) { // we have an RGB, so set it baby uint32_t c = Rgb32(atoi(T[0]), atoi(T[1]), atoi(T[2])); m->SetMarkColour(c); } else { uint32_t c = Rgb32(0, 0, 255); m->SetMarkColour(c); } } break; } case ACTION_REPLY: { if (Arg1) { const char *s = Arg1; char *TemplateMsgId = LTokStr(s); SkipSep(s); char *ReplyAll = LTokStr(s); SkipSep(s); char *MarkReplied = LTokStr(s); Mail *Template = GetTemplateMail(App, TemplateMsgId); if (Template) { Thing *t = App->CreateThingOfType(MAGIC_MAIL); if (t) { Mail *n = t->IsMail(); if (n) { bool MarkOriginal = MarkReplied && atoi(MarkReplied); // Prepare mail... n->OnReply(m, ValidStr(ReplyAll)?atoi(ReplyAll)!=0:false, MarkOriginal); n->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() | MAIL_READY_TO_SEND); if (ValidStr(Template->GetSubject())) { n->SetSubject(Template->GetSubject()); } n->SetBody(ScribeInsertFields(Template->GetBody(), F)); // Save it... n->Save(0); // Send it... if not offline. LVariant Offline; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_WorkOffline, Offline); if (!Offline.CastInt32()) { App->PostEvent(M_COMMAND, IDM_SEND_MAIL, 0); } } else DeleteObj(t); } } DeleteArray(TemplateMsgId); DeleteArray(ReplyAll); DeleteArray(MarkReplied); } break; } case ACTION_FORWARD: { const char *s = Arg1; char *TemplateMsgId = LTokStr(s); SkipSep(s); char *Email = LTokStr(s); SkipSep(s); char *Attach = LTokStr(s); SkipSep(s); char *MarkForwarded = LTokStr(s); bool Attachments = Attach ? atoi(Attach)!=0 : true; if (ValidStr(Email)) { Thing *t = App->CreateThingOfType(MAGIC_MAIL); if (t) { Mail *n = t->IsMail(); if (n) { bool MarkOriginal = MarkForwarded && atoi(MarkForwarded); // Setup email... Mail *Template = TemplateMsgId ? GetTemplateMail(App, TemplateMsgId) : 0; if (Template) { n->SetSubject(Template->GetSubject()); if (ValidStr(Template->GetBody())) { n->SetBody(ScribeInsertFields(Template->GetBody(), F)); } if (Attachments) { List Att; m->GetAttachments(&Att); for (auto a: Att) { n->AttachFile(new Attachment(App, a)); } } } else { n->OnForward(m, MarkOriginal, Attachments); } n->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() | MAIL_READY_TO_SEND); LDataPropI *Addr = n->GetTo()->Create(n->GetObject()->GetStore()); if (Addr) { LVariant v; if (F->GetValue(Email, v)) { Addr->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, v.Str()); } else { Addr->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, Email); } n->GetTo()->Insert(Addr); } // Save it... n->Save(0); // Send it... if not offline. LVariant Offline; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_WorkOffline, Offline); if (!Offline.CastInt32()) { App->PostEvent(M_COMMAND, IDM_SEND_MAIL, 0); } } else DeleteObj(t); } } DeleteArray(Email); DeleteArray(Attach); DeleteArray(MarkForwarded); break; } case ACTION_BOUNCE: { const char *s = Arg1; char *Email = LTokStr(s); SkipSep(s); char *Attach = LTokStr(s); SkipSep(s); char *Mark = LTokStr(s); if (ValidStr(Email)) { Thing *t = App->CreateThingOfType(MAGIC_MAIL); if (t) { Mail *n = t->IsMail(); if (n) { bool Attachments = Attach && atoi(Attach); bool MarkOriginal = Mark && atoi(Mark); // Setup email... n->OnBounce(m, MarkOriginal, Attachments); n->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() | MAIL_READY_TO_SEND); LDataPropI *Addr = n->GetTo()->Create(n->GetObject()->GetStore()); if (Addr) { LVariant v; if (F->GetValue(Email, v)) { Addr->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, v.Str()); } else { Addr->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, Email); } n->GetTo()->Insert(Addr); } // Save it... n->Save(0); // Send it... if not offline. LVariant Offline; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_WorkOffline, Offline); if (!Offline.CastInt32()) { App->PostEvent(M_COMMAND, IDM_SEND_MAIL, 0); } } else DeleteObj(t); } } DeleteArray(Email); DeleteArray(Attach); DeleteArray(Mark); break; } case ACTION_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS: { const char *arg = Arg1; char *Dir = LTokStr(arg); SkipSep(arg); char *Types = LTokStr(arg); List Files; if (CollectAttachmentsByPattern(m, Types, Files)) { for (auto a: Files) { auto d = GetFileName(a->GetName()); if (d) { char Path[256]; LMakePath(Path, sizeof(Path), Dir, d); a->SaveTo(Path); } } } DeleteArray(Dir); DeleteArray(Types); break; } case ACTION_DELETE_ATTACHMENTS: { List Files; if (CollectAttachmentsByPattern(m, Arg1, Files)) { for (auto a: Files) { m->DeleteAttachment(a); } } break; } case ACTION_CHANGE_CHARSET: { m->SetBodyCharset(Arg1); break; } } return Status; } int CsCmp(LCharset **a, LCharset **b) { return _stricmp((*a)->Charset, (*b)->Charset); } void FilterAction::DescribeHtml(Filter *Flt, LStream &s) { s.Print("%s ", GetText(0)); switch (Type) { case ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER: { ScribeFolder *Folder = Flt->App->GetFolder(Arg1); if (Folder) s.Print("\"%s\"\n", Arg1.Get()); else s.Print("\"%s\"\n", Arg1.Get()); break; } case ACTION_DELETE: break; case ACTION_PRINT: break; case ACTION_PLAY_SOUND: break; case ACTION_OPEN: break; case ACTION_EXECUTE: break; case ACTION_MARK: break; case ACTION_SET_READ: break; case ACTION_LABEL: break; case ACTION_EMPTY_FOLDER: break; case ACTION_MARK_AS_SPAM: break; case ACTION_REPLY: break; case ACTION_FORWARD: break; case ACTION_BOUNCE: break; case ACTION_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS: break; case ACTION_DELETE_ATTACHMENTS: break; case ACTION_CHANGE_CHARSET: break; case ACTION_COPY: break; case ACTION_EXPORT: break; } } void FilterAction::Browse(ScribeWnd *App, LView *Parent) { if (!Parent) return; switch (Type) { default: LAssert(0); break; case ACTION_MOVE_TO_FOLDER: case ACTION_COPY: case ACTION_EMPTY_FOLDER: { auto Dlg = new FolderDlg(Parent, App, MAGIC_MAIL); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id) Arg1.Reset(NewStr(Dlg->Get())); delete dlg; }); break; } case ACTION_EXPORT: { auto s = new LFileSelect(Parent); s->OpenFolder([&](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status) Arg1.Reset(NewStr(s->Name())); delete dlg; }); break; } case ACTION_DELETE: { auto RClick = new LSubMenu; if (RClick) { RClick->AppendItem("Local (default)", IDM_LOCAL, true); RClick->AppendItem("From Server", IDM_SERVER, true); RClick->AppendItem("Local and from Server", IDM_LOCAL_AND_SERVER, true); LMouse m; if (Parent->GetMouse(m, true)) { switch (RClick->Float(Parent, m.x, m.y)) { case IDM_LOCAL: { Arg1.Reset(NewStr("local")); break; } case IDM_SERVER: { Arg1.Reset(NewStr("server")); break; } case IDM_LOCAL_AND_SERVER: { Arg1.Reset(NewStr("local,server")); break; } } } DeleteObj(RClick); } break; } case ACTION_OPEN: { // no configuration break; } case ACTION_SET_READ: { auto RClick = new LSubMenu; if (RClick) { RClick->AppendItem("Read", IDM_TRUE, true); RClick->AppendItem("Unread", IDM_FALSE, true); RClick->AppendItem("Unread But Not New", IDM_NOTNEW, true); LMouse m; if (Parent->GetMouse(m, true)) { switch (RClick->Float(Parent, m.x, m.y)) { case IDM_TRUE: { Arg1.Reset(NewStr("true")); break; } case IDM_FALSE: { Arg1.Reset(NewStr("false")); break; } case IDM_NOTNEW: { Arg1.Reset(NewStr("false,notnew")); break; } } } DeleteObj(RClick); } break; } case ACTION_MARK: { auto RClick = new LSubMenu; if (RClick) { BuildMarkMenu(RClick, MS_One, 0); LMouse m; if (Parent->GetMouse(m, true)) { int Result = RClick->Float(Parent, m.x, m.y); if (Result == IDM_UNMARK) { Arg1.Reset(NewStr("False")); } else if (Result >= IDM_MARK_BASE) { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i,%i,%i", R32(MarkColours32[Result-IDM_MARK_BASE]), G32(MarkColours32[Result-IDM_MARK_BASE]), B32(MarkColours32[Result-IDM_MARK_BASE])); Arg1.Reset(NewStr(s)); } } } break; } case ACTION_PRINT: { LPrinter Info; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma message ("Warning: ACTION_PRINT not implemented.") #endif /* Info.Serialize(Arg1, false); if (Info.Browse(Parent)) { Info.Serialize(Arg1, true); } */ break; } case ACTION_PLAY_SOUND: case ACTION_EXECUTE: { auto Select = new LFileSelect(Parent); Select->Parent(Parent); if (Type == ACTION_PLAY_SOUND) { Select->Type("Wave files", "*.wav"); } else { Select->Type("Executables", "*.exe"); Select->Type("All Files", LGI_ALL_FILES); } Select->Name(Arg1); Select->Open([this](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id) Arg1.Reset(NewStr(dlg->Name())); delete dlg; }); break; } case ACTION_REPLY: { auto Dlg = new BrowseReply(App, Parent, Arg1); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id) Arg1.Reset(NewStr(Dlg->Arg)); delete dlg; }); break; } case ACTION_FORWARD: { auto Dlg = new BrowseForward(App, Parent, Arg1, true); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id) Arg1.Reset(NewStr(Dlg->Arg)); delete dlg; }); break; } case ACTION_BOUNCE: { auto Dlg = new BrowseForward(App, Parent, Arg1, false); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id) Arg1.Reset(NewStr(Dlg->Arg)); delete dlg; }); break; } case ACTION_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS: { auto Dlg = new BrowseSaveAttach(App, Parent, Arg1); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id) Arg1.Reset(NewStr(Dlg->Arg)); delete dlg; }); break; } case ACTION_CHANGE_CHARSET: { auto s = new LSubMenu; if (s) { LArray Cs; for (LCharset *c = LGetCsList(); c->Charset; c++) { Cs.Add(c); } Cs.Sort(CsCmp); for (unsigned i=0; iCharset[0] != Cs[i]->Charset[0]) break; n++; } if (n > 1) { char a[64]; char *One = LSeekUtf8(Cs[i]->Charset, 1); ssize_t Len = One - Cs[i]->Charset; memcpy(a, Cs[i]->Charset, Len); strcpy_s(a + Len, sizeof(a) - Len, "..."); auto Sub = s->AppendSub(a); if (Sub) { for (unsigned k=0; kAppendItem(Cs[i+k]->Charset, i+k+1, Cs[i+k]->IsAvailable()); } i += n - 1; } } else { s->AppendItem(Cs[i]->Charset, i+1, Cs[i]->IsAvailable()); } } LMouse m; Parent->GetMouse(m, true); int Result = s->Float(Parent, m.x, m.y, true); if (Result) { Result--; if (Result >= 0 && Result < (int)Cs.Length()) { Arg1.Reset(NewStr(Cs[Result]->Charset)); } } DeleteObj(s); } break; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int Filter::MaxIndex = -1; Filter::Filter(ScribeWnd *window, LDataI *object) : Thing(window, object) { DefaultObject(object); d = new FilterPrivate; Ui = 0; Current = 0; IgnoreCheckEvents = true; ChkIncoming = new LListItemCheckBox(this, 2, GetIncoming()!=0); ChkOutgoing = new LListItemCheckBox(this, 3, GetOutgoing()!=0); ChkInternal = new LListItemCheckBox(this, 4, GetInternal()!=0); IgnoreCheckEvents = false; } Filter::~Filter() { Empty(); DeleteObj(d); } bool Filter::GetFormats(bool Export, LString::Array &MimeTypes) { MimeTypes.Add(sTextXml); return MimeTypes.Length() > 0; } char *Filter::GetDropFileName() { if (!DropFileName) { auto Nm = GetName(); char f[256]; if (Nm) { LUtf8Ptr o(f); for (LUtf8Ptr i(Nm); (uint32_t)i; i++) { if (!strchr(LGI_IllegalFileNameChars, (uint32_t)i)) o.Add(i); } o.Add(0); } else strcpy_s(f, sizeof(f), "Filter"); strcat_s(f, sizeof(f), ".xml"); DropFileName.Reset(NewStr(f)); } return DropFileName; } bool Filter::GetDropFiles(LString::Array &Files) { char Tmp[MAX_PATH_LEN]; LMakePath(Tmp, sizeof(Tmp), ScribeTempPath(), GetDropFileName()); LAutoPtr Out(new LFile); if (!Out->Open(Tmp, O_WRITE)) return false; if (!Export(AutoCast(Out), sTextXml)) return false; Files.Add(Tmp); return true; } Thing::IoProgress Filter::Import(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sTextXml) && Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeXml)) IoProgressNotImpl(); LXmlTree Tree; LXmlTag r; if (!Tree.Read(&r, stream)) IoProgressError("Xml parse error."); if (!r.IsTag("Filter")) IoProgressError("No filter tag."); Empty(); LXmlTag *t = r.GetChildTag("Name"); if (t && t->GetContent()) SetName(t->GetContent()); SetIndex(r.GetAsInt("index")); if ((t = r.GetChildTag(ELEMENT_CONDITIONS))) { LStringPipe p; if (Tree.Write(t, &p)) { LAutoString s(p.NewStr()); ConditionsCache.Reset(); SetConditionsXml(s); } if ((t = r.GetChildTag("Actions"))) { LStringPipe p; if (Tree.Write(t, &p)) { LAutoString s(p.NewStr()); SetActionsXml(s); } else IoProgressError("Xml write failed."); } } IoProgressSuccess(); } Thing::IoProgress Filter::Export(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeXml)) IoProgressNotImpl(); LXmlTag r("Filter"); LXmlTag *t; if ((t = r.CreateTag("Name"))) t->SetContent(GetName()); r.SetAttr("index", GetIndex()); LAutoPtr Cond = Parse(false); r.InsertTag(Cond.Release()); LAutoPtr Act = Parse(true); r.InsertTag(Act.Release()); LXmlTree tree; if (!tree.Write(&r, stream)) IoProgressError("Failed to write xml."); IoProgressSuccess(); } /// This filters a list of email. The email will have it's NewEmail state set to /// one of three things: /// If the email is not filtered then: /// Mail::NewEmailBayes /// If the email is filtered but not set to !NEW then: /// Mail::NewEmailGrowl /// If the email is filtered AND set to !NEW then: /// Mail::NewMailNone int Filter::ApplyFilters(LView *Parent, List &Filters, List &Email) { int Status = 0; ScribeWnd *App = Filters.Length() > 0 ? Filters[0]->App : NULL; if (!App) return 0; bool Logging = App->LogFilterActivity(); LStream *LogStream = NULL; if (Logging) LogStream = App->ShowScriptingConsole(); LAutoPtr Prog; if (Parent && Prog.Reset(new LProgressDlg(Parent))) { Prog->SetRange(Email.Length()); Prog->SetDescription("Filtering..."); Prog->SetType("email"); } for (auto m: Email) { bool Act = false; bool Stop = false; m->IncRef(); for (auto f: Filters) { if (Stop) break; if (f->Test(m, Stop, LogStream)) { f->DoActions(m, Stop, LogStream); Act = true; } } if (Act) { Status++; if (m && m->NewEmail == Mail::NewEmailFilter) { m->NewEmail = Mail::NewEmailGrowl; } } else if (m && m->NewEmail == Mail::NewEmailFilter) { m->NewEmail = Mail::NewEmailBayes; } m->DecRef(); m = NULL; if (Prog) { Prog->Value(Prog->Value() + 1); if (Prog->IsCancelled()) break; } } return Status; } Filter *Filter::GetFilterAt(int Index) { ScribeFolder *f = GetFolder(); if (f) { for (auto t: f->Items) { Filter *f = t->IsFilter(); if (f && f->GetIndex() == Index) { return f; } } } return 0; } enum TermType { TermString, TermVariant }; class ExpTerm { public: TermType Type; LVariant Value; ExpTerm(TermType t) { Type = t; } }; bool Filter::Evaluate(char *str, LVariant &v) { char *BufStr = NewStr(str); char *s = BufStr; if (s) { List Terms; const char *Ws = " \t\r\n"; while (s && *s) { while (*s && strchr(Ws, *s)) s++; if (*s && *s == '\"') { char *Start = ++s; char *In = s; char *Out = s; while (*In) { if (In[0] == '\"') { if (In[1] == '\"') { // Quote *Out++ = '\"'; In += 2; } else { // End of string In++; break; } } else { *Out++ = *In++; } } *Out++ = 0; s = In; ExpTerm *t; Terms.Insert(t = new ExpTerm(TermString)); if (t) { t->Value = Start; } } else { char *Start = s; while (*s && !strchr(Ws, *s)) s++; while (*s && strchr(Ws, *s)) s++; char *Src = NewStr(Start, s-Start); if (Src) { ExpTerm *t; Terms.Insert(t = new ExpTerm(TermVariant)); if (t) { if (GetValue(Start, t->Value)) { switch (t->Value.Type) { default: break; case GV_BINARY: case GV_LIST: case GV_DOM: case GV_VOID_PTR: { v = t->Value; DeleteArray(BufStr); DeleteArray(Src); Terms.DeleteObjects(); return true; } } } else { t->Type = TermString; t->Value = Src; } } DeleteArray(Src); } } } LStringPipe Out; auto It = Terms.begin(); ExpTerm *t = *It; if (t) { if (Terms.Length() > 1) { // Collapse terms for (; t; t=*(++It)) { char Buf[128]; switch (t->Value.Type) { default: break; case GV_INT32: { sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "%i", t->Value.Value.Int); Out.Push(Buf); break; } case GV_INT64: { sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), LPrintfInt64, t->Value.Value.Int64); Out.Push(Buf); break; } case GV_BOOL: { sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "%i", (int)t->Value.Value.Bool); Out.Push(Buf); break; } case GV_DOUBLE: { sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "%g", t->Value.Value.Dbl); Out.Push(Buf); break; } case GV_STRING: { if (t->Value.Str()) Out.Push(t->Value.Str()); break; } case GV_DATETIME: { t->Value.Value.Date->Get(Buf, sizeof(Buf)); Out.Push(Buf); break; } case GV_BINARY: case GV_LIST: case GV_DOM: case GV_NULL: case GV_VOID_PTR: { break; } } } v.OwnStr(Out.NewStr()); } else { v = t->Value; } } Terms.DeleteObjects(); } DeleteArray(BufStr); return true; } bool Filter::SetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { ScribeDomType Field = StrToDom(Name); switch (Field) { case SdName: SetName(Value.Str()); break; case SdConditionsXml: ConditionsCache.Reset(); SetConditionsXml(Value.Str()); break; case SdActionsXml: SetActionsXml(Value.Str()); break; default: return false; } return true; } bool Filter::CallMethod(const char *MethodName, LVariant *ReturnValue, LArray &Args) { ScribeDomType Method = StrToDom(MethodName); switch (Method) { case SdAddCondition: // Type: (String Feild, String Op, String Value) { if (Args.Length() != 3) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddCondition: wrong number of parameters %i (expecting 3)\n", _FL, Args.Length()); break; } const char *Field = Args[0]->Str(); const char *Op = Args[1]->Str(); const char *Value = Args[2]->Str(); if (!Field || !Op || !Value) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddCondition: Missing values.\n", _FL); break; } LAutoPtr t = Parse(false); LXmlTag *Cond; if (!t || !t->IsTag(ELEMENT_CONDITIONS) || (Cond = t->Children[0]) == NULL) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddCondition: Failed to parse conditions.\n", _FL); break; } if (!Cond->IsTag(ELEMENT_AND) && !Cond->IsTag(ELEMENT_OR)) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddCondition: Unexpected root operator.\n", _FL); break; } // Check that the condition doesn't already exist... for (auto c : Cond->Children) { if (c->IsTag(ELEMENT_CONDITION)) { char *CFeild = c->GetAttr(ATTR_FIELD); char *COp = c->GetAttr(ATTR_OP); char *CVal = c->GetAttr(ATTR_VALUE); if (!Stricmp(Field, CFeild) && !Stricmp(Op, COp) && !Stricmp(Value, CVal)) { return true; } } } LXmlTag *n = new LXmlTag(ELEMENT_CONDITION); if (!n) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddCondition: Alloc failed.\n", _FL); break; } n->SetAttr(ATTR_FIELD, Field); n->SetAttr(ATTR_OP, Op); n->SetAttr(ATTR_VALUE, Value); Cond->InsertTag(n); LXmlTree tree; LStringPipe p; if (!tree.Write(t, &p)) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddCondition: Failed to write XML.\n", _FL); break; } LAutoString a(p.NewStr()); ConditionsCache.Reset(); SetConditionsXml(a); SetDirty(true); return true; } case SdAddAction: // Type: (String ActionName, String Value) { if (Args.Length() != 2) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddAction: wrong number of parameters %i (expecting 3)\n", _FL, Args.Length()); break; } LString Action = Args[0]->CastString(); if (!Action) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddAction: Missing action name.\n", _FL); break; } FilterAction a(GetObject()->GetStore()); for (ActionName *an = ActionNames; an->Id; an++) { if (Action.Equals(an->Default)) { a.Type = (FilterActionTypes) (an - ActionNames); a.Arg1.Reset(NewStr(Args[1]->CastString())); AddAction(&a); return true; } } LgiTrace("%s:%i - SdAddAction: Action '%s' not found.\n", _FL, Action.Get()); return false; } case SdStopFiltering: // Type: () { if (d->Stop) { *d->Stop = true; return true; } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - No stop parameter to set.\n", _FL); return true; } case SdDoActions: // Type: (Mail Object) { if (Args.Length() == 1) { LDom *d = Args[0]->CastDom(); Mail *m = dynamic_cast(d); if (m) { bool Stop = false; return DoActions(m, Stop); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - DoActions: failed to cast arg1 to Mail object.\n", _FL); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - DoActions is expecting 1 argument, not %i.\n", _FL, Args.Length()); return true; } default: break; } return Thing::CallMethod(MethodName, ReturnValue, Args); } bool Filter::GetVariant(const char *Var, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(Var); switch (Fld) { case SdMail: // Type: Mail { if (!Current) return false; Value = *Current; break; } case SdScribe: // Type: ScribeWnd { Value = (LDom*)App; break; } case SdName: // Type: String { Value = GetName(); break; } case SdTestConditions: // Type: Bool { if (Current && *Current) { bool s; bool &Stop = d->Stop ? *d->Stop : s; Value = EvaluateXml(*Current, Stop, d->Log); } else return false; break; } case SdType: // Type: Int32 { Value = GetObject()->Type(); break; } case SdConditionsXml: // Type: String { Value = GetConditionsXml(); break; } case SdActionsXml: // Type: String { Value = GetActionsXml(); break; } case SdIndex: // Type: Int32 { Value = GetIndex(); break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } Thing &Filter::operator =(Thing &t) { Filter *f = t.IsFilter(); if (f) { if (GetObject() && f->GetObject()) { GetObject()->CopyProps(*f->GetObject()); } } return *this; } int Filter::Compare(LListItem *Arg, ssize_t Field) { Filter *a = dynamic_cast(Arg); if (a) { switch (Field) { case FIELD_FILTER_NAME: return a && GetName() ? _stricmp(GetName(), a->GetName()) : -1; case FIELD_FILTER_INDEX: return GetIndex() - a->GetIndex(); case FIELD_FILTER_INCOMING: return GetIncoming() - a->GetIncoming(); case FIELD_FILTER_OUTGOING: return GetOutgoing() - a->GetOutgoing(); } } return 0; } int Filter::GetImage(int Flags) { return ICON_FILTER; } void DisplayXml(LStream &s, char *xml) { char *start = xml; char *e; for (e = xml; *e; e++) { if (*e == '<') { s.Write(start, e - start); s.Print("<"); start = e + 1; } } s.Write(start, e - start); } void DescribeCondition(LStream &s, LXmlTag *t) { int i = 0; if (t->IsTag(ELEMENT_AND) || t->IsTag(ELEMENT_OR)) { for (auto c: t->Children) { LStringPipe p; DescribeCondition(p, c); LAutoString a(p.NewStr()); if (i) s.Print(" %s ", t->GetTag()); s.Print("(%s)", a.Get()); i++; } } else { // Condition char *f = t->GetAttr(ATTR_FIELD); char *v = t->GetAttr(ATTR_VALUE); int Not = t->GetAsInt(ATTR_NOT) > 0; const char *o = t->GetAttr(ATTR_OP); if (o && IsDigit(*o)) o = OpNames[atoi(o)]; s.Print("%s%s %s \"%s\"", Not ? "!" : "", f, o, v); } } LAutoString Filter::DescribeHtml() { LStringPipe p(256); p.Print("<style>\n" ".error { color: red; font-weight: bold; }\n" ".op { color: blue; }\n" ".var { color: #800; }\n" "pre { color: green; }\n" "</style>\n" "\n" "Name: %s
\n", GetName()); p.Print("Incoming: %i
\n", GetIncoming()); p.Print("Outgoing: %i
\n", GetOutgoing()); if (GetConditionsXml()) { LAutoPtr r = Parse(false); if (r && r->Children.Length()) { p.Print("Conditions:
    \n"); for (auto c: r->Children) { p.Print("
  • "); DescribeCondition(p, c); } p.Print("
\n"); } } if (GetActionsXml()) { LAutoPtr r = Parse(true); if (r && r->Children.Length()) { p.Print("Actions:
    \n"); for (auto c: r->Children) { if (!c->IsTag(ELEMENT_ACTION)) continue; LAutoPtr a(new FilterAction(GetObject()->GetStore())); if (a->Set(c)) { p.Print("
  • "); a->DescribeHtml(this, p); } } p.Print("
\n"); } } if (GetScript()) { LXmlTree t; LAutoString e(t.EncodeEntities(GetScript(), -1, "<>")); p.Print("Script:
\n", e.Get()); } p.Print("\n"); return LAutoString(p.NewStr()); } void Filter::Empty() { if (GetObject()) { ConditionsCache.Reset(); SetConditionsXml(0); SetName(0); } } bool Filter::EvaluateTree(LXmlTag *n, Mail *m, bool &Stop, LStream *Log) { bool Status = false; if (n && n->GetTag() && m && m->GetObject()) { if (n->IsTag(ELEMENT_AND)) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tAnd {\n"); for (auto c: n->Children) { if (!EvaluateTree(c, m, Stop, Log)) { if (Log) Log->Print("\t} (false)\n"); return false; } } if (Log) Log->Print("\t} (true)\n"); Status = true; } else if (n->IsTag(ELEMENT_OR)) { if (Log) Log->Print("\tOr {\n"); for (auto c: n->Children) { if (EvaluateTree(c, m, Stop, Log)) { if (Log) Log->Print("\t} (true)\n"); return true; } } if (Log) Log->Print("\t} (false)\n"); } else if (n->IsTag(ELEMENT_CONDITION)) { FilterCondition *c = new FilterCondition; if (c) { if (!c->Set(n)) { LAssert(0); } else { Status = c->Test(this, m, Log); if (c->Not) Status = !Status; if (Log) { Log->Print("\tResult=%i (not=%i)\n", Status, c->Not); } } DeleteObj(c); } } else LAssert(0); } else LAssert(0); return Status; } bool FilterCondition::Set(LXmlTag *t) { if (!t) return false; Source.Reset(NewStr(t->GetAttr(ATTR_FIELD))); Value.Reset(NewStr(t->GetAttr(ATTR_VALUE))); Not = t->GetAsInt(ATTR_NOT) > 0; char *o = t->GetAttr(ATTR_OP); if (o) { if (IsDigit(*o)) Op = atoi(o); else { for (int i=0; OpNames[i]; i++) { if (!_stricmp(OpNames[i], o)) { Op = i; break; } } } } return true; } bool Filter::EvaluateXml(Mail *m, bool &Stop, LStream *Log) { bool Status = false; if (ValidStr(GetConditionsXml())) { if (!ConditionsCache) ConditionsCache = Parse(false); if (ConditionsCache && ConditionsCache->Children.Length()) Status = EvaluateTree(ConditionsCache->Children[0], m, Stop, Log); } return Status; } bool Filter::Test(Mail *m, bool &Stop, LStream *Log) { bool Status = false; if (Log) Log->Print("Filter.Test '%s':\n", GetName()); Current = &m; if (m && m->GetObject()) { d->Stop = &Stop; d->Log = Log; if (ValidStr(GetScript())) { OnFilterScript(this, m, GetScript()); } else if (ValidStr(GetConditionsXml())) { Status = EvaluateXml(m, Stop, Log); } else LAssert(0); d->Stop = 0; d->Log = 0; } Current = 0; return Status; } bool Filter::DoActions(Mail *&m, bool &Stop, LStream *Log) { if (!App || !m) return false; Current = &m; LAutoPtr r = Parse(true); if (r) { LArray Act; for (auto c: r->Children) { if (c->IsTag(ELEMENT_ACTION)) { FilterAction *a = new FilterAction(GetObject()->GetStore()); if (a) { if (a->Set(c)) Act.Add(a); else LAssert(!"Can't convert xml to action."); } } } for (unsigned i=0; iGetObject(); i++) { FilterAction *a = Act[i]; a->Do(this, App, m, Log); } Act.DeleteObjects(); } Current = 0; if (GetStopFiltering()) { Stop = true; } return true; } ThingUi *Filter::DoUI(MailContainer *c) { if (!Ui) { MaxIndex = MAX(MaxIndex, GetIndex()); if (GetIndex() < 0) { SetIndex(++MaxIndex); } Ui = new FilterUi(this); } #if WINNATIVE if (Ui) SetForegroundWindow(Ui->Handle()); #endif return Ui; } LAutoPtr Filter::Parse(bool Actions) { LAutoPtr Ret; auto RawXml = Actions ? GetActionsXml() : GetConditionsXml(); if (!RawXml) return Ret; LMemStream Xml(RawXml, strlen(RawXml), false); LXmlTree t; Ret.Reset(new LXmlTag); if (!t.Read(Ret, &Xml)) Ret.Reset(); return Ret; } void Filter::AddAction(FilterAction *Action) { if (!Action) return; LAutoPtr a = Parse(true); if (!a) a.Reset(new LXmlTag("Actions")); LAutoPtr n(new LXmlTag(ELEMENT_ACTION)); if (!Action->Get(n)) return; a->InsertTag(n.Release()); LXmlTree t; LStringPipe p; if (!t.Write(a, &p)) return; LAutoString Xml(p.NewStr()); SetActionsXml(Xml); SetDirty(true); } bool Filter::Save(ScribeFolder *Into) { bool Status = false; if (!Into) { Into = GetFolder(); if (!Into) { Into = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_FILTERS); } } if (Into) { SetParentFolder(Into); if (ChkIncoming) SetIncoming(ChkIncoming->Value()!=0); if (ChkOutgoing) SetOutgoing(ChkOutgoing->Value()!=0); if (ChkInternal) SetInternal(ChkInternal->Value()!=0); + LDateTime Now; + GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, &Now.SetNow()); + Store3Status s = Into->WriteThing(this); Status = s != Store3Error; if (Status) SetDirty(false); } return Status; } void Filter::OnPaint(ItemPaintCtx &Ctx) { LListItem::OnPaint(Ctx); } void Filter::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { LListItem::OnMouseClick(m); if (m.Double()) { // open the UI for the Item DoUI(); } else if (m.Right()) { // open the right click menu auto RClick = new LSubMenu; if (RClick) { RClick->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_OPEN), IDM_OPEN); RClick->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE), IDM_DELETE); RClick->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_EXPORT), IDM_EXPORT); if (Parent->GetMouse(m, true)) { switch (RClick->Float(Parent, m.x, m.y)) { case IDM_OPEN: { DoUI(); break; } case IDM_DELETE: { LVariant ConfirmDelete; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ConfirmDelete, ConfirmDelete); if (!ConfirmDelete.CastInt32() || LgiMsg(GetList(), LLoadString(IDS_DELETE_ASK), AppName, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { List Del; LList *ParentList = LListItem::Parent; if (ParentList && ParentList->GetSelection(Del)) { for (auto m: Del) { auto f = dynamic_cast(m); if (f) f->OnDelete(); } } } break; } case IDM_EXPORT: { ExportAll(GetList(), sTextXml, NULL); break; } } } DeleteObj(RClick); } } } int *Filter::GetDefaultFields() { static int Def[] = { FIELD_FILTER_NAME, 0, 0, 0 }; return Def; } const char *Filter::GetFieldText(int Field) { switch (Field) { case FIELD_FILTER_NAME: return GetName(); case FIELD_FILTER_CONDITIONS_XML: return GetConditionsXml(); case FIELD_FILTER_ACTIONS_XML: return GetActionsXml(); case FIELD_FILTER_SCRIPT: return GetScript(); } return NULL; } void Filter::OnColumnNotify(int Col, int64 Data) { if (!IgnoreCheckEvents) { switch (Col) { case 2: case 3: case 4: { SetDirty(true); break; } } } } const char *Filter::GetText(int i) { int Field = 0; if (FieldArray.Length()) { if (i >= 0 && i < (int)FieldArray.Length()) Field = FieldArray[i]; } else if (i >= 0 && i < CountOf(DefaultFilterFields)) { Field = DefaultFilterFields[i]; } switch (Field) { case FIELD_FILTER_NAME: { return GetName(); break; } case FIELD_FILTER_INDEX: { static char i[16]; sprintf_s(i, sizeof(i), "%i", GetIndex()); return i; break; } } return 0; } int FilterIndexCmp(Filter **a, Filter **b) { int ai = (*a)->GetIndex(); int bi = (*b)->GetIndex(); return ai - bi; } void Filter::Reindex(ScribeFolder *Folder) { if (!Folder) return; LArray Zero; LArray Sort; for (auto t : Folder->Items) { Filter *f = t->IsFilter(); if (f) { int Idx = f->GetIndex(); if (Idx > 0) { Sort.Add(f); } else { Zero.Add(f); } } } Sort.Sort(FilterIndexCmp); LArray Map; for (unsigned n=0; nGetIndex(); if (Idx != i + 1) { Sort[i]->SetIndex(i + 1); Sort[i]->SetDirty(); Sort[i]->Update(); Changed = true; } } if (Changed) Folder->ReSort(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum ConditionOptions { FIELD_ANYWHERE = FIELD_MAX }; int FilterCallback( LFilterView *View, LFilterItem *Item, GFilterMenu Menu, LRect &r, LArray *GetList, void *Data) { int Status = -1; if (!View) return Status; switch (Menu) { case FMENU_FIELD: { LSubMenu s; LString::Array Names; ItemFieldDef *FieldDefs = MailFieldDefs; for (ItemFieldDef *i = FieldDefs; i->DisplayText; i++) { const char *Trans = LLoadString(i->FieldId); auto idx = (i - FieldDefs) + 1; Names[idx] = DomToStr(i->Dom); s.AppendItem(Trans ? Trans : i->DisplayText, (int)idx, true); } s.AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_ATTACHMENTS_DATA), FIELD_ATTACHMENTS_DATA, true); s.AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_ATTACHMENTS_NAME), FIELD_ATTACHMENTS_NAME, true); s.AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_MEMBER_OF_GROUP), FIELD_MEMBER_OF_GROUP, true); s.AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_ANYWHERE), FIELD_ANYWHERE, true); LPoint p(r.x1, r.y2 + 1); View->PointToScreen(p); int Cmd = s.Float(View, p.x, p.y, true); switch (Cmd) { case FIELD_ATTACHMENTS_DATA: Item->SetField("mail.Attachments"); break; case FIELD_ATTACHMENTS_NAME: Item->SetField("mail.AttachmentNames"); break; case FIELD_MEMBER_OF_GROUP: Item->SetField("mail.From.Groups"); break; case FIELD_ANYWHERE: Item->SetField("mail.*"); break; default: if (Cmd > 0 && Cmd < Names.Length()) Item->SetField(LString("mail.") + Names[Cmd]); break; } break; } case FMENU_OP: { if (GetList) { for (const char **o = GetOpNames(true); *o; o++) { GetList->Add(NewStr(*o)); } Status = true; } /* else { auto s = new LSubMenu; if (s) { int n = 1; for (char **o = GetOpNames(true); *o; o++) { s->AppendItem(*o, n++, true); } LPoint p(r.x1, r.y2 + 1); View->PointToScreen(p); int Cmd = s->Float(View, p.x, p.y, true); if (Cmd > 0) { Item->SetOp(OpNames[Cmd - 1]); } DeleteObj(s); } } */ break; } case FMENU_VALUE: { break; } } return Status; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct FilterUiPriv { }; FilterUi::FilterUi(Filter *item) : ThingUi(item, "Filter") { d = new FilterUiPriv; Item = item; if (!(Item && Item->App)) { return; } Script = 0; Tab = 0; Actions = 0; Conditions = 0; LRect r(100, 100, 800, 600); SetPos(r); MoveSameScreen(item->App); // Create window #if WINNATIVE CreateClassW32("FilterUi", LoadIcon(LProcessInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_FILTER))); #endif if (Attach(0)) { // Setup UI Commands.Toolbar = Item->App->LoadToolbar(this, Item->App->GetResourceFile(ResToolbarFile), Item->App->GetToolbarImgList()); if (Commands.Toolbar) { Commands.Toolbar->Attach(this); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SAVE)), IDM_SAVE, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_SAVE); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SAVE_CLOSE)), IDM_SAVE_CLOSE, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_SAVE_AND_CLOSE); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE)), IDM_DELETE, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_TRASH); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_HELP)), IDM_HELP, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_HELP); Commands.SetupCallbacks(GetItem()->App, this, GetItem(), LThingUiToolbar); } LTabPage *Cond = 0; LTabPage *Act = 0; Tab = new LTabView(91, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0); if (Tab) { Tab->Attach(this); Tab->SetPourChildren(true); LTabPage *Filter = Tab->Append(LLoadString(IDS_FILTER)); if (Filter) { #ifdef _DEBUG auto Status = #endif Filter->LoadFromResource(IDD_FILTER); LAssert(Status); Name(Filter->Name()); } Cond = Tab->Append(LLoadString(IDS_CONDITIONS)); if (Cond) { Conditions = new LFilterView(FilterCallback, Item); if (Conditions) { Cond->Append(Conditions); Conditions->SetPourLargest(true); } } Act = Tab->Append(LLoadString(IDS_ACTIONS)); if (Act) { #ifdef _DEBUG auto Status = #endif Act->LoadFromResource(IDD_FILTER_ACTION); LAssert(Status); if (GetViewById(IDC_FILTER_ACTIONS, Actions)) Actions->MultiSelect(false); } LTabPage *ScriptTab = Tab->Append(""); if (ScriptTab && ScriptTab->LoadFromResource(IDD_FILTER_SCRIPT)) { if (GetViewById(IDC_SCRIPT, Script)) { Script->SetWrapType(TEXTED_WRAP_NONE); Script->Sunken(true); Script->SetPourLargest(true); } else LAssert(0); } } // Show window Visible(true); if (Cond && Item) { LCombo *Cbo; if (GetViewById(IDC_ACTION, Cbo)) { for (ActionName *o = ActionNames; o->Id; o++) { const char *s = LLoadString(o->Id, o->Default); Cbo->Insert(s); } } } OnLoad(); } RegisterHook(this, LKeyEvents); } FilterUi::~FilterUi() { if (Item) Item->Ui = 0; DeleteObj(d); } bool FilterUi::OnViewKey(LView *v, LKey &k) { if (k.CtrlCmd()) { switch (k.c16) { case 's': case 'S': { if (k.Down()) OnSave(); return true; } case 'w': case 'W': { if (k.Down()) { OnSave(); Quit(); } return true; } } } return false; } int FilterUi::OnNotify(LViewI *Col, LNotification n) { int Reindex = 0; int InsertOffset = 0; switch (Col->GetId()) { case IDC_TYPE_CBO: case IDC_ARG_EDIT: { if (Actions) { List Sel; if (Actions->GetSelection(Sel)) { for (auto a: Sel) a->OnNotify(Col, n); } } break; } case IDC_BROWSE_ARG: { if (Actions) { List Sel; if (Actions->GetSelection(Sel)) { FilterAction *a = Sel[0]; if (a) { a->Browse(Item->App, this); a->OnNotify(Col, n); } } } break; } case IDC_UP: InsertOffset = -1; // fall thru case IDC_DOWN: { if (!InsertOffset) InsertOffset = 1; if (!Actions) break; List Items; if (!Actions->GetSelection(Items) && Items[0]) break; int Idx = Actions->IndexOf(Items[0]) + InsertOffset; FilterAction *Last = 0; for (auto a: Items) { Actions->Remove(a); Actions->Insert(a, Idx++); Last = a; } if (Last) { Actions->Focus(true); Last->Select(true); } break; } case IDC_NEW_FILTER_ACTION: { if (Actions) { FilterAction *n = new FilterAction(Item->GetObject()->GetStore()); Actions->Insert(n); Actions->Select(n); Actions->Focus(true); } break; } case IDC_DELETE_FILTER_ACTION: { if (Actions) { List Items; if (Actions->GetSelection(Items) && Items[0]) { int Idx = Actions->IndexOf(Items[0]); Items.DeleteObjects(); if (Idx >= (int)Actions->Length()) Idx = (int)Actions->Length() - 1; Actions->Select(Actions->ItemAt(Idx)); Actions->Focus(true); } } break; } case IDC_LAUNCH_HELP: { switch (Tab->Value()) { case 0: // Name/Index default: { Item->App->LaunchHelp("filters.html"); break; } case 1: // Conditions { Item->App->LaunchHelp("filters.html#cond"); break; } case 2: // Actions { Item->App->LaunchHelp("filters.html#actions"); break; } case 3: // Script { Item->App->LaunchHelp("filters.html#script"); break; } } break; } case IDC_FILTER_UP: { Reindex = 1; break; } case IDC_FILTER_DOWN: { Reindex = -1; break; } } if (Reindex) { // Remove holes in the indexing ScribeFolder *Folder = Item->GetFolder(); if (Folder) { Folder->ReSort(); } // Swap entries int i = (int)GetCtrlValue(IDC_FILTER_INDEX); if (i >= 0) { Filter *f = Item->GetFilterAt(i - Reindex); if (f) { int n = f->GetIndex(); f->SetIndex(Item->GetIndex()); f->SetDirty(); Item->SetIndex(n); Item->SetDirty(); f->Save(); Item->Save(); SetCtrlValue(IDC_FILTER_INDEX, Item->GetIndex()); Item->App->GetItemList()->ReSort(); Item->Update(); f->Update(); } } } return 0; } LMessage::Result FilterUi::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { #ifdef WIN32 case WM_CLOSE: { Quit(); return 0; } #endif } return LWindow::OnEvent(Msg); } void LoadTree(LFilterView *v, LXmlTag *t, LTreeNode *i) { int idx = 0; for (auto c: t->Children) { if (c->GetTag()) { LFilterItem *n = 0; bool Cond = false; if (c->IsTag(ELEMENT_AND)) n = v->Create(LNODE_AND); else if (c->IsTag(ELEMENT_OR)) n = v->Create(LNODE_OR); else if (c->IsTag(ELEMENT_CONDITION)) { Cond = true; n = v->Create(LNODE_COND); } if (n) { if (Cond) { n->SetNot(c->GetAsInt(ATTR_NOT) > 0); n->SetField(c->GetAttr(ATTR_FIELD)); n->SetValue(c->GetAttr(ATTR_VALUE)); char *o = c->GetAttr(ATTR_OP); if (o) { if (IsDigit(*o)) n->SetOp(atoi(o)); else { for (int i=0; OpNames[i]; i++) { if (!_stricmp(OpNames[i], o)) { n->SetOp(i); break; } } } } } i->Insert(n, idx++); LoadTree(v, c, n); } } } } void FilterUi::OnLoad() { if (Item) { LAutoPtr r = Item->Parse(true); if (r && Actions) { for (auto c: r->Children) { FilterAction *a = new FilterAction(Item->GetObject()->GetStore()); if (a) { if (a->Set(c)) { Actions->Insert(a); } else LAssert(!"Can't convert xml to action."); } } } auto FilterName = Item->GetName(); SetCtrlName(IDC_NAME, FilterName); SetCtrlValue(IDC_FILTER_INDEX, Item->GetIndex()); SetCtrlName(IDC_SCRIPT, Item->GetScript()); SetCtrlValue(IDC_STOP_FILTERING, Item->GetStopFiltering()); SetCtrlValue(IDC_INCOMING, Item->GetIncoming()); SetCtrlValue(IDC_OUTGOING, Item->GetOutgoing()); SetCtrlValue(IDC_INTERNAL_FILTERING, Item->GetInternal()); auto Xml = Item->GetConditionsXml(); if (Conditions && Xml) { LAutoPtr x(new LXmlTag); if (x) { LMemStream p(Xml, strlen(Xml)); LXmlTree t; if (t.Read(x, &p, 0)) { Conditions->Empty(); LoadTree(Conditions, x, Conditions->GetRootNode()); if (!Conditions->GetRootNode()->GetChild()) { Conditions->SetDefault(); } } } } if (ValidStr(FilterName)) { LString s; s.Printf("%s - %s", LLoadString(IDS_FILTER), FilterName); Name(s); } } } void SaveTree(LXmlTag *t, LTreeNode *i) { for (LTreeNode *c = i->GetChild(); c; c = c->GetNext()) { LFilterItem *fi = dynamic_cast(c); if (fi) { const char *Tag = 0; bool Cond = false; switch (fi->GetNode()) { default: break; case LNODE_AND: Tag = ELEMENT_AND; break; case LNODE_OR: Tag = ELEMENT_OR; break; case LNODE_COND: Cond = true; Tag = ELEMENT_CONDITION; break; } if (Tag) { LXmlTag *n = new LXmlTag(Tag); if (n) { if (Cond) { n->SetAttr(ATTR_NOT, fi->GetNot()); n->SetAttr(ATTR_FIELD, fi->GetField()); n->SetAttr(ATTR_OP, fi->GetOp()); n->SetAttr(ATTR_VALUE, fi->GetValue()); } t->InsertTag(n); SaveTree(n, fi); } } } } } void FilterUi::OnSave() { if (Item) { Item->SetName(GetCtrlName(IDC_NAME)); Item->SetScript(GetCtrlName(IDC_SCRIPT)); Item->SetStopFiltering(GetCtrlValue(IDC_STOP_FILTERING)!=0); Item->SetIncoming(GetCtrlValue(IDC_INCOMING)!=0); Item->SetOutgoing(GetCtrlValue(IDC_OUTGOING)!=0); Item->ChkIncoming->Value(GetCtrlValue(IDC_INCOMING)); Item->ChkOutgoing->Value(GetCtrlValue(IDC_OUTGOING)); Item->ChkInternal->Value(GetCtrlValue(IDC_INTERNAL_FILTERING)); if (Conditions) { LXmlTag *x = new LXmlTag(ELEMENT_CONDITIONS); if (x) { SaveTree(x, Conditions->GetRootNode()); LXmlTree t; LStringPipe p; if (t.Write(x, &p)) { LAutoString a(p.NewStr()); Item->ConditionsCache.Reset(); Item->SetConditionsXml(a); } DeleteObj(x); } } LXmlTag x("Actions"); List Act; Actions->GetAll(Act); for (size_t i=0; i c(new LXmlTag("Action")); if (a->Get(c)) { x.InsertTag(c.Release()); } } LXmlTree t; LStringPipe p; t.Write(&x, &p); LAutoString s(p.NewStr()); Item->SetActionsXml(s); if (Item->Save()) { Item->Reindex(Item->GetFolder()); } } } int FilterUi::OnCommand(int Cmd, int Event, OsView Window) { switch (Cmd) { case IDM_SAVE: { OnSave(); break; } case IDM_SAVE_CLOSE: { OnSave(); // fall thru } case IDM_CLOSE: { Quit(); break; } case IDM_DELETE: { Item->Ui = 0; Item->OnDelete(); Item = 0; Quit(); break; } case IDM_HELP: { App->LaunchHelp("filters.html"); break; } case IDC_NEW_FILTER_ACTION: { LList *l; if (GetViewById(IDC_FILTER_ACTIONS, l)) { } break; } case IDC_DELETE_FILTER_ACTION: { break; } default: { Commands.ExecuteCallbacks(GetItem()->App, this, GetItem(), Cmd); break; } } return 0; } diff --git a/Code/ScribeGroup.cpp b/Code/ScribeGroup.cpp --- a/Code/ScribeGroup.cpp +++ b/Code/ScribeGroup.cpp @@ -1,1406 +1,1405 @@ #include "Scribe.h" #include "lgi/common/TextView3.h" #include "resdefs.h" #include "ScribeListAddr.h" #include "lgi/common/DisplayString.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "AddressSelect.h" ItemFieldDef GroupFieldDefs[] = { {ContactGroupName, SdName, GV_STRING, FIELD_GROUP_NAME, IDC_GROUP_NAME}, {ContactGroupList, SdList, GV_STRING, FIELD_GROUP_LIST, IDC_GROUP_LIST}, {ContactGroupDateModified, SdDateModified, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, 0}, {0} }; int DefaultGroupFields[] = { FIELD_GROUP_NAME, FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, 0, 0 }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LAddressEdit; struct AddressMeta { int Id; bool Referenced; LAddressEdit *Edit; ListAddr Addr; LString Text; AddressMeta(LAddressEdit *edit, int id = -1); ~AddressMeta(); bool Matched() { return Addr.Length() == 1; } void Ins(); bool IsResolved(); bool IsUnique(); void OpenContact(); }; class LAddressEdit : public LTextView3 { friend struct AddressMeta; LHashTbl,AddressMeta*> Map; LArray Items; int CreateId() { int Id; while (Map.Find(Id = LRand(1000))) ; return Id; } AddressMeta *GetMeta(LStyle &s) { return Map.Find(s.Data.CastInt32()); } bool UpdateMeta(LStyle &Style) { auto m = GetMeta(Style); if (!m) return false; m->Addr.SetText(m->Text); // LgiTrace("UpdateMeta '%s' -> %i\n", m->Text.Get(), m->Addr.Length()); if (m->Addr.Length() > 1) { // Matched more than one recip Style.Fore.Rgb(255, 0, 0); Style.Font = Underline; } else if (m->Addr.Length()) { // Matched a single recip Style.Fore = LColour(L_BLACK); Style.Font = Underline; } else { // No match Style.Fore.Rgb(0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb0); Style.Font = GetFont(); Style.Decor = LCss::TextDecorSquiggle; Style.DecorColour = LColour::Red; } return true; } public: bool AllowPour; ScribeWnd *App; LAddressEdit(LRect *p, const char *t); void OnPaint(LSurface *pDC); void PourStyle(size_t Start, ssize_t Length); bool Insert(size_t At, const char16 *Data, ssize_t Len); bool Delete(size_t At, ssize_t Len); bool GetStyles(List &Styles); int WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState); int OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState); bool OnStyleClick(LStyle *style, LMouse *m); bool OnStyleMenu(LStyle *style, LSubMenu *m); void OnStyleMenuClick(LStyle *style, int i); }; class GroupUi : public ThingUi, public LResourceLoad { ContactGroup *Item; LAddressEdit *Edit; public: GroupUi(ContactGroup *item); ~GroupUi(); int OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n); void ResolveAll(); void OnDirty(bool Dirty) {} void OnLoad(); void OnSave(); int WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState); int OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState); void Add(char *Email); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ContactGroupPrivate { public: }; ContactGroup::ContactGroup(ScribeWnd *app, LDataI *object) : Thing(app, object) { DefaultObject(object); d = new ContactGroupPrivate; Ui = 0; } ContactGroup::~ContactGroup() { DeleteObj(d); } Thing &ContactGroup::operator =(Thing &c) { LAssert(0); return *this; } char *ContactGroup::GetDropFileName() { if (!DropFileName) { auto Name = GetName(); DropFileName.Reset(MakeFileName(Name ? Name : "group", "xml")); } return DropFileName; } bool ContactGroup::GetDropFiles(LString::Array &Files) { auto fn = GetDropFileName(); if (!fn) return false; if (!LFileExists(fn)) { LAutoPtr F(new LFile); if (F->Open(fn, O_WRITE)) { F->SetSize(0); Export(AutoCast(F), sMimeXml); } } if (!LFileExists(DropFileName)) return false; Files.Add(DropFileName.Get()); return true; } bool ContactGroup::GetFormats(bool Export, LString::Array &MimeTypes) { MimeTypes.Add(sTextXml); return MimeTypes.Length() > 0; } Thing::IoProgress ContactGroup::Import(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sTextXml) && Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeXml)) IoProgressNotImpl(); LXmlTree Tree; LXmlTag r, *t; if (!Tree.Read(&r, stream)) IoProgressError("Xml parse error."); if (!r.IsTag(ContactGroupObj)) IoProgressError("No ContactGroup tag."); if (t = r.GetChildTag(ContactGroupName)) GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_GROUP_NAME, t->GetContent()); else IoProgressError("No Name tag."); if (t = r.GetChildTag(ContactGroupList)) GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_GROUP_LIST, t->GetContent()); else IoProgressError("No List tag."); if (t = r.GetChildTag(ContactGroupDateModified)) { LDateTime dt; if (dt.Set(t->GetContent())) GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, &dt); } IoProgressSuccess(); } Thing::IoProgress ContactGroup::Export(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeXml)) IoProgressNotImpl(); auto Name = GetName(); LVariant Addr; GetVariant(ContactGroupList, Addr); auto Modified = GetObject()->GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED); LXmlTag r(ContactGroupObj), *t; if ((t = r.CreateTag(ContactGroupName))) t->SetContent(Name); if ((t = r.CreateTag(ContactGroupList))) t->SetContent(Addr.Str()); if (Modified && Modified->IsValid() && (t = r.CreateTag(ContactGroupDateModified))) t->SetContent(Modified->Get()); LXmlTree tree; if (tree.Write(&r, stream)) IoProgressError("Failed to write xml."); IoProgressSuccess(); } LString::Array ContactGroup::GetAddresses() { LString::Array Addrs; LVariant l; if (GetVariant(ContactGroupList, l)) { LToken t(l.Str()); for (unsigned i=0; i &a) { bool Status = false; LVariant l; if (GetVariant(ContactGroupList, l)) { LToken t(l.Str()); for (unsigned i=0; iGetStr(FIELD_GROUP_NAME); break; } case SdList: // Type: String[] { if (Array) { LToken t(GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_GROUP_LIST), ", \r\n"); int Idx = atoi(Array); if (Idx >= 0 && Idx < (int)t.Length()) { Value = t[Idx]; } } else { Value = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_GROUP_LIST); } break; } case SdType: // Type: Int32 { Value = GetObject()->Type(); break; } case SdDateModified: { Value = GetObject()->GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED); break; } case SdUsedTs: { Value = &UsedTs; break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } bool ContactGroup::CallMethod(const char *MethodName, LVariant *ReturnValue, LArray &Args) { if (GetObject() && !Stricmp((char*)MethodName, (char*)"AddAddress")) { int Added = 0; LString Addrs = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_GROUP_LIST); LString::Array a = Addrs.SplitDelimit(WhiteSpace); for (unsigned i=0; iStr(); if (AddrToAdd) { bool HasAddr = false; for (unsigned n=0; nSetStr(FIELD_GROUP_LIST, Lst); SetDirty(); UsedTs.SetNow(); if (ReturnValue) *ReturnValue = true; } else if (ReturnValue) { *ReturnValue = false; } return true; } return Thing::CallMethod(MethodName, ReturnValue, Args); } bool ConvertList(ContactGroup *g, LArray &a) { List Addrs; if (g->GetAddresses(Addrs)) { for (auto e: Addrs) { ListAddr *la = new ListAddr(g->App, e, (char*)0); if (la) { la->OnFind(); a.Add(la); } } Addrs.DeleteArrays(); } return a.Length() > 0; } void ContactGroup::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { LListItem::OnMouseClick(m); if (m.IsContextMenu()) { // open the right click menu LScriptUi s(new LSubMenu); if (s.Sub) { List Templates; s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_OPEN), IDM_OPEN, true); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE), IDM_DELETE, true); ScribeFolder *f = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_TEMPLATES); if (f) { auto Merge = s.Sub->AppendSub(LLoadString(IDS_MERGE_TEMPLATE)); if (Merge) { int n = 0; for (auto t: f->Items) { Mail *m = t->IsMail(); if (m) { Templates.Insert(m); Merge->AppendItem(m->GetSubject()?m->GetSubject():(char*)"(no subject)", IDM_MERGE_TEMPLATE_BASE+n++, true); } } } } else { s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_MERGE_TEMPLATE), 0, false); } s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_MERGE_FILE), IDM_MERGE_FILE, true); if (GetList()->GetMouse(m, true)) { LArray Callbacks; if (App->GetScriptCallbacks(LThingContextMenu, Callbacks)) { LScriptArguments Args(NULL); Args[0] = new LVariant(App); Args[1] = new LVariant(this); Args[2] = new LVariant(&s); for (unsigned i=0; iExecuteScriptCallback(*Callbacks[i], Args); } } int Msg; switch (Msg = s.Sub->Float(GetList(), m.x, m.y)) { case IDM_OPEN: { DoUI(); break; } case IDM_DELETE: { LVariant ConfirmDelete; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ConfirmDelete, ConfirmDelete); if (!ConfirmDelete.CastInt32() || LgiMsg(GetList(), LLoadString(IDS_DELETE_ASK), AppName, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { List Del; LList *ParentList = LListItem::Parent; if (ParentList && ParentList->GetSelection(Del)) { for (auto i: Del) { auto obj = dynamic_cast(i); if (obj) obj->OnDelete(); else LAssert(!"What type of object is this?"); } } } break; } case IDM_MERGE_FILE: { auto s = new LFileSelect(App); s->Type("Email Template", "*.txt;*.eml"); s->Open([this](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status) { LArray Recip; if (ConvertList(this, Recip)) App->MailMerge(Recip, dlg->Name(), 0); Recip.DeleteObjects(); } delete dlg; }); break; } default: { if (Msg >= IDM_MERGE_TEMPLATE_BASE && Msg - IDM_MERGE_TEMPLATE_BASE < (ssize_t)Templates.Length()) { Mail *Template = Templates[Msg - IDM_MERGE_TEMPLATE_BASE]; if (Template) { LArray Recip; if (ConvertList(this, Recip)) App->MailMerge(Recip, 0, Template); Recip.DeleteObjects(); } } else { // Handle any installed callbacks for menu items for (unsigned i=0; iExecuteScriptCallback(Cb, Args); } } } break; } } } DeleteObj(s.Sub); } } else if (m.Down() && m.Double()) { if (!Ui) { Ui = new GroupUi(this); } } } void ContactGroup::OnSerialize(bool Write) { if (Write) { UsedTs.SetNow(); } else if (!UsedTs.IsValid()) { auto m = GetObject()->GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED); if (m) UsedTs = *m; } } ThingUi *ContactGroup::DoUI(MailContainer *c) { if (!Ui) Ui = new GroupUi(this); else Ui->Visible(true); return Ui; } int ContactGroup::Compare(LListItem *Arg, ssize_t Field) { ContactGroup *cg = dynamic_cast(Arg); if (!cg) return 0; switch (Field) { case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: { auto a = GetObject()->GetDate((int)Field); auto b = cg->GetObject()->GetDate((int)Field); if (a && b) return a->Compare(b); break; } default: { auto a = GetFieldText((int)Field); auto b = cg->GetFieldText((int)Field); if (a && b) return _stricmp(a, b); break; } } return 0; } bool ContactGroup::Save(ScribeFolder *Into) { if (!GetFolder()) { if (Into) SetParentFolder(Into); else if (App) SetParentFolder(App->GetFolder(FOLDER_GROUPS)); } if (!GetFolder()) return false; + LDateTime Now; + GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, &Now.SetNow()); + auto Status = GetFolder()->WriteThing(this) != Store3Error; if (Status) SetDirty(false); return Status; } int *ContactGroup::GetDefaultFields() { return DefaultGroupFields; } const char *ContactGroup::GetFieldText(int Field) { switch (Field) { case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: { auto d = GetObject()->GetDate(Field); if (d) DateCache = d->Local().Get(); else DateCache = LLoadString(IDS_NONE); return DateCache; } } return GetObject() ? GetObject()->GetStr(Field) : 0; } const char *ContactGroup::GetText(int i) { if (FieldArray.Length()) { if (i >= 0 && i < (int)FieldArray.Length()) return GetFieldText(FieldArray[i]); } else if (i < CountOf(DefaultGroupFields)) { return GetFieldText(DefaultGroupFields[i]); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GroupUi::GroupUi(ContactGroup *item) : ThingUi(item, "Contact Group") { Item = item; Edit = 0; LRect p; LAutoString n; if (LoadFromResource(IDD_GROUP, this, &p, &n)) { SetPos(p); Name(n); MoveSameScreen(App); if (GetViewById(IDC_GROUP_LIST, Edit)) { Edit->App = App; } if (Attach(0)) { AttachChildren(); OnLoad(); Visible(true); SetWindow(this); } } } GroupUi::~GroupUi() { Item->Ui = 0; } extern bool SerializeUi(ItemFieldDef *Defs, LDataI *Object, LViewI *View, bool ToUi); void GroupUi::OnLoad() { SerializeUi(GroupFieldDefs, Item->GetObject(), this, true); auto GrpName = Item->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_GROUP_NAME); if (ValidStr(GrpName)) { LString s; s.Printf("%s - %s", LLoadString(IDD_GROUP), GrpName); Name(s); } } void GroupUi::ResolveAll() { // Turn all the references into email addresses List Styles; if (Edit && Edit->GetStyles(Styles)) { for (auto a: Styles) { if (!a->IsResolved() && a->IsUnique()) { a->Ins(); } } } } void GroupUi::OnSave() { ResolveAll(); // Save the group of contacts - LDateTime Now; - Now.SetNow(); - Item->SetDirty(); SerializeUi(GroupFieldDefs, Item->GetObject(), this, false); - Item->GetObject()->SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, &Now); Item->Save(); Item->Update(); } int GroupUi::OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n) { switch (c->GetId()) { case IDOK: { OnSave(); Quit(); break; } } return 0; } int GroupUi::WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { Formats.Supports(ScribeThingList); Formats.SupportsFileDrops(); return Formats.GetSupported().Length() ? DROPEFFECT_COPY : DROPEFFECT_NONE; } void GroupUi::Add(char *Email) { ResolveAll(); if (Edit) { List Styles; Edit->GetStyles(Styles); for (auto a: Styles) { if (a->Addr.sAddr && _stricmp(a->Addr.sAddr, Email) == 0) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - '%s' already in group\n", _FL, Email); return; } } char16 NewLine[] = { '\n', 0 }; char16 *e = Utf8ToWide(Email); if (e) { auto Len = StrlenW(Edit->NameW()); if (Len) Edit->Insert(Len, NewLine, 1); Edit->Insert(Len + 1, e, StrlenW(e)); } } } int GroupUi::OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { int Status = DROPEFFECT_NONE; for (unsigned n=0; nIsBinary() && ScribeClipboardFmt::IsThing(Data->Value.Binary.Data, Data->Value.Binary.Length)) { ScribeClipboardFmt *Fmt = (ScribeClipboardFmt*)Data->Value.Binary.Data; for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); i++) { Contact *c = Fmt->ThingAt(i) ? Fmt->ThingAt(i)->IsContact() : NULL; if (c) { auto Email = c->GetAddrAt(0); if (Email) { Add(Email); Status = DROPEFFECT_COPY; } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - No addr\n", _FL); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Not a contact\n", _FL); } } } } else if (dd.IsFileDrop()) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Impl file drop here\n", _FL); } } return Status; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define EDIT_OPEN_CONTACT 100 #define EDIT_DELETE 101 #define EDIT_ADDR_BASE 1000 #define GEDIT 'GEDT' AddressMeta::AddressMeta(LAddressEdit *edit, int id) : Addr(edit->App) { Edit = edit; Id = id < 0 ? edit->CreateId() : id; Referenced = false; LAssert(!Edit->Map.Find(Id)); Edit->Map.Add(Id, this); } AddressMeta::~AddressMeta() { LAssert(Edit->Map.Find(Id)); Edit->Map.Delete(Id, true); } bool AddressMeta::IsUnique() { return Addr.Length() == 1; } bool AddressMeta::IsResolved() { bool Status = false; if (IsUnique()) { RecipientItem *r = Addr[0]; if (r && ValidStr(r->GetEmail())) { Contact *c = r->GetContact(); if (c) { auto Emails = c->GetEmails(); for (auto e: Emails) { if (e.Equals(Text)) { Status = true; break; } } } else { Status = _stricmp(Text, r->GetEmail()) == 0; } } } return Status; } void AddressMeta::Ins() { RecipientItem *r = Addr[0]; if (r) { const char *n = Addr.sAddr; if (!n) n = r->GetEmail(); LAutoWString Name(Utf8ToWide(n)); if (Name) { /* auto v = Style->View; Edit->AllowPour = false; v->Delete(Style->Start, Style->Len); Edit->AllowPour = true; Style->Len = StrlenW(Name); auto sl = Style->End(); // This may delete this object... so don't use anything local afterwards v->Insert(Style->Start, Name, Style->Len); // No local! v->Invalidate(); v->SetCaret(sl, false, false); */ } } } void AddressMeta::OpenContact() { if (Addr.Length() == 1) { RecipientItem *r = Addr[0]; if (r && r->GetContact()) { r->GetContact()->DoUI(); } } } LAddressEdit::LAddressEdit(LRect *p, const char *t) : LTextView3(-1, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0) { App = NULL; AllowPour = true; if (p) SetPos(*p); Sunken(true); } void LAddressEdit::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LTextView3::OnPaint(pDC); #if 0// def _DEBUG pDC->ClipRgn(0); char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%i styles", Style.Length()); LSysFont->Colour(Rgb24(0, 0, 255), 24); LSysFont->Transparent(true); LDisplayString ds(LSysFont, s); ds.Draw(pDC, 2, Y()-20); #endif } void LAddressEdit::PourStyle(size_t Start, ssize_t Length) { if (AllowPour) { const char *Delim = " \t\r\n,;"; LUnrolledList Old, New; Old.Swap(Style); for (auto i : Map) { i.value->Referenced = false; } LHashTbl,LStyle*> Hash; for (auto &i : Old) { LAssert(i.Data.Type != GV_NULL); Hash.Add(i.Start, &i); } // Generate the new list... for (int i=0; i 0) { // Insert new style LAssert(App != NULL); auto &s = New.New().Construct(this, STYLE_ADDRESS); s.Start = Start; s.Len = Len; } } // Match the old and new lists, merging unchanged entries from // the old list and taking changed entries from the new list. AddressMeta *m; for (auto &n : New) { // Find matching old entry LString s(Text + n.Start, n.Len); auto o = Hash.Find(n.Start); if (o && o->Len == n.Len) { // Carry over the data ref id LAssert(o->Data.Type != GV_NULL); n.Data = o->Data; n.Font = o->Font; n.Fore = o->Fore; n.Back = o->Back; n.Decor = o->Decor; n.DecorColour = o->DecorColour; auto m = GetMeta(n); if (m) { // LgiTrace("Existing meta @ %i '%s'\n", n.Start, m->Text.Get()); m->Referenced = true; } } else { // Create a new entry if ((m = new AddressMeta(this))) { n.Data = m->Id; m->Referenced = true; m->Text.SetW(Text + n.Start, n.Len); UpdateMeta(n); // LgiTrace("Creating meta @ %i '%s' with id=%i\n", n.Start, m->Text.Get(), m->Id); } } } // Clear out unreferenced meta objects for (auto i : Map) { if (i.value->Referenced == false) { // LgiTrace("Deleting unreferenced meta '%s'\n", i.value->Text.Get()); delete i.value; } } #ifdef _DEBUG for (auto &s : New) { LAssert(s.Data.Type != GV_NULL); } #endif Style.Swap(New); // Update LRect r(0, Y()-20, 100, Y()); Invalidate(&r); #if 0 printf("Styles:\n"); for (GEditAddress *e=(GEditAddress*)Style.First(); e; e=(GEditAddress*)Style.Next()) { printf("\tStart=%i Len=%i Text=%.*S\n", e->Start, e->Len, e->Len, Text+e->Start); } #endif } } bool LAddressEdit::Insert(size_t At, const char16 *Data, ssize_t Len) { for (auto &s : Style) { LAssert(s.Data.Type != GV_NULL); if (s.Start > (ssize_t)At) { /*auto m =*/ GetMeta(s); // LgiTrace("Insert adding to start: %i->%i '%s'\n", s.Start, s.Start + Len, m ? m->Text.Get() : NULL); s.Start += Len; } } return LTextView3::Insert(At, Data, Len); } bool LAddressEdit::Delete(size_t at, ssize_t Len) { ssize_t At = (ssize_t)at; for (auto &s : Style) { LAssert(s.Data.Type != GV_NULL); AddressMeta *m = GetMeta(s); if (s.Overlap(At, Len) && m && m->Matched()) { // extend delete region to include the whole styled addr if (At > s.Start) { Len += At - s.Start; At = s.Start; } if (At + Len < s.Start + s.Len) { Len = s.Start + s.Len - At; } // LgiTrace("Delete len change: %i:%i '%s'\n", s.Start, s.Len, m ? m->Text.Get() : NULL); } if (s.Start > At) { s.Start -= Len; // LgiTrace("Delete start change: %i:%i '%s'\n", s.Start, s.Len, m ? m->Text.Get() : NULL); } } return LTextView3::Delete(At, Len); } bool LAddressEdit::GetStyles(List &Styles) { /* Styles.Empty(); for (GEditAddress *s = (GEditAddress*) Style.First(); s; s = (GEditAddress*) Style.Next()) { Styles.Insert(s); } return Styles.First() != 0; */ return false; } int LAddressEdit::WillAccept(LDragFormats &Formats, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { LWindow *w = GetWindow(); LDragDropTarget *t = dynamic_cast(w); if (t) { return t->WillAccept(Formats, Pt, KeyState); } return DROPEFFECT_NONE; } bool LAddressEdit::OnStyleClick(LStyle *style, LMouse *ms) { auto m = GetMeta(*style); if (!m) return false; if (ms->Double() && ms->Left()) { m->OpenContact(); return true; } return false; } bool LAddressEdit::OnStyleMenu(LStyle *style, LSubMenu *sub) { auto m = GetMeta(*style); if (!m) return false; if (m->Addr.Length() == 1) { sub->AppendItem("Open Contact", EDIT_OPEN_CONTACT, true); sub->AppendItem("Delete", EDIT_DELETE, true); } else { Items.DeleteObjects(); AddressBrowseLookup(App, Items, m->Text); if (Items.Length()) { int Idx = 0; for (auto i : Items) { LString n; n.Printf("%s %s <%s>", i->First.Get(), i->Last.Get(), i->Email.Get()); sub->AppendItem(n, EDIT_ADDR_BASE + Idx++); } } else { sub->AppendItem("No results", -1, false); } } sub->AppendSeparator(); /* if (IsOk() && Addr.Length() > 0) { if (Addr.Length() == 1) { m->AppendItem("Open Contact", EDIT_OPEN_CONTACT, true); m->AppendItem("Delete", EDIT_DELETE, true); m->AppendSeparator(); } char s[256]; for (int i=0; iGetContact(); if (c) { LAutoString Email; for (int n=0; (Email = c->GetAddrAt(n)); n++) { char *First = 0, *Last = 0; s[0] = 0; c->Get(OPT_First, First); c->Get(OPT_Last, Last); if (First) { if (*s) strcat(s, " "); strcat(s, First); } if (Last) { if (*s) strcat(s, " "); strcat(s, Last); } int len = (int)strlen(s); sprintf_s(s+len, sizeof(s)-len, " <%s>", (char*)Email); int k = (i << 8) + n; m->AppendItem( s, EDIT_ADDR_BASE + k, ValidStr(Email)); LgiTrace("Adding contact '%s' %i:%i (%k)\n", s, i, n, k); } } else { char *Name = Addr[i]->GetName(); char *Email = Addr[i]->GetEmail(); sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%s <%s>", Name, Email); m->AppendItem( s, EDIT_ADDR_BASE + (i << 8), ValidStr(Email)); } } return true; } */ return false; } void LAddressEdit::OnStyleMenuClick(LStyle *style, int i) { auto m = GetMeta(*style); if (!m) return; switch (i) { case EDIT_OPEN_CONTACT: { m->OpenContact(); break; } case EDIT_DELETE: { // This will delete us, don't access anything local afterwards Delete(style->Start, style->Len); // Update the edit and get outta here Invalidate(); return; break; } default: { BrowseItem *r = Items[i - EDIT_ADDR_BASE]; if (r) { Contact *c = Contact::LookupEmail(r->Email); if (c) { style->Fore = LColour(L_TEXT); m->Addr.SetWho(new RecipientItem(c), -1); LAutoWString wEmail(Utf8ToWide(r->Email)); auto Start = style->Start; auto Len = style->Len; Delete(Start, Len); Insert(Start, wEmail, Strlen(wEmail.Get())); } } } } } int LAddressEdit::OnDrop(LArray &Data, LPoint Pt, int KeyState) { LWindow *w = GetWindow(); LDragDropTarget *t = dynamic_cast(w); if (t) { return t->OnDrop(Data, Pt, KeyState); } return DROPEFFECT_NONE; } class LAddressEditFactory : public LViewFactory { public: LView *NewView(const char *Class, LRect *Pos, const char *Text) { if (strcmp(Class, "LAddressEdit") == 0) { return new LAddressEdit(Pos, Text); } return 0; } } AddressEditFactory; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LGroupMap::LGroupMap(ScribeWnd *app) : App(app) { auto srcs = App->GetThingSources(MAGIC_GROUP); for (auto s: srcs) { s->LoadThings(); for (auto i: s->Items) Index(i->IsGroup()); } } LGroupMap::~LGroupMap() { DeleteObjects(); } void LGroupMap::Index(ContactGroup *grp) { if (!grp) return; for (auto email: grp->GetAddresses()) { auto a = Find(email); if (!a) { a = new LGroupMapArray; Add(email, a); } a->Add(grp); } } diff --git a/Code/ScribeMail.cpp b/Code/ScribeMail.cpp --- a/Code/ScribeMail.cpp +++ b/Code/ScribeMail.cpp @@ -1,10255 +1,10254 @@ /* ** FILE: ScribeMail.cpp ** AUTHOR: Matthew Allen ** DATE: 11/11/98 ** DESCRIPTION: Scribe Mail Object and UI ** ** Copyright (C) 1998-2003, Matthew Allen ** fret@memecode.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Scribe.h" #include "ScribePageSetup.h" #include "lgi/common/NetTools.h" #include "lgi/common/Popup.h" #include "lgi/common/ColourSelect.h" #include "lgi/common/TextView3.h" #include "lgi/common/Html.h" #include "lgi/common/Combo.h" #include "lgi/common/Edit.h" #include "lgi/common/Button.h" #include "lgi/common/TextLabel.h" #include "lgi/common/CheckBox.h" #include "lgi/common/TabView.h" #include "lgi/common/Input.h" #include "lgi/common/ClipBoard.h" #include "lgi/common/TableLayout.h" #include "lgi/common/DisplayString.h" #include "lgi/common/ThreadEvent.h" #include "lgi/common/GdcTools.h" #include "lgi/common/Charset.h" #include "../src/common/Coding/ScriptingPriv.h" #include "PrintPreview.h" #include "ScribeListAddr.h" #include "PrintContext.h" #include "lgi/common/LgiRes.h" #include "Encryption/GnuPG.h" #include "ObjectInspector.h" #include "lgi/common/EventTargetThread.h" #include "Store3Common.h" #include "Tables.h" #include "Calendar.h" #include "CalendarView.h" #include "AddressSelect.h" #include "Store3Imap/ScribeImap.h" #include "lgi/common/TextConvert.h" #include "lgi/common/FileSelect.h" #include "resdefs.h" #include "resource.h" #include "lgi/common/Printer.h" #include "lgi/common/SubProcess.h" #define SAVE_HEADERS 0 static char MsgIdEncodeChars[] = "%/"; static char ScribeReplyClass[] = "scribe_reply"; static char ScribeReplyStyles[] = "margin-left: 0.5em;\n" "padding-left: 0.5em;\n" "border-left: 1px solid #ccc;"; char DefaultTextReplyTemplate[] = { "---------- Original Message ----------\n" "To: <>\n" "From: <>\n" "Subject: \n" "Date: \n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" }; char DefaultHtmlReplyTemplate[] = { "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "

---------- Original Message ----------
\n" " To: <?mail.tohtml?>
\n" " From: <?mail.fromhtml?>
\n" " Subject: <?mail.subject?>
\n" " Date: <?mail.datesent?>
\n" "
\n" " <?mail.bodyastext quote=scribe.quote?>
\n" " <?cursor?>
\n" " <?mail.sig[html]?>

\n" "\n" "\n" }; class DepthCheck { int &i; public: constexpr static int MaxDepth = 5; DepthCheck(int &val) : i(val) { i++; if (!*this) LAssert(!"Recursion?"); } ~DepthCheck() { i--; } operator bool() const { return i < MaxDepth; } }; void CollectAttachments(LArray *Attachments, LArray *Related, LDataI **Text, LDataI **Html, LDataPropI *d, Store3MimeType *ParentMime = NULL) { if (!d) return; Store3MimeType Mt(d->GetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE)); auto FileName = d->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); if (!Mt) Mt = "text/plain"; // printf("Collect %s %s\n", (char*)Mt, FileName); auto Att = dynamic_cast(d); if (ParentMime && Att && ParentMime->IsRelated() && Related) { auto Id = d->GetStr(FIELD_CONTENT_ID); if (ValidStr(Id)) { if (Related) Related->Add(Att); Att = NULL; } else if (Mt.IsHtml() && Html) { *Html = Att; Att = NULL; } } if (Att) { if (ValidStr(FileName)) { if (Attachments) Attachments->Add(Att); } else if (Mt.IsHtml()) { if (Html) *Html = Att; } else if (Mt.IsPlainText()) { if (Text) *Text = Att; } else if (!Mt.IsMultipart()) { if (Attachments) Attachments->Add(Att); } /* if (d->GetInt(FIELD_SIZE) < (512 << 10)) a.Add(dynamic_cast(d)); */ } auto It = d->GetList(FIELD_MIME_SEG); if (It) { for (auto i = It->First(); i; i = It->Next()) CollectAttachments(Attachments, Related, Text, Html, i, Mt.IsMultipart() ? &Mt : NULL); } } void RemoveReturns(char *s) { // Delete out the '\r' chars. char *In = s; char *Out = s; while (*In) { if (*In != '\r') { *Out++ = *In; } In++; } *Out++ = 0; } class XmlSaveStyles : public LXmlTree { void OnParseComment(LXmlTag *Ref, const char *Comment, ssize_t Bytes) { if (Ref && Ref->IsTag("style")) { Ref->SetContent(Comment, Bytes); } } public: XmlSaveStyles(int flags) : LXmlTree(flags) { } }; bool ExtractHtmlContent(LString &OutHtml, LString &Charset, LString &Styles, const char *InHtml) { if (!InHtml) return false; XmlSaveStyles t(GXT_NO_ENTITIES | GXT_NO_DOM | GXT_NO_HEADER); LXmlTag r; LMemStream mem(InHtml, strlen(InHtml), false); if (!t.Read(&r, &mem)) return false; bool InHead = false; LStringPipe Style; r.Children.SetFixedLength(false); for (auto It = r.Children.begin(); It != r.Children.end(); ) { LXmlTag *c = *It; if (c->IsTag("style")) { if (ValidStr(c->GetContent())) Style.Print("%s\n", c->GetContent()); c->Parent = NULL; r.Children.Delete(It); DeleteObj(c); } else if (c->IsTag("/head")) { InHead = false; c->Parent = NULL; r.Children.Delete(It); DeleteObj(c); } else if (c->IsTag("body")) { // We remove this tag, but KEEP the content... if any if (ValidStr(c->GetContent())) { c->SetTag(NULL); It++; } else { // No content, remove entirely. c->Parent = NULL; r.Children.Delete(It); DeleteObj(c); } } else if (InHead || c->IsTag("html") || c->IsTag("/html") || c->IsTag("/body") || c->IsTag("/style")) { c->Parent = NULL; r.Children.Delete(It); DeleteObj(c); } else if (c->IsTag("head")) { InHead = true; c->Parent = NULL; r.Children.Delete(It); DeleteObj(c); } else It++; } LStringPipe p; t.Write(&r, &p); OutHtml = p.NewLStr(); Styles = Style.NewLStr(); #if 0 LgiTrace("InHtml=%s\n", InHtml); LgiTrace("OutHtml=%s\n", OutHtml.Get()); LgiTrace("Styles=%s\n", Styles.Get()); #endif return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char MailToStr[] = "mailto:"; char SubjectStr[] = "subject="; char ContentTypeDefault[] = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii"; extern LString HtmlToText(const char *Html, const char *InitialCharSet); extern LString TextToHtml(const char *Txt, const char *Charset); class ImageResizeThread : public LEventTargetThread { LOptionsFile *Opts; public: class Job { #ifdef __GTK_H__ /* This object may not exist when the worker is finished. However LAppInst->PostEvent can handle that so we'll allow it, so long as it's never used in the Sink->PostEvent form. */ LViewI *Sink; #else OsView Sink; #endif public: LString FileName; LAutoStreamI Data; void SetSink(LViewI *v) { #if !LGI_VIEW_HANDLE Sink = v; #else Sink = v->Handle(); #endif } bool PostEvent(int Msg, LMessage::Param a = 0, LMessage::Param b = 0) { #ifdef __GTK_H__ return LAppInst->PostEvent(Sink, Msg, a, b); #else return LPostEvent(Sink, Msg, a, b); #endif } }; ImageResizeThread(LOptionsFile *opts) : LEventTargetThread("ImageResize") { Opts = opts; } void Resize(LAutoPtr &Job) { LVariant Qual = 80, Px = 1024, SizeLimit = 200, v; Opts->GetValue(OPT_ResizeJpegQual, Qual); Opts->GetValue(OPT_ResizeMaxPx, Px); Opts->GetValue(OPT_ResizeMaxKb, SizeLimit); LAutoStreamI Input = Job->Data; LAutoStreamI MemBuf(new LMemFile(4 << 10)); int64 FileSize = Input->GetSize(); LStream *sImg = dynamic_cast(Input.Get()); LAutoPtr Img(GdcD->Load(sImg, Job->FileName)); if (Img) { int iPx = Px.CastInt32(); int iKb = SizeLimit.CastInt32(); if (Img->X() > iPx || Img->Y() > iPx || FileSize >= iKb << 10) { // Create a JPEG filter auto Jpeg = LFilterFactory::New(".jpg", FILTER_CAP_WRITE, NULL); if (Jpeg) { // Re-sample the image... double XScale = (double) Img->X() / iPx; double YScale = (double) Img->Y() / iPx; // double Aspect = (double) Img->X() / Img->Y(); double Scale = XScale > YScale ? XScale : YScale; if (Scale > 1.0) { int Nx = (int)(Img->X() / Scale + 0.001); int Ny = (int)(Img->Y() / Scale + 0.001); LAutoPtr ResizedImg(new LMemDC(Nx, Ny, Img->GetColourSpace())); if (ResizedImg) { if (ResampleDC(ResizedImg, Img)) { Img = ResizedImg; } } } // Compress the image.. LXmlTag Props; Props.SetValue(LGI_FILTER_QUALITY, Qual); Props.SetValue(LGI_FILTER_SUBSAMPLE, v = 1); // 2x2 Jpeg->Props = &Props; if (Jpeg->WriteImage(dynamic_cast(MemBuf.Get()), Img) == LFilter::IoSuccess) { Job->Data = MemBuf; } } } } Job->PostEvent(M_RESIZE_IMAGE, (LMessage::Param)Job.Get()); Job.Release(); // Do this after the post event... so the deref doesn't crash. } LMessage::Result OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { case M_RESIZE_IMAGE: { LAutoPtr j((Job*)Msg->A()); if (j) Resize(j); break; } } return 0; } }; #include "lgi/common/RichTextEdit.h" #include "../src/common/Widgets/Editor/RichTextEditPriv.h" class MailRendererScript : public LThread, public LCancel, public LDom { Mail *m; LScriptCallback *cb; public: MailRendererScript(Mail *ml, LScriptCallback *script) : m(ml), cb(script), LThread("MailRendererScript") { Run(); } ~MailRendererScript() { Cancel(true); while (!IsExited()) LSleep(1); } int Main() { LVirtualMachine Vm; LScriptArguments Args(&Vm); Args.New() = new LVariant(m->App); Args.New() = new LVariant(m); Args.New() = new LVariant((LDom*)this); m->App->ExecuteScriptCallback(*cb, Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); return 0; } bool CallMethod(const char *MethodName, LVariant *Ret, LArray &Args) { ScribeDomType Method = StrToDom(MethodName); *Ret = false; switch (Method) { case SdGetTemp: { *Ret = ScribeTempPath(); break; } case SdExecute: { *Ret = false; if (Args.Length() >= 3) { auto Dir = Args[0]->Str(); auto Exe = Args[1]->Str(); auto Arg = Args[2]->Str(); if (Dir && Exe && Arg) { LSubProcess p(Exe, Arg); p.SetInitFolder(Dir); if (p.Start()) { char Buf[256]; LStringPipe Out; Out.Print("%s %s\n", Exe, Arg); ssize_t Rd; while (p.IsRunning() && !IsCancelled()) { Rd = p.Read(Buf, sizeof(Buf)); if (Rd < 0) break; if (Rd == 0) LSleep(1); else Out.Write(Buf, Rd); } while (!IsCancelled() && (Rd = p.Read(Buf, sizeof(Buf))) > 0) Out.Write(Buf, Rd); // LgiTrace("%s:%i - Process:\n%s\n", _FL, Out.NewLStr().Get()); if (p.IsRunning()) p.Kill(); else *Ret = true; } } } break; } case SdSetHtml: { if (!IsCancelled() && Args.Length() > 0) { LView *Ui = m->GetUI(); if (!Ui) { // Maybe hasn't finished opening the UI? LSleep(100); Ui = m->GetUI(); } if (!Ui) Ui = m->App; if (Ui) Ui->PostEvent(M_SET_HTML, (LMessage::Param)new LString(Args[0]->Str())); } break; } default: LAssert(!"Unsupported call."); return false; } return true; } }; class MailPrivate { LAutoPtr Resizer; Mail *m; public: struct HtmlBody { LString Html, Charset, Styles; }; LAutoPtr Body; LAutoPtr Renderer; LString MsgIdCache; LString DomainCache; int InSetFlags = 0; int InSetFlagsCache = 0; MailPrivate(Mail *mail) { m = mail; } void OnSave() { Resizer.Reset(); } HtmlBody *GetBody() { if (!Body && !Body.Reset(new HtmlBody)) return NULL; if (ValidStr(m->GetHtml())) { ExtractHtmlContent( Body->Html, Body->Charset, Body->Styles, m->GetHtml()); } else if (ValidStr(m->GetBody())) { Body->Charset = m->GetCharSet(); Body->Html = TextToHtml(m->GetBody(), Body->Charset); } return Body; } bool AddResizeImage(Attachment *File) { if (!File || !m->GetUI()) return false; if (!Resizer) Resizer.Reset(new ImageResizeThread(m->App->GetOptions())); if (!Resizer) return false; LAutoStreamI Obj = File->GetObject()->GetStream(_FL); if (!Obj) return false; ImageResizeThread::Job *j = new ImageResizeThread::Job; if (!j) return false; // The user interface will handle the response... j->SetSink(m->GetUI()); j->FileName = File->GetName(); // Make a complete copy of the stream... j->Data.Reset(new LMemStream(Obj, 0, -1)); // Post the work over to the thread... Resizer->PostEvent(M_RESIZE_IMAGE, (LMessage::Param)j); // Mark the image resizing File->SetIsResizing(true); return true; } }; bool Mail::ResizeImage(Attachment *a) { return d->AddResizeImage(a); } AttachmentList::AttachmentList(int id, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, MailUi *ui) : LList(id, x, y, cx, cy, 0) { Ui = ui; } AttachmentList::~AttachmentList() { RemoveAll(); } void AttachmentList::OnItemClick(LListItem *Item, LMouse &m) { LList::OnItemClick(Item, m); if (!Item && m.IsContextMenu() && Ui) { LSubMenu RClick; RClick.AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_ATTACH_FILE), IDM_OPEN, true); switch (RClick.Float(this, m)) { case IDM_OPEN: { Ui->PostEvent(M_COMMAND, IDM_ATTACH_FILE, 0); break; } } } } bool AttachmentList::OnKey(LKey &k) { if (k.vkey == LK_DELETE) { if (k.Down()) { List s; if (GetSelection(s)) { Attachment *a = dynamic_cast(s[0]); if (a) { a->OnDeleteAttachment(this, true); } } } return true; } return LList::OnKey(k); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int Strnlen(const char *s, int n) { int i = 0; if (s) { if (n < 0) { while (*s++) { i++; } } else { while (*s++ && n-- > 0) { i++; } } } return i; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MailContainer::~MailContainer() { MailContainerIter *i; while ((i = Iters[0])) { Iters.Delete(i); if (i->Container) { i->Container = 0; } } } MailContainerIter::MailContainerIter() { Container = 0; } MailContainerIter::~MailContainerIter() { if (Container) { Container->Iters.Delete(this); } } void MailContainerIter::SetContainer(MailContainer *c) { Container = c; if (Container) { Container->Iters.Insert(this); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t MarkColours32[IDM_MARK_MAX] = { Rgb32(255, 0, 0), // red Rgb32(255, 166, 0), // orange Rgb32(255, 222, 0), // yellow Rgb32(0, 0xa0, 0), // green Rgb32(0, 0xc0, 255),// cyan Rgb32(0, 0, 255), // blue Rgb32(192, 0, 255), // purple Rgb32(0, 0, 0) // black }; ItemFieldDef MailFieldDefs[] = { {"To", SdTo, GV_STRING, FIELD_TO}, {"From", SdFrom, GV_STRING, FIELD_FROM}, {"Subject", SdSubject, GV_STRING, FIELD_SUBJECT}, {"Size", SdSize, GV_INT64, FIELD_SIZE}, {"Received Date", SdReceivedDate, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_DATE_RECEIVED}, {"Send Date", SdSendDate, GV_DATETIME, FIELD_DATE_SENT}, {"Body", SdBody, GV_STRING, FIELD_TEXT}, {"Internet Header", SdInternetHeader, GV_STRING, FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER, IDC_INTERNET_HEADER}, {"Message ID", SdMessageID, GV_STRING, FIELD_MESSAGE_ID}, {"Priority", SdPriority, GV_INT32, FIELD_PRIORITY}, {"Flags", SdFlags, GV_INT32, FIELD_FLAGS}, {"Html", SdHtml, GV_STRING, FIELD_ALTERNATE_HTML}, {"Label", SdLabel, GV_STRING, FIELD_LABEL}, {"From Contact", SdContact, GV_STRING, FIELD_FROM_CONTACT_NAME}, {"File", SdFile, GV_STRING, FIELD_CACHE_FILENAME}, {"ImapFlags", SdImapFlags, GV_STRING, FIELD_CACHE_FLAGS}, {"ImapSeq", SdFile, GV_INT32, FIELD_IMAP_SEQ}, {"ImapUid", SdImapFlags, GV_INT32, FIELD_SERVER_UID}, {"ReceivedDomain", SdReceivedDomain, GV_STRING, FIELD_RECEIVED_DOMAIN}, {"MessageId", SdMessageId, GV_STRING, FIELD_MESSAGE_ID}, {0} }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LIdentityItem : public LListItem { ScribeWnd *App; ScribeAccount *Acc; char *Txt; public: LIdentityItem(ScribeWnd *app, ScribeAccount *acc) { App = app; Acc = acc; Txt = 0; LVariant e, n; if (Acc) { n = Acc->Identity.Name(); e = Acc->Identity.Email(); } else { LAssert(!"No account specified"); } if (e.Str() && n.Str()) { char t[256]; sprintf_s(t, sizeof(t), "%s <%s>", n.Str(), e.Str()); Txt = NewStr(t); } else if (e.Str()) { Txt = NewStr(e.Str()); } else if (n.Str()) { Txt = NewStr(n.Str()); } else { Txt = NewStr("(error)"); } } ~LIdentityItem() { DeleteArray(Txt); } ScribeAccount *GetAccount() { return Acc; } const char *GetText(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: { return Txt; break; } } return 0; } }; class LIdentityDropDrop : public LPopup { ScribeWnd *App; Mail *Email; LList *Lst; public: LIdentityDropDrop(ScribeWnd *app, Mail *mail, LView *owner) : LPopup(owner) { App = app; Email = mail; LRect r(0, 0, 300, 100); SetPos(r); Children.Insert(Lst = new LList(IDC_LIST, 2, 2, X()-4, Y()-4)); if (Lst) { Lst->SetParent(this); Lst->AddColumn("Identity", Lst->GetClient().X()); Lst->MultiSelect(false); if (App) { Lst->Insert(new LIdentityItem(App, 0)); for (auto a : *App->GetAccounts()) { if (a->Identity.Name().Str()) { Lst->Insert(new LIdentityItem(App, a)); } } /* for (LListItem *i = List->First(); i; i = List->Next()) { LIdentityItem *Item = dynamic_cast(i); if (Item) { char *IdEmail = a->Send.IdentityEmail(); if (Email && IdEmail && Email->From->Addr && _stricmp(Email->From->Addr, IdEmail) == 0) { Item->Select(true); } } } */ } } } void OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LRect r(GetClient()); LWideBorder(pDC, r, DefaultRaisedEdge); } int OnNotify(LViewI *c, LNotification n) { switch (c->GetId()) { case IDC_LIST: { if (n.Type == LNotifyItemClick) { Visible(false); LIdentityItem *NewFrom = dynamic_cast(Lst->GetSelected()); if (Email && NewFrom) { // ScribeAccount *a = NewFrom->GetAccount(); if (Email->GetUI()) { LList *FromList; if (GetViewById(IDC_FROM, FromList)) { // Change item data /* FIXME DeleteArray(Email->From->Name); DeleteArray(Email->From->Addr); DeleteArray(Email->Reply->Name); DeleteArray(Email->Reply->Addr); if (a) { Email->From->Addr = NewStr(a->Send.IdentityEmail().Str()); Email->From->Name = NewStr(a->Send.IdentityName().Str()); Email->Reply->Addr = NewStr(a->Send.IdentityReplyTo().Str()); if (Email->Reply->Addr) { Email->Reply->Name = NewStr(Email->From->Name); } } else { LVariant e, n, r; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_EmailAddr, e); App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_UserName, n); App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ReplyToEmail, n); Email->From->Addr = NewStr(e.Str()); Email->From->Name = NewStr(n.Str()); Email->Reply->Addr = NewStr(r.Str()); if (Email->Reply->Addr) { Email->Reply->Name = NewStr(Email->From->Name); } } // Change UI FromList->Empty(); LDataPropI *na = new LDataPropI(Email->From); if (na) { na->CC = MAIL_ADDR_FROM; FromList->Insert(na); } */ } } } } break; } } return 0; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LSubMenu* BuildMarkMenu( LSubMenu *MarkMenu, MarkedState MarkState, uint32_t SelectedMark, bool None, bool All, bool Select) { int SelectedIndex = -1; // Build image list LImageList *ImgLst = new LImageList(16, 16); if (ImgLst && ImgLst->Create(16 * CountOf(MarkColours32), 16, System32BitColourSpace)) { // ImgLst->Colour(1); ImgLst->Colour(L_MED); ImgLst->Rectangle(); for (int i=0; iColour(L_LOW); ImgLst->Box(i*16+1, 0, i*16+15, 14); SelectedIndex = i; } ImgLst->Colour(MarkColours32[i], 32); ImgLst->Rectangle(i*16+3, 2, i*16+13, 12); } } // Build Submenu if (MarkMenu && ImgLst) { ImgLst->Update(-1); MarkMenu->SetImageList(ImgLst); LMenuItem *Item = NULL; if (None) { Item = MarkMenu->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_NONE), Select ? IDM_SELECT_NONE : IDM_UNMARK, MarkState != MS_None); } if (All) { Item = MarkMenu->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_ALL), Select ? IDM_SELECT_ALL : IDM_MARK_ALL, true); } if (Item) { MarkMenu->AppendSeparator(); } for (int i=0; iAppendItem(s, ((Select) ? IDM_MARK_SELECT_BASE : IDM_MARK_BASE) + i, (MarkState != 1) || (i != SelectedIndex)); if (Item) { Item->Icon(i); } } } return MarkMenu; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char *WrapLines(char *Str, int Len, int WrapColumn) { if (Str && Len > 0 && WrapColumn > 0) { LMemQueue Temp; int LastWhite = -1; int StartLine = 0; int XPos = 0; int i; for (i=0; Str[i] && i= WrapColumn && Len > 0) { Temp.Write((uchar*) Str+StartLine, Len); Temp.Write((uchar*) "\n", 1); XPos = 0; StartLine = StartLine + Len + 1; LastWhite = -1; } else { LastWhite = i; XPos++; } } else if (Str[i] == '\t') { XPos = ((XPos + 7) / 8) * 8; } else if (Str[i] == '\n') { Temp.Write((uchar*) Str+StartLine, i - StartLine + 1); XPos = 0; StartLine = i+1; } else { XPos++; } } Temp.Write((uchar*) Str+StartLine, i - StartLine + 1); int WrapLen = (int)Temp.GetSize(); char *Wrapped = new char[WrapLen+1]; if (Wrapped) { Temp.Read((uchar*) Wrapped, WrapLen); Wrapped[WrapLen] = 0; return Wrapped; } } return Str; } char *DeHtml(const char *Str) { char *r = 0; if (Str) { LMemQueue Buf; char Buffer[256]; auto s = Str; while (s && *s) { // Search for start of next tag const char *Start = s; const char *End = Start; for (; *End && *End != '<'; End++); // Push pre-tag data onto pipe size_t Len = End-Start; for (size_t i=0; i, ItemFieldDef*> Lut(256); if (Lut.Length() == 0) { for (ItemFieldDef **l=FieldLists; *l; l++) { for (ItemFieldDef *i = *l; i->FieldId; i++) { if (i->Option) Lut.Add(i->Option, i); } } } return (ItemFieldDef*) Lut.Find(Name); } return 0; } static bool FieldLutInit = false; static LArray IdToFieldLut; ItemFieldDef *GetFieldDefById(int Id) { if (!FieldLutInit) { FieldLutInit = true; for (ItemFieldDef **l=FieldLists; *l; l++) { for (ItemFieldDef *i = *l; i->FieldId; i++) { IdToFieldLut[i->FieldId] = i; } } } if (Id >= 0 && Id < (int)IdToFieldLut.Length()) return IdToFieldLut[Id]; return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Log(char *File, char *Str, ...) { #if defined WIN32 const char *DefFile = "c:\\temp\\list.txt"; #else const char *DefFile = "/home/list.txt"; #endif if (Str) { LFile f; if (f.Open((File) ? File : DefFile, O_WRITE)) { char Buf[1024]; va_list Arg; va_start(Arg, Str); vsprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), Str, Arg); va_end(Arg); f.Seek(0, SEEK_END); f.Write(Buf, (int)strlen(Buf)); } } else { LFile f; if (f.Open((File) ? File : DefFile, O_WRITE)) { f.SetSize(0); } } } char *NewPropStr(LOptionsFile *Options, char *Name) { LVariant n; if (Options->GetValue(Name, n) && n.Str() && strlen(n.Str()) > 0) { return NewStr(n.Str()); } return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Columns of controls #define MAILUI_Y 0 #define IDM_REMOVE_GRTH 1000 #define IDM_REMOVE_GRTH_SP 1001 #define IDM_REMOVE_HTML 1002 #define IDM_CONVERT_B64_TO_BIN 1003 #define IDM_CONVERT_BIN_TO_B64 1004 #define RECIP_SX 500 #define ADD_X (RECIP_X + RECIP_SX + 10) #ifdef MAC #define ADD_RECIP_BTN_X 36 #else #define ADD_RECIP_BTN_X 20 #endif #define CONTENT_BORDER 3 #if defined WIN32 #define DLG_X 15 #define DLG_Y 30 #else #define DLG_X 6 #define DLG_Y 6 #endif MailUi::MailUi(Mail *item, MailContainer *container) : ThingUi(item, LLoadString(IDS_MAIL_MESSAGE)), WorkingDlg(NULL), Sx(0), Sy(0), CmdAfterResize(NULL), MissingCaps(NULL), BtnPrev(NULL), BtnNext(NULL), BtnSend(NULL), BtnSave(NULL), BtnSaveClose(NULL), BtnAttach(NULL), BtnReply(NULL), BtnReplyAll(NULL), BtnForward(NULL), BtnBounce(NULL), GpgUi(NULL), ToPanel(NULL), Entry(NULL), Browse(NULL), SetTo(NULL), To(NULL), Remove(NULL), FromPanel(NULL), FromList(NULL), FromCbo(NULL), ReplyToPanel(NULL), ReplyToChk(NULL), ReplyToCbo(NULL), SubjectPanel(NULL), Subject(NULL), CalendarPanel(NULL), CalPanelStatus(NULL), Tab(NULL), TabText(NULL), TextView(NULL), TabHtml(NULL), HtmlView(NULL), TabAttachments(NULL), Attachments(NULL), TabHeader(NULL), Header(NULL) { // Init everything to 0 Container = container; if (!item || !item->App) { LAssert(!"Invalid ptrs"); return; } AddMode = MAIL_ADDR_TO; CurrentEditCtrl = -1; MetaFieldsDirty = IgnoreShowImgNotify = HtmlCtrlDirty = TextCtrlDirty = TextLoaded = HtmlLoaded = false; // This allows us to hook iconv conversion events LFontSystem::Inst()->Register(this); // This allows us to hook missing image library events GdcD->Register(this); // Read/Write access bool ReadOnly = !TestFlag(GetItem()->GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED | MAIL_BOUNCE); int MinButY = 0; // Get position LRect r(150, 150, 800, 750); SetPos(r); int FontHeight = GetFont()->GetHeight(); LVariant v; LOptionsFile *Options = App ? App->GetOptions() : 0; if (Options) { if (Options->GetValue("MailUI.Pos", v)) { r.SetStr(v.Str()); } } SetPos(r); MoveSameScreen(App); Name(LLoadString(IDS_MAIL_MESSAGE)); #if WINNATIVE CreateClassW32("Scribe::MailUi", LoadIcon(LProcessInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIL))); #endif bool IsCreated = TestFlag(GetItem()->GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED); if (Attach(0)) { DropTarget(true); // Setup main toolbar Commands.Toolbar = App->LoadToolbar(this, App->GetResourceFile(ResToolbarFile), App->GetToolbarImgList()); if (Commands.Toolbar) { Commands.Toolbar->Raised(false); Commands.Toolbar->Attach(this); BtnSend = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SEND)), IDM_SEND_MSG, TBT_PUSH, !ReadOnly, IMG_SEND); Commands.Toolbar->AppendSeparator(); BtnSave = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SAVE)), IDM_SAVE, TBT_PUSH, !ReadOnly, IMG_SAVE); BtnSaveClose = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SAVE_CLOSE)), IDM_SAVE_CLOSE, TBT_PUSH, !ReadOnly, IMG_SAVE_AND_CLOSE); Commands.Toolbar->AppendSeparator(); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE)), IDM_DELETE_MSG, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_TRASH); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SPAM)), IDM_DELETE_AS_SPAM, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_DELETE_SPAM); BtnAttach = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_ATTACH_FILE)), IDM_ATTACH_FILE, TBT_PUSH, !ReadOnly, IMG_ATTACH_FILE); Commands.Toolbar->AppendSeparator(); BtnReply = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_REPLY)), IDM_REPLY, TBT_PUSH, ReadOnly, IMG_REPLY); BtnReplyAll = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_REPLYALL)), IDM_REPLY_ALL, TBT_PUSH, ReadOnly, IMG_REPLY_ALL); BtnForward = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_FORWARD)), IDM_FORWARD, TBT_PUSH, ReadOnly, IMG_FORWARD); BtnBounce = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_BOUNCE)), IDM_BOUNCE, TBT_PUSH, ReadOnly, IMG_BOUNCE); Commands.Toolbar->AppendSeparator(); BtnPrev = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_PREV_MSG)), IDM_PREV_MSG, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_PREV_ITEM); BtnNext = Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_NEXT_MSG)), IDM_NEXT_MSG, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_NEXT_ITEM); Commands.Toolbar->AppendSeparator(); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_HIGH_PRIORITY)), IDM_HIGH_PRIORITY, TBT_TOGGLE, true, IMG_HIGH_PRIORITY); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_LOW_PRIORITY)), IDM_LOW_PRIORITY, TBT_TOGGLE, true, IMG_LOW_PRIORITY); Commands.Toolbar->AppendSeparator(); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_READ_RECEIPT)), IDM_READ_RECEIPT, TBT_TOGGLE, true, IMG_READ_RECEIPT); Commands.Toolbar->AppendSeparator(); Commands.Toolbar->AppendButton(RemoveAmp(LLoadString(IDS_PRINT)), IDM_PRINT, TBT_PUSH, true, IMG_PRINT); for (LViewI *w: Commands.Toolbar->IterateViews()) MinButY = MAX(MinButY, w->Y()); Commands.Toolbar->Customizable(App->GetOptions(), "MailWindowToolbar"); Commands.SetupCallbacks(App, this, GetItem(), LThingUiToolbar); } // Setup to/from panels LVariant AlwaysShowFrom; if (IsCreated) App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_MailShowFrom, AlwaysShowFrom); bool ShowFrom = !IsCreated && !TestFlag(GetItem()->GetFlags(), MAIL_BOUNCE); LDisplayString Recip(LSysFont, LLoadString(IDS_RECIPIENTS)); LAutoPtr ReplyChk(new LCheckBox(IDC_USE_REPLY_TO, 21, #ifdef MAC 1, #else 6, #endif -1, -1, "Reply To")); int ReplyChkPx = ReplyChk ? ReplyChk->X() : 0; int RECIP_X = 20 + MAX(ReplyChkPx, Recip.X()) + 10; int EditHeight = FontHeight + 6; LVariant HideGpg; if (!item->App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_HideGnuPG, HideGpg) || HideGpg.CastInt32() == 0) { GpgUi = new MailUiGpg( App, this, 21, RECIP_X, !ReadOnly && !TestFlag(GetItem()->GetFlags(), MAIL_SENT)); if (GpgUi) GpgUi->Attach(this); } ToPanel = new LPanel(LLoadString(IDS_TO), FontHeight * 8, !ShowFrom); if (ToPanel) { int Cy = 4; ToPanel->AddView(SetTo = new LCombo(IDC_SET_TO, 20, Cy, 60, EditHeight, 0)); if (SetTo) { SetTo->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_TO)); SetTo->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_CC)); SetTo->Insert(LLoadString(IDS_BCC)); if (SetTo->GetPos().x2 + 10 > RECIP_X) RECIP_X = SetTo->GetPos().x2 + 10; } ToPanel->AddView(Entry = new LEdit(IDC_ENTRY, RECIP_X, Cy, RECIP_SX, EditHeight, "")); Cy = SetTo->GetPos().y2 + 5; ToPanel->AddView(To = new AddressList(App, IDC_TO, RECIP_X, Cy, RECIP_SX, ToPanel->GetOpenSize() - Cy - 6)); if (To) To->SetImageList(App->GetIconImgList(), false); ToPanel->AddView(new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 20, Cy, -1, -1, LLoadString(IDS_RECIPIENTS))); ToPanel->Raised(false); ToPanel->Attach(this); } FromPanel = new LPanel(LLoadString(IDS_FROM), FontHeight + 13, AlwaysShowFrom.CastInt32() || ShowFrom); if (FromPanel) { FromPanel->AddView(new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 21, #ifdef MAC 8, #else 4, #endif -1, -1, LLoadString(IDS_FROM))); if (ShowFrom) { FromPanel->AddView(FromList = new AddressList(App, IDC_FROM, RECIP_X, 2, RECIP_SX, EditHeight)); } else { FromPanel->AddView(FromCbo = new LCombo(IDC_FROM, RECIP_X, 2, RECIP_SX, EditHeight, 0)); } if (IsCreated) { LCheckBox *Chk; auto Label = LLoadString(IDS_ALWAYS_SHOW); FromPanel->AddView(Chk = new LCheckBox(IDC_SHOW_FROM, ADD_X, #ifdef MAC 1, #else 6, #endif -1, -1, Label)); if (Chk) Chk->Value(AlwaysShowFrom.CastInt32()); } FromPanel->Raised(false); FromPanel->Attach(this); } ReplyToPanel = new LPanel("Reply To:", FontHeight + 13, false); if (ReplyToPanel) { ReplyToPanel->Raised(false); ReplyToPanel->AddView(ReplyToChk = ReplyChk.Release()); ReplyToPanel->AddView(ReplyToCbo = new LCombo(IDC_REPLY_TO_ADDR, RECIP_X, 2, RECIP_SX, EditHeight, 0)); ReplyToPanel->Attach(this); } SubjectPanel = new LPanel(LLoadString(IDS_SUBJECT), -(LSysFont->GetHeight() + 16)); if (SubjectPanel) { SubjectPanel->Raised(false); SubjectPanel->AddView( new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 21, 8, -1, -1, LLoadString(IDS_SUBJECT))); SubjectPanel->AddView(Subject = new LEdit(IDC_SUBJECT, RECIP_X, 4, RECIP_SX, EditHeight, "")); SubjectPanel->Attach(this); } CalendarPanel = new LPanel(LLoadString(IDC_CALENDAR), -(LSysFont->GetHeight() + 16), false); if (CalendarPanel) { CalendarPanel->Raised(false); LTableLayout *t = new LTableLayout(IDC_TABLE); if (t) { t->GetCss(true)->Margin(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPx, LTableLayout::CellSpacing)); t->GetCss()->Width(LCss::LenAuto); t->GetCss()->Height(LCss::LenAuto); CalendarPanel->AddView(t); auto c = t->GetCell(0, 0); c->Width(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPx, RECIP_X - (LTableLayout::CellSpacing * 2))); c->PaddingLeft(LCss::Len(LCss::LenPx, 21 - LTableLayout::CellSpacing)); c->Debug = true; c->Add(new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 0, 0, -1, -1, LLoadString(IDS_CALENDAR))); c = t->GetCell(1, 0); c->Add(new LButton(IDC_ADD_CAL_EVENT, 0, 0, -1, -1, LLoadString(IDS_ADD_CAL))); c = t->GetCell(2, 0); c->Add(new LButton(IDC_ADD_CAL_EVENT_POPUP, 0, 0, -1, -1, LLoadString(IDS_ADD_CAL_POPUP))); c = t->GetCell(3, 0); c->Add(CalPanelStatus = new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL)); } CalendarPanel->Attach(this); } Tab = new LTabView(IDC_MAIL_UI_TABS, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0); if (Tab) { Tab->GetCss(true)->PaddingTop("3px"); // Don't attach text and html controls here, because OnLoad will do it later... TabText = Tab->Append(LLoadString(IDS_TEXT)); TabHtml = Tab->Append("HTML"); TabAttachments = Tab->Append(LLoadString(IDS_ATTACHMENTS)); TabHeader = Tab->Append(LLoadString(IDS_INTERNETHEADER)); if (TabAttachments) { TabAttachments->Append(Attachments = new AttachmentList(IDC_ATTACHMENTS, CONTENT_BORDER, CONTENT_BORDER, 200, 200, this)); if (Attachments) { Attachments->AddColumn(LLoadString(IDS_FILE_NAME), 160); Attachments->AddColumn(LLoadString(IDS_SIZE), 80); Attachments->AddColumn(LLoadString(IDS_MIME_TYPE), 100); Attachments->AddColumn(LLoadString(IDS_CONTENT_ID), 250); } } if (TabHeader) { TabHeader->Append(Header = new LTextView3( IDC_INTERNET_HEADER, CONTENT_BORDER, CONTENT_BORDER, 100, 20)); if (Header) { Header->Sunken(true); } } LTabPage *Fields = Tab->Append(LLoadString(IDS_FIELDS)); if (Fields) { Fields->LoadFromResource(IDD_MAIL_FIELDS); LTableLayout *l; if (GetViewById(IDC_TABLE, l)) { l->SetPourLargest(false); } } Tab->Attach(this); // Colours LColourSelect *Colour; if (GetViewById(IDC_COLOUR, Colour)) { LArray c32; for (int i=0; iSetColourList(&c32); } else LAssert(!"No colour control?"); } PourAll(); if (Commands.Toolbar) { if (ToPanel) ToPanel->SetClosedSize(Commands.Toolbar->Y()-1); if (FromPanel) FromPanel->SetClosedSize(Commands.Toolbar->Y()-1); if (ReplyToPanel) ReplyToPanel->SetClosedSize(Commands.Toolbar->Y()-1); } SetIcon("About64px.png"); OnLoad(); _Running = true; Visible(true); RegisterHook(this, LKeyEvents); LResources::StyleElement(this); } } MailUi::~MailUi() { DeleteObj(TextView); if (Attachments) { Attachments->RemoveAll(); } LOptionsFile *Options = (GetItem() && App) ? App->GetOptions() : 0; if (Options) { LRect p = GetPos(); if (p.x1 >= 0 && p.y1 >= 0) { LVariant v = p.GetStr(); Options->SetValue("MailUI.Pos", v); } } Tab = 0; if (GetItem()) { GetItem()->Ui = NULL; } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Error: no item to clear UI ptr?\n", _FL); // We delete the LView here because objects // need to have their virtual tables intact _Delete(); } Mail *MailUi::GetItem() { return _Item ? _Item->IsMail() : 0; } void MailUi::SetItem(Mail *m) { if (_Item) { Mail *old = _Item->IsMail(); if (old) old->Ui = NULL; else LAssert(0); _Item = NULL; } if (m) { _Item = m; m->Ui = this; } } bool MailUi::SetDirty(bool Dirty, bool Ui) { bool b = ThingUi::SetDirty(Dirty, Ui); if (MetaFieldsDirty && !Dirty) { Mail *m = GetItem(); if (m) { LColourSelect *Colour; if (GetViewById(IDC_COLOUR, Colour)) { uint32_t Col = (uint32_t)Colour->Value(); m->SetMarkColour(Col); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Can't find IDC_COLOUR\n", _FL); auto s = GetCtrlName(IDC_LABEL); m->SetLabel(s); if (m->GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STORE_TYPE) != Store3Imap) // Imap knows to save itself. m->SetDirty(); m->Update(); } MetaFieldsDirty = false; } return b; } #define IDM_FILTER_BASE 2000 #define IDM_CHARSET_BASE 3000 void AddActions(LSubMenu *Menu, List &Filters, LArray Folders) { if (!Menu) return; auto StartLen = Menu->Length(); for (auto Folder: Folders) { for (ScribeFolder *f=Folder->GetChildFolder(); f; f=f->GetNextFolder()) { auto Sub = Menu->AppendSub(f->GetName(true)); if (Sub) { auto Item = Sub->GetParent(); if (Item) Item->Icon(ICON_CLOSED_FOLDER); Sub->SetImageList(Menu->GetImageList(), false); f->LoadThings(); AddActions(Sub, Filters, {f}); } } List a; Folder->LoadThings(); for (auto t: Folder->Items) { a.Insert(t->IsFilter()); } a.Sort(FilterCompare); for (auto i: a) { LVariant Name; if (i->GetVariant("Name", Name) && Name.Str()) { char n[256]; strcpy_s(n, sizeof(n), Name.Str()); for (char *s=n; *s; s++) { if (*s == '&') { memmove(s + 1, s, strlen(s)+1); s++; } } auto Item = Menu->AppendItem(n, (int) (IDM_FILTER_BASE + Filters.Length()), true); if (Item) { Item->Icon(ICON_FILTER); Filters.Insert(i); } } } } if (StartLen == Menu->Length()) { char s[64]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "(%s)", LLoadString(IDS_EMPTY)); Menu->AppendItem(s, 0, false); } } bool MailUi::OnViewKey(LView *v, LKey &k) { if (k.Down() && k.CtrlCmd() && !k.Alt()) { switch (k.vkey) { case LK_RETURN: { PostEvent(M_COMMAND, IDM_SEND_MSG); return true; } case LK_UP: { SeekMsg(-1); return true; } case LK_DOWN: { SeekMsg(1); return true; } } switch (k.c16) { case 'p': case 'P': { App->ThingPrint(NULL, GetItem(), NULL, this); break; } case 'f': case 'F': { if (Tab->Value() == 0) { if (TextView) TextView->DoFind(NULL); } else if (Tab->Value() == 1) { if (HtmlView) HtmlView->DoFind(NULL); } break; } case 'r': case 'R': { OnCommand(IDM_REPLY, 0, NULL); return true; } case 'w': case 'W': { if (OnRequestClose(false)) Quit(); return true; } case 's': case 'S': { if (IsDirty()) { SetDirty(false); } return true; } case 't': case 'T': { Tab->Value(0); if (TextView) TextView->Focus(true); return true; } case 'h': case 'H': { Tab->Value(1); if (HtmlView) HtmlView->Focus(true); return true; } } } return ThingUi::OnViewKey(v, k); } void MailUi::SerializeText(bool FromCtrl) { if (GetItem() && TextView) { if (FromCtrl) { GetItem()->SetBody(TextView->Name()); } else { TextView->Name(GetItem()->GetBody()); } } } const char *FilePart(const char *Uri) { const char *Dir = Uri + strlen(Uri) - 1; while (Dir > Uri && Dir[-1] != '/' && Dir[-1] != '\\') { Dir--; } return Dir; } void MailUi::OnAttachmentsChange() { Attachments->ResizeColumnsToContent(); if (GetItem()) { TabAttachments->GetCss(true)->FontBold(GetItem()->Attachments.Length() > 0); TabAttachments->OnStyleChange(); } } bool MailUi::NeedsCapability(const char *Name, const char *Param) { if (!InThread()) { PostEvent(M_NEEDS_CAP, (LMessage::Param)NewStr(Name)); } else { if (!Name) return false; if (Caps.Find(Name)) return true; Caps.Add(Name, true); char msg[256]; LArray Actions; LAutoPtr Back; if (!_stricmp(Name, "RemoteContent")) { Actions.Add(LLoadString(IDS_ALWAYS_SHOW_REMOTE_CONTENT)); Actions.Add(LLoadString(IDS_SHOW_REMOTE_CONTENT)); Back.Reset(new LColour(L_LOW)); strcpy_s(msg, sizeof(msg), LLoadString ( IDS_REMOTE_CONTENT_MSG, "To protect your privacy Scribe has blocked the remote content in this message." )); } else { Actions.Add(LLoadString(IDS_INSTALL)); int ch = 0; for (auto k : Caps) ch += sprintf_s(msg+ch, sizeof(msg)-ch, "%s%s", ch?", ":"", k.key); ch += sprintf_s(msg+ch, sizeof(msg)-ch, " is required to display this content."); } if (!MissingCaps) { MissingCaps = new MissingCapsBar(this, &Caps, msg, App, Actions, Back); auto c = IterateViews(); auto Idx = c.IndexOf(GpgUi); AddView(MissingCaps, (int)Idx+1); AttachChildren(); OnPosChange(); } else { MissingCaps->SetMsg(msg); } } return true; } void MailUi::OnCloseInstaller() { if (MissingCaps) { DeleteObj(MissingCaps); PourAll(); } } void MailUi::OnInstall(LCapabilityTarget::CapsHash *Caps, bool Status) { } void MailUi::OnChildrenChanged(LViewI *Wnd, bool Attaching) { if (Wnd == (LViewI*)MissingCaps && !Attaching) { MissingCaps = NULL; PourAll(); } } LDocView *MailUi::GetDoc(const char *MimeType) { if (!MimeType) { MimeType = sTextPlain; LVariant v; if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_DefaultAlternative, v) && v.CastInt32() > 0) MimeType = sTextHtml; } LAssert(MimeType != NULL); if (!_stricmp(MimeType, sTextPlain)) return TextView; else if (!_stricmp(MimeType, sTextHtml)) return HtmlView; else LAssert(!"Invalid mime type."); return NULL; } bool MailUi::SetDoc(LDocView *v, const char *MimeType) { if (!MimeType) { MimeType = sTextPlain; LVariant v; if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_DefaultAlternative, v) && v.CastInt32() > 0) MimeType = sTextHtml; } LAssert(MimeType != NULL); if (!_stricmp(MimeType, sTextPlain)) { LTextView3 *Txt = static_cast(v); if (Txt) { if (Txt != TextView) { DeleteObj(TextView); TextView = Txt; if (TabText && !TextView->IsAttached()) TabText->Append(TextView); } TextLoaded = true; if (_Running) TabText->Select(); } else { LAssert(!"Invalid ctrl."); return false; } } else if (!_stricmp(MimeType, sTextHtml)) { LDocView *Html = dynamic_cast(v); if (Html) { if (Html != HtmlView) { DeleteObj(HtmlView); HtmlView = Html; LCapabilityClient *cc = dynamic_cast(v); if (cc) cc->Register(this); if (TabHtml && !HtmlView->IsAttached()) TabHtml->Append(HtmlView); } HtmlLoaded = true; if (_Running) TabHtml->Select(); } else { LAssert(!"Invalid ctrl."); return false; } } else { LAssert(!"Invalid mime type."); return false; } return true; } bool MailUi::IsWorking(int Set) { if (!GetItem()) return false; // Are any of the attachments busy doing something? LDataI *AttachPoint = GetItem() && Set >= 0 ? GetItem()->GetFileAttachPoint() : NULL; List Attachments; if (GetItem()->GetAttachments(&Attachments)) { // Attachment *Match = NULL; for (auto a: Attachments) { if (Set >= 0) { a->SetIsResizing(Set != 0); if (AttachPoint) { a->GetObject()->Save(AttachPoint); } } else if (a->GetIsResizing()) { return true; } } } // Check rich text control as well... auto Rte = dynamic_cast(HtmlView); if (Rte) { if (Rte->IsBusy()) { return true; } } return false; } class BusyPanel : public LPanel { public: BusyPanel() : LPanel("Working...", LSysFont->GetHeight() << 1) { LViewI *v; LCss::ColorDef Bk(LColour(255, 128, 0)); GetCss(true)->BackgroundColor(Bk); AddView(v = new LTextLabel(IDC_STATIC, 30, 5, -1, -1, "Still resizing images...")); v->GetCss(true)->BackgroundColor(Bk); AddView(v = new LButton(IDCANCEL, 200, 3, -1, -1, LLoadString(IDS_CANCEL))); v->GetCss(true)->NoPaintColor(Bk); } }; void MailUi::SetCmdAfterResize(int Cmd) { if (CmdAfterResize == 0) { CmdAfterResize = Cmd; if (!WorkingDlg) { WorkingDlg = new BusyPanel; if (WorkingDlg) { AddView(WorkingDlg, 1); AttachChildren(); OnPosChange(); } } } } bool MailUi::OnRequestClose(bool OsClose) { bool Working = IsWorking(); if (Working) { SetCmdAfterResize(IDM_SAVE_CLOSE); return false; } return ThingUi::OnRequestClose(OsClose); } void MailUi::OnChange() { if (!IsDirty()) OnLoad(); } struct MailUiNameAddr { LString Name, Addr; MailUiNameAddr(const char *name = 0, const char *addr = 0) { Name = name; Addr = addr; } }; void MailUi::OnLoad() { bool Edit = false; bool ReadOnly = true; Mail *Item = GetItem(); _Running = false; if (Item && Item->App) { Edit = TestFlag(Item->GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED); ReadOnly = !TestFlag(Item->GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED | MAIL_BOUNCE); if (Entry) { Entry->Name(""); } if (To) { To->OnInit(Item->GetTo()); } if (FromCbo) { LHashTbl, MailUiNameAddr*> ReplyToAddrs; const char *Template = "%s <%s>"; FromCbo->Empty(); int Idx = -1; LVariant DefName, DefAddr; // LOptionsFile *Opts = Item->Window->GetOptions(); for (auto a : *Item->App->GetAccounts()) { LVariant Name = a->Identity.Name(); LVariant Addr = a->Identity.Email(); LVariant ReplyTo = a->Identity.ReplyTo(); if (!a->IsValid() || a->Send.Disabled()) continue; if (ReplyTo.Str()) { if (!ReplyToAddrs.Find(ReplyTo.Str())) ReplyToAddrs.Add(ReplyTo.Str(), new MailUiNameAddr(Name.Str(), ReplyTo.Str())); } else if (Addr.Str()) { if (!ReplyToAddrs.Find(Addr.Str())) ReplyToAddrs.Add(Addr.Str(), new MailUiNameAddr(Name.Str(), Addr.Str())); } if (Name.Str() && Addr.Str()) { if (!DefAddr.Str() || _stricmp(DefAddr.Str(), Addr.Str())) { auto FromAddr = Item->GetFromStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (FromAddr && _stricmp(Addr.Str(), FromAddr) == 0) { Idx = (int)FromCbo->Length(); } LString p; p.Printf(Template, Name.Str(), Addr.Str()); int Id = a->Receive.Id(); int CurLen = (int)FromCbo->Length(); LAssert(Id != 0); FromAccountId[CurLen] = Id; FromCbo->Insert(p); } } } if (Idx < 0) { auto FromName = Item->GetFromStr(FIELD_NAME); auto FromAddr = Item->GetFromStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (FromAddr) { LStringPipe p; if (FromName) p.Print(Template, FromName, FromAddr); else p.Print("<%s>", FromAddr); LAutoString s(p.NewStr()); FromAccountId[FromCbo->Length()] = -1; Idx = (int)FromCbo->Length(); FromCbo->Insert(s); FromCbo->Value(Idx); } } else { FromCbo->Value(Idx); } if (ReplyToAddrs.Length() > 0 && ReplyToCbo) { auto CurAddr = Item->GetReply() ? Item->GetReply()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL) : NULL; int CurIdx = -1; // for (MailUiNameAddr *na = ReplyToAddrs.First(); na; na = ReplyToAddrs.Next()) for (auto na : ReplyToAddrs) { char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), Template, na.value->Name.Get(), na.value->Addr.Get()); if (CurAddr && !_stricmp(na.value->Addr, CurAddr)) CurIdx = (int)ReplyToCbo->Length(); ReplyToCbo->Insert(s); } if (CurIdx >= 0) { ReplyToCbo->Value(CurIdx); ReplyToChk->Value(true); } else { ReplyToChk->Value(false); } } ReplyToAddrs.DeleteObjects(); } else if (FromList) { FromList->Empty(); ListAddr *na = new ListAddr(App, Item->GetFrom()); if (na) { na->CC = MAIL_ADDR_FROM; na->OnFind(); FromList->Insert(na); } } if (Subject) { Subject->Name(Item->GetSubject()); char Title[140]; auto Subj = Item->GetSubject(); if (Subj) sprintf_s(Title, sizeof(Title), "%s - %.100s", LLoadString(IDS_MAIL_MESSAGE), Subj); else sprintf_s(Title, sizeof(Title), "%s", LLoadString(IDS_MAIL_MESSAGE)); Title[sizeof(Title)-1] = 0; for (char *s = Title; *s; s++) if (*s == '\n' || *s == '\r') *s = ' '; Name(Title); } int64_t Rgb32 = Item->GetMarkColour(); SetCtrlValue(IDC_COLOUR, Rgb32 > 0 ? Rgb32 : -1); SetCtrlName(IDC_LABEL, Item->GetLabel()); char Date[256]; Item->GetDateReceived()->Get(Date, sizeof(Date)); SetCtrlName(IDC_RECEIVED_DATE, Date); Item->GetDateSent()->Get(Date, sizeof(Date)); SetCtrlName(IDC_SENT_DATE, Date); TextLoaded = false; HtmlLoaded = false; auto TextContent = Item->GetBody(); auto HtmlContent = Item->GetHtml(); Sx = Sy = -1; LDocView *DocView = NULL; if (TabText && (DocView = Item->CreateView(this, sTextPlain, true, -1, !Edit))) { if (DocView == HtmlView) { // CreateView converted the text to HTML to embed Emojis. If we have // actual HTML content it'll overwrite the text portion, so we need // to move the HTML control to the text tab to leave room for actual HTML. DeleteObj(TextView); TextView = HtmlView; HtmlView = NULL; TextView->Detach(); TabText->Append(TextView); TextLoaded = true; HtmlLoaded = false; } if (!TextView && Edit) { // What the? Force creation of control... LAssert(!"Must have an edit control."); LDocView *Dv = App->CreateTextControl(IDC_TEXT_VIEW, sTextPlain, Edit, GetItem()); if (Dv) SetDoc(Dv, sTextPlain); LAssert(TextView != NULL); } if (TextView) { TextView->Visible(true); // This needs to be below the resize of the control so that // any wrapping has already been done and thus the scroll // bar is laid out already. if (Item->Cursor > 0) TextView->SetCaret(Item->Cursor, false); TabText->GetCss(true)->FontBold(ValidStr(TextContent)); TabText->OnStyleChange(); } } bool ValidHtml = ValidStr(HtmlContent); if (TabHtml && Item->CreateView(this, sTextHtml, true, -1, !Edit) && HtmlView) { HtmlView->Visible(true); if (Item->Cursor > 0) HtmlView->SetCaret(Item->Cursor, false); TabHtml->GetCss(true)->FontBold(ValidHtml); TabHtml->OnStyleChange(); } LVariant DefTab; Item->App->GetOptions()->GetValue(Edit ? OPT_EditControl : OPT_DefaultAlternative, DefTab); CurrentEditCtrl = (Edit || ValidHtml) && DefTab.CastInt32(); Tab->Value(CurrentEditCtrl); HtmlCtrlDirty = !ValidHtml; TextCtrlDirty = !ValidStr(TextContent); if (CalendarPanel) { auto CalEvents = GetItem()->GetCalendarAttachments(); CalendarPanel->Open(CalEvents.Length() > 0); } OnPosChange(); if (Attachments) { Attachments->RemoveAll(); List Files; if (Item->GetAttachments(&Files)) { for (auto a: Files) Attachments->Insert(a); } OnAttachmentsChange(); } if (Header) { LAutoString Utf((char*)LNewConvertCp("utf-8", Item->GetInternetHeader(), "iso-8859-1")); Header->Name(Utf); Header->SetEnv(Item); } bool Update = (Item->GetFlags() & MAIL_READ) == 0 && (Item->GetFlags() & MAIL_CREATED) == 0; if (Update) { Item->SetFlags(Item->GetFlags() | MAIL_READ); } if (Commands.Toolbar) { int p = Item->GetPriority(); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlValue(IDM_HIGH_PRIORITY, p < MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlValue(IDM_LOW_PRIORITY, p > MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlValue(IDM_READ_RECEIPT, TestFlag(Item->GetFlags(), MAIL_READ_RECEIPT)); } } if (Item->GetFlags() & (MAIL_CREATED | MAIL_BOUNCE)) { if (Entry) Entry->Focus(true); } else { if (TextView) TextView->Focus(true); } if (BtnPrev && BtnNext) { if (Item && Container) { /* int Items = Item->GetList()->Length(); int i = Item->GetList()->IndexOf(Item); */ auto Items = Container->Length(); auto i = Container->IndexOf(Item); BtnPrev->Enabled(i < (ssize_t)Items - 1); BtnNext->Enabled(i > 0); } else { BtnPrev->Enabled(false); BtnNext->Enabled(false); } } if (BtnSend) BtnSend->Enabled(!ReadOnly); if (BtnSave) BtnSave->Enabled(!ReadOnly); if (BtnSaveClose) BtnSaveClose->Enabled(!ReadOnly); if (BtnAttach) BtnAttach->Enabled(!ReadOnly); if (BtnReply) BtnReply->Enabled(ReadOnly); if (BtnReplyAll) BtnReplyAll->Enabled(ReadOnly); if (BtnForward) BtnForward->Enabled(true); if (BtnBounce) BtnBounce->Enabled(ReadOnly); if (Commands.Toolbar) { Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlEnabled(IDM_HIGH_PRIORITY, Edit); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlEnabled(IDM_LOW_PRIORITY, Edit); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlEnabled(IDM_READ_RECEIPT, Edit); } _Running = true; } void MailUi::OnSave() { if (!GetItem()) return; if (GetItem()->GetFlags() & MAIL_SENT) { // Save a copy instead of over writing the original sent email Mail *Copy = new Mail(App, GetItem()->GetObject()->GetStore()->Create(MAGIC_MAIL)); if (Copy) { *Copy = *_Item; Copy->SetFlags(MAIL_READ | MAIL_CREATED, true); Copy->SetFolder(GetItem()->GetFolder()); Copy->SetDateSent(0); SetItem(Copy); } } Mail *Item = GetItem(); if (To) { To->OnSave(Item->GetObject()->GetStore(), Item->GetTo()); } LMailStore *AccountMailStore = NULL; if (FromCbo && Item->GetFrom() && FromAccountId.Length() > 0) { int64 CboVal = FromCbo->Value(); LAssert(CboVal < (ssize_t)FromAccountId.Length()); int AccountId = FromAccountId[(int)CboVal]; LDataPropI *Frm = Item->GetFrom(); if (AccountId < 0) { // From is a literal address, not an account ID. This can happen when bouncing email. Mailto mt(App, FromCbo->Name()); if (mt.To.Length() == 1) { AddressDescriptor *a = mt.To[0]; if (a) { Frm->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, a->sName); Frm->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, a->sAddr); } } else LAssert(0); } else if (AccountId > 0) { ScribeAccount *a = Item->App->GetAccountById(AccountId); if (a) { Frm->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, a->Identity.Name().Str()); Frm->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, a->Identity.Email().Str()); } else LAssert(!"From account missing."); // Find the associated mail store for this account. Hopefully we can put any new // mail into the mail store that the account is using. // // Check for IMAP mail store? AccountMailStore = a->Receive.GetMailStore(); if (!AccountMailStore) { // Nope... what about a receive path? LVariant DestFolder = a->Receive.DestinationFolder(); if (ValidStr(DestFolder.Str())) { AccountMailStore = Item->App->GetMailStoreForPath(DestFolder.Str()); } } } else LAssert(!"No account id."); } LDataPropI *ReplyObj = Item->GetReply(); if (ReplyToCbo != NULL && ReplyObj != NULL && ReplyToChk != NULL && ReplyToChk->Value()) { Mailto mt(App, ReplyToCbo->Name()); if (mt.To.Length() == 1) { AddressDescriptor *a = mt.To[0]; if (a && a->sAddr) { if (a->sName) ReplyObj->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, a->sName); ReplyObj->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, a->sAddr); } } } Item->SetSubject(Subject->Name()); Item->SetLabel(GetCtrlName(IDC_LABEL)); auto c32 = GetCtrlValue(IDC_COLOUR); Item->SetMarkColour(c32); LDocView *Ctrl = CurrentEditCtrl ? HtmlView : TextView; if (Ctrl) { // Delete all existing data... Item->SetBody(0); Item->SetBodyCharset(0); Item->SetHtml(0); Item->SetHtmlCharset(0); const char *MimeType = Ctrl->GetMimeType(); const char *Charset = Ctrl->GetCharset(); if (!_stricmp(MimeType, sTextHtml)) { LArray Media; // Set the HTML part LString HtmlFormat; if (!Ctrl->GetFormattedContent("text/html", HtmlFormat, &Media)) HtmlFormat = Ctrl->Name(); Item->SetHtml(HtmlFormat); Item->SetHtmlCharset(Charset); // Also set a text version for the alternate LString TxtFormat; if (!Ctrl->GetFormattedContent(sTextPlain, TxtFormat)) { TxtFormat = HtmlToText(Item->GetHtml(), Charset); } if (TxtFormat) { Item->SetBody(TxtFormat); Item->SetBodyCharset(Charset); } auto Obj = Item->GetObject(); // This clears any existing multipart/related objects... Obj->SetObj(FIELD_HTML_RELATED, NULL); if (Media.Length() > 0) { // Make a table of existing attachments so that we don't duplicate // these new ones. LArray Objs; LHashTbl,LDataI*> Map; if (GetItem()->GetAttachmentObjs(Objs)) { for (auto i : Objs) { auto Cid = i->GetStr(FIELD_CONTENT_ID); if (Cid) Map.Add(Cid, i); } } // If there are media attachments, splice them into the MIME tree. // This should go after setting the text part so that the right // MIME alternative structure is generated. auto Store = Obj->GetStore(); for (auto &Cm : Media) { LDataI *a = Store->Create(MAGIC_ATTACHMENT); if (a) { LAssert(Cm.Valid()); auto Existing = Map.Find(Cm.Id); if (Existing) { // Delete the existing attachment Thing *t = CastThing(Existing); Attachment *a = t ? t->IsAttachment() : NULL; if (a) { // Delete both the Attachment and it's store object... auto it = GetItem(); it->DeleteAttachment(a); } else { // There is Attachment object for the LDataI.... but we can // still delete it from the store. LArray del; del.Add(Existing); Existing->GetStore()->Delete(del, false); } } LgiTrace("Adding related: %s %s " LPrintfInt64 "\n", Cm.FileName.Get(), Cm.MimeType.Get(), Cm.Stream->GetSize()); a->SetStr(FIELD_CONTENT_ID, Cm.Id); a->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, Cm.FileName); a->SetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE, Cm.MimeType); a->SetStream(Cm.Stream); Obj->SetObj(FIELD_HTML_RELATED, a); } } } } else { auto Text = Ctrl->Name(); Item->SetBody(Text); Item->SetBodyCharset(Charset); } } #if SAVE_HEADERS char *Headers = Header ? Header->Name() : 0; if (Headers) { DeleteArray(Item->InternetHeader); Item->InternetHeader = NewStr(Headers); } #endif Item->GetMessageId(true); Item->CreateMailHeaders(); Item->Update(); ScribeFolder *Folder = Item->GetFolder(); // Now get the associated outbox for this mail ScribeFolder *Outbox = Item->App->GetFolder(FOLDER_OUTBOX, AccountMailStore); auto Fld = Folder ? Folder : Outbox; LAssert(Fld != NULL); bool Status = Fld ? Item->Save(Fld) : false; if (Status) { LArray c; c.Add(Item->GetObject()); Item->App->SetContext(_FL); Item->App->OnChange(c, 0); } } bool MailUi::AddRecipient(AddressDescriptor *Addr) { if (Addr && To) { ListAddr *La = dynamic_cast(Addr); if (La) { To->Insert(La); return true; } } return false; } bool MailUi::AddRecipient(Contact *c) { ListAddr *La = new ListAddr(c); if (La) { To->Insert(La); return true; } return false; } bool MailUi::AddRecipient(const char *Email, const char *Name) { ListAddr *La = new ListAddr(App, Email, Name); if (La) { To->Insert(La); return true; } return false; } bool MailUi::SeekMsg(int delta) { bool Status = false; if (Container) { Mail *Item = GetItem(); auto Index = Container->IndexOf(Item); Mail *Next = Index >= 0 ? (*Container)[Index + delta] : 0; if (Next) { SetDirty(false); // called OnSave() if necessary _Running = false; if (Item->Ui) { // close any existing user interface if (Item->Ui != this) { Item->Ui->Quit(); } else { Item->Ui = 0; } } if (Header) Header->SetEnv(0); Caps.Empty(); SetItem(Next); Item = GetItem(); // select this item in the list if (Item->GetList()) { Item->GetList()->Select(Item); Item->ScrollTo(); } Status = true; OnLoad(); _Running = true; } } return Status; } int MailUi::HandleCmd(int Cmd) { switch (Cmd) { case IDM_READ_RECEIPT: { if (Commands.Toolbar) { int f = GetItem()->GetFlags(); if (Commands.Toolbar->GetCtrlValue(IDM_READ_RECEIPT)) { SetFlag(f, MAIL_READ_RECEIPT); } else { ClearFlag(f, MAIL_READ_RECEIPT); } GetItem()->SetFlags(f); } break; } case IDM_HIGH_PRIORITY: { if (Commands.Toolbar) { GetItem()->SetPriority(Commands.Toolbar->GetCtrlValue(IDM_HIGH_PRIORITY) ? MAIL_PRIORITY_HIGH : MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); SetDirty(true); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlValue(IDM_HIGH_PRIORITY, GetItem()->GetPriority() < MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlValue(IDM_LOW_PRIORITY, GetItem()->GetPriority() > MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); } break; } case IDM_LOW_PRIORITY: { if (Commands.Toolbar) { GetItem()->SetPriority(Commands.Toolbar->GetCtrlValue(IDM_LOW_PRIORITY) ? MAIL_PRIORITY_LOW : MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); SetDirty(true); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlValue(IDM_HIGH_PRIORITY, GetItem()->GetPriority() < MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); Commands.Toolbar->SetCtrlValue(IDM_LOW_PRIORITY, GetItem()->GetPriority() > MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL); } break; } case IDM_PREV_MSG: { SeekMsg(1); break; } case IDM_NEXT_MSG: { SeekMsg(-1); break; } case IDM_SEND_MSG: { bool Working = IsWorking(); if (Working) { SetCmdAfterResize(Cmd); break; } if (!GetItem() || !App) { LAssert(!"Missing item or window ptr."); break; } // Normal save bool IsInPublicFolder = GetItem()->GetFolder() && GetItem()->GetFolder()->IsPublicFolders(); if (IsInPublicFolder) { auto i = GetItem(); LDateTime n; n.SetNow(); i->SetDateSent(&n); i->Update(); } OnDataEntered(); OnSave(); SetDirty(false, false); GetItem()->Send(true); Quit(); return 0; } case IDM_DELETE_MSG: { LVariant ConfirmDelete, DelDirection; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ConfirmDelete, ConfirmDelete); App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_DelDirection, DelDirection); int WinAction = DelDirection.CastInt32() - 1; // -1 == Next, 0 == Close, 1 == Prev if (!ConfirmDelete.CastInt32() || LgiMsg(this, LLoadString(IDS_DELETE_ASK), AppName, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { Mail *Del = GetItem()->GetObject() ? GetItem() : 0; if (Del) { if (!Del->GetObject()->IsOnDisk()) Del = 0; } if (!WinAction || !SeekMsg(WinAction)) { SetItem(0); PostEvent(M_CLOSE); } if (Del && Del->GetObject()) { Del->OnDelete(); } } break; } case IDM_DELETE_AS_SPAM: { LVariant DelDirection; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_DelDirection, DelDirection); int WinAction = DelDirection.CastInt32() - 1; // -1 == Next, 0 == Close, 1 == Prev if (GetItem()) { Mail *Del = GetItem()->GetObject() ? GetItem() : 0; if (!WinAction || !SeekMsg(WinAction)) { SetItem(0); PostEvent(M_CLOSE); } if (Del) { Del->DeleteAsSpam(this); } } break; } case IDM_SAVE: { OnDataEntered(); SetDirty(false, false); break; } case IDM_SAVE_CLOSE: { bool Working = IsWorking(); if (Working) { SetCmdAfterResize(Cmd); break; } OnDataEntered(); SetDirty(false, false); // fall thru } case IDM_CLOSE: { Quit(); return 0; } case IDM_REPLY: case IDM_REPLY_ALL: { App->MailReplyTo(GetItem(), Cmd == IDM_REPLY_ALL); SetDirty(false); PostEvent(M_CLOSE); break; } case IDM_FORWARD: { App->MailForward(GetItem()); if (IsDirty()) OnSave(); PostEvent(M_CLOSE); break; } case IDM_BOUNCE: { App->MailBounce(GetItem()); OnSave(); PostEvent(M_CLOSE); break; } case IDM_PRINT: { if (GetItem() && App) { if (IsDirty()) { OnDataEntered(); OnSave(); } App->ThingPrint(NULL, GetItem(), 0, this); } break; } case IDM_ATTACH_FILE: { auto Select = new LFileSelect(this); Select->MultiSelect(true); Select->Type("All files", LGI_ALL_FILES); Select->Open([this](auto dlg, auto status) { if (status) { Mail *m = GetItem(); if (m) { for (size_t i=0; iLength(); i++) { char File[MAX_PATH_LEN]; if (!LResolveShortcut((*dlg)[i], File, sizeof(File))) { strcpy_s(File, sizeof(File), (*dlg)[i]); } Attachment *a = m->AttachFile(this, File); if (a && Attachments) { Attachments->Insert(a); Attachments->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } } } } delete dlg; }); break; } default: { if (Commands.ExecuteCallbacks(App, this, GetItem(), Cmd)) return true; return false; } } return true; } int MailUi::OnCommand(int Cmd, int Event, OsView From) { if (GpgUi) { GpgUi->DoCommand(Cmd, [this, Cmd](auto r) { if (!r) HandleCmd(Cmd); }); } else { HandleCmd(Cmd); } return LWindow::OnCommand(Cmd, Event, From); } LArray Mail::GetCalendarAttachments() { List Attachments; if (!GetAttachments(&Attachments)) return false; LArray Cal; for (auto a: Attachments) { LString Mt = a->GetMimeType(); if (Mt.Equals("text/calendar")) Cal.Add(a); } return Cal; } bool MailUi::AddCalendarEvent(bool AddPopupReminder) { LString Msg; auto Result = GetItem()->AddCalendarEvent(this, AddPopupReminder, &Msg); auto css = CalPanelStatus->GetCss(true); if (Result) css->Color(LCss::ColorInherit); else css->Color(LColour::Red); CalPanelStatus->Name(Msg); return Result; } bool Mail::AddCalendarEvent(LViewI *Parent, bool AddPopupReminder, LString *Msg) { LString Err, s; auto Cal = GetCalendarAttachments(); int NewEvents = 0, DupeEvents = 0, Processed = 0, Cancelled = 0, NotMatched = 0; ScribeFolder *Folder = NULL; if (Cal.Length() == 0) { Err = "There are no attached events to add."; goto OnError; } Folder = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_CALENDAR); if (!Folder) { Err = "There no calendar folder to save to."; goto OnError; } for (auto a: Cal) { auto Event = App->CreateThingOfType(MAGIC_CALENDAR); if (Event) { LString Mt = a->GetMimeType(); LAutoPtr Data(a->GotoObject(_FL)); if (Data) { if (Event->Import(AutoCast(Data), Mt)) { auto c = Event->IsCalendar(); auto obj = c ? c->GetObject() : NULL; if (!obj) continue; if (AddPopupReminder) { LString s; s.Printf("%g,%i,%i,", 10.0, CalMinutes, CalPopup); obj->SetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS, s); } // Is it a cancellation? auto Status = obj->GetStr(FIELD_CAL_STATUS); auto IsCancel = Stristr(Status, "CANCELLED") != NULL; if (!IsCancel) { // Does the folder already have a copy of this event? bool AlreadyAdded = false; for (auto t: Folder->Items) { auto Obj = t->IsCalendar(); if (Obj && *Obj == *c) { AlreadyAdded = true; break; } } if (AlreadyAdded) { DupeEvents++; } else { // Write the event to the folder auto Status = Folder->WriteThing(Event); if (Status > Store3Error) { NewEvents++; Event = NULL; } } } else { // Cancellation processing auto Uid = obj->GetStr(FIELD_UID); Thing *Match = NULL; for (auto t: Folder->Items) { auto tCal = t->IsCalendar(); if (tCal && tCal->GetObject()) { auto tUid = tCal->GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_UID); if (!Stricmp(Uid, tUid)) { Match = t; break; } } } if (Match) { if (!Parent || LgiMsg(Parent, "Delete cancelled event?", "Calendar", MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { auto f = Match->GetFolder(); LArray items; items.Add(Match); f->Delete(items, true); Cancelled++; } } else NotMatched++; } } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - vCal event import failed.\n", _FL); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - GotoObject failed.\n", _FL); if (Event) Event->DecRef(); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - CreateThingOfType failed.\n", _FL); } Processed = NewEvents + DupeEvents; if (Processed != Cal.Length()) { Err.Printf("There were errors processing %i events, check the console.", (int)Cal.Length() - Processed); goto OnError; } if (NewEvents || DupeEvents) s.Printf("%i new events, %i duplicates.", NewEvents, DupeEvents); else s.Printf("%i events cancelled, %i not matched.", Cancelled, NotMatched); if (Msg) *Msg = s; if (Processed > 0) { for (auto v: CalendarView::CalendarViews) v->OnContentsChanged(); } return true; OnError: if (Msg) *Msg = Err; return false; } int MailUi::OnNotify(LViewI *Col, LNotification n) { if (dynamic_cast(Col)) { Sx = Sy = -1; OnPosChange(); return 0; } if (GpgUi) { if (n.Type == LNotifyItemDelete && Col == (LViewI*)GpgUi) { GpgUi = NULL; } else { int r = GpgUi->OnNotify(Col, n); if (r) return r; } } int CtrlId = Col->GetId(); switch (CtrlId) { case IDC_MAIL_UI_TABS: { Mail *Item = GetItem(); if (!Item) break; // bool Edit = TestFlag(Item->GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED); if (n.Type == LNotifyValueChanged) { switch (Col->Value()) { case 0: // Text tab { if (!TextLoaded) { Item->CreateView(this, sTextPlain, true, -1); OnPosChange(); } if (CurrentEditCtrl == 1) { if (HtmlView && TextView && TextCtrlDirty) { // Convert HTML to Text here... TextCtrlDirty = false; auto Html = HtmlView->Name(); if (Html) { LString Txt = HtmlToText(Html, HtmlView->GetCharset()); if (Txt) TextView->Name(Txt); } } CurrentEditCtrl = 0; } break; } case 1: // Html tab { if (!HtmlLoaded) { Item->CreateView(this, sTextHtml, true, -1); OnPosChange(); } if (CurrentEditCtrl == 0) { if (HtmlView && TextView && HtmlCtrlDirty) { // Convert Text to HTML here... HtmlCtrlDirty = false; auto Text = TextView->Name(); if (Text) { LString Html = TextToHtml(Text, TextView->GetCharset()); if (Html) HtmlView->Name(Html); } } CurrentEditCtrl = 1; } break; } default: // Do nothing on other tabs.. break; } } else if (n.Type == LNotifyItemClick) { LMouse m; if (!Col->GetMouse(m)) break; int TabIdx = Tab->HitTest(m); if (TabIdx == 0 || TabIdx == 1) { if (Item && m.IsContextMenu()) { LSubMenu s; s.AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE), IDM_DELETE); m.ToScreen(); int Cmd = s.Float(this, m.x, m.y, false); if (Cmd == IDM_DELETE) { if (TabIdx == 0) // Txt { Item->SetBody(NULL); Item->SetBodyCharset(NULL); TextView->Name(NULL); if (TabText) { TabText->GetCss(true)->FontBold(false); TabText->OnStyleChange(); } TextCtrlDirty = false; } else // HTML { Item->SetHtml(NULL); Item->SetHtmlCharset(NULL); HtmlView->Name(NULL); if (TabHtml) { TabHtml->GetCss(true)->FontBold(false); TabHtml->OnStyleChange(); } HtmlCtrlDirty = false; } } } } } break; } case IDC_FROM: { if (_Running && FromCbo && n.Type == LNotifyValueChanged) SetDirty(true); break; } case IDC_SHOW_FROM: { LVariant Show = Col->Value();; App->GetOptions()->SetValue(OPT_MailShowFrom, Show); break; } case IDC_LAUNCH_HTML: { char File[MAX_PATH_LEN]; if (GetItem() && GetItem()->WriteAlternateHtml(File)) { LExecute(File); } break; } case IDC_ENTRY: { if (Entry) { if (ValidStr(Entry->Name())) { if (!Browse) { Browse = new AddressBrowse(App, Entry, To, SetTo); } } if (Browse) { Browse->OnNotify(Entry, n); } if (n.Type == LNotifyReturnKey) { OnDataEntered(); } } break; } case IDC_SET_TO: { if (SetTo) { AddMode = (int)SetTo->Value(); } break; } case IDC_SEND: { OnCommand(IDM_SEND_MSG, 0, #if LGI_VIEW_HANDLE Col->Handle() #else (OsView)NULL #endif ); break; } #if SAVE_HEADERS case IDC_INTERNET_HEADER: #endif case IDC_TEXT_VIEW: case IDC_HTML_VIEW: { Mail *Item = GetItem(); if (!Item) break; bool Edit = TestFlag(Item->GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED); if ( ( n.Type == LNotifyDocChanged || n.Type == LNotifyCharsetChanged || n.Type == LNotifyFixedWidthChanged || (!IgnoreShowImgNotify && n.Type == LNotifyShowImagesChanged) ) && _Running ) { if (GetItem()) GetItem()->OnNotify(Col, n); SetDirty(true); if (Edit) { if (CtrlId == IDC_TEXT_VIEW) { CurrentEditCtrl = 0; HtmlCtrlDirty = true; TabText->GetCss(true)->FontBold(true); TabText->OnStyleChange(); } else if (CtrlId == IDC_HTML_VIEW) { CurrentEditCtrl = 1; TextCtrlDirty = true; TabHtml->GetCss(true)->FontBold(true); TabHtml->OnStyleChange(); } // LgiTrace("%s:%i - OnNotify: TextLoaded=%i, HtmlLoaded=%i\n", _FL, TextLoaded, HtmlLoaded); } } break; } case IDC_ATTACHMENTS: { if (n.Type == LNotifyItemInsert || n.Type == LNotifyItemDelete) { // fall thru } else { break; } } case IDC_TO: { if ( _Running && ( n.Type == LNotifyItemInsert || n.Type == LNotifyItemDelete || n.Type == LNotifyItemChange ) ) { SetDirty(true); } break; } case IDC_COLOUR: { if (_Running && GetItem()) { MetaFieldsDirty = true; OnDirty(true); } break; } case IDC_LABEL: { if (_Running) { MetaFieldsDirty = true; OnDirty(true); } break; } case IDC_SUBJECT: { if (_Running) { SetDirty(true); } break; } case IDCANCEL: { if (CmdAfterResize) { int Cmd = CmdAfterResize; CmdAfterResize = 0; IsWorking(false); OnCommand(Cmd, 0, NULL); } break; } case IDC_ADD_CAL_EVENT: { AddCalendarEvent(false); break; } case IDC_ADD_CAL_EVENT_POPUP: { AddCalendarEvent(true); break; } } return 0; } void MailUi::OnDataEntered() { auto Name = Entry->Name(); if (ValidStr(Name)) { List New; // Decode the entries Mailto mt(App, Name); New = mt.To; mt.To.Empty(); if (mt.Subject && !ValidStr(GetCtrlName(IDC_SUBJECT))) { SetCtrlName(IDC_SUBJECT, mt.Subject); } // Add the new entries List Cache; App->GetContacts(Cache); AddressDescriptor *ad; while ((ad = New[0])) { New.Delete(ad); ListAddr *t = dynamic_cast(ad); if (t) { t->CC = (EmailAddressType)GetCtrlValue(IDC_SET_TO); t->OnFind(&Cache); To->Insert(t, 0); } else { DeleteObj(ad); } } // Clear the entry box for the next one Entry->Name(""); Entry->Select(-1, -1); } } void MailUi::OnPosChange() { LWindow::OnPosChange(); if (Tab && (Sx != X() || Sy != Y())) { Sx = X(); Sy = Y(); LRect r = Tab->GetCurrent()->GetClient(); r.Inset(CONTENT_BORDER, CONTENT_BORDER); if (TextView) TextView->SetPos(r, true); if (HtmlView) HtmlView->SetPos(r, true); if (Attachments) Attachments->SetPos(r, true); if (Header) Header->SetPos(r, true); } } void MailUi::OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LCssTools Tools(this); Tools.PaintContent(pDC, GetClient()); } void MailUi::OnPulse() { if (IsDirty() && TextView && GetItem()) { // Ui -> Object OnSave(); // Object -> Disk GetItem()->Save(0); } else { SetPulse(); } } void MailUi::OnDirty(bool Dirty) { SetCtrlEnabled(IDM_SAVE, Dirty); SetCtrlEnabled(IDM_SAVE_CLOSE, Dirty); if (Dirty) { SetPulse(60 * 1000); // every minute } else { SetPulse(); } } bool MailUi::CallMethod(const char *Name, LVariant *Dst, LArray &Arg) { ScribeDomType Method = StrToDom(Name); *Dst = false; switch (Method) { case SdShowRemoteContent: // Type: () if (HtmlView) { bool Always = Arg.Length() > 0 ? Arg[0]->CastBool() : false; if (Always && GetItem()) { auto From = GetItem()->GetFrom(); if (From) App->RemoteContent_AddSender(From->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL), true); else LgiTrace("%s:%i - No from address.\n", _FL); } IgnoreShowImgNotify = true; HtmlView->SetLoadImages(true); IgnoreShowImgNotify = false; PostEvent(M_UPDATE); *Dst = true; } break; case SdSetHtml: // Type: (String Html) if (HtmlView) { if (Arg.Length() > 0) { HtmlView->Name(Arg[0]->Str()); *Dst = true; } } break; default: return false; } return true; } LMessage::Result MailUi::OnEvent(LMessage *Msg) { switch (Msg->Msg()) { case M_SET_HTML: { LAutoPtr s((LString*)Msg->A()); if (s && HtmlView) HtmlView->Name(*s); break; } case M_NEEDS_CAP: { LAutoString c((char*)Msg->A()); NeedsCapability(c); return 0; } case M_RESIZE_IMAGE: { LAutoPtr Job((ImageResizeThread::Job*)Msg->A()); if (Job && GetItem()) { // Find the right attachment... List Attachments; if (GetItem()->GetAttachments(&Attachments)) { Attachment *Match = NULL; for (auto a: Attachments) { LString Nm = a->GetName(); if (Nm.Equals(Job->FileName)) { Match = a; break; } } if (Match) { if (Job->Data) Match->Set(Job->Data); auto Mt = Match->GetMimeType(); if (_stricmp(Mt, "image/jpeg")) { auto Name = Match->GetName(); char *Ext = LGetExtension(Name); if (Ext) *Ext = 0; LString NewName = Name; NewName += "jpg"; Match->SetName(NewName); Match->SetMimeType("image/jpeg"); } Match->SetIsResizing(false); LDataI *AttachPoint = GetItem()->GetFileAttachPoint(); if (AttachPoint) { // Do final save to the mail store... Match->GetObject()->Save(AttachPoint); } else { LAssert(0); Match->DecRef(); Match = NULL; } if (CmdAfterResize) { bool Working = IsWorking(); if (!Working) { // All resizing work is done... OnCommand(CmdAfterResize, 0, NULL); return 0; } } } else LAssert(!"No matching attachment image to store resized image in."); } } break; } #if WINNATIVE case WM_COMMAND: { LAssert((NativeInt)Commands.Toolbar != 0xdddddddd); if (Commands.Toolbar && Commands.Toolbar->Handle() == (HWND)Msg->b) { return LWindow::OnEvent(Msg); } break; } #endif } return LWindow::OnEvent(Msg); } void MailUi::OnReceiveFiles(LArray &Files) { List Att; GetItem()->GetAttachments(&Att); for (unsigned i=0; iGetName(), f) == 0) { int Result = LgiMsg(this, LLoadString(IDS_ATTACH_WARNING_DLG), LLoadString(IDS_ATTACHMENTS), MB_YESNO); if (Result == IDNO) { Add = false; break; } } } if (Add) { Attachment *a = GetItem()->AttachFile(this, Path); if (a) { Attachments->Insert(a); Attachments->ResizeColumnsToContent(); } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Mail::PreviewLines = false; bool Mail::RunMailPipes = true; List Mail::NewMailLst; bool Mail::AdjustDateTz = true; LHashTbl,Mail*> Mail::MessageIdMap; Mail::Mail(ScribeWnd *app, LDataI *object) : Thing(app, object) { DefaultObject(object); d = new MailPrivate(this); _New(); } Mail::~Mail() { if (GetObject()) { auto Id = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); if (Id) MessageIdMap.Delete(Id); } NewMailLst.Delete(this); _Delete(); DeleteObj(d); } void Mail::_New() { SendAttempts = 0; Container = 0; FlagsCache = -1; PreviewCacheX = 0; Cursor = 0; ParentFile = 0; PreviousMail = 0; NewEmail = NewEmailNone; Ui = 0; TotalSizeCache = -1; } void Mail::_Delete() { if (ParentFile) { ParentFile->SetMsg(0); } UnloadAttachments(); PreviewCache.DeleteObjects(); DeleteObj(Container); if (Ui) Ui->PostEvent(M_CLOSE); if (Ui) Ui->SetItem(0); } bool Mail::AppendItems(LSubMenu *Menu, const char *Param, int Base) { auto Remove = Menu->AppendSub(LLoadString(IDS_REMOVE)); if (Remove) { Remove->AppendItem("'>'", IDM_REMOVE_GRTH, true); Remove->AppendItem("'> '", IDM_REMOVE_GRTH_SP, true); Remove->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_HTML_TAGS), IDM_REMOVE_HTML, true); } auto FilterMenu = Menu->AppendSub(LLoadString(IDS_FILTER)); if (FilterMenu) { FilterMenu->SetImageList(App->GetIconImgList(), false); Actions.Empty(); AddActions(FilterMenu, Actions, App->GetThingSources(MAGIC_FILTER)); } auto Convert = Menu->AppendSub(LLoadString(IDS_CONVERT_SELECTION)); if (Convert) { Convert->AppendItem("To Base64", IDM_CONVERT_BIN_TO_B64, true); Convert->AppendItem("To Binary", IDM_CONVERT_B64_TO_BIN, true); } if (!TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED)) { auto Charset = Menu->AppendSub(LLoadString(L_CHANGE_CHARSET)); if (Charset) { int n=0; for (LCharset *c = LGetCsList(); c->Charset; c++, n++) Charset->AppendItem(c->Charset, IDM_CHARSET_BASE + n, c->IsAvailable()); } } return true; } bool Mail::OnMenu(LDocView *View, int Id, void *Context) { const char *RemoveStr = 0; switch (Id) { case IDM_REMOVE_GRTH: { RemoveStr = ">"; break; } case IDM_REMOVE_GRTH_SP: { RemoveStr = "> "; break; } case IDM_REMOVE_HTML: { auto s = View ? View->Name() : 0; if (s) { auto n = DeHtml(s); if (n) { View->Name(n); DeleteArray(n); } } break; } default: { if (Id >= IDM_CHARSET_BASE) { int n=0; LCharset *c; for (c = LGetCsList(); c->Charset; c++, n++) { if (Id - IDM_CHARSET_BASE == n) { break; } } if (c->Charset) { SetBodyCharset((char*)c->Charset); SetDirty(); if (GetBodyCharset() && Ui) { Ui->OnLoad(); } } } else if (Id >= IDM_FILTER_BASE) { Filter *Action = Actions[Id-IDM_FILTER_BASE]; if (Action) { // Save the message... SetDirty(false); // Hide the mail window... if (Ui) Ui->Visible(false); // Do the action bool Stop; Mail *This = this; Action->DoActions(This, Stop); if (This != this) break; if (Ui) DeleteObj(Ui); return true; } } break; } #ifdef _DEBUG case IDM_CONVERT_BIN_TO_B64: { char *t = View->GetSelection(); if (t) { size_t In = strlen(t); size_t Len = BufferLen_BinTo64(In); char *B64 = new char[Len+1]; if (B64) { ConvertBinaryToBase64(B64, Len, (uchar*)t, In); B64[Len] = 0; char Temp[256]; ConvertBase64ToBinary((uchar*)Temp, sizeof(Temp), B64, Len); char16 *Str = Utf8ToWide(B64); if (Str) { LTextView3 *Tv = dynamic_cast(View); if (Tv) { Tv->DeleteSelection(); Tv->Insert(Tv->GetCaret(), Str, Len); } DeleteArray(Str); } DeleteArray(B64); } } break; } case IDM_CONVERT_B64_TO_BIN: { char *t = View->GetSelection(); if (t) { size_t In = strlen(t); size_t Len = BufferLen_64ToBin(In); char *Bin = new char[Len+1]; if (Bin) { ssize_t Out = ConvertBase64ToBinary((uchar*)Bin, Len, t, In); Bin[Out] = 0; char16 *Str = Utf8ToWide(Bin, Out); if (Str) { LTextView3 *Tv = dynamic_cast(View); if (Tv) { Tv->DeleteSelection(); Tv->Insert(Tv->GetCaret(), Str, Out); } DeleteArray(Str); } DeleteArray(Bin); } } break; } #endif } if (RemoveStr) { size_t TokenLen = strlen(RemoveStr); auto s = View ? View->Name() : 0; if (s) { LMemQueue Temp; auto Start = s; const char *End; while (*Start) { // seek to EOL for (End = Start; *End && *End != '\n'; End++); End++; ssize_t Len = End - Start; if (_strnicmp(Start, RemoveStr, TokenLen) == 0) { Temp.Write((uchar*)Start + TokenLen, Len - TokenLen); } else { Temp.Write((uchar*)Start, Len); } Start = End; } int Size = (int)Temp.GetSize(); char *Buf = new char[Size+1]; if (Buf) { Temp.Read((uchar*) Buf, Size); Buf[Size] = 0; View->Name(Buf); DeleteArray(Buf); } } } return true; } LDocumentEnv::LoadType Mail::GetContent(LoadJob *&j) { if (!j) return LoadError; LUri Uri(j->Uri); if ( Uri.sProtocol && ( !_stricmp(Uri.sProtocol, "http") || !_stricmp(Uri.sProtocol, "https") || !_stricmp(Uri.sProtocol, "ftp") ) ) { // We don't check OPT_HtmlLoadImages here because it's done elsewhere: // - ScribeWnd::CreateTextControl calls LHtml::SetLoadImages with the value from OPT_HtmlLoadImages // - LTag::LoadImage checks LHtml::GetLoadImages // // If there is a remote job here, it's because it's probably whitelisted. if (!Worker) Worker = App->GetImageLoader(); if (!Worker) return LoadError; Worker->AddJob(j); j = 0; return LoadDeferred; } else if (Uri.sProtocol && !_stricmp(Uri.sProtocol, "file")) { if (!_strnicmp(Uri.sPath, "//", 2)) { // This seems to hang the windows CreateFile function... } else { // Is it a local file then? if (j->pDC.Reset(GdcD->Load(Uri.sPath))) { return LoadImmediate; } } } else { List Files; if (GetAttachments(&Files)) { auto Dir = FilePart(j->Uri); Attachment *a = NULL; for (auto It = Files.begin(); It != Files.end(); It++) { a = *It; if (_strnicmp(j->Uri, "cid:", 4) == 0) { char *ContentId = j->Uri + 4; auto AttachmentId = a->GetContentId(); if (AttachmentId) { if (AttachmentId[0] == '<') { auto s = AttachmentId + 1; auto e = strrchr(s, '>'); if (e) { ssize_t len = e - s; if (strlen(ContentId) == len && !strncmp(s, ContentId, len)) break; } } else if (!strcmp(AttachmentId, ContentId)) { break; } } } else { auto Name = a->GetName(); if (Name) { auto NameDir = FilePart(Name); if (_stricmp(NameDir, Dir) == 0) { break; } } } } if (a) { j->MimeType = a->GetMimeType(); j->ContentId = a->GetContentId(); if (j->Pref == LoadJob::FmtStream) { j->Filename = a->GetName(); j->Stream = a->GetObject()->GetStream(_FL); return LoadImmediate; } else { char *Tmp = ScribeTempPath(); if (Tmp) { auto File = a->GetName(); auto Ext = LGetExtension(File); char s[MAX_PATH_LEN] = ""; LString part; do { if (part.Printf("%x.%s", LRand(), Ext) < 0) return LoadError; if (!LMakePath(s, sizeof(s), Tmp, part)) return LoadError; } while (LFileExists(s)); if (a->SaveTo(s, true)) { if (j->Pref == LoadJob::FmtFilename) { j->Filename = s; return LoadImmediate; } else { int Promote = GdcD->SetOption(GDC_PROMOTE_ON_LOAD, 0); j->pDC.Reset(GdcD->Load(s)); j->Filename = a->GetName(); GdcD->SetOption(GDC_PROMOTE_ON_LOAD, Promote); FileDev->Delete(s, false); return LoadImmediate; } } } } } } } return LoadError; } class MailCapabilities : public LLayout { LArray MissingCaps; LDocView *Doc; LButton *Install; public: MailCapabilities(LDocView *d) { Doc = d; Install = 0; } const char *GetClass() { return "MailCapabilities"; } void OnPosChange() { LRect c = GetClient(); if (MissingCaps.Length()) { if (!Install) { if ((Install = new LButton(IDOK, 0, 0, -1, -1, "Install"))) Install->Attach(this); } LRect r = c; r.x1 = r.x2 - Install->X(); r.y2 -= 7; Install->SetPos(r); } } void OnPaint(LSurface *pDC) { LRect cli = GetClient(); if (MissingCaps.Length()) { char Msg[256]; int c = sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "This content requires "); for (unsigned i=0; iTransparent(false); LSysFont->Colour(L_TEXT, L_MED); ds.Draw(pDC, cli.x1, cli.y1, &cli); } else { pDC->Colour(L_MED); pDC->Rectangle(); } } }; LDocView *Mail::CreateView( MailViewOwner *Owner, LString MimeType, bool Sunken, size_t MaxBytes, bool NoEdit) { bool Created = TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_CREATED); bool Edit = NoEdit ? false : Created; bool ReadOnly = !Created; LAutoString Mem; LVariant DefAlt; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_DefaultAlternative, DefAlt); auto TextBody = GetBody(); auto TextCharset = GetBodyCharset(); auto HtmlBody = GetHtml(); auto HtmlCharset = GetHtmlCharset(); const char *CtrlType = NULL; if (!MimeType) { bool TextValid = TextBody != NULL; bool HtmlValid = HtmlBody != NULL; if (TextValid && HtmlValid) MimeType = DefAlt.CastInt32() ? sTextHtml : sTextPlain; else if (TextValid) MimeType = sTextPlain; else if (HtmlValid) MimeType = sTextHtml; else return NULL; } #ifdef WINDOWS if (DefAlt.CastInt32() == 2 && MimeType == sTextHtml) CtrlType = sApplicationInternetExplorer; else #endif CtrlType = MimeType; const char *Content, *Charset; if (MimeType == sTextHtml) { Content = HtmlBody; Charset = HtmlCharset; } else { Content = TextBody; Charset = TextCharset; } // Emoji check LVariant NoEmoji; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_NoEmoji, NoEmoji); // Check if the control needs changing LDocView *View = Owner->GetDoc(MimeType); if (View) { const char *ViewMimeType = View->GetMimeType(); if (MimeType != ViewMimeType) { Owner->SetDoc(NULL, ViewMimeType); View = NULL; } } if (!View) { View = App->CreateTextControl( MimeType == sTextHtml ? IDC_HTML_VIEW : IDC_TEXT_VIEW, MimeType, Edit, this); } if (View) { // Control setup View->Sunken(Sunken); View->SetReadOnly(ReadOnly); View->SetEnv(this); LVariant UseCid = true; View->SetValue(LDomPropToString(HtmlImagesLinkCid), UseCid); LVariant LoadImages; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_HtmlLoadImages, LoadImages); bool AppLoadImages = LoadImages.CastInt32() != 0; bool MailLoadImages = TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_SHOW_IMAGES); const char *SenderAddr = GetFrom() ? GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL) : NULL; auto SenderStatus = App->RemoteContent_GetSenderStatus(SenderAddr); View->SetLoadImages ( SenderStatus != RemoteNeverLoad && ( AppLoadImages || MailLoadImages || SenderStatus == RemoteAlwaysLoad ) ); // Attach control Owner->SetDoc(View, MimeType); LCharset *CsInfo = LGetCsInfo(Charset); // Check for render scripts LArray Renderers; LString RenderMsg = "Rendering..."; if (App->GetScriptCallbacks(LRenderMail, Renderers)) { for (auto r: Renderers) { LVirtualMachine Vm; LScriptArguments Args(&Vm); Args.New() = new LVariant(App); Args.New() = new LVariant(this); Args.New() = new LVariant((void*)NULL); bool Status = App->ExecuteScriptCallback(*r, Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); if (Status) { auto Ret = Args.GetReturn(); if (Ret->IsString() || Ret->CastInt32()) { if (Ret->IsString()) RenderMsg = Ret->Str(); d->Renderer.Reset(new MailRendererScript(this, r)); break; } } } } if (d->Renderer) { LString Nm; if (MimeType.Equals(sTextHtml)) Nm.Printf("%s", RenderMsg.Get()); else Nm = RenderMsg; View->Name(Nm); } else { // Send the data to the control size_t ContentLen = Content ? strlen(Content) : 0; Html1::LHtml *Html = dynamic_cast(View); if (MimeType.Equals(sTextHtml)) { if (CsInfo) { int OverideDocCharset = *Charset == '>' ? 1 : 0; View->SetCharset(Charset + OverideDocCharset); if (Html) Html->SetOverideDocCharset(OverideDocCharset != 0); } else { View->SetCharset(0); if (Html) Html->SetOverideDocCharset(0); } View->Name(Content); } else { LAutoPtr Utf32((uint32_t*)LNewConvertCp("utf-32", Content, Charset ? Charset : (char*)"utf-8", MaxBytes > 0 ? MIN(ContentLen, MaxBytes) : ContentLen)); if (Utf32) { int Len = 0; while (Utf32[Len]) Len++; #if 0 LFile f; if (f.Open("c:\\temp\\utf32.txt", O_WRITE)) { uchar bom[4] = { 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0 }; f.Write(bom, 4); f.Write(Utf32, Len * sizeof(uint32)); f.Close(); } #endif } LAutoWString Wide; Wide.Reset((char16*)LNewConvertCp(LGI_WideCharset, Content, Charset ? Charset : (char*)"utf-8", MaxBytes > 0 ? MIN(ContentLen, MaxBytes) : ContentLen)); if (Wide) { View->NameW(Wide); } else { // Fallback... try and show something at least LAutoString t(NewStr(Content, MaxBytes > 0 ? MIN(ContentLen, MaxBytes) : ContentLen)); if (t) { uint8_t *i = (uint8_t*)t.Get(); while (*i) { if (*i & 0x80) *i &= 0x7f; i++; } View->Name(t); } else View->NameW(0); } View->SetFixedWidthFont(TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_FIXED_WIDTH_FONT)); } } } return View; } bool Mail::OnNavigate(LDocView *Parent, const char *Uri) { if (Uri) { if ( _strnicmp(Uri, "mailto:", 7) == 0 || ( strchr(Uri, '@') && !strchr(Uri, '/') ) ) { // Mail address return App->CreateMail(0, Uri, 0) != 0; } else { return LDefaultDocumentEnv::OnNavigate(Parent, Uri); } } return false; } void Mail::Update() { TotalSizeCache = -1; LListItem::Update(); } LString::Array ParseIdList(const char *In) { LString::Array result; if (!In) return result; while (*In && strchr(WhiteSpace, *In)) In++; if (*In == '<') { // Standard msg-id list.. for (auto s = In; s && *s; ) { s = strchr(s, '<'); if (!s) break; while (*s == '<') s++; char *e = strchr(s, '>'); if (e) { result.New().Set(s, e-s); s = e + 1; } else break; } } else { // Non compliant msg-id list... const char Delim[] = ", \t\r\n"; for (auto s = In; s && *s; ) { if (strchr(Delim, *s)) s++; else { auto Start = s; while (*s && !strchr(Delim, *s)) s++; result.New().Set(Start, s - Start); } } } return result; } void Base36(char *Out, uint64 In) { while (In) { int p = (int)(In % 36); if (p < 10) { *Out++ = '0' + p; } else { *Out++ = 'A' + p - 10; } In /= 36; } *Out++ = 0; } void Mail::ClearCachedItems() { TotalSizeCache = -1; PreviewCacheX = -1; PreviewCache.DeleteObjects(); Attachment *a; int i = 0; while ((a = Attachments[i])) { if (!a->DecRef()) i++; } } void Mail::NewRecipient(char *Email, char *Name) { LDataPropI *a = GetTo()->Create(GetObject()->GetStore()); if (a) { a->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, Email); a->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, Name); GetTo()->Insert(a); } } void Mail::PrepSend() { // Set flags and other data SetDirty(); int OldFlags = GetFlags(); SetFlags((OldFlags | MAIL_READY_TO_SEND) & ~MAIL_SENT); // we want to send now... // Check we're in the Outbox ScribeFolder *OutBox = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_OUTBOX, GetObject()); if (OutBox) { ScribeFolder *f = GetFolder(); if (!f || f != OutBox) { LArray Items; Items.Add(this); OutBox->MoveTo(Items); } } } bool Mail::Send(bool Now) { // Check for any "on before send" callbacks: bool AllowSend = true; LArray Callbacks; if (App->GetScriptCallbacks(LMailOnBeforeSend, Callbacks)) { for (unsigned i=0; AllowSend && iExecuteScriptCallback(c, Args)) { if (!Args.GetReturn()->CastInt32()) AllowSend = false; } Args.DeleteObjects(); } } } if (!AllowSend) return false; // Set the ready to send flag.. bool IsInPublicFolder = GetFolder() && GetFolder()->IsPublicFolders(); if (!IsInPublicFolder) { PrepSend(); if (Now) { // Kick off send thread if relevant LVariant Offline; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_WorkOffline, Offline); if (!Offline.CastInt32() && !IsInPublicFolder) { App->PostEvent(M_COMMAND, IDM_SEND_MAIL, (LMessage::Param)Handle()); } } } return true; } bool Mail::MailMessageIdMap(bool Add) { if (Add) { auto LoadState = GetLoaded(); if (LoadState < Store3Headers) { LAssert(!"Not loaded yet."); LStackTrace("MailMessageIdMap msg not loaded yet: %i\n", LoadState); return false; } // char *ObjId = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); auto Id = GetMessageId(true); if (!Id) { LAssert(!"No message ID? Impossible!"); GetMessageId(true); return false; } #if 0 LgiTrace("MailMessageIdMap(%i) Old=%s Id=%s Mail=%p\n", Add, ObjId, Id, this); #endif return MessageIdMap.Add(Id, this); } else { auto Id = GetMessageId(); #if 0 LgiTrace("MailMessageIdMap(%i) Id=%s Mail=%p\n", Add, Id, this); #endif return MessageIdMap.Delete(Id); } } Mail *Mail::GetMailFromId(const char *Id) { Mail *m = MessageIdMap.Find(Id); // LgiTrace("GetMailFromId(%s)=%p\n", Id, m); return m; } bool Mail::SetMessageId(const char *MsgId) { if (LAppInst->InThread()) { LAssert(GetObject() != NULL); auto OldId = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); if (OldId) MessageIdMap.Delete(OldId); LAutoString m(NewStr(MsgId)); LAutoString s(TrimStr(m, "<>")); if (GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID, s)) SetDirty(); return s != 0; } else { // No no no NO NON NOT NADA. LAssert(0); } return false; } LAutoString Mail::GetThreadIndex(int TruncateChars) { LAutoString Id; LAutoString Raw(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "Thread-Index")); if (Raw) { Id = ConvertThreadIndex(Raw, TruncateChars); } return Id; } const char *Mail::GetMessageId(bool Create) { LAssert(GetObject() != NULL); d->MsgIdCache = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); if (!d->MsgIdCache) { bool InThread = GetCurrentThreadId() == LAppInst->GetGuiThreadId(); LAutoString Header(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "Message-ID")); if (Header) { LAssert(InThread); if (InThread) { auto Ids = ParseIdList(Header); SetMessageId(d->MsgIdCache = Ids[0]); } } if (!d->MsgIdCache && Create) { LAssert(InThread); if (InThread) { auto FromEmail = GetFromStr(FIELD_EMAIL); const char *At = FromEmail ? strchr(FromEmail, '@') : 0; LVariant Email; if (!At) { if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_Email, Email) && Email.Str()) { At = strchr(Email.Str(), '@'); } else { At = "@domain.com"; } } if (At) { char m[96], a[32], b[32]; Base36(a, LCurrentTime()); Base36(b, LRand(RAND_MAX)); sprintf_s(m, sizeof(m), "<%s.%i%s%s>", a, LRand(RAND_MAX), b, At); if (GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID, m)) SetDirty(); d->MsgIdCache = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Error, no '@' in %s.\n", _FL, FromEmail); } else LgiTrace("%s:%i - Error, not in thread.\n", _FL); } } else { d->MsgIdCache = d->MsgIdCache.Strip("<>").Strip(); } LAssert ( (!d->MsgIdCache && !Create) || (d->MsgIdCache && !strchr(d->MsgIdCache, '\n')) ); return d->MsgIdCache; } bool Mail::GetReferences(LString::Array &Ids) { LAutoString References(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "References")); if (References) { Ids = ParseIdList(References); } LAutoString InReplyTo(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "In-Reply-To")); if (InReplyTo) { auto To = ParseIdList(InReplyTo); bool Has = false; auto &r = To[0]; if (r) { for (auto h: Ids) { if (!strcmp(h, r)) Has = true; } if (!Has) { To.Delete(r); Ids.New() = r; } } To.DeleteArrays(); } if (Ids.Length() == 0) { LAutoString Id = GetThreadIndex(5); if (Id) { size_t Len = strlen(Id); size_t Bytes = Len >> 1; if (Bytes >= 22) { Ids.New() = Id.Get(); } } } return Ids.Length() > 0; } LString AddrToHtml(LDataPropI *a) { LString s; if (a) { auto Name = a->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); auto Addr = a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); LXmlTree t; LAutoString eName(t.EncodeEntities(Name)); LAutoString eAddr(t.EncodeEntities(Addr)); if (Name && Addr) s.Printf("%s", eAddr.Get(), eName.Get()); else if (Name) s = eName.Get(); else if (Addr) s.Printf("%s", eAddr.Get(), eAddr.Get()); } return s; } LDataPropI *FindMimeSeg(LDataPropI *s, char *Type) { if (!s) return 0; const char *Mt = s->GetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE); if (!Mt) Mt = "text/plain"; if (!_stricmp(Type, Mt)) return s; LDataIt c = s->GetList(FIELD_MIME_SEG); if (!c) return 0; for (LDataPropI *i=c->First(); i; i=c->Next()) { LDataPropI *Child = FindMimeSeg(i, Type); if (Child) return Child; } return 0; } bool Mail::GetAttachmentObjs(LArray &Objs) { if (!GetObject()) return false; CollectAttachments(&Objs, NULL, NULL, NULL, GetObject()->GetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG)); return Objs.Length() > 0; } void DescribeMime(LStream &p, LDataI *Seg) { auto Mt = Seg->GetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE); p.Print("%s", Mt); auto Cs = Seg->GetStr(FIELD_CHARSET); if (Cs) p.Print(" - %s", Cs); p.Print("
\n"); LDataIt c = Seg->GetList(FIELD_MIME_SEG); if (c && c->First()) { p.Print("
\n"); for (LDataPropI *i=c->First(); i; i=c->Next()) { LDataI *a = dynamic_cast(i); if (a) DescribeMime(p, a); } p.Print("
\n"); } } bool Mail::GetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(Name); switch (Fld) { case SdFrom: // Type: ListAddr { Value = GetFrom(); break; } case SdFromHtml: // Type: String { LString s = AddrToHtml(GetFrom()); if (s.Length() == 0) return false; Value = s; break; } case SdContact: // Type: Contact { if (!GetFrom()) return false; auto Addr = GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (!Addr) return false; Contact *c = Contact::LookupEmail(Addr); if (!c) return App->GetVariant("NoContact", Value); Value = (LDom*)c; break; } case SdTo: // Type: ListAddr[] { if (Array) { LDataIt To = GetTo(); int Idx = atoi(Array); bool Create = false; if (Idx < 0) { Create = true; Idx = -Idx; } LDataPropI *a = Idx < (int)To->Length() ? (*To)[Idx] : 0; if (!a && Create) { if ((a = To->Create(GetObject()->GetStore()))) { To->Insert(a); } } Value = a; } else if (Value.SetList()) { LDataIt To = GetTo(); for (LDataPropI *a=To->First(); a; a=To->Next()) { LVariant *Recip = new LVariant; if (Recip) { *Recip = a; Value.Value.Lst->Insert(Recip); } } } else return false; break; } case SdToHtml: // Type: String { if (GetTo()) { LStringPipe p; for (LDataPropI *t=GetTo()->First(); t; t=GetTo()->Next()) { if (p.GetSize()) p.Write((char*)", ", 2); LString s = AddrToHtml(t); if (s) p.Write(s, s.Length()); } Value.Type = GV_STRING; Value.Value.String = p.NewStr(); } break; } case SdSubject: // Type: String { Value = GetSubject(); break; } case SdBody: // Type: String { if (Array) { auto Body = GetBody(); LAutoString h; for (auto c = Body; c && *c; ) { while (*c && strchr(WhiteSpace, *c)) c++; auto Start = c; while (*c && *c != ':' && *c != '\n') c++; if (*c == ':') { if (Start[0] == '\"' && c[1] == '\"') c++; LString s(Start, c - Start); s = s.Strip("\'\" \t[]<>{}:"); if (s.Equals(Array)) { // Match... c++; while (*c && strchr(WhiteSpace, *c)) c++; Start = c; while (*c && *c != '\n') c++; while (c > Start && strchr(WhiteSpace, c[-1])) c--; h.Reset(NewStr(Start, c - Start)); break; } else { while (*c && *c != '\n') c++; } } if (*c == '\n') c++; } if (h) { if (GetBodyCharset()) { char *u = (char*)LNewConvertCp("utf-8", h, GetBodyCharset()); if (u) { Value.OwnStr(u); } else { Value.OwnStr(h.Release()); } } else { Value.OwnStr(h.Release()); } } } else { Value = GetBody(); } break; } case SdBodyAsText: // Type: String { size_t MaxSize = ValidStr(Array) ? atoi(Array) : -1; if (ValidStr(GetBody()) && ValidStr(GetHtml())) { LVariant Def; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_DefaultAlternative, Def); if (Def.CastInt32()) { goto DoHtml; } goto DoText; } else if (ValidStr(GetBody())) { DoText: LAutoString CharSet = GetCharSet(); auto Txt = GetBody(); if (CharSet) { size_t TxtLen = strlen(Txt); Value.OwnStr((char*)LNewConvertCp("utf-8", Txt, CharSet, MIN(TxtLen, MaxSize))); } else Value = Txt; } else if (ValidStr(GetHtml())) { DoHtml: auto v = HtmlToText(GetHtml(), GetHtmlCharset()); Value = v.Get(); } else return false; break; } case SdBodyAsHtml: // Type: String { // int MaxSize = ValidStr(Array) ? atoi(Array) : -1; MailPrivate::HtmlBody *b = d->GetBody(); if (!b) return false; LStringPipe p; p.Print("
\n", ScribeReplyClass, b->Html.Get()); Value.OwnStr(p.NewStr()); LgiTrace("Value=%s\n", Value.Str()); break; } case SdHtmlHeadFields: // Type: String { MailPrivate::HtmlBody *b = d->GetBody(); if (!b) return false; LStringPipe p; if (ValidStr(b->Charset)) p.Print("\t\n", b->Charset.Get()); p.Print("\t"); Value.OwnStr(p.NewStr()); break; } case SdMessageID: // Type: String { Value = GetMessageId(); return true; } case SdInternetHeaders: // Type: String { Value = GetInternetHeader(); break; } case SdInternetHeader: // Type: String[] { if (!Array || !GetInternetHeader()) return false; LAutoString s(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), Array)); if (s) Value = s; else Value.Empty(); break; } case SdPriority: // Type: Int32 { Value = (int)GetPriority(); break; } case SdHtml: // Type: String { Value = GetHtml(); break; } case SdFlags: // Type: Int32 { if (Array) { int Flag = StringToMailFlag(Array); Value = (GetFlags() & Flag) != 0; } else { Value = (int)GetFlags(); } break; } case SdFolder: // Type: ScribeFolder { ScribeFolder *f = GetFolder(); if (!f) return false; Value = (LDom*)f; break; } case SdScribe: // Type: ScribeWnd { Value = (LDom*)App; break; } case SdMail: // Type: Mail { Value = PreviousMail; break; } case SdDateSent: // Type: DateTime { Value = GetDateSent(); break; } case SdDateReceived: // Type: DateTime { Value = GetDateReceived(); break; } case SdSig: // Type: String { bool Type = false; if (Array && stristr(Array, "html")) Type = true; Value = GetSig(Type); break; } case SdSize: // Type: Int64 { Value = TotalSizeof(); break; } case SdLabel: // Type: String { Value = GetLabel(); break; } case SdAttachments: // Type: Int32 { LArray Lst; GetAttachmentObjs(Lst); Value = (int)Lst.Length(); break; } case SdAttachment: // Type: Attachment[] { List Files; if (GetAttachments(&Files) && Array) { int i = atoi(Array); Value = Files[i]; if (Value.Type == GV_DOM) return true; } LAssert(!"Not a valid attachment?"); return false; } case SdMimeTree: // Type: String { LDataI *Root = dynamic_cast(GetObject()->GetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG)); if (!Root) return false; LStringPipe p(256); DescribeMime(p, Root); Value.OwnStr(p.NewStr()); break; } case SdUi: // Type: LView { Value = Ui; break; } case SdType: // Type: Int32 { Value = GetObject()->Type(); break; } case SdSelected: // Type: Bool { Value = Select(); break; } case SdRead: // Type: Bool { Value = (GetFlags() & MAIL_READ) != 0; break; } case SdShowImages: // Type: Bool { Value = (GetFlags() & MAIL_SHOW_IMAGES) != 0; break; } case SdColour: // Type: Int32 { Value = GetMarkColour(); break; } case SdReceivedDomain: // Type: String { Value = GetFieldText(FIELD_RECEIVED_DOMAIN); break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } #define DomSetStr(Dom, Fld) \ case Dom: \ if (GetObject() && Value.Type == GV_STRING) \ GetObject()->SetStr(Fld, Value.Str()); \ else \ LAssert(!"Missing object or type err"); \ break; #define DomSetInt(Dom, Fld) \ case Dom: \ if (GetObject() && Value.Type == GV_INT32) \ GetObject()->SetInt(Fld, Value.Value.Int); \ else \ LAssert(!"Missing object or type err"); \ break; #define DomSetDate(Dom, Fld) \ case Dom: \ if (GetObject() && Value.Type == GV_DATETIME) \ GetObject()->SetDate(Fld, Value.Value.Date); \ else \ LAssert(!"Missing object or type err"); \ break; bool Mail::SetVariant(const char *Name, LVariant &Value, const char *Array) { ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(Name); switch (Fld) { DomSetStr(SdSubject, FIELD_SUBJECT) DomSetStr(SdMessageID, FIELD_MESSAGE_ID) DomSetStr(SdInternetHeaders, FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER) DomSetInt(SdPriority, FIELD_PRIORITY) DomSetDate(SdDateSent, FIELD_DATE_SENT) DomSetDate(SdDateReceived, FIELD_DATE_RECEIVED) case SdBody: { if (!SetBody(Value.Str())) return false; break; } case SdHtml: { if (!SetHtml(Value.Str())) return false; break; } case SdRead: { if (Value.CastInt32()) SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_READ); else SetFlags(GetFlags() & ~MAIL_READ); break; } case SdColour: { auto u32 = Value.IsNull() ? 0 : (uint32_t)Value.CastInt32(); if (!SetMarkColour(u32)) return false; break; } case SdShowImages: { if (Value.CastInt32()) SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_SHOW_IMAGES); else SetFlags(GetFlags() & ~MAIL_SHOW_IMAGES); break; } case SdSelected: { Select(Value.CastInt32() != 0); break; } case SdLabel: { if (!SetLabel(Value.Str())) return false; break; } case SdFlags: { if (Array) { int Flag = StringToMailFlag(Array); if (Value.CastInt32()) // Set SetFlags(GetFlags() | Flag); else SetFlags(GetFlags() & ~Flag); } else { SetFlags(Value.CastInt32()); } break; } default: { return false; } } SetDirty(); Update(); return true; } bool Mail::CallMethod(const char *MethodName, LVariant *ReturnValue, LArray &Args) { ScribeDomType Fld = StrToDom(MethodName); switch (Fld) { default: break; case SdSend: // Type: ([Bool SendNow = true]) { bool Now = Args.Length() > 0 ? Args[0]->CastInt32() != 0 : true; bool Result = Send(Now); if (ReturnValue) *ReturnValue = Result; return true; } case SdAddCalendarEvent: // Type: ([Bool AddPopupReminder]) { bool AddPopupReminder = Args.Length() > 0 ? Args[0]->CastInt32() != 0 : true; bool Result = AddCalendarEvent(NULL, AddPopupReminder, NULL); if (ReturnValue) *ReturnValue = Result; return true; } case SdGetRead: // Type: () { *ReturnValue = (GetFlags() & MAIL_READ) != 0; return true; } case SdSetRead: // Type: (Bool IsRead = true) { bool Rd = Args.Length() ? Args[0]->CastInt32() != 0 : true; auto Flags = GetFlags(); if (Rd) SetFlags(Flags | MAIL_READ); else SetFlags(Flags & ~MAIL_READ); *ReturnValue = true; return true; } case SdBayesianChange: // Type: (int SpamWordOffset, int HamWordOffset) { if (Args.Length() != 2) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Invalid arg count, expecting (int SpamWordOffset, int HamWordOffset)\n", _FL); *ReturnValue = false; return true; } auto SpamWordOffset = Args[0]->CastInt32(); auto HamWordOffset = Args[1]->CastInt32(); if (SpamWordOffset > 1) App->OnBayesianMailEvent(this, BayesMailUnknown, BayesMailSpam); else if (SpamWordOffset < 0) App->OnBayesianMailEvent(this, BayesMailSpam, BayesMailUnknown); if (HamWordOffset > 1) App->OnBayesianMailEvent(this, BayesMailUnknown, BayesMailHam); else if (HamWordOffset < 1) App->OnBayesianMailEvent(this, BayesMailHam, BayesMailUnknown); break; } case SdBayesianScore: // Type: () { double Result; if (App->IsSpam(Result, this)) { *ReturnValue = Result; return true; } break; } case SdSearchHtml: // Type: (String SearchExpression) { if (Args.Length() != 2) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Method needs 1 argument.\n", _FL); *ReturnValue = false; return true; } auto Html = GetHtml(); if (!Html) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - No HTML to parse.\n", _FL); *ReturnValue = false; return true; } // auto Cs = GetHtmlCharset(); SearchHtml(ReturnValue, Html, Args[0]->Str(), Args[1]->Str()); return true; } case SdDeleteAsSpam: // Type: () { DeleteAsSpam(App); return true; } } return Thing::CallMethod(MethodName, ReturnValue, Args); } char *Mail::GetDropFileName() { if (!DropFileName) { LString Subj = GetSubject(); Subj = Subj.Strip(" \t\r\n."); DropFileName.Reset(MakeFileName(ValidStr(Subj) ? Subj.Get() : (char*)"Untitled", "eml")); } return DropFileName; } bool Mail::GetDropFiles(LString::Array &Files) { if (!GetDropFileName()) return false; if (!LFileExists(DropFileName)) { LAutoPtr F(new LFile); if (F->Open(DropFileName, O_WRITE)) { F->SetSize(0); if (!Export(AutoCast(F), sMimeMessage)) return false; } else return false; } if (!LFileExists(DropFileName)) return false; Files.Add(DropFileName.Get()); return true; } OsView Mail::Handle() { return #if LGI_VIEW_HANDLE (Ui) ? Ui->Handle() : #endif NULL; } Thing &Mail::operator =(Thing &t) { Mail *m = t.IsMail(); if (m) { #define CopyStr(dst, src) \ { DeleteArray(dst); dst = NewStr(src); } /* for (LDataPropI *a = m->GetTo()->First(); a; a = m->GetTo()->Next()) { LDataPropI *NewA = GetTo()->Create(Object->GetStore()); if (NewA) { *NewA = *a; GetTo()->Insert(NewA); } } */ if (GetObject() && m->GetObject()) { GetObject()->CopyProps(*m->GetObject()); } else LAssert(!"This shouldn't happen right?"); Update(); } return *this; } bool Mail::HasAlternateHtml(Attachment **Attach) { // New system of storing alternate HTML in a Mail object field. if (GetHtml()) return true; // Old way of storing alternate HTML, in an attachment. // pre v1.53 List Files; if (GetAttachments(&Files)) { for (auto a: Files) { if ((_stricmp(a->GetText(0), "attachment.html") == 0 || _stricmp(a->GetText(0), "index.html") == 0) && (a->GetMimeType() ? _stricmp(a->GetMimeType(), "text/html") == 0 : 1)) { if (Attach) { *Attach = a; } return true; } } } // None found return false; } char *Mail::GetAlternateHtml(List *Refs) { char *Status = 0; Attachment *Attach = 0; if (HasAlternateHtml(&Attach)) { if (GetHtml()) { // New system of storing alternate HTML in a Mail object field. Status = NewStr(GetHtml()); } else if (Attach) { // Old way of storing alternate HTML, in an attachment. // pre v1.53 char *Ptr; ssize_t Size; if (Attach->Get(&Ptr, &Size)) { Status = NewStr((char*)Ptr, Size); } } if (Status && Refs) { // Turn all the cid: references into file names... LStringPipe Out; char *n; for (char *s=Status; *s; s=n) { n = stristr(s, "\"cid:"); if (n) { // Extract cid n++; Out.Push(s, n-s); s = n += 4; while (*n && !strchr("\"\' >", *n)) n++; char *Cid = NewStr(s, n-s); if (Cid) { // Find attachment List Files; if (GetAttachments(&Files)) { for (auto a: Files) { if (a->GetContentId() && strcmp(a->GetContentId(), Cid) == 0) { Refs->Insert(a); Out.Push(a->GetName()); } } } } } else { Out.Push(s); break; } } DeleteArray(Status); Status = Out.NewStr(); } } return Status; } bool Mail::WriteAlternateHtml(char *DstFile, int DstFileLen) { bool Status = false; char *Tmp = ScribeTempPath(); List Refs; char *Html; if (Tmp && (Html = GetAlternateHtml(&Refs))) { char FileName[256]; LMakePath(FileName, sizeof(FileName), Tmp, "Alt.html"); if (DstFile) { strcpy_s(DstFile, DstFileLen, FileName); } LFile f; if (f.Open(FileName, O_WRITE)) { size_t Len = strlen(Html); Status = f.Write(Html, Len) == Len; f.Close(); } DeleteArray(Html); for (auto a: Refs) { LMakePath(FileName, sizeof(FileName), Tmp, a->GetName()); FileDev->Delete(FileName, false); a->SaveTo(FileName); } } return Status; } bool Mail::DeleteAttachment(Attachment *File) { bool Status = false; if (File) { if (Attachments.HasItem(File)) { Attachments.Delete(File); if (File->GetObject()) { auto r = File->GetObject()->Delete(); if (r > Store3Error) { auto o = File->GetObject(); if (o->IsOrphan()) o = NULL; // SetObject will delete... File->SetObject(NULL, false, _FL); DeleteObj(o); } } File->DecRef(); File = NULL; if (Attachments.Length() == 0) { // Remove attachments flag SetFlags(GetFlags() & (~MAIL_ATTACHMENTS)); } Update(); if (Ui) { Ui->OnAttachmentsChange(); } } } return Status; } bool Mail::UnloadAttachments() { for (auto it = Attachments.begin(); it != Attachments.end(); ) { Attachment *a = *it; if (!a->DecRef()) it++; } return true; } LArray Mail::GetAttachments() { LArray result; LArray Lst; if (GetAttachmentObjs(Lst)) { LHashTbl, bool> Loaded; for (size_t i=0; iGetObject(), true); } // Load attachments for (unsigned i=0; iSetOwner(this); Attachments.Insert(k); } } } } for (auto a: Attachments) { if (a->GetObject()->UserData != a) LAssert(!"Wut?"); else result.Add(a); } return result; } bool Mail::GetAttachments(List *Files) { if (!Files) return false; auto files = GetAttachments(); for (auto a: files) Files->Add(a); return true; } int64 Mail::TotalSizeof() { if (TotalSizeCache < 0) { int Size = GetObject() ? (int)GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_SIZE) : -1; if (Size >= 0) { TotalSizeCache = Size; } else { TotalSizeCache = ((GetBody()) ? strlen(GetBody()) : 0) + ((GetHtml()) ? strlen(GetHtml()) : 0); List Attachments; if (GetAttachments(&Attachments)) { for (auto a: Attachments) { TotalSizeCache += a->GetSize(); } } } } return TotalSizeCache; } bool Mail::_GetListItems(List &l, bool All) { LList *ParentList = LListItem::Parent; l.Empty(); if (All) { if (ParentList) { ParentList->GetAll(l); } else { l.Insert(this); } } else { if (ParentList) { ParentList->GetSelection(l); } else if (Select()) { l.Insert(this); } } return l.Length() > 0; } void Mail::GetThread(List &Thread) { MContainer *c; for (c=Container; c->Parent; c=c->Parent); List Stack; Stack.Insert(c); while ((c=Stack[0])) { Stack.Delete(c); for (unsigned i=0; iChildren.Length(); i++) Stack.Insert(c->Children[i]); if (c->Message && !Thread.HasItem(c->Message)) { Thread.Insert(c->Message); } } } void Mail::SetListRead(bool Read) { List Sel; if (!_GetListItems(Sel, false)) return; LArray a; for (auto t: Sel) { auto m = dynamic_cast(t); if (!m) continue; bool isRead = (m->GetFlags() & MAIL_READ) != 0; if (Read ^ isRead) a.Add(m->GetObject()); } if (!a.Length()) return; auto Store = a[0]->GetStore(); if (!Store) { LAssert(0); return; } LVariant read = MAIL_READ; Store->Change(a, FIELD_FLAGS, read, Read ? OpPlusEquals : OpMinusEquals); } void SetFolderCallback(LInput *Dlg, LViewI *EditCtrl, void *Param) { ScribeWnd *App = (ScribeWnd*) Param; auto Str = EditCtrl->Name(); auto Select = new FolderDlg(Dlg, App, MAGIC_MAIL, 0, Str); Select->DoModal([&](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id) EditCtrl->Name(Select->Get()); delete dlg; }); } void Mail::DoContextMenu(LMouse &m, LView *p) { #ifdef _DEBUG LAutoPtr Prof(new LProfile("Mail::DoContextMenu")); Prof->HideResultsIfBelow(100); #endif if (!p) p = Parent; // open the right click menu MarkedState MarkState = MS_None; // Pre-processing for marks List Sel; if (_GetListItems(Sel, false)) { int Marked = 0; for (auto t: Sel) { Mail *m = dynamic_cast(t); if (m) { if (m->GetMarkColour()) { Marked++; } } } if (Marked == 1) { MarkState = MS_One; } else if (Marked) { MarkState = MS_Multiple; } } #ifdef _DEBUG Prof->Add("CreateMenu"); #endif // Create menu LScriptUi s(new LSubMenu); if (s.Sub) { /* Keyboard shortcuts: o - Open d - Delete x - Export e - Set read u - Set unread r - Reply a - Reply all f - Forward b - Bounce m - Mark s - Select marked c - Create filter i - Inspect p - Properties */ LMenuItem *i; s.Sub->SetImageList(App->GetIconImgList(), false); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_OPEN), IDM_OPEN, true); i = s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_DELETE), IDM_DELETE, true); i->Icon(ICON_TRASH); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_EXPORT), IDM_EXPORT, true); int AttachBaseMsg = 10000; #ifdef _DEBUG Prof->Add("GetAttachments"); #endif List AttachLst; if (GetAttachments(&AttachLst) && AttachLst[0]) { LSubMenu *Attachments = s.Sub->AppendSub(LLoadString(IDS_SAVE_ATTACHMENT_AS)); if (Attachments) { int n=0; for (auto a: AttachLst) { auto Name = a->GetName(); Attachments->AppendItem(Name?Name:(char*)"Attachment.txt", AttachBaseMsg+(n++), true); } } } s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); #ifdef _DEBUG Prof->Add("Read/Unread"); #endif i = s.Sub->AppendItem(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SET_READ), 'e'), IDM_SET_READ, true); i->Icon(ICON_READ_MAIL); i = s.Sub->AppendItem(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SET_UNREAD), 'u'), IDM_SET_UNREAD, true); i->Icon(ICON_UNREAD_MAIL); s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); #ifdef _DEBUG Prof->Add("Reply/Bounce"); #endif i = s.Sub->AppendItem(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_REPLY), 'r'), IDM_REPLY, true); i->Icon(ICON_FLAGS_REPLY); s.Sub->AppendItem(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_REPLYALL), 'a'), IDM_REPLY_ALL, true); i = s.Sub->AppendItem(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_FORWARD), 'f'), IDM_FORWARD, true); i->Icon(ICON_FLAGS_FORWARD); i = s.Sub->AppendItem(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_BOUNCE), 'b'), IDM_BOUNCE, true); i->Icon(ICON_FLAGS_BOUNCE); s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); #ifdef _DEBUG Prof->Add("Thread"); #endif if (App->GetCtrlValue(IDM_THREAD)) { auto Thread = s.Sub->AppendSub(LLoadString(IDS_THREAD)); if (Thread) { Thread->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_THREAD_SELECT), IDM_SELECT_THREAD, true); Thread->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_THREAD_DELETE), IDM_DELETE_THREAD, true); Thread->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_THREAD_IGNORE), IDM_IGNORE_THREAD, true); s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); } } #ifdef _DEBUG Prof->Add("Mark"); #endif auto MarkMenu = s.Sub->AppendSub(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_MARK), 'm')); if (MarkMenu) { BuildMarkMenu(MarkMenu, MarkState, (uint32_t)GetMarkColour(), true); } MarkMenu = s.Sub->AppendSub(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_SELECT_MARKED), 's')); if (MarkMenu) { BuildMarkMenu(MarkMenu, MS_Multiple, 0, true, true, true); } s.Sub->AppendSeparator(); s.Sub->AppendItem(AddAmp(LLoadString(IDS_INSPECT), 'i'), IDM_INSPECT, true); s.Sub->AppendItem(LLoadString(IDS_PROPERTIES), IDM_PROPERTIES, true); #ifdef _DEBUG Prof->Add("ScriptCallbacks"); #endif LArray Callbacks; if (App->GetScriptCallbacks(LThingContextMenu, Callbacks)) { LScriptArguments Args(NULL); Args[0] = new LVariant(App); Args[1] = new LVariant(this); Args[2] = new LVariant(&s); for (auto c: Callbacks) App->ExecuteScriptCallback(*c, Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); } m.ToScreen(); int Result; #ifdef _DEBUG Prof.Reset(); #endif int Btn = 0; if (m.Left()) Btn = LSubMenu::BtnLeft; else if (m.Right()) Btn = LSubMenu::BtnRight; Result = s.Sub->Float(p, m.x, m.y); switch (Result) { case IDM_OPEN: { DoUI(); break; } case IDM_DELETE: { LVariant ConfirmDelete = false; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ConfirmDelete, ConfirmDelete); if (!ConfirmDelete.CastInt32() || LgiMsg(GetList(), LLoadString(IDS_DELETE_ASK), AppName, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { if (_GetListItems(Sel, false)) { int Index = -1; LList *TheList = LListItem::Parent; LArray Items; for (auto s: Sel) { Mail *m = dynamic_cast(s); if (m) { if (Index < 0) Index = TheList->IndexOf(m); Items.Add(m); } } GetFolder()->Delete(Items, true); if (Index >= 0) { LListItem *i = TheList->ItemAt(Index); if (i) i->Select(true); } } } break; } case IDM_EXPORT: { ExportAll(Parent, sMimeMessage, NULL); break; } case IDM_REPLY: case IDM_REPLY_ALL: { App->MailReplyTo(this, Result == IDM_REPLY_ALL); SetDirty(false); break; } case IDM_FORWARD: { App->MailForward(this); SetDirty(false); break; } case IDM_BOUNCE: { App->MailBounce(this); SetDirty(false); break; } case IDM_SET_READ: { SetListRead(true); break; } case IDM_SET_UNREAD: { SetListRead(false); break; } case IDM_INSPECT: { OnInspect(); break; } case IDM_PROPERTIES: { OnProperties(); break; } case IDM_SELECT_THREAD: { if (_GetListItems(Sel, false)) { List Thread; for (auto s: Sel) { Mail *m = dynamic_cast(s); if (m) m->GetThread(Thread); } for (auto m: Thread) { m->Select(true); } } break; } case IDM_DELETE_THREAD: { if (_GetListItems(Sel, false)) { List Thread; for (auto s: Sel) { Mail *m = dynamic_cast(s); if (m) m->GetThread(Thread); } for (auto m: Thread) { m->OnDelete(); } } break; } case IDM_IGNORE_THREAD: { if (_GetListItems(Sel, false)) { List Thread; for (auto s: Sel) { Mail *m = dynamic_cast(s); if (m) m->GetThread(Thread); } for (auto m: Thread) { m->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() | MAIL_IGNORE | MAIL_READ); } } break; } case IDM_UNMARK: case IDM_SELECT_NONE: case IDM_SELECT_ALL: default: { if (Result == IDM_UNMARK || (Result >= IDM_MARK_BASE && Result < IDM_MARK_BASE+CountOf(MarkColours32))) { bool Marked = Result != IDM_UNMARK; if (_GetListItems(Sel, false)) { COLOUR Col32 = Marked ? MarkColours32[Result - IDM_MARK_BASE] : 0; for (auto s: Sel) { Mail *m = dynamic_cast(s); if (m) { if (m->SetMarkColour(Col32)) { if (m->GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STORE_TYPE) != Store3Imap) // Imap knows to save itself. m->SetDirty(); } m->Update(); } } } } else if (Result == IDM_SELECT_NONE || Result == IDM_SELECT_ALL || (Result >= IDM_MARK_SELECT_BASE && Result < IDM_MARK_SELECT_BASE+CountOf(MarkColours32))) { bool None = Result == IDM_SELECT_NONE; bool All = Result == IDM_SELECT_ALL; uint32_t c32 = MarkColours32[Result - IDM_MARK_SELECT_BASE]; if (_GetListItems(Sel, true)) { for (auto s: Sel) { Mail *m = dynamic_cast(s); if (!m) break; auto CurCol = m->GetMarkColour(); if (None) { m->Select(CurCol <= 0); } else { if (CurCol > 0) { if (All) { m->Select(true); } else { m->Select(CurCol && CurCol == c32); } } else { m->Select(false); } } } } } else if (Result >= AttachBaseMsg && Result < AttachBaseMsg + (ssize_t)AttachLst.Length()) { // save attachment as... Attachment *a = AttachLst.ItemAt(Result - AttachBaseMsg); if (a) { a->OnSaveAs(Parent); } } else { // Handle any installed callbacks for menu items for (unsigned i=0; iExecuteScriptCallback(Cb, Args); } } } break; } } DeleteObj(s.Sub); } } void Mail::OnMouseClick(LMouse &m) { if (m.Down()) { if (!m.IsContextMenu()) { if (m.Double()) { // open the UI for the Item DoUI(); } } else { DoContextMenu(m); } } } void Mail::OnCreate() { LOptionsFile *Options = App->GetOptions(); LVariant v; if (GetObject()) GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_FLAGS, MAIL_CREATED); // Get identity and set from info ScribeAccount *Ident = App->GetCurrentAccount(); if (Ident) { v = Ident->Identity.Name(); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, v.Str()); v = Ident->Identity.Email(); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, v.Str()); v = Ident->Identity.ReplyTo(); if (v.Str()) GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_REPLY, v.Str()); } else { LAssert(!"No identity selected"); } LVariant EditCtrl; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_EditControl, EditCtrl); LAutoString Sig = GetSig(EditCtrl.CastInt32() != 0, Ident); if (!Sig && EditCtrl.CastInt32()) { Sig = GetSig(false, Ident); SetBody(Sig); } else if (EditCtrl.CastInt32()) SetHtml(Sig); else SetBody(Sig); LVariant ClipRecip; if (Options->GetValue(OPT_RecipientFromClipboard, ClipRecip) && ClipRecip.CastInt32()) { LClipBoard Clip(App); char *Txt = Clip.Text(); if (Txt && strchr(Txt, '@') && strlen(Txt) < 100) { for (char *s=Txt; *s; s++) { if (*s == '\n' || *s == '\r') { *s = 0; } } Mailto mt(App, Txt); for (auto a: mt.To) { LDataPropI *OldA = dynamic_cast(a); if (OldA) { LDataPropI *NewA = GetTo()->Create(GetObject()->GetStore()); if (NewA) { NewA->CopyProps(*OldA); GetTo()->Insert(NewA); } } } mt.To.Empty(); if (mt.Subject && !ValidStr(GetSubject())) { SetSubject(mt.Subject); } /* if (_strnicmp(Txt, MailToStr, 7) == 0) { char *Question = strchr(Txt + 7, '?'); if (Question) { *Question = 0; Question++; int Len = strlen(SubjectStr); if (_strnicmp(Question, SubjectStr, Len) == 0) { Subject = NewStr(Question + Len); } } La->Addr = NewStr(Txt + 7); } else { La->Addr = NewStr(Txt); } To.Insert(La); */ } } Update(); } void Mail::CreateMailHeaders() { LStringPipe Hdrs(256); MailProtocol Protocol; LVariant HideId; App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_HideId, HideId); Protocol.ProgramName = GetFullAppName(!HideId.CastInt32()); LDataI *Obj = GetObject(); if (Obj && ::CreateMailHeaders(App, Hdrs, Obj, &Protocol)) { LAutoString FullHdrs(Hdrs.NewStr()); Obj->SetStr(FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER, FullHdrs); } else LAssert(!"CreateMailHeaders failed."); } bool Mail::OnBeforeSend(ScribeEnvelope *Out) { if (!Out) { LAssert(!"No output envelope."); return false; } // First check the email from address... if (!ValidStr(GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL))) { LOptionsFile *Options = App->GetOptions(); if (Options) { ScribeAccount *Ident = App->GetAccounts()->ItemAt(App->GetCurrentIdentity()); if (Ident) { LVariant v = Ident->Identity.Email(); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, v.Str()); v = Ident->Identity.Name(); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, v.Str()); } } } Out->From = GetFromStr(FIELD_EMAIL); LDataIt To = GetTo(); ContactGroup *Group = NULL; for (LDataPropI *t = To->First(); t; t = To->Next()) { LString Addr = t->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (LIsValidEmail(Addr)) Out->To.New() = Addr; else if ((Group = LookupContactGroup(App, Addr))) { LString::Array a = Group->GetAddresses(); Out->To.Add(a); } } LDataPropI *Root = GetObject()->GetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG); if (!Root) { LAssert(!"No root element."); return false; } // Check the headers have been created.. if (!Root->GetStr(FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER)) CreateMailHeaders(); Out->MsgId = GetMessageId(true); // Convert the mime stream LMime Mime(ScribeTempPath()); LTempStream Buf(ScribeTempPath()); Store3ToGMime(&Mime, Root); // Do the encode if (!Mime.Text.Encode.Push(&Buf)) { LAssert(!"Mime encode failed."); return false; } Out->References = GetReferences(); Out->FwdMsgId = GetFwdMsgId(); Out->BounceMsgId = GetBounceMsgId(); // Read the resulting string into the output envelope int Sz = (int)Buf.GetSize(); Out->Rfc822.Length(Sz); Buf.SetPos(0); Buf.Read(Out->Rfc822.Get(), Sz); Out->Rfc822.Get()[Sz] = 0; return true; } void Mail::OnAfterSend() { int f = GetFlags(); f |= MAIL_SENT | MAIL_READ; // set sent flag f &= ~MAIL_READY_TO_SEND; // clear read to send flag // LgiTrace("Setting flags: %x\n", f); SetFlags(f); LDateTime n; n.SetNow(); SetDateSent(&n); // LString s = GetDateSent()->Get(); // LgiTrace("Setting sent date: %s\n", s.Get()); Update(); SetDirty(); if (App) { ScribeFolder *Sent = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_SENT, GetObject()); if (Sent) { LArray Items; Items.Add(this); Sent->MoveTo(Items); } } } bool Mail::OnBeforeReceive() { return true; } enum MimeDecodeMode { MODE_FIELDS, MODE_WAIT_MSG, MODE_SEGMENT, MODE_WAIT_TYPE, MODE_WAIT_BOUNDRY }; #define MF_UNKNOWN 1 #define MF_SUBJECT 2 #define MF_TO 3 #define MF_FROM 4 #define MF_REPLY_TO 5 #define MF_CONTENT_TYPE 6 #define MF_CC 7 #define MF_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING 9 #define MF_DATE_SENT 10 #define MF_PRIORITY 11 #define MF_COLOUR 12 #define MF_DISPOSITIONNOTIFICATIONTO 13 void MungCharset(Mail *Msg, bool &HasRealCs, ScribeAccount *Acc) { if (ValidStr(Msg->GetBodyCharset())) { HasRealCs = true; } if (Acc) { // LCharset *Cs = 0; if (Msg->GetBodyCharset() && stristr(Msg->GetBodyCharset(), "ascii") && Acc->Receive.AssumeAsciiCharset().Str()) { Msg->SetBodyCharset(Acc->Receive.AssumeAsciiCharset().Str()); HasRealCs = false; } else if (!ValidStr(Msg->GetBodyCharset()) || !LGetCsInfo(Msg->GetBodyCharset())) { Msg->SetBodyCharset(Acc->Receive.Assume8BitCharset().Str()); HasRealCs = false; } } } bool Mail::OnAfterReceive(LStreamI *Msg) { if (!Msg) return false; // Clear the codepage setting here so that we can // check later, down the bottom we must set it to // the default if it's not set anywhere along the // way. SetBodyCharset(0); if (GetObject() && !GetObject()->SetRfc822(Msg)) { LAssert(!"Failed to set mime content."); return false; } // Now parse them into the meta fields... GetObject()->ParseHeaders(); ScribeAccount *Acc = GetAccountSentTo(); LAutoString ContentType; // Fill out any Contact's TimeZone if missing LAutoString DateStr(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "Date")); LDateTime DateObj; if (DateStr && DateObj.Decode(DateStr)) { double SenderTz = DateObj.GetTimeZoneHours(); if (SenderTz != 0.0) { ListAddr *Sender = dynamic_cast(GetFrom()); if (Sender) { auto It = Sender->begin(); if (*It) { Contact *c = (*It)->GetContact(); if (c) { const char *Tz = ""; if (!c->Get(OPT_TimeZone, Tz) || atof(Tz) != SenderTz) { char s[32]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "%.1f", SenderTz); c->Set(OPT_TimeZone, s); c->SetDirty(true); } } } } } } auto BodyText = GetBody(); if (BodyText) { if (!GetBodyCharset()) { if (Acc && Acc->Receive.Assume8BitCharset().Str()) { SetBodyCharset(Acc->Receive.Assume8BitCharset().Str()); } else { SetBodyCharset("us-ascii"); } } LStringPipe NewBody; LArray Files; if (DecodeUuencodedAttachment(GetObject()->GetStore(), Files, &NewBody, BodyText)) { LDataI *AttachPoint = GetFileAttachPoint(); if (AttachPoint) { for (unsigned i=0; iSetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE, sAppOctetStream); Files[i]->Save(AttachPoint); } SetDirty(!TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_ATTACHMENTS)); SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_ATTACHMENTS); LAutoString n(NewBody.NewStr()); SetBody(n); Update(); if (Ui) Ui->OnAttachmentsChange(); } } } LDateTime n; n.SetNow(); SetDateReceived(&n); Update(); SetDirty(); // Call any 'after receive' callbacks LArray Callbacks; if (App->GetScriptCallbacks(LMailOnAfterReceive, Callbacks)) { for (auto c: Callbacks) { if (!c->Func) continue; LVirtualMachine Vm; LScriptArguments Args(&Vm); Args.New() = new LVariant(App); Args.New() = new LVariant(this); App->ExecuteScriptCallback(*c, Args); Args.DeleteObjects(); } } return true; } ThingUi *Mail::GetUI() { return Ui; } LVariant Mail::GetServerUid() { LVariant v; if (GetObject()) { auto Type = (Store3Backend)GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STORE_TYPE); if (Type == Store3Imap) v = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_SERVER_UID); else v = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_SERVER_UID); } else LAssert(!"No object."); return v; } bool Mail::SetServerUid(LVariant &v) { if (!GetObject()) return false; Store3Status s; if (GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STORE_TYPE) == Store3Imap) s = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_SERVER_UID, v.CastInt32()); else s = GetObject()->SetStr(FIELD_SERVER_UID, v.Str()); return s > Store3Error; } bool Mail::SetObject(LDataI *o, bool IsDestructor, const char *File, int Line) { bool b = LDataUserI::SetObject(o, IsDestructor, File, Line); if (b) { // Clear out stale attachment objects... UnloadAttachments(); } return b; } bool Mail::SetUI(ThingUi *new_ui) { MailUi *NewMailUi = dynamic_cast(new_ui); if (NewMailUi == Ui) return true; if (Ui) { LWindow *w = Ui; Ui->SetItem(0); w->Quit(); LAssert(Ui == NULL); } if (new_ui) { Ui = dynamic_cast(new_ui); if (Ui) Ui->SetItem(this); else LAssert(!"Incorrect object."); } return true; } ThingUi *Mail::DoUI(MailContainer *c) { if (App && !Ui) { if (App->InThread()) { Ui = new MailUi(this, c ? c : GetFolder()); } else { App->PostEvent(M_SCRIBE_OPEN_THING, (LMessage::Param)this, 0); } } if (Ui) { #if WINNATIVE SetActiveWindow(Ui->Handle()); #endif } return Ui; } int Mail::Compare(LListItem *t, ssize_t Field) { Thing *T = (Thing*)t->_UserPtr; Mail *m = T ? T->IsMail() : 0; if (m) { static int Fields[] = {FIELD_FROM, FIELD_SUBJECT, FIELD_SIZE, FIELD_DATE_RECEIVED}; if (Field < 0) { auto i = -Field - 1; if (i >= 0 && i < CountOf(Fields)) { Field = Fields[i]; } } LVariant v1, v2; const char *s1 = "", *s2 = ""; switch (Field) { case 0: { break; } case FIELD_TO: { LDataPropI *a1 = GetTo()->First(); if (a1) { if (a1->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) s1 = a1->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); else if (a1->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) s1 = a1->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); } LDataPropI *a2 = m->GetTo()->First(); if (a2) { if (a2->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) s2 = a2->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); else if (a2->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) s2 = a2->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); } break; } case FIELD_FROM: { LDataPropI *f1 = GetFrom(); LDataPropI *f2 = m->GetFrom(); if (f1->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) s1 = f1->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); else if (f1->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) s1 = f1->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (f2->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) s2 = f2->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); else if (f2->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) s2 = f2->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); break; } case FIELD_SUBJECT: { s1 = GetSubject(); s2 = m->GetSubject(); break; } case FIELD_SIZE: { return (int) (TotalSizeof() - m->TotalSizeof()); break; } case FIELD_DATE_SENT: { auto Sent1 = GetDateSent(); auto Sent2 = m->GetDateSent(); if (!Sent1 || !Sent2) break; return Sent1->Compare(Sent2); break; } case FIELD_DATE_RECEIVED: { return GetDateReceived()->Compare(m->GetDateReceived()); break; } case FIELD_PRIORITY: { return GetPriority() - m->GetPriority(); break; } case FIELD_FLAGS: { int Mask = MAIL_FORWARDED | MAIL_REPLIED | MAIL_READ; return (GetFlags() & Mask) - (m->GetFlags() & Mask); break; } case FIELD_LABEL: { if (GetLabel()) s1 = GetLabel(); if (m->GetLabel()) s2 = m->GetLabel(); break; } case FIELD_MESSAGE_ID: { s1 = GetMessageId(); s2 = m->GetMessageId(); break; } case FIELD_FROM_CONTACT_NAME: { s1 = GetFieldText(FIELD_FROM_CONTACT_NAME); s2 = m->GetFieldText(FIELD_FROM_CONTACT_NAME); break; } case FIELD_SERVER_UID: { v1 = GetServerUid(); v2 = m->GetServerUid(); if (v1.Str() && v2.Str()) { s1 = v1.Str(); s2 = v2.Str(); } else { auto diff = v1.CastInt64() - v2.CastInt64(); if (diff < 0) return -1; return diff > 1; } } default: { s1 = GetObject() ? GetObject()->GetStr((int)Field) : 0; s2 = m->GetObject() ? m->GetObject()->GetStr((int)Field) : 0; break; } } const char *Empty = ""; return _stricmp(s1?s1:Empty, s2?s2:Empty); } return -1; } class MailPropDlg : public LDialog { List Lst; LViewI *Table = NULL; struct FlagInfo { int Flag = 0, Ctrl = 0; void Set(int f, int c) { Flag = f; Ctrl = c; } }; LArray Flags; public: MailPropDlg(LView *Parent, List &lst) { SetParent(Parent); Lst = lst; Flags.New().Set(MAIL_SENT, IDC_SENT); Flags.New().Set(MAIL_RECEIVED, IDC_RECEIVED); Flags.New().Set(MAIL_CREATED, IDC_CREATED); Flags.New().Set(MAIL_FORWARDED, IDC_FORWARDED); Flags.New().Set(MAIL_REPLIED, IDC_REPLIED); Flags.New().Set(MAIL_ATTACHMENTS, IDC_HAS_ATTACH); Flags.New().Set(MAIL_READ, IDC_READ); Flags.New().Set(MAIL_READY_TO_SEND, IDC_READY_SEND); if (LoadFromResource(IDD_MAIL_PROPERTIES)) { GetViewById(IDC_TABLE, Table); LAssert(Table != NULL); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_OPEN_INSPECTOR, Lst.Length() == 1); for (auto &i: Flags) { int Set = 0; for (auto m: Lst) { if (m->GetFlags() & i.Flag) Set++; } if (Set == Lst.Length()) { SetCtrlValue(i.Ctrl, LCheckBox::CheckOn); } else if (Set) { LCheckBox *Cb; if (GetViewById(i.Ctrl, Cb)) Cb->ThreeState(true); SetCtrlValue(i.Ctrl, LCheckBox::CheckPartial); } } SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_HAS_ATTACH, false); char Msg[512] = ""; if (Lst.Length() == 1) { Mail *m = Lst[0]; auto mObj = m->GetObject(); if (mObj) { auto dt = mObj->GetDate(FIELD_DATE_RECEIVED); sprintf_s( Msg, sizeof(Msg), LLoadString(IDS_MAIL_PROPS_DLG), LFormatSize(mObj->GetInt(FIELD_SIZE)).Get(), dt ? dt->Get().Get() : LLoadString(IDS_NONE), mObj->GetStr(FIELD_DEBUG)); SetCtrlName(IDC_MSG_ID, mObj->GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID)); } } else { sprintf_s(Msg, sizeof(Msg), LLoadString(IDS_MULTIPLE_ITEMS), Lst.Length()); SetCtrlEnabled(IDC_MSG_ID, false); } SetCtrlName(IDC_MAIL_DESCRIPTION, Msg); MoveSameScreen(Parent); } } void OnPosChange() { if (Table) { LRect r = GetClient(); r.Inset(LTableLayout::CellSpacing, LTableLayout::CellSpacing); Table->SetPos(r); } } int OnNotify(LViewI *Ctr, LNotification n) { switch (Ctr->GetId()) { case IDC_OPEN_INSPECTOR: { if (Lst.Length()) Lst[0]->OnInspect(); break; } case IDOK: { for (auto &i: Flags) { auto v = GetCtrlValue(i.Ctrl); LAssert(v >= 0); // the control couldn't be found... check the .lr8 file for (auto m: Lst) { if (v == 1) m->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() | i.Flag); else if (v == 0) m->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() & ~i.Flag); } } // fall thru } case IDCANCEL: { EndModal(Ctr->GetId()); break; } } return 0; } }; void Mail::OnInspect() { new ObjectInspector(App, this); } void Mail::OnProperties(int Tab) { List Sel; if (GetList()->GetSelection(Sel)) { List Lst; for (auto i: Sel) { Lst.Insert(dynamic_cast(i)); } if (Lst[0]) { auto Dlg = new MailPropDlg(GetList(), Lst); Dlg->DoModal([this, Dlg](auto dlg, auto id) { if (id == IDOK) { SetDirty(); Update(); } delete dlg; }); } } } int Mail::GetImage(int SelFlags) { if (TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_READY_TO_SEND) && !TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_SENT)) { return ICON_UNSENT_MAIL; } if (GetFlags() & MAIL_READ) { return (GetFlags() & MAIL_ATTACHMENTS) ? ICON_READ_ATT_MAIL : ICON_READ_MAIL; } else { return (GetFlags() & MAIL_ATTACHMENTS) ? ICON_UNREAD_ATT_MAIL : ICON_UNREAD_MAIL; } return ICON_READ_MAIL; } int *Mail::GetDefaultFields() { return DefaultMailFields; } void Mail::DeleteAsSpam(LView *View) { // Set read.. SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_READ | MAIL_BAYES_SPAM, true); // Remove from NewMail NewMailLst.Delete(this); LVariant DeleteOnServer, DeleteAttachments, SetRead; auto Opts = App->GetOptions(); if (!Opts->GetValue(OPT_BayesDeleteOnServer, DeleteOnServer)) DeleteOnServer = false; if (!Opts->GetValue(OPT_BayesDeleteAttachments, DeleteAttachments)) DeleteAttachments = false; if (!Opts->GetValue(OPT_BayesSetRead, SetRead)) SetRead = false; if (DeleteOnServer.CastBool()) { // Tell the account it's spam... so that any further connects can // delete it off the server. ScribeAccount *a = GetAccountSentTo(); if (a) { auto ServerUid = GetServerUid(); if (ServerUid.Str()) { a->Receive.DeleteAsSpam(ServerUid.Str()); SetServerUid(ServerUid = NULL); } else { LAutoString Uid(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "X-UIDL")); if (Uid) a->Receive.DeleteAsSpam(Uid); } } else { #if 0 // def _DEBUG if (LgiMsg(Ui?(LView*)Ui:(LView*)App, "Debug: GetAccountSentTo failed. Debug?", AppName, MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { LAssert(0); } #endif } } if (DeleteAttachments.CastBool()) { // Delete all attachments... they're useless and more than likely // just virii anyway. List Files; if (GetAttachments(&Files)) { for (auto a: Files) { DeleteAttachment(a); } Files.Empty(); } } if (SetRead.CastInt32() != 0) { SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_READ); } // Move it to the spam folder if it exists. auto FolderPath = GetFolder()->GetPath(); LToken Parts(FolderPath, "/"); if (Parts.Length() == 0) LgiMsg(View, "Error: No folder path?", AppName); else { LString SpamPath; LString SpamLeaf = "Spam"; SpamPath.Printf("/%s/%s", Parts[0], SpamLeaf.Get()); ScribeFolder *Spam = App->GetFolder(SpamPath); if (!Spam) { LMailStore *Ms = App->GetMailStoreForPath(FolderPath); if (!Ms) { if (GetFolder()->GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STORE_TYPE) == Store3Imap) { Ms = App->GetDefaultMailStore(); if (Ms && Ms->Root) { Spam = Ms->Root->GetSubFolder(SpamLeaf); if (!Spam) Spam = Ms->Root->CreateSubDirectory(SpamLeaf, MAGIC_MAIL); } } else LgiMsg(View, "Error: Couldn't get mail store for '%s'.", AppName, MB_OK, FolderPath.Get()); } else Spam = Ms->Root->CreateSubDirectory("Spam", MAGIC_MAIL); } if (Spam && Spam != GetFolder()) { LArray Items; Items.Add(this); if (!Spam->MoveTo(Items)) { LgiMsg(View, "Error: Couldn't move email to spam folder.", AppName); } } } } void Mail::SetFlagsCache(int64_t NewFlags, bool IgnoreReceipt, bool UpdateScreen) { if (FlagsCache == NewFlags) return; DepthCheck Depth(d->InSetFlagsCache); bool Read1 = TestFlag(FlagsCache, MAIL_READ); bool Read2 = TestFlag(NewFlags, MAIL_READ); bool ChangeRead = Read1 ^ Read2; // LgiTrace("%p::SetFlagsCache: %s -> %s\n", this, EmailFlagsToStr(FlagsCache).Get(), EmailFlagsToStr(StoreFlags).Get()); FlagsCache = NewFlags; if (ChangeRead && App) { if (Read2) { // Becoming read List Objs; Objs.Insert(this); App->OnNewMail(&Objs, false); PreviewCache.DeleteObjects(); // Read receipt if (!IgnoreReceipt && !TestFlag(NewFlags, MAIL_CREATED) && TestFlag(NewFlags, MAIL_READ_RECEIPT)) { LAutoString Header(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "Disposition-Notification-To")); if (Header) { LAutoString Name, Addr; DecodeAddrName(Header, Name, Addr, 0); if (Addr) { if (LgiMsg( Ui != 0 ? (LView*)Ui : (LView*)App, LLoadString(IDS_RECEIPT_ASK), AppName, MB_YESNO, GetSubject(), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL), (char*)Name, (char*)Addr) == IDYES) { Mail *m = new Mail(App); if (m) { m->App = App; LDataPropI *ToAddr = m->GetTo()->Create(m->GetObject()->GetStore()); if (ToAddr) { ToAddr->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, Name); ToAddr->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, Addr); m->GetTo()->Insert(ToAddr); } m->OnReceipt(this); m->Save(); App->Send(); } } } } } LVariant Inc; if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_BayesIncremental, Inc) && Inc.CastInt32()) { // Incremental bayesian update App->OnBayesianMailEvent(this, BayesMailUnknown, BayesMailHam); } } if (UpdateScreen) { // Changing read status ScribeFolder *t = GetFolder(); if (t) t->OnUpdateUnRead(0, true); } } if (UpdateScreen || ChangeRead) { Update(); } } uint32_t Mail::GetFlags() { if (GetObject()) { // Make sure the objects are in sync... auto StoreFlags = GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_FLAGS); if (FlagsCache < 0) FlagsCache = StoreFlags; else if (FlagsCache != StoreFlags) SetFlagsCache(StoreFlags, false, true); } return (uint32_t)FlagsCache; } void Mail::SetFlags(ulong NewFlags, bool IgnoreReceipt, bool UpdateScreen) { if (FlagsCache == NewFlags) return; DepthCheck SetFlagsDepth(d->InSetFlags); if (GetObject()) { Store3Status Result = GetObject()->SetInt(FIELD_FLAGS, NewFlags); if (Result == Store3Success && GetObject()->IsOnDisk()) { // Imap mail shouldn't fall in here. SetDirty(); } } else { LAssert(0); return; } SetFlagsCache(NewFlags, IgnoreReceipt, UpdateScreen); } const char *Mail::GetFieldText(int Field) { static char Buf[512]; switch (Field) { case FIELD_TO: { size_t ch = 0; Buf[0] = 0; LDataIt To = GetTo(); for (LDataPropI *a=To->First(); a; a=To->Next()) { if (ch > 0) ch += sprintf_s(Buf+ch, sizeof(Buf)-ch, ", "); auto Name = a->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); auto Addr = a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); auto n = Name ? Name : Addr; if (!n) continue; // Is the buffer too small? size_t n_len = strlen(n); if (ch + n_len + 8 >= sizeof(Buf)) { // Yes... just truncate it with "..." and bail. ch += sprintf_s(Buf+ch, sizeof(Buf)-ch, "..."); break; } ch += sprintf_s(Buf+ch, sizeof(Buf)-ch, "%s", n); LAssert(ch < sizeof(Buf) - 1); } return Buf; break; } case FIELD_FROM_CONTACT_NAME: { static bool InMethod = false; if (!InMethod) { InMethod = true; LDataPropI *la = GetFrom(); if (la) { auto Email = la->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); Contact *c = Contact::LookupEmail(Email); if (c) { const char *f = 0, *l = 0; c->Get(OPT_First, f); c->Get(OPT_Last, l); if (f && l) sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "%s %s", f, l); else if (f) strcpy_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), f); else if (l) strcpy_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), l); else Buf[0] = 0; InMethod = false; return Buf; } } InMethod = false; } else { LAssert(0); } // fall through } case FIELD_FROM: { LDataPropI *f = GetFrom(); auto n = f->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); if (n) return n; auto e = f->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (e) return e; break; } case FIELD_SUBJECT: return GetSubject(); case FIELD_SIZE: { if (TotalSizeCache < 0) TotalSizeof(); if (OptionSizeInKiB) { int ch = sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "%.0f KiB", (double)TotalSizeCache/1024.0); if (ch > 4 + 3) { int digits = ch - 4; char *s = Buf + ((digits % 3) ? digits % 3 : 3); char *e = Buf + ch - 4; while (s < e) { memmove(s + 1, s, strlen(s)+1); *s = ','; s += 3; } } } else LFormatSize(Buf, sizeof(Buf), TotalSizeCache); return Buf; } case FIELD_DATE_SENT: { auto DateSent = GetDateSent(); if (DateSent->Year()) { LDateTime dt = *DateSent; if (GetObject() && GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_STORE_TYPE) == Store3Imap) { ValidateImapDate(dt); } if (AdjustDateTz) { if (dt.GetTimeZone() != LDateTime::SystemTimeZone()) dt.SetTimeZone(LDateTime::SystemTimeZone(), true); } if (ShowRelativeDates) { auto rel = RelativeTime(dt); strcpy_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), rel ? rel : "#error:RelativeTime"); } else { dt.Get(Buf, sizeof(Buf)); } } else { sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "(%s)", LLoadString(IDS_NONE, "None")); } return Buf; } case FIELD_DATE_RECEIVED: { auto DateReceived = GetDateReceived(); if (DateReceived->Year()) { LDateTime dt = *DateReceived; if (AdjustDateTz) { if (dt.GetTimeZone() != LDateTime::SystemTimeZone()) dt.SetTimeZone(LDateTime::SystemTimeZone(), true); } dt.Get(Buf, sizeof(Buf)); if (ShowRelativeDates) { auto rel = RelativeTime(dt); strcpy_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), rel ? rel : "#error:RelativeTime"); } else { dt.Get(Buf, sizeof(Buf)); } } else { sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "(%s)", LLoadString(IDS_NONE, "None")); } return Buf; } case FIELD_TEXT: return GetBody(); case FIELD_MESSAGE_ID: return GetMessageId(); case FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER: return GetInternetHeader(); case FIELD_ALTERNATE_HTML: return GetHtml(); case FIELD_LABEL: return GetLabel(); case FIELD_PRIORITY: case FIELD_FLAGS: return 0; case FIELD_SERVER_UID: sprintf_s(Buf, sizeof(Buf), "%i", GetObject() ? (int)GetObject()->GetInt(Field) : -1); return Buf; case FIELD_RECEIVED_DOMAIN: { if (!d->DomainCache) { if (!GetObject()) return NULL; auto hdr = GetObject()->GetStr(FIELD_INTERNET_HEADER); if (!hdr) return NULL; for (auto ln: LString(hdr).SplitDelimit("\n")) { if (ln.Find("Received: from") == 0) { auto p = ln.SplitDelimit(); if (p.Length() > 2) { auto t = p[2]; if (t.Find(".") > 0) d->DomainCache = t.Strip("[]"); } } } } return d->DomainCache; } default: return GetObject() ? GetObject()->GetStr(Field) : NULL; } return 0; } int Mail::DefaultMailFields[] = { /* FIELD_FLAGS, FIELD_PRIORITY, */ FIELD_FROM, FIELD_SUBJECT, FIELD_SIZE, FIELD_DATE_SENT }; const char *Mail::GetText(int i) { if (FieldArray.Length()) { if (i >= 0 && i < (int)FieldArray.Length()) return GetFieldText(FieldArray[i]); } else if (i < CountOf(DefaultMailFields)) { return GetFieldText(DefaultMailFields[i]); } return NULL; } LDataI *Mail::GetFileAttachPoint() { if (!GetObject()) { LAssert(!"No object ptr."); return 0; } auto Store = GetObject()->GetStore(); // Check existing root node for "multipart/mixed"? auto r = dynamic_cast(GetObject()->GetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG)); if (!r) { // Create one... r = Store->Create(MAGIC_ATTACHMENT); if (!r) { LAssert(!"No MIME segment ptr."); return NULL; } r->SetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE, sMultipartMixed); if (!GetObject()->SetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG, r)) { LAssert(!"Can't set MIME segment."); return NULL; } } auto Mt = r->GetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE); if (!Stricmp(Mt, sMultipartMixed)) { // Yes is it mixed... return that... return r; } // No, a different type of segment, make the parent segment a "mixed", and attach the old segment to the mixed auto Mixed = Store->Create(MAGIC_ATTACHMENT); if (!Mixed) { LAssert(!"Failed to create MAGIC_ATTACHMENT."); return NULL; } // Set the type... Mixed->SetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE, sMultipartMixed); // Re-parent the content to the mixed if (!r->Save(Mixed)) { LAssert(!"Can't reparent the content into the mixed seg."); return NULL; } // Re-parent the mixed to the mail object if (!Mixed->Save(GetObject())) { LAssert(!"Can't reparent the mixed seg into the mail object."); return NULL; } return Mixed; } bool Mail::AttachFile(Attachment *File) { bool Status = false; if (File && !Attachments.HasItem(File)) { LDataI *AttachPoint = GetFileAttachPoint(); if (AttachPoint) { if (File->GetObject()->Save(AttachPoint)) { File->App = App; File->SetOwner(this); Attachments.Insert(File); Status = true; SetDirty(!TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_ATTACHMENTS)); SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_ATTACHMENTS); Update(); if (Ui) { Ui->OnAttachmentsChange(); } } } else { File->DecRef(); } } return Status; } Attachment *Mail::AttachFile(LView *Parent, const char *FileName) { LString MimeType = ScribeGetFileMimeType(FileName); LVariant Resize = false; if (!Strnicmp(MimeType.Get(), "image/", 6)) { // Check if we have to do a image resize App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_ResizeImgAttachments, Resize); } auto AttachPoint = GetFileAttachPoint(); if (!AttachPoint) { LAssert(!"No attachment point in MIME heirarchy for file"); return NULL; } auto File = new Attachment( App, GetObject()->GetStore()->Create(MAGIC_ATTACHMENT), FileName); if (File) { File->App = App; if (Resize.CastInt32() || File->GetSize() > 0) { File->SetOwner(this); Attachments.Insert(File); if (Resize.CastInt32()) d->AddResizeImage(File); else File->GetObject()->Save(AttachPoint); SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_ATTACHMENTS); Update(); if (Ui) Ui->OnAttachmentsChange(); } else { LgiMsg(Parent, LLoadString(IDS_ERROR_FILE_EMPTY), AppName); File->DecRef(); File = NULL; } } return File; } bool Mail::Save(ScribeFolder *Into) { bool Status = false; if (!Into) { if (GetFolder()) Into = GetFolder(); else Into = App->GetFolder(FOLDER_OUTBOX); } if (Into) { ScribeFolder *Old = GetFolder(); if (!GetFolder()) { SetParentFolder(Into); } else if (GetFolder() != Into) { // If this fails, you should really by using ScribeFolder::MoveTo to move // the item from it's existing location to the new folder... LAssert(!"Use MoveTo instead."); return false; } Store3Status Result = Into->WriteThing(this); if (Result != Store3Error) { Status = true; SetDirty(false); if (Into && Into == App->GetFolder(FOLDER_TEMPLATES, NULL, true)) { // saving into the templates folder... update the menu App->BuildDynMenus(); } if (Status && DropFileName) { FileDev->Delete(DropFileName, false); DropFileName.Reset(); } } else { SetParentFolder(Old); } } // This frees the resizer thread... // so they aren't hanging around pointlessly - d->OnSave(); - + d->OnSave(); return Status; } struct WrapQuoteBlock { int Depth; LArray Text; }; void WrapAndQuote( LStream &Pipe, const char *Quote, int Wrap, const char *Text, const char *Cp, const char *MimeType) { int IsHtml = MimeType && !_stricmp(MimeType, sTextHtml); LAutoString In((char*) LNewConvertCp("utf-8", Text, Cp ? Cp : (char*)"utf-8")); const char *QuoteStr = Quote; if (In) { size_t QuoteChars = Strlen(QuoteStr); char NewLine[8]; int NewLineLen = sprintf_s(NewLine, sizeof(NewLine), "%s", IsHtml ? "
\n" : "\n"); // Two step process, parse all the input into an array of paragraph blocks and then output each block // in wrapped form LArray Para; // 1) Parse all input into paragraphs char *i = In; while (*i) { // Parse out the next line... char *e = i; while (*e && *e != '\n') e++; ssize_t len = e - i; int depth = 0; for (int n=0; n') depth++; else if (i[n] != ' ' || i[n] != '\t') break; } if (Para.Length()) { // Can this be added to the previous paragraph? WrapQuoteBlock &Prev = Para[Para.Length()-1]; if (Prev.Depth == depth) { // Yes?! Prev.Text.Add(NewStr(i, len)); i = *e ? e + 1 : e; continue; } } // Create a new paragraph WrapQuoteBlock &New = Para.New(); New.Depth = depth; New.Text.Add(NewStr(i, len)); // Move current position to next line i = *e ? e + 1 : e; } // 2) Output all paragraphs const char *PrefixCharacters = "> \t"; for (unsigned n=0; n 0); if (WordLen == 0) break; // This won't end well... if (Wrap > 0) { // Check if we can put this word on the current line without making it longer than 'Wrap' if (CharPos + WordLen > Wrap) { // No it won't fit... so emit [NewLine][QuoteStr][Prefix] Pipe.Write(NewLine, NewLineLen); if (QuoteStr) Pipe.Write(QuoteStr, QuoteChars * sizeof(*QuoteStr)); Pipe.Write(Prefix, PrefixChars * sizeof(*Prefix)); // Now we are ready to write more words... CharPos = QuoteChars + PrefixChars; } // else Yes it fits... } // Write out the word... if (IsHtml && Strnchr(Start, '<', WordLen)) { for (auto *c = Start; c < Start + WordLen; c++) if (*c == '<') Pipe.Print("<"); else if (*c == '>') Pipe.Print(">"); else Pipe.Write(c, sizeof(*c)); } else Pipe.Write(Start, WordLen * sizeof(*Start)); CharPos += WordLen; Start = End; } if (HardNewLine) { Pipe.Write(NewLine, NewLineLen); if (QuoteStr) Pipe.Write(QuoteStr, QuoteChars * sizeof(*QuoteStr)); Pipe.Write(Prefix, PrefixChars * sizeof(*Prefix)); CharPos = QuoteChars + PrefixChars; } } // Finish the paragraph Pipe.Write(NewLine, NewLineLen); } } } void Mail::WrapAndQuote(LStringPipe &p, const char *Quote, int WrapAt) { LString Mem; LAutoString Cp; if (!ValidStr(GetBody())) Mem = HtmlToText(GetHtml(), GetHtmlCharset()); else Cp = GetCharSet(); ::WrapAndQuote(p, Quote, WrapAt > 0 ? WrapAt : 76, Mem ? Mem.Get() : GetBody(), Cp); } LAutoString Mail::GetSig(bool HtmlVersion, ScribeAccount *Account) { LAutoString r; LVariant Xml; if (!Account) Account = GetAccountSentTo(); if (Account) { if (HtmlVersion) Xml = Account->Identity.HtmlSig(); else Xml = Account->Identity.TextSig(); } if (Xml.Str()) { r = App->ProcessSig(this, Xml.Str(), HtmlVersion ? sTextHtml : sTextPlain); } return r; } void Mail::ProcessTextForResponse(Mail *From, LOptionsFile *Options, ScribeAccount *Account) { LStringPipe Temp; LVariant QuoteStr, Quote, WrapAt; Options->GetValue(OPT_QuoteReply, Quote); Options->GetValue(OPT_WrapAtColumn, WrapAt); Options->GetValue(OPT_QuoteReplyStr, QuoteStr); From->WrapAndQuote(Temp, Quote.CastInt32() ? QuoteStr.Str() : NULL, WrapAt.CastInt32()); LAutoString s = From->GetSig(false, Account); if (s) Temp.Write(s, strlen(s)); s.Reset(Temp.NewStr()); SetBody(s); SetBodyCharset("utf-8"); } ScribeAccount *Mail::GetAccountSentTo() { ScribeAccount *Account = App->GetAccountById(GetAccountId()); if (!Account) { // Older style lookup based on to address... for (auto a : *App->GetAccounts()) { LVariant e = a->Identity.Email(); if (ValidStr(e.Str())) { for (LDataPropI *t=GetTo()->First(); t; t=GetTo()->Next()) { auto Addr = t->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (ValidStr(Addr)) { if (_stricmp(Addr, e.Str()) == 0) { Account = a; break; } } } } } } return Account; } void Mail::OnReceipt(Mail *m) { if (m) { SetFlags(MAIL_CREATED | MAIL_READY_TO_SEND); ScribeAccount *MatchedAccount = m->GetAccountSentTo(); if (!MatchedAccount) { MatchedAccount = App->GetAccounts()->ItemAt(App->GetCurrentIdentity()); } if (MatchedAccount) { GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, MatchedAccount->Identity.Name().Str()); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, MatchedAccount->Identity.Email().Str()); } char Sent[64]; m->GetDateReceived()->Get(Sent, sizeof(Sent)); char Read[64]; LDateTime t; t.SetNow(); t.Get(Read, sizeof(Read)); char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), LLoadString(IDS_RECEIPT_BODY), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL), Sent, m->GetSubject(), Read); SetBody(s); sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "Read: %s", m->GetSubject() ? m->GetSubject() : (char*)""); SetSubject(s); } } LString Mail::GetMailRef() { LString Ret; if (auto MsgId = GetMessageId(true)) { LAssert(!strchr(MsgId, '\n')); ScribeFolder *Fld = GetFolder(); LString FldPath; if (Fld) FldPath = Fld->GetPath(); if (FldPath) { LUri u; auto a = u.EncodeStr(MsgId, MsgIdEncodeChars); if (a) Ret.Printf("%s/%s", FldPath.Get(), a.Get()); } else { Ret = MsgId; } } return Ret; } void Mail::OnReply(Mail *m, bool All, bool MarkOriginal) { if (!m) return; SetWillDirty(false); LVariant ReplyAllSetting = MAIL_ADDR_TO; if (All) { App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_DefaultReplyAllSetting, ReplyAllSetting); } if (MarkOriginal) { // source email has been replyed to m->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() | MAIL_READ); } // this email is ready to send SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_READ | MAIL_CREATED); LDataPropI *ToAddr = GetTo()->Create(GetObject()->GetStore()); if (ToAddr) { bool CopyStatus; auto From = m->GetFrom(); auto Reply = m->GetReply(); auto ReplyTo = Reply->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (ReplyTo) CopyStatus = ToAddr->CopyProps(*Reply); else CopyStatus = ToAddr->CopyProps(*From); LAssert(CopyStatus); ToAddr->SetInt(FIELD_CC, ReplyAllSetting.CastInt32()); GetTo()->Insert(ToAddr); } LVariant UserName, EmailAddr, ReplyTo; ScribeAccount *a = App->GetCurrentAccount(); if (a) { UserName = a->Identity.Name(); EmailAddr = a->Identity.Email(); ReplyTo = a->Identity.ReplyTo(); } else LAssert(!"No current account."); if (All) { for (LDataPropI *a = m->GetTo()->First(); a; a = m->GetTo()->Next()) { bool Same = App->IsMyEmail(a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); bool AlreadyThere = false; for (LDataPropI *r = GetTo()->First(); r; r=GetTo()->Next()) { if (_stricmp(r->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL), a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) == 0) { AlreadyThere = true; break; } } if (!Same && !AlreadyThere) { LDataPropI *New = GetTo()->Create(GetObject()->GetStore()); if (New) { New->SetInt(FIELD_CC, ReplyAllSetting.CastInt32()); New->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); New->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, a->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)); GetTo()->Insert(New); } } } } ScribeAccount *MatchedAccount = m->GetAccountSentTo(); if (MatchedAccount && MatchedAccount->Identity.Email().Str()) { GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, MatchedAccount->Identity.Name().Str()); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, MatchedAccount->Identity.Email().Str()); ReplyTo = MatchedAccount->Identity.ReplyTo(); if (ReplyTo.Str()) { GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, MatchedAccount->Identity.Name().Str()); GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, ReplyTo.Str()); } } else { GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, UserName.Str()); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, EmailAddr.Str()); if (ValidStr(ReplyTo.Str())) { GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, UserName.Str()); GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, ReplyTo.Str()); } } char Re[32]; sprintf_s(Re, sizeof(Re), "%s:", LLoadString(IDS_REPLY_PREFIX)); auto SrcSubject = (m->GetSubject()) ? m->GetSubject() : ""; if (_strnicmp(SrcSubject, Re, strlen(Re)) != 0) { size_t Len = strlen(SrcSubject) + strlen(Re) + 2; char *s = new char[Len]; if (s) { sprintf_s(s, Len, "%s %s", Re, SrcSubject); SetSubject(s); DeleteArray(s); } } else { SetSubject(m->GetSubject()); } const char *EditMimeType = App->EditCtrlMimeType(); LAutoString Xml = App->GetReplyXml(EditMimeType); if (ValidStr(Xml)) { RemoveReturns(Xml); PreviousMail = m; LString Body = App->ProcessReplyForwardTemplate(m, this, Xml, Cursor, EditMimeType); LVariant EditCtrl; if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_EditControl, EditCtrl) && EditCtrl.CastInt32()) { SetHtml(Body); } else { SetBody(Body); SetBodyCharset("utf-8"); } PreviousMail = 0; } else { ProcessTextForResponse(m, App->GetOptions(), MatchedAccount); } // Reference SetReferences(0); auto MailRef = m->GetMailRef(); if (MailRef) SetReferences(MailRef); GetMessageId(true); SetWillDirty(true); ScribeFolder *Folder = m->GetFolder(); if (Folder && Folder->IsPublicFolders()) { SetParentFolder(Folder); } } bool Mail::OnForward(Mail *m, bool MarkOriginal, int WithAttachments) { if (!m) { LAssert(!"No mail object."); LgiTrace("%s:%i - No mail object.\n", _FL); return false; } // ask about attachments? List Attach; if (m->GetAttachments(&Attach) && Attach.Length() > 0) { if (WithAttachments < 0) { LView *p = (m->Ui)?(LView*)m->Ui:(LView*)App; int Result = LgiMsg(p, LLoadString(IDS_ASK_FORWARD_ATTACHMENTS), AppName, MB_YESNOCANCEL); if (Result == IDYES) { WithAttachments = 1; } else if (Result == IDCANCEL) { return false; } } } if (MarkOriginal) { // source email has been forwarded auto MailRef = m->GetMailRef(); if (MailRef) SetFwdMsgId(MailRef); } // this email is ready to send SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_CREATED); SetDirty(); LVariant UserName, EmailAddr, ReplyTo; ScribeAccount *a = App->GetCurrentAccount(); if (a) { UserName = a->Identity.Name(); EmailAddr = a->Identity.Email(); ReplyTo = a->Identity.ReplyTo(); } else LAssert(!"No current account."); ScribeAccount *MatchedAccount = m->GetAccountSentTo(); if (MatchedAccount && MatchedAccount->Identity.Email().Str()) { GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, MatchedAccount->Identity.Name().Str()); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, MatchedAccount->Identity.Email().Str()); ReplyTo = MatchedAccount->Identity.ReplyTo(); if (ValidStr(ReplyTo.Str())) { GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, MatchedAccount->Identity.Name().Str()); GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, ReplyTo.Str()); } } else { GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, UserName.Str()); GetFrom()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, EmailAddr.Str()); if (ValidStr(ReplyTo.Str())) { GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_NAME, UserName.Str()); GetReply()->SetStr(FIELD_EMAIL, ReplyTo.Str()); } } SetBodyCharset(0); char PostFix[32]; sprintf_s(PostFix, sizeof(PostFix), "%s:", LLoadString(IDS_FORWARD_PREFIX)); auto SrcSubject = (m->GetSubject()) ? m->GetSubject() : ""; if (_strnicmp(SrcSubject, PostFix, strlen(PostFix)) != 0) { size_t Len = strlen(SrcSubject) + strlen(PostFix) + 2; char *s = new char[Len]; if (s) { sprintf_s(s, Len, "%s %s", PostFix, SrcSubject); SetSubject(s); DeleteArray(s); } } else { SetSubject(m->GetSubject()); } // Wrap/Quote/Sig the text... const char *EditMimeType = App->EditCtrlMimeType(); LAutoString Xml = App->GetForwardXml(EditMimeType); if (ValidStr(Xml)) { RemoveReturns(Xml); PreviousMail = m; LString Body = App->ProcessReplyForwardTemplate(m, this, Xml, Cursor, EditMimeType); LVariant EditCtrl; if (App->GetOptions()->GetValue(OPT_EditControl, EditCtrl) && EditCtrl.CastInt32()) { SetHtml(Body); } else { SetBody(Body); SetBodyCharset("utf-8"); } PreviousMail = 0; } else { ProcessTextForResponse(m, App->GetOptions(), MatchedAccount); } // Attachments if (WithAttachments > 0) for (auto From: Attach) AttachFile(new Attachment(App, From)); // Set MsgId GetMessageId(true); // Unless the user edits the message it shouldn't be made dirty. SetDirty(false); return true; } bool Mail::OnBounce(Mail *m, bool MarkOriginal, int WithAttachments) { if (m) { if (MarkOriginal) { // source email has been forwarded auto MsgId = m->GetMessageId(true); if (MsgId) { ScribeFolder *Fld = m->GetFolder(); LString FldPath; if (Fld) FldPath = Fld->GetPath(); if (FldPath) { LUri u; LString a = u.EncodeStr(MsgId, MsgIdEncodeChars); if (a) { LString p; p.Printf("%s/%s", FldPath.Get(), a.Get()); SetBounceMsgId(p); } } else { SetBounceMsgId(MsgId); } } else m->SetFlags(m->GetFlags() | MAIL_BOUNCED); } *this = (Thing&)*m; GetTo()->DeleteObjects(); SetFlags(MAIL_READ | MAIL_BOUNCE); return true; } return false; } void Mail::OnMeasure(LPoint *Info) { LListItem::OnMeasure(Info); if (PreviewLines && !(GetFlags() & MAIL_READ) && (!GetObject() || !GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_DONT_SHOW_PREVIEW))) { LFont *PreviewFont = App->GetPreviewFont(); Info->y += PreviewFont ? PreviewFont->GetHeight() << 1 : 28; } } void Mail::OnPaintColumn(LItem::ItemPaintCtx &Ctx, int i, LItemColumn *c) { int Field = 0; if (FieldArray.Length()) { Field = i >= 0 && i < (int)FieldArray.Length() ? FieldArray[i] : 0; } else if (i >= 0 && i < CountOf(DefaultMailFields)) { Field = DefaultMailFields[i]; } if (Container && i >= 0 && Field == FIELD_SUBJECT) { LFont *f = Parent->GetFont(); auto Subj = GetSubject(); if (Container) { // Container needs to paint the subject... Container->OnPaint(Ctx.pDC, Ctx, c, Ctx.Fore, Ctx.Back, f?f:LSysFont, Subj); } } else { LListItem::OnPaintColumn(Ctx, i, c); if (i >= 0 && App->GetIconImgList()) { int Icon = -1; switch (Field) { case FIELD_PRIORITY: { switch (GetPriority()) { case MAIL_PRIORITY_HIGH: { Icon = ICON_PRIORITY_HIGH; break; } case MAIL_PRIORITY_LOW: { Icon = ICON_PRIORITY_LOW; break; } default: break; } break; } case FIELD_FLAGS: { if (GetFlags() & MAIL_BOUNCED) { Icon = ICON_FLAGS_BOUNCE; } else if (GetFlags() & MAIL_REPLIED) { Icon = ICON_FLAGS_REPLY; } else if (GetFlags() & MAIL_FORWARDED) { Icon = ICON_FLAGS_FORWARD; } break; } default: break; } if (Icon >= 0) { LRect *b = App->GetIconImgList()->GetBounds(); if (b) { b += Icon; int x = Ctx.x1 + ((Ctx.X()-b->X())/2) - b->x1; int y = Ctx.y1 + ((MIN(Ctx.Y(), 16)-b->Y())/2) - b->y1; LColour Back(Ctx.Back); App->GetIconImgList()->Draw(Ctx.pDC, x, y, Icon, Back); } } } } } void Mail::OnPaint(LItem::ItemPaintCtx &InCtx) { LItem::ItemPaintCtx Ctx = InCtx; int64_t MarkCol = GetMarkColour(); if (MarkCol > 0) { LColour Col((uint32_t)MarkCol, 32); LColour CtxBack(Ctx.Back); LColour Mixed = Col.Mix(CtxBack, MarkColourMix); Ctx.Back = Mixed; } if (Parent) ((ThingList*)Parent)->CurrentMail = this; LListItem::OnPaint(Ctx); if (Parent) ((ThingList*)Parent)->CurrentMail = 0; LFont *PreviewFont = App->GetPreviewFont(); LFont *ColumnFont = Parent && Parent->GetFont() ? Parent->GetFont() : LSysFont; if (Parent && PreviewLines && PreviewFont && ColumnFont && GetObject() && !GetObject()->GetInt(FIELD_DONT_SHOW_PREVIEW) && !(GetFlags() & MAIL_READ)) { int y = ColumnFont->GetHeight() + 2; int Space = (Ctx.Y() - y) >> 1; int Line = MAX(PreviewFont->GetHeight(), Space); PreviewFont->Transparent(true); // Setup if (!PreviewCache[0] || abs(PreviewCacheX-Ctx.X()) > 20) { PreviewCache.DeleteObjects(); PreviewCacheX = Ctx.X(); LVariant v; if (GetValue("BodyAsText[1024]", v) && v.Str()) { char16 *Base = Utf8ToWide(v.Str()); char16 *Txt = Base; int i; for (i=0; Txt[i]; i++) { if (Txt[i] < ' ') { Txt[i] = ' '; } } auto TxtLen = StrlenW(Txt); for (i=0; Txt && *Txt && i<2; i++) { LDisplayString *Temp = new LDisplayString(PreviewFont, Txt, MIN(1024, TxtLen)); if (Temp) { int W = Ctx.X()-18; ssize_t Cx = Temp->CharAt(W); if (Cx > 0 && Cx <= TxtLen) { LDisplayString *d = new LDisplayString(PreviewFont, Txt, Cx); if (d) { PreviewCache.Insert(d); } DeleteObj(Temp); Txt += Cx; // LSeekUtf8 TxtLen -= Cx; } else break; } } DeleteArray(Base); } } // Display LColour PreviewCol(App->GetColour(L_MAIL_PREVIEW)); if (Select()) { int GreyPrev = PreviewCol.GetGray(); int GreyBack = Ctx.Back.GetGray(); int d = GreyPrev - GreyBack; if (d < 0) d = -d; if (d < 128) { // too near PreviewFont->Colour(Ctx.Fore, Ctx.Back); } else { // ok PreviewFont->Colour(PreviewCol, Ctx.Back); } } else { PreviewFont->Colour(PreviewCol, Ctx.Back); } for (auto p: PreviewCache) { p->Draw(Ctx.pDC, Ctx.x1+16, Ctx.y1+y, 0); y += Line; } } } bool Mail::GetFormats(bool Export, LString::Array &MimeTypes) { if (Export) { MimeTypes.Add("text/plain"); MimeTypes.Add(sMimeMbox); } MimeTypes.Add(sMimeMessage); return MimeTypes.Length() > 0; } Thing::IoProgress Mail::Import(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (!mimeType) IoProgressError("No mime type."); if (Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeMessage)) IoProgressNotImpl(); // Single email.. OnAfterReceive(stream); int Flags = GetFlags(); Flags &= ~MAIL_CREATED; Flags |= MAIL_READ; SetFlags(Flags); Update(); IoProgressSuccess(); } #define TIMEOUT_OBJECT_LOAD 20000 Thing::IoProgress Mail::Export(IoProgressImplArgs) { if (!mimeType) IoProgressError("No mimetype."); if (!Stricmp(mimeType, "text/plain")) { LStringPipe Buf; char Str[256]; char Eol[] = EOL_SEQUENCE; // Addressee if (GetFlags() & MAIL_CREATED) { Buf.Push("To:"); for (LDataPropI *a=GetTo()->First(); a; a=GetTo()->Next()) { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "\t%s <%s>%s", a->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL), Eol); Buf.Push(Str); } } else { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "From: %s <%s>%s", GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL), Eol); Buf.Push(Str); } // Subject sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "Subject: %s%s", GetSubject(), Eol); Buf.Push(Str); // Sent date if (GetDateSent()->Year()) { int ch = sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "Sent Date: "); GetDateSent()->Get(Str+ch, sizeof(Str)-ch); } else { int ch = sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "Date Received: "); GetDateReceived()->Get(Str+ch, sizeof(Str)-ch); } strcat(Str, Eol); Buf.Push(Str); // Body Buf.Push(Eol); Buf.Push(GetBody()); // Write the output auto s = Buf.NewLStr(); if (!s) IoProgressError("No data to output."); stream->Write(s.Get(), s.Length()); IoProgressSuccess(); } else if (!Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeMbox)) { char Temp[256]; // generate from header sprintf_s(Temp, sizeof(Temp), "From %s ", GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); struct tm Ft; ZeroObj(Ft); LDateTime Rec = *GetDateReceived(); if (!Rec.Year()) Rec.SetNow(); Ft.tm_sec = Rec.Seconds(); /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */ Ft.tm_min = Rec.Minutes(); /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */ Ft.tm_hour = Rec.Hours(); /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */ Ft.tm_mday = Rec.Day(); /* day of the month - [1,31] */ Ft.tm_mon = Rec.Month() - 1; /* months since January - [0,11] */ Ft.tm_year = Rec.Year() - 1900; /* years since 1900 */ Ft.tm_wday = Rec.DayOfWeek(); strftime(Temp+strlen(Temp), MAX_NAME_SIZE, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &Ft); strcat(Temp, "\r\n"); // write mail stream->Write(Temp, strlen(Temp)); auto Status = Export(stream, sMimeMessage, [cb](auto io, auto stream) { if (io->status == Store3Success) stream->Write((char*)"\r\n.\r\n", 2); else if (io->status == Store3Delayed) LAssert(!"We should never get delayed here... it's the callback!"); if (cb) cb(io, stream); }); return Status; } else if (!Stricmp(mimeType, sMimeMessage)) { // This function can't be asynchronous, it must complete with UI or waiting for a callback. // Because it is used by the drag and drop system. Which won't wait. auto state = GetLoaded(); if (state != Store3Loaded) IoProgressError("Mail not loaded."); if (!GetObject()) IoProgressError("No store object."); auto Data = GetObject()->GetStream(_FL); if (!Data) IoProgressError("Mail for export has no data."); Data->SetPos(0); LCopyStreamer Cp(512<<10); if (Cp.Copy(Data, stream) <= 0) IoProgressError("Mail copy stream failed."); IoProgressSuccess(); } IoProgressNotImpl(); } char *Mail::GetNewText(int Max, const char *AsCp) { LAutoString CharSet = GetCharSet(); char *Txt = 0; // This limits the preview of the text to // the first 64kb, which is reasonable. int Len = Max > 0 ? Strnlen(GetBody(), Max) : -1; // Convert or allocate the text. if (CharSet) { Txt = (char*)LNewConvertCp(AsCp, GetBody(), GetBodyCharset(), Len); } else { Txt = NewStr(GetBody(), Len); } return Txt; } LAutoString Mail::GetCharSet() { LAutoString Status; LAutoString ContentType; if (GetBodyCharset()) { // If the charset has a stray colon... char *Colon = strchr(GetBodyCharset(), ';'); // Kill it. if (Colon) *Colon = 0; // Copy the string.. Status.Reset(NewStr(GetBodyCharset())); } if (!GetBodyCharset()) { ContentType.Reset(InetGetHeaderField(GetInternetHeader(), "Content-Type")); if (ContentType) { char *CharSet = stristr(ContentType, "charset="); if (CharSet) { CharSet += 8; if (*CharSet) { if (strchr("\"\'", *CharSet)) { char Delim = *CharSet++; char *e = CharSet; while (*e && *e != Delim) { e++; } Status.Reset(NewStr(CharSet, e - CharSet)); } else { char *e = CharSet; while (*e && (IsDigit(*e) || IsAlpha(*e) || strchr("-_", *e))) { e++; } Status.Reset(NewStr(CharSet, e - CharSet)); } } } } /* // If it's not a valid charset... if (!LGetCsInfo(Status)) { // Then kill it. Status.Reset(); if (GetBodyCharset()) { SetBodyCharset(0); SetDirty(); } } */ } return Status; } /* Old Body Printing Code int Lines = 0; char *n; for (n=Body.Str(); n && *n; n++) { if (*n == '\n') Lines++; } char *c = Body.Str(); if (c) { c = WrapLines(c, c ? strlen(c) : 0, 76); Lines = 0; for (n=c; *n; n++) { if (*n == '\n') Lines++; } while (c && *c) { if (Cy + Line > r.y2) { pDC->EndPage(); if (Window->GetMaxPages() > 0 && ++Page >= Window->GetMaxPages()) { break; } pDC->StartPage(); Cy = 0; } char *Eol = strchr(c, '\n'); int Len = 0; int Ret = 0; if (Eol) { Len = (int) Eol - (int) c; if (Len > 0 && c[Len-1] == '\r') { Len--; Ret = 1; } } else { Len = strlen(c); } MailFont->Text(pDC, r.x1, Cy, c, Len); Cy += Line; c += Len + Ret; if (*c == '\n') c++; } } */ int Mail::OnNotify(LViewI *Ctrl, LNotification n) { switch (Ctrl->GetId()) { case IDC_TEXT: { LDocView *Doc = dynamic_cast(Ctrl); if (Doc) { if (n.Type == LNotifyShowImagesChanged) { if (Doc->GetLoadImages() ^ TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_SHOW_IMAGES)) { if (Doc->GetLoadImages()) { SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_SHOW_IMAGES); } else { SetFlags(GetFlags() & ~MAIL_SHOW_IMAGES); } } } if (n.Type == LNotifyFixedWidthChanged) { bool DocFixed = Doc->GetFixedWidthFont(); bool MailFixed = TestFlag(GetFlags(), MAIL_FIXED_WIDTH_FONT); if (DocFixed ^ MailFixed) { if (Doc->GetFixedWidthFont()) { SetFlags(GetFlags() | MAIL_FIXED_WIDTH_FONT); } else { SetFlags(GetFlags() & ~MAIL_FIXED_WIDTH_FONT); } } } if (n.Type == LNotifyCharsetChanged && dynamic_cast(Doc)) { char s[256]; sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), ">%s", Doc->GetCharset()); SetHtmlCharset(s); } } break; } } return 0; } void Mail::OnPrintHeaders(ScribePrintContext &Context) { char Str[256]; // print document LDrawListSurface *Page = Context.Pages.Last(); int Line = Context.AppFont->GetHeight(); Page->SetFont(Context.AppFont); LDisplayString *Ds = Context.Text(LLoadString(IDS_MAIL_MESSAGE)); Context.CurrentY += Line; LDataPropI *Ad = GetTo()->First(); if (Ad) { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s: ", LLoadString(FIELD_TO)); Ds = Page->Text(Context.MarginPx.x1, Context.CurrentY, Str); int x = Ds->X(); for (; Ad; Ad = GetTo()->Next()) { if (Ad->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL) && Ad->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s <%s>", Ad->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), Ad->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); } else if (Ad->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) { strcpy_s(Str, sizeof(Str), Ad->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); } else if (Ad->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) { strcpy_s(Str, sizeof(Str), Ad->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); } else continue; Ds = Page->Text(Context.MarginPx.x1 + x, Context.CurrentY, Str); Context.CurrentY += Ds->Y(); } } if (GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL) || GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s: ", LLoadString(FIELD_FROM)); Ds = Page->Text(Context.MarginPx.x1, Context.CurrentY, Str); int x = Ds->X(); if (GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL) && GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s <%s>", GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); } else if (GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) { strcpy_s(Str, sizeof(Str), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); } else if (GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)) { strcpy_s(Str, sizeof(Str), GetFrom()->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)); } else Str[0] = 0; Ds = Page->Text(Context.MarginPx.x1 + x, Context.CurrentY, Str); Context.CurrentY += Ds->Y(); } { // Subject LString s; const char *Subj = GetSubject(); s.Printf("%s: %s", LLoadString(FIELD_SUBJECT), Subj?Subj:""); Context.Text(s); } { // Date LString s; GetDateSent()->Get(Str, sizeof(Str)); s.Printf("%s: %s", LLoadString(IDS_DATE), Str); Context.Text(s); } // attachment list... List Attached; if (GetAttachments(&Attached) && Attached.Length() > 0) { sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s: ", LLoadString(IDS_ATTACHMENTS)); Ds = Page->Text(Context.MarginPx.x1, Context.CurrentY, Str); int x = Ds->X(); for (auto a: Attached) { char Size[32]; LFormatSize(Size, sizeof(Size), a->GetSize()); sprintf_s(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s (%s)", a->GetName(), Size); Ds = Page->Text(Context.MarginPx.x1 + x, Context.CurrentY, Str); Context.CurrentY += Ds->Y(); } } // separator line LRect Sep(Context.MarginPx.x1, Context.CurrentY + (Line * 5 / 10), Context.MarginPx.x2, Context.CurrentY + (Line * 6 / 10)); Page->Rectangle(&Sep); Context.CurrentY += Line; } void Mail::OnPrintText(ScribePrintContext &Context, LPrintPageRanges &Pages) { // Text printing LDrawListSurface *Page = Context.Pages.Last(); LVariant Body; if (!GetVariant("BodyAsText", Body) || !Body.Str()) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - No content to print.\n", _FL); return; } LAutoWString w(Utf8ToWide(Body.Str())); if (!w) { LgiTrace("%s:%i - Utf8ToWide failed.\n", _FL); return; } Page->SetFont(Context.MailFont); for (char16 *s = w; s && *s; ) { // Find end of line.. char16 *n = StrchrW(s, '\n'); if (!n) n = s + StrlenW(s); ssize_t LineLen = n - s; // Find how many characters will fit on the page ssize_t Fit = 0; if (n > s) { LDisplayString a(Context.MailFont, s, MIN(LineLen, 1024)); Fit = a.CharAt(Context.MarginPx.X()); } if (Fit < 0) { break; } char16 *e = s + Fit; if (e < n) { // The whole line doesn't fit on the page... // Find the best breaking opportunity before that... #define ExtraBreak(c) ( ( (c) >= 0x3040 && (c) <= 0x30FF ) || \ ( (c) >= 0x3300 && (c) <= 0x9FAF ) \ ) char16 *StartE = e; while (e > s) { if (e[-1] == ' ' || ExtraBreak(e[-1])) { break; } e--; } if (e == s) { e = StartE; } } // Output the segment of text bool HasRet = e > s ? e[-1] == '\r' : false; LString Str(s, (e - s) - (HasRet ? 1 : 0)); Context.Text(Str); // Update the pointers s = e; if (*s == '\n') s++; } } /// \returns the number of pages printed int Mail::OnPrintHtml(ScribePrintContext &Context, LPrintPageRanges &Pages, LSurface *RenderedHtml) { // HTML printing... LDrawListSurface *Page = Context.Pages.Last(); // Work out the scaling from memory bitmap to page.. double MemScale = (double) Context.pDC->X() / (double) RenderedHtml->X(); // Now paint the bitmap onto the existing page int PageIdx = 0, Printed = 0; for (int y = 0; y < RenderedHtml->Y(); PageIdx++) { if (Pages.InRanges(PageIdx)) { // Work out how much bitmap we can paint onto the current page... int PageRemaining = Context.MarginPx.Y() - Context.CurrentY; int MemPaint = (int) (PageRemaining / MemScale); // This is how much of the memory context we can fit on the page LRect MemRect(0, y, RenderedHtml->X()-1, y + MemPaint - 1); LRect Bnds = RenderedHtml->Bounds(); MemRect.Bound(&Bnds); // Work out how much page that is take up int PageHeight = (int) (MemRect.Y() * MemScale); // This is the position on the page we are blting to LRect PageRect(Context.MarginPx.x1, Context.CurrentY, Context.MarginPx.x2, Context.CurrentY + PageHeight - 1); // Do the blt Page->StretchBlt(&PageRect, RenderedHtml, &MemRect); Printed++; // Now move our position down the page.. Context.CurrentY += PageHeight; if ((Context.MarginPx.Y() - Context.CurrentY) * 100 / Context.MarginPx.Y() < 5) { // Ok we hit the end of the page and need to go to the next page Context.CurrentY = Context.MarginPx.y1; Page = Context.NewPage(); } y += MemRect.Y(); } } return Printed; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t Mail::Length() { size_t Status = 0; for (auto a: Attachments) { if (a->GetMimeType() && _stricmp(a->GetMimeType(), sMimeMessage) == 0) { Status++; } } return Status; } ssize_t Mail::IndexOf(Mail *m) { ssize_t Status = -1; ssize_t n = 0; for (auto a: Attachments) { if (a->GetMimeType() && _stricmp(a->GetMimeType(), sMimeMessage) == 0) { if (a->GetMsg() == m) { Status = n; break; } n++; } } return Status; } Mail *Mail::operator [](size_t i) { size_t n = 0; for (auto a: Attachments) { if (a->GetMimeType() && _stricmp(a->GetMimeType(), sMimeMessage) == 0) { if (n == i) return a->GetMsg(); n++; } } return NULL; } bool Mail::LoadFromFile(char *File) { if (File) { LAutoPtr f(new LFile); if (f->Open(File, O_READ)) { return Import(AutoCast(f), sMimeMessage); } } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CreateMailAddress(LStream &Out, LDataPropI *Addr, MailProtocol *Protocol) { if (!Addr) return false; auto Name = Addr->GetStr(FIELD_NAME); auto Email = Addr->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (!Email) return false; Name = EncodeRfc2047(NewStr(Name), 0, &Protocol->CharsetPrefs); if (Name) { if (strchr(Name, '\"')) Out.Print("'%s' ", Name); else Out.Print("\"%s\" ", Name); DeleteArray(Name); } Out.Print("<%s>", Email); return true; } bool CreateMailHeaders(ScribeWnd *App, LStream &Out, LDataI *Mail, MailProtocol *Protocol) { bool Status = true; // Setup char Buffer[1025]; // Construct date LDateTime Dt; int TimeZone = Dt.SystemTimeZone(); Dt.SetNow(); sprintf_s(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "Date: %s, %i %s %i %i:%2.2i:%2.2i %s%2.2d%2.2d\r\n", LDateTime::WeekdaysShort[Dt.DayOfWeek()], Dt.Day(), LDateTime::MonthsShort[Dt.Month()-1], Dt.Year(), Dt.Hours(), Dt.Minutes(), Dt.Seconds(), (TimeZone >= 0) ? "+" : "", TimeZone / 60, abs(TimeZone) % 60); Status &= Out.Write(Buffer, strlen(Buffer)) > 0; if (Protocol && Protocol->ProgramName) { // X-Mailer: Status &= Out.Print("X-Mailer: %s\r\n", Protocol->ProgramName.Get()) > 0; } if (Protocol && Protocol->ExtraOutgoingHeaders) { for (char *s=Protocol->ExtraOutgoingHeaders; s && *s; ) { char *e = s; while (*e && *e != '\r' && *e != '\n') e++; ssize_t l = e-s; if (l > 0) { Status &= Out.Write(s, l) > 0; Status &= Out.Write((char*)"\r\n", 2) > 0; } while (*e && (*e == '\r' || *e == '\n')) e++; s = e; } } int Priority = (int)Mail->GetInt(FIELD_PRIORITY); if (Priority != MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL) { // X-Priority: Status &= Out.Print("X-Priority: %i\r\n", Priority) > 0; } uint32_t MarkColour = (uint32_t)Mail->GetInt(FIELD_COLOUR); if (MarkColour) { // X-Color (HTML Colour Ref for email marking) Status &= Out.Print("X-Color: #%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X\r\n", R24(MarkColour), G24(MarkColour), B24(MarkColour)) > 0; } // Message-ID: auto MessageID = Mail->GetStr(FIELD_MESSAGE_ID); if (MessageID) { for (auto m=MessageID; *m; m++) { if (*m <= ' ') { printf("%s:%i - Bad message ID '%s'\n", _FL, MessageID); return false; } } Status &= Out.Print("Message-ID: %s\r\n", MessageID) > 0; } // References: auto References = Mail->GetStr(FIELD_REFERENCES); if (ValidStr(References)) { auto Dir = strrchr(References, '/'); LString Ref; if (Dir) { LUri u; Ref = u.DecodeStr(Dir + 1); } else Ref = References; if (*Ref == '<') Status &= Out.Print("References: %s\r\n", Ref.Get()) > 0; else Status &= Out.Print("References: <%s>\r\n", Ref.Get()) > 0; } // To: LDataIt Addr = Mail->GetList(FIELD_TO); LArray Objs; LArray To, Cc; ContactGroup *Group; for (unsigned i=0; iLength(); i++) { LDataPropI *a = (*Addr)[i]; EmailAddressType AddrType = (EmailAddressType)a->GetInt(FIELD_CC); LString Addr = a->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL); if (LIsValidEmail(Addr)) { if (AddrType == MAIL_ADDR_CC) Cc.Add(a); else if (AddrType == MAIL_ADDR_TO) To.Add(a); } else if ((Group = LookupContactGroup(App, Addr))) { Group->UsedTs.SetNow(); LString::Array Addrs = Group->GetAddresses(); for (unsigned n=0; nGetObject()->GetStore(), NULL); if (sa) { sa->Addr = Addrs[n]; Objs.Add(sa); if (AddrType == MAIL_ADDR_CC) Cc.Add(sa); else if (AddrType == MAIL_ADDR_TO) To.Add(sa); } } } } if (To.Length()) { for (unsigned i=0; iGetObj(FIELD_FROM); if (From && From->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)) { Out.Print("From: "); if (!CreateMailAddress(Out, From, Protocol)) return false; Out.Print("\r\n"); } else { LgiTrace("%s:%i - No from address.\n", _FL); return false; } // Reply-To: LDataPropI *Reply = Mail->GetObj(FIELD_REPLY); if (Reply && ValidStr(Reply->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL))) { Out.Print("Reply-To: "); if (!CreateMailAddress(Out, Reply, Protocol)) return false; Out.Print("\r\n"); } // Subject: char *Subj = EncodeRfc2047(NewStr(Mail->GetStr(FIELD_SUBJECT)), 0, &Protocol->CharsetPrefs, 9); sprintf_s(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "Subject: %s\r\n", (Subj) ? Subj : ""); Status &= Out.Write(Buffer, strlen(Buffer)) > 0; DeleteArray(Subj); // DispositionNotificationTo uint8_t DispositionNotificationTo = TestFlag(Mail->GetInt(FIELD_FLAGS), MAIL_READ_RECEIPT); if (DispositionNotificationTo && From) { int ch = sprintf_s(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "Disposition-Notification-To:"); char *Nme = EncodeRfc2047(NewStr(From->GetStr(FIELD_NAME)), 0, &Protocol->CharsetPrefs); if (Nme) { ch += sprintf_s(Buffer+ch, sizeof(Buffer)-ch, " \"%s\"", Nme); DeleteArray(Nme); } ch += sprintf_s(Buffer+ch, sizeof(Buffer)-ch, " <%s>\r\n", From->GetStr(FIELD_EMAIL)); Status &= Out.Write(Buffer, ch) > 0; } // Content-Type LDataPropI *Root = Mail->GetObj(FIELD_MIME_SEG); if (Root) { auto MimeType = Root->GetStr(FIELD_MIME_TYPE); auto Charset = Root->GetStr(FIELD_CHARSET); if (MimeType) { LString s; s.Printf("Content-Type: %s%s%s\r\n", MimeType, Charset?"; charset=":"", Charset?Charset:""); Status &= Out.Write(s, s.Length()) == s.Length(); } } else LAssert(0); Objs.DeleteObjects(); return Status; } diff --git a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3.h b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3.h --- a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3.h +++ b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3.h @@ -1,775 +1,779 @@ #ifndef _MAIL3_H_ #define _MAIL3_H_ #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "Store3Common.h" #include "v3.6.14/sqlite3.h" // Debugging stuff #define MAIL3_TRACK_OBJS 0 #define MAIL3_DB_FILE "Database.sqlite" #define MAIL3_TBL_FOLDER "Folder" #define MAIL3_TBL_FOLDER_FLDS "FolderFields" #define MAIL3_TBL_MAIL "Mail" #define MAIL3_TBL_MAILSEGS "MailSegs" #define MAIL3_TBL_CONTACT "Contact" #define MAIL3_TBL_GROUP "ContactGroup" #define MAIL3_TBL_FILTER "Filter" #define MAIL3_TBL_CALENDAR "Calendar" class LMail3Store; class LMail3Mail; enum Mail3SubFormat { Mail3v1, // All the mail and segs in a single tables. Mail3v2, // All the mail and segs in per folders tables. }; struct GMail3Def { const char *Name; const char *Type; }; struct GMail3Idx { const char *IdxName; const char *Table; const char *Column; }; class Mail3BlobStream : public LStream { LMail3Store *Store; sqlite3_blob *b; int64 Pos, Size; int SegId; bool WriteAccess; bool OpenBlob(); bool CloseBlob(); public: const char *File; int Line; Mail3BlobStream(LMail3Store *Store, int segId, int size, const char *file, int line, bool Write = false); ~Mail3BlobStream(); int64 GetPos(); int64 SetPos(int64 p); int64 GetSize(); int64 SetSize(int64 sz); ssize_t Read(void *Buf, ssize_t Len, int Flags = 0); ssize_t Write(const void *Buf, ssize_t Len, int Flags = 0); }; extern GMail3Def TblFolder[]; extern GMail3Def TblFolderFlds[]; extern GMail3Def TblMail[]; extern GMail3Def TblMailSegs[]; extern GMail3Def TblContact[]; extern GMail3Def TblFilter[]; extern GMail3Def TblGroup[]; extern GMail3Def TblCalendar[]; #define SERIALIZE_STR(Var, Col) \ if (Write) \ { \ if (!s.SetStr(Col, Var.Str())) \ return false; \ } \ else \ Var = s.GetStr(Col); #define SERIALIZE_DATE(Var, Col) \ if (Write) \ { \ if (Var.IsValid()) Var.ToUtc(); \ if (!s.SetDate(Col, Var)) \ return false; \ } \ else \ { \ int Fmt = Var.GetFormat(); \ Var.SetFormat(GDTF_YEAR_MONTH_DAY|GDTF_24HOUR); \ Var.Set(s.GetStr(Col)); \ Var.SetFormat(Fmt); \ Var.SetTimeZone(0, false); \ } #define SERIALIZE_BOOL(Var, Col) \ if (Write) \ { \ if (!s.SetInt(Col, Var)) \ return false; \ } \ else \ Var = s.GetBool(Col); #define SERIALIZE_INT(Var, Col) \ if (Write) \ { \ if (!s.SetInt(Col, Var)) \ return false; \ } \ else \ Var = s.GetInt(Col); #define SERIALIZE_INT64(Var, Col) \ if (Write) \ { \ if (!s.SetInt64(Col, Var)) \ return false; \ } \ else \ Var = s.GetInt64(Col); #define SERIALIZE_COLOUR(Colour, Col) \ if (Write) \ { \ int64_t c = Colour.IsValid() ? Colour.c32() : 0; \ if (!s.SetInt64(Col, c)) \ return false; \ } \ else \ { \ int64_t c = s.GetInt64(Col); \ if (c > 0) Colour.c32((uint32_t)c); \ else Colour.Empty(); \ } #define SERIALIZE_AUTOSTR(var, Col) \ { \ if (Write) \ { \ if (!s.SetStr(Col, var)) \ return false; \ } \ else \ { \ var.Reset(NewStr(s.GetStr(Col))); \ } \ } -#define SERIALIZE_GSTR(var, Col) \ +#define SERIALIZE_LSTR(var, Col) \ { \ if (Write) \ { \ if (!s.SetStr(Col, var)) \ return false; \ } \ else \ { \ var = s.GetStr(Col); \ } \ } struct LMail3StoreMsg { enum Type { MsgNone, MsgCompactComplete, MsgRepairComplete, } Msg; int64_t Int; LString Str; LMail3StoreMsg(Type type) { Msg = type; } }; class LMail3Store : public LDataStoreI { friend class LMail3Obj; friend class LMail3Mail; friend class Mail3Trans; friend class CompactThread; LDataEventsI *Callback; sqlite3 *Db; LString Folder; LString DbFile; class LMail3Folder *Root; LHashTbl, GMail3Def*> Fields; LHashTbl, GMail3Idx*> Indexes; Store3Status OpenStatus; LHashTbl, Store3Status> TableStatus; LString ErrorMsg; LString StatusMsg; LString TempPath; std::function CompactOnStatus; std::function RepairOnStatus; struct TableDefn : LArray { LString::Array t; }; bool ParseTableFormat(const char *Name, TableDefn &Defs); Store3Status CheckTable(const char *Name, GMail3Def *Flds); bool UpdateTable(const char *Name, GMail3Def *Flds, Store3Status Check); bool DeleteMailById(int64 Id); bool OpenDb(); bool CloseDb(); LMail3Folder *GetSystemFolder(int Type); public: Mail3SubFormat Format; class LStatement { struct PostBlob { int64 Size; LVariant ColName; LStreamI *Data; }; LArray Post; protected: LMail3Store *Store; sqlite3_stmt *s; LVariant Table; LAutoString TempSql; public: LStatement(LMail3Store *store, const char *sql = 0); virtual ~LStatement(); operator sqlite3_stmt *() { return s; } bool IsOk() { return #ifndef __llvm__ this != 0 && #endif Store != 0 && s != 0; } bool Prepare(const char *Sql); bool Row(); bool Exec(); bool Reset(); bool Finalize(); int64 LastInsertId(); int GetSize(int Col); bool GetBool(int Col); int GetInt(int Col); bool SetInt(int Col, int n); int64 GetInt64(int Col); bool SetInt64(int Col, int64 n); char *GetStr(int Col); bool GetBinary(int Col, LVariant *v); bool SetStr(int Col, char *s); bool SetDate(int Col, LDateTime &d); bool SetStream(int Col, const char *ColName, LStreamI *s); bool SetBinary(int Col, const char *ColName, LVariant *v); virtual int64 GetRowId() { LAssert(0); return -1; } }; class LInsert : public LStatement { public: LInsert(LMail3Store *store, const char *Tbl); int64 GetRowId() { return LastInsertId(); } }; class LUpdate : public LStatement { int64 RowId; public: LUpdate(LMail3Store *store, const char *Tbl, int64 rowId, char *ExcludeField = 0); int64 GetRowId() { return RowId; } }; class LTransaction { LMail3Store *Store; bool Open; public: LTransaction(LMail3Store *store); ~LTransaction(); bool RollBack(); }; #if MAIL3_TRACK_OBJS struct SqliteObjs { LStatement *Stat; Mail3BlobStream *Stream; SqliteObjs() { Stat = 0; Stream = 0; } }; LArray All; template bool RemoveFromAll(T *p) { for (int i=0; i &Items); Store3Status Delete(LArray &Items, bool ToTrash); Store3Status Change(LArray &Items, int PropId, LVariant &Value, LOperator Operator); void Compact(LViewI *Parent, LDataPropI *Props, std::function OnStatus); void Upgrade(LViewI *Parent, LDataPropI *Props, std::function OnStatus); void Repair(LViewI *Parent, LDataPropI *Props, std::function OnStatus); bool SetFormat(LViewI *Parent, LDataPropI *Props); void PostStore(LMail3StoreMsg *m) { Callback->Post(this, m); } void OnEvent(void *Param); bool Check(int Code, const char *Sql); GMail3Def *GetFields(const char *t) { return Fields.Find(t); } StoreTrans StartTransaction(); // LDataEventsI wrappers void OnNew(const char *File, int Line, LDataFolderI *parent, LArray &new_items, int pos, bool is_new); bool OnMove(const char *File, int Line, LDataFolderI *new_parent, LDataFolderI *old_parent, LArray &items); bool OnChange(const char *File, int Line, LArray &items, int FieldHint); bool OnDelete(const char *File, int Line, LDataFolderI *parent, LArray &items); private: class Mail3Trans : public LDataStoreI::LDsTransaction { Mail3Trans **Ptr; LTransaction Trans; public: Mail3Trans(LMail3Store *s, Mail3Trans **ptr); ~Mail3Trans(); } *Transaction; }; class LMail3Obj { protected: bool Check(int r, char *sql); public: LMail3Store *Store; int64 Id; int64 ParentId; LMail3Obj(LMail3Store *store) { Id = ParentId = -1; Store = store; } bool Write(const char *Table, bool Insert); virtual const char *GetClass() { return "LMail3Obj"; } virtual bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) = 0; virtual void SetStore(LMail3Store *s) { Store = s; } }; class LMail3Thing : public LDataI, public LMail3Obj { friend class LMail3Store; LMail3Thing &operator =(LMail3Thing &p) = delete; protected: bool NewMail = false; virtual const char *GetTable() { LAssert(0); return 0; } virtual void OnSave() {}; public: LMail3Folder *Parent = NULL; LMail3Thing(LMail3Store *store) : LMail3Obj(store) { } ~LMail3Thing(); const char *GetClass() { return "LMail3Thing"; } bool IsOnDisk() { return Id > 0; } bool IsOrphan() { return false; } uint64 Size() { return sizeof(*this); } uint32_t Type() { LAssert(0); return 0; } Store3Status Delete(bool ToTrash); LDataStoreI *GetStore() { return Store; } LAutoStreamI GetStream(const char *file, int line) { LAssert(0); return LAutoStreamI(0); } bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) { LAssert(0); return false; } Store3Status Save(LDataI *Folder = 0); virtual bool DbDelete() { LAssert(0); return false; } }; class LMail3Folder : public LDataFolderI, public LMail3Obj { public: LVariant Name; int Unread; int Open; int ItemType; int Sort; // Which field to sort contents on int Threaded; int SiblingIndex; // The index of this folder when sorting amongst other sibling folders union { int AccessPerms; struct { int16_t ReadPerm; int16_t WritePerm; }; }; Store3SystemFolder System; LMail3Folder *Parent; DIterator Sub; DIterator Items; DIterator Flds; LMail3Folder(LMail3Store *store); ~LMail3Folder(); Store3CopyDecl; bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) override; const char *GetClass() override { return "LMail3Folder"; } uint32_t Type() override; bool IsOnDisk() override; bool IsOrphan() override; uint64 Size() override; Store3Status Save(LDataI *Folder) override; Store3Status Delete(bool ToTrash) override; LDataStoreI *GetStore() override; LAutoStreamI GetStream(const char *file, int line) override; bool SetStream(LAutoStreamI stream) override; LDataIterator &SubFolders() override; LDataIterator &Children() override; LDataIterator &Fields() override; Store3Status DeleteAllChildren() override; Store3Status FreeChildren() override; LMail3Folder *FindSub(char *Name); bool DbDelete(); bool GenSizes(); const char *GetStr(int id) override; Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; int64 GetInt(int id) override; Store3Status SetInt(int id, int64 i) override; }; class LMail3Attachment : public Store3Attachment { int64 SegId; int64 BlobSize; LAutoString Headers; LString Name; LString MimeType; LString ContentId; LString Charset; /// This is set when the segment is not to be stored on disk. /// When signed and/or encrypted messages are stored, the original /// rfc822 image is maintained by not MIME decoding into separate /// segments but leaving it MIME encoded in one seg (headers and body). /// At runtime the segment is loaded and parsed into a temporary tree /// of LMail3Attachment objects. This flag is set for those temporary /// nodes. bool InMemoryOnly; public: LMail3Attachment(LMail3Store *store); ~LMail3Attachment(); void SetInMemoryOnly(bool b); int64 GetId() { return SegId; } LMail3Attachment *Find(int64 Id); bool Load(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, int64 &ParentId); bool ParseHeaders() override; char *GetHeaders(); bool HasHeaders() { return ValidStr(Headers); } Store3CopyDecl; const char *GetStr(int id) override; Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; int64 GetInt(int id) override; Store3Status SetInt(int id, int64 i) override; Store3Status Delete(bool ToTrash = false) override; LAutoStreamI GetStream(const char *file, int line) override; bool SetStream(LAutoStreamI stream) override; uint32_t Type() override { return MAGIC_ATTACHMENT; } bool IsOnDisk() override { return SegId > 0; } bool IsOrphan() override { return false; } uint64 Size() override; uint64 SizeChildren(); Store3Status Save(LDataI *Folder = 0) override; void OnSave() override; }; class LMail3Mail : public LMail3Thing { LAutoString TextCache; LAutoString HtmlCache; LString IdCache; LAutoPtr SizeCache; LString InferredCharset; void LoadSegs(); void OnSave() override; const char *GetTable() override { return MAIL3_TBL_MAIL; } void ParseAddresses(char *Str, int CC); const char *InferCharset(); bool Utf8Check(LVariant &v); bool Utf8Check(LAutoString &v); public: int Priority = MAIL_PRIORITY_NORMAL; int Flags = 0; int AccountId = 0; int64 MailSize = 0; uint32_t MarkColour = Rgba32(0, 0, 0, 0); // FIELD_MARK_COLOUR, 32bit rgba colour LVariant Subject; DIterator To; LMail3Attachment *Seg = NULL; Store3Addr From; Store3Addr Reply; LVariant Label; LVariant MessageID; LVariant References; LVariant FwdMsgId; LVariant BounceMsgId; LVariant ServerUid; LDateTime DateReceived; LDateTime DateSent; LMail3Mail(LMail3Store *store); ~LMail3Mail(); Store3CopyDecl; void SetStore(LMail3Store *s) override; bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) override; const char *GetClass() override { return "LMail3Mail"; } LMail3Attachment *GetAttachment(int64 Id); bool FindSegs(const char *MimeType, LArray &Segs, bool Create = false); int GetAttachments(LArray *Lst = 0); bool ParseHeaders() override; void ResetCaches(); uint32_t Type() override; uint64 Size() override; bool DbDelete() override; LDataStoreI *GetStore() override; LAutoStreamI GetStream(const char *file, int line) override; bool SetStream(LAutoStreamI stream) override; const char *GetStr(int id) override; Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; int64 GetInt(int id) override; Store3Status SetInt(int id, int64 i) override; const LDateTime *GetDate(int id) override; Store3Status SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *t) override; LDataPropI *GetObj(int id) override; Store3Status SetObj(int id, LDataPropI *i) override; LDataIt GetList(int id) override; Store3Status SetRfc822(LStreamI *m) override; }; class LMail3Contact : public LMail3Thing { const char *GetTable() override { return MAIL3_TBL_CONTACT; } LHashTbl, LString*> f; public: LVariant Image; LDateTime DateMod; LMail3Contact(LMail3Store *store); ~LMail3Contact(); uint32_t Type() override { return MAGIC_CONTACT; } bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) override; Store3CopyDecl; const char *GetClass() override { return "LMail3Contact"; } bool DbDelete() override; const char *GetStr(int id) override; Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; int64 GetInt(int id) override { return -1; } LVariant *GetVar(int id) override; Store3Status SetVar(int id, LVariant *i) override; const LDateTime *GetDate(int id) override; Store3Status SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *i) override; }; class LMail3Group : public LMail3Thing { const char *GetTable() override { return MAIL3_TBL_GROUP; } LString Name; LString Group; LDateTime DateMod; public: LMail3Group(LMail3Store *store); ~LMail3Group(); uint32_t Type() override { return MAGIC_GROUP; } bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) override; Store3CopyDecl; const char *GetClass() override { return "LMail3Group"; } bool DbDelete() override; const char *GetStr(int id) override; Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; int64 GetInt(int id) override { return -1; } const LDateTime *GetDate(int id) override; Store3Status SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *i) override; }; class LMail3Filter : public LMail3Thing { int Index; int StopFiltering; int Direction; - LAutoString Name; - LAutoString ConditionsXml; - LAutoString ActionsXml; - LAutoString Script; + LString Name; + LString ConditionsXml; + LString ActionsXml; + LString Script; + LDateTime Modified; const char *GetTable() override { return MAIL3_TBL_FILTER; } public: LMail3Filter(LMail3Store *store); ~LMail3Filter(); uint32_t Type() override { return MAGIC_FILTER; } LDataStoreI *GetStore() override { return Store; } bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) override; Store3CopyDecl; const char *GetClass() override { return "LMail3Filter"; } bool DbDelete() override; const char *GetStr(int id) override; - Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; + Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; int64 GetInt(int id) override; Store3Status SetInt(int Col, int64 n) override; + const LDateTime *GetDate(int id) override; + Store3Status SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *i) override; }; class LMail3Calendar : public LMail3Thing { LString ToCache; private: int CalType; // FIELD_CAL_TYPE LString To; // FIELD_TO CalendarPrivacyType CalPriv; // FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY int Completed; // FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED LDateTime Start; // FIELD_CAL_START_UTC LDateTime End; // FIELD_CAL_END_UTC LString TimeZone; // FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE LString Subject; // FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT LString Location; // FIELD_CAL_LOCATION LString Uid; // FIELD_UID bool AllDay; // FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY int64 StoreStatus; // FIELD_STATUS - ie the current Store3Status LString EventStatus; // FIELD_CAL_STATUS + LDateTime Modified; // FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED LString Reminders; // FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS LDateTime LastCheck; // FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK int ShowTimeAs; // FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS int Recur; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR int RecurFreq; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ int RecurInterval; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL LDateTime RecurEnd; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE int RecurCount; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT int RecurEndType; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE LString RecurPos; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS int FilterDays; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS int FilterMonths; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS LString FilterYears; // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS LString Notes; // FIELD_CAL_NOTES LColour Colour; const char *GetTable() override { return MAIL3_TBL_CALENDAR; } public: LMail3Calendar(LMail3Store *store); ~LMail3Calendar(); uint32_t Type() override { return MAGIC_CALENDAR; } LDataStoreI *GetStore() override { return Store; } bool Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) override; Store3CopyDecl; const char *GetClass() override { return "LMail3Filter"; } bool DbDelete() override; const char *GetStr(int id) override; Store3Status SetStr(int id, const char *str) override; int64 GetInt(int id) override; Store3Status SetInt(int Col, int64 n) override; const LDateTime *GetDate(int id) override; Store3Status SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *t) override; }; #endif diff --git a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Calendar.cpp b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Calendar.cpp --- a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Calendar.cpp +++ b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Calendar.cpp @@ -1,434 +1,434 @@ #include "Mail3.h" #include "lgi/common/Json.h" GMail3Def TblCalendar[] = { {"Id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"}, {"ParentId", "INTEGER"}, {"CalType", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_TYPE {"Completed", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED {"Start", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_START_UTC {"End", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_END_UTC {"TimeZone", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE {"Subject", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT {"Location", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_LOCATION {"Uid", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_UID {"ShowTimeAs", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS {"Recur", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR {"RecurFreq", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ {"RecurInterval", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL {"RecurEnd", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE {"RecurCount", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT {"RecurEndType", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE {"RecurPos", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS {"FilterDays", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS {"FilterMonths", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS {"FilterYears", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS {"Notes", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_NOTES {"Colour", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_COLOUR {"Guests", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_TO {"Reminders", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS {"LastCheck", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK {"AllDay", "INTEGER"}, // FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY {"Status", "STATUS"}, // FIELD_CAL_STATUS + {"DateModified", "TEXT"}, // FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED {0, 0} }; LMail3Calendar::LMail3Calendar(LMail3Store *store) : LMail3Thing(store) { CalType = 0; CalPriv = CalDefaultPriv; Completed = 0; ShowTimeAs = 0; Recur = 0; RecurFreq = 0; RecurInterval = 0; RecurCount = 0; RecurEndType = 0; FilterDays = 0; FilterMonths = 0; AllDay = false; StoreStatus = Store3Success; } LMail3Calendar::~LMail3Calendar() { } bool LMail3Calendar::DbDelete() { char s[256]; // Delete the calendar itself sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "delete from " MAIL3_TBL_CALENDAR " where Id=" LPrintfInt64, Id); LMail3Store::LStatement Del(Store, s); if (!Del.Exec()) return false; return true; } bool LMail3Calendar::Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) { int i = 0; SERIALIZE_INT64(Id, i++); SERIALIZE_INT64(ParentId, i++); SERIALIZE_INT(CalType, i++); // FIELD_CAL_TYPE SERIALIZE_INT(Completed, i++); // FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED SERIALIZE_DATE(Start, i++); // FIELD_CAL_START_UTC SERIALIZE_DATE(End, i++); // FIELD_CAL_END_UTC - SERIALIZE_GSTR(TimeZone, i++); // FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE - SERIALIZE_GSTR(Subject, i++); // FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT - SERIALIZE_GSTR(Location, i++); // FIELD_CAL_LOCATION - SERIALIZE_GSTR(Uid, i++); // FIELD_UID + SERIALIZE_LSTR(TimeZone, i++); // FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Subject, i++); // FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Location, i++); // FIELD_CAL_LOCATION + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Uid, i++); // FIELD_UID SERIALIZE_INT(ShowTimeAs, i++); // FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS SERIALIZE_INT(Recur, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR SERIALIZE_INT(RecurFreq, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ SERIALIZE_INT(RecurInterval, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL SERIALIZE_DATE(RecurEnd, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE SERIALIZE_INT(RecurCount, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT SERIALIZE_INT(RecurEndType, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE - SERIALIZE_GSTR(RecurPos, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS + SERIALIZE_LSTR(RecurPos, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS SERIALIZE_INT(FilterDays, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS SERIALIZE_INT(FilterMonths, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS - SERIALIZE_GSTR(FilterYears, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS - SERIALIZE_GSTR(Notes, i++); // FIELD_CAL_NOTES + SERIALIZE_LSTR(FilterYears, i++); // FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Notes, i++); // FIELD_CAL_NOTES SERIALIZE_COLOUR(Colour, i++); // FIELD_COLOUR - SERIALIZE_GSTR(To, i++); // FIELD_TO - SERIALIZE_GSTR(Reminders, i++); // FIELD_CAL_REMINDER_TIME + SERIALIZE_LSTR(To, i++); // FIELD_TO + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Reminders, i++); // FIELD_CAL_REMINDER_TIME SERIALIZE_DATE(LastCheck, i++); // FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK SERIALIZE_BOOL(AllDay, i++); // FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY - SERIALIZE_GSTR(EventStatus, i++); // FIELD_CAL_STATUS + SERIALIZE_LSTR(EventStatus, i++); // FIELD_CAL_STATUS if (Write) { StoreStatus = Store3Success; } else if (To.Get()) { char c = To.Get()[0]; if (c != '[' && c != '{') { // Convert old style comma separated field to JSON LString s = To; To.Empty(); SetStr(FIELD_TO, s); } } return true; } Store3CopyImpl(LMail3Calendar) { SetInt(FIELD_CAL_TYPE, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_TYPE)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED)); SetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC, p.GetDate(FIELD_CAL_START_UTC)); SetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC, p.GetDate(FIELD_CAL_END_UTC)); SetStr(FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE, p.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE)); SetStr(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT, p.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT)); SetStr(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION, p.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_LOCATION)); SetStr(FIELD_UID, p.GetStr(FIELD_UID)); SetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS, p.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL)); SetDate(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE, p.GetDate(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE)); SetStr(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS, p.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS)); SetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS, p.GetInt(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS)); SetStr(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS, p.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS)); SetStr(FIELD_CAL_NOTES, p.GetStr(FIELD_CAL_NOTES)); SetDate(FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK, p.GetDate(FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK)); + SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, p.GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED)); return true; } const char *LMail3Calendar::GetStr(int id) { switch (id) { case FIELD_TO: { if (!ToCache) { LJson j(To); LString::Array Out; Out.SetFixedLength(false); for (auto i: j.GetArray(NULL)) { auto Nm = i.Get("name"); auto Em = i.Get("email"); Out.New().Printf("\'%s\' <%s>", Nm.Get(), Em.Get()); } ToCache = LString(",").Join(Out); } return ToCache; } case FIELD_ATTENDEE_JSON: return To; case FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE: return TimeZone; case FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT: return Subject; case FIELD_CAL_LOCATION: return Location; case FIELD_UID: return Uid; case FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS: return Reminders; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS: return RecurPos; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS: return FilterYears; case FIELD_CAL_NOTES: return Notes; case FIELD_CAL_STATUS: return EventStatus; } LAssert(0); return 0; } Store3Status LMail3Calendar::SetStr(int id, const char *str) { switch (id) { case FIELD_TO: { LJson j; auto In = LString(str).SplitDelimit(","); int i = 0; for (auto s: In) { LAutoString Name, Addr; DecodeAddrName(s, Name, Addr, NULL); if (Addr) { LString a; a.Printf("[%i].email", i); j.Set(a, Addr); a.Printf("[%i].name", i); if (Name) j.Set(a, Name); i++; } } To = j.GetJson(); ToCache = str; break; } case FIELD_ATTENDEE_JSON: To = str; ToCache.Empty(); break; case FIELD_CAL_TIMEZONE: TimeZone = str; break; case FIELD_CAL_SUBJECT: Subject = str; break; case FIELD_CAL_LOCATION: Location = str; break; case FIELD_UID: Uid = str; break; case FIELD_CAL_REMINDERS: Reminders = str; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_POS: RecurPos = str; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_YEARS: FilterYears = str; break; case FIELD_CAL_NOTES: Notes = str; break; case FIELD_CAL_STATUS: EventStatus = str; break; default: LAssert(0); return Store3Error; } return Store3Success; } int64 LMail3Calendar::GetInt(int id) { switch (id) { case FIELD_STORE_TYPE: return Store3Sqlite; case FIELD_CAL_TYPE: return CalType; case FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED: return Completed; case FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS: return ShowTimeAs; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR: return Recur; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ: return RecurFreq; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL: return RecurInterval; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT: return RecurCount; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE: return RecurEndType; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS: return FilterDays; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS: return FilterMonths; case FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY: return CalPriv; case FIELD_COLOUR: if (Colour.IsValid()) return Colour.c32(); return -1; case FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY: return AllDay; case FIELD_STATUS: return StoreStatus; } LAssert(0); return -1; } Store3Status LMail3Calendar::SetInt(int id, int64 val) { int n = (int)val; switch (id) { case FIELD_CAL_TYPE: CalType = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_COMPLETED: Completed = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_SHOW_TIME_AS: ShowTimeAs = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR: Recur = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FREQ: RecurFreq = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_INTERVAL: RecurInterval = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_COUNT: RecurCount = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_TYPE: RecurEndType = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_DAYS: FilterDays = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_FILTER_MONTHS: FilterMonths = n; break; case FIELD_CAL_PRIVACY: CalPriv = (CalendarPrivacyType)n; break; case FIELD_COLOUR: if (n > 0) Colour.Set(n, 32); else Colour.Empty(); break; case FIELD_CAL_ALL_DAY: AllDay = val != 0; break; case FIELD_STATUS: StoreStatus = val; break; default: LAssert(0); return Store3Error; } return Store3Success; } const LDateTime *LMail3Calendar::GetDate(int id) { switch (id) { case FIELD_CAL_START_UTC: return &Start; case FIELD_CAL_END_UTC: return &End; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE: return &RecurEnd; case FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK: return &LastCheck; + case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: + return &Modified; } - LAssert(0); - return 0; + return NULL; } Store3Status LMail3Calendar::SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *t) { + if (t) + LAssert(t->GetTimeZone()==0); + switch (id) { case FIELD_CAL_START_UTC: if (t) - { - LAssert(t->GetTimeZone()==0); Start = *t; - } else Start.Year(0); break; case FIELD_CAL_END_UTC: if (t) - { - LAssert(t->GetTimeZone()==0); End = *t; - } else End.Year(0); break; case FIELD_CAL_RECUR_END_DATE: if (t) - { - LAssert(t->GetTimeZone()==0); RecurEnd = *t; - } else RecurEnd.Year(0); break; case FIELD_CAL_LAST_CHECK: if (t) - { - LAssert(t->GetTimeZone()==0); LastCheck = *t; - } else LastCheck.Empty(); break; + case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: + if (t) + Modified = *t; + else + Modified.Empty(); + break; default: - return Store3Error; + return Store3NotImpl; } return Store3Success; } diff --git a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Filter.cpp b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Filter.cpp --- a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Filter.cpp +++ b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Filter.cpp @@ -1,193 +1,215 @@ #include "Mail3.h" enum Dir { FilterIn = 0x1, FilterOut = 0x2, FilterInternal = 0x4, }; GMail3Def TblFilter[] = { {"Id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"}, {"ParentId", "INTEGER"}, {"FilterSort", "INTEGER"}, {"StopFiltering", "INTEGER"}, {"Name", "TEXT"}, {"Conditions", "TEXT"}, {"Actions", "TEXT"}, {"Script", "TEXT"}, {"Direction", "INTEGER"}, + {"DateModifed", "TEXT"}, {0, 0} }; LMail3Filter::LMail3Filter(LMail3Store *store) : LMail3Thing(store) { Index = 0; StopFiltering = 0; Direction = FilterIn | FilterInternal; } LMail3Filter::~LMail3Filter() { } bool LMail3Filter::DbDelete() { char s[256]; // Delete the filter sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "delete from " MAIL3_TBL_FILTER " where Id=" LPrintfInt64, Id); LMail3Store::LStatement Del(Store, s); if (!Del.Exec()) return false; return true; } bool LMail3Filter::Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) { int i = 0; - #undef SERIALIZE_AUTOSTR - #define SERIALIZE_AUTOSTR(var, idx) \ - { \ - if (Write) { if (!s.SetStr(idx, var)) return false; } \ - else { var.Reset(NewStr(s.GetStr(idx))); } \ - idx++; \ - } - SERIALIZE_INT64(Id, i++); SERIALIZE_INT64(ParentId, i++); SERIALIZE_INT(Index, i++); SERIALIZE_INT(StopFiltering, i++); - SERIALIZE_AUTOSTR(Name, i); - SERIALIZE_AUTOSTR(ConditionsXml, i); - SERIALIZE_AUTOSTR(ActionsXml, i); - SERIALIZE_AUTOSTR(Script, i); + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Name, i++); + SERIALIZE_LSTR(ConditionsXml, i++); + SERIALIZE_LSTR(ActionsXml, i++); + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Script, i++); SERIALIZE_INT(Direction, i++); + SERIALIZE_DATE(Modified, i++); return true; } Store3CopyImpl(LMail3Filter) { Index = (int) p.GetInt(FIELD_FILTER_INDEX); StopFiltering = (int) p.GetInt(FIELD_STOP_FILTERING); - Direction = (int) ((p.GetInt(FIELD_FILTER_INCOMING) ? FilterIn : 0) | - (p.GetInt(FIELD_FILTER_OUTGOING) ? FilterOut : 0) | - (p.GetInt(FIELD_FILTER_INTERNAL) ? FilterInternal : 0)); + Direction = (int) ( (p.GetInt(FIELD_FILTER_INCOMING) ? FilterIn : 0) | + (p.GetInt(FIELD_FILTER_OUTGOING) ? FilterOut : 0) | + (p.GetInt(FIELD_FILTER_INTERNAL) ? FilterInternal : 0)); SetStr(FIELD_FILTER_NAME, p.GetStr(FIELD_FILTER_NAME)); SetStr(FIELD_FILTER_CONDITIONS_XML, p.GetStr(FIELD_FILTER_CONDITIONS_XML)); SetStr(FIELD_FILTER_ACTIONS_XML, p.GetStr(FIELD_FILTER_ACTIONS_XML)); SetStr(FIELD_FILTER_SCRIPT, p.GetStr(FIELD_FILTER_SCRIPT)); + SetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED, p.GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED)); return true; } const char *LMail3Filter::GetStr(int id) { switch (id) { case FIELD_FILTER_NAME: return Name; case FIELD_FILTER_CONDITIONS_XML: return ConditionsXml; case FIELD_FILTER_ACTIONS_XML: return ActionsXml; case FIELD_FILTER_SCRIPT: return Script; } LAssert(0); return 0; } Store3Status LMail3Filter::SetStr(int id, const char *str) { switch (id) { case FIELD_FILTER_NAME: - Name.Reset(NewStr(str)); + Name = str; return Store3Success; case FIELD_FILTER_CONDITIONS_XML: - ConditionsXml.Reset(NewStr(str)); + ConditionsXml = str; return Store3Success; case FIELD_FILTER_ACTIONS_XML: - ActionsXml.Reset(NewStr(str)); + ActionsXml = str; return Store3Success; case FIELD_FILTER_SCRIPT: - Script.Reset(NewStr(str)); + Script = str; return Store3Success; } LAssert(0); return Store3Error; } int64 LMail3Filter::GetInt(int id) { switch (id) { case FIELD_STORE_TYPE: return Store3Sqlite; case FIELD_FLAGS: return 0; case FIELD_FILTER_INDEX: return Index; case FIELD_STOP_FILTERING: return StopFiltering; case FIELD_FILTER_INCOMING: return (Direction & FilterIn) != 0; case FIELD_FILTER_OUTGOING: return (Direction & FilterOut) != 0; case FIELD_FILTER_INTERNAL: return (Direction & FilterInternal) != 0; case FIELD_LOADED: return Store3Loaded; } LAssert(0); return -1; } Store3Status LMail3Filter::SetInt(int id, int64 n) { switch (id) { case FIELD_FLAGS: return Store3Error; case FIELD_FILTER_INDEX: Index = (int) n; return Store3Success; case FIELD_STOP_FILTERING: StopFiltering = (int) n; return Store3Success; case FIELD_FILTER_INCOMING: if (n) Direction |= FilterIn; else Direction &= ~FilterIn; Direction &= FilterIn | FilterOut | FilterInternal; return Store3Success; case FIELD_FILTER_OUTGOING: if (n) Direction |= FilterOut; else Direction &= ~FilterOut; Direction &= FilterIn | FilterOut | FilterInternal; return Store3Success; case FIELD_FILTER_INTERNAL: if (n) Direction |= FilterInternal; else Direction &= ~FilterInternal; Direction &= FilterIn | FilterOut | FilterInternal; return Store3Success; } LAssert(0); return Store3Error; } +const LDateTime *LMail3Filter::GetDate(int id) +{ + switch (id) + { + case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: + return &Modified; + } + + return NULL; +} + +Store3Status LMail3Filter::SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *i) +{ + switch (id) + { + case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: + { + if (!i) + return Store3Error; + Modified = *i; + return Store3Success; + } + } + + return Store3NotImpl; +} + diff --git a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Group.cpp b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Group.cpp --- a/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Group.cpp +++ b/Code/Store3Mail3/Mail3Group.cpp @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ #include "lgi/common/Lgi.h" #include "Mail3.h" GMail3Def TblGroup[] = { {"Id", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"}, {"ParentId", "INTEGER"}, {"Name", "TEXT"}, {"Addresses", "TEXT"}, {"DateModified", "TEXT"}, // UTC {0, 0} }; LMail3Group::LMail3Group(LMail3Store *store) : LMail3Thing(store) { } LMail3Group::~LMail3Group() { } bool LMail3Group::DbDelete() { char s[256]; // Delete the contact sprintf_s(s, sizeof(s), "delete from " MAIL3_TBL_GROUP " where Id=" LPrintfInt64, Id); LMail3Store::LStatement Del(Store, s); if (!Del.Exec()) return false; return true; } Store3CopyImpl(LMail3Group) { Name = p.GetStr(FIELD_GROUP_NAME); Group = p.GetStr(FIELD_GROUP_LIST); DateMod = p.GetDate(FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED); return true; } bool LMail3Group::Serialize(LMail3Store::LStatement &s, bool Write) { int i = 0; if (Write) { DateMod.SetNow(); DateMod.ToUtc(); } SERIALIZE_INT64(Id, i++); SERIALIZE_INT64(ParentId, i++); - SERIALIZE_GSTR(Name, i++); - SERIALIZE_GSTR(Group, i++); + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Name, i++); + SERIALIZE_LSTR(Group, i++); SERIALIZE_DATE(DateMod, i++); return true; } const char *LMail3Group::GetStr(int id) { switch (id) { case FIELD_GROUP_NAME: return Name; case FIELD_GROUP_LIST: return Group; } return 0; } Store3Status LMail3Group::SetStr(int id, const char *str) { switch (id) { case FIELD_GROUP_NAME: return Name.Set(str) ? Store3Success : Store3Error; case FIELD_GROUP_LIST: return Group.Set(str) ? Store3Success : Store3Error; } return Store3Error; } const LDateTime *LMail3Group::GetDate(int id) { switch (id) { case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: return &DateMod; } return NULL; } Store3Status LMail3Group::SetDate(int id, const LDateTime *i) { switch (id) { case FIELD_DATE_MODIFIED: if (!i) return Store3Error; DateMod = i; break; default: return Store3Error; } return Store3Success; } \ No newline at end of file